TFO :: Volume #8

#795: Black robe

The 31 Society motorcade camped that night a evening on town, next morning will then leave directly. 三一学会的车队当天晚上在集镇上宿营一晚,第二天早晨便直接离开了。 From the Ren Xiaosu conscience, he is willing to live for a half year on town, walked all weapon unlocking of palace until him again. 任小粟的本心来讲,他更愿意在集镇上多住半年,直到他把宫殿的所有武器解锁了再走。 But the reality is very brutal, patient on a town is not infinite, only if Ren Xiaosu goes out to take the blade to cut the person, otherwise this/should governing basically governed. 但现实很残酷,一个集镇上的病人也不是无限的,除非任小粟出去拿刀砍人,不然该治的基本都治完了。 Therefore in the plan of Wang Jing only arranged for day on town, then must go to Kong Clan and peers meets to exchange. 所以王京的计划里只在集镇上安排了一天,而后还要去孔氏和同行们开会交流。 Ren Xiaosu does not want to walk, he insisted that claimed on this town also to have fish slip through to need them to treat and cure. 任小粟不想走,他坚持声称这集镇上还有漏网之鱼需要他们救治。 The Wang Jing sigh with emotion expression, he from medical dozens years first time saw others use fish slip through to describe the sickness...... 王京感慨的表示,他从医数十年还是头一次见到别人用‘漏网之鱼’来形容病患的…… However, when refers to Ren Xiaosu to treat the illness to save the patient the frantic attitude, he thought that can also understand...... 不过,参考任小粟治病救人时的狂热态度,他觉得也能理解…… This time, the attitudes of others obviously were again friendlier to Ren Xiaosu, after all yesterday consultation time, Ren Xiaosu was almost a person did half of living. 这次再出发,其他人的态度明显就对任小粟和气多了,毕竟昨天会诊的时候,任小粟几乎是一个人干了一半的活。 Everyone thinks yesterday exceptionally will be laborious, finally is on the contrary idle starting from afternoon. 原本大家都以为昨天会异常辛苦的,结果从下午开始反倒清闲起来。 Who will oppose nonchalantly to the colleague who this being glad works, everyone is willing to deliver the praise, then makes Ren Xiaosu do many living. 谁会对这种乐于干活的同事横眉冷对呢,大家更愿意送上赞美之词,然后让任小粟干更多的活。 At this time, Liang Ce sits in Ren Xiaosu on their vehicle the back row, sigh of big boy has probably not seen the world: This seat is the genuine leather, even the glass turns electric, the seat can also the electrical control! Too awesome!” 此时,梁策坐在任小粟他们车上后排,像是一个没见过世面的大男孩似的感叹:“这座椅都是真皮的啊,连车窗都变成电动的了,座椅也能电动调节!太厉害了!” The Ren Xiaosu heart said that Wang Shengzhi does not make him kill Kong Erdong such character, changes others to fear that must open a sky-high price to reward for services rendered to Wang Shengzhi directly, but Ren Xiaosu anything does not want, the opposite party must certainly all treatments toward good matching. 任小粟心说那可不嘛,王圣知让他去杀孔尔东这样的人物,换别人怕是要直接给王圣知开个天价的酬劳了,但任小粟啥也不要,对方当然得把一切待遇都往好了配。 I have a matter too not to understand, Ren Xiaosu starts with the Liang Ce polite talk: You do not know that Kong Clan and Pyro are going to war, why also wanted to go to Kong Clan at this time?” “我有个事情不太理解,”任小粟开始跟梁策套话:“你们难道不知道孔氏火种正在打仗吗,为啥还要这个时候去孔氏呢?” Liang Ce sighs with emotion: Knows that but Old Master Wang Jing insists on to go, went each time is also at this time, everyone did not have the means. Before then I have not entered the list, the person but who is more outstanding than me is not willing to go, is one's turn me to fill vacancies in order, I guess that this is also the Meng Nan not too happy reason. However I thought that should not be dangerous, Stronghold 31 that we must go to is the Kong Clan center.” 梁策感慨道:“知道啊,但王京老爷子坚持要去,每次去也都是这个时候,大家都没办法。在此之前我是没进名单的,但比我优秀的人不愿意去了,才轮到我递补上来,我猜这也是孟楠不太开心的缘故吧。不过我觉得应该也没那么危险吧,我们要去的31号壁垒孔氏腹地啊。” Ren Xiaosu gawked: This has what relations with Meng Nan.” 任小粟愣了一下:“这跟孟楠有什么关系。” Oh, many people know that Meng Nan likes that person, the opposite party is in the Wang Clan juniors family/home rich, moreover goes to school result time first,” Liang Ce bitter and astringent say/way: I, if girl will also like such male student.” 奥,很多人都知道啊,孟楠喜欢那个人,对方是王氏子弟家里有钱,而且上学的时候成绩就次次第一,”梁策苦涩道:“我要是女孩子也会喜欢这样的男生吧。” Yang Xiaojin drove while to cast aside back row Liang Ce through the rear view mirror: You wanted not to listen to the Ren Xiaosu evil idea yesterday, perhaps on this road can also a little hope.” 杨小槿一边开车一边通过后视镜撇了一眼后排的梁策:“你昨天要没有听了任小粟的歪主意,说不定这路上还能有点希望。” Then, Liang Ce was at heart more bitter...... 这下,梁策心里更苦了…… Liang Ce sighed: I felt own probably a little depression.” 梁策叹息道:“我感觉自己好像都有点抑郁症了。” You are not despondent,” Ren Xiaosu reads the map while replied: You really miserable.” “你不是抑郁,”任小粟一边看地图一边回答道:“你是真的惨。” Liang Ce: „......” 梁策:“……” ...... …… Ren Xiaosu reads the map, he thought that Liang Ce and Wang Jing and the others have not possibly realized this bad risk all the way, although Stronghold 31 in the Kong Clan center, but the frontline Kong Clan army rout, will certainly have the military deserter wounded person to leave the ranks. 任小粟看着地图,他觉得梁策王京等人可能还没意识到这一路上的凶险,虽然31号壁垒孔氏腹地,但前线孔氏的部队溃败,一定会有逃兵伤员离队。 Ren Xiaosu has also gone through many wars, therefore very clear, if these military deserter wounded person wanted not to draw in the court martial by Kong Clan, that must escape toward south, escapes cannot reach their places to Kong Clan. 任小粟也算是经历过不少战争了,所以很清楚如果这些逃兵伤员想要不被孔氏拉上军事法庭,那就必须往南逃,逃到孔氏够不着他们的地方。 The northern war, has perhaps moved to the south incessantly is the military deserter, lots of refugee and Stronghold person. 北方战争已起,恐怕南迁的不止是逃兵,还有大量流民与壁垒人。 After all the entire migration history of human, basically is related with the war. 毕竟人类的整个迁徙史,都基本与战争有关。 In Ren Xiaosu they go to the Kong Clan road, not the well-known ethnic group of that north bridged over vast prairie finally, stood in prairie and Central Plains the place of connection. 就在任小粟他们前往孔氏的路上,那北方的不知名族群终于跨过了辽阔的草原,站在了草原中原的交接之处。 A height about two meters man grasps the great axe boundary, said to black robe: Advance forces have arrived in the pre-calculated position, but black robe your plan had many deviations, how making me believe that your follow-up plan can also succeed? My clan expedites the regiment to go south to not to bring death, but is south this fertile land.” 一名身高将近两米的汉子手持巨斧边界,对身旁的黑袍说道:“先遣部队已经抵达预定位置,但黑袍你的计划出现了不少偏差,让我如何相信你后续的计划也能成功?我族远征军团南下可不是为了送死,而是这南方肥沃的土地。” This person of figure tall and strong, the hair is also the brown, seems like has the entirely different appearance characteristics with the Central Plains person. 此人身形魁梧,头发也呈棕色,看起来与中原人有截然不同的体貌特征。 When the early spring, the northern weather is quite cold, but this person of baring the chest reveal bosom slightly unconsciously, the chest front hair is thick, just like brown bear that a erectness walks. 时值初春,北方的天气还比较寒冷,可此人袒胸露怀却丝毫不觉,胸前的毛发浓密,宛如一头直立行走的棕熊。 According to their plans, can engage in hand-to-hand combat with the prairie person, then depends upon them to expedite the regiment powerful body advantage to conquer prairie. 按照他们的计划,原本会和草原人短兵相接,然后依靠他们远征军团强大的身体优势来征服草原 They can seize the cattle of prairie person to act as the army supplies, then enslaves the prairie person to build the advanced base for them, to supply the rear expedition regiment main force to open access. 紧接着,他们就可以夺了草原人的牛羊来充当大军补给,然后奴役草原人为他们建立前进基地,以供后方的远征军团主力畅通无阻。 But the prairie person sees them to run now at the same time, is a little really unexpected, the rapidness of travelling speed, making their shadow not see. 可现在草原人只是见了他们一面就跑了,着实有点出乎意料,跑路速度之快,让他们连影子都没看到。 The brown bear man said: Moreover the black robe you have also never mentioned, here really also has the person of obligation pack of wolves, that pack of wolves, even if my advance forces meet are still not necessarily able to profit.” 棕熊般的汉子说道:“而且黑袍你也从未提起过,这里竟然还有驱使狼群的人,那狼群,就算我先遣部队遇上也未必能占到便宜。” During the speeches, this person has not as if paid attention to the prairie person, completely on that day retreated is the pack of wolves appears was extremely sudden. 说话间,此人似乎并没有把草原人放在眼里,那天退去完全是狼群出现的太过突然了。 Nearby black robe looks into Central Plains not to say a word, seems pondering anything. 一旁的黑袍眺望着中原一言不发,似乎在思考什么。 After a while he is stroking gold thread border on the sleeve cuff, hoarse saying with a smile: „The prairie person nothing to be afraid, when arrives to the main force of expedition regiment, how the pack of wolves will be expedited the regiment to pay attention. If they really provoke, everyone can dig up actually the wolf skin, makes the boots to put on.” 过了一会儿他才抚摸着自己袖口上的金丝镶边,沙哑的笑道:“草原人不足为惧,待到远征军团的主力一到,狼群又怎么会被远征军团放在眼里。若是他们真来挑衅,各位倒是可以将狼皮都扒下来,做靴子穿。” That Central Plains,” a person asked: I observe Central Plains to be bounteous, you also said their science and technology many that we are more advanced.” “那中原呢,”一人问道:“我观中原地大物博,你也说了他们科技比我们先进的多。” But the Central Plains person does not unite,” black robe said with a smile: Everyone possibly does not know, I leave Central Plains time thought that here war will get up, a while ago I went over hill and dale observe in secret, really Pyro and Kong Clan hit, Wang Clan eyes covetously by them, the time that therefore, we come was just good. The ordinary firearms to everyone does not have the threat, the heavy machine gun and so on thing slightly execute the sub-total to solve.” “可是中原人并不团结啊,”黑袍笑道:“各位可能不知道,我离开中原的时候就觉得这里大战将起,前段时间我穿山越岭暗中观察,果然火种孔氏打了起来,王氏则在他们旁边虎视眈眈,所以,我们来的时机刚刚好。普通枪械对各位毫无威胁,重机枪之类的东西略施小计就能解决。” Moreover,” black robe continues saying: „When takes their border garrisons to our advance forces randomly, their weapon also became our weapon, this Central Plains big territory, is actually leaves us to expedite the regiment.” “而且,”黑袍继续说道:“待到我们先遣部队趁乱拿下他们的边镇,那他们的武器也就成了我们的武器,这中原偌大的疆土,其实都是留给我们远征军团的。” During the speeches the black robe points at Central Plains, the robe sleeve vibrates, reveals gray skin under his robe sleeve. 说话间黑袍手指中原,袍袖震动间,露出他袍袖之下的灰色皮肤。 That bear common man turns around to walk toward the advance forces that side: Does not use here to me the pictures of cakes, waits to hit you first to take care of number, your small physique was killed casually.” 那熊一般的汉子转身往先遣部队那边走去:“不用在这里给我画饼,等打起来你先看顾号自己吧,你那小身板随随便便就被人打死了。” One group of northerners laugh, but the expression of black robe covers in the robe the light and shade is uncertain. 一群北方人哈哈大笑起来,而黑袍的表情则笼罩在袍中明暗不定。 ...... …… A chapter will be very late, suggests to look tomorrow morning 还有一章会很晚,建议明早看
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