TFO :: Volume #8

#780: The difference, is not the stratagem

Ren Xiaosu was not must be exasperating at this time, but was he truly felt, oneself also had no very great attempt to this world, only needed one crowd of person happy living to be good. 任小粟也不是非要在这个时候气人,而是他确确实实觉得,自己对这个世界又没有什么很宏大的企图,只需要一群人开开心心的过日子就好了。 No matter the Wolves friends are also good, the pig teammate, Ren Xiaosu does not care, the teammate who he wants is the real person, has the touch of humanity person. 不管狼队友也好,猪队友也罢,任小粟都不在意,他要的队友是真实的人,有人情味的人。 Why does not know, Ren Xiaosu regarding touch of humanity regarding as important especially. 不知为什么,任小粟对于人情味格外的看重。 He experienced that many matters, had the identity to the northwest only, is because there has the touch of humanity that he needs. 他经历了那么多事,唯独对西北产生了认同感,也是因为那里有他需要的人情味。 The so-called touch of humanity, is not you fight the side ally is whether powerful and powerful, but when following the battle, everyone can support by the arm going home together, and writes freely on the road of going home. 所谓人情味,不是你战斗的时候身旁战友是否强大而有力,而是当战斗结束后,大家可以一起搀扶着回家,并在回家的路上嬉笑怒骂。 May in Wang Clan, Ren Xiaosu not see these, he recalled that only remembers the Wang Clan artificial intelligence, how Anjing Temple plans the thousand li (500 km) to bury alive these desperados in Transcendant and underground world. 可在王氏,任小粟并没有看到这些,他回想起来只记得王氏的人工智能,还有安京寺如何筹谋千里坑杀超凡者与地下世界的那些亡命之徒。 Yes, downcasts and tour of Sacred Mountain after Dong Lake, Wang Clan and Anjing Temple truly make Ren Xiaosu hold in high esteem, his sees this mapping out strategic plans in an army tent person previous time, is Qing Zhen. 是的,在东湖陷落与圣山之行后,王氏安京寺确实让任小粟刮目相看,他上一次见到这种运筹帷幄的人,还是庆缜 Actually Qing Zhen also murders decisively, but the sincere brothers friendship of Qing Zhen to Luo Lan, making Ren Xiaosu think that on the opposite party were many some touches of humanity, this is in the Ren Xiaosu eye, difference of Qing Zhen and Wang Shengzhi. 其实庆缜也杀伐果断,但庆缜罗岚的真挚兄弟情义,让任小粟觉得对方身上多了一些人情味,这就是任小粟眼里,庆缜王圣知的不同。 Wang Shengzhi after short also responded startled, actually Ren Xiaosu had answered his issue. 王圣知在短暂的愕然之后也反应过来,其实任小粟已经回答了他的问题。 He said earnestly: Has also had in my youngster period with your same idea, but I have seen too many unknown things in Consortium, starts to believe gradually, is managed human by human, is in itself a start of tragedy, for example my own tragedy.” 他认真说道:“在我少年时期也有过与你一样的想法,但我在财团里见过了太多不为人知的事情,才渐渐开始坚信,由人类管理人类,本身就是一个悲剧的开始,比如我自己身上的悲剧。” Wang Shengzhi selfish saying: I see girl to be encroached, because finally the opposite party is the Wang Clan person, Social Order Division then does not dare to punish, finally I personally ordered, sentenced the imprisonment for life that Wang Clan juniors, until now still some people came to ask favor for him.” 王圣知自顾自的说道:“我见过一个女孩被人侵犯,结果就因为对方是王氏的人,秩序司便不敢惩处,最终还是我亲自下令,才将那位王氏子弟判了终身监禁,直至今日依然有人来为他求情。” I have seen a traffic accident, several pedestrians play to create a disturbance on the street, after the result does not throw down carefully, by the car collision, that vehicle driver simply had not been made any mistake, but Social Order Division by out of humanitarian the reason, making the driver conduct the compensation.” “我见过一场交通意外,几个行人在街上嬉戏打闹,结果不小心摔倒后被汽车碰撞,那汽车司机根本没有犯任何的错误,但秩序司以‘出于人道主义’的理由,让司机进行了赔偿。” I also see......” Wang Shengzhi to sigh: I saw am too many, therefore wanted to change. Many people think that I for my both legs, I had not argued, makes them think like this.” “我还见过……”王圣知叹息道:“我见过太多了,所以想要改变。很多人以为我只是为了自己的这双腿,我不曾辩解,就让他们这样认为吧。” Ren Xiaosu was silent, these reasons that actually Wang Shengzhi said cannot say that is wrong, even he also somewhat supports Wang Shengzhi, because of currently speaking, the fair artificial intelligence replaces the human management society absolutely, as if truly can solve such trouble, at least now the Wang Clan juniors and Stronghold officials are living cautiously. 任小粟沉默了,其实王圣知说的这些理由都不能说是错误的,甚至他还有些支持王圣知,因为就目前来看,绝对公正的人工智能代替人类管理社会,似乎确实可以解决这样的麻烦,起码现在王氏子弟和壁垒官员都如履薄冰的生活着。 If not for the power in Wang Shengzhi is stable enough, perhaps these privilege people have given to move the Wang Shengzhi table. 若不是王圣知手里的权力足够稳固,恐怕这些特权人士早就把王圣知桌子都给掀掉了。 But, Ren Xiaosu recalls counseling these four characters suddenly, looks like punctures on his chest. 可是,任小粟忽然回忆起心理辅导这四个字,就像是一根刺似的扎在他心口上。 Actually this is a minor matter, but Ren Xiaosu always thought that can spy on the entire artificial intelligence by this minor matter the logic, that is the absolute rational world. 其实这是一件小事啊,但任小粟总觉得可以透过这件小事去窥探整个人工智能的逻辑,那是绝对的理性世界。 Does not have the touch of humanity world. 一个没有人情味的世界。 Wang Shengzhi said: I operate the Wang Clan 17 years, day after day firmly controls the army in the hand, completes elimination of power system, for the waiting today, for that fair world, I can make contact with all that I have now.” 王圣知说道:“我经营王氏十七载,日复一日的将军队牢牢掌握在手中,完成权力体系的肃清,就是为了等待今日,为了那个公正的世界,我可以搭上我现在拥有的一切。” Ren Xiaosu thinks for a long time said very much: You who perhaps I said possibly do not like listening, but I think that you acted with undue haste, how perhaps I do not understand manage Stronghold and Consortium, but I think that world that you want, after some day everyone eats to the full to put on is educated warmly, may realize. It is not right, possibly it could not realize forever, but I still refused one not to have the touch of humanity world.” 任小粟想了很久说道:“或许我说的你可能不爱听,但我认为你还是操之过急了,也许我不懂如何管理一个壁垒、一个财团,但我认为你想要的那个世界,当有一天大家都吃饱穿暖接受教育后,就有可能实现。不对,可能它永远也实现不了,但我仍然拒绝一个没有人情味的世界。” He is very clear, even if this world commodity is abundant, most people can go to school, but will still have the beggar, thief and criminal. 他很清楚,哪怕这世界物资富足,大部分人都能上得起学,但仍然会有乞丐、小偷、罪犯。 May to that time, most people still deeply love this world, deeply loves own life. 可到了那个时候,大部分人仍然会热爱这个世界,热爱自己的人生。 But after the artificial intelligence manages, what Ren Xiaosu sees on the street is only the pedestrian of lowering the head, he cannot even see the temperature in these people. 而人工智能管理后,任小粟在街上看到的只是低着头的行人,他甚至没能在那些人身上看到温度。 Jiang Xu viewpoint from the beginning right, the refugee can eat to the full to put on warmly in this time was good, why to demand. 江叙一开始的观点没错,流民在这个时代里能吃饱穿暖就不错了,何必强求更多。 But Jiang Xu also realized gradually, ice-cold, only then the world of rational logic, what kind of attack will have to the human civilization. 江叙也渐渐意识到,一个冰冷、只有理性逻辑的世界,对人类文明会有怎样的打击。 At this time, Ren Xiaosu looked to Yang Anjing: Long ago contacted Saboteurs time, I think that you advocate the peace, but now the Central Plains flames of war, the instigator is Anjing Temple in your hand, I believe that Pyro and Kong Clan will not make war with no reason at all, perhaps the tour of Sacred Mountain set the foreshadowing.” 这时,任小粟看向杨安京:“早些年接触暴徒的时候,我以为您是主张和平的,但现在中原战火已起,始作俑者就是您手里的安京寺吧,我相信火种孔氏不会无缘无故开战,圣山之行恐怕就埋下了伏笔。” Yang Anjing said calmly: „The entire Stronghold alliance belongs to the unification, can completely eliminate the flames of war, the past war, you experienced also few?” 杨安京平静说道:“只有整个壁垒联盟重新归于统一,才能彻底消除战火,以往的战争,你经历的还少吗?” This truth I understand, you said also right,” Ren Xiaosu said: But now sounds, is more like careerist's excuse.” “这个道理我懂,您说的也没错,”任小粟说道:“但现在听起来,更像是野心家的借口。” At this time both sides have somewhat fought the relative meaning, Yang Anjing said earnestly: I found Saboteurs never to also safeguard the peace, but must eliminate all nuclear weapon in this world, after the artificial intelligence control entire society, it square all round will regulate all possibly has the way of nuclear, when the time comes can really achieve non-nuclear.” 此时双方已经有些争锋相对的意思了,杨安京认真说道:“我创建暴徒也从来不是为了维护和平,而是要消除这世上的所有核武器,待到人工智能接管整个社会后,它会公正无私的监管所有可能产生核的途径,到时候才能真的做到无核。” At this time Ren Xiaosu realized suddenly, originally Yang Anjing and Wang Shengzhi cooperation base here, because Yang Anjing was very clear, she only then cooperated with Wang Shengzhi, can finally achieve own goal, and got it over and done, when the time comes does not need to exist Saboteurs, because no one can escape the artificial intelligence eye to study the nuclear weapon. 这个时候任小粟才忽然意识到,原来杨安京王圣知的合作基础在这里,因为杨安京很清楚,她只有与王圣知合作,才能最终完成自己的目标,并且一劳永逸,到时候连暴徒都不需要存在了,因为没人能逃过人工智能的眼睛去研究核武。 This is the Yang Anjing ultimate objective. 这才是杨安京的终极目标啊。 „Is nuclear really so fearful?” Ren Xiaosu asked. “核就真的那么可怕吗?”任小粟问道。 Naturally,” Yang Anjing looks at Ren Xiaosu: Otherwise you think how we enter the wasteland time, human pants for breath with great difficulty for more than 200 years, now some people put out this thing, compared with that cataclysm, what the Central Plains war is?” “当然,”杨安京看着任小粟:“不然你以为我们是怎么进入废土时代的,人类好不容易喘息两百多年,如今又有人拿出了这个东西,跟那场灾变相比,中原的战争又算什么?” Ren Xiaosu sighed, actually from the respective standpoint, each other not wrong. 任小粟叹息,其实从各自的立场来看,彼此都没有错。 In the restaurant is sad, no longer some people spoke, Ren Xiaosu lowered the head to eat the thing, clarified does not want to argue again anything. 餐厅里沉闷起来,不再有人说话,任小粟低头吃着东西,摆明不想再争辩什么了。 Three things settle, he naturally can leave Wang Clan. 三件事情了结,他自然会离开王氏 The food is fine, is not cruel enough to eat them to Ren Xiaosu fine, but Ren Xiaosu felt, the essential significance of food is not attractive, but can fill the belly. 菜肴是精致的,精致到任小粟都不忍心去吃它们,不过任小粟觉得,食物的本质意义并不是好看,而是能填饱肚子。 Person of life in wilderness, to food aesthetic is also simpler. 生活在荒野上的人,对食物的审美也朴实许多。 Has the noodles?” Ren Xiaosu asked that gave me entire large bowl noodles.” “有面条吗?”任小粟问道,“给我整一大碗面条吧。” Wang Shengzhi looks at Ren Xiaosu, he sighs, this possibly is Ren Xiaosu expression different to not seek way. 王圣知看着任小粟,他内心叹息,这可能就是任小粟表达道不同不相为谋的方式吧。 What then Ren Xiaosu is really is suggesting? 那么任小粟真是在暗示什么吗? No, he wants to eat the noodles. 不,他就是想吃面条了。
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