EOG :: Volume #7

#672: Really deep parliament and biography position

Newest website: 最新网址: A Julien organization earnest deep parliament, the initial initiator is the really deep first ancestor. 朱利恩所处的组织名叫真冥议会,最初的创始者就是真冥始祖。 When then real deep first ancestor has not become the first ancestor with another great strength that was close to the first ancestor had the competition to compete for a chance that became the first ancestor but recruited the children of massive spirit territory to come this world from spirit territory Main World, afterward the really deep first ancestor was successfully promoted to the first ancestor, but this influence has not dismissed, instead was even more strong. 当时的真冥始祖还未成为始祖时与另一尊接近始祖的强大存在竞争争夺一份成为始祖的机缘而从灵域主世界招募大量灵域之子前来这个世界,后来真冥始祖成功晋升为始祖,但这个势力并没有解散,反而愈发壮大。 The children of massive spirit territory maintain to remember that through the jurisdiction of really deep first ancestor arrives in the sorcerer world, disperses in the different world. 大量的灵域之子通过真冥始祖的权限保持着自身记忆降临在巫师世界,分散在不同的世界。 Many people including Julien do not think that the really deep first ancestor wants to capture/raid and conquer the sorcerer world, this is completely impossible to accomplish, even if becomes the first ancestor is also the same. 许多人包括朱利恩并不认为真冥始祖是想攻略与征服巫师世界,这完全不可能办到,哪怕成为始祖也一样。 As Chaotic Void Sea many God territory civilizations discovered that the most powerful world, has several God territory civilizations that the sorcerer world of many first ancestors let discover now to tie up is not necessarily victorious together, Julien guessed that biggest was the goal of really deep first ancestor is to possibly seek for initial that with the archenemy who he competed with the first ancestor. 作为混沌虚海诸多神域文明发现最强大的世界,拥有诸多始祖的巫师世界让现在发现的几个神域文明绑一块都不一定打得过,朱利恩猜测最大可能是真冥始祖的目的是寻找当初的那个与他竞争始祖的大敌。 Naturally, guessed turns over to the guess, the children of overwhelming majority spirit territories had to guess correctly this even if, without the interest sought specially, that level which existed is they can contact, they were interested in the sorcerer world growing with the aid of the channel that the really deep first ancestor opened. 当然,猜测归猜测,绝大部分灵域之子哪怕有猜到这点,也没有兴趣专门去寻找,那个层次的存在哪是他们能接触得了,他们更有兴趣借助真冥始祖开辟的渠道在巫师世界成长。 The really deep first ancestor can in the sorcerer world achievement first ancestor, they have this dream. 真冥始祖能在巫师世界成就始祖,他们也有这种梦想。 Julien wants from the beginning by oneself ability and talent diligently, however the reality is brutal, the fact proved oneself regardless of how diligently, strength growth progress very slow, arrival caught up with itself or exceeded shortly afterward unceasingly, the same clan that he cannot bear finally to the reality bows, before marrying, did not like. 朱利恩一开始是想凭借自己的能力与天赋努力,然而现实是残酷的,事实证明自己无论怎么努力,实力增长进度都非常的慢,眼看一个个后来降临者不断赶上或超越自己,他最终忍不住向现实低头,娶了一位以前自己并不喜欢的同族。 In that is the really deep parliament of under a wife spare no effort support this world's top three chancellors, Julien can condense several fine divine power in just 200 years continuously, successfully lightens the light of mind to be promoted to dawn sorcerer, becoming, even if in the really deep parliament is also one of the powerhouses, is the wife in deep green school of thought high-level one. 在那位已经是真冥议会在本世界三大主事之一的妻子不遗余力的支持下,朱利恩才能在短短200年内连续凝聚数颗精神力,成功点亮心灵之光晋升为黎明巫师,成为哪怕真冥议会之中也算是强者之一,同时也是妻子所在青苍学派的高层之一。 They in the school of thought are not the child of School pure spirit territory, is in itself the strong presence of this world, but after they 100,000 years of unceasing infiltration, the entire school of thought has been controlled by them now, the high level is spirit territory arrival. 他们所在学派并不是纯粹的灵域之子学派,本身是本世界的一个强大势力,但经过他们十万年的不断渗透,现在整个学派已经被他们控制,高层皆是灵域降临者。 They obey the world rule, once for a while expedition foreign land world plunder resources and principle and source, strength for this world contribute a strength. 他们遵守世界规则,时不时的征战异域世界掠夺资源与法则以及本源,为本世界的壮大贡献一份力量。 After all to this world the child of powerful spirit territory, the plan that they make at first is the interior infiltrates, even the children of many spirit territory have regarded as oneself it's in the bag this world, like the really deep parliament the branches of other world, infiltrates the control quietly in the world. 毕竟对这个世界的强大灵域之子来说,他们最初制定的计划就是内部渗透,甚至很多灵域之子早就将这个世界视作自己的囊中之物,就像很多真冥议会在其他世界的分部一样,悄无声息渗透控制所在世界。 The world is powerful, similarly is representing their overall great strength, this they know very clearly. 世界强大,同样代表着他们整体的强大,这点他们还是认识得很清楚。 As dawn sorcerer, is in main of different expedition high-level battle strength, if some small and weak world directly is high-level battle strength. 作为黎明巫师,已经是异界远征的主要中高层战力,如果是一些弱小的世界直接就是高层战力 What Julien this School time capturing/raiding is a microcosm, in initial exploration most powerhouse only then several 4th rank indigenous powerhouses, think that relaxed can defeat, finally in attacking this world conquered about half to discover that this world was the colonizing world of another more powerful world. 朱利恩这个学派这一次攻略的是一个小世界,最初探索里面最强者就只有几个四级土著强者,原以为轻松就能击败,结果在攻打这个世界征服了一半左右时才发现这个世界是另一个更强大世界的殖民世界。 Finally naturally was the war escalation, the school of thought Lian-school several 5th rank dawn sorcerers led personally two new regiments to enter that world before, but is unable to depress it, now Julien this batch are the second batch of support. 结果自然是战争升级,学派之前连派了数名五级晨曦巫师亲率两支新的军团进入那个世界,但还是无法将其压下,现在朱利恩这批是第二批支援。 Mainly leads two new regiment support, the new 5th rank sorcerer has not arrived, the school of thought appraised to think that before the new world is not too strong, the school of thought can depress. 主要是率领两支新的军团支援,没有新的五级巫师到来,学派之前评估认为新出现的世界并不是太强,学派能压下。 The school of thought also is also very interested to the new world, if can deal, they will not mind that will mainly capture the object to change into this new world. 同时学派也对新出现的世界很有兴趣,如果能够应对,他们也不会介意将主要攻略对像换成这个新世界。 This war to the deep green school of thought that Julien was at has a great influence, to mobilize about half school of thought strength one after another, but to the big sorcerer world was actually calm, especially the deep green school of thought concealed the news intentionally, in addition upper level the recent sorcerer world whooped matter about new witch king successor, 这一场战争对朱利恩所在的青苍学派来说影响巨大,陆陆续续已经调动了近半的学派力量,但对偌大的巫师世界来说却是波澜不惊,特别是青苍学派故意将消息隐瞒,再加上最近巫师世界上层议论纷纷的关于新的巫王继承者的事情, No one pays more attention to these. Compares sorcerer world indigenous discussing spiritedly, really deep parliamentary interior high level is biggest to the response of this matter. 更是没人关注这些。相比巫师世界土著的议论纷纷,真冥议会内部高层对这事的反应最大。 According to their plans, so long as three big chancellor any promote seven steps, will choose to become the protector in this world, then waits for old witch king dead, as the position of only successor witch king is their it'ses in the bag. 按照他们的计划,只要三大主事任何一个晋升七阶,都会选择成为这个世界的守护者,然后等老巫王一死,作为唯一的继承人巫王之位是他们的囊中之物。 Therefore three big chancellors have reached the agreement, whoever promotes seven steps to become witch king, must guarantee that the interests of another two chancellors were not encroached. 为此三大主事都已经达成协议,不论谁晋升七阶成为巫王,都必须保证另两位主事的利益不被侵犯。 The idea is very good, the interior has achieved the consensus, who first promotes seven steps on, however on the day has not waited, suddenly hears by them is regarded as it's in the bag the position of witch king already is others, where three chancellors endured, immediately through really deep parliamentary channel search newly witch king information. 想法很好,内部都已经达到共识,就等谁先晋升七阶,然而还没等到这一天,突然听到被他们视为囊中之物的巫王之位已经是别人的了,三名主事哪里忍受得了,立即通过真冥议会渠道查找新巫王的信息。 However finally again not as they expected, the interior has no information, even this name the first time is heard. 然而结果再次出乎他们的预料,内部没任何信息,甚至连这个名字都是第一次听说。 However from name not too probably indigenous, looks like world the child of style of God territory extremely, but had not seen before the person, they cannot affirm, three chancellors discussed that decided when participated passed on a ceremony saw oneself again said. 不过从名字来看不太像是土著,极像人类世界的神域之子风格,但没见到人之前他们也不敢肯定,三位主事商议一番,决定等参加传位仪式时看到本人再说。 Time day-by-day past, has immersed in knowing Lin Xiao in sea of consciousness ocean is awakened by old witch king finally, he knows that passed on a ceremony to start. 时间一天一天的过去,一直沉浸在知识海洋中的林霄终于被老巫王唤醒,他知道传位仪式开始了。 On this day he changed a luxurious long gown, was received in a peaceful room to wait for by old witch king. 这天他换了一身豪华的长袍,被老巫王领到一间静室内等待。 Here he needs to communicate the world will, expressed own wish to the world will, if the world will approval, he were the substantive new witch Wangta master, outside institute position ceremony was only does to the form that the bystander looked, will not affect his position. 在这里他需要沟通世界意志,向世界意志表达自己的意愿,如果世界意志认可,他就是实质的新任巫王塔主人,外面的所位仪式只是个做给外人看的形式而已,并不会影响他的地位。 Can communicate the world will as the world protectors inborn, before Lin Xiao, in Main World is Gaia's son, has communicated the experience of Gaia will repeatedly, calms the mind to sit in the peaceful room the little, void then mysteriously and inexorably wills arrives, his unemotional opens the mouth said: 作为世界守护者天生就能沟通世界意志,林霄以前在主世界就是盖亚之子,有过多次沟通盖亚意志的经验,静心坐在静室中少许,虚空中便有一股冥冥中的意志降临,他面无表情开口说道: I am willing to become the protector in the world, until 10,000 years later today!” “我愿意成为世界的守护者,直到一万年后的今天!” That mysteriously and inexorably will falls, in peaceful room peaceful incomparable. 冥冥中的意志落下,静室中安静无比。 The so-called test, actually pledged, moreover takes for 10,000 years as a deadline, so long as does not betray does not give up being able to continue on own initiative, old witch king continued as to work as the lord of 200,000 years of witch king tower twenty times. 所谓考验,其实就是誓言,而且以一万年为一个期限,只要不背叛不主动放弃就能一直连任,老巫王就是连任了二十几次当了二十万年的巫王塔之主。 This deadline is very long to Lin Xiao, but compares permanently is better, moreover must walk to him, the resigned reason are very many. 这期限对林霄来说还是很长,不过相比永久还是好很多,况且直要到他必须要走的时候,卸任的理由多得很。 Is less than five minutes, Lin Xiao only felt that an abundant incomparable source strength wells up to oneself, oneself strength rises rapidly, simultaneously information that the chief protector about a jurisdiction has appears in his mind, he examines carefully. 不到五分钟,林霄只感觉到一股充沛无比的源力向自己涌来,自身力量迅速上涨,同时一段关于首席守护者拥有的权限的信息出现在他脑海内,他仔细查看。 Does not have any earth-shaking change, from now on, he is the new chief protector, the witch king in sorcerer world, this world power biggest sorcerer. 没有什么惊天动地的变化,从现在开始,他就是新一任的首席守护者,巫师世界的巫王,这个世界权力最大的巫师。 Rumble...!” “隆隆...!” stone door shoves open slowly, old witch king and beautiful moving emerald empress Disha appears in the entrance, was obviously older one point of old witch king to say to him: 石门缓缓推开,老巫王与美艳动人的翡翠女皇蒂莎尔出现在门口,明显更苍老了一分的老巫王对他说道: Good day, new world protector!” “日安,新的世界守护者!” Lin Xiao returned to a ritual. 林霄回了一礼。 Emerald empress Disha to he good had never seen the strange formality, said: 翡翠女皇蒂莎尔对他行了一个从未见过的奇怪礼节,说道: Congratulates your excellency, according to the ancient times contract, your excellency must go to emerald dreamland shortly.” “恭喜阁下,按照远古契约,阁下在不久后需前往翡翠梦境一趟。” He has doubts looks to old witch king, his nodded: 他疑惑的看向老巫王,他点了点头: You went to know, to you this was also a good deed.” “你去了就会知道,对你来说这也是件好事。” Lin Xiao nodded, had doubts to receive the heart. 林霄点了点头,将心中疑惑收了起来。 At this time old witch king said to him with a smile: 这时老巫王笑着对他说道: „, The new world protectors invited to see ancient times contract along with me signing!” “那么,新的世界守护者阁下请随我来见见诸位远古契约的签定者!” old witch king Zhu the wooden stick is turning around to walk, Lin Xiao to a beautiful moving emerald empress empty hand ritual: 老巫王驻着木杖转身就走,林霄向美艳动人的翡翠女皇虚手一礼: Beautiful woman, please!” “美丽的女士,请!” Emerald empress Disha is gazing at him just like the emerald gem common eye, the beautiful face of no expression has shown a smile rarely, jaw hints to leave slightly. 翡翠女皇蒂莎尔宛如翡翠宝石一般的眼睛注视着他,一直没什么表情的绝美面孔难得露出一丝微笑,微微颌首示意离开。 In a golden hall of spaciousness, the warm ceiling hanging lamp sends out the gentle yellow light, on the wall lamp with wall coordinates to illuminate resplendently in gold and jade green the entire hall. 一个宽敝的金色大厅内,温暖的天花板吊灯散发出柔和的黄光,与墙壁上的壁灯配合着将整个大厅照得金碧辉煌。 Wears near the gold thread silver, the black skirt gift accompanies like aristocrat forms pairs of mutually, or graceful waving in the exquisite music of hall corner orchestra, either in twos and threes gathers together chatted low voice, occasionally the vision saw knew well will also raise glass thinks lightly. 身穿金丝银边,黑裙礼物如同贵族的身影们一对对相互结伴,或在大厅角落乐队的优美音乐中优雅的舞动,或三三两两聚在一起小声闲聊,偶尔目光看到熟识的还会举杯轻酌。 In gentle affable harp pipe, but also is mixing with the exquisite triangle tweedle, the form of gentle yellow ray in the hall illuminates. 柔和舒缓的竖琴风笛声中,还夹杂着小巧的三角琴声,柔和的黄色光芒将大厅内身影照亮。 Ladies, gentlemen, at this wonderful night, matter that affects the whole world will soon happen!” “女士们,先生们,在这个美妙的夜晚,将有一件影响我们整个世界的事情即将发生!” A middle-aged man of wear fine gift stands in the stage center said to the form under stage with the spirited sound loudly: 一个穿着精致礼物的中年男子站在舞台中央用激昂的声音向下方舞台中的身影大声说道: Tonight's moon bright, beautiful woman makes the moonlight change colors, in this thrilling day, making us invite today's lead, our new witch king tower lord Lin Xiao your majesty!” “今晚的月亮是那么的明亮,众位美丽的女士让月光都为之失色,在这个令人激动的日子里,让我们请出今天的主角,我们新的巫王塔之主林霄陛下!” A light revolution, the photo to the stage following light gate, light ripples swings, the space is dim, three forms emerge out of thin air before the people. 灯光一转,照向舞台后面一个光门上,一圈淡淡的涟漪荡开,空间朦胧不定,三道身影凭空出现在众人面前。 The representatives who in the hall come from the different influence different races look at the vision on only the strange man to three center, performs all very surprisedly, children by young old female three spirit territory is also most shocking. 大厅内来自不同势力不同种族的代表们纷纷将目光看向三道中央中唯一的陌生男子身上,尽皆非常的惊讶,其中又以一年轻一老一女子三名灵域之子最为震惊。 Three people look at each other in blank dismay, a wear long gown was also difficult to cover the man of strong muscle to pinch the forehead, sent greetings to another two companions: 三人面面相觑,其中一个穿着长袍也难掩强壮肌肉的男子捏了捏眉心,对另两个同伴传音: Should right, be arrival of human.” “应该没错,是人类的降临者。” This is very disadvantageous to us!” “这对我们很不利!” He must die!” “他必须死!” Agreement!” “同意!” I also agreed!” “我也同意!” Almost is instantaneous, in other influences represent still when guessing his status, their three spirit territory children of spirit territory had reached the agreement. 几乎是瞬间,在其他势力代表还在猜测他的身份之时,他们三名来自灵域的灵域之子就已经达成了共识。 The ceremony has not had the change because of their decisions, other ancient times contracts did not know the Lin Xiao status, namely had same repel, there is a supporter, to mention just a few. 典礼并没有因为他们的决定而有变化,其他远古契约并不知晓林霄的身份,即有同样的排斥者,也有支持者,不一而足。 But no matter they had what idea unable to change him are witch Wangta the main fact. 但不管他们有什么想法都改变不了他已经是巫王塔之主的事实。 Newest website: 最新网址:
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