EOG :: Volume #7

#666: The strength of time

This group of shadow a while are the human form, a while are the beast shape, a while are other shapes, including dragon whale and other sea clans. 这团影子一会儿是人形,一会儿是兽形,一会儿又是其他形态,包括龙鲸与其他海族。 Soul that this is all enemies who anti- Aurar these years kill, is he has been free to present not caught depending on, by oneself ability, he can simulate all abilities and strengths of killing the enemy, complete simulation. 这是耐奥拉这些年来杀死的所有敌人的灵魂,也是他一直逍遥到现在都没有被抓到的倚仗,凭借自身能力,他能模拟出所有杀死敌人的能力与力量,完全模拟。 If its fourth-order he kills the fifth-order powerhouse, can simulate all strengths and abilities of fifth-order powerhouse completely, in addition own ability, the more step challenge is not the dream. 本身只有四阶的他如果杀死五阶强者,就能完全模拟五阶强者的一切实力与能力,再加上自身的能力,越阶挑战不是梦想。 What a pity his type free eventually ended until the present, under the strength of sea king empire causing the downfall of the nation captured is stopped up finally here. 可惜他这种逍遥到现在终于结束了,在海王帝国倾国之力追捕下终于被堵在了这里。 Anti- Aurar, you were defeated!” “耐奥拉,你失败了!” An old sound resounds baseless. 一声苍老的声音凭空响起。 Shut up!” “闭嘴!” A nervous sound unceasing muttered: 一个神经质的声音不断的喃喃自语道: No, I do not have the failure, the time to prove all .... “不,我没有失败,时间会证明一切....” The old sound said again: 苍老的声音再次说道: „Do you also want to look for new inheritance? Here was our enemies, the mortal also dies, you could not find new inheritance!” “你还想找新的传承者?这里都是我们的敌人,凡人也死光了,你找不到新的传承者!” No !” “不,还有!” You say that human?” “你是说那个人类?” The old sound said: 苍老的声音说道: That human is powerful, is more powerful than them, we are unable to control him, once is defeated, we will dissipate in the time river, will never have the mighty waves again.” “那个人类非常强大,比他们还要强大,我们无法控制他,一旦失败,我们将会消逝在时间长河中,永远不会再有波澜。” No, I comply with the direction of time, can see the future fragment, I have broken to be destined one time, can break again is destined, combines into one with that human, we can surely again the rebirth!” “不,我遵从光阴的指引,能够看到未来的片段,我已经打破过一次命中注定,就能再次打破命中注定,和那个人类合而为一,我们必定会再次重生!” Anti- Aurar is nervous , was saying confidently, the figure vanished in a flash does not see. 耐奥拉即是神经质,又是信心十足的说着,身形一晃消失不见。 But the dragon whale of space not startled, but then looked shouted to the sky: 而天上的龙鲸并未惊慌,而是回头看向天空大喊: Still in anything, starts!” “还在等什么,开始!” A next second of vault of heaven distortion, appears two to stand somewhere abreast in row high Sea Clan powerhouse, respectively is the sea male king and tide sea king, in sea male king hand takes one greatly was outlined the net that to throw by the gassed thread downward, the light net dropped the rapid expansion cover to some position. 下一秒天穹某处一阵扭曲,浮现出两个并排站在一起的高大海族强者,分别是海雄王与潮汐海王,海雄王手中拿着一个巨大的由光丝勾勒的网往下一扔,光网落下迅速扩大罩向某个方位。 Wait, is this?” “等等,这是?” Another sea clan powerhouses are amazed were noticing that the light net cover to is beyond several kilometers to set up in the air Lin Xiao to the sea dangerous, opposite side Shanghai male king asks: 另一个海族强者惊诧着看到光网罩向离海有几公里外悬立空中的林霄,对边上海雄王问道: „Are you?” “你这是?” sea male king shakes the head to say immediately: 海雄王立即摇头道: „It is not I, imprisons Longwang to induce to the anti- Aurar's position there.” “不是我,囚龙网感应到耐奥拉的位置就在那里。” He is very sly, runs away by this way repeatedly, these also wants time like this.” “他很狡猾,多次是靠这种方式逃走,这一次也想这样。” Saying that the tide sea king somewhat worries about: 潮汐海王有些担忧的说道: But that person is Lin Xiao, if he prevents, we are hard to catch.” “但那人是林霄,如果他阻挡,我们难以抓到。” sea male king coldly snort said: 海雄王冷哼道: Sea sovereign has been paying attention to here, if he must prevent, happen to at this time the empire powerhouses converge, except his good opportunity.” “海皇陛下一直在关注这里,如果他要阻挡,正好此时帝国强者云集,是除去他的好机会。” Your majesty has dreaded his existence, but until now he lived in seclusion in this your majesty could not find the good opportunity, this time was a good opportunity.” “陛下一直忌惮他的存在,但一直以来他隐居在此陛下找不到好的机会,这次正是个好机会。” But .... “但....” The tide sea king opens mouth, finally sighed anything. 潮汐海王张了张嘴,最终叹了口气什么也没说。 The sea male king looked at his one eyes to say with a smile: 海雄王看了他一眼笑道: I know that you are worried about anything, relax, we two with Crown Prince Luneberg here, your majesty pay attention to here momentarily to arrive distantly, anti- Aurar runs away with this way each time, finally will capture the goal body rebirth, at this time they estimated that can fall into internal fight, I have the enormous assurance time one except the empire two Imperial Palace troubles!” “我知道你担心什么,放心,我们两与龙伯亲王在此,陛下遥遥关注这里随时可以降临,耐奥拉每次用这种方式逃走,最终都会夺取目标身躯重生,此时他们估计会陷入内斗,我有极大把握一次除去帝国两大内患!” Hope so!” “希望如此!” Certainly!” “一定!” sea male king Lengleng looked is shaking to be then motionless suddenly, whatever the light net dropping from the clouds net lived, many empire powerhouses depended rapidly, under the guidance of Crown Prince Luneberg more defense law under surroundings arrange/cloth. 海雄王冷冷望着突然晃了一下然后一动不动任凭光网从天而降网住,诸多帝国强者迅速靠了过去,在龙伯亲王的指挥下在周围布下更多的防御法阵。 But layer on layer/heavily wrapped Lin Xiao .... Has not fallen into as they expected is seized the crisis of shed. 而被重重包裹的林霄....并未如他们所料般陷入被夺舍的危机。 When anti- Aurar fires into himself, Lin Xiao gawked at that time, in the person eyes not guards by anti- Aurar outside integrates itself. 在耐奥拉冲向自己时,林霄当时愣了一下,以至于在外人眼中就是毫无防备被耐奥拉融入自身。 But in fact, after anti- Aurar breaks in his within the body, charges into his brain sea of consciousness rapidly, drilled into Good Fortune Cube that in the mind opens. 但实际上,耐奥拉冲入他体内后迅速冲向他的脑部识海,一头钻入了早早在脑海内张开的造化魔方之内。 If capturing from mortal body possibly is a little troublesome, but seizing shed from soul ..... 如果是来自肉身的夺取可能有点麻烦,而来自灵魂的夺舍..... Said that cannot turn the storm including the will of really deep first ancestor in Good Fortune Cube, this sea king empire cannot even be victorious in Good Fortune Cube is the Little Brother? 这么说吧,连真冥始祖的意志在造化魔方内都翻不起风浪,这个连海王帝国都打不过的在造化魔方内就是小弟弟? Therefore seemed like him to fall into internal body to compete in the bystander to be motionless probably, in fact his anything matter did not have, but was closed into Good Fortune Cube anti- Aurar in the shocking observation, being filled with was surprised, was surrounded to fall into the crisis until oneself unable to bear take back the mind. 所以在外人看起来他像是陷入了内部身躯争夺而一动不动,实际上他什么事也没有,只是只是在震惊的观察被关入造化魔方的耐奥拉,满心都是惊讶,以致于直到自身被困住身陷危机才忍不住收回心神。 Unexpectedly is the strength of time!” “竟然是时间之力!” Lin Xiao face shocking muttering, he has not thought from the start this issuing a warrant for arrest named anti- Aurar grasps the strength of time unexpectedly, no wonder the empire spent for several hundred years to catch. 林霄一脸震惊的喃喃自语,他压根没想到这个叫耐奥拉的通缉者竟然掌握有时间之力,难怪帝国花了几百年才抓到。 Various days trillion space and times, time Supreme, has not listened and sees below Great Divine Power to exist to grasp the strength of time. 诸天亿万时空,时间至高无上,从没有听过与见过伟大神力以下存在能掌握时间之力。 Even if the strength of time these have to grasp greatly is also only its great strength affects the time forcefully, is not true grasping has the strength of time, their wills can counter time mother river on, actually unable to change the history. 哪怕是那些伟大存在掌握的时间之力也只是其伟大的力量强行影响时间,并不是真正的掌握有时间之力,祂们的意志能逆时光母河而上,却不能改变历史。 They can change the small range artificially the time, the acceleration, stops and even reverses, but is unable to make the time flow backwards. 祂们能人为改变小范围的时间,加速,停止乃至逆转,但无法令时光倒流。 The Chaotic Void Sea infinite world, the infinite powerhouse, who never grasps the strength of time truly. 混沌虚海无穷世界,无穷强者,从未有谁真正掌握时光之力。 But at this moment, saw the strength of time on a body of small 4th rank life unexpectedly, to the Lin Xiao three views is the nuclear explosion impact, making him unable for a while. 而此时此刻,竟然在一个小小的四级生命的身上看到了时光之力,对林霄的三观是核爆般冲击,令他一时不能自己。 Naturally, the strength of time anti- Aurar grasps is very small and weak, or is only a seed, cannot be omnipotent, will otherwise not be held by them. 当然,耐奥拉现在掌握的时光之力还很弱小,或者说只是个种子,并不能无所不能,不然也不会被他们抓住。 However, has the seed to have the infinite future, many great existences lack is a seed. 但是,有种子就有无限的未来,诸多伟大的存在缺的就是个种子。 Depresses the heart in excitedly forcefully, he looks up asked to Crown Prince Luneberg outside numerous light screen: 将心中万般激动强行压下,他抬头看向重重光幕之外的龙伯亲王问道: Does not know why your excellency this is?” “不知阁下这是为何?” Crown Prince Luneberg who has restored the person the sinking sound said: 已经恢复人身的龙伯亲王沉声说道: Presents your majesty to make to apprehend child of anti- Aurar shadow!” “奉陛下令捉拿阴影之子耐奥拉!” What matter does that close my?” “那关我何事?” Anti- Aurar has combined into one with you.” “耐奥拉已经与你合而为一。” Can have the evidence?” “可有证据?” I personally see!” “吾亲眼所见!” I understood!” “我明白了!” The Lin Xiao intention moves, his surrounding void steep avalanche, a suffocating attraction spreads, fetters his light net to tie the rapid avalanche to destroy with the light screen layer upon layer, forms giant black hole centered on him quickly, is sending out attraction that made the surrounding sea clan powerhouses for it palpitation. 林霄心念一动,他周围虚空陡的崩塌,一股令人窒息的引力传出,束缚他的光网与层层光幕结界迅速崩塌溃灭,很快形成一个以他为中心的巨大黑洞,散发着令周围海族强者为之心悸的引力。 This .... “这....” This situation they have never seen, is caught off guard looks at the fetter under laborious arrange/cloth to tie helplessly ruins completely. 这种情况他们从未见过,以致于措手不及眼睁睁看着辛辛苦苦布下的束缚结界全部毁掉。 The collapse space of strong attraction and rapid expansion made their palpitation, subconscious rapid retreat. 强大的吸引力与迅速扩张的崩溃空间令他们心悸不已,下意识的迅速后退。 After the black hole puts ruins the fetter, vanishes rapidly, the space principle arrives at the space that restores to collapse, the Lin Xiao form appears rapidly slowly, he looked that has not looked at the empire powerhouse in not far away, but looks up calls loudly to the vault of heaven: 黑洞一放毁掉束缚后又迅速消失,空间法则降临迅速恢复崩溃的空间,林霄的身影缓缓浮现,他看也没看不远处的帝国强者,而是抬头看向天穹高声喊道: Others don’t provoke me, I don’t provoke others, your majesty broke the rules!” “人不犯我,我不犯人,陛下犯规了!” Little, void blue light rapid gatherings turn into a huge face to overlook him, sonorous voice: 少许,虚空中一道道蓝光迅速汇聚化成一个庞大的面孔俯视着他,声如洪钟: Hands over anti- Aurar, my permits the position of your sea king!” “交出耐奥拉,吾许你海王之位!” Lin Xiao shakes the head, said: 林霄摇了摇头,说道: Late, he must capture my body, was killed by me!” “迟了,他要夺取我的身躯,被我杀死了!” The huge face is looking at him unemotionally, crossed several seconds of loud and clear sound to resound again: 庞大的面孔面无表情望着他,过了数秒洪亮的声音再次响起: With the name of empire emperor, eliminates all your status and position, limits you in a month to leave the empire area!” “以帝国皇帝之名,剥夺你所有身份与地位,限你一个月内离开帝国疆域!” The huge face vanishes slowly, the surroundings empire powerhouses reveal the surprise the expression, but the quick surprise disappears, deep looked at Lin Xiao one, lowers the head leaves silently, only keeps somewhat accidental/surprised Lin Xiao one person to stay in this. 说完庞大的面孔缓缓消失,周围帝国强者纷纷露出诧异的表情,但很快诧异消失,深深的看了林霄一眼,低下头默默离开,只留有些意外的林霄一人停留在此。 He was ready that gets angry with the empire, finally anything has not happened, this surprised him very much. 他都做好了与帝国翻脸的准备,结果什么也没发生,这很是令他意外。 The empire grasped bears mysterious to draw for several hundred years, for this reason the loss more than 20-30 4th rank powerhouses, the 5th rank regiment level powerhouses died several, to catch him took great pains, even/including Haihuang acted personally, when like this safe/without matter did happen? 帝国抓耐奥拉抓了几百年,为此损失不下20-30个四级强者,五级军团级强者都死了好几个,为了抓他煞费苦心,连海皇都亲自出手,会就这样当无事发生? Lin Xiao does not believe. 林霄不信。 He looks up to the vault of heaven, mysteriously and inexorably induces to partly visible general six step powerhouse unobservable wills has also hung in the top of the head, accidental/surprised is the sea sovereign correct use anything method is monitoring itself. 他抬头看向天穹,冥冥中感应到一股若隐若现一般六阶强者也难以察觉的意志一直悬在头顶,不出意外是海皇正用什么手段在监视自己。 Depending on this, he does not believe the sea sovereign to let off itself. 就凭这,他不信海皇会放过自己。 Lin Xiao ponders little, felt oneself were the time leaves the sea king world. 林霄沉思少许,觉得自己是时候离开海王世界了。 The foreknowledge from unusual ability foreknowledge technique, he thought that the sea sovereign so will not be easy to put him to leave, had not begun a moment ago is only the incarnation black hole ability that because he demonstrates perhaps extremely in the astonishment, the sea sovereign has not grasped also arranges. 来自超凡能力预知术的预知,他觉得海皇不会这么容易放他离开,刚才没动手只是因为他展示的化身黑洞能力太过于惊人,海皇没有把握还没准备好而已。 Once prepares, is the thunder strikes surely. 一旦准备好,必定是雷霆一击。 Although he did not fear very much, fuses the true body the strength, or this time he is equivalent to the true body rebirth, will promote seven steps momentarily, but faces after all is an area stretches across the colonial empires of dozens world, is in empire Main World, god knows they have any non-conventional approach, has the possibility of capsizing. 虽然他不是很怕,融合真身的力量,或者说此时的他相当于真身重生,随时会晋升七阶,但面对的毕竟是一个疆域横跨几十个世界的殖民帝国,还是在帝国主世界,天知道他们有什么非常规手段,并非没有翻船的可能。 In the heart so the train of thought that the Lin Xiao figure flashes vanishes does not see. 心中如此思绪,林霄身形一闪消失不见。 In Good Fortune Cube, the anti- Aurar's crazy rotation back and forth in the magic cube space, discussing that such as nervous non-stop: 造化魔方内,耐奥拉在魔方空间内疯狂的来回转动,如神经质般不停的念道: This is impossible, why I have not seen the danger, why hasn't the strength of time told me the danger?” “这不可能,为什么我没有看到危险,为什么光阴之力没有告诉我危险?” That old sound in his body resounds again: 在他身体内那苍老的声音再次响起: Fact showed, you are unable to see through all! It is not able to break the destiny that is destined!” “事实证明,你无法看穿一切!也无法打破命中注定的命运!” Shaking the head that anti- Aurar non-stop: 耐奥拉不停的摇头: This is impossible, I do not believe.” “这不可能,我不信。” The old sound said again: 苍老的声音再次说道: I saw our destiny ends in this, you can also see.” “我看到了我们的命运在此终结,你也能看到。” Anti- Aurar was silent, but after little he crazier crazy turning circle in Good Fortune Cube, frantic roaring: 耐奥拉沉默了,但在少许后他更加疯狂的在造化魔方内疯狂的转圈,疯狂的咆哮: I do not believe the destiny, if there is a so- called destiny, I will break the destiny personally, such as once such ..... “我不相信命运,如果有所谓的命运,我将亲手打破命运,就如曾经那样.....” The old sound does not have the probe to persuade, but said one lightly: 苍老的声音没有试探劝说,只是淡淡的说了一句: Then waits!” “那么拭目以待!” The sound is slowly quiet, vanishes silent. 声音缓缓沉寂,消失无声。 But at this time, the Lin Xiao will arrives quietly, looks like crazy anti- Aurar, he somewhat impatient start Good Fortune Cube, invisible no qualitative fortune's energy arrives continuously slowly in this space, in the situation that in anti- Aurar is unable to detect infiltrates to his within the body. 而此时,林霄的意志悄无声息降临,看着如同疯狂的耐奥拉,他有些迫不及待的启动造化魔方,一缕缕无形无质的造化能量缓缓降临在这片空间,在耐奥拉无法察觉的情况下渗透至他体内。 However fortune's energy just touches anti- Aurar to shake suddenly looks up the day, said loudly: 然而造化能量甫一触及耐奥拉突然一震抬头望天,大声说道: Lets off me, I give you time the strength.” “放过我,我给予你光阴的力量。” Lin Xiao shakes the head: 林霄摇头: Killing you is also my.” “杀了你也是我的。” Without my agreement, you are unable to inherit the strength of time!” “没有我的同意,你无法继承光阴之力!” Not necessarily!” “未必!”
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