DBM :: Volume #34

#3304: Trainers

An interview ended. 一场面试结束。 The behind several people refuse to accept the Chen Zhao determination result. 后面还是有好几个人不服陈曌的判定结果。 Naturally unavoidably a fight. 当然免不了一场战斗。 Finally completed the interview. 终于完成了面试。 Naturally, in 50 people elects 30 regulars. 当然了,五十个人里选三十个正式队员。 The passing probability is very high. 通过几率还是挺高的。 Made a mistake, should be 29, before Chen Zhao also kept a substitute. 错了,应该是二十九个,之前陈曌还留了一个替补。 Chen Zhao signed the contract to them later. 陈曌随后就给他们签了合同。 This contract except for is legally binding, has the magic binding force. 这合同除了具有法律效力,同时也具有着魔法的约束力。 Since is serious, then naturally must walk according to the regular flow. 既然是玩真的,那么自然也要按正规流程走。 Then processes the matters concerned of four arena locations. 接下来就是处理四个赛场场地的事宜。 Chen Zhao looked for Wood. Skjod. 陈曌是找了费伍德.斯科。 Is the old acquaintances, moreover is the big project. 都是老熟人,而且又是大工程。 And Wood. Skjod's some construction quality also guarantees. 而且费伍德.斯科的施工质量也有的保证。 Wood. Skjod naturally gave a friendship price. 费伍德.斯科自然是给了一个友情价。 Saved several million US dollars actually. 倒是省了几千万美元。 These several million US dollars regarding the overall investment said that were many says much little. 这几千万美元对于整体的投资说多不多说少也不少。 Heard that this project is the project of supernatural wrestle league tournament. 听说这个工程是灵异格斗联赛的工程。 Also heard that Chen Zhao is the major stockholder, Wood. Skjod also wants to invest some money. 又听说陈曌是大股东,费伍德.斯科也想投资一些钱。 Chen Zhao gives his little share, after all Wood. Skjod is an outsider, no personal connection and influence. 陈曌给他一点点的份额,毕竟费伍德.斯科是圈外人,又没有什么人脉和影响力。 Can give him 1 share to be many. 能给他一的份额都已经非常多了。 ...... …… Chen, you noticed that I to the documentary film reception report form that you did send?” ,你看到我给你发的纪录片收视报表了吗?” Also no, that thing I cannot understand.” “还没有,那玩意我也看不懂。” At present has broadcast four volumes, the second quarter maximum viewing ratio has achieved the first quarter highest reception, the average viewing ratio has also surpassed last year average level.” “目前已经播放了四集,第二季的最高收视率已经达到第一季的最高收视了,平均收视率也已经超过去年的平均水平。” Broadcasts four volumes, now discussed the average viewing ratio also too early.” “才播放四集,现在谈平均收视率也太早了吧。” No, now has not arrived at the high tide part, has achieved the first quarter apex, explained that the audience crowd is increasing, this is a good sign.” “不,现在都还没到高潮部分,就已经达到第一季的顶点,说明受众人群正在增加,这是个好兆头。” Then the income of this documentary film how?” “那么这部纪录片的收入怎么样?” Was higher than one time the first quarter, what a pity this documentary film I have not invested money.” “比第一季高了一倍,可惜这部纪录片我没投钱。” Initially Chen Zhao has given the opportunity of Steven investment. 当初陈曌是给过史蒂文投资的机会。 Steven have not wanted. 史蒂文自己没要。 This time he helps purely. 这次他是纯粹的帮忙。 The similar reward, invited the person who he photographed, can arrange from Los Angeles to San Francisco. 同样的报酬,邀请他拍摄的人,能从洛杉矶排到旧金山 Present Steven is the successful synonym. 现在的史蒂文已经是成功的代名词。 Pats what fire anything, pats anything to gain anything. 拍什么火什么,拍什么赚什么。 The past documentary film was almost in arrears. 过去的纪录片几乎都是亏钱。 But Steven actually opened a brand-new documentary film era. 可是史蒂文却开启了一个全新的纪录片纪元。 Naturally, said that is he opens is a little also exaggerating. 当然了,说是他开启的也有点言过其实。 He caught up with the dividend of spiritual influence tide. 他不过是赶上了灵气潮汐的红利。 The beneficial conditions of timeliness , favorable geographical conditions , and unity and coordination of the people all made him catch up. 天时地利人和全让他赶上了。 Chen Zhao matter processing was similar. 陈曌将事情处理的差不多了。 Arrives at the backyard, looks at that black egg. 来到后院,看着那颗黑蛋。 The black egg still floats there, does not have any change. 黑蛋依然漂浮在那里,没有任何的变化。 Several Chen Zhao a little cannot bear, wants to beat open to have a look at inside situation. 好几次陈曌都有点忍不住,想要敲开看看里面的情况。 But Chen Zhao bore finally impulsive. 可是最终陈曌还是忍住了冲动。 If this is not good, the son died. 这要是一个不好,儿子就夭折了。 Chen Zhao puts out a hand to touch the egg shell time. 陈曌伸手触摸蛋壳的时候。 Can feel inside pulse vaguely. 依稀能够感受到里面的脉搏。 Although very weak. 虽然非常非常的微弱。 But that feeling actually exists. 可是那种感觉却是真实存在的。 Even Berial was not clear when she and Chen Zhao child can be born truly. 就算是贝利尔也不清楚她和陈曌的孩子什么时候能够真正的出生。 Perhaps is one year, perhaps is ten days, may be dozens years or several hundred years. 也许是一年,也许是十天,也有可能是几十年或者几百年。 ...... …… Three months later- 三个月后- Starting today, you need to start to train, from the first league tournament season starting from, already less than three months.” Chen Zhao looks at present these team members. “从今天开始,你们就需要开始训练,距离第一个联赛赛季开始,已经不到三个月的时间了。”陈曌看着眼前这些队员。 What is oldest is the solanum lyratum splits Shiro, 48 years old, youngest is only 21 years old, a North America local person. 年龄最大的是白英绽四郎,四十八岁,年纪最小的则只有二十一岁,一个北美本土人。 How many do you currently have to understand to your strength localization?” “你们现在对自己的实力定位有多少了解?” Coach, I want to know, what level my strength in the league tournament is?” The solanum lyratum splits Shiro to ask. “教练,我想知道,我的实力在联赛之中算什么层次?”白英绽四郎问道。 Your magic power and combat strength are not the apex, no matter entire supernatural in league tournament.” Chen Zhao reply truthfully: Although your magic power and combat strength in our team are strongest, but I know, in several teams has the team member to exceed 90,000 five magic power values, but your magic power value only arrives at 85,000, the next your technique -type competitiveness is not very splendid, you only have two years of career now, if leaves again accidentally/surprisingly, possibly also plays a season, therefore your present localization is the military strategist.” “你的魔力战力都算不上顶尖,不管是在联赛内还是整个灵异界。”陈曌如实的回答道:“虽然你的魔力战力在我们队伍里算是最强的,可是就我所知道的,有好几个队伍里都有队员超过九万五魔力值,而你的魔力值只到达八万五,其次你的术式的竞争力也不算很出色,你现在只剩下两年的职业生涯,如果再出一点意外,可能也就打一个赛季,所以你现在的定位就是现场军师。” Chen Zhao said: What you are most outstanding is the overall perception, therefore I hope that you can play the effect of team leader in the first season, as for others, currently also needs to look at you to train the achievement, can decide your final tactical positions.” 陈曌说道:“你最出色的还是大局观,所以我希望你能在第一个赛季起到领队的效果,至于其他人,目前还需要看你们训练成果,才能决定你们的最终战术位置。” Chen Zhao, said: I found ten people to hit to you, these ten person weakest, the magic power value achieved 100,000, naturally, they will not resist with you full power, I conduct the personnel to choose now.” 陈曌顿了顿,又道:“我给你们找了十个人打一场,这十个人最弱的一个,魔力值都达到十万,当然了,他们不会全力与你们对抗,我现在进行人员选择。” The people were in an uproar, Chen Zhao looked for ten magic power values unexpectedly and they sparring partner over 100,000 people. 众人都是一阵哗然,陈曌居然找了十个魔力值都在十万以上的人与他们陪练。 Is other teams? 难道是其他队伍的吗? However waits for them to see Supernatural Association these people time. 不过等他们见到超自然协会这些人的时候。 All reveals the color of surprise. 全都露出诧异之色。 Because the age of this group of people is quite small. 因为这群人的年纪都相当的小。 Oldest also on Gaia, looks at the 30-year-old appearance. 年纪最大的也就盖亚,看着有30多岁的样子。 But other youngest possibly on the 18~19 year. 而其他的年纪最小的可能就十八九岁。 The strength of this group of people really had Chen Zhao to say was so strong? 这群人的实力真的有陈曌说的那么强? Gaia, you are responsible for leading, is the visiting team, first enters the stadium to arrange, my team will enter the stadium in one hour.” 盖亚,你负责带队吧,那么是客队,就先入场进行布置,我的队伍会在一小时内入场。” Does not use, I felt that a little bullies the person.” Gaia said. “还是不用了吧,我感觉有点欺负人。”盖亚说道。 His eyes can look at present the strengths of these people. 他一眼就能看的出眼前这些人的实力。 Several magic power ranks have actually. 有几个魔力级别倒是有。 The level was a little but barely satisfactory. 可是水平就有点差强人意了。 Does not use, according to the custom comes.” Chen Zhao said. “不用,按照规矩来。”陈曌说道。 That line, we first entered the stadium.” “那行吧,我们先入场了。” After waiting for the Gaia belt/bring person first to enter the stadium, Chen Zhao then opened the mouth. 盖亚带人先入场了之后,陈曌这才开口。 Do not look at them to be young, in them youngest, your team adds together not necessarily is her opponent, as for that female tyrannosaurus...... she is the dragon clan descendant, naturally, this competed with her unable the incarnation for the big dragon shape.” “你们不要看他们年轻,他们之中年纪最小的一个,你们全队加一起都不一定是她一个人的对手,至于那个女暴龙……她是龙族后裔,当然了,这场比试她不会化身为巨龙形态。” The people somewhat are speechless, felt that this fight is hopeless. 众人都有些无语,感觉这场战斗毫无希望。 Their fight experiences are also rich, everyone has experienced dozens over a hundred fights, everyone at least has the enemy who twice above resists the disaster level alone, repeatedly facing the experience of disaster level enemy, it can be said that they, no matter the strength or the actual combat experience, the comprehensive steamroll you, are the team coordinate, among them also cooperates to carry out assignment frequently, therefore you are also well below them in coordinate.” “他们的战斗经验也非常丰富,每个人都经历过数十上百次的战斗,每个人至少都有两次以上单独对抗灾祸级的敌人,多次面对灾难级敌人的经验,可以这么说,他们不管是实力还是实战经验,都全面碾压你们,还有就是团队配合,他们之间也经常合作执行任务,所以你们在配合方面也远远不如他们。” Coach, do we have the hope of winning?” “教练,那我们还有赢的希望吗?” Having, is very uncertain.” “有,很渺茫。” „Who are they?” “他们是什么人啊?” I had not heard that North America has such a group.” “我都没听说北美有这样一个团体。” Let alone these off topic, we did not have the advantage, I was at least familiar with their individual characteristics, but they had no message source to you, this was also your advantages.” “别说这些题外话了,我们也不是全无优势,至少我对他们的个人特点了如指掌,而他们对你们没有任何情报来源,这也是你们的优势。”
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