SR :: Volume #24

#2337: Complementary waves 【Is all friends】

This startled changes, stirred the controversy in the 33rd Heaven numerous immortals, what is incredible, merely is a being prohibited ceremony, how to turn into losing of immortal life! 这场惊变,在大赤天众仙中引起了喧然大波,令人难以置信的是,仅仅是一场受戒的仪式,怎么就变成了一条仙人生命的失去! Does that is worth? 这么做,到底值不值得? Really regards the freedom for the foundation of life? After practicing in the course of time, after the family member same side loses being deliberately bad? 是真的视自由为生命之本?还是修行日久后对亲人同门失去后的自暴自弃? If such frail energetic will, why also to obtain the favor of first Heavenly Dao virtue? Without first coordination of Heavenly Dao virtue, how he can achieve to kidnap moral Lower World, this merely does not depend on the life to achieve! 如果是这样脆弱的精神意志,又凭什么得到先天道德的青睐?没有先天道德的配合,他又如何能做到拐带道德下界,这可不是仅仅靠生命就能做到的! Was sword cultivator turns the morals? Moral seduction sword cultivator? 剑修拐走了道德?还是道德诱惑的剑修 At this moment, who can understand truly they do think to think? Will certainly become from the paradise forming on this day, biggest dangerous fan! 此时此刻,谁又能真正明白他们所思所想?必将成为自仙界成形这一日起,最大的悬迷! Moral Lower World sprinkles the world, the past of theoretically saying, is the big chest- bosom, big mercy, Great Dao virtue! 道德下界播洒人间,理论上说的过去,是大胸-怀,大慈悲,大道德! The issue is, this made a bad start, the similar truth, should five phases return to the nature? Yin-Yang? Destiny? Other innate Great Dao? 问题是,这开了一个坏头,同样的道理,五行应不应该回归自然?阴阳呢?命运呢?其他所有的先天大道呢? 36 innate Great Dao lacked one fabricated, pestle serves as a stopgap in that now is short of one, sets up don't Xu not to have again? 三十六个先天大道本就缺一个,杵个莫须有在那充数,现在又少了一个,难道再立个莫须无? People state of mind uncertain, there is a great sound to hand down, although does not know that which Golden Immortal that is, but can achieve this point, certainly is on 35th Heaven existence of innate Dao Lord! 众人正神思不定中,有宏大声音传下,虽然并不知道那到底是哪名金仙,但能做到这一点的,就一定是清微天上先天道主的存在! Morals to the world, is the big merit, big will, big great aspirations! “道德化向人间,是大功德,大毅力,大宏愿! Is moral Dao Lord optional Great Dao, the paradise tradition, cannot block! 是道德道主自选的大道,仙界传统,不可拦! But a little, the lord of morals, although incarnation morals Great Dao, has censured every, but this insistence truth, did not injure a person of approach can still be considered as our generation model. 但有一点,道德之主虽已化身道德大道,自贬凡界,但这种坚持真理,不伤一人的做法仍然可视为我辈楷模。 Here reiterated that its back dao lineage, domain, when was not involved, thinks that my paradise encourages the tradition of innovation! 在此重申,其背后的道统,界域,当不受牵连,以为我仙界鼓励创新之传统! In addition, ghost sleeping star Monarch where? ” 另,鬼宿星君何在?” The ghost sleeping immortal is trembling, he is not clear, do these Human Immortal real immortals here, why select his name? What hasn't he made? Difficult to be inadequate reason that because has ganging up with that lunatic? 鬼宿仙人战战兢兢,他就不明白了,这么些人仙真仙在这里,为什么就偏偏点他一人之名?他也没做过什么啊?难不成因为和那疯子有勾搭的原因? Can't? He wants to gang up, isn't this has not started with enough time? 不能吧?他是想勾搭来着,这不是还没来得及下手么? The great sound dignified sound, „a Heavenly Fox clan, subjects to a penalty the expiration, its Lower World, you arrange!” 宏大声音威严的声音,“天狐一族,受罚期满,准其下界,你去安排吧!” The ghosts sleep, if has become aware, he knows certainly that lunatic and relations of Heavenly Fox clan are not ordinary! Represented anything, is very thought-provoking! At least, this lunatic is not lonely on 35th Heaven! 鬼宿若有所悟,他当然知道那疯子和天狐一族的关系不一般!这其中代表了什么,很耐人寻味!最起码,这疯子在清微天上并不孤单! The broad law day reveres as the spokesman in real immortal, asked their these Lower World immortal common questions, 广法天尊作为真仙中的代表者,问出了他们这些下界仙人共同的疑问, Exalted Immortal appearance/allow report/give, 36 innate Great Dao have lacked secondly now, this is the number of days, what I and others do not dare to doubt, but my Taoism should the series of morals, how from the place?” “上仙容禀,三十六先天大道现在已缺其二,这是天数,我等也不敢置疑什么,但我道家的道德之统,该如何自处?” That great sound snort/hum, „ the Heavenly Dao virtue, hadn't your Taoism first stressed the morals? The eastern division does not have the toilet paper, you do not scratch fart- stock? 那宏大声音哼了一声,“没有先天道德,你道家就不讲道德了么?东司没有厕纸,你就不擦屁-股了? Moral Lower World, common people, later under the edict, regardless of the Taoism Buddhism collateral branch, the strengthening that the morals must double! Close in practicing of Lower World cultivator! 道德下界,德布苍生,稍后还有谕下,无论道家佛门旁支,道德更要加倍的强化!更贴近于下界修士的修行! As for the innate Great Dao defect that you said that where defect? 至于你说的先天大道缺失,哪里缺失了? The day stops up its, must open its window! Has a look day to select the mainland, you knew! ” 天堵其门,必开其窗!看看天择大陆,你们就知道了!” The numerous immortal remote sensing day selects the mainland, in the about ten thousand tablets, some special change on such as the bald person head flea, that is obvious! 众仙遥感天择大陆,其近万道碑中,某个特别的变化就如秃子头上的跳蚤,那是明摆着的! Many people transferred the thoughts, on 35th Heaven other innate Dao Lord looked on that moral Great Dao every entered, this they can definitely understand, because moral Great Dao was extremely special, had guidance criticism main function to other Great Dao, if some really people gathered the say/way, and is willing to boil, cooked down the woman until the wife, then in the future is ready in proper 36 innate Great Dao the say/way of matter, finally one step, became the say/way of Overarching Golden Immortal also definitely to anticipate upward! 不少人就转开了心思,清微天上其他先天道主坐视道德大道化凡入界,这他们完全能理解,因为道德大道太过特殊,对其他每一个大道都有指导性的批评作用,如果真有人合了道,并愿意就这么一直熬下去,直到媳妇熬成婆,那么未来就是妥妥的三十六先天大道中的话事之道,最后再往上一步,成为大罗金仙之道也完全可以预期! Since person of this fuse with the Dao go crazy, who can stop him? Looks forward to push his , helping his regulation, therefore under complying some conditions, so long as is not too excessive, what also there are difficultly? 所以既然这合道之人自己发疯,谁又会来阻拦他?都巴不得推他一把,帮他一程,所以答应下一些条件,只要不是太过份,又有什么难的? Therefore looks like protects its every dao lineage, putting a Heavenly Fox clan is free, compared with next several million years of Overarching Golden Immortal morals lords, is really being light cannot be light! 所以像保护其凡界道统,放天狐一族自由,在和一个未来数百万年的大罗金仙道德主相比,实在是轻的不能再轻了! But looking back now, isn't matter so simple? 但现在看来,事情并没有这么简单? Does Sword Dao replace moral Great Dao? Is loses is? Is good is bad? Clarity that who can say truly? 剑道代替道德大道?是失是得?是好是坏?谁又能真正说的清楚? Sword Dao is the day after tomorrow, does not enter innate, this is the common sense, how can violate?” 剑道乃后天,不入先天,这是常理,如何能够违背?” Some immortals doubted. 有仙人置疑。 Nearby real immortal sighed, „ this Sword Dao is not the other Sword Dao, had left the category of sword! 旁边一位真仙就叹了口气,“此剑道非彼剑道,早已脱出了剑的范畴! It represented a spirit! An obstinance! A resistance! 它代表了一种精神!一种不屈!一种抗争! Also because of this spirit, universe since Chaos, the nature or the life, can develop so the situation Cultivation World! 也正是因为这种精神,宇宙自混沌以来,无论是自然还是生灵,才能把修真世界发展到如此地步! Therefore, understood that it a day line is healthy, when the myriad things ten thousand spirits strive constantly for self-improvement, pursues the free spiritual also no reason why not! 所以,把它理解成一种天行健,万物万灵当自强不息,追求自由的精神也未尝不可! Oh, eventful time, this Cultivation World, this Immortal Court, feared before cannot such as, like that calm and steady development! 唉,多事之秋,这修真界,这仙庭,怕是再也不能如之前那般安安稳稳的发展下去了! , Must mix the wind and cloud well, this lunatic is stirs the excrement! ” 好好的,非要搅动风云,这疯子就是个搅屎的!” , Ghost night/lodge mumbled by far: „ Has such on big? By me the understanding of that lunatic, this is the field out-and-out leopard cat changes the crown prince, changes Duke with the smuggled goods! 远远的,鬼宿嘟囔道:“有这么高大上么?以我对那疯子的了解,这就是场不折不扣的的狸猫换太子,就是拿私货换公器! Empty profound does not raise, only looks at the reality, he trades the most repugnant morals! Then exchanged own Sword Dao! 虚的玄的不提,只看实的,他就是把最讨厌的道德换下去!然后换上了自己的剑道 You dare saying that he doesn't have this goal? ” 你敢说他没这目的?” Nearby immortal covered his mouth, ancestor, can't you little complain two? 35th Heaven sparring on between innate Great Dao, do you also dare to mix? Doesn't want to live well?” 旁边一名仙人一把捂住了他的嘴,“祖宗,你就不能少抱怨两句?清微天上的先天大道之间的斗法,你也敢掺合?不想好好过日子了?” A pedant real immortal thought aloud there,holds to read? Why doesn't have to see to hold to read? Like this good-fitting said that has to inevitably intensely extremely to holds to read exists likely happened! 一名学究型真仙在那里自言自语,“执念呢?为什么没看到执念?这样的合身化道,其中必然有强烈到极至的执念存在才可能发生! Is equivalent reverse process that fuse with the Dao becomes an immortal! But his life incarnation entered the world of mortals for the morals, but his holds to read? 相当于合道成仙的反向过程!可他生命化身为道德入了凡间,可他的执念呢? I have not felt! ” 我没有感觉到!” .................. ……………… The day selects the mainland, in the Sword Dao tablet. 天择大陆,剑道碑内。 Zhong Lou has tears streaming down the face, he felt, that pain from innermost feelings extremely deep place...... 重楼泪流满面,他感觉到了,那股来自内心极深处的痛…… Drilled two things from his side, 从他的身边钻出来了两个东西, A'Jiu grins, wails, eldest child did not want us......” 阿九一咧嘴,嚎啕大哭,“老大不要我们了……” Six Eyes actually wants to be stronger, is hammering A'Jiu, eldest child also, but in other way......” 六眼却要坚强些,锤着身边的阿九,“老大还在,只不过以另外的方式……” Zhong Lou understands finally why the Senior Brother transmits them to oneself reason, before the card immortal, he realized anything, has not actually thought that is in this manner! 重楼总算是明白了师兄为什么把它们转交給自己的原因,在证仙前,他就意识到了什么,却没想到是以这种方式! I! Xuanyuan!” “还有我!还有轩辕!” Zhong Lou ruthlessly divided a sword, the crow elder brother walked, he felt oneself responsibility truly! 重楼狠狠的劈出一剑,鸦哥走了,他才真正感受到了自己身上的责任! At this moment, he found oneself evil thought that wields a sword...... 这一刻,他才找到了自己的恶念,挥剑…… .................. ……………… reckless Xuedao confessed that the Gate Sect matters concerned, the floating body walks, 胡学道交代完门派事宜,飘身就走, Is persuading of hardship numerous True Monarch, Senior Brother, the boundary divides two, why to want rigid?” 身后是一众真君的苦苦相劝,“师兄,境分两条,何必要执着一路呢?” reckless Xuedao shows a faint smile, does not set at a refined language. 胡学道微微一笑,不置一辞。 He had stayed 3,000 years in the Vibrant Spirit boundary, is Xuanyuan present age most outstanding Inner Sword Cultivator, stepping into Waning Realm is not to him difficult, but he has not actually thought! 他在阳神境界已经停留了三千年,是轩辕当代最杰出的内剑修,踏入衰境对他来说并不难,可他却从来没有这么想过! Even if leaves his time now also two, 300 years. 哪怕现在留給他的时间也不过二,三百年而已。 His road one, that is the dream of his in childhood! 他的路只有一条,那是他幼时的梦想! Now, he knows that the opportunity came, this is his guide with the road that the life directs! 现在,他知道机会来了,这是他的引路人用生命指引的路! He will not disappoint him! 他绝不会让他失望! Cannot! 绝不会!
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