SR :: Volume #24

#2336: Paradise 3 【Is all hegemons】

The consciousness of Li Ji arrived at 35th Heaven through the involvement, there, his own Dao virtue Great Dao under touching of other innate Great Dao in the unceasing growth, each innate Great Dao is very polite, is very friendly, looking like many years of non- insight firm friend is the same! 李绩的意识通过勾连来到了清微天,在那里,他自己的道大道在其他先天大道的碰触下在不断的成长,每个先天大道都很客气,很友善,就像是多年不见地牢朋友一样! But he knows, this is only the representation! 但他知道,这只是表象罢了! Because knows that his big probability will agree with that convention, therefore everyone so friendly ; If he revealed the attitude of not submitting, here other more than 30 innate Great Dao will reveal the fang immediately, really by that time, his gathers Great Dao Dao Lord initially, how also to resist so many to develop several hundred more than ten million years of Great Dao? 因为知道他大概率会同意那份公约,所以大家才会如此的友善;如果他表露出不屈服的态度,这里的其他三十余道先天大道立刻就会露出獠牙,真到那时,他一个初合大道道主,又怎么对抗这么多发展了数百上千万年的大道 Really instead has the paradise, how many but can also on innate borrow strength from the 35th Heaven morals? Who knows? 真的反出仙界,还能从清微天的道德先天上借力多少?谁知道? Xuanyuan what to do? What to do once received to these friends? 轩辕怎么办?对那些朋友曾经的承喏怎么办? He is not the true loner, because he also worries! 他并不是真正的孤家寡人,因为他还有牵挂! He is the true loner, because somewhat worries has gone far away! 他又是真正的孤家寡人,因为有些牵挂已经远去! The tofu, should have own freedom, oneself samsara, he could not see her again, that New Moon blessed land rude and unreasonable founder milk- milk! 豆腐,应该有自己的自由,自己的轮回,他再也见不到她了,那个新月福地泼辣的祖师奶-奶! An Ran, similarly so! When he becomes the flash of fuse with the Dao immortal, he understands when so-called Kong Xiang can be a how unfounded matter! 安然,同样如此!当他成为合道仙人的一刹那,他就明白了所谓的时空相会是件多么无稽的事! dragon clan the Space-Time concept also has the flaw, especially is involving human to pass through past tense! 龙族的时空观念同样有缺陷,尤其在涉及人类穿越回过去时! When An Ran returned to another Space-Time, means that her past and present had the superposition! Also means that she cannot construct oneself past! This point, when she steps into the Half Immortal level to start oneself Past, Present and Future construction understands! 安然回到了过去的另一个时空,也就意味着她的过去和现在发生了重合!也就意味着她再也不能构筑自己的过去!这一点,当她踏入半仙层次开始着手自己的过去现在未来构建时就会明白! This is the appointment that is doomed unable to realize! 这是一个注定无法实现的约会! Du Hai, Da Xiang, Chen Yuan, Que Yue, Gui Qin, 6554, Han Fang, Chong Xuan, Bu Lian, Da Xi, Hei Yang...... did not have, many he is not willing to remember sometimes, because remembered, was the pain! 渡海不在了,大象不在了,尘缘不在了,缺月,鬼琴,六五五四,寒方,冲玄,步莲,大希,黑羊……还有很多,多的他有时都不愿意去想起,因为一想起,就是痛! He is not grumble person in the sentiment, in bystander opinion, callous indifferent is his symbol, but in this world also where has the truly brutal person? Is indifferent of performance, more is unable to dispel boredom in the heart a that deep sadness! 他不是个在感情上磨磨叽叽的人,在外人看来,冷酷无所谓就是他的标志,但这世上又哪有真正无情的人?越是表现的无所谓,越是无法排遣心中那一种深沉的哀伤! This is the only feeling that he becomes an immortal! 这就是他成仙的唯一感觉! Lonely, sorrowful, without family member friends' blessing, all these obviously that insipid! 寂寞,悲哀,没有亲人朋友们的祝福,这一切都显的那么的索然无味! Few also in worrying! 没有几个还在牵挂的了! He feared when which day, including a familiar person cannot remember, becomes on 35th Heaven that to be together regular! 他怕哪一天,连一个熟悉的人都想不起时,也就成为了清微天上那一道规则! Ice-cold brutal stone! Handles affairs by the instinct of rule! 冰冷无情的石头!靠规则的本能行事! Does such immortal, what significance have? 这样的长生,到底有什么意义? Golden Immortal on 35th Heaven, ran every...... 就连在清微天上的金仙们,都跑去了凡界…… When he enters Cultivation World initially, he has been warning oneself, do not build a stone! 自他初入修真界时起,他一直在告诫自己的,就是不要修成一块石头! Therefore he drinks to eat the meat, smoking collects folk songs, he uses the most vulgar language, writes along with the story of nature! 所以他喝酒吃肉,吸烟采风,他用最粗俗的语言,写最随性的故事! He fears the day, finally feared that anything comes anything, finally he will decide do oneself turn into the stone! 他就怕有这一天,结果怕什么来什么,最终他还是会决定自己到底变不变成石头! Turns into the stone, fresh! Indulges itself, death! 变成石头,生!放纵自己,死! His eye changes is getting more and more bright, courage that at least, he currently also has! 他的眼睛变的越来越亮,最起码,他现在还有死的勇气! He does not want to wait till even this courage no time! 他不想等到连这一丝勇气都没有的时候! ...... I called Li Ji, Dao Name Han Ya, old Wei Guoguang! ……我叫李绩,道号寒鸦,旧名魏国光 I have the right of drinking! Has the right of making mistakes! Has the right of murder! I do not turn into a stone, even if the stone of immortal! 我有喝酒的权利!有犯错的权利!有杀人的权利!我不要变成一块石头,哪怕是块长生的石头! Practices in 8000, dies certainly also the flash! This is not a hasty decision! In fact, when family member friend going far away, he did not have the beforehand dependence to this society again! 修行八千年,绝死也不过一瞬间!这不是个仓促的决定!事实上,当亲人朋友一个个的远去时,对这人世间他就再也没了之前的依恋! Such mood had accumulated for several thousand years, just to prove oneself, he is not willing to face this mood! 这样的情绪已经积累了数千年,只不过为了证明自己,他一直不愿面对这份情绪! Now, when he achieves all that others had not achieved, when settles down, after the goal is realized, leaves his, is only left over the sense of being lost and lonely that is unable to express one's feelings! 现在,当他做到了其他人都没做到的一切,当尘埃落定,目标实现后,留給他的,就只剩下那一丝无法遣怀的失落感! It is not able to suppress, is flooding his heart! 无法压制,充斥着他的心胸! He is not Sword Immortal, he is only Swordsman, this is he proudest name card! 他不是剑仙,他只是个剑徒,这是他最骄傲的名片! Do 1 million years live in distress the paradise? What with dying to distinguish? The death, at least also means to be able the reincarnation! 百万年困居仙界?和死有什么区别?死亡,至少还意味着可以转生! He had a clear(ly) to become aware, perhaps his decision will have a marvelous matter, his held to read! 他有一丝明悟,也许他的决定还会发生点奇妙的事,他的执念! His imposing manner in condensation slowly, on the moral strength with 35th Heaven produced the resonance, and is getting stronger and stronger! 他的气势在慢慢的凝聚,和清微天上的道德力量产生了共鸣,并越来越强! Once thousands of years moral strengths erupt, even together with locating 35th Heaven other more than 30 innate Great Dao is unable to prevent! 千万年的道德力量一旦爆发,甚至连同处清微天的其他三十余道先天大道都无法阻挡! 33rd Heaven, 34th Heaven, 35th Heaven, 36th Heaven, Four Sacred Heavens simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform is shocked! 大赤天,禹余天,清微天,大罗天,四圣之天齐齐震动! Main World, cultivator of all enough levels suddenly discovered that the boundary of Great Dao presented short confused, the error, as if universe all Great Dao rules vanish suddenly do not see! 主世界,所有够层次的修士突然发现大道之境出现了短暂的迷乱,错失,仿佛宇宙所有的大道规则都突然消失不见似的! In the paradise, the Human Immortal real immortal looks that this crazy sword lunatic is continuing his no rational action, under his imposing manner sweeps across, under the moral ultimate trial, how many in the immortal on the scene can live? 仙界上,人仙真仙看着这个疯狂的剑疯子在继续他毫无理性的举动,他这股气势席卷之下,道德终极审判之下,在场仙人中到底能活几个? But they still did not draw back! Because they think that oneself are correct! More than 30 Great Dao on 35th Heaven, they have not drawn back similarly! 但他们仍然不退!因为他们认为自己是正确的!在清微天上还有三十余道大道,它们同样也不退! The struggle of Great Dao, where has the escape route! 大道之争,哪有退路! „ The manner of person, flesh and blood! I do not want to make a stone! “人之为人,血肉之躯!我不想做块石头! In the past does not think, now does not think! ” 过去不想,现在也不想!” rays of sword light rises up suddenly, in this about rays of sword light , the Human Immortal real immortals can feel in the heart the deep powerless feeling! The flying sword cuts, no one has grasped itself to be able under first Heavenly Dao virtue sword to survive! 道剑光勃然而起,在这道合道剑光下,人仙真仙们能感觉到心中深深的无力感!飞剑斩下,谁也没把握自己能在先天道德剑下生存! Their insistences will take the life as the price! 他们的坚持将以生命为代价! Overwhelming majority immortals, transporting causes the strength of own fuse with the Dao silently, even if the praying mantis arm, when car(riage), must keep off, if blocked? If by some chance, waited by 35th Heaven the support of other innate Dao Lord Golden Immortal? 绝大部分仙人,都默默运使自己的合道之力,哪怕是螳臂当车,也要挡一挡,万一就挡住了呢?万一,就等到了清微天上其他先天道主金仙的支援了呢? But on 35th Heaven does not have innate Great Dao to make any stop, or the action of help, they are also the people who only the one by one group understands this sword lunatic action truly! 清微天上却没有一个先天大道做出任何阻拦,或者帮助的举动,他们也是唯一一群真正明白这个剑疯子举动的人! Oh, is eternal and instantaneous, why bother......” “唉,永恒和瞬间,何苦……” A destiny Dao Lord sigh, has similar mood innate Dao Lord also to have with him, in the collisions of 35 innate Great Dao, they have just now understood this sword cultivator intention, based on various reasons, they adopted most immortality cultivation approach- Allow nature to take its course! 命运道主一声叹息,和他有同样心情的先天道主还有很多,在方才三十五道先天大道的碰撞中,他们已经明白了这个剑修的心意,基于各种原因,他们采取了最修仙的做法--顺其自然! The sword light has not cut to the 33rd Heaven numerous immortals, this absolutely does not have the significance! 剑光并没有斩向大赤天众仙,这完全没有意义! The sword light upward, has broken through 33rd Heaven, breaks through 34th Heaven again, finally arrived at 35th Heaven, the Golden Immortal Overarching Golden Immortal domain, although does not have the immortal, has with they not different 33 innate Great Dao! 剑光一直往上,冲破大赤天,再突破禹余天,最后来到了清微天,金仙大罗金仙们的地盘,虽然没有仙人,却有和他们无异的三十三道先天大道 As if was a channel, the sword light and that group of moral innate strengths of galloping hits in one, mutual Harmonization, mutual understanding, 仿佛是一个通道,奔腾的剑光和那团道德先天力量撞在了一起,互相融合,互相理解, Then such as the galloping river, releases under! 然后如奔腾的大河,一泄而下! A firm sound, „ morals, should not from! The morals, should spread to sprinkle in the world of mortals floor! 一个坚定的声音,“道德,不应自上而出!道德,应该铺洒在凡间底层! It should be the day after tomorrow, rather than innate 它就应该是后天,而不是先天” Is dispersed , is to save thousands of years the moral strengths! 渲泄而下的,是积蓄千万年的道德力量! This strength runs out of 35th Heaven innate Great Dao warm- bed, no lingering! Under the direction of sword light, defeats 34th Heaven again, 33rd Heaven! 这股力量冲出清微天先天大道的温-床,没有一丝的留连!在剑光的指引下,再击破禹余天,大赤天 Breaks through paradise Heavenly Court, scatters in all directions, goes to the boundless Main World universe spread! 冲破仙界天庭,四散而出,向无垠的主世界宇宙播撒而去! On 33rd Heaven, does not have that Swordsman form, inspires innate Great Dao to descend to earth, making moral Great Dao in 36 innate Great Dao remove forever, such action must have the heavy price! 大赤天上,已经没有了那位剑徒的身影,引动先天大道下凡,让三十六先天大道中的道德大道永远除名,这样的举动必然要有沉重的代价! That is, life of fuse with the Dao! 那就是,合道者的生命! Only then fuse with the Dao changes fuse with the Dao with own life is said, can direct this boundless moral strength truly! 只有合道者用自己的生命变合道为化道,才能真正指引这股磅礴的道德力量! The morals, should not be the guidance of occupying a commanding position, should be the tips of the world of mortals. Not is only saving to star territory, should be ordinary cannot ordinary holds old milk- milk crosses the street. 道德,不应该是居高临下的教导,也应该是凡间的点点滴滴。不仅仅是对一星一域的拯救,也应该是普通的不能再普通的扶老奶-奶过马路。 The day selects the mainland, the moral Great Dao tablet crashes suddenly, leaves behind dozens face ignorant bi bare- swimming cultivator, does not know that had anything, why said without a trace that the tablet and moral strength can vanish. 天择大陆,道德大道碑骤然崩塌,留下数十名一脸懵赑的裸-泳修士,不知道发生了什么,为什么道碑和道德力量会消失的无影无踪。 But in willow sea, another say/way tablet is actually having the profound and remarkable change! 而在柳海之中,另一个道碑却在发生着深刻而显著的变化!
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