SR :: Volume #23

#2236: Withdrawal

Compared with fighting conducts in bored, just like cancelled the line to exterminate saying that Taoism did not make every effort to succeed, these original elders were eaten stubbornly by the monks, has to swallow the bitter fruit of failure. 比斗在无聊中进行,正如勾行戬所说,道家自己不争气,那些原来的长老被和尚们吃得死死的,不得不咽下失败的苦果。 Finally, Buddhists gain the victory that this country struggled by nine wins and six losses, entire compared with fighting the process is injured does not calculate, presented three deaths, a Buddhism person, Taoism two. 最终,佛门弟子以九胜六败取得了这次国争的胜利,整个比斗过程受伤不算,出现了三例死亡,佛门一人,道家两个。 The connection at the scene, is conducted on the moral tablet, when Buddhist priests again signature morals tablet, Li Ji can feel protection that disappearance of that mark, is defeated one time. 交接就在现场,在道德碑上进行,当僧人们重新印迹道德碑时,李绩能感觉得到身上那道印记的消失,一次失败的守护。 The elders lose face very much, therefore walks fast, they have the innumerable choices, goes to other country to stay, looks for a small country to work as the overlord, organizes the personal connection to save the strength to stage a comeback again. 长老们很丢面子,所以走的飞快,他们也有无数的选择,去其他国家栖身,找个小国当太上皇,或者,再组织人脉积蓄实力卷土重来。 Helpless the experts of several help also go, is a small not happy recollection in cultivate Dao course. 几个帮忙的好手也无奈而去,也不过是修道历程中的一次小小的不愉快回忆。 What does not only have is Li Ji, static keeps sky over the moral tablet, does not know that is thinking anything. 唯一没走的是李绩,静静的留在道德碑上空,也不知道在想什么。 Is the Buddhist priest of head visits him, knows that this is a very dangerous character, the rule that the country struggles decided a fuller Buddhism of preparation gained the final victory, but this does not represent him not to know this victory temporary, is frail. 为首的僧人看着他,知道这是个非常危险的人物,国争的规则决定了准备的更充分的佛门取得了最后的胜利,但这并不代表他就不知道这种胜利是暂时的,也是脆弱的。 This was the disorderly world, human found some order in this disorder, the premise was, everyone in reason, 这是个无序的世界,人类在这种无序中找到了某种有序,前提是,大家都在理智之中, Human has not been under a sane condition, Main World so, the day selects the mainland not to mention ; Chooses this relatively gentle competition way , because both sides each Half Immortal has the escape route, has the family/home, does not regard as the life a country city heavily. 人类不都是一直处于一种理智状态下的,主世界都是如此,更别提天择大陆;选择这种相对平和的争夺方式,是因为双方每一个半仙都有退路,都有下家,并不把一国一城视为生命之最重。 But always some lunatics do not depend on the common sense to play a card, does not follow the benefit to move, selects in the history of mainland in the day, this true no rule slaughters not in few, every had the profound impact one time, for catastrophe. 但总有些疯子不依常理出牌,不循利益而动,在天择大陆的历史中,这种真正的无规则杀戮也不在少,每一次都造成了深远的影响,是为浩劫。 Fellow Daoist lingers in this, but has instructed me? My Buddhism honors the good gate, crosses teaches a side, what question the fellow daoist has completely to say, the day selects the country struggle, not the tired future trouble, this is possibly different from your Main World?” “道友留连于此,可是有所见教?我佛门乃崇善之门,渡教一方,道友有什么疑问尽可说出来,天择国争,不累后患,这个可能与你主世界有所不同?” The senior monk is feared that he looks for the true, kills by stealth, Li Ji smiles, he may not have this time to be a vanishing state given name sells air/Qi with all one's strength, coming the day to select so many years, he was looks, here country like toy, but was the value added in Half Immortal eye, the true value lay in the Great Dao tablet, just like this. 老和尚是怕他找后账,打黑枪,李绩一笑,他可没这功夫为一个消失的国度名号而卖死力气,来天择这么多年,他算是看出来了,这里的国家就像玩具,不过是半仙们眼中的附加价值,真正的价值在于大道碑,如此而已。 Country struggle has crossed, I now am a guest who admires the morals. “国争已过,我现在不过是一个仰慕道德的客人。 But under the morals, cannot only say, does perfunctorily ; Recently the date and time, Jia state-owned extended epidemic, if originally did not have this country struggle, this poor Daoist also wants to make the share effort for this reason, but the matter got up hastily, the epidemic disease had the country to trade, I want to ask, after expensive/noble dao lineage controlled, regarding this can have what countermeasure? Allow nature to take its course, by runs its own course epidemic? ” 但道德之下,总不能只挂在嘴边,虚应故事;最近些时日,贾国有时疫漫延,本来若无这场国争,贫道也想为此尽份心力,但事起仓促,疫起国换,我就想问问,贵道统掌控之后,对此可有何应对之策?还是顺其自然,由得时疫自生自灭?” Is the first Buddhist priest smiles, one beckons to behind, the monks know that his meaning, diverges respectively, 为首僧人一笑,冲后面一招手,众僧知道他的意思,各自散去, Duplicate faces Li Ji, said with a smile: „ Fellow Daoist has the benevolent heart, passes boundary intent in my Buddha secretly, the old monk deeply feels the respect. 复又面对李绩,笑道:“道友有仁慈之心,于我佛暗通境意,老僧深感敬意。 But beginning fellow daoist the day selects, some history possibly do not know, here said with the fellow daoist, was good to solve your doubts! 但道友初来天择,有些历史可能不知,我这里说与道友,也好解了你的疑惑! The day selects the disorder, is ordered, the discretion, several million years gets down has the convention to have custom-made early ; Epidemic occurrence, selects in the day not for the first time, certain years later, must appear one time, the reason is not bright, but I and other cultivator actually not whatever its dissemination will extend, this point also sentiment fellow daoist felt relieved. ” 天择无序,又有序,其中分寸,数百万年下来早有成规定制;时疫之发生,在天择并非首次,若干年下来,总要出现一次,原因未明,不过我等修士却不会任由其传播漫延,这一点还情道友放宽心。” , Looked to Jia Guo land, „ this epidemic situation, non- only Jia Guo place, but is the surrounding dozens state common dangers, puts to be farther again, other mainland states not necessarily do not have, we heard early, will not actually stand by. 顿了顿,看向贾国大地,“此次疫情,非只贾国一地,而是周围数十国度共同的危难,再放远些,其他大陆国度也未必没有,我们早有所闻,却不会袖手旁观。 The mortal is the foundation of cultivator, Main World so, the day selects the mainland similar, simple truth, who understands. 凡人为修士之本,主世界如此,天择大陆同样,简单的道理,谁都明白。 Generally, when the epidemic situation extends, the suffering disaster state will join up, finds a right opportunity, the right time, is extending the region simultaneously uses the pure technique massively, by me and other Half Immortal for the lord, the lamination district, is respectively responsible. 一般情况下,当疫情漫延开时,遭难的国度都会联合起来,找一个合适的机会,合适的时间,同时在漫延区域进行大规模施展清净之术,由我等半仙为主,分片分区,各有责任。 This matter still during the contact, must also start, can achieve the best effect, this time, then quickly in January/one month, slow then several months, according to the epidemic situation urgent emergency changes. 这件事还在联络之中,总要同时开动,才能达到最好的效果,这时间,快则一月,慢则数月,依疫情紧迫缓急而变。 Beginning fellow daoist, possibly our day of sleep/felt selects cultivator to be concerned with the matter manages mortal important matter, this is impossible, if really ignores, what damaged is the cultivation cornerstone, this consequence no one is willing to undertake. 道友初来,可能觉的我们天择修士对事管凡人大事不闻不问,这是不可能的,真若放任,损的是修真基石,这个后果没人愿意承担。 Therefore, the worry of fellow daoist is not necessary, if monarch do not believe that may settle down in this, after several months, all self-evident. ” 所以,道友的担心大可不必,君若不信,可驻足于此,数月后一切自明。” Li Ji sighed, he wants to make anything for this matter, strove to turn the tide, calls from a high place, like the world fight against epidemic in his previous generation ; But his idea simply was somewhat naive, this Cultivation World has the Cultivation World method, is actually not his previous generation these means may compare, anything isolates, the seal, shuts off the channel of transmission, these are not suitable in this world. 李绩就叹了口气,他是想为这件事做点什么的,力挽狂澜,登高一呼,就像他前世中的世界抗疫一样;但他的想法有些简单幼稚了,这个修真世界自有修真世界的手段,却不是他前世那些办法可比,什么隔离,封闭,切断传播途径,这些在这个世界并不适用。 This Cultivation World construction cannot achieve such as the previous generation forever general accurate effective, millions of people are all of one mind ; But this world has the advantage of this world, that is cultivator! 这个修真世界的架构也永远做不到如前世一般的精准有效,万众一心;但这个世界有这个世界的优势,那就是修士们! They can achieve the mortal unimaginable matter, the so-called pure technique, the Taoism Buddhism is not same, to put it bluntly is exorcising of large-scale range class kills the technique of epidemic disease, for example the timely rain technique, Foundation Establishment cultivator displays, but the plural number mu, the Gold Core use, may cover a township, Nascent Soul True Monarch, really acted to Half Immortal, several people cover the entire state is also a cinch. 他们能做到凡人不可想象的事情,所谓清净之术,道家佛门并不相同,说穿了就是大型范围类的驱邪杀疫之术,比如甘霖术,筑基修士施展,可覆数亩,金丹使用,可盖一乡,还有元婴真君,真到了半仙出手,数人覆盖整个国度也不在话下。 Right that the old monk said that needs to act in unison, otherwise only one country eliminates is pointless, these, are actually not his layman can understand. 老僧说的对,需要统一行动,否则只一个国家清除就没有意义,这些,却不是他这个门外汉能了解的了。 Facts showed, wants to achieve some extraordinary great accomplishments in Cultivation World, is very difficult, no one is silly, is able, has the experience, such fishes for the merit wantonly, the opportunity of benefitting world, how also possibly to leave his outcomer for no reason, when others are die? 事实证明,想在一个修真世界做些了不起的大事,很难,谁都不是傻的,都有能力,也都有见识,这么一个大肆捞取功德,造福人间的机会,又怎么可能凭白留給他一个外来者,当别人都是死的么? Grandmaster was laughed at! Main World few experience situation, has the clue slightly, will observe the epidemic focus, strangles directly! “大师见笑了!主世界很少见识这种情况,稍有端倪,就会察出疫源,直接扼杀! However the day selects too in a big way, feared that does not have, feared that spreads to the entire mainland, that is our cultivator crime. 不过天择太大,怕是查无可查,又怕流传至整个大陆,那就是我们修士的罪过。 The bestowed by heaven ability, actually cannot return the life, for wrongdoing, this poor Daoist, although is plays the sword, this truth understood. 天赐能力,却不能回报生灵,是为失德,贫道虽然是个耍剑的,这点道理还是懂的。 Does not know, this epidemic focus results from where, can't get it over and done? ” 就是不知,这疫源到底起于何处,就不能一劳永逸么?” The old monk sighed, „ about the epidemic focus, had wide divided opinions. 老僧就叹了口气,“关于疫源,众说纷纭。 Having saying that is because the day selects the mainland to attract other Planet to bring ; Also there is saying that was the antique ominous beast discharges secretly ; Also some people said that is certain special dao lineage human cultivator divulges carelessly ; Naturally, possibly is...... to mention just a few, has various truth that mortal self living habits create improper respectively. 有说是因为天择大陆吸引其他星体带来的;也有说是太古凶兽偷偷施放的;还有人说是某些特殊道统的人类修士不慎泄漏的;当然,也可能是凡人自身生活习性不当造成的……不一而足,各有各的道理。 Also some innumerable cultivator exhaust the mental effort for this reason, wants to end up a big merit, several million years get down fly back without any results, until afterward, this thoughts slowly were pale, are good because at least about several thousand years one time, select the influence of mainland after all to be also limited to the day, this formed the present custom, is unalarmed by strange sights, the epidemic situation comes out, eliminating is! ” 也有无数修士为此穷尽心力,希望落得一个大功德,数百万年下来均无功而返,及至后来,这心思才慢慢的淡了,好在至少数千年左右才一次,对天择大陆的影响也毕竟有限,这才形成了现在的习惯,见怪不怪,疫情出来,消去便是!”
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