SSK :: Volume #77

#7607: Crush

Third, does not have the winner. 第三场,没有胜者。 Makes the rest slightly, fourth, bell Shenxiu confronts Ye Qian. 稍做休息,第四场,钟神秀对阵叶谦 At this time, Ye Qian enters the news of step fifth Heaven's Chosen to spread. 此时,叶谦进阶第五天骄的消息已经传开。 After all the projection of various Tianwan Heaven's Chosen list in the first 49 Heaven's Chosen states of mind. 毕竟诸天万界天骄榜的投影是在前49名天骄神魂之中。 Except that in the field these participants, many have not participated, is actually surrounding, for example great wild goose Tushan main, southern open fire, ten thousand long nights wait/etc., during discussed that who did not have the friends and relatives, passes on ten, ten pass on hundred, the news almost spreads over. 除了场上这些参赛者,还有许多没有参加,却在围观的,比如鸿涂山主、南明火、万永夜等等,议论之中,谁还没个亲戚朋友,一传十,十传百,消息几乎传遍。 All people were anticipating that this, third Heaven's Chosen Ao glory and former tenth Heaven's Chosen Luo towards/dynasty can fight to fall from the sky in pairs, then the fourth Heaven's Chosen and fifth Heaven's Chosen, the rank is so near, can have the tragic death that two Heaven's Chosen simultaneously falls from the sky. 所有人都在期待这一场,第三天骄敖荣和原第十天骄罗朝希都能战到双双陨落,那么第四天骄和第五天骄,排名如此近,会不会又发生两大天骄同时陨落的惨死。 Nobody knows, even, ranks six above imperial throne not to the powerhouse high similarly, because the Ye Qian rank rises the plan that suddenly, but draws lots, the chance coincidence, then should so. 没有人知道,甚至,高居龙座之上的六位至强者同样没有因为叶谦排名突然上升而重新抽签的打算,机缘巧合,便合该如此。 Said is the arena, is actually refining up a side small mystical place six to the powerhouse, then by the space main road principle, smelts into above the arena. 说是擂台,其实是六位至强者炼化一方小秘境,然后以空间大道法则,熔炼入擂台之上。 When Ye Qian walks into the arena, simultaneously was spread to the mystical place. 叶谦走入擂台时,同时被传入秘境之中。 Meanwhile, the fourth Heaven's Chosen bell god is outstanding now Ye Qian 500 meters away. 与此同时,第四天骄钟神秀出现在叶谦500米外。 Heard that you do use the blade?” bell Shenxiu spatial, asked lightly. “听说你用刀?”钟神秀空着手,淡淡问道。 Un.” Ye Qian slight nod. “嗯。”叶谦微微点头。 Blade Monarch, the sword Lord, this fights I to anticipate very much.” bell Shenxiu said. “刀君,剑主,这场战斗我很期待。”钟神秀道。 Oh.” Ye Qian thought that this bell god show is a little wordy. 。”叶谦觉得这个钟神秀有点啰嗦。 „Do you look like is a little impatient?” bell Shenxiu asked. “你看起来有点不耐烦?”钟神秀问。 Yes.” Ye Qian is speechless. “是。”叶谦无语。 You have a look above.” bell Shenxiu has referred to the Ye Qian top of the head, then points under. “那你看看上面。”钟神秀指了指叶谦头顶,而后手指相下一点。 Ye Qian hears Yanwang goes, dense and numerous sword proliferate the sky, brings to pierce all sharpness, tearing is void, submerges Ye Qian instantaneously. 叶谦闻言望去,密密麻麻剑器遍布天空,带着刺穿一切的锋利,撕裂虚空,瞬间淹没叶谦 Is very sinister.” Ye Qian appears from another place, has the golden wing to fan, he could not bear commend one. “挺阴险啊。”叶谦从另一个地方浮现,身后有金色羽翼扇动,他忍不住称赞了一句。 Greeted.” bell Shenxiu smiles, waves, innumerable sword change to together the sword mighty current, described the big dragon, holding bell Shenxiu to fly airborne. “打个招呼而已。”钟神秀腼腆一笑,挥手之间,无数剑器化作一道剑器洪流,形容巨龙,托着钟神秀飞到空中。 On one hit ugly, how did our move decide the victory and defeat?” bell Shenxiu proposed. “上一场打得太难看了,咱们一招定胜负如何?”钟神秀提议道。 Decides the victory and defeat? Move of words, I receive do not stop, can you?” “只是定胜负?一招的话,我是收不住手的,你可以吗?” The Ye Qian faint smile asked that this sinister villain, a character he will not believe. 叶谦似笑非笑地问道,这种阴险小人,一个字他都不会信。 Myriad things lived do not dare saying that a move has killed me.” bell Shenxiu sneers. “万物生都不敢说一招杀了我。”钟神秀冷笑。 Dares, with being able to achieve, is two matters.” Ye Qian sighed, not in other words obscene talk. “敢不敢,和做不做得到,是两回事。”叶谦叹了口气,不就是说骚话么,。 Takes.” bell Shenxiu coldly puts out these two characters, sinks to the sword dragon. “来拿。”钟神秀冷冷吐出这两个字,沉入剑龙之中。 Immediately, during Ye Qian induction, big dragon of that sword constitution just like having life, no, is only the contour of big dragon, that is still a sword, the live dragon shape sword, destroys and pierces fuses together with the main road of principle sword, the wind and cloud changes color. 顿时,叶谦感应之中,那剑器构成的巨龙宛如有了生命,不,只是巨龙的外形而已,那依然是一柄剑,活的龙形剑,毁灭、洞穿和剑之大道法则融为一体,风云为之变色。 bell Shenxiu the dragon shape sword belt endless is puncturing void, does not have thing not broken terrifying sword intent, the twinkling, but. 钟神秀所化的龙形剑带着无尽刺破虚空,无物不破的恐怖剑意,瞬息而至。 Ye Qian actually at this time, the black pupil instantaneously turned into the purple gold color, whether there is in the eye performs Xingchen, the livelihood ups and downs, at the same time, the Ye Qian behind god demon empty shadow slowly has actually closed both eyes in this time. 叶谦却在这时,黑色的瞳孔瞬间变成紫金色,眼中有无尽星辰,日月沉浮,与此同时,叶谦身后的神魔虚影却在此时缓缓闭上了双眼。 When dragon Xingjian will soon stab the Ye Qian heart, the god demon empty shadow suddenly opens the eye, Ye Qian purple gold color both eyes Xingchen lets fall, the livelihood fuses together. 当龙形剑即将刺中叶谦心脏的时候,神魔虚影蓦然睁开眼睛,叶谦的紫金色双眼星辰垂落,日月融为一体。 Without any indication, the dragon shape sword that will soon stab just like meeting the unknowable terrifying existed, but time of breath, more than ten zhang (3.33 m) dragon shape swords break up the dust particle. 没有任何征兆,即将刺中的龙形剑宛如遇到了不可知的恐怖存在,不过一个呼吸的时间,十余丈长的龙形剑崩解成微尘。 Ye Qian leaves the mystical place arena, hears some people to announce: Fourth, bell Shenxiu falls from the sky, Ye Qian wins.” 叶谦则离开秘境擂台,听到有人宣布:“第四场,钟神秀陨落,叶谦胜出。” Over a hundred million followers the sounds in an uproar also resound, is the what kind of magnificent sight? 上亿修炼者的哗然声同时响起,是何等的壮观? Before Ye Qian does not know, now he knew, resounded through the world, like the earthquake, the voice made the space shiver directly. 以前叶谦不知道,现在他知道了,响彻天地,像地震一样,声浪直接让空间颤抖。 How to finish? Did Ye Qian this win?” “怎么就结束了?叶谦这就赢了?” Teases us, Ye Qian looked at one, fourth Heaven's Chosen bell Shenxiu did die?” “逗我们吧,叶谦就那么看了一眼,第四天骄钟神秀就死了?” Ye Qian has used the heavy treasure absolutely contrary, can win is so bewildered.” 叶谦绝对违规使用了重宝,才会赢的这么莫名其妙。” This is which asks boundary senior to make a move, I will not believe the fourth Heaven's Chosen and fifth Heaven's Chosen disparity as big will fall from the sky as one.” “这是哪位问道境前辈出手吧,我不信第四天骄和第五天骄差距会大到一眼陨落。” The innumerable sounds gather in together, the voice had flood the naked eye obvious sound wave, was attacking repeatedly to the first area that the hot Heavenly Dynasty imperial palace was. 无数的声音汇聚在一起,声浪都有泛起了肉眼可见的音波,一遍遍冲击着离火天朝皇宫所在的第一区。 If said that a person has not understood said that but basically all people who how good Ye Qian wins have not seen have the major problem, the first Heaven's Chosen myriad things live comfortable, let alone with Ye Qian that such with ease has not seen to win to war, ranks to be high the he fourth Heaven's Chosen, all people thought among subconsciously this definitely has the trick. 若果说一个人没看懂叶谦是怎么赢的还好说,但基本上所有人都没看到就有大问题了,第一天骄万物生都没见赢的这么轻松自在,何况与叶谦对战的,还是排名高他一位的第四天骄,所有人下意识地觉得这中间绝对有猫腻。 Must know, the war of this arena, is forbids beside a soldier, the uses of all external object heavy treasures, most people thought that Ye Qian violated regulations to use the offensive heavy treasure, was very covert that how caused all people not to understand Ye Qian to kill bell Shenxiu. 要知道,这次擂台之战,是禁止道兵之外,一切外物重宝的使用,大部分人都觉得叶谦违规使用了攻击性重宝,还是非常隐蔽的那种,才导致所有人都没看懂叶谦如何杀了钟神秀。 Above imperial throne, six big to powerhouse not any response. 龙座之上,六大至强者没有任何反应。 Attending over a thousand asked boundary powerhouse, or unemotionally, either ridicule, either sneered, was exactly astonished, the facial expression to mention just a few, many vision fell on returning to Ye Qian on position. 与会的上千名问道境强者,或面无表情,或嘲弄,或冷笑,活惊异,神情不一而足,不少的目光都落在回到位置上的叶谦身上。 Your constellation heavenly palace left position extraordinary Heaven's Chosen.” Asked the boundary powerhouse to say to bluish green Yufeng the tail peacock with a smile. “你们星宿天宫真是出了位了不得的天骄。”有一个问道境强者笑着对碧玉凤尾孔雀说道。 Below these all living things cultivation base, do not look clearly, but their these asked the boundary powerhouses to step oneself exclusive main road, purity that looked. 下面那些芸芸众生修为不到,看不明白,但他们这些问道境强者都已经踏上自己的专属大道,看的一清二楚。 This is not our constellation heavenly palace merit.” bluish green Yufeng tail peacock shakes the head with a smile. “这可不是我们星宿天宫的功劳。”碧玉凤尾孔雀笑着摇摇头。 Haha, but the person of your constellation heavenly palace......” this asked the boundary powerhouse to say with a smile. “哈哈,但是你星宿天宫的人啊……”这名问道境强者笑道。 Also was at this time, sound resounded through the world a chilly, by a person of sound, has depressed the question voices of over a hundred million followers directly: „ One group of idiots, left were disgraceful, was good to ask you to know that reason that anything was the disparity, Ye Qian wins, by the eye of high-quality main road magical powers disappearing, integrated the destruction, space and good fortune in a big way three to the strength of high main road principle, caused bell Shenxiu not any strength of revolt, said that the soldier and mortal body broke up directly, are frightened out of one's wits. 也是这时候,一声清冷地声音响彻天地,直接以一人之声,压下了上亿修炼者的质疑声音:“一群蠢货,别再丢人现眼了,好叫你们知道什么是差距,叶谦之所以赢,是以高级大道神通泯灭之眼,融入毁灭、空间、造化三大至高大道法则之力,才使得钟神秀没有任何反抗之力,道兵与肉身直接崩解,魂飞魄散。 This is first time is also the last time, by your stupid ignorance, do not estimate that the upper limits of various day of Heaven's Chosen, the commotion, I represent to the hot Heavenly Dynasty again clear directly, one flock of ants, allowing you to look on are grateful, little does! ” 这是第一次也是最后一次,不要以你们愚蠢的无知,来揣度诸天天骄的上限,再有一次聒噪,我代表离火天朝直接清场,一群蝼蚁,允许你们旁观就感恩戴德,少作死!” A moment ago also as bubbling like a caldron as voice of space vibration, now a deathly stillness, all people shut up, but they looked that had the change of changing the world to the Ye Qian look. 刚才还鼎沸到空间震动的声浪,如今一片死寂,所有人都闭了嘴,但他们看向叶谦的眼神有了改天换地的变化。 Oh, this Ye Qian really ruthless person, let alone this ten Heaven's Chosen, proceeds to push up for ten thousand years, few people heard that achieves this degree, because three types to the high main road principle are the true placing an upper limit on limits. 乖乖,这个叶谦是真的狠人,别说这一届十大天骄,往前推上万年,也很少有人听说做到这种程度,因为三种至高大道法则是真正的封顶极限。 Must know Glimpse Dao Realm eight heavy times, at the most also on comprehension three main road principles, even if ten Heaven's Chosen, generally is also one type to the high main road principle, matches two high-quality main road principles. 要知道窥道境八重的时候,顶天也就领悟三种大道法则,哪怕是十大天骄,一般也就是一种至高大道法则,搭配两种高级大道法则。 It is not they do not want to achieve, but is needs the natural talent and chance each type to the high main road principle also has the luck to achieve, requires enough time, as long as can comprehend one type, had the big destiny in the body. 不是他们不想做到,而是每一种至高大道法则需要天资与机缘还有运气全部达到,也需要足够的时间,但凡能领悟一种,就已经是有大气运在身了。 Three types, even if the first Heaven's Chosen not necessarily, the myriad things live as if have not spread by three types to Glimpse Dao Realm that the high main road enters nine heavily, now Ye Qian enters unexpectedly. 三种,哪怕是第一天骄都未必,就连万物生似乎都没有传出是以三种至高大道入的窥道境九重,现在叶谦居然入了。 Really, the world of Heaven's Chosen, is not their these ordinary followers can estimate. 果然,天骄的世界,真不是他们这些普通修炼者能揣度的。 Not these noisy sounds, only then asking boundary revering in stage, at this time still chatted in 3322 places. 没有这些嘈杂的声音,只有高台上的问道境尊者们,此时还在3322地说说笑笑。 „, Gives back to the opportunity, cleared directly, the temperament was really good, gave back to them to explain, the idle egg hurt.” “啧啧,还给机会,直接清场好了,脾气是真好,还给他们解释,闲的蛋疼。” Minuss these people, we are also pure, one flock of ants, are really the comedies.” “少掉这些人,咱们也清净一点,一群蝼蚁,真是搞笑。” You speak irresponsibly and sarcastically obviously, normalizing God in 8000 the birthday, will the palace wall die interestingly certainly?” “你俩明显站着说话不腰疼,归一天帝8000年寿诞呢,皇城死绝了有意思?” „It is not first time does this matter to the hot Heavenly Dynasty, died certainly, moved one batch not to be good from other places again.” “离火天朝又不是第一次干这种事,死绝了,从其他地方再迁过来一批不就好了。” Ye Qian listens to these to ask the boundary revering discussion wooden, a heart shock, must know follower who outside these surround, he comes time, looks sketchily, simply does not have the end, at least over a hundred million, overwhelming majorities also to the person on one's own side of hot Heavenly Dynasty subordinates, are the palace wall local area followers, said the slaughter on the slaughter? 叶谦木然地听着这些问道境尊者地议论,心头一片震惊,要知道外面这些围观的修炼者,他来的时候,粗略看去,根本没有尽头,至少都上亿了,绝大多数还都是离火天朝麾下的自己人,很多更是皇城本地修炼者,说屠就屠了? Before hot Heavenly Dynasty has done really?” Ye Qian cannot bear to ten thousand long night sending a letter breath. “离火天朝以前真这么干过?”叶谦忍不住给万永夜发了个信息。 Also few times, after all palace wall dies too many people, in a short time will affect our ten thousand is not the place.” Ten thousand long night seconds return. “也没几次,毕竟皇城死太多人,短时间内会影响到我们万家不是地方。”万永夜秒回。 What is also few times? Ye Qian was speechless, could not have borne and sent one: Because noisy a point? Also or question?” 什么叫也没几次?叶谦无语,忍不住又发了一句:“就因为吵闹了一点?又或者质疑?” Ye Qian thought that because of this reason, to the place of own foundation clears to slaughter to fire ten thousand, is simply crazed. 叶谦觉得因为这种理由,离火万家就对自己的根基之地清场屠戮,简直丧心病狂。 Has such 2-3 times is this, before being very long, the previous time is the popularization of status token, 10,000 years ago, the palace wall most practicing family opposed, at that time ruling crown prince over a hundred years had not handled, on a God was quarrelled, simply the direct entire palace wall clears, opposes and agreement died certainly, moved the person to come again, the promotion of status token did not have any opposition sound, became very smooth.” Ten thousand long nights return to say. “有那么两三次是这样,很久以前了,上一次是身份令牌的普及,10000年前吧,皇城大半的修行家族都反对,当时执政亲王上百年都没搞定,上一任天帝被吵得不行,就索性直接全皇城清场,反对和同意的都死绝了,再迁人过来,身份令牌的推广就没了任何反对声音,变得非常顺利。”万永夜回道。 This is not smooth, that damn! Ye Qian swallowed the mouth to smudge, he first time saw such crazed influence, the rabbit has not eaten near the nest the grass, what these agreements promoted was really bad luck unparalleled, simply not general treating unjustly. 这样都还不顺利,那才见鬼了!叶谦咽了口涂抹,他还是第一次见到这么丧心病狂的势力,兔子还不吃窝边草呢,那些同意推广的是真倒霉无双,简直不是一般的冤枉。 The audience are silent, to leaving the person of hot Heavenly Dynasty, 10,000 years ago the status token promotion massacre that has stays as before, in they remember, and passes from generation to generation, nobody dares to suspect that attains the sound to say cannot achieve. 全场寂静,对离火天朝的人来说,10000年前发生的身份令牌推广惨案依旧停留在他们记忆中,并且世代相传,没人敢怀疑拿到声音说得出做不到。 As long as because a little status person, can hear, attained the sound a moment ago, is the present age leaves the hot Heavenly Dynasty rule crown prince. 因为但凡有点地位的人,都听得出,刚才拿到声音,是当代离火天朝执政亲王的。 In leaving the hot Heavenly Dynasty, under normalizing God, is the ruling crown prince. 在离火天朝,归一天帝之下,就是执政亲王。 Silent, fifth commencing of action. 寂静之中,第五场战斗开始。 The seventh Heaven's Chosen sword three pairs fight the Heaven's Chosen list to place 19 th Emperor orchid. 第七天骄剑三对战天骄榜排名第19的兰帝。 This fight, has not wasted is how much time, the sword 33 swords pierce the forehead of Emperor orchid, Heaven's Chosen falls from the sky. 这场战斗,并没有浪费是多少时间,剑33剑刺穿兰帝的眉心,有一位天骄陨落。 The sixth fight. 第六场战斗。 Eighth day the Heaven's Chosen kitchen good harvest year depends on the rhyme to the East that the war is listed 15 th, stems from the people unexpected, this is not war of the lopsided crush, had the monster clan kitchen good harvest year of antiquity unusual animals gluttony bloodlines, had the formidable strength spatially, actually could not trace the East according to the rhyme. 第八天天骄庖丰年对战排名第15的东方依韵,出乎众人意料之外,这并不是一场一面倒的碾压之战,拥有上古异兽饕餮血脉的妖族庖丰年,空有强大的实力,却根本摸不到东方依韵。 Space main road, East according to rhyme comprehension unexpectedly is the most crabbed space main road. 空间大道,东方依韵领悟的居然是最为艰涩的空间大道。 :.: :。:
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