SSK :: Volume #72

#7154: Exposition

However at this time Ye Qian can actually ignore own injury, is suppressing the ache of body, flew him to throw the meteor muddy day return to have four and other world to slaughter the place of soldier a moment ago. 不过此时叶谦却是顾不上自身的伤势,强忍着身体的酸痛,飞到刚才他扔出流星浑天珠还有四等世界杀戮道兵的地方。 His fight has continued some time here, wants to come to attract many people to spy on secret, a moment ago he was also only desperate, thinks that threw that two things. 他在这里的战斗已经持续了一段时间了,想来应该是已经吸引来了不少人在暗中窥探,刚才他也只是情急之下,才会想到把那两个东西扔出去。 , luckily.” Ye Qian with own memory, arrived at inside and outside half a wilderness, in a gully, found the meteor muddy day return that he just threw to have four and other world to slaughter a soldier. “呼,幸好。”叶谦凭着自己的记忆,来到了半里外的一处野地,在一个沟壑里面,找到了他刚扔出去的流星浑天珠还有四等世界杀戮道兵。 Little brother, what in your hand is what thing?” “小兄弟,你手上的是什么东西啊?” In Ye Qian the thing in hand, is taking in the bosom time, not far away resounded a sound, sound from far to near, when passes to side Ye Qian time, a person's shadow has appeared in his front not far away rapidly. 正在叶谦把手中的东西,收进怀里时候,不远处响起了一个声音,声音由远及近,等到传到叶谦身边的时候,一个人影已经飞速的出现在了他面前不远处。 The Ye Qian whole body alert, front person seems like cultivation base is not weak, he just experienced the war, at this time spirit strength many are a little void, if fights again, feared that is to oneself very disadvantageous. 叶谦全身戒备,面前的人看上去修为不弱,他刚经历大战,此时灵力多少有点空虚,要是再战,怕是对自己十分的不利。 Little brother, any good thing, to put out to come to see, I saw probably.” Front person is one grows two to cast aside the middle-aged person of beard, wears a high chignon, probably a frail scholar dresses up. “小兄弟,什么好东西,拿出来看看,我好像看到了。”面前的人是一个长着两撇胡须的中年人,戴着一个高高的发髻,像是一个文弱书生打扮。 However two cast aside the beard, the long and narrow eye, completely destroyed his student appearance, is more like the feeling of poisonous snake. 但是两撇胡须,还有狭长的眼睛,完全破坏了他的书生打扮,给人更像是毒蛇的感觉。 Glanced a moment ago in a hurry, saw in the Ye Qian hand to flash through a ray, with the experience, he knows that was a good treasure, and was a bit like the auction time, a treasure that he saw. 刚才只是匆匆一瞥,看到叶谦手中闪过一道光芒,凭着经验,他知道那是一个好宝物,并且有点像是拍卖会时候,他看到的一个宝物。 When he approached the Ye Qian time, in the heart is definite, before Ye Qian figure, not the slightest difference in the figure of person in the auction buys the treasure, and aura of treasure, he confirmed a moment ago immediately in Ye Qian hand definitely is that handle four and other world slaughtered a soldier. 当他靠近了叶谦时候,心中更是确定,叶谦身形和之前在拍卖会里面买下宝物的人的身形一般无二,并且还有刚才宝物的气息,当下他就确认了叶谦手中的肯定就是那柄四等世界杀戮道兵。 Ye Qian sees the front person stealthy appearance , the favorable impression and having no, turns around directly, the bodies of not far away black face man two people he has not searched, wants to come on these two people to have many good things. 叶谦看到面前的人鬼祟的样子,并没有任何的好感,直接转身,不远处黑脸男子两个人的身他还没有搜呢,想来这两个人身上应该有不少好东西。 Ye Qian has not paid attention to the beard male, but the beard male is actually unforgiving, follows Ye Qian directly. 叶谦没有理会胡须男,但是胡须男却是不依不饶,直接跟着叶谦 I said the little brother, I said that a few words do not excuse me, you should be on the auction that buys that four people of soldier.” The beard male spoke these words, will hurry to draw back in the future one step. “我说小兄弟,我说一句话你不要见谅,你应该就是拍卖会上面那个,买下那四等道兵的人吧。”胡须男说完这句话,赶紧往后退了一步。 „” “刺啦” The beard male front ground, flashed before a slash. 胡须男面前地面,闪现了一个刀痕。 Knows many, takes the say/way.” Saying of Ye Qian sound ice-cold, this person, since knew on him to have the treasure, and evidently, person who also had the idea to this treasure, wants to arrive at the time certainly to leave seizes, like got angry a moment ago two people. “知道得太多,也是取死之道。”叶谦声音冰冷的说道,这个人既然知道了他身上有宝物,并且看样子,也是对这个宝物有想法的人,想来到时候肯定要出夺的,就像刚才黑脸两个人一样。 Ye Qian prepared fight immediately, the spirit strength in within the body started racing wells up, the powerful air/Qi field, making the clothes of his whole body calm, flap flap made noise. 叶谦当下做好了战斗的准备,体内的灵力开始奔涌,强大的气场,让他周身的衣服无风自动,猎猎作响。 Stops stops from time to time, the big brothers, the big brothers, I do not look you trouble, you misunderstood.” “停停停,大兄弟,大兄弟,我可不是找你麻烦的啊,你误会了。” The speeds of two people are extremely fast, several breath time, already the place that returned to Ye Qian a moment ago and black face male two people fights. 两个人的速度极快,几个呼吸时间,就已经回到了叶谦刚才和黑脸男两个人战斗的地方。 At this time the beard male had seen the pitiful condition of black face male also dry corpse, on two people also has the aura of surviving, proved two person cultivation base are actually not weak. 此时胡须男已经看到了黑脸男还有一具干尸的惨状了,两个人身上还有残存的气息,都证明了两个人修为却是不弱。 But the bonus is this, these two people defeated in the Ye Qian subordinate, and he looked at the Ye Qian appearance, simply has not seemed like injured, this made in his heart be startled cold sweat. 可是饶是这样,这两个人还是败在了叶谦手下,并且他看叶谦的样子,根本没像受伤,这让他心中惊出了一声的冷汗。 He had the idea of seizing a moment ago, he has not intended to compete luckily, otherwise he should be the same with the black face male two people now, fell dead on the ground. 刚才他不是没有出夺的想法,也幸好他没有出手争夺,不然现在他应该和黑脸男两个人一样,倒毙在地上了。 What do you mean?” “那你是什么意思呢?” Ye Qian has turned the head, interested looks that the beard male said that however movement hand/subordinate is actually not slow, had the dry corpse male body to plunder the black face male completely one side, obtained many good things actually. 叶谦转过头,饶有兴趣的看着胡须男说道,但是手下的动作却是不慢,把黑脸男还有干尸男的身体全部搜刮了一边,倒是得到了不少好东西。 The beard male head transferred, says, actually we do not conceal the little brother, we really four and other world slaughtered a soldier to be interested to this, this coming, the goal is to obtain four and other world slaughtered a soldier, has not thought that finally actually fell in the little brother hand.” 胡须男脑袋转了一下,开口说道,“其实我们也不隐瞒小兄弟,我们是真的对这枚四等世界杀戮道兵感兴趣,这次过来,目的就是获得四等世界杀戮道兵,没想到最后却是落在了小兄弟手里。” This thing to us very important, we want to ask that the little brother is willing to give up what one treasures, we can have enough chip.” “这个东西对我们十分的重要,我们想问下小兄弟肯不肯割爱,我们可以出足够的筹码。” Listened to the beard male words, Ye Qian to never imagine, to shake the head directly, if these people spent money to trade, that exempted discussed that he plundered on the black face male two people a moment ago the time, discovered actually many wealth, these thing values were not actually big, was far less than that treasure material object came importantly. 听了胡须男的话,叶谦想都没想,直接摇头,要是这些人用钱来换的话,那就免谈了,刚才他搜刮黑脸男两个人身上时候,倒是发现了不少的钱财,这些东西其实价值并不如何大,远不如宝物这种实物来得重要。 This thing is also very important to me, thank you were interested, I am very proud, but does not sell.” On the Ye Qian face cannot see any expression, now he black face male two person sweep traces, as for the corpse, that is not he must manage. “这个东西对我也很重要,谢谢你们感兴趣了,我很自豪,不过不卖。”叶谦脸上看不出任何的表情,现在他已经把黑脸男两个人收拾干净了,至于尸体,那就不是他要管的了。 At this time in the Ye Qian hand grasps soldier to live the blade, the knife point is pointing at the beard male, has greatly, if the beard male does not listen to advice, meaning that must act. 此时叶谦手中握着道兵化生刀,刀尖指着胡须男,大有如果胡须男不听劝,就要出手的意思。 The beard male also felt the Ye Qian imposing manner, but in the heart was still unwilling, in the heart yelled secretly: How not to have come. 胡须男也感受到了叶谦的气势,但是心中却犹自不甘心,心中暗暗大叫:怎么还不来。 Brother yellow, make us quite look actually.” “黄兄弟,倒是让我们好找啊。” In this time, a large crowd, the distant place is never appearing, arrived in front of the beard male directly. 正在这个时候,一大群人,从不远处出现,直接来到了胡须男面前。 On the beard male face reveals a dissatisfaction, actually these people are he come here together, they were felt here to have the fight a moment ago, was wants to fish in troubled waters. 胡须男脸上露出一丝不满的情绪,其实这些人就是和他一起来到这里的,刚才他们是感受到了这里有战斗,就是想要浑水摸鱼一下。 Also not the strange beard male is disgruntled, if this group of people present points again late, said that did not permit Ye Qian to him begin. 也不怪胡须男心生不满,要是这群人再晚出现一点,说不准叶谦就要对他动手了。 Wool reaches, you may be came, coming me to give you to introduce this youngster hero.” The beard male ripe appearance, is drawing a fatty originally, was saying to Ye Qian. “毛达,你可算是来了,来我给你介绍一下这位少年英杰。”胡须男一副自来熟的模样,拉着一个胖子,对着叶谦说道。 Does not use, we walk respectively various and that's the end.” Ye Qian does not want to pay attention to these people, after all does not get to know each other well with these people, and he looked the position that these people present, wants to come to arrive at the nearby. “不用,我们各走各的就是了。”叶谦可不想理会这些人,毕竟和这些人不相熟,并且他看这些人出现的位置,想来应该是早就到了附近的。 And should see a moment ago the fight of him and black face male two person, but does not know why appeared at this time. 并且应该是看到了刚才他和黑脸男两个人的战斗的,只是不知道为什么这个时候才出现。 The beard male put out a hand to block Ye Qian directly, but received the palm immediately, because of a gleaming blade, has delimited the position that his palm had put down a moment ago. 胡须男直接伸手拦住了叶谦,但是立马又把手掌收了回去,因为一把亮闪闪的刀,已经划过了刚才他手掌放下的位置。 Little brother, has the words saying that the business inadequate justice and humanity, me can also throw in your day of news free, about using your hand thing elixir the information on of material, how.” “小兄弟,有话好说啊,买卖不成仁义在啊,我还可以免费附赠你一天消息,关于用你手上的东西炼药的一个材料的信息,如何。” Ye Qian thinks, the direct opens the mouth, you said.” 叶谦想了一下,直接开口,“你说。” Ye Qian believes front several people actually not, but was he lives the interest now, wanted to have a look at these people able to play to play tricks, on the other hand, he also wanted to know information that this person said real. 倒不是叶谦相信面前几个人,而是他现在生了兴趣,想要看看这些人能够玩出什么花样,另一方面,他也想要知道这个人说的信息到底是不是真的。 After all the meteor muddy day bead succeeded in obtaining, if cannot refine the prepared medicine, actually is also equivalent to the useless waste to be ordinary, but wanted to find the complete elixir material, was how difficult. 毕竟流星浑天珠到手了,如果不能炼制成药的话,其实也相当于没用的废物一般,可是想要找到全部的炼药材料,何其艰难。 Otherwise the sect division level compounded drug will not be precious. 不然宗师级丹药也不会那么的珍贵了。 This is Ye Qian in the future process after all, he thought that now some necessities realize one time. 这是叶谦日后毕竟的过程,他觉得现在就很有必要体会一次。 The beard male has not thought that Ye Qian will comply so straightforwardly, the brain rotated rapidly, then compels sound to become string, sent greetings in the ear of Ye Qian directly. 胡须男也没想到叶谦会答应得如此豪爽,脑子急速转动了一下,然后逼音成线,直接传音到了叶谦的耳朵里。 The beard male action, the nature because of the surrounding person, reaches this fatty uncomfortable including the wool, even several people look to the beard male look, started bad. 胡须男的举动,自然因为周围的人,包括毛达这个胖子在内的不爽,甚至好几个人看向胡须男的眼神,也开始不善了起来。 Their this group of people can be said as the temporary benefit community, but currently the obvious beard male has any secret, cannot make them know that and must with their target tasks, is Ye Qian sharing. 他们这一群人可以说是暂时的利益共同体,但是现在显然胡须男有什么秘密,是不能让他们这些人知道的,并且还要和他们的目标任务,也就是叶谦共享。 These person and the beard male was together for sometime, knows that the beard male is the person who is skilled to plan, now makes this action, said that does not permit to be to plan their appearances. 这些人和胡须男相处了都有一段时间,知道胡须男是一个精于算计的人,现在做出这种举动,说不准就是要算计他们的样子。 „Do Brother yellow, you do? What having is we cannot know?” At that moment some people are discontented, directly questioned to the beard male. “黄兄弟,你这是干什么?有什么是我们不能知道的吗?”当下就有人不满,径直的向胡须男质疑道。 Haha, everyone could rest assured that I am and this little brother discuss a business, he killed two people a moment ago, on them many good things, but wanted to find the new master.” The beard male turns round to say with a smile, regarding these people's questions, but is he is expected the matter, and he also cares about nothing. “哈哈,大家放心,我就是和这位小兄弟商量一点买卖,他刚才杀了两个人,他们身上的不少好东西,可是想要找到新的主人呢。”胡须男回身笑着说道,对于这些人的质疑,不过是他预料之中的事情,并且他也丝毫不在乎。 Business? This is actually good, but the thing takes us to have a look.” These people see Ye Qian and black face male fight time, is Ye Qian must solve the black face male two people, has not naturally seen the Ye Qian giving full play of power and strength time. “买卖?这倒是不错,不过东西拿出来我们看看。”这些人看到叶谦和黑脸男战斗时候,已经是叶谦要解决黑脸男两个人了,自然没有看到叶谦大发神威时候。 At this time a bossi appearance, is to depend the person to be many, well presses the Ye Qian price, if the Ye Qian strength is insufficient, they did not mind that makes not to have a business one time. 此时一副颐指气使的样子,就是想要仗着人多,好好的把叶谦的价格压下来,或者如果叶谦的实力不够的话,他们不介意做一次无本的买卖。 Shut up, is little brother's thing the present can see? You had not noticed that nearby two people are out? In front of others, buys others thing, this will look for the evil charm thing!” “闭嘴,小兄弟的东西是现在能看到吗?你没看到旁边两个人下场吗?当着别人面,买别人东西,这可是会找来邪魅东西的!” The beard male has not waited for Ye Qian to speak, hurries to reach several person tone severe saying to the wool. 胡须男没等叶谦说话,赶紧对着毛达几个人语气严厉的说道。 His is must remind front several people, Ye Qian was relying on one's effort a moment ago, fights vigorously two people, but has not damaged slightly, the attitude of this speech must pay attention to a point, otherwise said that did not permit to meet us to buy your thing. 他这是要提醒面前几个人,刚才叶谦可是凭借着一己之力,力战两个人而丝毫没有损伤,你这说话的态度也要注意一点,否则说不准等会我们就要买你的东西了。 The beard male words calculate quite straightforwardly, the person who spoke a moment ago is not a fool, looked at the ground headless corpse also to have dry corpse one, lives the blade in say/way soldier that looking at Ye Qian had not received, in the heart, although surprised in beard male attitude, doing that but also has to say according to him. 胡须男的话算比较直白,刚才说话的人也不是傻子,看了地上无头尸体还有干尸一眼,在看了一眼叶谦还没有收起的道兵化生刀,心中虽然惊讶于胡须男的态度,但是也不得不按照他说的做。 After all the beard male is the person who cannot suffer a loss completely, with him is nothing's issue, since he reminded the Ye Qian strength to be very powerful, was not they can easily provoke, that can only believe him. 毕竟胡须男是一个完全吃不得亏的人,跟着他是没有任何的问题的,既然他提醒了叶谦的实力很强大,不是他们可以轻易招惹的,那就只能相信他。 Sorry, the little brother, we are first walking.” Saw that these people no longer spoke, in the beard male heart breathes a sigh of relief, hurries to say to Ye Qian. “抱歉,小兄弟,那咱们先走着。”看到这些人都不再说话,胡须男心中舒了一口气,赶紧对着身边的叶谦说道。 Good, you guided are good.” Ye Qian light saying, in not looking at front several people, but turns around directly, later lives the blade to receive soldier. “好,你带路就好了。”叶谦淡淡的说道,也不在看面前的几个人,而是直接转身,随后把道兵化生刀收起。 The beard male after Ye Qian turns around, with hinted behind several people who the look hurries, although in these individual hearts discontented, there is a question, but hurries kept up with the Ye Qian footsteps. 胡须男在叶谦转身之后,用眼神赶紧的示意了一番后面的几个人,这几个人心中虽然不满,也有疑问,但是还是赶紧的跟上了叶谦的脚步。
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