SSK :: Volume #71

#7060: Blackmail

Now goes! 现在就去! This is all the meaning of purple robe. 这是全紫袍的意思。 The corpse of northern day of crack has the ownership, no one has won the leader. 北天裂的尸体已经有了归属,没人争得过掌门。 But slightly inferior point ancient grave male corpse, in feudal official gate many old ancestor level powerhouse eyes, can struggle a struggle. 但稍微逊色点的古墓男尸,在将臣门不少老祖级强者眼中,还是可以争一争的。 The three Glimpse Dao Realm eight heavy old ancestors of Qiming mountain department, naturally cannot snatch with master all Qiming, but leader lineage/vein and other old ancestors of fire Fengshan lineage/vein, were not necessarily able to look at all Qiming's face. 启明山这一系的三个窥道境八重老祖,自然不会和师父全启明抢,但掌门一脉和火凤山一脉的其他老祖,就未必会看全启明的面子了。 After all entire Qiming wants this corpse is also useless, same is brings to train the later generation. 毕竟全启明要这具尸体也没什么用,一样是拿来培养后辈。 A long delay usually means many problems, attains from Ye Qian earlier quite well. 夜长梦多,还是从叶谦手里早点拿到比较好。 Under Cao Yifan leadership, Qiming mountain one line of ten several people walk toward the Ye Qian new mansion enormously and powerful. 在曹毅凡的带领下,启明山一行十数人浩浩荡荡向叶谦新的府邸走去。 The person of belt many, Cao Yifan wants to play the power and prestige not actually, but brought many gifts to Ye Qian, making the servant take directly. 带的人多点,倒不是曹毅凡想要耍威风,只是给叶谦带了不少礼物,让下人直接拿着。 He can also certainly install storage ring the gift, but where has the attractiveness that does to have the face? 他当然也能将礼物装储物戒指,但哪里有这么搞来的好看有面子? Puts out a hand not to hit the smiling face person, in the situation that the master all purple robe does not go, Cao Yifan also only wants to use this slightly obviously exaggerating means that reduces the hostility of Ye Qian this unknown old ancestor level powerhouse. 伸手不打笑脸人,师父全紫袍不去的情况下,曹毅凡也只想用这种稍显夸张的办法,降低叶谦这个素不相识的老祖级强者的敌意。 After all, goal that he goes , is too loathful. 毕竟,他去的目的,实在太惹人讨厌。 This group, in stainless city saw the feudal official disciple, gives way to traffic in abundance two sides. 这一行人,无垢城中的将臣门弟子看到,纷纷避让到两边。 When a face thin and pale man saw Cao Yifan behind once Ruo dream, originally on the thin and pale face exuded a red light, rushed to beyond once Ruomeng several ecstatically, Plop knelt down to entreat: Young Master once, asking you to put my family son, asked you!” 只有个一脸憔悴的男子看到曹毅凡身后的曾若梦时,本来憔悴的脸上泛起一丝红光,欣喜若狂地冲到曾若梦几步外,噗通跪下哀求道:“曾少爷,求您放了我家儿子吧,求您了!” What's the matter?” Cao Yifan and his party of stopped under the footsteps immediately, he is frowning to ask behind Cao Yifan. “怎么回事?”曹毅凡一行人顿时停了下脚步,他皱着眉头问身后的曹毅凡。 His son I had a liking, looks for the person severe wound, brought, this goods do not know the news where obtained, pursued the entrance, I want to ask a time also to refine the zombie him, has not thought that made him come out to jump da, really died pities insufficient!” “他儿子我看上了,找人重伤,带了回来,这货不知道从哪里得到的消息,追到了山门,我本想找个时间将他也炼制成僵尸,没想到让他出来蹦跶,真是死不足惜!” When once Ruomeng the brow congealed, sent greetings the reply, looks to the vision of that thin and pale man is murderous aura, the broad daylight, he wanted the face after all. 曾若梦眉头一凝,传音回答时,望向那憔悴男子的目光里全是杀气,光天化日的,他总归还是要点脸面的。 „” Cao Yifan understands instantaneously, it is estimated that is the son natural talent and cultivation base of this man is good, oneself this Junior Brother will want to refine the zombie, will be good to increase the strength. “”曹毅凡瞬间明白,估计是这男子的儿子天资与修为都不错,自家这师弟想要将之炼制成僵尸,好增加战力。 Asked Young Master once to show mercy, you spared and not punished too severely, “求曾少爷开恩,您高抬贵手,我一命换一命都行”憔悴男子猛地磕头,声泪俱下哀求。 I do not know that you are saying anything, one side your son I do not know, get lost/rolls!” once Ruomeng sneered, a foot kicked the roadside the thin and pale man, said to Cao Yifan ashamed: Senior Brother, excuse me, put to trouble to you!” “我不知道你在说什么,你儿子我不认识,滚一边去!”曾若梦冷笑,一脚将憔悴男子踢到路边,惭愧地对曹毅凡道:“师兄,不好意思,给你添麻烦了!” Walks!” Many that also Cao Yifan this thing experiences, since sect Menfang this man came, wants to live, basically does not have that possibility, is incurable the son also to build own life should not be too many. “走吧!”曹毅凡这种事情经历的也不少,既然宗门放了这个男子进来,想要活着出去,基本没那个可能,没救出儿子把自己的命也搭进来的不要太多。 His thing is done a lot. 他自己这种事情都没少做。 Young Master once thin and pale male stand up crawled to toward once Ruomeng throw. “曾少爷”憔悴男子翻身爬着又要往曾若梦这边扑来。 Acts recklessly!” In once Ruomeng the hand the sword light flash, the thin and pale male number of people have fallen to the ground together, a blood shot up to the sky. “不知死活!”曾若梦手中一道剑光闪过,憔悴男子人头落地,一股鲜血冲天而起。 What a pity! In once Ruomeng the eyes flashed through one to regret, but the fathers and sons zombie the resentment soared to the heavens, was the good good material, the live sacrifice was best, died the effect fell short greatly, but does not have the time to break off with him now pulls. 可惜了!曾若梦眼中闪过一丝惋惜,父子僵尸可是怨气冲天,是不错的好材料,活祭是最好的,死了的效果大打折扣,但现在也没时间跟他掰扯。 Nearby Liu can see that shivering with fright, in the eye flashes through one to be sorrowful and fear. 旁边的刘能见状,打了冷战,眼中闪过一丝悲哀和恐惧。 Some sect gate disciples, really unscrupulous. 宗门有些弟子,是真的肆无忌惮的。 Tidies up!” Cao Yifan saw not to say anything, hurried to toward the Ye Qian new home. “收拾好!”曹毅凡见惯了也没多说什么,向着叶谦新家赶去。 Yes!” once Ruomeng hears word, in hand spirit strength turnover, loaded the special info clerk body the body of thin and pale man directly storage ring, followed close on Cao Yifan to go. “是!”曾若梦闻言,手中灵力吞吐,直接将憔悴男子的尸体装入专门收纳尸体的储物戒指,紧跟着曹毅凡而去。 When one group of walk away, the path two sides crowds chirp discussed. 待一行人走远,道路两边的人群才叽叽喳喳地议论起来。 Also is really naive, where also does not have a look here is!” “还真是天真,也不看看这里是什么地方!” Pitifully, I bet him to live for 15 days in the black market, our Young Master once, was the famous slow or phlegmatic temperament!” “可惜了,我在黑市赌他能活十五天,咱们这位曾少爷,可是有名的慢性子!” You, heard also some people bet that named Ye Qian how long can live, that gamble!” “你还算好的,听说还有人赌那个叫叶谦的能活多久,那才是豪赌!” Sits the gambling by the Glimpse Dao Realm eight heavy old ancestors' lives, that side the black market also really dares, knows that is who opens the village? Is credible?” “以窥道境八重老祖的性命坐赌,黑市那边还真敢啊,知道是谁开庄吗?靠不靠谱?” How old ancestor, is not a bystander, these years, our stainless city, can several bystanders live?” “老祖又如何,还不是外人,这些年,咱们无垢城,有几个外人能活着出去的?” This may be different, with flame radiant remote antiquity elder, white Qingchen Huo Tianshuang intersect sworn friend “这位可不一样,和炎璀璨太上长老,还是白清尘霍天霜都相交莫逆” Hehe, the ghost knows that really had a liking, wants to refine zombie “嘿嘿,鬼知道是真看上了,还是想炼成僵尸” Cao Yifan and once Ruomeng have not paid attention to the discussion of street, in the stainless city, the facing the street murder, rarely, was basically killed, generally is the bystanders, under this disciple refuses to be in the glare of the public eye kills one another. 曹毅凡与曾若梦没有理会街边的议论声,在无垢城,当街杀人,基本很少,被杀的,一般都是外人,本门弟子是严禁众目睽睽之下自相残杀的。 The feudal official gate is the evil way school, refining up the corpse for Lord, his master is the Glimpse Dao Realm eight heavy old ancestors, Master Zu is the powerhouses of Glimpse Dao Realm nine heavy peak ranks, misses one step to ask the boundary, did not say acts in a self-serving manner, but at least works unscrupulously does not have the issue. 将臣门是邪道门派,还是炼尸为主的,他师父是窥道境八重老祖,师祖是窥道境九重巅峰级别的强者,差一步就是问道境,不说为所欲为,但至少做事肆无忌惮是没问题的。 Can with their making up time crest of wave, on fire Fengshan or feudal official gate that side direct subordinate. 能跟他们抢点风头的,也就火凤山或者将臣门那边的嫡系 What a pity, three are quite tacit, rarely has conflicts directly the time. 可惜,三家都比较默契,很少有正面冲突的时候。 This thing, even cannot make in Cao resolute worldly desire have a fluctuation, turns the head to forget. 这种事情,甚至不能让曹毅凡心里有一丝波动,转头就忘。 Quick, Cao Yifan and his party, arrive at the black carp lake Juuniyama village. 很快的,曹毅凡一行人,就来到青鱼湖十二山庄。 Also before gives Ye Qian the gate of that set of mansion, feudal official gate leader Huo Qingzhou. 也就是将臣门掌门霍轻舟送给叶谦的那套府邸的门前。 „, Really is a good destination!” Cao Yifan sizes up, at present by the green front door that the strange flower and grass occupies, does not have the common that ruined feeling, is the flowers and plants and front gate wall forms a nice contrast on the contrary, has a unique flavor. “啧啧,真是个好去处!”曹毅凡四下打量,眼前是被奇花异草盘踞的绿色大门,没有寻常那种破败的感觉,反倒是花草与门墙相映成趣,别有一番风味。 „The sixth village, names the flowers and trees village, the given names of three scenery six garden ten binaries, I have hearing since childhood, what a pity is under the fire Fengshan name, before had not seen, this time holds the Ye Qian good fortune actually, can peep outcome!” “第六庄,又名花木庄,三景六园十二进的大名,我可是从小就有耳闻,可惜是火凤山名下,以前未曾见过,这次倒是托叶谦的福气,可以一窥其中的究竟!” Envying in Cao Yifan tone, not being able to say. 曹毅凡语气里,说不出的羡慕。 Some nonegos, Senior Brother why!” once Ruomeng shakes the head with something else in mind, he had not thought a mansion had anything to be good, the spiritual energy did not have Qiming mountain to come thickness, luxurious definitely was surpasses, but was the followers, these were not luxuriously useful. “一些外物而已,师兄何必!”曾若梦不以为然地摇了摇头,他可没觉得一栋府邸有什么好的,灵气还没启明山来的浓密,奢华肯定是超过的,但都是修炼者,这些奢华有个屁用。 Different, big differences!” Cao Yifan smiles, has not distinguished again, before his walking mansion front door, to the entrance gatekeeper, had been saying with a smile: „The Qiming mountain Qiming old ancestor place next three generations of disciples, Cao Yifan, once Ruomeng, with expensive main good friend Liu can, come to pay a visit the leaf senior, but also please pass reported!” “不一样,大大的不一样!”曹毅凡笑笑,没再分辨,他走去府邸大门前,对着早已经在门口的门房,笑着说道:“启明山启明老祖座下三代弟子,曹毅凡、曾若梦,携贵主好友刘能,前来拜见叶前辈,还请通禀!” Asked the young master to wait a bit!” The gatekeeper is the old person in stainless city, where can not know that Qiming mountain the reputation, squeezes out a smiling face hastily, asking the person to convey a message, actually became doubtful at heart, this sixth village, was the leader an industry of feudal official mountain department, how that side Qiming mountain first to come the person especially actually, was a little strange! “请公子稍等!”门房是无垢城的老人,哪里会不知道启明山的名头,连忙挤出一张笑脸,叫人去传话,心里却是犯嘀咕,这第六庄,可是掌门将臣山一系的产业,怎么特么倒是启明山那边先来人,有点诡异! Qiming mountain three generations of disciples, Cao Yifan, once Ruomeng, but also leads Liu to be able?” “启明山三代弟子,曹毅凡、曾若梦,还带着刘能?” Ye Qian hears the retinue to report in the backyard, first stares, then the corners of the mouth hang up the faint smile the curve. 叶谦在后院听到仆从禀告,先是一愣,而后嘴角挂起似笑非笑的弧度。 This Qiming mountain is really interesting! 这启明山还真有意思! Unexpectedly knows that leads Liu to come, does not know that Liu can know, after is Qiming mountain Liu Susu sold, minister gate. 居然知道带着刘能过来,就是不知道刘能知不知道,就是启明山将刘素素卖给后卿门的。 Actually has a look at Qiming mountain to do! 看看启明山究竟想干嘛! Ye Qian has not rejected, opens the door on the contrary, greets them personally. 叶谦没有拒绝,反倒是打开中门,亲自迎接他们。 Sees Ye Qian that moment, Cao resolute worldly desire first trembles, the imposing manner of Ye Qian whole body is quite reserved, reveals except for Glimpse Dao Realm eight heavy late cultivation base without doubt, other do not have slightest bit place specially, normally was farther than the imposing manner difference of his Glimpse Dao Realm eight heavy peak boundary masters, but his inexplicable has a feeling, Ye Qian with is more dangerous than his master. 看到叶谦的那一刻,曹毅凡心头一颤,叶谦浑身的气势相当内敛,除了窥道境八重后期的修为显露无疑,其他没有半分特意的地方,按说比他窥道境八重巅峰境师父的气势差远了,但他莫名的有种感觉,叶谦比他师父跟危险一些。 Has seen Mr. Ye!” A Cao Yifan face is respectful, gave regards submissively. “见过叶先生!”曹毅凡一脸恭敬,拱手问好。 He does not know actually this anything called Ye Qian. 他其实不知道该什么称呼叶谦 Said the senior, estranged, said the teacher's younger brother, he was unwilling, says the Senior Brother, he really did not have this face. 说前辈吧,生分,说师叔吧,他不甘心,说师兄吧,他还真没这个脸。 Must know that he and white Qingchen missed a rank. 要知道他和白清尘差了一个辈分。 Has seen Mr. Ye!” once Ruomeng also went forward to salute upon meeting. “见过叶先生!”曾若梦也上前见礼。 Mr. Ye small old Liu can say with a smile awkwardly, he wants to use the beforehand name actually, but Cao Yifan and once Ruomeng was higher than him in the status of sect gate, they by the Mr. Ye polite name, he naturally can only follow to use. 叶先生”小老儿刘能尴尬地笑道,他倒是想用以前的称呼,但曹毅凡和曾若梦在宗门的地位都比他高,他们都以叶先生尊称,他自然只能跟着用。 In us said!” Ye Qian was full of the profound meaning to look at a Liu to be able, he saw actually Liu can not be willing the region person to visit, in the heart was to sends for He Qiming mountain, were many several curiosity. “咱们里面说!”叶谦饶有深意地看了一眼刘能,他倒是看出刘能不是心甘情愿地带人上门,心中更是对为何启明山派人来,多了几份好奇。 The group arrived at an entertaining a guest courtyard, Ye Qian was in charge to do, Cao Yifan and once Ruomeng sat in the left, Liu can do in the right. 一行人到了一处待客的院子,叶谦入主做,曹毅凡和曾若梦坐在左边,刘能做在右边。 I and others presented the life of master Master Zu, wants to do a business with Mr. Ye, because knows Liu Zhishi and Mr. Ye who sect gate catches up with corpse lineage/vein get to know each other well, then asked him to build a bridge, but also asked the mister not to blame!” “我等奉师父师祖之命,想与叶先生做个生意,因为知道宗门赶尸一脉的刘执事与叶先生相熟,便请他来搭个桥,还请先生勿怪!” Cao Yifan first spoke the polite speech, this he had sized up several Ye Qian, although clear(ly) knew Ye Qian to be young, but really saw the person, was hard to accept as before, must know him, although was seemingly young, but really 68 years old, were actually Glimpse Dao Realm 7-layer cultivation base, but are also calculating talent the feudal official gate. 曹毅凡先将场面话说上,这一路他已经将叶谦打量了好几遍,虽然明知道叶谦年轻,但真看到人,依旧难以接受,要知道他虽看起来年轻,但实打实六十八岁,却不过是窥道境七重修为,但在将臣门还算天才之列。 This Ye Qian, is only cultivation base, on the excess of evildoer/monstrous talent. 这个叶谦,只是修为,就妖孽的过份。 All right, I and Liu can be friends, since there are him to follow, two have any demand, opens the mouth freely, Ye can accomplish, naturally does not have the issue!” Ye Qian carries one cup of tea, sipped one, indifferent say/way. “没事,我与刘能是朋友,既然有他相随,两位有什么需求,尽管开口,叶某能办到的,自然没问题!”叶谦端起一杯茶,抿了一口,淡然道。 This saying gave Liu to be able face, allowed the leeway to oneself, could not accomplish, that did not have the means. 这话给了刘能的面子,也给自己留了余地,办不到的,那也是没办法。 Hears Mr. Ye in the ancient grave, after the assistance flame radiant remote antiquity elder cuts kills, minister Menbei a day of crack, Master Zu is happy, is willing by a nine chief ministers of state day ossification pill of immortality, to be Mr. Ye drinks, is with for the feudal official gate, the regard of my Qiming mountain!” “听闻叶先生在古墓之中,协助炎璀璨太上长老斩杀后卿门北天裂,师祖非常开心,愿以一枚九品天僵化仙丹,为叶先生喝,也算是同为将臣门,我启明山的一点心意!” A Cao Yifan face said seriously, retinue holds a jade bottle, presents in front of Ye Qian. 曹毅凡一脸郑重地说完,门外一个仆从捧着一个玉瓶,奉到叶谦面前。 Nine chief ministers of state day ossification pill of immortality, is I the feudal official gate characteristics compounded drug, even if the Glimpse Dao Realm nine heavy seniors, can be used to promote cultivation base, but also asked Mr. Ye do not shut out!” Cao Yifan said that in the eye flashes through not and fiery. “九品天僵化仙丹,是我将臣门特色丹药,哪怕是窥道境九重的前辈,也能用来提升修为,还请叶先生不要嫌弃!”曹毅凡说道,眼中闪过一丝不舍与火热。 This nine chief ministers of state day ossification pill of immortality, medicine effect is quite good, by Ye Qian Glimpse Dao Realm eight heavy late cultivation base, normally, about 34 can promote to the Glimpse Dao Realm eight heavy peaks, saves over a hundred years of self-torture. 这九品天僵化仙丹,药效相当不俗,以叶谦窥道境八重后期的修为,正常情况下,大约三四枚就能提升到窥道境八重巅峰,省下上百年苦修。 It can be said that Qiming mountain was also gets down the good qualification to be on good terms Ye Qian. 可以说,启明山也算是下了不俗的本钱来交好叶谦 Ye on it is too much!” Ye Qian smilingly receives storage ring the compounded drug , the small advantage does not occupy is a bastard, he has not really thought that has this feudal official gate unexpectedly the thing. “那叶某就受之有愧了!”叶谦笑眯眯地将丹药收入储物戒指,又便宜不占是王八蛋,他还真没想到将臣门居然有这等好东西。 Nine chief ministers of state compounded drug , although Ye Qian is the nine chief ministers of state refine the pill of immortality Grandmaster, but is used to promote the cultivation base nine chief ministers of state compounded drug pill prescription on hand, a hand number are many, does not know how this day ossification pill of immortality medicine effect, has many inventory the feudal official gate 九品丹药啊,啧啧,叶谦虽说已经是九品炼丹大师,但手头用来提升修为的九品丹药丹方,一只手数都多,不知道这个天僵化仙丹药效如何,将臣门有多少存货 hundred degrees celsius searches cloud Laige The novel website, making you experience to renew most newly the quickest chapter novel, all novel seconds renew. 百度搜索【云来阁】小说网站,让你体验更新最新最快的章节小说,所有小说秒更新。
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