SSK :: Volume #69

#6883: Advances one step

Zhuo Kun puts out a rich blood. 卓昆吐出一口浓郁的鲜血。 The people find, is mixing with internal organs in broken bits! 众人瞧见,其中夹杂着细碎的内脏! Falls from the sky unexpectedly at the scene! 竟是当场陨落! The full house is quiet! 满场静谧! After a while, finally sees, his crown place, wipes the dense common mist to emit slowly, afterward from the sky dissipates. 过了一会儿,终于又看见,他的天灵盖处,一抹氤氲一般的雾气缓缓冒出,随后在空中消散。 This strikes, unexpectedly directly destroys Zhuo Kun's body and state of mind! 这一击,竟然将卓昆的身体和神魂都直接摧毁! This is Ye Qian slaughters the soldier metaplasia blade! 这就是叶谦的杀戮道兵化生刀! Liao Jun walked half, looks Zhuo Kun who is frightened out of one's wits, stopped the footsteps, looks to Ye Qian. 廖俊走了一半,看着魂飞魄散的卓昆,停下了脚步,愣愣的看向叶谦 Sound that in the quiet air as if many people inspired. 静谧的空气中似乎有许多人吸了一口气的声音。 At this moment, the people also along with Liao Jun's vision, look to Ye Qian. 此时此刻,众人也都随着廖俊的目光,看向叶谦 Latter's hand shivers slightly, but a while then restored. 后者的手微微颤抖,不过一会儿便恢复了。 Sees only calm his receives blade, chins up and chests out looks at all people who in field lofty and steadfast does not fear. 只见他淡定的收起刀,昂首挺胸岿然不惧的看着场中的所有人。 He wants to kill me, I then the homicide.” “他想杀我,我便将他杀了。” Ye Qian not salty did not say pale. 叶谦不咸不淡地说道。 Has made a mistake, we made a mistake.” Yue magnificence look looks complex the Ye Qian air/Qi calms down the idle appearance, muttered, ” his strength, at all not like he displayed from the beginning. ” “错了,我们都错了。”岳华眼神复杂地看着叶谦气定神闲的模样,喃喃道,”他的实力,根本不像他一开始表现的那样。” This what's the matter?” “这到底是怎么回事?” Ye Ming walks, looks like too did not care to Zhuo Kun's falling from the sky. 叶明走过来,看起来对卓昆的陨落并不是太关心。 Also is, he walks Jiang Hu for many years, has seen innumerable life and death, the disposition was not already ordinary. 也是,他行走江湖多年,见过无数生死,心性早就不一般。 He did not think that dies strong person to have anything a slightly at the worst. 他也不觉得死一个稍微强一些的人有什么大不了。 If said some ripples, that is also because Ye Qian jumps the ranks the challenge so to be relaxed like this. 若说有些涟漪,那也是因为叶谦这样越级挑战还如此轻松。 Is here issue.” “是这里的问题。” Liao Jun answered, he looked like is very as if tired, probably was maintaining the condition of stimulation of movement energetic mystique. 廖俊解释道,他看起来似乎很累,好像一直保持着催动精神秘法的状态。 You? What's the matter.” Yue magnificence asked. “你怎么了?到底怎么回事。”岳华问道。 On this, I must maintain the energetic mystique, the people of having free time deep sect must be. “在这一层,我必须保持着精神秘法,所有空冥宗的人都得是。 Here opium poppy, at is not ordinary opium poppy, but is chaos opium poppy! ” 这里的罂粟,根本不是普通的罂粟,而是混沌罂粟!” Such remarks, full house lonesome however. 此言一出,满场寂然。 Chaos opium poppy? So that's how it is......” “混沌罂粟?原来如此……” Ye Qian thought. 叶谦想起来了。 That is the thing in legend, although the famous belt opium poppy two characters, the effect is opposite with it. 那是传说中的东西,虽然名带罂粟二字,功效却与之相反。 Not only cannot settle the Shenning air/Qi, instead will harass the mind of person, even has the illusion. 不仅不能安神宁气,反而会扰乱人的心神,甚至产生幻觉。 Regarding a soul spirit more formidable person, the injury is more obvious. 对于灵魂精神越强大的人,伤害就越明显。 Long ago, chaos opium poppy existed as the toxicant, was Assassin and assassin as the important instrument of assassination! 很久之前,混沌罂粟作为毒药存在,是杀手、刺客作为刺杀的重要工具! Superb that once also Assassin will use, even asked the boundary powerhouses to be able in silent to kill continually! 曾经还有一位杀手将之用的出神入化,甚至连问道境界的强者都能于无声无息中杀死! Because its primary armament is chaos opium poppy, posterity then being calledopium poppy deicide ”! 因为其主要武器都是混沌罂粟,后人便将之称为”罂粟杀神”! But this opium poppy deicide, temperament is also quite strange, looked that who is not suitable, a word not at earliest convenience killing. 而这位罂粟杀神,脾气又极为古怪,看谁不顺,一言不合就将之杀死。 At that time, various large amount gates had the Glimpse Dao Realm boundary, to ask the boundary powerhouse to annoy him to be killed. 当时,各大宗门都有窥道境境、问道境界的强者惹到他而被杀死。 This has also caused the panic of various large amount gates, therefore joins up, setting out several to peep nine heavy powerhouse to encircle kills him! 这也引起了各大宗门的恐慌,于是联合起来,出动了十几位窥道九重的强者围杀他! The bonus is so, although kills him finally, actually fell from the sky several to peep nine heavy powerhouse. 饶是如此,虽然最终还是将他杀死,却还是陨落了好几位窥道九重的强者。 Some people receive the corrosion of opium poppy deicide, its life is finally unconscious, is difficult the achievement! 有些人更是受到罂粟杀神的侵蚀,终其一生都神志不清,再难有作为! This lets various large amount gate fear, joins up to eradicate chaos opium poppy of each place. 这让各大宗门后怕不已,联合起来将各个地方的混沌罂粟铲除。 Circumstances changes with the time, has not known many years, chaos opium poppy already did not have this world to be right. 时过境迁,不知过了多少年,混沌罂粟早就不存在这个世界了才对。 Has not thought that the Xinghai sects train unexpectedly secretly, as the second smelting trial. 没想到,星海宗竟偷偷培养起来,作为第二层的试炼。 Why are we all right?” “我们为何没事?” Since chaos opium poppy is so shocking, the Yue magnificent, Yueyang and other day good sect of the people look like the bystander are also same, hundred think does not understand, asked. 既然混沌罂粟如此骇人听闻,岳华、岳阳等天行宗的人又看起来似没事人一样,百思不得解,不禁发问。 This type of thing, regarding the soul strength formidable person, just like the nightmare, does not have the indication, and is rapid! “这种东西,对于灵魂力量强大的人来说,宛如噩梦,毫无征兆且迅疾! But regarding soul strength small and weak person, its influence instead does not have is so obvious, is quite chronic. 但对于灵魂力量弱小的人来说,它的影响反而没那么明显,是比较慢性的。 You are also careful, this place is not suitable stays for a long time! ” 你们也要小心,此地不宜久留!” Liao Jun is protecting the mind, said difficultly. 廖俊守护着心神,艰难地说道。 Had been a pity these many good things......” Yue magnificence to say after a sigh. “可惜了这么多好东西……”岳华感叹道。 So the place is apt to get into trouble, trains that many raw material for medicine and chaos opium poppy together, perhaps already changed the nature, does your day good sect also dare to take?” “如此是非之地,将那么多药材与混沌罂粟一起培养,恐怕早就变了性质,你天行宗还敢拿吗?” Ye Ming said. 叶明说道。 I also said.” “我也不过说说而已。” Yue magnificence shook the head, such place, no one can guarantee that the thing is normal. 岳华摇了摇头,这样的地方,谁也不敢保证东西正不正常。 Also collected the raw material for medicine to require the massive time, the chaos opium poppy silent corrosion, sooner or later will swallow them, where they dare to violate the danger by the body. 再说采集药材需要大量的时间,混沌罂粟无声无息的侵蚀,早晚会把他们吞噬,他们哪敢以身犯险。 Only had enters next again.” Yueyang said. “唯有再进入下一层了。”岳阳说道。 Snort, this, I do not dare to treat, in advance said goodbye.” Ye Minghuo the sharp fire singes. “哼,这一层,我可不敢多待了,先行告辞。”叶明火急火燎。 Also does not wait for anybody to answer that moves toward the channel directly. 也不等任何人回话,径直走向通道。 Some powder cultivate to see that look at each other in blank dismay, hesitates must enter next. 一些散修见状,自是面面相觑,犹豫着到底要不要进入下一层。 The unknown danger, has the unknown opportunity. 未知的危险,亦有未知的机遇。 Finally most people decide to spell, entered next. 最后大部分人还是决定拼一把,进入了下一层。 After all, all people will think oneself are the lucky fellow who ascended the sky to care , everyone thought oneself are different. 毕竟,所有人都会觉得自己是受上天眷顾的幸运儿,每个人都觉得自己不一样。 Is my words, definitely.” “是我的话,肯定可以的。” Such idea, has created the innumerable gamblers. 这样的想法,造就了无数的赌徒。 Achievement many people with outstanding ability, has fallen from the sky many crude arrogant youth talent. 成就了多少英才,也陨灭了多少鲁莽自大的青年才俊。 We walk.” Yue magnificence looks the powder that files in cultivate, ordered. “我们走。”岳华看着鱼贯而入的散修们,也下令道。 We also!” The person of spatial deep sect also difficultly moves. “我们也跟着!”空冥宗的人亦艰难的行动。 Ye Qian sighed to sigh one, looked at the surroundings, sent out the strange fragrance except for the full house opium poppy flower, the warm positive soft jade of top of the head is still sending out photo-thermal, other person's shadows did not have...... 叶谦喟叹了一声,看了看周围,除了满场的罂粟花散发着奇怪的香味,头顶的温阳软玉兀自发出光热,其他一个人影都没有…… As if he does not have other choice...... 似乎他也没有别的选择…… ...... …… Is filling with disturbed and anticipation. 满怀着忐忑与期待。 The people completely all step the staircase to third tall Tower. 众人尽皆踏上通往第三层高塔的楼梯。 Here, does not know that what thing has to wait for us?” “这里,不知道有什么东西等待着我们?” Following that Ye Qian did not say a word behind them, careful on the alert all around, pays attention regarding the sound that above often broadcast extremely. 叶谦一言不发的跟在他们后面,小心警惕着周遭的一切,对于上面不时传来的声音极为关注。 But...... As if no what change. 但……似乎没有什么异动。 All people stopped before the entrance the small position. 所有人又都停在了门口前小小的位置。 It seems like treated as the safe area the entrance. 看来都把门口当做安全区了。 The Ye Qian unstated criticism, is crushing into the crowd people. 叶谦腹诽着,挤进拥堵的人们。 Here truly is a safe area. 这里确实是安全区。 In front, is ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) cliff space, in this period was quiet immeasurably deep, Ye Ming to judge the depth of place, throws gravel conveniently, silent long time, has not actually heard any sound. 面前,是万丈悬崖似的空间,其间幽深不可测,叶明为了判断地方的深度,随手丢进去一个石子,静默良久,却没有听到任何响声。 Yue magnificence is shouting one to the cliff, along with backing-up the ear is listening. 岳华对着悬崖大喊一声,随后撑着耳朵听。 Probably was swallowed was the same. 就好像被吞噬了一样。 Without sound that the gravel falls to the ground, has not replied. 没有石子落地的声音,没有回音。 This makes the person raise the doubts, in the high tower, is actually what kind of space? 这不禁让人升起疑惑,高塔之内,究竟是怎样的空间? This simplicity, is good because of the two sides distance is not far, this to our these each is the Glimpse Dao Realm powerhouse, even if distances between two cliffs is longer, may with ease.” Ye Ming said. “这个简单,好在两边距离不远,这对我们这些各个都是窥道境界的强者来说,即便是两崖之间的距离再长一些,也轻松可过。”叶明说道。 Our on time...... Well, what's the matter?” “那我们就过去吧……咦,怎么回事?” Yue magnificence muttered, a brow wrinkle, in the ugly forehead probably had a fearful horse hoofprint. 岳华喃喃自语,不禁眉头一皱,丑陋的眉心里就好像有一只可怕的马蹄印。 How?” Yueyang asked. “怎么了?”岳阳问道。 You stimulate to movement cultivation base, feels.” “你们催动修为,感受一下。” The people are puzzled, but complies. 众人不解,但还是照做。 Ye Qian promotes the strength quietly, actually discovered oneself cannot raise completely! 叶谦悄悄提升力量,却发现自己完全提不上去! This makes the people have a scare, will be difficult to be inadequate just chaos opium poppy also to absorb cultivation base of people? 这让众人吓了一跳,难不成刚刚的混沌罂粟还会吸收人们的修为 Ye Qian suspected that possibly is space issue, therefore goes out of third. 叶谦猜想可能是空间的问题,于是走出第三层。 In the staircase promotion strength, the discovery such as ordinary is the same, the strength passes with ease, just like tide. 在楼梯处提升力量,却发现就如平常一样,力量轻松地流转,宛如潮水。 Originally this third high Tarry, does not know that has any mysterious strength, is suppressing cultivation base of people! 原来这第三层高塔里,不知有什么神秘的力量,压制着众人的修为 Makes everyone with average person similar. 使得每个人都跟普通人差不多。 It seems like, this was to let crawl slowly on time.” “看来,这一层是让慢慢爬过去了。” Yue magnificence Zhi nearby wall was saying. 岳华指着旁边的墙壁说道。 Ye Qian looks following his finger. 叶谦顺着他的手指看去。 On nearby wall some slightly bulge stone, its surface smooth like mirror. 旁边的墙壁上有些微微凸起的石块,其表层光滑如镜。 It looks like compared with wears down for a long time cobblestone also to in the turbulent current unable to stand firmly. 看起来比起在激流中消磨许久的鹅卵石还要让人站不住脚。 Probably truly did not have other means that crawled this thing, needed extremely carefully.” Ye Ming comments. “好像确实没有别的办法了,爬这个东西,需要极为小心。”叶明评价道。 It seems like, ascends the sky does not let our spatial deep sect on time.” Liao Jun said reluctantly. “看来,上天不让我们空冥宗过去。”廖俊无奈地说道。 What's wrong?” “怎么?” So smooth barrier, climbs up, needs the body and mind to unite, the mind ten thousand cannot have one to become less crowded, otherwise the hands and feet slides, the place that here cannot the relay stop, will directly definitely drop the cliff.” “如此平滑的壁垒,攀爬的时候,需要身心合一,心神万不能有一丝松动,否则手脚一滑,这里也没有能够接力停脚的地方,肯定会直接落进悬崖。” Our spatial deep sect is more or less, came under the influence of chaos opium poppy, the mind has not sunk completely, basic this place.” Saying that Liao Jun regrets. “我们空冥宗或多或少,都受到了混沌罂粟的影响,心神还未完全沉下去,根本过不了此地。”廖俊惋惜的说道。 It seems like we must advance.” Yueyang said. “看来我们又要先行一步了。”岳阳说道。 Liao Jun nodded, reminds: ” You are also careful, perhaps some people were also affected, the time that but the influence precipitates is quite long. If when you crawl, suddenly the mind chaos, decide will be hit by the total destruction. ” 廖俊点了点头,提醒道:”你们也要小心,说不定有些人也受到了影响,只不过影响沉淀的时间比较长。如果在你们爬的时候,突然心神大乱的话,定会遭到灭顶之灾。” Relax, although here we cultivation base was suppressed, but each strength is also not a lid, said that also wants powerful many compared with the average person.” Yue magnificence said. “放心,在这里我们虽然修为被压制,但各个实力也都不是盖的,怎么说,也比普通人要强悍的多。”岳华说道。 If possible, we tranquil the mind, behind will also follow.” Liao Jun seems like the open-minded say/way. “若是可能,我们平静了心神,后面还会跟上。”廖俊看似豁达道。 Discussed, finally has stayed behind besides the person of spatial deep sect completely, felt the powder of restlessing to cultivate also to remain. 讨论一番,最终除空冥宗的人全部留下了之外,一些感受着心神不宁的散修也留了下来。 The choice continues to go through customs, only remains ten person and boundary of stable Ye Ming and three Glimpse Dao Realm boundary eight heavy middle age as well as Ye Qian day of good sect. 选择继续通关的,只剩天行宗的十人、境界稳固的叶明和三名窥道境境八重的中年以及叶谦 Little brother, can you come first?” “小兄弟,你要先来吗?” Ye Ming and Ye Qian cheerful greeting, other people also look. 叶明与叶谦欢快的打着招呼,其他人也纷纷看过来。 Obviously the Ye Qian strength, obtained the approvals of these powerhouses. 显然叶谦的实力,已经得到了这些强者的认可。 „Below also young, not, if your excellency is experienced, this great honor, gives your excellency.” “在下还年轻,不若阁下有经验,这份殊荣,还是让给阁下吧。” The Ye Qian tactful rejection said. 叶谦委婉的拒绝道。 What he wants is the happy delimiting water mixes to have nine saliva jade dew places. 他要的是愉快的划水混到藏有九涎玉露的地方。 Nine saliva jade dew have not appeared, he naturally has not been thinking any head. 九涎玉露都还没出现,他自然没想着出什么头。 This thinks that must quarrel, but is unexpected, Ye Ming has hit, said: 本以为又要争吵一番,但出乎意料的,叶明只是打了个哈哈,说道: Also good, I am old, is a cutting edge to search to explore the way to you......” “也好,此间我年龄较大,给你们做个先锋探探路……” Your excellency invited.” Yue magnificence said modestly. “阁下请。”岳华谦虚地说道。 However his body thick large, enabling Ye Qian to think that the movement of this extremely politeness appears especially funny. 不过他身体粗硕,使得叶谦觉得这极为礼貌的动作显得格外的好笑。 Ye Ming nods the head slightly, then did not say a word. 叶明微微颔首,便再不言语。 Leaps light and lively, the whole person such as gecko attaches generally above the wall. 轻灵一跃,整个人如壁虎一般附着在墙壁之上。 Both feet quite steady stepping on the smooth stone, two hands is sticking to the smooth tower wall. 双脚颇为稳健的踩在光滑的石块上,两只手紧贴着光滑的塔壁。 But that person movement was still maintaining graceful, when except for 1 st contact movement ugly beyond, during the migrations seemed the rivers and streams running water. 但其人动作仍然保持着优雅,除了初一接触时动作丑了点之外,移动间就好似江河流水。 The movement is smooth, and rich aesthetic sense. 动作流畅无比,且富有美感。 What a pity is a man, if such as the Liao Mei common beautiful woman, such as the water snake common body sways from side to side, decides however attracts the attention especially...... 可惜是个汉子,若是如廖魅一般的美人,如水蛇一般的身体扭动间,定然格外吸引眼球……
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