SSK :: Volume #69

#6882: Had the good play to look

Fight like a raging fire is carrying on, but the confusion in field had still not weakened the slightest. 战斗如火如荼的进行着,但场的混乱仍然没有减弱分毫。 The powder of remaining eight Glimpse Dao Realm boundary eight heavy boundaries cultivate, just and people of spatial deep sect glower, the word does not gather the appearance that attacks brutally greatly. 剩下的八名窥道境境八重境界的散修,正与空冥宗的众人怒目而视,大有一言不合大打出手的样子。 Ye Qian does not care at all, relies on near the wall, then the long observation, he had discovered where does not suit. 叶谦满不在乎,倚在墙边,那么久的观察,他发现了到底哪里不对劲了。 opium poppy flower. 罂粟花。 It seems like here opium poppy is not outside that general opium poppy, but has a function of corrosion regarding the spirit. 看来这里的罂粟不是外面那种一般的罂粟,而对于精神有一种侵蚀的功能。 He looks the appearance that day of good sect these people are carefree and content, had some understanding to this opium poppy at heart. 他看着天行宗那些人悠然自得的样子,心里也对这种罂粟有了些许了解。 It seems like this thing, regarding the soul strength formidable person, has not same effect. 看来这东西,对于灵魂力量强大的人,有着不一样的“功效”啊。 He can look, all people of spatial deep sect received the corrosion of this thing, during the speeches do not have the discretion more and more. 他看得出来,空冥宗的所有人都受到了这东西的侵蚀,说话间越来越没有分寸了。 He had not been affected luckily, this battle also has nothing to do with him. 幸好他自己没有受到影响,这争斗也与他无关。 Let them hit slowly, then also has multi-layer that. 让他们慢慢打吧,接下来还有那么多层。 Although the danger decides however much, perhaps but has any good treasure. 虽然危险定然不少,但说不定有什么好的宝物呢。 Has been short of some people, there is an advantage. 少了一些人,也有好处。 The advantage outweighs the shortcoming. 利大于弊。 However, how long Ye Qian does not have to be leisurely and carefree, wants to stay out, obviously some difficulties. 不过,叶谦也没有悠闲多久,想要置身事外,显然有些难度。 Hello, you.” “喂,你。” The powder cultivates, the powerhouses of another Glimpse Dao Realm boundary nine heavy initial period shout. 散修,另外一个窥道境境九重初期的强者喊道。 What?” Ye Qian enhanced vigilance. “什么?”叶谦提高了警惕。 Everybody is helping, do you stand there are do do?” “大家都在帮忙,你站在那里是干什么?” I......” the Ye Qian heart cursed one, said that I did not plan snatched here thing with you, therefore I did not help any busy.” “我……”叶谦心头咒骂一声,说道,“我不打算跟你们抢这里的东西,所以我也帮不什么忙。” Oh? I understood, your meaning is, what you want is the following several things, therefore wants to cultivate one's own moral worth.” ?我明白了,你的意思是,你想要的是接下来几层的东西,所以想要独善其身呗。” Damn.” Really you do not look for a job, have person not to be willing to let off you. “该死。”真是你不找事,自有人不愿放过你。 That actually, I am only the thing that has not wanted, here raw material for medicine, you assign the line at will.” Ye Qian said indifferently. “那倒不是,我只是没有想要的东西而已,这里的药材,你们随意分配行。”叶谦淡然说道。 Snort, you want to visit us injured, well snatches the thing!” “哼,你是想看我们受了伤,才好抢东西吧!” Looking askance of people calling out that the powder cultivates, has brought in quarrel. 散修的暴喝,引来了正在争吵的众人的侧目。 The Ye Qian handsome eyebrow twists, coldly visits him, will open the mouth, actually discovery present person, as if...... Also received the corrosion of opium poppy flower fragrance. 叶谦俊眉一拧,冷冷地看着他,正要开口,却发现眼前的人,似乎……也受到了罂粟花香的侵蚀。 Bottle gourd that remembers his stimulation of movement, Ye Qian faints from fear this person is also the soul strength formidable person, will otherwise not stimulate to movement that god soldier. 想起他一层催动的葫芦,叶谦惊觉这个人也是灵魂力量强大的人,若不然不会催动那种神兵。 However, at this moment reminded obviously some late. 但是,此刻提醒显然有些晚了。 If reminds now, spatial deep sect Suan alerts, will blame him early not to remind, regards as the match him. 如果现在提醒,空冥宗算警醒过来,也会责备他不早提醒,将他视为对手。 But vision industry of other people already Ye Qian locking. 而其他人的目光业已经将叶谦锁定。 If he makes concessions again one step, or did not take a stand, not only cannot stay out, it is estimated that with joint forces will also be rumbled smelting trial tall Tower. 若是他再退让一步,或者不表态,不仅不能置身事外,估计还会被合力轰出试炼高塔。 It seems like that must fight one. 看来,又得打一架了。 Really troublesome. 真是麻烦啊。 Ye Qian standing body, looks straight ahead the eye that the powder of that Glimpse Dao Realm boundary nine heavy initial period are repairing slowly, said: 叶谦慢慢站直身子,直视着那位窥道境境九重初期的散修的眼睛,说道: If your excellency so presses on step by step, I have to ask for advice one to your excellency.” “若阁下如此步步紧逼,我只好向阁下讨教一番了。” Snort, suits me. I must have a look but actually, your Glimpse Dao Realm boundary eight heavy issue of later generations, some big capability, do not look here raw material for medicine unexpectedly.” “哼,正合我意。我倒要看看,你一个窥道境境八重期的后辈,有多大的能力,竟看不这里的药材。” Ye Qian!” 叶谦!” Zhuo Kun!” “卓昆!” ...... …… Had the good play to look.” Wipes ugly smiles to bloom in the day line of sect Yuehua face, just like bitter melon. “有好戏看了。”一抹难看的笑绽放在天行宗岳华的脸,宛如苦瓜 Their cohesive force was insufficient, does not avoid the conflict, actually also wants the duel.” “他们本来凝聚力不够,不避免起冲突,竟然还要决斗。” Yueyang cancels the wound same lip is said by the blade has cut open. 岳阳勾着被刀割开了的伤口一样的嘴唇说道。 Hits hits, hits is more intense, to us powerful......” “打吧打吧,打的越激烈,越对我们有力……” Yue magnificence not happy saying. 岳华无开心的说道。 Zhang Qin, Zhang Heng could not bear blow the whistling. 张钦、张恒二人更是忍不住吹起了口哨。 But why does not know, the air falls into the strange silence quickly. 但不知为何,空气倏地陷入诡异的寂静。 Other people who quarrelled, hear this cheerful whistling sound, turns the head suddenly, the look completely all projects the coldly ray. 正在争吵的其他人,听到这欢快的口哨声,霍然转头,眼神尽皆射出冷冷地光芒。 Everybody, is very probably happy.” Person of expression ice-cold of spatial deep sect, watches our battle, you are very joyful.” “各位,好像很开心啊。”空冥宗的一人语气冰冷,“看着我们争斗,你们很愉悦呀。” Where where, we are only safe may do, you discussed the ownership of raw material for medicine.” “哪里哪里,我们只是无事可做,在等你们讨论好药材的归属。” Yue magnificence has hit, the unstated criticism these person of heads are not at heart normal. 岳华打了个哈哈,心里腹诽着这些人脑袋不正常。 Since the safe may do, why not to discuss?” The person who the powder cultivates also said. “既然无事可做,何不一起来讨论讨论?”散修的人也说道。 „, Does not need not to need. We, only know the practice, does not understand the worldly wisdom, the temperament is also irritable, perhaps is hard to discuss the ownership of raw material for medicine.” Yue magnificence humble say/way. “啊,不必不必。我们这些人呐,只知道修炼,根本不懂得人情世故,脾气又火爆,恐怕难以讨论药材的归属。”岳华谦逊道。 Yue magnificence brother chatted.” Other person seemingly kind saying. “岳华兄说笑了。”其他人貌似和蔼的说道。 Day good sect wants to keep out not to get involved, perhaps was many of thinking.” “天行宗想要置身局外,恐怕是想的多了。” Looks to incur!” “看招!” Beast god barrier!” “兽神壁垒!” Does not have the attack of indication, enabling Yue Huada to be startled. 毫无征兆的攻击,使得岳华大吃一惊。 Is good responds keenly because of him. 好在他反应灵敏。 Uses the alone gate unique skill at the last minute that the attack is. 在攻击达到的最后一刻使出独门绝技。 His body emerges out of thin air to carve the armor same light barrier of wild animal, absorbs all attacks. 他的身凭空出现雕刻着野兽的铠甲一样的薄薄壁垒,吸收掉所有的攻击。 Damn, these people were 80% insane?” “该死的,这些人八成是疯了吧?” Yueyang was emptied two who deep sect Hesan cultivates to besiege at this moment. 岳阳此刻被空冥宗和散修的两人围攻着。 Who knows! Four sides art of making oneself invisible!” “谁知道!四面遁甲!” Yue magnificence investigates carefully without enough time, he was taken care of by other people with emphasis. 岳华来不及细究,他被其他人重点照顾。 Four Glimpse Dao Realm boundary eight heavy powerhouses are besieging, suddenly attacks also the hands tied feet tied. 足足有四个窥道境境八重的强者围攻着,一时间进攻也束手束脚。 ...... …… thunder Yanjiang!” “雷炎降!” Zhuo Kun stimulates to movement the bottle gourd, only then short pretage. 卓昆催动葫芦,只有短暂的前置。 Ye Qian also without enough time responded that Zhuo Kun's top of the head, presents dark clouds suddenly. 叶谦还来不及反应,卓昆的头顶,骤然出现一朵阴云。 The lightning such as silver snake was twining generally in this period, several silver snakes bang make a long-range raid on time toward him. 闪电如银蛇一般在其间缠绕,几条银蛇轰隆隆的朝他奔袭过去 The pulling blade of Ye Qian clang, intention moves, delimits together the gigantic Purple Gold color blade air/Qi. 叶谦铿的拔出刀,心念一动,划出一道硕大的紫金色刀气。 That Purple Gold color, as if has cut together the air, irresistible general, the lightning in its front is the small snake that several treat butchers. 那一道紫金色,似乎划破了空气,势不可挡一般,闪电在其面前不过是几条待宰的小蛇。 In their instance of attack contact, the small snake was really destroyed completely. 在两人的攻击接触的瞬间,小蛇果然被摧毁殆尽。 Afterward although the Purple Gold color was dim, does not have the big consumption, still could not be stopped. 随后紫金色虽然黯淡了一些,却也没有多大的消耗,仍然锐不可当。 Zhuo Kun does not care at all, the spiritual strength adds a point again, bottle gourd is forever glorious, the strength of dark clouds increases several points. 卓昆满不在乎,精神力量再加一分,葫芦的光芒万丈,阴云的力量随之加大几分。 He read same pounding broken the mouth, the dark clouds seemed uniting the tremendous strength. 他碎碎念一样的砸吧着嘴,阴云似乎凝聚了巨大的力量。 Such as the human body thick or thin lightning arrives generally quickly, by easily accomplished potential easily Purple Gold color blade air/Qi annihilation. 一道如人体一般粗细的闪电倏地降临,以摧枯拉朽之势轻易地将紫金色刀气湮灭。 Afterward the split vision still glitters, straight rushing Ye Qian. 随后余光兀自闪烁,直直的奔向叶谦 Might is good.” Is meditating at heart, Ye Qian does not dare to have idles slightly. “威力还算不错。”心里默念着,叶谦不敢有丝毫懈怠。 The blade air/Qi circulation, more radiant ray winding knife, the strength of surface seems to be stronger. 刀气流转,更璀璨的光芒缠绕刀身,面的力量仿佛更加强大。 He wields a blade again, the blade air/Qi bumps into with it maliciously, in empty/sky explodes loudly. 他再挥出一刀,刀气与之狠狠相撞,于空轰然爆炸。 But his blade air/Qi weak several points, although downloads the majority of strengths, remained several points of complementary waves. 但他的刀气还是弱了几分,虽将大部分力道卸掉,却也残留了几分余波。 Attacking that the silver lightning such as clever land dragon, the sharp potential does not reduce to him. 银色的闪电如灵巧的地龙,锐势不减的攻向他。 Moves aside without enough time, the blade that the Ye Qian brake begins brandishes, its flood the Purple Gold colored light glow, gives to keep off all lightnings. 来不及躲闪,叶谦掣着手的刀挥舞起来,其泛起的紫金色光芒,将所有的闪电都给挡下。 Fights a battle to force a quick decision!” “速战速决!” Probably two people both have such thought that otherwise is the Zhuo Kun's long-distance attack is really crowded, here lightning just dealt with, behind presents a radiant silver python. 大概两个人都有着这样的念头,若不然是卓昆的远程攻击实在密集,这边的闪电才刚刚应付,后面又出现一条璀璨的银色巨蟒。 Must select earnestly! 要认真点了啊! Ye Qian sighed at heart, is built on same place, was a little helpless. 叶谦心里叹了口气,立于原地,有点无奈。 This is second, a little camouflage does not get down. 这不过是第二层,有点伪装不下去了啊。 Happy delimiting water of reaching an agreement! 说好的愉快的划水呢! Zhuo Kun cold Mou concentrates, heart was difficult to be inadequate he to give up? 卓昆冷眸一凝,心道难不成他放弃了? Must know that this is the attack that he stimulates to movement fully! 要知道这可是他全力催动的攻击! By the strengths of his Glimpse Dao Realm boundary nine heavy initial period, he does not think that Glimpse Dao Realm boundary eight heavy issue of followers can rely on the mortal body body to keep off this to strike. 以他窥道境境九重初期的实力,他不认为一位窥道境境八重期的修炼者能够凭借着肉身躯体挡下这一击。 Ye Qian feels the strength that the silver python is pressing , the corners of the mouth bring back a smile. 叶谦感受着银色巨蟒直逼过来的劲道,嘴角不禁勾起一丝微笑。 Silver python penetration, in the following spatial explosion. 银色巨蟒穿透而过,于后面的空爆炸。 Hazy, Zhuo Kun has not felt its to have any aura, therefore disdains saying: I to think really you have any card in a hand, originally also really gave up. The Glimpse Dao Realm boundary eight heavy people, can compare favorably with the Glimpse Dao Realm boundary nine heavy powerhouses to my this, only has dead!” 烟雾弥漫,卓昆没有感受到其有任何气息,于是不屑道:“我到真以为你有什么底牌,原来还真的放弃了。窥道境境八重的人,对我这样可以媲美窥道境境九重的强者,唯有死尔!” But his voice has not fallen, skill suddenly appears resounds a different sound. 但他话音未落,身手突然出现响起一丝异声。 His pupil concentrates, turns the head suddenly. 他眸子微凝,霍然转头。 Sees only Ye Qian to hold the blade, its blade air/Qi sending out, his just silver python must shine the eye! 只见叶谦持着刀,其刀气散发,之他刚刚的银色巨蟒还要亮眼! At this moment, the Ye Qian look visits him indifferently, just like looking at the ice-cold corpse! 此时此刻,叶谦正眼神冷漠的看着他,宛如看着冰冷的尸体! How possible?” His intention fine motion, stimulates to movement cultivation base crazily, the intention resists. “怎么可能?”他的心念微动,疯狂催动修为,意图抵挡。 What a pity Ye Qian is not new military recruits, will not play the round system game he to counter-attack with him. 可惜叶谦不是菜鸟,才不会跟他玩回合制游戏等他反击。 You are relentless, wanting me dead, does not take it ill me to disregard another's feelings!” “你毫不留情,想要我死,也休怪我不留情面!” Ye Qian said lightly that the blade of hand also falls, the giant Purple Gold color blade air/Qi chops at extremely near distance to Zhuo Kun! 叶谦淡淡说道,手的刀也同时落下,巨大的紫金色刀气以极为近的距离劈向卓昆! Zhuo Kun stimulates to movement the god soldier without enough time, flurried, at present can only find the way to defend crazily, disregards. 卓昆来不及催动神兵,慌乱不已,时下只能疯狂的想办法防御,也不管不顾。 He can only put in the body his god soldier before the shield! 他只能将自己的神兵作为盾牌置于身前! Purple Gold color blade air/Qi is similar to cursing of god of death, pounds directly in his Hulumian, the ray that the bottle gourd winds around is divided instantaneously! 紫金色刀气如同死神的催命符,直接砸在他的葫芦面,葫芦缭绕的光芒被瞬间劈断! Then the might does not reduce, unexpectedly is directly his bottle gourd penetration! 而后威力丝毫不减,竟是直接将他的葫芦穿透而过! „!” “啊啊啊!” The Zhuo Kun's desperate pitiful yell, the sound was almost piercing the eardrum of two Tarry all people. 卓昆绝望的惨叫着,声音几乎刺穿了二层塔里所有人的耳膜。 In his sound mixed with the strength of soul, returning to consciousness just before dying strikes? 他的声音里夹杂了灵魂的力量,回光返照的一击吗? Ye Qian breathes some disorder, looks indifferently he called out pitifully desperately. 叶谦呼吸有些紊乱,冷漠的看着他绝望惨叫。 Damn, under boy Assassin!” Yue magnificence shouts, ” you make way! Ye Qian, that is the Glimpse Dao Realm boundary nine heavy powerhouses, is not small to our help! ” “该死,那小子下杀手了!”岳华喊道,”你们让开!叶谦,那可是窥道境境九重的强者,对我们的帮助不小!” Other people as if suddenly sober general, performs all stops the battle, looked that to being just about by Zhuo Kun who the Purple Gold color blade air/Qi submerges. 其他人似乎骤然清醒一般,尽皆停下争斗,看向正要被紫金色刀气淹没的卓昆。 „! What's the matter.” “啊!怎么回事。” Liao Jun, Liao Mei are holding the head suddenly, remembered just all, frightened! 廖俊、廖魅突然扶着脑袋,想起刚刚的一切,不禁惊吓一身冷汗! I...... How I will make so the piffle! Liao Jun thinks inconceivable. 我……我怎么会做如此傻事!廖俊觉得不可思议。 All people, the flash sobered, looks that by Zhuo Kun who covers desperately, has selected the eyebrow. 此间所有人,一瞬间都清醒了,看着被绝望覆盖的卓昆,不禁挑了挑眉。 What's the matter, stops!” “怎么回事,停下来!” Liao Jun pondered without enough time exactly had anything, hurries to make noise to prevent, the body hurries to dash on time toward there, but radically without enough time! 廖俊来不及思考到底发生了什么,赶紧出声阻止,身子赶紧朝那里飞奔过去,但是根本来不及! Late!” Ye Qian sneers, looks at the Purple Gold color blade air/Qi following bottle gourd, its surface covers entirely the lines on face. “晚了!”叶谦冷笑,看着紫金色刀气后面的葫芦,其表面布满细纹。 But backs-up soon, then loudly blasts open! 而后撑不多久,便轰然炸裂! Just like shatter earthenware jar! 宛如破碎的瓦罐! Although Zhuo Kun the backlash said the step, but runs the Purple Gold color blade air/Qi that obviously this slantingly chops. 卓昆虽然后退说步,但显然跑不过这道斜砍出的紫金色刀气。 He cannot hide, because the blade air/Qi early has locked him, the body does not listen to direct, this makes him have no place to go. 他也躲不掉,因为刀气早已经将他锁定,身体根本不听使唤,这让他无处可逃。 „!” His subconscious putting out a hand standard keeps off. “啊!”他下意识的伸手格挡。 Finally, blade air/Qi puts on body directly...... 终于,刀气直接穿身而过……
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