SSK :: Volume #67

#6696: Inference

The Ye Qian long gun|spear takes out in the hand, the imposing manner also surges upward. When he law origin spirit strength unceasing irrigation long gun|spear, this mysterious and ancient long gun|spear, unceasing shivering, sends out the hope fight hope blood immediately buzz whining noise. 叶谦长枪取出在手中,气势也随之而高涨。当他将法源灵力不断的灌注进长枪的时候,这一杆神秘而古老的长枪,顿时也不断的颤抖,发出渴望战斗渴望鲜血的嗡鸣声。 However all these, opposite Zhou Yue does not care, because of the present, she is not Zhou Yue. 但是这一切,对面的周悦并不在意,因为现在,她已经不是周悦了。 Rather, slip of paper person. 而是,纸片人。 However, obviously, this slip of paper person, before Ye Qian that meets, is not same. Otherwise, facing Ye Qian, it is thinking should escape immediately, but after is not controls the week to be pleased, revolts again. 不过,显然的,这一个纸片人,与叶谦之前碰见的那个,并不是同一个。否则的话,面对叶谦,它想着的应该是马上逃跑,而不是控制住周悦后,再进行反抗。 Jie Jie......” Zhou Yuefa leaves a grating and strange laughter, in the yin cold look, now full is the savage cruel color. “桀桀……”周悦发出一阵刺耳又诡异的笑声,阴冷的眼神里,现在满是凶残暴戾之色。 Ye Qian again has not actually delayed, because of the former good bitter experience, can look. Once were taken possession by this slip of paper person, then, it can absorb host vigor elementary force. This not only can strengthen its oneself, in the meantime, can the short time strengthen the strength of host it takes possession. 叶谦却没有再耽搁了,因为从之前蛮牛的遭遇,就可以看出来。一旦被这个纸片人附身的话,那么,它是可以吸取宿主身上的精气神元力的。这不仅仅可以强化它自身,同时,也可以短时间增强它附身的宿主的实力。 Although said as the matter stands, regarding the body of host, damage very serious. Light point just likes good like that as if gets sick greatly. Heavy, possibly is directly while still alive attracting the adult withered. 虽然说这样一来,对于宿主的身体,损伤十分的严重。轻一点的犹如蛮牛那般,仿佛大病一场。重一点的,可能就是直接活活的给吸成人干死了。 Although Ye Qian is far to Zhou Yue has many favorable impressions, but, his actually being glad slip of paper person does not become more formidable. 叶谦虽然谈不上对周悦有多少好感,但是,他却是不乐意纸片人变得更为强大的。 Therefore, he will not give slip of paper person a lot of time to absorb Zhou Yue the vigor. The long gun|spear after the hand, is one greatly drinks, the long gun|spear waves immediately, the high and low fluttering, the thorn selects to chop to sweep, was only the instantaneous, innumerable spear|gun shade as if that week of pleased complete covering. 因此,他不会给纸片人很多时间去吸收周悦的精气神。长枪在手之后,便是一声大喝,长枪顿时舞动起来,上下翻飞,刺挑砍扫,只是瞬间,无数的枪影仿佛将那周悦完全的笼罩在其中了。 The slip of paper person somewhat is then startled frightened, it has not really expected, this young people how so powerful! Because looks like in it, this young people are the same with the host that it takes possession, is Glimpse Dao Realm 7-layer peak cultivation base. In addition after it takes possession, reckless stimulates the host potential, as the matter stands, the strength of host, basically can promote 2-3 tenths. 纸片人这才有些惊慌恐惧,它实在是没有料到,这个年轻人怎么会如此的强悍!因为在它看来,这个年轻人和它所附身的宿主一样,都是窥道境七重巅峰的修为。再加上它附身之后,会不顾后果的去激发宿主潜能,这样一来,宿主的实力,基本上是可以提升个两三成的。 Do not despise these 2-3 tenths, during the fight of this rank, 2-3 tenths strength disparities, was almost considered as on is the crush bureau. 别小看了这两三成了,在这种级别的战斗之中,两三成的实力差距,几乎已经算得上是碾压局了。 Intrepid strength that however now Ye Qian shows, completely has been above its expectation. 但是现在叶谦所表现出来的强悍实力,完全超乎了它的预料。 At this moment, slip of paper person a little regretted that thought one as if should not provoke Ye Qian. 这一刻,纸片人是有点儿后悔的,觉得自己似乎不该去招惹叶谦 What a pity, it does not have means that that azure bronze mirror, in fact is its place of making one's home, the brief point, is similar to the shell of hermit crab. 可惜,它也是没有办法,那枚青铜镜,事实上是它的存身之处,简略点来说,就类似于寄居蟹的贝壳。 He usually hides in the bronze mirror, ten points secret, once needs any blood meat, will send out. Moreover this slip of paper person, before that difference. Initial that his appeared, as if in Tongjing had the inalienable relation. Therefore, the bronze mirror is part that it is unable to leave. 他平日藏身在铜镜之中,十分的隐秘,一旦是需要什么鲜血肉食了,就会出动。而且这个纸片人,与之前那个不同。他在出现的最初,似乎就已经于铜镜有了不可分割的联系。因此,铜镜是它无法舍去的一部分。 After carried off by the week pleased, the slip of paper person also wants to give the control Zhou Yue immediately, and swallows. However...... Although the slip of paper person the monster is evil, actually also the full of wisdom thing, he clearly understands that this Zhou Yue is all alone, if has swallowed her essence flesh and blood, then it again sought for the host. 在被周悦带走之后,纸片人也是想要在第一时间就把周悦给掌控,并且吞噬掉的。但是……纸片人虽然妖邪,却也是有智慧的东西,他非常的清楚明白,这周悦就是孤身一人的,如果吞噬了她的精气血肉,那它就又得重新去寻找宿主了。 Why not such as, to make this woman act on free will, it actually ambushes in her body, had discovered after appropriate goal, gets rid. Then, very relaxed, gains the massive flesh and blood essence. 何不如,就让这女人自由行动,它却潜伏于她的身上,发现了合适的目标之后,就出手。如此一来,就会十分的轻松,获取大量的血肉精气。 But Mu Lingfeng who originally, that came from the nameless ghost legendary creature, is the first target that it discovers. This Mu Lingfeng has an powerful grandfather worthily, the strength far ultra common person, the vitality is also especially exuberant. If can swallow this fellow, the slip of paper person believes that it can formidable! 而本来,那来自无名鬼蜮的慕凌风,是它发现的第一个目标。这慕凌风不愧是有一个强悍的祖父,实力远超寻常人,气血也是尤为旺盛。如果可以吞噬掉这家伙,纸片人认为,它可以更加的强大! Therefore, Mu Lingfeng has arrived at one with Zhou Yue. Those who what a pity make the slip of paper person be pleasantly surprised, after Mu Lingfeng and Zhou Yue accompany, less than a while, has run upon Ye Qian and the others. 于是,慕凌风就和周悦走到了一起。可惜让纸片人又惊又喜的是,慕凌风和周悦结伴之后,不到一会儿,就撞上了叶谦等人。 But Mu Lingfeng this fellow very rampant, finally one was beaten violently by Ye Qian, his barely alive appearance, the slip of paper people could not mention the mood of swallowing. 而慕凌风这家伙十分的嚣张,结果被叶谦一顿狠揍,就他那半死不活的模样,纸片人都提不起吞噬的心情。 But those who make it a little joyful is, he had discovered compared with Mu Lingfeng more formidable humanity follower, the vitality exuberant degree of this fellow, at is not Mu Lingfeng can place on a par. 而让它有点欣喜的是,他发现了比慕凌风更为强大的人类修炼者,这家伙的气血旺盛的程度,根本不是慕凌风能够相提并论的。 This person, naturally was Ye Qian. 这人,自然就是叶谦了。 Also because of this, Zhou Yuecai suddenly has attacked Ye Qian. 也正是因为这,周悦才忽然袭击了叶谦 In fact, by week pleased standpoint, radically not to the significance that the Ye Qian sneak attack gets rid. Even if she has a liking for the bronze scabbard that Ye Qian has gone well, is, she is not clear, frontage oppressive Mu Lingfeng Ye Qian, is she can incur to stir up? 事实上,以周悦的立场,根本就没有对叶谦偷袭出手的意义。即便是她看上了叶谦得手的青铜剑鞘,可是,她难道不明白,正面虐了慕凌风的叶谦,是她能够招惹得起的吗? As a saintess of religious sect, Zhou Yue absolutely is not the simpleminded character. However such simple matter, she has actually made stupidly the most dangerous choice, this at that time, Ye Qian somewhat could not think through. 作为一个教派的圣女,周悦绝对不是头脑简单的人物。但是这么简单的事情,她却做出了最愚蠢最危险的抉择,这在当时,叶谦就有些想不通。 Now saw the slip of paper person, Ye Qian was understood. Only fears at that time, the slip of paper person quietly has controlled Zhou Yue, making her get rid to sneak attack to Ye Qian. 现在看见了纸片人,叶谦算是明白了过来。只怕在那个时候,纸片人就悄然控制了周悦,让她对叶谦出手偷袭。 Can prevailing naturally be is well with everything, even if unable to prevail, actually can also probe the Ye Qian strength how. 能够得逞自然是万事大吉,即便是无法得逞,也能够试探出叶谦的实力究竟如何。 Such sinister strange existence, unexpectedly in the utilization strategy, Ye Qian thinks funny at the same time, sets firm resolve, must this slip of paper person solving! 这么一个阴险诡异的存在,居然在运用谋略,叶谦觉得好笑的同时,也是下定决心,必须要把这纸片人给解决掉! Even if...... This perhaps and itself of smelting trial, and not many big connection. 哪怕……这或许和试炼的本身,并无多大的关联。 The slip of paper person after the discovery has underestimated the Ye Qian strength wrongly, is somewhat startled, this type of thing, is not considered as that any true biology. In its consciousness, only then swallows and hides two types. 纸片人在发现错误低估了叶谦的实力之后,也是有些惊慌,这种东西,根本不算是什么真正的生物。在它的意识里,只有吞噬和藏匿两种。 Also so-called, bullies the weak and fears the strong! Meets the strength to be incorrect, swallows, meets intrepidly, only then hides the escape. Was only a pity that now it wants to run away, was actually not that simple. 也就是所谓的,欺软怕硬!碰见实力不行的,就上去吞噬,碰见强悍的,就只有躲藏逃逸。只可惜,现在它想要逃走,却不是那么简单了。 The Ye Qian personal appearance flashes, the long gun|spear in hand unceasing shake-out spear|guns to be colored, ten clearly beautiful Li who the spear|gun flower transforms, may similarly also danger. 叶谦身形闪动,手中的长枪不断的抖出一个又一个枪花,枪花幻化的十分明艳美丽,可同样也十分的危险。 By the slip of paper person is controlling Zhou Yue, because the essence and blood loses many, suddenly face whiten fearfulness, not only that so violent was absorbed to swallow the essence and blood, this regarding week pleased, is not inferior to a brutal criminal law. Her body, early streaming with sweat, on the pale skin, actually has shown the strange red. 被纸片人掌控着的周悦,由于精血损失过多,一时间脸色苍白的可怕,不仅如此,如此猛烈的被人吸收吞噬精血,这对于周悦来说,不亚于一场残酷的刑法。她的身上,早已经汗如雨下,苍白的皮肤上面,却透出了诡异的红色。 Ye Qian brow micro wrinkle, evidently, this woman not only the vigor is draining rapidly, somewhat could not shoulder including the mortal body, was equal to that distance but also was the movement of excess load is the same. If to this way, even if can strike to kill the slip of paper person, the week pleased this person, only feared that also discarded. 叶谦眉头微皱,看样子,这女人不仅精气神在迅速的流失着,连肉身也有些扛不住了,相当于那种距离而且是超负荷的运动一样。如果任由她这样下去,即便是能够击杀纸片人,周悦这个人,只怕也是废掉了。 In the final analysis, this female and as if do not have what bitter hatred, but the slip of paper person actually must cut the object who kills. 说到底,此女和自己似乎没有什么深仇大恨,而纸片人却是必须要斩杀的对象。 Ye Qian not hesitant, the long gun|spear no doubt very difficult, is actually hard to injure it that the slip of paper person forces. Because withstood Ye Qian this fierce attack, the slip of paper person has to arbitrarier swallowing Zhou Yue essence and blood, make up its oneself, resists Ye Qian. 叶谦没有犹豫,长枪固然将纸片人逼迫的十分艰难,却难以伤害到它。而因为承受了叶谦这剧烈的攻击,纸片人不得不更加蛮横的吞噬周悦的精血,来弥补它自身,同时也去抵挡叶谦 Ye Qian shook the head, this way is not good. Must save as soon as possible her, is thinking, the long gun|spear in his hand castrates is tighter, creates an incident tigerishly. 叶谦摇了摇头,这样下去可不行。必须尽快把她救下来,这么想着,他手中的长枪去势更紧,虎虎生风。 Dragon Hunxu the shade flashes before one after another, that is the Ye Qian spear|gun glow, facing so swift and violent spear|gun glow, the slip of paper person is unable to resist eventually, sends out sad and shrill yelling, turns around to walk. 一条又一条龙魂虚影闪现,那都是叶谦枪芒所化,面对如此迅猛的枪芒,纸片人终究是无法抵挡,发出一声凄厉的喊叫,转身就走。 But, this actually center Ye Qian below cherishes! 可是,这却正中叶谦的下怀! Because, after this slip of paper person takes possession, entire just likes a label is then ordinary, merely post in week pleased, but is not the looks like at first like that but can also see the four limbs and head that it flutters. Before Ye Qian actually, has been getting winning side, is actually not able to wound the slip of paper person, is because, the slip of paper person hides in the week pleased back personal, Ye Qian face-to-face with Zhou Yue to the war, is unable to strike to kill it. 因为,这纸片人附身后,整个便犹如一张贴纸一般,仅仅的贴在周悦身上,而不是像最初那般,还能看见它飘飞的四肢和脑袋。叶谦其实之前一直占据着上风,却无法击伤纸片人,便是因为,纸片人贴身躲在周悦的背后,叶谦面对面与周悦对战,根本无法将其击杀。 If he must kill slip of paper person, has to also massacre the week pleased! 如果他要杀了纸片人的话,就不得不将周悦同时杀掉! But is now booing, this fellow under wants to run away in a panic, actually left Ye Qian the back. 可现在倒好,这家伙仓皇之下想要逃走,却把后背留给了叶谦 Ye Qian laughs: Good! I thought that you can escape!” 叶谦哈哈一笑:“好!我看你能不能逃掉!” During the speeches, the Ye Qian long gun|spear ejects fiercely, like the thunder and lightning, has stabbed rapidly fiercely Zhou Yue the back. 说话间,叶谦长枪猛地抛出,迅疾如雷电般,猛地刺中了周悦的后背。 The week pleased whole body shakes, sent out has whooshed pitifully, a light slip of paper pleased behind floated off from the week, but, this slip of paper is actually not able to depart, because...... That spear|gun, directly its thorn thoroughly! 周悦浑身一震,紧接着就发出了凄惨嘶吼,一张薄薄的纸片从周悦背后浮起,但是,这纸片却无法离去,因为……那一枪,直接将其刺透了! But, the lance point actually stayed in Zhou Yue the back, the god kept off the deicide, Buddha kept off * the antiquity weapon for criminal, at this moment, even/including Zhouyue a fine hair did not have to injure, pierced clothes merely! 可是,枪尖却停留在了周悦的背后,神挡杀神,佛挡*的上古凶器,此刻,却连周悦的一根汗毛都没有伤到,仅仅是刺穿了一层衣服而已! So wonderfully control to summit, naturally stems from the hand of Ye Qian. Sees this fellow to run away, moreover revealed the back, Ye Qian naturally cannot be polite. Moreover, not only ejected long gun|spear, Ye Qian while ejecting the long gun|spear, both hands blade light dodged, the metaplasia blade also cut a blade. 如此妙到毫颠的掌控,自然是出自叶谦之手。见这家伙要逃,而且把后背露了出来,叶谦自然不会客气。而且,不仅仅是抛出了长枪,叶谦在抛出长枪的同时,双手刀光一闪,化生刀也斩出了一刀。 This blade, compared with former that spear|gun, although said that was slow a racket, was...... The Heaven blade cuts, has surmounts the space the might, has displayed at this time. 这一刀,与之前的那一枪比起来,虽然说是慢了一拍,可是……九重天刀斩,所具备的跨越空间的威力,在这时候发挥了出来。 Almost is the long gun|spear punctures that slip of paper person the time, the blade light has also killed. 几乎是长枪刺破那纸片人的时候,刀光也已经杀到。 Scoffs at......”, that slip of paper person neck place had a crack, what this crack appears is that towering, making the person seem, as if there should have a crack to be ordinary. “嗤……”的一声,那纸片人脖子处出现了一道裂缝,这裂缝出现的是那么的突兀,让人看上去,仿佛那里本该就有一道裂缝一般。 But the slip of paper person at this time, did not have any strange capability again, suddenly shakes in the midair, then falling gently slowly on the ground. It seems, that seems an ordinary ordinary slip of paper. 而纸片人这时候,再也没有了什么诡异能力,忽然在半空之中一抖,便缓缓的飘落在地上。看上去,那似乎就是一个普通的再普通不过的纸片罢了。 Lost the slip of paper person's control, Zhou Yue does not utter a word, then falls toward the ground. Although the slip of paper person no longer controls her, is, because of a moment ago during that time, her swallowed vigor were too many, the person also by the stimulation potential of excess load, at this moment can be said as...... The genuine body pulled out spatially! 失去了纸片人的控制,周悦一声不吭,便朝着地上摔去。虽然纸片人不再操控她,可是,因为刚才那一段时间,她被吞噬的精气神太多了,人也被超负荷的激发潜能,此刻可以说是……真正的身体被掏空! The Ye Qian personal appearance dodges, then appeared in the week pleased side, put out a hand to embrace, horizontally in Zhou Yue the armpit, has given to support her. Unexpectedly, that week of pleased whole body worn out and aching is incapable, although Ye Qian said that has supported her body, but she actually soft reverses to other one side, the Ye Qian arm makes an effort hastily, this supports. 叶谦身形一闪,便出现在了周悦身边,伸手一揽,就横在了周悦的腋下,将她给架住。不料,那周悦浑身酸软无力,叶谦虽然说是架住了她的身体,但她却软绵绵的倒向另外一边,叶谦连忙手臂用力,这才支撑住。 However, Ye Qian is actually the eyebrow raises, under was desperate a moment ago is only thinking supports her, has not thought that the hand actually as if placed should not the putting place...... 但是,叶谦却是眉毛一扬,刚才情急之下只想着扶住她,没想到,手却似乎放在了不该放的地方了…… Ye Qian is not under the willow tree the benefit, immediately rubbed to pinch, the feel was seriously good. Has not thought that this witch god saintess from wilderness jungle, stature such is learned...... 咳咳,叶谦可不是什么柳下惠,当下就揉捏了一下,手感是当真不错啊。没想到,这位来自荒野丛林的巫神教圣女,身材如此的有料……
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