SSK :: Volume #56

#5571: Saint level soul

Since Ye Qian set firm resolve, naturally also no longer delays, perhaps at this moment, early one second can early one second make the beautiful be out of the danger, late one second, perhaps is really unable to save! 叶谦既然下定了决心,自然也就不再耽搁,此时此刻,或许早一秒就能够早一秒使得娜美脱离危险,晚一秒,或许就真的无法挽救了! Ye Qian puts out a hand a move, becomes known appears in his side directly. At this time, Ye Qian has to sigh with emotion, Xin Kui became known is a magical instrument, moreover can realize to control. 叶谦伸手一招,大白直接出现在他的身边。这个时候,叶谦不得不感慨,辛亏大白是神器,而且是可以以意识操控。 Although he must know the spirit of beautiful to know the into the sea to have a look by his energetic god, but can actually leave behind a consciousness on becoming known, this has any sudden outbreak, he can also with becoming known resists, strives for the opportunity. 他虽然要以自己的精神神识去娜美的精神识海里看看,但却可以留下一丝意识在大白上,这样就算是有什么突发状况,他也可以用大白抵挡一下,争取一下时机。 Moreover, because this is in the Yin-Yang Eight Diagrams, moreover becomes so strange Yin-Yang Eight Diagrams, Ye Qian does not dare to have slight neglecting completely, he also summoned the god wild cauldron, blew oneself with the god wild cauldron. 而且,因为这是在阴阳八卦之中,而且还是变得如此诡异的阴阳八卦,叶谦完全不敢有丝毫的怠慢,他把神荒鼎也召唤出来,以神荒鼎镇住自身。 This is a defensive measure, because Ye Qian did not understand that black smoke is any gadget, if that thing is extremely fearful the strange, bright wild cauldron blows itself, that black smoke thinks that is unable to invade in own body. 这是一种防御手段,因为叶谦也不了解那黑烟是什么玩意,万一那东西万分可怕诡异,有神荒鼎镇住自己,那黑烟想必也无法入侵到自己的身体之中。 Although beautiful Saint level powerhouse father, but god wild cauldron this and other strange magical instruments, thinks that her fathers not necessarily have, naturally the impossible Jeanne beautiful to be bringing. 娜美虽然有一位圣级强者老爹,但神荒鼎这等奇异的神器,想必连她老爹都不一定有,自然就更不可能让娜美带着了。 Deeply inspired, Ye Qian closed the eye, the god knows condenses fully, forms one just like the needle general psychic force, the straight thrust beautiful knew the sea. 深吸了一口气,叶谦闭上眼睛,神识全力凝聚,形成了一道宛如针一般的精神力,直刺娜美识海。 The flash of entering, beautiful obvious whole body one tight, after all this is the spirit knows the sea to be invaded, even if the unconsciousness condition, the beautiful had responded. 进入的一瞬间,娜美明显浑身一紧,毕竟这是精神识海遭到入侵,哪怕是无意识的状态,娜美还是有所反应。 Ye Qian actually could not attend to these many, concentrated on, by his powerful psychic force, has crashed in the knowledge sea of beautiful. 叶谦却顾不得这么多了,全神贯注,以他强悍的精神力,冲进了娜美的识海之中。 This is also Ye Qian for the first time enters others' spirit to know the sea, he discovered that this and his spirit knows the sea to be similar. Initially, when he swallowed the soul of ramble Venerable, knew the into the sea to have an experience in own spirit, now arrives at the spirit of beautiful to know the sea, both's difference was not big. 这也是叶谦首次进入别人的精神识海,他发现,这和自己的精神识海差不多的。当初,他吞噬逍遥尊者的灵魂时,就曾经在自己的精神识海里有过一番经历,如今来到娜美的精神识海,两者的差别不大。 The only difference is, beautiful here spirit knows the sea , compared with Ye Qian, wanted much slightly. Although as before is vast, may in the feeling, actually hates clearly be able to feel, the spirit of beautiful knows the sea to be smaller. 唯一的不同是,娜美这里的精神识海,与叶谦自己相比起来,要小了不少。虽然依旧是一望无际,可在感觉上,却恨清晰的能够感受到,娜美的精神识海要小很多。 Ye Qian knows that this is because of his psychic force, compared with the beautiful must, have this phenomenon. 叶谦知道,这是因为他的精神力,比起娜美还是要强很多,才有这种现象。 However now did not sigh this time, he must find that black smoke immediately, can guarantee that the beautiful does have the matter, as well as found the means to rescue the beautiful. 不过现在不是感叹这个的时候,他必须马上找到那黑烟,才能确保娜美有没有事情,以及找到办法解救娜美。 In this spirit knows in the sea, is almost limitless, but goes into action, is the thought answers similarly reaches, shortly then. Ye Qian knows the sea the center to flush away toward this spirit directly, he knows, beautiful consciousness, definitely in that place. Actually to have problems, knew to there. 在这精神识海之中,几乎是无边无际,但行动起来,也同样是意念所答达,顷刻便至。叶谦直接朝着这片精神识海的中心冲去,他知道,娜美的意识,肯定是在那个地方。究竟是出了什么问题,到了那里就知道了。 Almost is suddenly, Ye Qian then arrived in this spirit to know the sea the center, immediately discovered that knew the sea in this spirit the center, the small lands, seemed that successive islands are not, simply was together Xiaojiao. 几乎是瞬息间,叶谦便抵达了这片精神识海的中心,立刻就发现,在这精神识海的中心,有一块小小的陆地,看上去那连一个岛屿都算不上,简直就是一块小礁石。 But in the place above of reef, actually sits cross-legged to sit a person's shadow, although is not real, but looks at the facial features build, Ye Qian knows that is the beautiful. Also is beautiful consciousness! 但在礁石的上方,却盘膝坐着一个人影,虽然不算真实,但看面容体型,叶谦就知道那是娜美。也就是娜美的意识! beautiful!” Ye Qian makes noise to shout, if the beautiful is sober, immediately can through the psychic force sensation, because the Ye Qian sound also sends out in the form of psychic force here. But the beautiful simply does not have any feeling, even, Ye Qian can see, sits cross-legged the beautiful consciousness of sitting, similarly is also the brow tight wrinkle, obviously in pain! “娜美!”叶谦出声喊道,如果娜美是清醒的话,立刻就能够通过精神力感知到,因为叶谦的声音在这里也是以精神力的形式发出。可娜美根本没有任何的感觉,甚至,叶谦能够看见,盘膝坐着的娜美的意识,同样也是眉头紧皱,显然是在痛苦之中! Black smoke!” Ye Qian then sees, three wisps pale the black haze that almost cannot see, is winding around in the side of beautiful. Does not need to think that this definitely is the chief criminal who creates the beautiful stupor, is the black smoke that she inhales! “黑烟!”紧接着,叶谦便看见,有三缕淡的几乎看不见的黑色烟气,正缭绕在娜美的身边。不必多想,这肯定就是造成娜美昏迷的罪魁祸首,也就是她吸入的黑烟! Moreover, this black smoke winds around on the body of beautiful, unexpectedly seems is continuousing growth. But the black smoke expands one every time, on the face of beautiful consciousness is more painful a point, in the Ye Qian heart thump, this black smoke...... Is it possible that can swallow person's consciousness, thus achieving does cause the goal that oneself grow? 而且,这黑烟缭绕在娜美的身体上,居然似乎是在不断地壮大着。而黑烟每壮大一丝,娜美意识的脸上就更加痛苦一分,叶谦心中一个咯噔,这黑烟……莫非是可以吞噬人的意识,从而来达到使自己成长的目的? Thinks, even if the body of spirit, Ye Qian also felt that directs current. People most important is the spirit and soul, but the consciousness is this two's performance, if were swallowed including the consciousness, then the person is also living, is a good-for-nothing, what did that and die had to distinguish? 这么一想,哪怕是精神之体,叶谦也感觉一身冷汗直流。人最重要的莫过于精神和灵魂,而意识便是这二者的表现,如果连意识都被吞噬了,那么人就算是还活着,也不过是一具行尸走肉,那和死了有什么区别? „It is not good, cannot delay again!” Ye Qian clenched teeth, although has not ravelled that black smoke is anything, may look was being swallowed helplessly with beautiful consciousness, he is unable to achieve obviously. “不行,不能再耽搁下去了!”叶谦咬了咬牙,虽然还是没有弄明白那黑烟是什么,可眼睁睁看拿着娜美的意识被吞噬,他显然无法做到。 At this moment, he also can only try, by the formidable psychic force, drives away that black smoke. 事到如今,他也只能试一试,以自己强大的精神力,去驱赶那黑烟了。 Concentrates!” Ye Qian drinks one lowly, psychic force condenses fully, ultimately has formed the strength of thin not obvious spirit, only has so, can play the maximum might, exceed condenses, the might is bigger. If this moment Ye Qian wants to be disadvantageous to the beautiful, the sharp thorn that this psychic force forms, punctures to the beautiful consciousness, directly can the Jeanne beautiful realize the collapse! “凝!”叶谦低喝一声,精神力全力凝聚,最终形成了细不可见的一道精神之力,也唯有如此,才能发挥最大的威力,越凝聚,威力越大。如果此刻叶谦是想对娜美不利,这一根精神力形成的尖刺,刺到娜美的意识上,就直接可以让娜美意识崩溃! But he will certainly not damage the beautiful, but has aimed at side beautiful that three wisps of black hazes. Proximity slowly, that black smoke as if also felt fierce that Ye Qian here aura, tumbled immediately, a wisp also transformed an ugly face of making threatening gestures unexpectedly. 但他当然不会去伤害娜美,而是瞄准了娜美身边的那三缕黑色烟气。缓缓的接近,那黑烟似乎也感觉到了叶谦这里的气息,顿时翻滚的更加剧烈,其中一缕居然还幻化成了一个张牙舞爪的鬼脸。 But these, cannot make Ye Qian halt. But when his psychic force from beautiful also distance, suddenly, the entire spirit knows in the sea, suddenly erupted an intense energetic tide! 可这些,都不能让叶谦止步。但就在他的精神力距离娜美还有一丝距离的时候,忽然间的,整个精神识海之中,蓦然爆发了一股强烈的精神潮汐! Causes Ye Qian here, has to stay, consolidates oneself diligently, if his psychic force washed out here, his Ye Qian must turn into an idiot...... 使得叶谦这里,也不得不停留下来,努力稳固自身,万一他自己的精神力在这里被冲散,那他叶谦就得变成个白痴了…… But that three wisps of black smokes, becomes startled extremely, is actually not able to leave the beautiful consciousness, in the there fierce tumbling, wants to flee, is actually not able to depart. 而那三缕黑烟,也变得惊慌万分,却又无法离开娜美的意识,在那里剧烈的翻滚,想要逃离,却又无法离去。 Blots out the sky, strong to the aura that is unable to imagine, suddenly appears, in this spirit knows in the sea, that formidable aura oppression, almost kept Ye Qian some from consolidating own energetic strength. He has a big shock, if this own energetic strength washed out in the knowledge into the sea of beautiful, then final, he will turn into the idiot without doubt, but his psychic force, will then know the into the sea to turn into the nourishment in the spirit of beautiful, by the beautiful absorption. 一股铺天盖地,强到无法想象的气息,忽然出现在这片精神识海之中,那种强大的气息压迫,几乎让叶谦都有些无法稳固自己的精神之力了。他大惊失色,这要是自己的精神之力在娜美的识海里被冲散,那么最终,他无疑将会变成白痴,而他的精神力,则会在娜美的精神识海里变成养料,被娜美吸收。 Although relates well, but did not have to this situation well...... 虽然关系算不错,但还没好到这种地步…… When Ye Qian from maintaining oneself, golden Sun, appears suddenly together unexpectedly, in this spirit knew in the sea. Ye Qian direct stares dull, the spirit knows in the sea, to have how possibly this condition? 就在叶谦强自维持自身的时候,忽的,一道金色的太阳,居然出现在了这精神识海之中。叶谦直接呆愣,精神识海之中,怎么可能会出现这种状况? Meanwhile, that formidable aura is getting more and more formidable, is getting more and more close, Ye Qian discovered in consternation that erupts this formidable aura, came from that golden Sun! 同时,那股强大的气息越来越强大,也越来越接近,叶谦愕然发现,爆发出这股强大气息的,正是来自那金色的太阳! Lying trough, this...... This he, what ghost?” Ye Qian startled heart and liver spleen lung kidney is trembling, is really he also never has this type to feel, even if were he in the past or the magical powers boundary, facing the King level powerhouse time, has not existed! “卧槽,这……这他么的,什么鬼?”叶谦惊的心肝脾肺肾都在发抖,实在是他还从来没有这种感受过,哪怕是他当年还是神通境,面对王者级强者的时候,也不存在过! Where do the petty people, dare to invade my son to know the sea?!” “何方鼠辈,胆敢侵入我儿识海?!” Suddenly, faint shouts a question to resound, spread to the Ye Qian psychic force directly, its formidable fearful, but light conveys a message, makes the Ye Qian psychic force almost collapse! The bonus is so, Ye Qian is also quite uncomfortable, now is to let Ye Qian returns own body immediately, he also absolutely meets dispirited several days. 忽的,一声淡漠的喝问响起,直接传入了叶谦的精神力之中,其强大可怕,只是淡淡的传话一句,都让叶谦的精神力差一点崩溃!饶是如此,叶谦也极为难受,现在就算是让叶谦马上退回自己的身体,他也绝对会萎靡个几天。 Really is, this came from the psychic force of golden Sun, in huge, extremely was extremely formidable! 实在是,这来自金色太阳的精神力,太过于庞大,太过于强大了! But Ye Qian, understood at this time, but, is a lot of feel wronged...... such formidable fearful psychic force, wants not to need to think that definitely is the powerhouse who came from the far ultra King level, is the Saint level powerhouse! 叶谦,这个时候也是明白了过来,但同时,也是一肚子的委屈……这么强大可怕的精神力,想都不必多想,肯定是来自远超王者级的强者,也就是圣级强者! Perhaps the average people are see have not seen the Saint level powerhouse, is...... The beautiful she is different, she has a Saint level father! Ye Qian had already felt strange, although the strength of beautiful is good, but will not have received any dangerous situation, but hasn't her Saint level father, beautiful prepared a method of maintaining life to? 一般人或许是见都没有见过圣级强者,可是……娜美她不一样啊,她可是有一位圣级老爹的!叶谦早就奇怪了,娜美的实力虽然不错,但也还不到不会受到任何危险的地步,而她的那个圣级老爹,就没有给娜美准备一点保命的手段吗? Now looks like, has considered thoroughly radically, in the beautiful spirit knew in the sea to have such a psychic force to exist, the critical moment, can definitely play destroys the day to extinguish the function of place...... 现在看来,根本就是自己多虑了,在娜美精神识海之中有这么一股精神力存在,关键时刻,完全可以起到毁天灭地的作用…… Senior! Seniors...... The younger generation is not the strategic point beautiful, but must save her!” At this moment, the bonus is the Ye Qian hero ten thousand years, was very some foreknowledge immediately recognized instigated that yelled the senior. “前辈!前辈……晚辈并非是要害娜美,而是要救她!”此时此刻,饶是叶谦英雄万年,也是很有先见之明的马上认怂,大叫前辈。 That golden Sun hesitated has flickered, obviously was judging the Ye Qian words is really the vacation. Ye Qian cannot certainly make him alone judge, this Saint level powerhouse compels certainly is the effective and influential word sovereign's power arbitrary goods, if this fellow recognized one are harms his daughter, waved to extinguish itself, which on cried? 那金色太阳迟疑了一瞬,显然是在判断叶谦的话是真是假。叶谦当然不能让他独自去判断,这圣级强者绝逼都是一言九鼎乾纲独断的货色,万一这家伙认定自己就是来害他女儿的,挥手灭了自己,那自己上哪儿哭去? Senior! The younger generation and beautiful enter here together, unexpectedly the beautiful by a strange person sneak attack, had actually been contaminated some black hazes, then remains unconscious. The younger generation examined, discovered that she should be the spirit knows the sea to be invaded, but the situation is critical, how also does not know to leave, has to offer this bad plan, knows the sea to examine to her spirit. Actually discovered that around her consciousness body has three wisps of black smokes, is preparing the idea to dispel, the senior presented......” Ye Qian to hurry to say. “前辈!晚辈和娜美一起进入这里,却不料娜美被一个诡异的人偷袭,沾染了一些黑色烟气,便昏迷不醒。晚辈查看后发现她应该是精神识海遭到入侵,可情况危急,也不知道如何离开,只好出此下策,到她的精神识海来查看。却发现她的意识体周围有三缕黑烟,正准备想法去祛除,前辈就出现了……”叶谦慌忙说道。 That person of silent moment, golden Sun vanishes suddenly slowly, the spirit knew the sea to return to normal, Ye Qian was feeling strange that was difficult to be inadequate that person to walk? Fierce turning head, actually discovered own side is standing a middle-aged man, this person of facial features with deep veneration, three wisps must, wear a Purple gold crown steadily, the body puts on seems a long gown, is actually the pale golden color, is embroidering white tiger and Tianlong, is impressive, the whole body passes is being dignified and powerful. 那人默然片刻,忽然间的,金色太阳缓缓消失,精神识海恢复了正常,叶谦正在奇怪难不成那人走了?猛的回头,却发现自己身边站着一个中年男子,这人面容肃然,三缕长须,头戴一顶紫金冠,身上穿着的似乎是一件长袍,却是淡金色,绣着白虎与天龙,气度不凡,浑身透着威严与强悍。 You said right.” The middle-aged man already judged obviously clearly, around the beautiful consciousness body body, truly three wisps of black smokes exist. “你说的没错。”中年男子显然早就判断清楚了,娜美意识体身上周围,的确有三缕黑烟存在着。 Ye Qian somewhat difficult nod , the lying trough, is this Saint level powerhouse? This is Qingyun mountains top powerhouse, Leader of northern territory forehead, cancels Chen Great Emperor! 叶谦有些艰难的点了点头,卧槽,这就是圣级强者?这就是青云山川顶级强者,北域天庭的首领,勾陈大帝! Also asked the senior to get rid to rescue beautiful, the younger generation does not know how to do, in this Yin-Yang Eight Diagrams crisis on top of crisis, moreover strange incomparable, really does not dare to delay.” Ye Qian arched has cuped one hand in the other across the chest to say. “还请前辈出手救一下娜美,晚辈也不知道如何去做,这阴阳八卦之中危机重重,而且诡异无比,实在不敢耽搁。”叶谦拱了拱手说道。 Cancels Chen Great Emperor actually slightly to shake the head, said: This is only I stays in the beautiful to know a soul seal in sea, can let my sensation her direction, now my main body is also catching up toward here, is only...... The Yin-Yang gossips me unable to enter, but this soul seal, simply does not have capability to dispel this black smoke together!” 勾陈大帝却是微微摇头,说道:“这只是我留在娜美识海之中的一道魂印,能够让我感知她的方向,现在我本尊也在朝着这边赶来,只是……阴阳八卦我无法进入,而这一道魂印,根本没有能力祛除这黑烟!” The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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