SGCM :: Volume #2 米兰魔武学院

#784: Birth (First Part) of gods

Bang! 轰! The endless brilliance falls. 无尽的光辉落下。 When that wipes the dazzling brilliance to flash through, in shadow god heart one cool, myriad shock changes into a character- 当那一抹刺眼的光辉闪过,影神心中一凉,万千震撼化为一个字- day!!! 日!!! Also on this moment. 也就这一刻。 The shadow god is clear. 影神才明白。 Originally, he has not chosen. 原来,他根本就没有选择。 From the Lu Ming incarnation black hole, starts to absorb the surrounding all times to start, he did not have the choice...... 陆鸣化身黑洞,开始吸收周围一切时候开始,他就没有了选择…… No matter either independently, whatever Lu Ming swallows energy, to swallow the life, to swallow the skill crazily, to swallow the construction, to swallow Shadow World all! 要么放手不管,任由陆鸣疯狂吞噬能量、吞噬生灵、吞噬技能、吞噬建筑、吞噬影世界的所有一切! Even entire Shadow World! 甚至整个影世界 Either...... 要么…… Stands firm entire Shadow World, making Lu Ming complete the summon...... 稳住整个影世界,让陆鸣完成召唤…… Brush! 刷! The shadow god raised the head. 影神抬起头。 This is the first time that the contact of so short distance this existed...... 这是第一次如此近距离的接触这等存在…… Freely. 尽管。 The star that summon comes, reveals merely little...... 那召唤而来的恒星,仅仅露出一点点…… However. 然而。 Entire Shadow World starts to evaporate! 整个影世界开始蒸发! Evaporation! 蒸发! The shadow god even feels own skin parched...... 影神甚至感觉到自己皮肤在干烧…… Even if above 9-Star, even if already two revolutions, even if the gods, no one can so shoulder the prestige to be able the terrifying exists. 纵然身为九星之上,纵然已经二转,纵然身为神明,也没有人能够扛得住如此威能的恐怖存在。 But Dark Shadow World these people...... 暗影世界的那些子民…… The shadow god then looked at one, the courage wanted to crack, all that his for myriad years prepared, all that then train from the ancient times until now in that wiped in the brilliance to vanish into thin air...... 影神回头看了一眼,肝胆欲裂,他万千年来准备的一切,那从远古至今培养的一切都在那一抹光辉中烟消云散…… Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! The brilliance of star blooms completely. 恒星的光辉完全绽放。 At this moment. 这一刻。 The slit of summon was torn forcefully, that giant star appears in Dark Shadow World like this, that instance, merely that possibly short one millisecond...... 召唤的缝隙被强行撕裂,那颗巨大的恒星就这样出现在黑暗影世界之中,就那一个瞬间,仅仅那可能短短的一毫秒…… Bang! 轰! The endless brilliance sweeps across. 无尽光辉席卷。 Big Dark Shadow World evaporates in the flash. 偌大的暗影世界在一瞬间蒸发。 Did not have. 没了。 ...... …… But at this moment. 而此刻。 The human alliance is also fearful and apprehensive. 人类联盟也是胆战心惊。 However. 然而。 Dark Shadow World cracks, when they open the eye time, discovered oneself came back unexpectedly. 黑暗影世界崩裂,等他们睁开眼睛的时候,发现自己竟然回来了。 „Are we also living unexpectedly?” “我们居然还活着?” wū wū wū, I think that I will be burnt by that thing......” 呜呜呜,我以为我会被那东西烧死……” Has not been one's turn us, that star appears from the space slit, making an effort own in the stopper...... the result toward Dark Shadow World too rose too...... Dark Shadow World to be supported to explode greatly hotly too strongly.” “还没轮到我们,那恒星从空间缝隙中出现,使劲的把自己的往黑暗影世界里面塞……结果太大太涨太热太强……黑暗影世界被撑爆了。” So that's how it is.” “原来如此。” People exclamation. 众人惊叹。 Meanwhile, some vision shocks looks to Lu Ming. 同时,目光有些震撼的看向陆鸣 Perhaps...... 或许…… During this also in Lu Ming does plan? 这也在陆鸣算计之中吧? Also yes. 也是。 Lu Ming is so good, the nature has prepared complete. 陆鸣如此善良,自然早已经做好了完全准备。 Brush! 刷! Light shadow circulation. 光影流转。 The whole world had returned to normal. 整个世界已然恢复了正常。 Everyone returned to that familiar world, familiar Sky Capital City, a moment ago in that all of Dark Shadow World experience, just like the dreamland. 大家又回到了那个熟悉的世界,熟悉的天都市,刚才在黑暗影世界经历的那一切,恍如梦境。 Finished?” “结束了?” Yes......” “是啊……” „Did shadow god die?” “影神死了?” Right.” “对啊。” „Before without hearing the voice of shadow god...... common villain boss at the point of death, angrily do not hate what shouted?” “没听到影神的声音啊……一般反派boss临死前,不都是要愤怒怨恨的喊什么吗?” Hehe, what do you also want to listen to? Thank star that Lu Ming Old Tie delivers? Double-clicks 666?” “呵呵,你还想听什么?感谢陆鸣老铁送的恒星?双击666?” „??” “??” ...... …… Dark Shadow World cracks. 黑暗影世界崩裂。 Everyone seemed happy. 大家的心情似乎都很好了很多。 However. 然而。 Only has Lu Ming, the look is still dignified. 唯有陆鸣,依旧神色凝重。 Because...... 因为…… He indeed has not felt the death of shadow god. 他的确没有感觉到影神的死。 This with calling out pitifully anything are not related, the star arrives, you have no opportunity of pitiful yell, does not have opportunity howling throat radiant, I can also come back and so on. 这跟惨叫什么的没关系,恒星降临,你也没什么惨叫的机会,更没机会嚎一嗓子“喜洋洋,我还会回来的”之类的。 Said accurately. 准确的说。 In that moment that the star arrives, in that moment that Dark Shadow World cracks, in that endless brilliance, he feels a familiar inversion feeling. 在恒星降临的那一刻,在暗影世界崩裂的那一刻,在那无尽的光辉中,他感觉到一丝熟悉的颠倒感觉。 If he has not guessed wrong...... 如果他没猜错的话…… That is the world inverts!!! 那就是世界颠倒!!! With they step into Dark Shadow World time exactly the same, at that time, the shadow god turned over the world of under foot directly, sent in them Dark Shadow World forcefully. 跟他们踏入黑暗影世界的时候一模一样,当时,影神直接翻转脚下的世界,将他们强行送入了黑暗影世界之中。 But a moment ago...... 而刚才…… This feeling appeared. 这种感觉又出现了。 Therefore. 所以。 Shadow god at the last minute, promptly gave up the entire dark world, returned to Sky Capital City. 影神在最后一刻,当机立断的放弃了整个黑暗世界,回归到了天都市 Then...... 那么…… He where? 他在哪里? Brush! 刷! The Lu Ming vision glance, in various grotesqueness, the vision of various lives has swept rapidly, finally, fell on a tentacle of whole body mucilage strangely. 陆鸣目光扫视,迅速在各种奇形怪状,各种生灵的目光扫过,最终,落在了一个浑身粘液的触手怪身上。 Perhaps...... 或许…… Shadow god?” “影神?” The Lu Ming eye narrows the eyes. 陆鸣眼睛一眯。 Brush! 刷! The surrounding all lives are alarmed and afraid. 周围的所有生灵惊惧。 Shadow god? 影神? Is the fellow also living?! 那家伙还活着?! „......” “……” The tentacle is strangely silent immediately, for a long time, opens the mouth saying that why you said I am the shadow god?” 触手怪顿时沉默,许久,才开口道,“你为何说我是影神?” Because you are ugly.” “因为你丑。” saying of Lu Ming serious, „like unable to be neglected...... me who I lead where, so long as appears, will be remembered by everyone.” 陆鸣认真的说道,“就像我帅的无法被人忽视一样……我只要出现在哪里,就会被所有人记住。” However you......” “而你……” Similarly so.” “同样如此。” Ugly letting person is unable to neglect.” “丑的让人无法忽视。” If I had seen you a moment ago, certainly will remember your appearance.” “如果我刚才就见过你,一定会记住你这个模样。” Lu Ming light saying. 陆鸣淡淡的说道。 „......” “……” The tentacle strange vision gradually appears wipes killing intent, you...... this/should, damn......” 触手怪目光逐渐出现一抹杀意,“你……该、该死……” Really is you!” “果然是你!” The Lu Ming eye narrows the eyes, interesting, I have thought your true body can be what appearance, has not thought that unexpectedly can be a tentacle strange......” 陆鸣眼睛一眯,“有趣,我想过你的真身会是什么模样,未曾想过,居然会是一只触手怪……” The shadow god at this moment is scarred. 此刻的影神伤痕累累。 Sores all over the eye. 满目疮痍。 Looked like some fearful incurable illness...... 就像是得了某种可怕的绝症…… Has a liking for exceptionally miserably. 看上起异常凄凉。 Lu Ming is clear, this is the star destruction Dark Shadow World result, the shadow god fuses together with Dark Shadow World, nature works as!!! 陆鸣清楚,这就是恒星覆灭黑暗影世界的结果,影神跟黑暗影世界融为一体,自然首当其中!!! At present...... 眼下…… Is the shadow god weakest time!!! 就是影神最弱的时刻!!! Does not have Dark Shadow World, the body to cause heavy losses, true body exposition!!! 没有黑暗影世界,身体重创,真身暴露!!! Therefore...... 所以…… Lu Ming must force him. 陆鸣必须将他逼迫出来。 Because Lu Ming is very clear, once makes the shadow god leave, making the shadow god restore again, has known the shadow god who Lu Ming repertoire, can play them absolutely! 因为陆鸣很清楚,一旦让影神离开,让影神再一次恢复,已经知道陆鸣套路的影神,绝对能玩死他们! Therefore, must get rid of the shadow god! 所以,现在必须干掉影神! Regardless of...... 无论…… Pays any price! 付出任何代价! Now.” “现在。” I know why you must create Dark Shadow World.” “我知道你为什么要创造黑暗影世界。” Lu Ming took a look at his one eyes, is filled with emotion, „is your main body real?? Ugly!!!” 陆鸣瞅了他一眼,感慨万千,“你的本体是真??丑啊!!!” Shadow god: „......” 影神:“……” „.” “啧啧。” Lu Ming exclaims. 陆鸣惊叹不已。 Before he had thought that how if the sprayers of network keyboard hero these direction landscape did grasp to create the world ability to be able? Perhaps un...... creates a keyboard world. 以前他就想过,如果网络键盘侠那些指点江山的喷子掌握创世能力会怎样?嗯……说不定创造出一个键盘世界。 Here does not have the facial features. 这里没有面容。 Here does not have the sound. 这里没有声音。 Everyone by hand fast theory talent. 大家以手速论天赋。 Later blind date can also pass the keyboard to come blind date- 以后相亲也可以通过键盘来相亲- My key regulation is thick and long, the feel extremely good!” “我的键程又粗又长,手感极佳!” Hehe, your trash white Zhou, I am the honored colored axle center!” “呵呵,你个垃圾白轴,我可是尊贵的有色轴体!” Both of you get the hell out, by blind date, our azure axis most has the advantage, clear powerful, feel blasting open, raps the keyboard time the sound is also more resounding, is called the drop hammer in keyboard!” “你们俩滚蛋,论相亲,还是我们青轴最有优势,清脆有力,手感炸裂,敲击键盘时候的啪啪声也更响亮,人称键盘中的打桩机!” „......?” “……?” You feel this picture. 你感受一下这画面。 Un...... 嗯…… But at present this shadow god, is so. 而眼前这位影神,就是如此。 By one's effort, creates such mysterious Dark Shadow World, soaks the speech with the writing, everyone does not look at the appearance, only looks at the shadow...... 以一己之力,创造出这么一个神秘的黑暗影世界,以文字泡说话,大家不看长相,只看影子…… Without the talent, only then shadow. 没有天赋,只有暗影。 What a pity. 可惜。 Extremely weak. 太过幼稚。 You think that pure Dark Shadow World absolutely was fair? 你以为纯粹的黑暗影世界就绝对公平了? Otherwise. 不然。 The length of shadow. 影子的长短。 The thickness of shadow. 影子的粗细。 The size of shadow. 影子的大小。 The shadow is whether black enough...... 影子是否够黑…… Wait. 等等。 Even if Dark Shadow World also has the way of innumerable judgment fit and unfit quality! So-called fair, merely is also only the shadow god creates for oneself fair! 纵然黑暗影世界也有无数种判断优劣的方式!所谓公平,也仅仅只是影神为自己创造的公平而已! „......” “……” You are courting death.” “你在找死。” The shadow god tone does not have the temperature. 影神语气已经没有了温度。 He confessed that is graceful gods, what a pity, again and again was enraged by Lu Ming. 他自认是一个优雅的神明,可惜,一而再再而三的被陆鸣触怒。 The collapse of Dark Shadow World, making his anger go wild, but the reason told him, at this moment left here, going back to condense Dark Shadow World is the optimal choice. 黑暗影世界的崩溃,让他愤怒又抓狂,但是理智告诉他,此刻离开这里,回去重新凝聚黑暗影世界才是最优选择。 However...... 但是…… Now. 现在。 He decides to change a way. 他决定换一种方式。 I do not want to destroy completely this world!” “我本不想灭掉这个世界!” Because this world made the nutrient is really appropriate! The complete world, can make me condense Dark Shadow World, but you......” “因为这个世界做养分真的是太合适了!只有完整的世界,才能够让我重新凝聚黑暗影世界,但是你……” Lu Ming!” 陆鸣!” You made me change the decision.” “你让我改了决定。” In the shadow god eyes the cold light twinkle, I feel destruction the whole world, destroys completely all lives, making here develop a new world, I must look personally the world grows the world that...... grows to become I to want! No longer is that shadow world, but is true- real world!” 影神眼中寒光闪烁,“我觉得毁灭整个世界,灭掉所有生灵,让这里重新发展一个新的世界,我要亲自看着世界成长……成长成为我想要的世界!不再是那个影子世界,而是真正的-现实世界!” He planned to turn over Dark Shadow World, becomes the reality. 他原本的计划是将黑暗影世界翻转,变为现实。 But now...... 而现在…… Without. 既然没了。 Why not to construct a real world directly?! 何不直接构建一个现实世界?! Since childhood trains. 从小培养。 Un...... 嗯…… He has the endless life span. 他拥有无尽的寿命。 He has the ability that duplicate/restores carves. 他拥有复刻的能力。 In his shadow memory also the memories of some innumerable genes. 他的影子记忆中还有无数基因的记忆。 Therefore...... 所以…… He can definitely doppelganger surely, with the most outstanding gene sexual intercourse, create powerful also the most loyal nationality, even is a world!!! 他完全可以自己分身千万,用最优秀的基因交合,创造出最强大也最忠诚的民族,甚至是一个世界!!! Hiss-” “嘶-” Lu Ming holds breath energy. 陆鸣倒吸一口能量 Especially...... 特么的…… This goods also really want to create the world unexpectedly!!! 这货居然还真想创世!!! But way...... 而方式么…… From X inbred lines. 自X自交。 Has my one?” “带我一个?” Summoner at present one bright. 召唤师眼前一亮。 Then...... 然后…… Lay down in ground salted fish Dark Duma jumps is a Duma violent buckle, pressed livingly. 被躺在地上咸鱼黑暗杜马蹦起来就是一个杜马头暴扣,活生生按了回去。 ...... …… Since must create the world, you were useless.” “既然要创世,你们就没用了。” The shadow god sneers. 影神冷笑。 Bang! 轰! A few words saying, its body gradually increases, with the body of average man size, increased crazily, finally turned into Sky Capital City unexpectedly like that big or small!!! 一句话说完,它的身躯逐渐变大,原本跟常人大小的身躯,疯狂变大,最终竟变成了天都市那般大小!!! This......” “这……” Is my main body!” “才是我的本体!” Shadow god's faint voice response. 影神淡漠的声音回应。 Brush! 刷! A tentacle pounds. 一根触手砸下去。 Bang! 轰! A street was destroyed at the scene! 一条街道当场被摧毁! The people are frightened immediately. 众人顿时惊悚。 Damn! 见鬼! This??...... 这??…… Grass!” “草!” No wonder he founded Dark Shadow World! His such body, is only looking at size thick or thin Dark Shadow World is really the gods rank......” “难怪他创建了黑暗影世界!他这样的身躯,在只看大小粗细的黑暗影世界果然是神明级别的……” People are panic-stricken. 人们惊恐。 This build...... 这体型…… Hits a ghost?! 打个鬼?! Do not fear!” “不要怕!” Hammer Cultivator first stood. 锤修第一个站了出来。 As the former 9-Star Alliance member, as former MT, this time, he needs anti- to come up. 作为前九星联盟成员,作为前MT,这种时刻,他有必要抗上去。 Gives me!” “交给我!” Hammer Cultivator fierce rushing. 锤修勇猛的冲了上去。 Chirp! 啪叽! Is also black is thick and strong tentacle has flung, body straight flying upside down of Hammer Cultivator, entered the Sword Card Master Association square again...... 一根又黑又粗又壮的触手甩过,锤修的身躯直挺挺的倒飞回来,再进了剑卡师协会的广场…… Bang! 轰! A dull thumping sound. 一声闷响。 A world dreariness. 世界一片沉寂。 This...... 啊这…… ...... …… Lu Ming!” 陆鸣!” You look well......” “你好好看着……” I will let all that you feel me to experience......” “我会让你感受我经历的一切……” I will make you look, the world that you want to protect how...... destroys...... Human World how to perish step by step!!!” “我会让你看着,你想要守护的这个世界……是如何一步步摧毁……人类世界又是如何灭亡的!!!” The shadow god appearance is fierce. 影神面目狰狞。 Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! The construction is destroying! 大片大片的建筑在摧毁! Haoran.” 昊然。” In.” “在。” Here person......” “这里的人……” Had shifted, but is useless.” “早就转移了,但是没什么用。” The Li Haoran forced smile, he opens like this, Sky Capital City several minutes finished up, other places cannot block him to destroy like this......” 李昊然苦笑,“他这样拆下去,天都市几分钟就完事儿了,其他地方也挡不住他这样摧毁……” I knew.” “我知道了。” Lu Ming took a deep breath. 陆鸣深吸一口气 He most repugnant is these demolition parties!!! 他平生最讨厌的就是这些拆迁党!!! „......” “……” Little Sword took a look at his one eyes, without speech. 小小剑瞅了他一眼,没说话。 Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! The tentacle has flung. 触手甩过。 Also is the innumerable constructions changes into the ruins. 又是无数建筑化为废墟。 The main body of shadow god appears, no one can prevent! 影神的本体出现,再也没有人能够阻挡! Ox head general and Dragon King, even many big dragons make a move in this moment, what a pity, the innumerable say/way tentacles flash through, all lives flew horizontally...... 牛头将军、龙王,甚至许多巨龙都在这一刻出手,可惜,无数道触手闪过,所有生灵都横飞了出来…… Neat. 整整齐齐。 Like whole family. 像极了一家人。 The main body battle efficiency of shadow god, unexpectedly terrifyingly so!!! 影神的本体战斗力,竟恐怖如此!!! Bang! 轰! Also is a building is destroyed. 又是一片建筑被摧毁。 At this moment. 此刻。 Shadow god already Jingyi Road demolition to the Sword Card Master Association entrance. 影神已经一路拆迁到了剑卡师协会门口。 Draws back does not have to draw back!!! 退无可退!!! Hits? 打? With what dozen?! 拿什么打?! You can continue to summon the star card.” “你可以继续召唤恒星卡。” The shadow god suggested intimately, this time I will also help you complete.” 影神贴心的建议,“这次我也会帮你完成的。” „......” “……” Lu Ming is unemotional. 陆鸣面无表情。 The goal of shadow god is to destroy the world, if he summoned the star card to come, that was really helps the shadow god destroy the world...... he really to be unusable! 影神的目的是毁灭世界,如果他召唤恒星卡过来,那真就是帮助影神毁灭世界了……他还真不能用! Other card? 其他卡牌 Lu Ming calculates carefully, unexpectedly really nothing available!! 陆鸣仔细算算,竟真的没什么可用的!! Cannot use! 用不上! It is not able to use!!! 也无法使用!!! card that he can use, has used, although the shadow god turned into the main body from the shadow, but he still knows Lu Ming all card!!! 他能用的卡牌,早就用过了,虽然影神从影子变成了本体,但是他依然知道陆鸣的所有卡牌!!! Therefore...... 所以…… Useless. 没用。 Entire useless! 全没用! Didn't have the means?” “没办法了吗?” The shadow god grins fiendishly. 影神狞笑。 Crash-bang! 哗啦! The tentacle flings the pot. 触手甩锅。 Most Sword Card Master Association- avalanche!!! 大半剑卡师协会-崩塌!!! The Lu Ming office, he and Xiaobai room and Miss Tian room...... even the Zhang Yang VIP special-purpose hospital ward crashed...... 陆鸣的办公室、他和小白的房间、田姑娘的房间……甚至就连张扬的VIP专用医疗病房都崩塌了…… How feels?” “感觉如何?” The shadow god was full of pleased of revenge. 影神充满了复仇的快意。 Hehe. 呵呵。 Now...... 现在…… You know that what I was felt a moment ago? 你知道我刚才是什么感觉了吧? Hehe hehe. 呵呵呵呵呵。 „......” “……” Lu Ming is silent. 陆鸣沉默。 Eventually...... 终究…… Did not have. 还是没了。 Card in hand? 底牌? He flips, turns out snowflakes in the hand. 他翻了翻,在手中翻出一片雪花。 Un...... 嗯…… Sighing. 叹口气。 He put silently. 他又默默放了回去。 Eventually...... 终究…… Cannot make others bring death. 不能让人家来送死。 At this moment. 此刻。 He gets hold of the fist, feels oneself as before 6-Star limit the strength, thinks oneself can break through 9-Star will happen one day, now looks like...... 他握紧拳头,感受自己依旧六星极限的力量,原以为自己终有一天能突破九星,现在看来…… Only then that means. 只有那个办法了。 Xiaobai?” 小白?” In.” “在呢。” Implementation plan.” “执行计划。” Good.” “好的呢。” Xiaobai look with deep veneration. 小白神色肃然。 On her fine small face, filled serious. 她精致的小脸上,充满了认真 keep it up.” 加油。” Lu Ming looks to Lu Yan, elder sister?” 陆鸣看向陆颜,“姐?” Un.” “嗯。” Signal.” “信号。” Relax.” “放心。” Lu Yan light setting out, in the hand Little Blue blooms, turned into blue Profound Crystal signal tower unexpectedly, is used to transmit the magnanimous energy signal. 陆颜淡淡的起身,手中小小蓝绽放,竟然变成了一个蓝色的玄晶信号塔,用来传输海量的能量信号。 Then...... 然后…… Senior Qiu?” 秋前辈?” Understood.” “明白。” Buzz- 嗡- Super signal tower establishes to complete. 超级信号塔建立完成。 The room of live broadcast establishes to complete. 直播的房间建立完成。 The picture of live, again live broadcast entire world. 现场的画面,再一次直播全世界。 Stupid!” “愚蠢!” The shadow god sneers, this way, is useless to my main body!” 影神冷笑,“这种方式,对我本体无用!” Thinks that he is the shadow? 以为他还是影子? Naive! 天真! Without the world of shadow, without these, it now, the thorough fusion this world , there would be no plan to leave here! 没有了影之世界,没有了那些,它现在,已经彻彻底底的融合到了这个世界,就没打算离开这里! I......” “我……” Is the shadow god in this world!” “是这个世界的影神!” I......” “我……” Also is this world's future Creator!” “也是这个世界未来的创世主!” The shadow god laughs. 影神大笑。 Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! Also is a building collapses. 又是一片建筑倒塌。 Live broadcast? 直播? Influence? 影响? All is the joke! 全都是笑话! It is willing to stay in this world, the live broadcast naturally did not have the effect. 它甘愿留在这个世界,直播自然就没效果了。 It lost all! 它失去了一切! Traded the invincibility of society! 才换来了人世间的无敌! However. 然而。 Lu Ming has not paid attention to him, but looks to Xiaobai, how long needs?” 陆鸣并未理会他,而是看向小白,“需要多久?” Three minutes.” “三分钟。” Saying of Xiaobai serious. 小白认真的说道。 Good.” “好。” Lu Ming slight nod. 陆鸣微微点头。 Three minutes...... 三分钟…… Ok! 可以! „......” “……” The shadow god brow wrinkles suddenly. 影神眉头忽然皱起。 It is still invincible now! 它如今依然无敌! But, thinks that various show operations of Lu Ming, he feels eventually too wonderfully not...... 可是,想想陆鸣的各种骚操作,他终究感觉不太妙…… A moment ago. 刚才。 Also is so. 也是如此。 Although he does not believe that Lu Ming can also find out any special method to beat itself, but considering various show operations of this B, he acted decisively. 虽然他不相信陆鸣还能够想出什么特殊手段能击败自己,但是考虑到这B的各种骚操作,他果断出手了。 Goal- 目标- Xiaobai! 小白 Bang! 轰! A tentacle flings. 一触手甩过去。 However. 然而。 Those who surprise him somewhat is...... 让他有些意外的是…… When! 当! A resounding, some unexpectedly people blocked oneself attack! 一声脆响,竟然有人挡住了自己的攻击! His vision staring...... 他目光凝视…… There. 那里。 Presented a cat impressively. 赫然出现了一只猫。 A whole body has a fit of bad temper, mild-mannered hair actually seems like the crystal to be equally uneven, the tail sets upright with flag same Black Cat...... 一只浑身炸毛,一身柔顺毛发却像是晶体一样有棱有角,尾巴竖起来跟旗帜一样的黑猫……
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