SGCM :: Volume #2 米兰魔武学院

#781: The shadow duplicate/restores carves!

„......” “嗷呜……” Shadow Xiaobai killed. 影子小白杀了出来。 Un...... 嗯…… Lu Ming took a look at one, same draw...... 陆鸣瞅了一眼,一样的平…… If you, only then such level......” “如果你只有这样水准……” The shadow god sighed, that finished.” 影神叹息,“那就结束吧。” This is the ability shadow that he inherits duplicate/restores carves, he can duplicate/restores carve all shadows within range, creates exactly the same enemy. 这是他传承的能力影之复刻,他可以复刻自己范围内的所有影子,制造出一模一样的敌人。 realm is the same, the battle efficiency same, the body construction is even same. 境界一样、战斗力一样、甚至身体架构都一样。 Only difference...... 唯一的区别…… Does not fear death! 不怕死! Really. 果然。 Light shadow twinkle. 现场光影闪烁。 Some Sword Card Master had been defeated unexpectedly. 一些剑卡师竟然已经被击败了。 Without the means. 没办法。 In booth of anti- exercise...... 摊上一个更耐操的自己…… This who can withstand?! 这谁顶得住?! Good to have such ability......” “好想拥有这样的能力……” Elementalist is somewhat greedy. 元素师有些眼馋。 Shadow god:??? 影神:??? Is good because. 好在。 Even 9-Star Alliance must kneel in the shadow duplicate/restores carves. 就算是九星联盟也得跪在影之复刻。 Buzz Buzz The mirror surface black fog surges of under foot, the body stability and anti- exercise of shadow. 脚下的镜面黑雾翻腾,影子的身体稳定而又耐操。 Therefore. 于是。 The war gradually collapses. 战局逐渐崩坏。 This?” “就这?” The shadow god is somewhat surprised. 影神有些意外。 He attaches great importance to Lu Ming, otherwise all people on one's own side will not kill to break through this 2-Star, finally?! 他对陆鸣还是蛮重视的,要不然也不会把所有自己人都弄死就为了突破这个二星,结果呢?! This? 就这? Won't Lu Ming really be so weak?! 不会吧不会吧陆鸣不会真这么弱吧?! Some of his regrets the subordinates of oneself these year of trained, that lovable girlfriend also killed suddenly particularly...... know early kept several. 他忽然有些后悔把自己这些年培养的属下,尤其是那个可爱的女友也弄死了……早知道留几个了。 But at this time. 而此时。 Opposite. 对面。 Lu Ming took a deep breath, offered a sacrifice to Sunlight Card at the scene. 陆鸣深吸一口气,当场祭出了日光卡 Bang! 轰! The sunlight arrives! 日光降临! The shop sprinkles the land! 铺洒大地! However. 然而。 Even under the intense stimulation of Sunlight Card, the shadows showed not too comfortable expression, has not actually received any injury. 就算是在日光卡的强烈刺激下,影子们只是露出了不太舒服的表情,却并没有受到任何伤害。 How possibly?!” “怎么可能?!” The Lu Ming mind shakes. 陆鸣心神一震。 Don't these shadows, fear the sunlight unexpectedly?! 这些影子,居然不怕阳光?! I have said.” “我说过。” I understand you.” “我了解你。” The shadow god faint smile, you thought that I won't guard against this? My too clear this card ability, therefore increased opposition to Japan to all shadows!” 影神似笑非笑,“你觉得我不会防备这个?我太清楚这张卡的的能力,所以给所有影子都增加了抗日性!” „......” “……” In the Lu Ming heart sinks. 陆鸣心中一沉。 Gods?? Opposition to Japan. 神??抗日。 He heard for the first time this resistance, does not know also thinks you use in the office. 他还是第一次听说这种抗性,不知道的还以为你是用在会所的。 Sunlight Card was indeed useless. 日光卡的确没用了。 However. 不过。 Sunlight Card is not flies back without any results, through the use of Sunlight Card, Lu Ming feels these shadows energy to consume at a quick speed...... 日光卡倒也不算无功而返,通过日光卡的使用,陆鸣感受到这些影子的能量在以一种很快的速度在消耗…… So-called is only all right. 只所谓没事儿。 Because of the mirror surface of under foot, in continuous supplement energy, but energy origin...... 是因为脚下的镜面,在源源不断的补充能量,而能量来源嘛…… Shadow god!!! 影神!!! No wonder the shadow god has not acted! 难怪影神没出手! Therefore. 所以。 Only needs to attack the shadow god, making him not have the energy to maintain these shadows to be OK! Once these shadows do not have energy to supply, naturally can vanish! 只需要攻击影神,让他没有精力去维持这些影子就可以了!这些影子一旦没有能量供应,自然会消失! The shadow duplicate/restores carves, collapses of itself! 影之复刻,不攻自破! . 只是。 How should depend on the recent films god? 该如何靠近影神呢? The Lu Ming eye narrows the eyes. 陆鸣眼睛一眯。 Suddenly. 忽然。 Angrily roars. 一声怒吼。 President, I help you!” 会长,我来帮你!” Zhang Yang sits the wheelchair to clash suddenly from the association, however, pitifully, his relief operations, sit the shadow of shadow wheelchair to intercept by opposite one very much similarly...... 张扬坐着轮椅忽然从协会冲出来,然而,很可惜,他的救援行动,被对面一个同样坐着影子轮椅的影子拦截了…… Bang! 轰! Two wheelchairs hit the same place, the war erupt. 两个轮椅撞到一起,大战爆发。 Hehe. 呵呵。 The shadow god smiles not to speak. 影神笑而不语。 „......” “……” Lu Ming is silent. 陆鸣沉默。 Really...... 果然…… Can't the support come? 支援过不来吗? Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! Everyone was intercepted. 所有人都被拦截。 Lu Ming want to depend on the recent films god, by own shadow interception! 陆鸣自己想靠近影神,也被自己的影子拦截! Hehe.” “呵呵。” The shadow god shows a faint smile. 影神微微一笑。 The meaning of Lu Ming, isn't he clear? 陆鸣的意思,他如何不明白? Therefore, Lu Ming approaches every time, he retrocedes act bashful, striking distance, does not give the Lu Ming tiny bit opportunity stubbornly! 所以,陆鸣每靠近一点,他就后退一下,攻击距离这一块拿捏的死死的,不给陆鸣一丝一毫的机会! Others try to support. 其他人试图支援。 However...... 然而…… Very pitifully. 很可惜。 Any person, even if outside comes the support, so long as close , the superposition will carve a exactly the same enemy to come out!! 无论是什么人,哪怕是外面过来支援的,只要靠近,就会被复刻一个一模一样的敌人出来!! So. 如此。 The war is even more disadvantageous. 战局越发不利。 It seems like should finish.” “看来该结束了。” Shadow god faint saying. 影神淡漠的说道。 However. 然而。 At this moment, an exquisite form appeared, its seemingly liangsan-year-old appearance, actually hurriedly to/clashes, kills directly to the shadow god. 就在这时,一个小巧的身影出现了,它看上去只有两三岁的样子,却风风火火的冲过来,直接杀向影神。 Weak.” “幼稚。” The shadow god shakes the head. 影神摇摇头。 Were you failed not to select the B number dozens times? 你们都失败几十次了还没点B数? Brushing. 刷。 He lifts the hand. 他抬起手。 Buzz At present the light shadow twinkle, falls to the child on. 眼前光影闪烁,落到小孩身上。 However. 然而。 What made his stunned was, the shadow of child, has not appeared unexpectedly!!! 令他错愕的是,小孩的影子,竟然没有出现!!! Without the shadow! 没有影子! Without doppelganger! 没有分身 The children clash straightly, rumbled his body. 小孩笔直的冲来,轰到了他的身上。 Bang! 轰! A loud sound. 一声巨响。 The world of entire shadow is shivering. 整个影之世界都在颤动。 These needs need by the shadow that the shadow god maintains, the shadow that these duplicate/restores carve, is shivering unexpectedly. 那些需要需要靠影神维持的影子,那些复刻出来的影子,竟然都在颤抖。 Creakying. 摇摇欲坠。 You......” “你……” How don't you possibly have the shadow?!” “你怎么可能没有影子?!” The shadow god does not dare to believe. 影神不敢置信。 So long as there are light/only, has the darkness. 只要有光,就有黑暗。 Similarly. 同样的。 So long as exists, has the shadow. 只要存在,就有影子。 This is the inevitable truth, was their Mysterious Nation initially the powerful root, all had the union to eliminate them to...... the entire world powerful!! 这是无可避免的真理,也是他们神秘国度当初强大的根源,强大到……全世界所有存在联合去消灭他们!! However. 然而。 At present. 眼前。 This child...... 这小孩…… Because it did not have the shadow.” “因为它本就没有影子。” Association entrance. 协会门口。 Li Mei sits the wheelchair to come out slowly. 李梅坐着轮椅缓缓出来。 The child, is he and Spirit Body child, the itself/Ben is the descendant of shadow, it is the shadow, how also to possibly present the shadow again? 那小孩,是他和灵体的孩子,本就是影子的后代,它本身就是影子,又怎么可能会再出现影子呢? You think. 你想想。 The shadow and later shadow of shadow the shadow of shadow...... 影子的影子、以后影子的影子的影子…… Possibly? 可能吗? After all. 毕竟。 The rule of this world is to forbid nesting doll. 这个世界的规则是禁止套娃 Therefore...... 所以…… The children came. 小孩来了。 In Lu Ming saw that this so-called shadow turns round the first matter that carves, called Li Mei and his child , struck succeeds!!! 陆鸣看到这所谓的影子复刻的第一件事,就是把李梅和他的孩子叫过来,果然,一击就成功了!!! So that's how it is.” “原来如此。” The shadow god looked at one to understand, you unexpectedly were the shadow.” 影神看了一眼就明白了,“你本身竟是影子。” Buzz The shadows shiver. 影子们颤动。 The shadow god sneers, in the hand dissipates the powerful dark strength, drives back that child unexpectedly, can attack me, indeed a little meaning!” 影神冷笑一声,手中逸散出强大的黑暗力量,竟将那孩子逼退,“能攻击到我,的确有点意思!” But, pitifully, eventually was too very weak......” “不过,很可惜,终究太弱了……” The shadow god sneers. 影神冷笑。 He is very indeed weak.” “他的确很弱。” Lu Ming also smiled, that I?” 陆鸣也笑了,“那我呢?” Un?” “嗯?” The shadow god is stunned. 影神愕然。 Then. 然后。 On the frightened discovery, when does not know, the Lu Ming shadow, that should aim at the Lu Ming shadow, appears in unexpectedly own behind...... 就惊悚的发现,不知道何时,陆鸣的影子,那本该去针对陆鸣的影子,竟然出现在自己的身后…… In hand. 手中。 Presenting one is black and long iron rod shadow. 出现一根又黑又长的铁棍影子。 Then...... 然后…… !!! 噗呲!!! A resounding. 一声脆响。 The shadow god felt immediately the body was torn somewhere, whole body immediately one tight, was pricked within the body at the scene. 影神顿时感觉身体某处被撕裂,浑身顿时一紧,被当场刺入体内。 Buzz Trembles void. 虚空震颤。 The surrounding shadow cracks instantaneously. 周围的影子瞬间崩裂。 If the attack of child makes them unstable, that Lu Ming this strikes the chrysanthemum to be remnant, makes the shadow god all supplies of interrupt sufficiently completely! 如果小孩子的攻击只是让他们不稳定,那陆鸣这一击菊花残,足以让影神所有的供给全部中断! You......” “你……” The shadow god pupil contraction, does not dare to believe that how are you possible?!” 影神瞳孔收缩,不敢置信,“你怎么可能?!” Child also even. 那孩子也就算了。 Eventually is the special product, is impossible is too strong! 终究是特殊产物,不可能太强! But...... 可是…… Lu Ming!!! 陆鸣!!! How is Lu Ming possible?! 陆鸣怎么可能?! Was his shadow, during the autogenous control, how possibly controlled by Lu Ming obviously?! No, is not right, this aura...... this look...... 他的影子,明明在自己控制之中,怎么可能被陆鸣控制?!不,不对,这气息……这神色…… You have the independent consciousness unexpectedly!” “你竟拥有自主意识!” The shadow god calls out in alarm. 影神惊呼。 Yes. 是的。 The Lu Ming shadow, actually has the independent consciousness!!! 陆鸣的影子,竟然拥有自主意识!!! Therefore, resistance, but acts in a play to oneself looked, for while oneself divert attention, to oneself fatally strikes...... 所以,刚才的对抗,只是演戏给自己看,为的就是趁自己分心的时候,给自己致命一击…… Oh. That stick...... 还有那个棍子…… The shadow god looked. 影神看了过去。 The common attack, the shadow is even impossible to harm him, this stick...... 寻常的攻击,就算是影子也不可能伤害他,这棍子…… On that. 那上面。 He felt ancient times vast aura. 他感觉到一丝远古的浩瀚气息。 Is my shadow.” “是我的影子。” Little Sword is self-satisfied. 小小剑得意。 As ancient times bar spirit, ancient times Iron Spirit, ancient times Stick Spirit, ancient times x essences, because of the shadow that he presented that was also naturally unusual! 作为一个远古杠精,远古铁精,远古棍精,远古x精,因为他而出现的影子,自然也是不同寻常的! Therefore...... 所以…… Held at the scene a crispness!!! 当场捅了个爽!!! The Li Mei child is too eventually weak, therefore, it to attract the shadow god attention merely, making the shadow god neglect existence of Lu Ming shadow, then...... 李梅孩子终究太弱,所以,它仅仅是为了吸引影神注意力,让影神忽略陆鸣影子的存在,然后…… Strikes fatally! 致命一击! !” “噗!” Shadow god nozzle blood. 影神喷口血。 Black blood from the sky flutters. 一股黑色的血液在空中飘荡。 It was injured. 它受伤了。 I really should not look down on you.” “我果然不该小瞧你。” Shadow god both eyes shut. 影神双目微闭。 Obviously......” “明明……” I have attached great importance to you obviously.” “明明我已经对你非常重视了。” Saw you are so small and weak, was I despise...... your letting person to look inevitably am the condition of waste...... am also some camouflage?” “可是看到你这般弱小,我还是不可避免的轻视了……你这种让人一看就是废物的状态……也是某种障眼法吗?” The shadow god look is dignified. 影神神色凝重。 „......” “……” Lu Ming is unemotional. 陆鸣面无表情。 fuck your mother! 甘梨娘 You make one look are the waste! 你才让人一看就是废物! You are the camouflage! 你才是障眼法! You praised the person time, can't praise well?! 你夸人的时候,就不能好好夸奖吗?! Ok. 算了。 I endure. 我忍。 This fellow was injured, otherwise wants its life while its wound...... 这家伙受伤了,不然趁其伤要其命…… Thinks of here. 想到这里。 Lu Ming was itchy. 陆鸣手痒了。 Brush! 刷! He controls Shadow Doppelganger to begin. 他操控影子分身动手。 Therefore. 于是。 Shadow Doppelganger got hold of small stick doppelganger in hand subconsciously, subconscious also held toward the shadow god in doppelganger...... then, stopped. 影子分身下意识的握紧了手里的小小棍分身,下意识的将分身又往影神里面捅了捅……然后,停下了。 This should the attack that the shadow god passes through, unexpectedly is unable to enter! 这本该将影神贯穿的攻击,居然无法进入! At this moment. 此刻。 The small stick just like by some strong ability is gripped...... how, whatever Lu Ming stimulates to movement, is unable since the half a point, instead to be compelled again slowly. 小小棍犹如被某种强大的能力夹住……任由陆鸣如何催动,再也无法进入半分,反而被慢慢逼出。 Hiss Lu Ming holds breath a shadow. 陆鸣倒吸一口影子。 This...... 啊这…… Bang!” “轰!” Shadow Doppelganger catches up again. 影分身再次发力。 What a pity. 可惜。 The small stick in hand was really compelled unexpectedly slowly. 手中的小小棍竟真的被缓缓逼了出来。 Naturally. 当然。 Is this picture looks that in people's eyes when not too attractive...... looked like...... to go to the bathroom really the sketch...... the image, clearly and purely...... 就是这画面在众人眼中看着着实不太好看……像极了……出恭时的剪影……形象、逼真、纯粹…… Finally. 最终。 The shadow god was successful. 影神成功了。 Naturally, on his face is not quite attractive. 当然,他的脸上不太好看。 As this time only gods, how could he suffers has so shamed...... 作为这个时代唯一的神明,他何曾遭受过如此羞辱…… Hehe. 呵呵。 You think that this did finish? 你们以为这样就结束了? Laughable. 可笑。 His shadow turns round to carve, can be infinite!!! 他的影子复刻,是可以无限的!!! Did not have the protection to be hit by Lu Ming a moment ago, now, his has recovered, the stick in within the body was also made by him, will not be swindled again! 刚才只是没有防备才被陆鸣击中,现在,他身体已然恢复,体内的棍子也被他弄出去了,不会再上当! Therefore. 于是。 He waves, tries to make doppelganger again massively, duplicate/restores carves by my name shadow!” 他挥挥手,试图再次大规模制造分身,“以吾之名影之复刻!” Bang! 轰! Light shadow twinkle. 光影闪烁。 The innumerable say/way shadows appear. 无数道暗影浮现。 Lu Ming!” 陆鸣!” You can plan one time, but can also plan twice?!” “你能算计一次,还能算计两次吗?!” Laughable.” “可笑。” In the face of absolute strength, your......” “在绝对的实力面前,你这些……” Un?” “嗯?” Shadow god somewhat stunned looks that these shadows just condensed to collapse, has not formed including a shadow, looked like received some disturbance. 影神有些错愕的看着那些影子刚刚凝聚出来就崩坏,连一个影子都没有成形,就像是受到了某种干扰。 This is...... 这是…… Brush! 刷! He looks suddenly to somewhere. 他猛然看向某处。 There. 那里。 Qiu Shuyi and Lu Yan lift wristband communicator to aim here. 秋书仪陆颜举着腕带通讯仪对准这里。 Un...... 嗯…… In the live broadcast. 正在直播。 Fights the little friends between donkey live broadcasts, everyone's good.” “斗驴直播间的小伙伴们,大家好。” How did everyone look a moment ago?” “大家刚才看得怎么样?” This fellow said that is our world's only gods......” “这位家伙自称是我们这个世界唯一的神……” Qiu Shuyi introduced to everyone. 秋书仪给大家介绍。 Then...... 然后…… The innumerable barrages flash through. 无数弹幕闪过。 The shadow god swept one, clarity that looks. 影神扫了一眼,就看的清清楚楚。 Un...... 嗯…… Netizens daily bread: God?? Oh shit, I also think a moment ago some people of live broadcast fly in circles......” 网友天天面包:“神??雾草,我刚才还以为有人直播拉翔呢……” Netizen nine nights nine: What god is this? Flying in circles god???” 网友九夜玖:“这是啥神?翔神???” Netizen Queen of night dark blue: „, Worthily is the gods, I saw flying in circles that for the first time some people pull out is so so evenly straight so...... seems like the steel bar of factory to be the same sturdily.” 网友月神沧:“哇,不愧是神明,我第一次看到有人拉出的翔如此笔直如此粗壮如此均匀……像是工厂的钢筋一样。” Your Oh under netizen flower: Actually I.” 网友花下的你:“其实我也可以。” Shadow god:??? 影神:??? No wonder isn't he able to condense the shadow, the World Law disturbance? 难怪他无法凝聚影子,世界规则干扰吗? Therefore...... 所以…… A moment ago that also...... 刚才那一幕也…… The shadow god light/only thinks, the feeling whole body shivers. 影神光想想,就感觉浑身颤抖。 Hateful! 可恨! Oneself are so graceful! 自己如此优雅! Oneself have the demeanor with attempting with the Lu Ming peace talks, he unexpectedly...... 自己如此有风度的跟试图跟陆鸣和谈,他竟然…… You damn!” “你该死!” Shadow god killing intent is imposing. 影神杀意凛然。 At this moment. 此刻。 He does not want to consider again what gracefully...... 他已经不想再考虑什么优雅了…… Lu Ming.” 陆鸣。” You may know, you killed them.” “你可知道,你害死了他们。” Shadow god faint saying, I planned to conquer you, then unified human, has not planned to kill people, but...... I fear that must destroy completely everyone.” 影神淡漠的说道,“我原本只是打算征服你,然后统一人类,并未打算杀人,但是现在……我怕是要灭掉所有人了。” „......” “……” Lu Ming shows the whites of the eyes. 陆鸣翻个白眼。 If he has not died, the shadow god naturally does not have opportunity elimination human. 如果他没死,影神自然没机会消灭人类。 If he died...... 如果他死了…… Does human extinguish, has an egg to relate with him? 人类灭不灭的,跟他有个卵关系? You looked that my Lu Ming did seem like that type to sacrifice the self- person for human in the future? 你看我陆鸣像是那种为了人类未来牺牲自我的人吗? Hehe. 呵呵。 On the contrary is the shadow god...... 反倒是影神…… „The World Law disturbance, your ability was affected.” 世界规则干扰,你的能力被影响了。” Lu Ming light saying. 陆鸣淡淡的说道。 „......” “……” The shadow god sneers, you do not think that this world disturbance can affect me?” 影神冷笑,“你不会以为这点世界干扰能影响到我吧?” You are not at least able duplicate/restores to carve the shadow, not?” “至少你无法复刻影子了,不是吗?” Lu Ming faint saying. 陆鸣淡漠的说道。 That is true.” “的确如此。” The shadow god sneers, „, but...... you may know, shadow that temporary duplicate/restores carves on the spot, merely is only a I weakest ability, strikes conveniently.” 影神冷笑,“但是……你可知道,现场临时复刻的影子,仅仅只是我最弱的一个能力,也是随手一击而已。” Now......” “现在……” I make you have a look, what is the true shadow battlefield!” “我让你看看,什么叫真正的影子战场!” Brush! 刷! The shadow waves. 影子挥手。 Bang! 轰! The light shadow condenses. 光影凝聚。 In the present dark world, condenses in present lake surface black light shadow, a huge form gradually takes shape, condenses unceasingly. 在眼前的黑暗世界,在眼前的湖面一道道黑色光影凝聚,一个庞大的身影逐渐成型,不断凝聚。 Even if World Law disturbance. 纵然世界规则干扰。 Even if trillion common people live broadcasts. 纵然亿万百姓直播。 However. 然而。 That form took shape as before. 那身影依旧成型了。 Oh shit is big!” 雾草好大!” Is it possible that is the younger brother who in Frost Fox 666 writes clamps concave-convex??” “莫非是冰封狐狸666中所写的弟夹凹凸曼??” Does not look like the red light that...... the chest has not glittered.” “不太像……胸口没有闪烁的红灯。” Among live broadcasts surprised. 直播间惊奇不已。 Obviously. 显然。 They have never seen so the fight of scale. 他们从未见过如此规模的战斗。 At this moment. 此刻。 As ‚the first time community fight live broadcast of super Grandmaster level, audiences are also excited is not good, and unceasing proliferation, makes one come to see unceasingly. 作为‘超级宗师级的首次群体战斗直播’,观众们也是兴奋的不行,并不断的扩散,不断的让人来看。 After all. 毕竟。 So the scene, may not miss. 如此场面,不可错失。 Goes among the Qiu Shuyi live broadcasts quickly, some innumerable Grandmaster powerhouse community fights!” “快去秋书仪直播间,有无数宗师强者群体战斗!” I just looked, the Grandmaster group fights splendidly!” “我刚看了,宗师群战好精彩!” Grandmaster group...... splendid.” 宗师群……精彩。” Prestigious 7 sdxs that group x...... splendid...... wants to look at **** “群x……精彩……想看的威信7sdxs****” „???” “???” ...... …… The watched person are getting more and more. 观看的人越来越多。 The limit of World Law is also getting stronger and stronger. 世界规则的限制也越来越强。 However. 然而。 In front of the shadow god, that huge body, really depends on the shadow power quantity unexpectedly, condenses the formation, for a long time, a colossus appears before the people. 影神面前,那庞大的身躯,竟真的靠着影之力量,凝聚成型,许久,一尊庞然大物出现在众人面前。 . 只是。 This modeling...... 这造型…… Always felt where has seen!” “总感觉哪里见过!” Wait, I heard ancient times the period, bird clever chicken was big, spreading the wings to block the sky, vertical tall Ruju Building, the modeling of this monster......” “等等,我听说远古时期,有一种鸟贼鸡儿大,展翅可遮天蔽日,立地高如巨楼,这怪物的造型……” You were said that it did call the bird the thief?” “你是说它叫鸟贼?” What bird thief?” “什么鸟贼?” You said a moment ago, there is bird very there very in a big way......” “你刚才说了呀,有一种鸟贼那里很大……” „???” “???” People discuss spiritedly. 人们议论纷纷。 However. 然而。 At this moment. 此刻。 Our Little Sword were one recognized this thing, damn! This was the top grade giant beast of ancient times period, Kun cloud beast.” 我们的小小剑则是一眼认出了这东西,“该死!这是远古时期的顶级巨兽,鲲云兽。” Kun?” “鲲?” Lu Ming is stunned. 陆鸣愕然。 No.” “不。” Little Sword shakes the head, Kun cloud beast, was the Kun of ancient times period and swallows cloud beast Chuan'er......, because is unable to reproduce, therefore has exterminated!” 小小剑摇摇头,“鲲云兽,就是远古时期的鲲和吞云兽的串儿……但是因为无法繁殖,所以早已灭绝了!” Oh.” 。” Lu Ming recovers. 陆鸣回过神来。 No wonder can fly to be able vertical...... 难怪又能飞又能立地…… However...... 不过…… Isn't able to reproduce?” “无法繁殖?” Right, Kun cloud beast is unable the reproduction, only to be the Kun and swallows cloud beast to live.” “对,鲲云兽无法自我繁殖,只能是鲲和吞云兽才能生出来。” Got it.” “明白了。” Lu Ming exclaimed in surprise. 陆鸣惊叹。 Oh shit. 雾草 Wasn't this mule of ancient times period?! 这不就是远古时期的骡子么?! ...... …… Photoshop: Un...... for these days in internet class . PS:嗯……这几天在上网课,咳。
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