SGCM :: Volume #2 米兰魔武学院

#632: The disaster arrives!

Sky Capital City. 天都市 Sword Card Master Association. 剑卡师协会 Lu Ming is still thinking deeply about the Spirit Body solution. 陆鸣还在思索灵体的解决方案。 Buying...... 买…… Is unscientific. 是不科学的。 This thing is like the mask, you more will buy...... finally possibly to a sky-high price expensively, then the market stock may not have many...... 这玩意就跟口罩一样,你越买越贵……最终可能会到一个天价,然后市场存量可能也没有多少…… Therefore. 因此。 Lu Ming thinks is very long. 陆鸣想了很久。 Perhaps...... 或许…… Do oneself make?! 自己造?! You fresh?” “你要生?” Little Sword at present one bright. 小小剑眼前一亮。 Go away!” “滚!” Lu Ming comes up is a foot. 陆鸣上去就是一脚。 Lives your younger sister! 生你妹啊! The father is not the postpartum, can live tens of thousands?! 老子又不是种猪,能生几万个?! Here making, naturally refers to- initially Ghost Fire Card, that strange its technique the good all organs will turn into the Spirit Body matter, hey, you think...... 这里的造,自然是指-当初鬼火卡,那神乎其技的将牛的所有器官变成灵体的事情,嘿,你想想…… From this angle, was hopeful?! 从这个角度,是不是就有希望了?! Always thought that this is not quite good.” “总觉得这样不太好。” Little Sword worries very much. 小小剑很忧心。 Is that Ghost Fire Card is born what Spirit Body? 鬼火卡诞生的那是什么灵体 Red-roast corbel! 红烧牛腿! Stir-fries the fripe! 爆炒牛肚! Hot pepper ox Dean! 辣子牛丁! ...... …… Wait. 等等。 That Spirit Body really available? 那种灵体真的可用? It suspected very much. 它很怀疑。 It looks like in them, this expediting childbirth Spirit Body, with human system in through hitting hormone rapid production the meats and fruit are the same...... 在它们看来,这种催生出来的灵体,就跟人类系统中通过打激素快速生产出来的肉类、水果是一样的…… Can eat? 能吃吗? Can. 能。 However eats to have problems we not to manage...... 但是吃出问题我们就不管了…… Spirit Body. 灵体 Similarly so. 同样如此。 What Ghost Fire Card expedites childbirth is Spirit Body? 鬼火卡催生的是灵体吗? Yes. 是。 As for this Spirit Body is whether complete, mental maturity, whether can cultivation, only knew fishily! Oh, right, Sword Card Master can't Source Card, demonstrate the card spirit design? 至于这灵体是否完整,心智成熟,是否能修炼,就只有鬼知道了!,对了,剑卡师原卡,不是可以显示卡灵图案么? This is the increase! 这是增幅! This is also a Sword Card Master standard battle efficiency part! 这也是剑卡师标准战斗力的一部分! For example- 比如- Little Sword Heavenly Water Sword. 小小剑天水剑 You think. 你想想。 When the time comes fights to erupt, others come out brightly are Tiger Spirit, big yellow dog, obtains various strength agile increases, you are booing, coming up is a plate of Chinese matrimony-vine cooks the sirloin...... 到时候战斗爆发,人家亮出来都是老虎精啊、大黄狗啊,获得各种力量敏捷增幅,你倒好,上来就是一盘枸杞炖牛腩…… Hey. 嘿。 Fragrance increase 10! 香味增幅十! Hot increase 10! 辣味增幅十! Taste increase 12! 口感增幅12! You said. 你说说。 Such can Spirit Body, come what to use?! 这样的灵体,要来何用?! You were say......” “你是说……” Lu Ming somewhat understood what is heard, these are Spirit Body incomplete Spirit Body?” 陆鸣有些听明白了,“这些灵体是残缺灵体?” Definitely yes.” “肯定是。” Little Sword sighed. 小小剑叹口气。 This also with thinking? 这还用想吗? Expedites childbirth can have several good thing! 催生出来的能有几个好玩意! ......” “唔……” Lu Ming is lost in thought. 陆鸣陷入沉思。 Forgot to consider this actually. 倒是忘了考虑这个。 After all previous Ghost Fire Card presents time, expedited childbirth Spirit Body seems like normal, rampant, but can also fight...... 毕竟上次鬼火卡出现的时候,催生的灵体看上去还是蛮正常的,一个个性格嚣张,还能战斗…… Therefore. 于是。 Lu Ming arrived at Laboratory simply. 陆鸣干脆到了实验室 He looked for a gold to roast the entire cow personally, and made probably ten types of bull-type dishes to test, finally Ghost Fire Card got down, all beef transformations. 他亲自找了一只黄金烤全牛,并弄了大概十样牛类菜品来测试,最终一张鬼火卡下去,所有牛肉蜕变。 I...... regained consciousness......” “吾……苏醒了……” This is cumin ox willow. 这是孜然牛柳。 Hateful! Human blows me daily, I must blow!” “可恨!人类天天吹我,我也要吹回来!” This is the cow likes. 这是牛欢喜。 I am since birth more honored than the pork chop......” “我生来就比猪排尊贵……” This fries the beef steak fragrant. 这是香煎牛排。 ...... …… Probably doesn't have the issue?” “好像没问题?” Lu Ming ponder. 陆鸣沉思。 These Spirit Body look normally. 这些灵体看着蛮正常的呀。 What a pity. 可惜。 When he prepares to conduct the next test, he discovered that these beef start to start to swallow other beef under the function of instinct unexpectedly...... 就在他准备进行下一步测试的时候,他发现这些牛肉竟然开始在本能的作用下开始吞噬其他的牛肉…… Fight. 战斗。 Battle. 厮杀。 The scene is extremely bloody, seasoning everywhere dances in the air...... 场面极其血腥,调料漫天飞舞…… ...... …… Outside Laboratory. 实验室外。 „Is President doing?” 会长在干嘛?” Does not know, is smelling quite sweet......” “不知道,闻着好香……” Right right.” “对呀对呀。” The disciples are curious. 弟子们充满好奇。 Heard that Master shouldered a gold to roast the entire cow to test, opened directly eats...... 听说师父扛了一头黄金烤全牛来测试,难道直接开吃了…… ...... …… But at this moment. 而此刻。 Laboratory. 实验室 Lu Ming helplessly looks at beef the scene between of battle, finally determined, Little Sword said really reasonable. 陆鸣眼睁睁的看着牛肉之间的争斗的场面,最终确定,小小剑说的果然是有道理的。 These cows...... 这些牛…… Although had Spirit Body, had the consciousness, but the flaw is enormous. 虽然拥有了灵体,拥有了意识,但是缺陷极大。 They only have the instinct! 它们只有本能! They only have the desire. 它们只有欲望。 And. 而且。 What is most fearful is- 最可怕的是- They have is not the instinct of normal life, but is an instinct of organ...... 它们拥有的不是正常生灵的本能,而是一个器官的本能…… Therefore, if Ghost Fire Card expedites these, wants to make the confusion or the fight has no issue, but if changed into oneself to use these Spirit Body on unreliable. 所以,鬼火卡如果催生这些,想要制造混乱或者战斗没什么问题,但是如果将这些灵体化为己用就不靠谱了。 Therefore- 因此- Spirit Fire plans to become invalid! 鬼火计划作废! ...... …… However. 不过。 Has been in the 6-Star limit regarding the present Lu Ming, trivial 5-Star Ghost Fire Card, he has looked does not glance, Ghost Fire Card has the flaw...... 对于现在已经处于六星极限的陆鸣来说,区区五星鬼火卡,他已经看不上眼了,鬼火卡有缺陷…… Then...... 那么…… If stronger card? 如果更强的卡牌呢? You think. 你想想。 Ox head card series, from Burial Mound Card to Desolate Card, again to Ghost Fire Card, is Summoned Spirit Body card! 牛头系列卡牌,从坟头卡荒芜卡、再到鬼火卡,都是召唤灵体卡牌 Therefore. 因此。 If...... 如果…… Jumps over Newton Card, card upward, whether can also Summoned Spirit Body?! 跳过牛顿卡,更往上的卡牌,是否还可以召唤灵体?! Whether...... 是否…… Ghost Fire Card of birth complete version? 会诞生完全版的鬼火卡 Lu Ming thinks carefully, is some anticipations. 陆鸣仔细想想,还是有些期待的。 3-Star Burial Mound Card! 三星坟头卡 4-Star Desolate Card! 四星荒芜卡 5-Star Ghost Fire Card! 五星鬼火卡 Here jumps over 6-Star Newton Card! 这里跳过一个六星牛顿卡 Next...... 下一个…… Is 7-Star!!! 就是七星!!! Naturally. 当然。 Has not made true 7-Star Card Lu Ming to the present, he also wants to try, seven 6-Star Newton Card unions, really birth 7-Star? 陆鸣到现在还没有制造过真正的七星卡牌,他也很想试试,七张六星牛顿卡结合,真的会诞生七星吗? Actually. 其实。 Had the association, had Card Making Department, Lu Ming was equivalent had own Research and Development Department, did not use itself laboriously bit by bit researched and developed these foundation line patterns...... 有了协会,有了制卡部门,陆鸣就相当于有了自己的研发部门,再也不用自己辛辛苦苦的一点一点的去研发这些基础纹路…… He, so long as enjoys the final achievement on the line! 他,只要享受最终成果就行! Therefore. 因此。 This card, he has manufactured. 这张卡,他早已经制作完毕。 In competition he attempts to use, what a pity, was suppressed...... 比赛中他就尝试使用,可惜,被生生憋了回去…… Come......” “来吧……” Lu Ming took a deep breath. 陆鸣深吸一口气 He wants to try this card whether can also Summoned Spirit Body. 他想试试这张卡是否还能召唤灵体 If possible...... 如果可以的话…… Brothers.” “兄弟。” keep it up!” 加油!” Lu Ming took a deep breath. 陆鸣深吸一口气 Therefore. 于是。 He fused seven Newton Card, formed new card. 他将七张牛顿卡融合,形成了一张新的卡牌 Naturally. 当然。 Card surface...... 卡面…… Does not want to use, the wool does not have. 不想用,毛都没有。 Fortunately, Lu Ming does not count on now oneself can see anything from the card surface, said again, each time thing also very profound studies of card surface demonstration. 还好,陆鸣现在已经不指望自己能从卡面看出什么了,再说,每次卡面显示的东西也很玄学。 To put it bluntly, looked guesses randomly might as well did not look. 说白了,看了乱猜还不如不看。 As for function? 至于功能? Tried to know! 试试就知道了! Although this card is the 6-Star limit congeals, but unsurprisingly, he seems like one with Blooming Card same 6-Star limit advanced card! 这张卡虽然是六星极限凝结,但是不出意外,他似乎是一个跟绽放卡一样的六星极限进阶卡 Does not have 7-Star! 并没有七星 Arrived 7-Star?” “到不了七星么?” Lu Ming brow tight wrinkle. 陆鸣眉头紧皱。 This is the second 6-Star limit cannot fuse 7-Star card! 这已经是第二个六星极限融合不出七星卡牌了! In fact. 事实上。 Not only this, if Lu Ming has not guessed wrong, these card are unable Advanced rank to 7-Star! His can Lightning Fusion also break through?! 不仅仅这张,如果陆鸣没猜错的话,这些卡牌都无法进阶七星!难道他闪电融合也要突破?! Also do some such membranes need to poke a stamp? 也有那么一层膜需要戳一戳? Ok. 算了。 Sooner or later will know! 早晚会知道的! Now. 现在。 The most important thing is- test. 最重要的是-测试。 Lu Ming this time has not gone out. 陆鸣这次没出门。 Has the 7-Star disciples to assume personal command, B that he inflates now, only card tests, does not need to go to other places, therefore, Lu Ming selects conveniently. 七星弟子们坐镇,他现在膨胀的一b,区区一个卡牌测试,根本不需要去其他地方,于是,陆鸣随手点开。 Buzz- 嗡- card dissipates. 卡牌逸散。 Swings in this small Laboratory. 在这小小的实验室荡开。 Then...... 然后…… Without the sound. 没有动静。 Really......” “果然……” Lu Ming shows the whites of the eyes. 陆鸣翻个白眼。 Is impossible to have an effect in this small Laboratory! 在这小小的实验室根本不可能起作用! Also is scene utilization type card? 又是场景运用类型的卡牌 ...... 唔…… Variation of gravity? 重力变化? No! 没有! Spirit Body recovery? 灵体复苏? Also no! 也没有! Summoned Bull Herd? 召唤牛群 Also no! 也没有! „Isn't environment right?” “环境不对么?” Lu Ming whispered. 陆鸣嘀咕一下。 He displays this card now, according to former 2-Star took the frame of reference to the 6-Star all bull card displaying environment, as if not Taihang...... 他现在施展这张卡,是根据之前二星六星所有牛头卡的施展环境作为参照物的,似乎不太行…… Also or...... 又或者…… New function? 新的功能? Again come!” “再来!” Invalid! 无效! Again come! 再来! Invalid! 无效! Lu Ming tested more than ten continuously, unexpectedly does not have any effect! 陆鸣连续测试了十几张,竟然没有任何效果! Laboratory energy testing datum, had not discovered that any data target is unusual, more than ten cards get down, does not have any matter happened as before. 实验室能量测试基准,也没有发现任何数据指标异常,十几张卡下去,依旧没有任何事情发生。 „......” “……” Should be displays the way is not right.” “应该是施展方式不对。” Lu Ming rubs the head. 陆鸣揉揉脑袋。 Possibly...... 可能…… Similar Buried Flower Card, needs the goal. 类似葬花卡,需要目标。 Therefore. 于是。 Lu Ming from Xiaobai Laboratory, taking advantage of live ferocious beast. 陆鸣小白实验室那边,借来一只活的凶兽 Displaying- 施展- Invalid! 无效! Changes a way again, displays to human? Increase card? 再换一种方式,对人类施展?增幅卡? Displaying- 施展- Invalid! 无效! ...... …… So reciprocation. 如此往复。 Lu Ming exhausted all ways of oneself possibly test, the frightened discovery, dozens card got down, this card does not have an effect unexpectedly!!! 陆鸣用尽了自己可能测试的所有方式,惊悚的发现,几十张卡牌下去了,这张卡竟没有一点效果!!! Is unscientific! 不科学啊! Lu Ming brow tight wrinkle. 陆鸣眉头紧皱。 The test mode of this card has covered all card that he had to display the way...... 这张卡的测试方式已经覆盖了他拥有的所有卡牌施展方式…… ...... 到底…… Where has the issue? 哪里有问题? ...... …… line pattern......” 纹路……” Little Sword?” 小小剑?” In.” “在。” What similar function can you discover from line pattern?” “你从纹路上能发现什么相似功能吗?” No.” “没。” Little Sword shakes the head, these line pattern are brand-new line pattern, is the 6-Star advanced card limit, has exceeded your beforehand knowledge node.” 小小剑摇摇头,“这些纹路都是崭新的纹路,属于六星进阶卡的极限,已经超越了你以前的知识点。” Advanced rank......” 进阶……” In the Lu Ming heart understands clearly. 陆鸣心中了然。 Past card, was white card! 以往的卡牌,都是白卡! Entire white! 全白! Except for some peculiar circumstance Advanced rank...... 除了某种特殊情况的进阶…… But now. 而现在。 When is unable to break through in the 7-Star situation, these card, finally started Advanced rank, from white card of 6-Star limit, turned into 6-Star limit advanced card! 当无法突破七星的情况下,这些卡牌,终于开始进阶了,从六星极限的白卡,变成了六星极限进阶卡 In other words- 也就是说- Green! 绿了! ...... …… card Advanced rank, line pattern naturally also becomes outstanding. 卡牌进阶,纹路自然也变得优秀。 This regarding Card Making Department is the good matter, regarding Lu Ming, is actually not able to analyze this card to have what function from line pattern probably...... 这对于制卡部门是好事儿,对于陆鸣而言,却无法从纹路上分析出这张卡大概拥有什么功能…… Examines the machine? 检测机器? Could not count on. 更指望不上了。 Therefore. 因此。 Lu Ming can only temporarily give up this card. 陆鸣只能将这张卡暂时放弃。 ...... …… But at this time. 而此时。 Sky Capital City. 天都市 Military Department Department Head enjoyable lying down on the rocking chair, sways. 作战部部长正舒心的躺在摇椅上,晃来晃去。 Hey. 嘿。 Originally swings such comfortably...... 原来摇起来这么舒服…… No wonder she...... 难怪她…… Suddenly. 忽然。 The grating alarm sound rings out, awakens from the fantasy Department Head. 刺耳的警报声大作,将部长从幻想中惊醒。 This sound...... 这声音…… Brush! 刷! Department Head is rapid, opens warning machine, immediately the frightened discovery, in the domain early warning of entire Sky Capital City, bunch of giant red points keep glittering!!! 部长迅速起来,打开警报仪器,顿时惊悚的发现,整个天都市的版图预警中,一团团巨大的红点不停闪烁!!! This is...... 这是…… Nine warned extremely!!! 九极警告!!! Damn! 该死! Each is the 7-Star limit even may be 8-Star! 每个都是七星极限甚至有可能是八星 Brush! 刷! The Department Head face was immediately green. 部长脸登时就绿了。 Damn! 见鬼! What are these? 这些是什么? How to appear in Sky Capital City?! 怎么会出现在天都市?! Quickly!” “快!” Accent monitors!” “调监控出来!” Immediately investigates these positions!” “立刻侦查这些位置!” Department Head angrily roars. 部长怒吼。 Quick. 很快。 The staff assign out the monitoring. 工作人员调出监控。 However. 然而。 What frightened is, the position that these positions, these red point institutes warn, auspicious, has not presented any aura unexpectedly, does not have any destruction! 让人惊悚的是,那些位置,那些红点所警示的位置,竟然一片祥和,没有出现任何气息,也没有任何破坏! No one?” “没人?” Department Head brow tight wrinkle. 部长眉头紧皱。 No one...... 没人…… He read the early warning domain. 他看了看预警版图。 Above. 上面。 The red luminous spot has started to glitter...... 红色的光点已经开始闪烁…… Damn! 该死! Where do these exist?! 这些存在到底在哪里?! What matter exactly has?! 到底发生何事?! These fellows...... 这些家伙…… Department Head?” 部长?” The staff are also very puzzled, „can also warn?” 工作人员也很困惑,“还要示警么?” Warned!” “示警!” Department Head without hesitation, which place, no matter they possibly from appear, cannot make them harm the common people, making nearby people evacuate rapidly!” 部长毫不犹豫,“不管他们可能从哪个地方出现,都不能让他们伤害百姓,让附近人们迅速撤离!” Good!” “好!” The staff carry out immediately. 工作人员立刻执行。 Department Head looks that full screen the red luminous spot is full of the worry. 部长看着满屏的红色光点充满忧心。 These luminous spots...... 这些光点…… These lives...... 这些生灵…… What thing?! 到底什么东西?! What form will they in appear?! 他们到底会以什么形式出现?! They now where? 他们现在到底在哪里? He does not know. 他不知道。 However, he was clear, once these red points arrive at Sky Capital City, that is a giant disaster! He, may be unable to block! 但是,他清楚,一旦这些红点降临天都市,那就是一场巨大的灾难!就连他,都不一定能挡得住! This situation...... 这种情况…… He remembers a fearful given name suddenly...... 他忽然想起一个可怕的名号…… World Rank Disaster?! 世界级灾难么?! Department Head brow tight wrinkle. 部长眉头紧皱。 As 8-Star. 作为八星 As Military Department Department Head, he naturally knows this. 作为作战部部长,他自然是知道这个的。 Therefore. 于是。 His silent moment, opens the mouth again. 他沉默片刻,再次开口。 Relates First College......” “联系第一学院……” Relates the major associations......” “联系各大协会……” Reporting request assistance......” “上报请求支援……” Suddenly. 忽然。 He, said again, „the support information of reporting, sends duplicate to one to give Lu Ming.” 他顿了顿,再次说道,“上报的支援信息,抄送一份给陆鸣。” Yeah?” “哎?” Staff face confused. 工作人员一脸懵逼 Land...... 陆…… Lu Ming?! 陆鸣?! Lu Ming not in the scopes of major associations? Why can also send duplicate to one support information of reporting alone? 陆鸣不是在各大协会的范围中么?为什么还要把上报的支援信息单独抄送一份? This is the secret. 这可是机密。 Because he is Top 100 Associations President.” “因为他是百强协会会长。” The Military Department Department Head sinking sound said, „is also only one, the headquarters in our Sky Capital City Top 100 Associations President! If this matter is really that disaster......” 作战部部长沉声道,“也是唯一一个,总部在我们天都市百强协会会长!如果这件事真的是那种灾难……” Can have the solution qualifications......” “能拥有解决资格的……” Also only then he.” “也只有他了。” ...... …… But at this time. 而此时。 Sky Capital City. 天都市 Almost all associations awaken in this moment. 几乎所有协会都在这一刻惊醒。 The urgent message of Military Department transmission they also saw, major association President and various graduate school deans go out rapidly, enter the alert posture. 作战部发送的紧急通报他们也看到了,各大协会会长、各大学院院长迅速出关,进入战备状态。 What enemy?” “什么敌人?” Does not know, it is said is very terrifying!” “不知道,据说很恐怖!” Understood.” “明白。” People look with deep veneration. 众人神色肃然。 They know, can make Sky Capital City enter the first-level security, inevitably is a war! 他们知道,能让天都市进入一级警戒,必然是一场战! For a long time. 许久。 Major association President appear in Military Department. 各大协会会长出现在作战部 Un...... 嗯…… Department Head looks at obviously weakly President of scale, is a little ignorant. 部长看着明显弱了一个档次的会长们,有点懵。 This battle efficiency...... 这战斗力…… Oh. Thought. 想起来了。 Many associations were annexed by Lu Ming...... 很多协会都被陆鸣吞并了…… President of these associations also returned to the headquarters, therefore, keeps the Sky Capital City association now, was this worthless people or the small association...... 那些协会的会长也回归总部了,因此,现在还留在天都市的协会,都是这种歪瓜裂枣或者小协会…… Let alone 8-Star. 别说八星 Even 7-Star, still only had these. 就算是七星,也只剩下这几个了。 How many are President, you who original 6-Star peak vice- President withstand/top temporarily dares to believe unexpectedly? 还有几个会长,竟然是原本的六星巅峰副会长临时顶上来的你敢信? Counts on them? 指望他们? Ok. 算了。 Department Head deeply sighed. 部长深深叹口气。 Why hasn't Lu Ming come?” 陆鸣为何没来?” President have doubts. 会长们疑惑。 As the present Sky Capital City first association, this matter, Lu Ming should first act to be right. 作为如今天都市第一协会,这种事情,陆鸣应该第一个出面才对。 Yes!” “就是!” Our association elites were taken away the larger part by them!” “我们协会精英被他们带走一大半!” We are more miserable, President was mad by him returns to the headquarters, I am only vice- President came...... the present also to obtain various host conferences......” “我们更惨,会长都被他气回总部了,我原本只是副会长来着……现在还得出面主持各种会议……” President complained. 会长们纷纷吐槽。 „......” “……” In the Department Head vision is also anxious. 部长目光中也充满担忧。 Buzz- 嗡- Buzz- 嗡- Early warning map red light twinkle. 预警地图红光闪烁。 The enemies will soon appear, he to the report that Lu Ming sends duplicate, yes? 敌人即将出现,他给陆鸣抄送的报告,看了吗? ...... …… But at this moment. 而此刻。 Sword Card Master Association. 剑卡师协会 Just tested card Lu Ming, naturally also received the report of Sky Capital City, he himself has not thought, just returned to Sky Capital City, came across this matter! 刚刚测试完卡牌陆鸣,自然也受到了天都市的报告,他自己也没想到,刚刚回到天都市,就遇到了这种事情! World Rank Disaster! 世界级灾难 May exceed the real disaster of 8-Star crisis very much! 很有可能超越八星危机的真正灾难! But place...... 而地点…… Unexpectedly in Sky Capital City! 竟是在天都市 „Is this test?” “这算是考验吗?” Lu Ming forced smile. 陆鸣苦笑。 Just took office Top 100 Associations, sent this startled huge ritual! 刚刚上任百强协会,就送来这一份惊天大礼! And. 而且。 This battle efficiency...... 这战斗力…… 8-Star above crisis?! 八星以上的危机吗?! According to the Sword Card Master Association present battle efficiency, supports several 7-Star, facing this enemy, feared that will be direct cool...... 按照剑卡师协会现在的战斗力,撑死几个七星而已,面对这种敌人,怕是会直接凉凉吧…… Did Department Head think highly of them? 部长是不是太看得起他们了? Or. 要不。 Borrows disciples again Spirit Body of time? 再借用一次弟子们的灵体 Lu Ming sighed. 陆鸣叹气。 Hundred Flowers Array Three Thousand Source Cards...... 百花阵三千原卡…… If really compels to have no other choice, can only like this. 如果实在逼不得已,只能这样了。 . 只是。 Good, this crisis time, if borrows forcefully, it is estimated that the previous cheating news will also be revealed that own all secrets...... 一次还好,这种危机时刻,如果强行借用,估计上次作弊的消息也会曝光吧,自己的所有秘密…… President prestige...... 会长的威望…… Ok. 算了。 Lu Ming rubs the head. 陆鸣揉揉脑袋。 If really arrived at the Sky Capital City life and death time, where can also control so many?! 如果真到了天都市生死存亡的时候,又哪里管得了那么多?! At present. 眼下。 Getting through this difficult time was the key point! 渡过这个难关才是重点! ...... …… Oh. Right. 对了。 Sky Capital City major associations...... 还有天都市各大协会…… Therefore. 于是。 Lu Ming opened Association Presidents Group conveniently. 陆鸣顺手打开了会长群 Un...... 嗯…… Usually in this group is lively, since Sword Card Master Association sweeps away the major associations to start, this group bewilderedly was quiet. 平日里这个群还是蛮热闹的,只是自从剑卡师协会横扫各大协会开始,这个群就莫名其妙沉寂了。 . 咳。 Has the person?” “有人吗?” Lu Ming roared. 陆鸣吼了一声。 No one replies. 没人回复。 Therefore. 于是。 Lu Ming thinks, original Sky Capital City Association Presidents Group changed to Sword Card Master Association branch group. 陆鸣想了想,将原本的‘天都市会长群’改成了‘剑卡师协会分部群’。 President: „???” 会长们:“???” fuck your mother. 甘梨娘 Was your excessive? 你这就过分了吧? ...... …… For a long time. 许久。 Various Sword Card Master Association departments prepare appropriately, the fight will soon start! 剑卡师协会各部门准备妥当,战斗即将开始! Lu Ming leads to go to battle personally. 陆鸣亲自带队出征。 . 只是。 That moment of soon going out, Lu Ming reviews the confidential file that about World Rank Disaster our Military Department Department Head sent duplicate finally. 就在即将出门的那一刻,陆鸣最后回顾了一下我们作战部部长抄送过来的关于世界级灾难的秘密文件。 That disaster forthcoming early warning map. 还有那份灾难即将出现的预警地图。 Un...... 嗯…… These 7-Star...... 这些七星…… These 8-Star...... 这些八星…… This quantity...... 这数量…… This way...... 这方式…… Why does not know, Lu Ming always feels to look familiar...... 不知道为何,陆鸣总感觉眼熟…… Strange. 奇怪。 Misconception? 错觉吗? To be honest.” “说实话。” Little Sword interrupted suddenly, I had an unclear premonition......” 小小剑忽然插嘴,“我有种不详的预感……” „......” “……” Lu Ming is silent. 陆鸣沉默。 This?? Also said with you?! 这??还用你说?! Way that these enemies present, this strange early warning, in impression, as if with the Desolate Card initial summon indistinctly somewhat similar...... 这些敌人出现的方式,这诡异的预警,印象中,似乎跟荒芜卡当初的召唤隐隐约约有些相似…… Naturally. 当然。 The most important thing is. 最重要的是。 The numbers of these enemies so exactly the new card quantity are how same as oneself have used...... 这些敌人的数量怎么就那么恰好跟自己用过的新卡牌数量一样呢…… However. 然而。 Lu Ming just thought of here. 陆鸣刚想到这里。 Bang! 轰! Astonishing aura pass through Sky Capital City! 一道道惊人的气息贯穿天都市 Position that in these early warning maps the scarlet point institute is, fearful and powerful existed to appear, each released the extremely powerful aura...... 那些预警地图中大红点所在的位置,一尊尊可怕而又强大的存在出现了,每一位都释放出极其强大的气息…… Mysterious and vast as well as...... 神秘、浩瀚以及…… Ancient times! 远古! „......” “……” Some Lu Ming shake suddenly. 陆鸣忽然有些手抖。 fuck your mother! 甘梨娘的! Really is Summoning Card...... 还真就是召唤卡啊…… 凸(艹皿艹)! 凸(艹皿艹) He is somewhat anxious. 他有些紧张。 Really. 真的。 He knows that to be exaggerating from some bull series card possible effects, therefore each time as far as possible is well prepared tests, does not want to affect others. 他知道自牛头系列有些卡牌可能效果夸张,所以每次都尽可能的做好一切准备才去测试,就是不想波及他人。 However. 但是。 Regardless of how he has not thought, the new card effect, becomes this unexpectedly exaggeratingly...... 他无论如何也没想到,新卡牌的效果,居然夸张成这样…… Summoned 7-Star? 召唤出七星 Summoned 8-Star?! 召唤出八星?! This what devil card?! 这到底什么魔鬼卡牌?! Naturally. 当然。 Now does not have the time to study these. 现在没工夫研究这些。 Lu Ming is very clear, so Spirit Body and terrifying life of quantity, if this processing is not good, Sky Capital City...... feared that was cool! 陆鸣很清楚,如此数量的灵体和恐怖生灵,如果这次处理不好的话,天都市……怕是要凉了! He really does not want to open here! 他真没想拆这里啊! „Do Qingming City you want to open?” 清明市难道你是想拆的?” Little Sword interrupted. 小小剑插嘴。 Shut up!” “闭嘴!” Lu Ming face one black. 陆鸣脸一黑。 You think that is love demolition, do you want to open can open? 你以为是爱情拆迁啊,你想拆就能拆? Now! 现在! The most important thing is- 最重要的是- How to solve these dozens to be just born, doubtful 7-Star and 8-Star terrifying Spirit Body! 如何解决这几十个刚刚诞生出来的,疑似七星八星的恐怖灵体 Let Brother Cat make a move? 猫哥出手? The premise is these Spirit Body is willing to enter his sea of consciousness. 前提是这些灵体愿意进入他意识海 Un...... 嗯…… It is estimated that unbearable. 估计够呛。 Suppression? 镇压? Sky Capital City really did not have this strength! 天都市还真没这个实力! What to do?” “怎么办?” Lu Ming mind train of thought like electricity. 陆鸣脑海思绪如电。 He thinks after this is the high-rank, first World Rank Disaster that will soon solve...... has not thought that after this unexpectedly is the high-rank, personally manufacture first World Rank Disaster! 他原以为这是自己上位以后,即将解决的第一个世界级灾难……未曾想,这居然是自己上位以后,亲手制造的第一个世界级灾难 This?? Where on reasons things out! 这??上哪儿说理去! He is test card he is easy he! 他就是测试个卡牌他容易么他! 7-Star...... 七星…… 8-Star...... 八星…… Had! 有了! While its sickness, wants its life! 趁其病,要其命! It is not sober while these Spirit Body, just when birth, gets rid of them as soon as possible! 趁着这些灵体还未清醒,刚刚诞生之际,尽快干掉他们! Un...... 嗯…… Without the problem. 没毛病。 Therefore. 于是。 The Lu Ming hesitation moment, pulled out snowflakes again. 陆鸣沉吟片刻,再次掏出了一片雪花。 ...... …… () ()
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