SGCM :: Volume #2 米兰魔武学院

#631: Changes name to that small matter ~

Endless Sea. 无尽海域 Seashore. 海边。 Lu Ming is still being shocked has not recovered. 陆鸣还在震撼中没有回过神来。 He knew Old Jiang in the past possibly very awesome, but, Old Jiang unexpectedly awesome to this situation...... 他知道老江当年可能很牛批,但是没想到,老江竟然牛批到这种地步…… The meet of father and mother, solves the accident/surprise in the world disaster, but Old Jiang...... that really looks for the past, was finally successful! 父亲和母亲的相遇,是解决世界灾难中的意外,而老江……那是真的去一个个找过去,最终才成功的! As for process...... 至于过程…… Lu Ming suspected very much. 陆鸣很怀疑。 The Old Jiang story writes, possibly is that sends unable to send...... 老江的故事写出来,可能是发都发不出去的那种…… In brief. 总之。 This was the past story. 这就是当年的故事了。 Very subtle. 很微妙。 Very awesome. 牛批 Oh. Right. 对了。 Zhang Xiaopang. 还有张小胖 Lu Ming suspects now very much, this goods cause Spirit Body Xin'er, possibly also with once spied on the Jiang Feng secret to have the relations accidentally...... 陆鸣现在很怀疑,这货之所以弄出一个灵体馨儿,可能也跟曾经无意中窥探到江枫的秘密有关系…… ...... …… „The child is......” “那孩子是……” The Mr.Lu vision falls on Xiaobai. 陆父的目光落在小白身上。 This child...... 这孩子…… He always feels somewhat familiar. 他总觉得有些熟悉。 Jiang Yuebai.” 江月白。” Old Jiang daughter.” 老江的女儿。” Lu Ming answered. 陆鸣解释道。 Old Jiang?” 老江?” This year discipline......” “这年纪……” Mr.Lu was startled, Huo'er leaves is so long, did this goods have a daughter unexpectedly?! After I also think knows Huo'er, Old Jiang this loose goods become an honest woman.” 陆父惊了,“火儿离开那么久,这货居然又生了一个女儿?!我还以为认识火儿以后,老江这风流货从良了呢。” However. 不过。 Quick he takes pleasure in others' misfortunes, „, son, people said the tigress to be fierce, in the future will could make the play that a divorced mother dragon will roar for the father to you......” 很快他就幸灾乐祸起来,“嘿嘿,儿子,人们都说母老虎凶猛,将来为父兴许能给你拍一出母龙咆哮的戏……” „......” “……” Lu Ming deeply saw a father. 陆鸣深深看了一眼父亲。 Father wicked interest...... 父亲这恶趣味…… However. 不过。 He in sister-in-law to that legend, but also somewhat interest. 他对那位传说中的大姨子,还真有点兴趣。 What did Senior Jiang that eldest daughter call?” 江前辈那个大女儿叫什么?” Lu Ming is curious. 陆鸣好奇。 Jiang Xiaobai.” 江小白。” Mr.Lu said. 陆父说道。 „???” “???” Lu Ming face confused, J-Jiang Xiaobai?” 陆鸣一脸懵逼,“江、江小白?” Sister-in-law name? 大姨子这名字? Sister-in-law...... 小姨子…… ! 啊呸! Is why Xiaobai childhood name also Xiaobai?! 那为什么小白的小名也是小白?! What to do later makes a mistake?! 以后弄错怎么办?! The name same words, turning the sign are also easy to mistranslate...... 名字一样的话,翻牌子也容易翻错的吧…… Little Sword:??? 小小剑:??? Wait. 等等。 What are this goods thinking?! 这货在想什么?! Hehe.” “呵呵。” Mr.Lu sneers, Jiang Xiaobai...... Jiang Yuebai...... Old Jiang this name proficiency is not high, might as well I, Lu Yan and Lu Ming, from the cry to the face, have the implication......” 陆父冷笑,“江小白……江月白……老江这起名字水准也不高,还不如我,陆颜陆鸣,从鸣到颜,都有寓意……” „......” “……” The Lu Ming face is black. 陆鸣脸黑黑的。 He does not want to know what implication now!!! 他现在一点也不想知道什么寓意!!! ...... 还有…… From cry to face...... 从鸣到颜…… fuck your mother! 甘梨娘 How do you extend the picture feeling from the name??? 你是怎么从名字上延伸出画面感的??? ...... …… But at this time. 而此时。 In chatting of fathers and sons. 在父子的闲聊中。 Sword Card Master Association and Lu Family start to connect with officially. 剑卡师协会陆家开始正式交接。 At this moment. 此刻。 The Lu Family manages matter received the seashore Zhou Yun and the others, there, has the modeling plain giant stone together, above filled with the mysterious and vast aura. 陆家管事儿将周韵等人领到了海边,那里,有一块造型古朴的巨大石头,上面充满了神秘而又浩瀚的气息。 Very ancient. 很古老。 Unusual. 不同寻常。 This is ancient Deduction Stone.” “这是古老的推演石。” Here.” “在这里。” We can see the disaster that in the future possibly can present, and approximate information, with being close of disaster, the information continually will improve......” “我们可以看到未来可能会出现的灾难,以及大致信息,随着灾难的接近,信息会不断的完善……” The Lu Family manages matter said. 陆家的管事儿说道。 For example- 比如- Sea Bull disaster. 海牛灾难。 Probability of occurrence: 0.008. 出现概率:0.008。 Disaster factor: Some Sea Bull variations under some special condition, will have the variation, had to absorb all geneticizations for some oneself characteristics...... once, had such a mother Sea Bull variation, the character was also quite bold, finally swallowed the gene of trim sea area. 灾难因素:部分海牛变异在某种特定条件下,会发生变异,拥有吸纳一切基因化为己有的特性……曾经,就有这么一头母海牛变异了,性格又比较奔放,最终吞噬了整片海域的基因。 So forth. 诸如此类。 On Deduction Stone, according to the probability and consequence sorting of disaster, generally, they only needed to pay attention to strongest surface several disasters to be OK. 推演石上,会根据灾难的概率和后果排序,一般情况下,他们只需要关注最强面的几个灾难就可以了。 Each region will have such together Deduction Stone.” “每个区域都会有这么一块推演石。” Early period.” “早期。” Development falls behind.” “发展落后。” People can only deduce the disaster in this way......” “人们只能通过这种方式来推演灾难……” Ancient people hearsay.” “故老传闻。” Existence of each Deduction Stone, had 9-Star dead......” “每一个推演石的存在,都有一个九星死去……” The Lu Family manages matter said. 陆家管事儿说道。 Zhou Yun:??? 周韵:??? Has such frightened?! 有这么惊悚的么?! Previous Master also said that what is coming? Behind what each cheat player had a dead mother and so on words...... 上次师父也说什么来着?什么每一个开挂的玩家背后都有一个死去的母亲之类的话…… Although cannot understand, but also scary good! 虽然听不懂,但是也蛮吓人的好么! Naturally.” “当然。” These were the pasts.” “那些都是过去的。” The Lu Family manages matter comforts saying that under coverage of 5 g, we give back to the precognition stage to increase network push and disaster early warning and other functions this year.” 陆家管事儿安慰道,“在5g的覆盖下,我们今年还给预知台添加了网络推送和灾难预警等功能。” Zhou Yun: „......” 周韵:“……” You look......” “你看……” The Lu Family manages matter helps Zhou Yun log in app, above only has ten possibilities World Rank Disaster, nine disaster probabilities are extremely low. 陆家管事儿帮助周韵登录app,上面只剩下十个可能的世界级灾难,其中九个灾难概率都极低。 Only has one...... 只有一个…… Above is demonstrating a blood red Probability -15! 上面显示着一个血红色的概率-15! - -- Unknown disaster. 未知灾难。 Probability of occurrence: 15. 出现概率:15。 appearance time: About a month.( In detail time deduction) 出现时间:一个月左右。(详细时间推演中) Disaster factor: Unknown......( in detailed causes and effects deduction) 灾难因素:未知……(详细因果推演中) Disaster place: Endless Sea East Sea sea area......( in detail time deduction) 灾难地点:无尽海域东海海域……(详细时间推演中) ...... …… - -- This is......” “这是……” Zhou Yun is somewhat shocking. 周韵有些震惊。 15? 15? This was only one could not find.” “这是唯一一个找不到的。” The Lu Family manages matter sighed, „the information of precognition stage, as disaster close to was getting more and more detailed, but some disasters were not quite really good to inquire......” 陆家管事儿叹口气,“预知台的信息,会随着灾难的临近越来越详细,但是有些灾难真的不太好查询……” For example this.” “比如这个。” Family Head these days, eliminated all possible disasters......” 家主这段时间,消灭了所有可能出现的灾难……” Only this.” “唯独这个。” Really could not find.” “真找不到。” Therefore.” “所以。” Perhaps needed you to solve.” “恐怕需要你们来解决了。” The Lu Family manages matter smiles bitterly. 陆家管事儿苦笑。 Because of Lu Family fathers' and sons' particular relationship, therefore Lu Family this time as far as possible has helped them get rid of all potential threats completely! 因为陆家父子的特殊关系,所以陆家这次尽可能的已经帮助他们将所有潜在的威胁全部干掉了! Even- 甚至- Many possibilities only have World Rank Disaster that 1 creates merely. 许多可能性仅仅只有一造成的世界级灾难 But only then this...... 但唯独只有这个…… Did not can find! 找不到! Even does not have the source! 甚至没有源头! „Is this matter very common?” “这种事情很常见么?” Zhou Yun said in a low voice. 周韵低声道。 Un.” “嗯。” The Lu Family manages matter nods, some disaster bodies are hard to deduce, the bringing radiation-shielding effect, will cause to have information content extremely few situations......” 陆家管事儿点点头,“有些灾难体本身难以推演,自带屏蔽效果,就会导致出现信息量极少的情况……” This is the goal that we have.” “这就是我们存在的目的。” Got it.” “明白了。” Zhou Yun slight nod. 周韵微微点头。 Also yes. 也是。 If all things can control...... 如果所有事情都可以控制…… Also did not need their these Top 100 Associations and powerful families. 也就不需要他们这些百强协会和强大家族了。 Unknown disaster...... 未知灾难么…… Zhou Yun understood. 周韵明白了。 I will report that reported President.” “我会禀报会长的。” Zhou Yun said. 周韵说道。 . 只是。 She looks on that app the exhaustive data, as well as that several( in detail time deduction), she remembered the Master words suddenly, then around stone several. 她看着那app上详尽的数据,以及那几个(详细时间推演中),她忽然想起了师父的话,然后绕着石头几圈。 What issue also has?” “还有什么问题?” Lu Family manages matter doubts. 陆家管事儿疑惑。 Un......” “嗯……” The Zhou Yun hesitation moment, in this stone, squatted Divination Grandmaster?” 周韵沉吟片刻,“这石头里面,是不是蹲了一个推演大师?” Lu Family manages matter:??? 陆家管事儿:??? ...... …… For a long time. 许久。 both sides connect with. 双方交接完毕。 Zhou Yun has had all tools and information. 周韵已经掌握了所有工具和信息。 Doesn't need with the Lu Family Family Head report?” “不需要跟陆家家主汇报吗?” Zhou Yun is curious. 周韵好奇。 Does not use.” “不用。” The Lu Family manages matter sighed, our Family Head was salted fish......” 陆家管事儿叹息,“我们家主咸鱼……” Oh Oh Oh.” 。” Zhou Yun understood. 周韵明白了。 The waving the arms about storekeeper in legend? 传说中的甩手掌柜么? . 啧。 unreliable. 不靠谱 Your that side......” “你们那边……” The Lu Family manages matter is curious. 陆家管事儿好奇。 We must report to President.” “我们都要向会长汇报的。” Zhou Yun is somewhat embarrassed, „, although usually is we at the processing matter, but President at heart is actually the same as the bright mirror, if we do not process well, President will also help us correct, will also provide the opinion to us.” 周韵有些不好意思,“虽然平时都是我们在处理事情,但其实会长心里跟明镜一样,如果我们处理不好,会长还会帮助我们纠正,还会给我们提供意见。” Really envies you.” “真羡慕你们。” The Lu Family manages matter thought. 陆家管事儿想起来了。 Also right. 也对。 Lu Ming started from scratch to found the person of big association! 陆鸣可是白手起家创建了偌大协会的人! Yeah. 哎。 The same Lu Family bloodlines, the disparity is so how big! 同样的陆家血脉,差距怎么就这么大! You have a look at others President! 你看看人家会长 Has a look at their Family Head again! 再看看他们家主 As the saying goes, the brave or vigorous do not father cowardly children......, but also had not said that tiger not dog father...... 常言道,虎父无犬子……但是又没说,虎子没有个犬父啊…… However. 不过。 On the other hand. 话说回来。 In the future, when Family Head was cool, can Lu Ming be the words that new Family Head...... thought so, the Lu Family future is very bright...... 将来,等家主凉了,陆鸣会不会就是新的家主了……这么看的话,陆家的未来还是很光明的么…… Un...... 嗯…… The Lu Family manages matter is yearning to the future. 陆家管事儿对未来充满憧憬。 ...... …… But at this moment. 而此刻。 Near coast. 海岸边。 Our Mr.Lu have not known, they managed the matter to wait for him to be cool...... 我们的陆父还不知道,自家管事儿已经等着他凉了…… Matter of connection, don't you have a look?” “交接的事情,你不去看看?” Mr.Lu light saying, after all you are Sword Card Master Association President.” 陆父淡淡的说道,“毕竟你是剑卡师协会会长。” „Doesn't father you have a look?” “父亲你不去看看?” Lu Ming shows a faint smile, after all you are Lu Family current Family Head.” 陆鸣微微一笑,“毕竟你是陆家现任的家主。” Some minor matters.” “些许小事。” Mr.Lu is calm, they will handle.” 陆父淡定,“他们会搞定的。” They are also.” “他们也是。” Lu Ming said lightly. 陆鸣平淡说道。 „......” “……” „......” “……” The father and son look at each other one, is meaningful. 父子俩对视一眼,意味深长。 Finally. 终于。 Lu Ming sighed, what father your did not understand right?” 陆鸣叹口气,“爸你什么都不懂对吧?” „......” “……” Mr.Lu refuses to admit being inferior, what son your does not understand right?” 陆父不甘示弱,“儿子你也什么都不懂对吧?” Hehe!” “呵呵!” Hehe!” “呵呵!” The father and son sneer. 父子俩冷笑。 For a long time. 许久。 The two sides report the work progress. 两边过来汇报工作进展。 Family Head.” 家主。” Lu Family has processed.” 陆家已处理完毕。” The Lu Family manages matter said, we should go to our next working spaces.” 陆家管事儿说道,“我们该去我们的下一个工作区域了。” Good.” “好。” Mr.Lu slight nod. 陆父微微点头。 But at this time. 而此时。 Zhou Yun also arrives at side Lu Ming. 周韵也走到陆鸣身边。 President.” 会长。” According to your meaning, has connected with.” “按照您的意思,已经交接完毕。” Zhou Yun respectful saying. 周韵恭敬的说道。 Un.” “嗯。” The Lu Ming slight nod, prepares to arrange Teleportation Array.” 陆鸣微微点头,“准备布置传送阵吧。” Understood.” “明白。” Zhou Yun is respectful. 周韵毕恭毕敬。 Mr.Lu: „......” 陆父:“……” This according to your meaning a little intelligence...... 这个按照您的意思就有点灵性了…… Has a look at the Sword Card Master Association disciples respectful appearance...... to have a look at own manages matter that very helpless appearance again...... 再看看剑卡师协会弟子们恭敬的样子……再看看自家的管事儿那一副很无奈的样子…… Mr.Lu felt that the self-respect is wounded. 陆父感觉自尊心受创。 For a long time. 许久。 He draws quietly the son. 他将儿子悄悄拉过去。 Son.” “儿子。” Teaches the father.” “教教老爸。” When how a anything will not control the real power salted fish Boss......” “如何当一个什么都不会又掌控实权的咸鱼老大……” Mr.Lu said in a low voice. 陆父低声道。 „......” “……” Lu Ming face one black. 陆鸣脸一黑。 Has you when such Family Head?! 有你这么当家主的吗?! Also, why father previous life the valuable experience that studied from red lion there told you? 再说了,老子前世从红狮那里学来的宝贵经验凭什么告诉你? Snort! 哼! ...... …… Naturally. 当然。 About the Endless Sea map. 关于无尽海域的地图。 Old Lu very serious Lu Ming explained a time, is only, his then that expression, that rampant degree, quite had one type...... 老陆还是很认真的给陆鸣讲解了一番的时候,只是,他当时的那个表情,那个嚣张程度,颇有一种…… Look. 看。 Son. 儿子。 This is the father to the power that you win...... 这是爸爸给你打下的江山…… In brief.” “总之。” These regions pay attention with emphasis!” “这几个区域重点关注!” Here has Crab Spirit......” “这里有一头螃蟹精……” Oh.” 。” Here.” “还有这里。” This sea area is quite deep, the seabed possibly has 8-Star to exist......” “这一片海域比较深,海底可能有八星存在……” Old Lu explanations. 老陆一个个解释。 These places he has prospected on the spot, naturally understood, for a long time, Lu Ming also had certain understanding of Endless Sea this piece of East Sea Region. 这些地方他都实地勘察过,自然非常了解,许久,陆鸣也对无尽海域这一片东海区域有了一定的了解。 East Sea. 东海 Is Endless Sea close to that part of East Sea shore...... 就是无尽海域靠近东海岸的那一部分…… Because of approaching shore, naturally can only be the epicontinental sea, but is more dangerous from the sea area deep place, in the East Sea edge, soon close to the Deep Sea region time...... 因为靠岸,自然只能算是浅海,而距离海域越深处越危险,在东海边缘,即将靠近深海区域的时候…… Is most dangerous! 才是最危险的! Endless Sea center, is the most dangerous place! 无尽海域中心,也是最危险的地方! That side do not go.” “那边别去。” If there is what a fearful lifeform to appear in the boundary, finding the way to trick to Deep Sea in...... in that naturally some people processes.” “如果有什么可怕的生物出现在边界,想办法给它忽悠到深海里面……那里面自然有人去处理。” Instruction own experience of Mr.Lu very serious. 陆父认真的传授自己的经验。 To put it bluntly. 说白了。 Yes- careless. 就是-苟。 Here......” “还有这边……” Mr.Lu is pointing at another side of the map. 陆父指着地图另一侧。 That night. 这一夜。 The fathers and sons stay up all night. 父子彻夜未眠。 ...... …… Next day. 次日。 The connection is completed. 交接完成。 East Sea Region all information, as well as Teleportation Array has arranged, Sword Card Master Association arrived here route also to clear completely, is this distance...... 东海区域的所有信息,以及传送阵已经布置完毕,剑卡师协会到这里的路线也全部开通,就是这个距离…… Possibly compared with consuming energy. 可能比较消耗能量 Therefore. 因此。 The Lu Ming hesitation moment, decides to be promoted Zhao Yunshan is Teleportation Array control division Department Head...... 陆鸣沉吟片刻,决定将赵云山升职为传送阵管理部部长…… . 咳。 Hence. 至此。 Sword Card Master Association core Teleportation Array place, besides the original Sky Capital City association and Lunar Shadow Island, many a Endless Sea East Sea coast! 剑卡师协会的核心传送阵地点,除了原本的天都市协会、月影岛以外,又多了一个无尽海域东海海岸! ...... …… For a long time. 许久。 The Lu Family person leaves comprehensively. 陆家人全面离开。 They have oneself work to do, is impossible to stay here. After the connection is completed, they must connect with oneself new area of jurisdiction. 他们还有自己的工作要做,不可能一直留在这里。交接完成以后,他们也要去交接自己的新辖区。 Family Head.” 家主。” The Lu Family manages matter somewhat worried, they are really all right?” 陆家管事儿有些担忧,“他们真的没事儿么?” Only then lives the person here! 只有生活在这里的人! Only then with the people of these World Rank Disaster fights, knows the terrifying of enemy frequently! 只有经常跟那些世界级灾难战斗的人,才知道敌人的恐怖! These fellows...... 那些家伙…… These exist...... 那些存在…… Can Sword Card Master Association really solve? 剑卡师协会真的能解决吗? By Lu Ming! 就靠一个陆鸣 They had solved all disasters as far as possible, however one month later, still had World Rank Disaster of 15 ultra-large probability! 他们已经尽可能的解决了所有灾难,但是一个月以后,仍旧有一个15的超大概率的世界级灾难 According to convention...... 按照惯例…… This 15, with the advancement of time...... 这个15,随着时间的推进…… Will turn into 100!!! 会变成100!!! Very dangerous! 非常危险! When the time comes...... 到时候…… By the Sword Card Master Association battle efficiency, how to deal? 剑卡师协会的战斗力,如何应对? The Lu Family manages matter sees that group of naive children, that crowd of future talents, filled worried, making them undertake this, whether too early? 陆家管事儿看着那群天真的孩子,那群未来的天才,充满了担忧,让他们承担这个,是否太早了? I believe him.” “我相信他。” The Mr.Lu vision is tranquil. 陆父目光平静。 Eventually...... 终究…… Is his child! 是他的孩子! Eventually...... 终究…… Has such bloodlines! 拥有那样的血脉! Lu Ming within the body contains the bloodlines of Phoenix Spirit, has not evolved directly like his elder sister, really didn't have? No, decides however also in within the body! 陆鸣体内蕴含凤灵之血脉,又没有像他姐姐那样直接演化出来,是真的没有了吗?不,定然还在体内! Bloodlines of Phoenix Spirit...... 凤灵的血脉…… Twin Crystals strength...... 双生水晶的力量…… Son's potential, but also is far from releasing! 儿子的潜力,还远远没有释放出来! He believes. 他相信。 Will happen one day, the son will kill a stretch of the world. 终有一天,儿子会杀出一片天地。 As for the present...... 至于现在…… Mr.Lu vision tranquil looks to the coast, looked that to an intermittent brilliance that on that coastal Teleportation Array glitters, the look became no longer is finally tranquil. 陆父目光平静的看向海岸,看向那海岸传送阵上闪烁的一阵阵光辉,神色终于变得不再平静了。 „Is that Teleportation Array?” “那是传送阵吗?” Yes.” “是。” Most top grade that Ultra-Long Distance Teleportation Array?” “最顶级的那种超远距离传送阵?” Yes.” “是。” The Lu Family manages matter should say. 陆家管事儿应道。 „......” “……” Mr.Lu silent was very long. 陆父沉默了很久。 Very long. 很久。 Then sighs with emotion: Sword Card Master Association, really?? Rich...... 然后感慨道:剑卡师协会,真??有钱啊…… For a long time. 许久。 He recovers suddenly, looks to manages matter: That, you said that...... I go back to ask the son to ask for money now, but also with enough time not?” 他忽然回过神来,看向身边的管事儿:“那个,你说……我现在回去找儿子要钱,还来得及不?” Lu Family manages matter:??? 陆家管事儿:??? Asked you Family Head! 求求你了家主 We really cannot lose this person...... 咱真丢不起这人…… ...... …… But at this time. 而此时。 East Sea coast. 东海海岸。 „Did my father walk?” “我父亲走了?” Lu Ming asked. 陆鸣问道。 Yes.” “是的。” Zhou Yun said in a low voice, „after Senior Lu processes, left.” 周韵低声道,“陆前辈处理好一些以后,就离开了。” Un.” “嗯。” Lu Ming slight nod. 陆鸣微微点头。 Eventually...... 终究…… This is their first meeting. 这是他们的首次见面。 He understood the past past events, mother and mother-in-law's of understanding status, understood the father in the past for that love that their securities devoted! 他了解了当年的往事,了解的母亲和岳母的身份,了解到父亲当年为了他们的安全而付出的那一份爱! Naturally. 当然。 In that unadorned father love, disclosed the thick stupid-ass aura...... 在那朴实无华的父爱中,也透露出浓浓的沙雕气息…… As for mother...... 至于母亲…… He asked. 他问了。 However the father has not replied him. 但是父亲没有回答他。 If he has not guessed wrong, perhaps with the Jiang Feng wife same......, because the status is special, because of the safety, possibly vanishes in people eyes...... 如果他没猜错的话,恐怕跟江枫的妻子一样……因为身份特殊,又因为生命安全,可能消失在人们视野…… One day, he will see. 总有一天,他会见到的。 But at present. 而眼下。 To him, most importantly, is the Sword Card Master Association matter! 对他而言,最重要的,还是剑卡师协会的事情! World Rank Disaster...... 世界级灾难…… Some where fathers said is so simple!!! 哪有父亲说的那么简单!!! Lu Ming material that submits from Lu Family, watched several World Rank disasters casually, in each image, saw the endless darkness...... 陆鸣陆家提交的资料中,随便看了几个世界级的灾难,每一个影像中,都看到了无尽的黑暗…… And end world!!! 以及末世!!! Yes. 是的。 Right! 没错! Each World Rank Disaster, if it is not dealt with properly, that is the end! 每一个世界级灾难,如果处理不好,那就是末日! That picture...... 那画面…… Lu Ming both eyes shut, remembered once in that Sky Capital City saw, entire Sky Capital City fell to the enemy, a terrifying monster destruction world...... 陆鸣双目微闭,想起了曾经在天都市看到的那一幕,整个天都市沦陷,一头恐怖的怪兽毁灭天地…… Oh. Thinks. 想起来。 That is World Rank Disaster! 那就是世界级灾难 Therefore. 所以。 He had also solved World Rank Disaster in the past! 他当年也是解决过世界级灾难的! That 8-Star Military Department Department Head scared World Rank Disaster, actually by Lu Ming before that terrifying monster has not developed destroyed completely...... 那个就连八星作战部部长都胆寒的世界级灾难,却被陆鸣在那位恐怖的怪兽还未发展前就灭掉了…… Un...... 嗯…… That of ferocious beast world so-called Prince! 凶兽世界的那个所谓的-王子 ......” “唔……” Lu Ming looking pensive. 陆鸣若有所思。 Isn't the solution of World Rank Disaster, so? Before disaster has not grown, eliminates them in the cradle...... 世界级灾难的解决,不就是如此么?在‘灾难’还未成长起来之前,将它们消灭在摇篮中…… Words said.” “话说。” I once deduced also noticed that extinguishes the world crisis.” “我曾经推演中也看到一个灭世危机。” Little Sword interrupted suddenly. 小小剑忽然插嘴。 That person......” “那个人……” Is the variation chances of 1/1000000000000 probabilities, if makes him grow, perhaps will really create a destruction human the disaster......” “属于万亿分之一概率的变异机缘,如果让他成长起来,或许真的会造成一场毁灭人类的灾难……” Pitifully.” “可惜。” Afterward he had not fused the egg, was eliminated by his father on the wall......” “后来他还未融合卵,被他父亲消灭在墙上……” Little Sword sobbed. 小小剑唏嘘不已。 „......” “……” The Lu Ming face is black. 陆鸣脸黑黑的。 You deduce is what thing! 你推演的都是什么玩意! Ok. 算了。 Is disinclined to pay attention to this goods. 懒得理会这货。 Lu Ming took a deep breath, focuses on the material in hand, at present, their first test, is one month later the disaster! 陆鸣深吸一口气,将目光放在手中的资料上,眼下,他们的第一个考验,就是一个月后的这场灾难! An unknown disaster! 一场未知灾难! After this is their Sword Card Master Association takes office first, he believes, decides the vision of some countless people to stare at their Sword Card Master Association very much! 这是他们剑卡师协会上任后的第一场,他相信,很定有无数人的目光都在盯着他们剑卡师协会 Regardless of above! 无论上面! Regardless of under! 无论下面! Therefore. 所以。 This time, they must turn in a perfect answer paper! 这一次,他们必须交一份完美的答卷! Therefore. 因此。 Lu Ming unprecedented serious. 陆鸣前所未有的认真 Crisis...... 危机…… With chance! 伴随着机缘! Handles this disaster, their Sword Card Master Association, will become open and aboveboard world Top 100 Associations! Will take off by a supervelocity development condition! 搞定这次灾难,他们剑卡师协会,将成为堂堂正正的世界百强协会!将会以一种超高速发展状态起飞! No one can keep off! 无人能挡! ...... …… How do other influences do?” “其他势力都是怎么做的?” Lu Ming asked. 陆鸣问道。 Patrol.” “巡逻。” Zhou Yun has read the material, dispatches the 7-Star cultivator patrol, inspects the entire East Sea sea area, possibly presents the symptom of harm to choke to death all.” 周韵看过资料,“派遣七星修炼者巡逻,巡视整个东海海域,将一切可能出现危害的苗头都掐死。” „......” “……” Lu Ming rubs the head. 陆鸣揉揉脑袋。 7-Star patrol...... 七星巡逻…… „Does 7-Star of our association have several?” “我们协会的七星有几个?” Lu Ming asked. 陆鸣问道。 Seven.” “七个。” Zhou Yun read the material. 周韵看了看资料。 A wave that because inflated before receives the person, eventually after several cultivator transfer cultivation Sword Card Master, broke through 7-Star, in addition Zhou Jie...... 因为之前膨胀的一波收人,终究还是有几位修炼者转修剑卡师以后,突破到了七星,加上周杰…… Altogether seven people! 一共七人! Loyalty how?” “忠诚度如何?” Lu Ming asked. 陆鸣问道。 „Very high.” “很高。” Zhou Yun said in a low voice, „, because they many years cannot break through in oneself profession card, after becoming Sword Card Master Association, of direct breakthrough.” 周韵低声道,“因为他们都是在自己职业卡了多年未能突破,成为剑卡师协会以后,直接突破的那种。” Un.” “嗯。” In the Lu Ming heart understands clearly. 陆鸣心中了然。 That is counted the Sword Card Master Association battle efficiency. 那就都算作剑卡师协会战斗力吧。 Seven...... 七个…… Distant not enough! 远远不够 Lu Ming read the Endless Sea map, if this thing counted on that seven people go on patrol, perhaps the light was circles one to take several months...... 陆鸣看了看无尽海域地图,这玩意要是指望七个人巡逻,光是绕一圈恐怕都要几个月了吧…… Other aren't cultivator good?” “其他修炼者不行么?” „Very dangerous!” “很危险!” Zhou Yun reminded, even the 6-Star patrol, still had the possibility of falling from the sky.” 周韵提醒,“就算是六星巡逻,也有陨落的可能。” This is Endless Sea! 这可是无尽海域 Here...... 这里…… Very dangerous!!! 很危险!!! If makes Source Card go on patrol?” “如果让原卡巡逻呢?” The Lu Ming mind moves slightly. 陆鸣心神微动。 Although the disciples of their association the battle efficiency is weak, but the advantage is, has Source Card! The Source Card automatic patrol, the automatic recording, meets dangerous self-recovery...... 他们协会的弟子虽然战斗力弱,但是好处是,有原卡啊!原卡自动巡逻,自动记录,遇到危险自动返回…… You take a look. 你瞅瞅。 This does not want awesome compared with 7-Star!? 这不比七星还要牛批!? Master.” 师父。” Their Source Card is not good.” “他们原卡还不行。” Zhou Yun is somewhat awkward, now some disciples do not have card spirit......” 周韵有些尴尬,“现在不部分弟子没有卡灵……” Because inflated before receives the reason of person, Sword Card Master Association has been at the Spirit Body deficient condition, 7-Star Big Shot of several breakthroughs do not have card spirit! 因为之前膨胀收人的缘故,剑卡师协会一直处于灵体缺乏状态,就连几位突破的七星大佬都没有卡灵 . 咳。 Fortunately. 还好。 They still recited the incantation in rigid every day...... 他们还在执著的每天念咒语…… Spirit Body......” 灵体……” The Lu Ming mind understands. 陆鸣心神明了。 Then...... 那么…… The issue was clear, so long as solved the Spirit Body demand, the issue of patrol sea area was also naturally solved! As for the Spirit Body demand...... 问题就清晰了,只要将灵体需求解决了,巡逻海域的问题自然也就解决了!至于灵体的需求…… Purchase?” “采购呢?” Speculative or fictious buying that basically can buy......” “基本上能买的都买空了……” Zhou Yun said in a low voice. 周韵低声道。 Then propaganda plan was Zhang Yang and Zhao Yunshan start, speculative or fictious buying that therefore, national almost all Spirit Body sales stores, can buy...... 当时的宣传计划是张扬赵云山启动的,因此,全国几乎所有灵体贩卖店,能买的都买空了…… not enough. 还是不够 National Spirit Body are actually few, but is in the ordinary day the demand is so big, naturally stores goods not many...... 倒不是全国灵体少,而是平日里需求量就这么大,自然存货不多…… Oh. Also rose in prices...... 还涨价了…… Finally. 最终。 Lu Ming made the decision. 陆鸣做了决定。 Let some cultivator remain behind Endless Sea, their several people first go back, has Teleportation Array in any case, back and forth the shuttle is not the big matter. 让一些修炼者留守无尽海域,他们几人先回去,反正有传送阵在,来回穿梭也不是什么大事儿。 Now what is important is- 现在重要的是- Spirit Body! 灵体 ...... …… Is the night. 是夜。 Lu Ming returns to Sword Card Master Association. 陆鸣回到剑卡师协会 . 只是。 The one who lets him not think, just returned to the department, Li Haoran to submit name change applications about major departments......, because at that time temporary old name extremely stupid-ass! 让他没想到的是,刚刚回到部门,李昊然就提交了一份关于各大部门的改名申请……因为当时临时起的原名太过沙雕 Now. 现在。 The major departments have stabilized, therefore strongly requests to change name. 各大部门已经稳定下来,因此强烈要求改名。 Un...... 嗯…… For example- 比如- Hammer Card Department, applied to change name to Thunder God Department. 锤卡部,申请改名雷神部 Considering them from the Thunder God's Hammer special weapon, as if also has no issue, therefore, a Lu Ming slightly consideration, authorized directly! 考虑到他们源自雷神之锤的特殊武器,似乎也没什么问题,因此,陆鸣略一思量,就直接批准了! Wait. 等等。 The Lu Ming one breath revised dozens departments. 陆鸣一口气批改了几十个部门。 Then. 然后。 Saw again some department time suddenly was silent. 再看到某个部门的时候忽然沉默了。 This department...... 这个部门…… Lamp Card Department, applied to change name to Dior Department. 丁卡部,申请改名迪奥部 Lu Ming:??? 陆鸣:??? Dior...... 迪奥…… You such luxurious?! 你们这么奢侈的吗?! Your makes the link to cut the department of technique, with others hold/container Baoceng anything heat degree! 你一个做环切术的部门,跟人家包包蹭什么热度! Wait. 等等。 It is not right. 不对。 This name...... 这名字…… Dinka...... 丁卡…… Dior...... 迪奥…… Lu Ming suddenly face one black, this?? Is which stupid-ass gets up?! 陆鸣忽然脸一黑,这??是哪个沙雕起的?! ...... …… () ()
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