SGCM :: Volume #2 米兰魔武学院

#626: Takes the general situation!

Sky Capital City. 天都市 Sword Card Master Association. 剑卡师协会 Our Schoolmate Lu Ming, has not recovered from the inflation of Sword Card Master Association. 我们的陆鸣同学,还未从剑卡师协会的膨胀中回过神来。 In any event, he cannot think, oneself closes up for several days, entire Sword Card Master Association has swept away all Sky Capital City branches...... 无论如何,他都想不到,自己闭关几天,整个剑卡师协会就已经横扫了所有天都市分会…… Naturally. 当然。 On outwardly, is his merit. 明面上,都是他的功劳。 Master!” 师父!” Your test, I completed.” “您的考验,我完成了。” Li Haoran is excited. 李昊然兴奋。 Success! 成功了! This is Master grants his glory! 这是师父赐予他的荣耀! Master this most an important step gives itself, gives itself the honor that Glory Grand Ceremony wins, is to the biggest trust!! 师父将这最重要的一步交给自己,将荣耀盛典获胜的荣光交给自己,就是对自己最大的信任!! Is good because. 好在。 He has not made a mistake! 他没有失误! The plan, fortifies at every step layer upon layer, eventually, rises Sword Card Master Association! 层层计划,步步为营,终究,将剑卡师协会崛起! Eventually...... 终究…… Completed the test of Master! 完成了师父的考验! „......” “……” Lu Ming is silent. 陆鸣沉默。 Silent. 沉默。 Again silent. 再沉默。 The silence is tonight's Zhang Yang...... good to hit the person grass! 沉默是今晚的张扬……好想打人啊艹! 凸(艹皿艹)! 凸(艹皿艹) He is thinking, if said at this time, has not left behind anything to test, has not wanted you to annex other associations, can be killed...... 他在想,如果这个时候说,没留下什么考验,也没有要你们去吞并其他协会,会不会被打死…… Ok. 算了。 What can say? 能说什么? good work.” “辛苦了。” Lu Ming racket Li Haoran shoulder. 陆鸣拍拍李昊然肩膀。 „It is not laborious.” “不辛苦。” Li Haoran is glowing with health. 李昊然红光满面。 Then, submitted association material that ends the full page. 然后,提交了完整版的协会资料。 Because the application population are too many, the association panel has not renewed, joins the Sword Card Master Association disciple truly, by far compared with data of renewal also many...... 因为申请人数太多,协会面板还未更新,真正加入剑卡师协会的弟子,远远比更新的数据还要多…… Moreover, is above 6-Star! 而且,都是六星以上! Even. 甚至。 Individual 7-Star applied for joining the association! 还有个别七星申请加入协会! These 7-Star......” “这几个七星……” Lu Ming doubts. 陆鸣疑惑。 „To study your Divine Skill Three Thousand Cores.” “想学您的神技-三千核心。” Li Haoran said truthfully. 李昊然如实说道。 These Grandmaster were aware 7-Star is the limits, possibly lifelong hopeless, therefore, wanted Three Thousand Cores that learned/studied Lu Ming that boasting to roar!!! 这些宗师都是自觉七星是极限了,可能终身无望,因此,想要学习陆鸣那个牛皮哄哄的三千核心!!! That fight, they have also looked. 那场战斗,他们也看过了。 Lu Ming by Three Thousand Cores, erupts far to exceed their battle efficiencies! 陆鸣三千核心,爆发出远超他们的战斗力! That intensity...... 那强度…… Let their mind drag. 让他们心神摇曳。 They self-examine, even oneself in 7-Star, are impossible so powerful, to the future not possibly, therefore, becomes Lu Ming this...... 他们自问,就算是自己在七星,也不可能如此强大,对未来也没可能,因此,成为陆鸣这样…… Also was enough. 也足够了。 Lu Ming: „( ;)” 陆鸣:“(;)” 3000...... 三千…… Core...... 核心…… Wait. 等等。 That is cheats feeds! 那是作弊啊喂! That is the core of disciples feeds! 那是弟子们的核心啊喂! That is impossible to cultivate good? 那个根本不可能修炼出来的好么? They already transfer cultivation?” “他们已经转修了?” Lu Ming rushes to ask. 陆鸣赶忙问道。 If at this time opposite party also not transfer cultivation also with enough time. 如果这个时候对方还未转修还来得及。 Right.” “对。” Li Haoran is excited, „, because is 7-Star, I made Zhou Yun process urgently, they also first transfer cultivation, turns into 4-Star now.” 李昊然兴奋,“因为是七星,我就让周韵加急处理了,他们也第一时间转修了,现在变成了四星。” „......” “……” Lu Ming at heart cool cool. 陆鸣心里哇凉哇凉的。 Grass. 艹。 If...... 如果…… He says now, these cores are impossible to train, possibly...... will be killed while still alive? 他现在说,那些核心不可能培养出来,可能……会被活活打死? No...... 不…… Should be certain. 应该是一定吧。 However. 不过。 Advantage that does this, yes, these Grandmaster transfer cultivation has become Sword Card Master now, even if knows that the truth not necessarily is victorious he...... 这样做的好处,就是,这几个宗师现在已经转修剑卡师,就算知道真相也不一定打得过他…… Ok. 算了。 These are the minor matters. 这些都是小事。 . 咳。 In brief. 总之。 After the effort of disciples, the association consumed the large amounts of funds, the magnanimous fund, trades the present to sweep away the Sky Capital City first association...... 经过弟子们的努力,协会消耗了大量资金,海量资金,换来了如今横扫天都市的第一协会…… Lu Ming suspected very much their association does have such fund. 陆鸣很怀疑他们协会有没有这样的资金。 Expenditure who is managing?” “财政支出谁在管?” Lu Ming doubts. 陆鸣疑惑。 Zhao Yunshan.” 赵云山。” Li Haoran replied truthfully. 李昊然如实回答。 „......” “……” Lu Ming is silent. 陆鸣沉默。 Really. 果然。 He opens the association panel rapidly, saw flower more funds...... 他迅速翻开协会面板,就看到了越花越多的资金…… Ok. 算了。 What can he say? 他能说什么? You happily good. 你们开心就好。 In brief. 总之。 These disciples received completely, then, was the biggest problem- their association simply did not have so many Spirit Body!!! 这些弟子是全部收进来了,然后,才是最大的问题-他们协会根本没有这么多的灵体!!! Their association does not have such big strength to shake these people! 他们协会也没这么大的实力震住这些人! You think. 你想想。 Who are these? 这些都是什么人? Entire Sky Capital City talent. 天都市的天才。 The 6-Star elites of major associations! 各大协会的六星精英! Oh...... …… 7-Star that breaks through individually, as well as how many are not loyal, unexpectedly? President that takes the lead to change job!!! These are 7-Star is good?! 还有个别突破的七星,以及几个一点也不忠诚,居然?带头跳槽的会长!!!这几个都是七星好么?! But their association? 而他们协会自己呢? Only has meeting making card Zhou Jie...... 只有一个会制卡周杰…… Oh. Only meets the stealth Ergou. 还有个只会隐身的二狗子。 Although Li Ergou sweeps away Glory Grand Ceremony, can play with major Grandmaster......, if by them is known Li Ergou this goods only meet the stealth...... 虽然李二狗横扫荣耀盛典,能够玩弄各大宗师……但是一旦被他们知道李二狗这货只会隐身的话…… Sighing. 叹气。 Lu Ming rubs the head. 陆鸣揉揉脑袋。 He felt, Sword Card Master Association was possibly cool...... 他感觉,剑卡师协会可能要凉了…… Because of too inflation. 因为太膨胀。 In previous life, many big enterprise big group, destroyed on the path of rapid expansion, finally lost the control, but thorough cool...... 要知道,在前世,多少大企业大集团、毁在了急速扩张的道路上,最终失去控制而彻底凉凉…… Now. 现在。 Sword Card Master Association is taking this road. 剑卡师协会正在走这条路。 These talents. 这些天才。 These Big Shot. 这些大佬 If they cannot control, or did not serve...... 如果他们控制不住,或者伺候不了…… Only thinks this point, Lu Ming big. 光想想这一点,陆鸣就头大。 Naturally. 当然。 Now is good. 现在还好。 First, is the Glory Grand Ceremony honor. 一来,是荣耀盛典的荣光。 Secondly, has his Lu Ming this President. 二来,是有他陆鸣这个会长在。 After all. 毕竟。 The talent is astonishing! 天赋惊人! The strength is extremely strong! 战力极强! attractiveness index unparalleled! 颜值无双! Academic honor illustrious! 功名赫赫! Lu Ming almost occupies the happiest glossary that this age talent can have, simultaneously made many big merit events of Huimin! 陆鸣几乎占据了这个年代天才所能拥有的最美好词汇,同时又做了许多惠民的大功劳事件! Such can President be able to blow 7-Star? 这样的会长能镇得住七星 Without the issue!!! 没问题!!! The premise is- 前提是- The matter of cheating do not expose. 作弊的事情不要曝光。 If known so-called Three Thousand Source Cards is Source Card of disciples...... 如果被人知道所谓的三千原卡是弟子们的原卡…… The issue sent greatly!!! 问题就大发了!!! Naturally. 当然。 Matter of glory competition, he was not worried. 荣耀比赛的事情,他是一点不担心。 After all. 毕竟。 The organizer repeatedly has emphasized that this synthesizes the competition. 主办方一再的强调过,这是综合比赛。 Un...... 嗯…… Comprehensive words, cheating, is the comprehensive part, not? 综合的话,作弊,也是综合的一部分,不是么? cough cough. 咳咳 In brief. 总之。 The present first goal, is to suppress the new disciple!!! 现在的第一目标,是镇压新弟子!!! ...... …… Xiaobai?” 小白呢?” Lu Ming recovers suddenly. 陆鸣忽然回过神来。 After going out, has not seen that girl. 出关以后,就没看到那丫头了。 First Senior Sister?” 大师姐?” Li Haoran scratches the head, I noticed that she went to Laboratory.” 李昊然挠挠头,“我看到她又去实验室了。” Yeah?” “哎?” Lu Ming doubts. 陆鸣疑惑。 Did this girl pass? 这丫头怎么又过去了? Therefore. 于是。 He arrives at Laboratory. 他走到实验室 There. 那里。 He saw Xiaobai directs Spirit Body, directs experiment that the disciples conduct- transforms and feasible experiment of fourth Source Card about the Source Card core. 他看到了小白指挥灵体们,指挥弟子们进行的实验-关于原卡核心蜕变以及第四原卡的可行性实验。 Hiss- 嘶- Lu Ming holds breath energy. 陆鸣倒吸一口能量 Fourth...... 第四…… Source Card?! 原卡?! In other words. 也就是说。 After Little White, Little Little White and Little Little Little White, Xiaobai plans soon downward a generation of research unexpectedly, started the fourth Source Card study?! 小小白小小小白小小小小白之后,小白居然打算即将往下一代研究,开始第四原卡钻研了?! Words of experiment...... 实验的话…… Lu Ming opens the association to verify the panel rapidly. 陆鸣迅速打开协会审核面板。 Un...... 嗯…… There really submits the verification data. 那里果然有一份提交审核数据。 Examination person: Jiang Yuebai. 审批人:江月白 Examination condition: Has passed. 审批状态:已通过。 Experiment goal: About the research of multiple-core technology, takes fourth Source Card as the benchmark, designs from the fifth Source Card Three Thousand Source Cards template. 实验目标:关于多核心技术的研究,以‘第四原卡’为基准,设计出从第五原卡到底三千原卡的模板。 Experiment direction: Source Card duplication. 实验方向:原卡复制。 ...... …… Wait. 等等。 Lu Ming startled is a Celestial. 陆鸣惊为天人。 Xiaobai. 小白 This girl, saw his President issue unexpectedly, then first started the research, strives to cheat to become the reality this!!! 这丫头,居然也看出了他这个会长的问题,然后第一时间开始了研究,争取将这个作弊变为现实!!! Worthily is my family Xiaobai.” “不愧是我家小白。” Lu Ming is gratified. 陆鸣欣慰。 Un...... 嗯…… Although Xiaobai young...... 小白虽然年纪小…… Lu Ming, why did not know, thinks the miss in that day dream unexpectedly......, sister-in-law's such words, Xiaobai perhaps in the future also this. 陆鸣顿了顿,不知为何,竟想起来那天梦中的姑娘……嘿,大姨子那样的话,小白说不定将来也这样。 Therefore...... 所以…… Saw, in the future will be happy. 看到了吧,未来是美好的。 One day, in the dream the matter, will become the reality. 总有一天,梦里发生的事情,会变成现实。 Hey. 嘿。 Lu Ming walked well satisfied. 陆鸣心满意足的走了。 ...... …… Quick. 很快。 The association high-level meeting launches. 协会高层会议展开。 Lu Ming made everyone report an own progress. 陆鸣让每个人都汇报了一下自己的进展。 Me.” “我这边。” The Zhao Yunshan first report, association financial stability, balanced revenues and expenditures......” 赵云山第一个汇报,“协会财政稳定,收支平衡……” „......” “……” Lu Ming face one black, balanced revenues and expenditures ghost! 陆鸣脸一黑,收支平衡个鬼! Whom deceives! 糊弄谁呢! „Others?” “其他人呢?” Lu Ming looks to others. 陆鸣看向其他人。 Quick. 很快。 Zhou Yun and the others reported that the situation, with similar of Lu Ming guess, because of the Spirit Body extreme deficient, many people have not roughly provided Spirit Body. 周韵等人作了汇报,大体情况,跟陆鸣猜测的差不多,因为灵体的极度缺乏,很多人并未配备灵体 How did you convince them?” “那你们是怎么说服他们呢?” Lu Ming is very curious. 陆鸣很好奇。 He remembers, Sword Card Master Association principal is sword spirit. 他可是记得,剑卡师协会主打的就是剑灵 „.” “咳。” Zhou Yun association's monitoring somewhere. 周韵协会某处的监控。 Lu Ming took a look at one, immediately face confused. 陆鸣瞅了一眼,顿时一脸懵逼 There. 那里。 The innumerable disciples gather. 无数弟子们汇聚。 The major Sky Capital City talents, condense at this moment in the square, regardless of they once what kind of glory, were some association elite disciple or President...... 各大天都市的天才,此刻都凝聚在广场,无论他们曾经何等荣耀,是某协会精英弟子还是会长…… At this moment. 此刻。 They were shouting with one voice. 他们都在齐声大喊。 Source Card Source Card!” 原卡原卡!” You have grown up, you are mature Source Card, you must learn itself to cultivate, to do grocery shopping, to prepare food......” “你已经长大了,你已经是一个成熟的原卡了,你要学会自己修炼、自己买菜、自己做饭了……” Lu Ming:??? 陆鸣:??? fuck your mother! 甘梨娘 Really this...... 真就这样了啊…… Lu Ming startled. 陆鸣惊了。 Really. 真的。 This earliest period, but Xiaobai younger time talked over...... 要知道,这个最早期,可是小白更小的时候自己念叨的…… „Did they believe?” “他们信了?” Lu Ming suspected very much. 陆鸣很怀疑。 Right.” “对呀。” Zhou Yun nods, our early disciples also come, has had the video recording. Therefore, the card spirit matter, temporarily was the solution.” 周韵点点头,“我们早期的弟子也是这么过来的,有过录像的。所以,卡灵的事情,暂时算是解决了。” Un......” “嗯……” According to association criterion, only then voluntarily comprehension card spirit, is most powerful!” “按照协会准则,只有自行领悟的卡灵,才是最强大的!” For example-” “比如-” Your card spirit!” “您的卡灵!” For example-” “比如-” First Senior Sister Xiaobai card spirit!” 小白大师姐卡灵!” Wait.” “等等。” These, we said very clearly to them.” “这些,我们都给他们说得很清楚。” Also made them see these card spirit powerful places personally, as for your card spirit, they have personally seen in the competition......” “也让他们亲自看到了这些卡灵的强大之处,至于您的卡灵,他们在比赛中已经亲眼见过了……” Therefore.” “因此。” They can first, practice.” “他们会第一时间,自我修行。” In the future.” “未来。” Some day.” “某天。” When they are not really able to comprehend card spirit, is acted by our Sword Card Master Association again, for this group of talent common disciples, prepares card spirit.” “当他们实在无法领悟卡灵的时候,再由我们剑卡师协会出手,为这批天赋一般的弟子,准备卡灵。” Zhou Yun very calm report. 周韵很沉稳的汇报。 Lu Ming: „......” 陆鸣:“……” Well? 咦? Unexpectedly such solution...... 居然这样解决了…… You look.” “你看。” Little Sword sighed, I had said you were useless, your main energy should place to multiply......” 小小剑叹息,“我说过你没用吧,你的主要精力应该放在繁衍上……” Shut up!” “闭嘴!” Lu Ming face one black. 陆鸣脸一黑。 Has your Source Card anything matter! 有你个原卡什么事儿! In brief. 总之。 Enters the large Spirit Body demand of association, delayed...... also gave Sword Card Master Association to supplement that the Spirit Body opportunity, at present, Spirit Body Department has acted...... 进入协会的大量灵体需求,延迟了……也给了剑卡师协会补充灵体的机会,目前,灵体部门已经出手了…… Next door city. 隔壁城市。 Next door mountain range. 隔壁山脉。 Spirit Body Department solicited the suggestions of various Spirit Body, has started the journey of Spirit Body expansion...... 灵体部门征求各种灵体的意见,已经开始灵体扩张之旅…… President, in mountain that side of that side sea, there are one crowd of blue Spirit Body......” 会长,在山的那边海的那边,有一群蓝色的灵体……” „.” “准了。” President, hears in the remote hard road, one crowd of Locust Spirit, they will spawn each time will have several hundred over a thousand......, if energy will be abundant, will be born many Spirit Body......” 会长,听闻在遥远的黑土地上,有一群蝗虫精,它们每次产卵都会有几百上千枚……如果能量充沛,甚至会诞生诸多灵体……” „???” “???” Lu Ming face Oh shit. 陆鸣一脸雾草 Locust...... 蝗…… Locust Spirit? 蝗虫精 This is not quite good, after all is the locust, heard that this thing is easy to cause disaster...... 这不太好吧,毕竟是蝗虫,听说这玩意容易成灾…… Master.” 师父。” We have Toilet Spirit.” “我们还有马桶精呢。” Zhou Yun reminder. 周韵提醒。 Lu Ming: „......” 陆鸣:“……” Oh. Almost forgot this. 差点忘了这个。 The locust, has not actually affected. 蝗虫不蝗虫的,其实没影响。 So long as because becomes Spirit Body, will be separated from the community, has the wisdom, Spirit Body and Spirit Body will not such multiply, therefore naturally did not have the disaster. 因为只要成为了灵体,就会脱离群体,拥有智慧,灵体灵体也不会那样繁衍,所以自然没了灾害。 But becomes card spirit...... 而成为卡灵…… Are most in Source Card appears a locust design. 最多在原卡中显现一个蝗虫图案。 Does not have other again. 再无其他。 Very good.” “很好。” Lu Ming. 陆鸣准了。 President, I have many friends also to join the association......” 会长,我有很多朋友也想加入协会……” Little Chicken reporting. 小小鸡上报。 „......” “……” Lu Ming reads that dense and numerous list, praised to the heavens, „the circle of your chicken really widespread, which these you knew......” 陆鸣看着那密密麻麻的名单,也是叹为观止,“你们鸡的社交圈是真的广泛,这些你都哪儿认识的……” On...... society and junction.” “就……社和交嘛。” Little Chicken is shy and is proud. 小小鸡害羞又自豪。 It. 它。 Little Chicken! 小小鸡 Finally rendered meritorious service! 终于立功了! ...... …… In brief. 总之。 Spirit Body Department sends out comprehensively. 灵体部门全面出动。 With the help of major Spirit Body, they, although is unable to solve now the large-scale Spirit Body demand, but also alleviated the awkwardness of no Spirit Body. 在各大灵体的帮助下,他们虽然无法解决现在大规模的灵体需求,但是也算是缓解了无灵体的尴尬。 Again then...... 再然后…… Was each department coordination problem. 就是各个部门协调问题了。 With flooding into of magnanimous disciple, the foundations of major departments, these departments...... 随着海量弟子的涌入,各大部门的创建,这些部门…… That is the real as incompatible as fire and water. 那是真的水火不容。 For example- 比如- Spear Card Department and Shield Card Department. 枪卡部盾卡部 Southern suburbs of these two department beforehand northern suburbs, kills not to associate with each other, since joins to Sword Card Master Association, that does the frame daily. 这两个部门以前一个北郊一个南郊,打死不相往来,但是自从加入到剑卡师协会以后,那是天天干架。 Spear Card Department to render meritorious service, to display, enters the first matter of Sword Card Master Association department, researched and developed a Quasi 7-Star skill- 枪卡部为了立功、为了表现自我,进入剑卡师协会部门的第一件事,就是研发了一个准七星技能- Spear went forth like Dragon. 枪出如龙 Below 7-Star, was known as that can pierce all! 七星以下,号称能戳穿一切! But Shield Card Department? Similarly to render meritorious service, research and development a new Ability Solid Membrane, was known as that can resist the 7-Star following all attacks. 盾卡部呢?同样为了立功,研发出一个新能力-坚实之膜,号称能抵御七星以下所有攻击。 Then...... 然后…… Messed up. 就乱套了。 Today Spear went forth like Dragon will puncture the membrane...... tomorrow's Shield Card Department to research and develop, was invalid, the day after tomorrow Spear Card Department will finish this ability...... 今天枪出如龙戳破了膜……明天盾卡部就重新研发,又无效了,后天枪卡部又精修了这个能力…… Chaotic one batch. 乱的一批。 Oh. Water Card Department and Fire Card Department...... 还有水卡部火卡部…… These two departments, that is true as incompatible as fire and water, if not Miss Tian goes into action, perhaps these two departments really must make the water and fire x heavy days to come out. 这两个部门,那是真正的水火不相容,若非田姑娘出马,恐怕这两个部门真要闹个水火x重天出来。 Wait.” “等等。” Lu Ming hears here some doubts, „did Miss Tian go to Water Card Department?” 陆鸣听到这里有些疑惑,“田姑娘去了水卡部门?” Yes.” “是的。” The Li Haoran slight nod, hears to solve the body problem.” 李昊然微微点头,“听说是为了解决身体问题。” „Can she make two departments stop?” “她能让两个部门停下?” Lu Ming exclaimed in surprise. 陆鸣惊叹。 cough cough.” 咳咳。” Li Haoran coughs, President, although Miss Tian somewhat is in your eyes distressed, however in the common disciple eyes, that is the goddess......” 李昊然咳嗽一声,“会长,虽然田姑娘在您眼中有些狼狈,但是在寻常弟子眼中,那可是女神……” Lu Ming: „......” 陆鸣:“……” Oh. Got it. 明白了。 licking dog...... 舔狗…… . 也罢。 Can solve the problem, explained that Miss Tian was finally useful. 能解决问题,说明田姑娘终于有用了。 However. 不过。 At this moment. 就在这时。 An astonishing news comes, President, is not good, Water Card Department and Fire Card Department hit!!!” 一个惊人的消息传来,“会长,不好了,水卡部火卡部又打起来!!!” ??? ??? Lu Ming face confused. 陆鸣一脸懵逼 Wait. 等等。 Did not say, because Miss Tian they have stopped? 不是说因为田姑娘他们已经停止了? . 只是。 After Lu Ming understood one next, immediately face one black, because of these two departments, which department this time unexpectedly for Miss Tian is fought!!! 陆鸣了解了一下以后,顿时脸一黑,因为这两个部门,这次竟然是为了田姑娘到底是哪个部门的而斗起来了!!! Water Card Department indicated: They can make the Miss Tian body structure stable, and displays the water-category skill...... 水卡部表明:他们可以让田姑娘身体结构稳固,并施展水系技能…… Fire Card Department indicated: They can make Miss Tian heat up the body, the weak chicken same water, will turn truly kills greatly, in the winter saved the electric heater...... 火卡部表示:他们可以让田姑娘加热身体,将原本弱鸡一样的水,变成真正的大杀器,冬天连热得快都省了…… Lu Ming does not know whether to laugh or cry. 陆鸣哭笑不得。 These disciples...... 这些弟子…… Really. 果然。 The association big is the issue is full. 协会大了就是问题百出。 However. 不过。 Is good because. 好在。 When Lu Ming and Li Haoran preparation processed personally in the past, that side spread the news, Water Card Department and Fire Card Department has become reconciled...... 就在陆鸣李昊然准备亲自过去处理的时候,那边又传来消息,水卡部火卡部已经和好了…… Became reconciled?” “和好了?” Lu Ming is full of the suspicion. 陆鸣充满怀疑。 Right.” “对的。” The disciple of report said, it is said under the influence of Miss Tian, Water Card Department and Fire Card Department combined, formed a new department.” 汇报的弟子说道,“据说是在田姑娘的影响下,水卡部火卡部合二为一,形成了一个新的部门。” Called......” “叫……” Boiling Department.” 沸腾部。” Ha? 哈? Li Haoran:??? 李昊然:??? Lu Ming:??? 陆鸣:??? Any thing you burst with joy!!! 什么玩意你就沸腾了!!! ...... …… Day of time. 一天时间。 Lu Ming is walking to have a look. 陆鸣都在走走看看。 Then, surprised discovery, although the association has all kinds of issues, but the disciples basically can solve, oneself handle...... 然后,惊奇的发现,虽然协会有各种各样的问题,但是弟子们基本上都能自己解决,自己搞定…… From association high level, to association floor...... 从协会高层,到协会底层…… awesome. 牛批的很。 You look.” “你看。” Little Sword interrupted, I said that your association has not developed is quicker......” 小小剑插嘴,“我就说没你协会发展更快吧……” „......” “……” Lu Ming face one black. 陆鸣脸一黑。 Sir! 大爷的! What matter has your?! 有你什么事儿?! Bang! 砰! Foot goods trample, Lu Ming returned to the room. 一脚这货踹出去,陆鸣回到了房间。 There. 那里。 He discovered surprisedly, Miss Tian came unexpectedly. 他惊奇的发现,田姑娘竟然来了。 Has the matter?” “有事儿?” Lu Ming is curious. 陆鸣好奇。 „It is not.” “也不是。” Miss Tian coy saying, President, researched and developed after the two days, I have been able to control body each spot half cold half now hot......” 田姑娘扭扭捏捏的说道,“会长,经过这两天研发,我现在已经可以控制身体每一个部位一半冷一半热……” You......” “您……” Can inspect?” “要考核一下吗?” Miss Tian is charming. 田姑娘娇羞。 Lu Ming:??? 陆鸣:??? fuck your mother! 甘梨娘 Do you merge Water Card Department and Fire Card Department for this? 你合并水卡部火卡部是为了这个? ...... …… After one minute . 一分钟后。 Miss Tian was expelled Room Lu Ming...... 田姑娘被赶出了陆鸣…… Entrance. 门口。 Ye Liangfei that just passed by looks that the alarm clock on wall was lost in thought that this time...... should call Potion Master to come one again? 刚刚路过的叶良飞看着墙上的闹钟陷入沉思,这个时间……是不是应该叫药剂师再来一趟了? ...... ……
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