SN :: Volume #10

#925: Jumps out of 2

The power and influence in Lin Sheng is the floating clouds, the beauty in him is as transient as fleeting clouds, the wealth treasure is extremely easy to obtain. 权势于林盛是浮云,美色于他是过眼云烟,财富宝物更是唾手可得。 His word may decide ten thousand laws, read may the time reverse. 他一言可定万法,一念可时光倒转。 The entire universe in his eyes, just like on the knee the sand table, the above innumerable person things, all at will movable. 整个宇宙在他眼中,犹如膝上沙盘,上边无数人事物,全都随意可动。 Like Pei Yuyuan, she withered away even, if he wants, can reverse the time momentarily, making all reappear, making the dead recover. 就如裴玉媛,就算她消亡了,如果他愿意,随时可以逆转时光,让一切重现,让死者复苏。 But that does not have the significance. 但那毫无意义。 Like one already has gone through customs the toy, in the universe does not have the significance to Lin Sheng. 就像一个早就通关了的玩具,内宇宙早已对林盛毫无意义。 „In pitifully, I can reverse at will accelerate to revise the universe principle, actually cannot disobey outside the universe lives to extinguish the principle greatly.” “可惜,我能随意逆转加速修改内宇宙法则,却不能违逆外宇宙的大生灭法则。” This time Nirvana, stipulation lives to extinguish the principle greatly, then does not allow any to exist unusually. 这一次的大寂灭,规定的大生灭法则,便是不允许有任何超凡存在。 This, Lin Sheng is unable to change even. 这点,就算是林盛也无法更改。 Therefore he will make many subordinates look around. 所以他才会让诸多下属四处搜寻。 But looking back now, perhaps hopes uncertainly. 但现在看来,或许希望渺茫。 Thinks of here, Lin Sheng sprinkles however smiles, the figure is taking a walk, leaves this city gradually, leaves this country, shoots up to the sky. 想到这里,林盛洒然一笑,身形在走动中,渐渐离开这座城市,离开这个国家,冲天而起。 Among the moment, he then crosses universe star sea, arrives at the universe outer wall. 须臾间,他便跨越宇宙星海,来到宇宙外壁。 In universe size, small like a star, big enduring score Qian River Department. 内宇宙的大小,小的有如一个星球,大的堪比数千河系。 The size of this universe, then has several thousand Stellar System like that is not big, but is also big. 这个宇宙的大小,便足足有数千个恒星系那般,不算大,但也不小。 Breaks the outer wall, the Lin Sheng heart has a feeling, saw distantly already in void waited for a long time many Holy Spirit Palace subordinates. 破开外壁,林盛心有所感,遥遥看见早已在虚空中等待许久了的诸多圣灵宫下属。 It seems like you had not found.” He sees the look on World King Commander face, no induces to whom summons his name and view thinks his existence. “看来你们都没有找到。”他看到界王统领们脸上的神色,也没有感应到有谁呼唤他的名字和观想他的存在。 Therefore, the result is very clear. 所以,结果已经很清楚了。 All universes, the rule has changed, I and others and Outerworld are incompatible, now already .... Goulas's follow-up words have not said that but the meaning is very obvious. “所有的宇宙,规则都已经变化,我等和外界格格不入,如今已经....”古拉的后续话没说完,但意思已经很明显。 The Lin Sheng look has swept other World King. 林盛眼神扫过其他界王 The King of Night throwing out the chest chest cavity , indicating oneself really have to look. 夜之王挺了挺胸膛,表示自己真的也有去找。 His wife Sin Mother Dragon face blushes to lower the head, does not dare to look at the person. 只是他身边的老婆罪龙母一脸羞红低着头,不敢看人。 A Tian Gong Xia face agitated takes video game, the mouth is not knowing that is whispering anything. 天工霞一脸烦躁的拿着个游戏机,嘴里不知道嘀咕着什么。 Cardula look brilliant is staring at Lin Sheng, I am very clever, I very obedient appearance. 卡都拉则眼神灼灼的盯着林盛自己,一副我很乖,我很听话的模样。 The King of Steel aura sinks to congeal, like general who the waiting intention goes to battle with. 钢之王气息沉凝,如同等待圣意出征的将军。 Ten two Holy Son lower the head to stand still, similarly is waiting for his instruction. 十二圣子低头静立,同样在等待他的吩咐。 It seems like now world, already not I and other institutes of taking shelter. Even the distortion universe, might as well reconstructs one to suit me forcefully completely and others the homeland.” On the Lin Sheng face shows the smile finally again. “看来如今环宇,已经没有我等容身之所了。就算强行扭曲宇宙,还不如再造一个完全适合我等的家园。”林盛脸上终于再度露出微笑。 Restoration? How to reconstruct?” Goulas raised the head, in universe he can achieve actually, but here ..... “再造?如何再造?”古拉抬起头,在内宇宙里他倒是能做到,可在这里..... Here has no small principle, only then huge boundless living extinguishes the principle to stretch across all together. 这里没有任何小法则,只有一道庞大无边的生灭法则横跨一切。 Even he, does not know how completely should start. 就算是他,也完全不知道该如何下手。 Others also felt faintly the big movement that Lin Sheng could make, stands still, the vision goes to their mind on supreme Saint Emperor. 其余众人也隐隐感觉到了林盛可能要做的大动作,纷纷静立下来,目光投向他们心目中至高无上的圣帝身上。 Lin Sheng shows the smile slightly, Primordial Light aura starts the mighty waves to fluctuate indistinctly. 林盛微微露出笑容,身上的原初之光气息隐约开始波涛起伏起来。 Since this generation of Nirvana do not permit unusually, I make an unusualness, thinks the institute of our taking shelter!” “既然这一代大寂灭不允许超凡,那我就自造一个超凡,以为吾等容身之所!” Under he overlooks nine big polymers. 他俯瞰下方九大聚合物。 In jet black boundless void, nine big polymers also do not have jet black up. 漆黑无边的虚空中,九大聚合物同样漆黑无光。 The other places of this space, is also rayless. 这片空间的其他地方,也同样毫无光线。 In universe own light, is only the combustion, ordinary flame that the material fission-fusion releases. It is not implication unusual Primordial Light gives the special flame of ignition. 宇宙内自身的光,也只是燃烧自我,物质裂变聚变释放出的普通火焰。再也不是蕴含超凡的原初之光所赋予引燃的特殊火光。 Lin Sheng stretches out the arms. 林盛张开双臂。 The innumerable golden butterflies disperse from him, brought first pure luminous to this jet black space. 无数的金色蝴蝶从他身上飞散而出,给这片漆黑空间带来了第一道纯粹的光亮。 With the Primordial Light support of infinite switching energy, Lin Sheng golden color butterfly is inexhaustible, under just like the raindrop, plunges nine big polymers in abundance, flies into bubble universe that the innumerable sizes vary. 在无限转换能量的原初之光支持下,林盛身上的金色蝴蝶无穷无尽,宛如雨点般,纷纷扑向下方九大聚合物,飞入无数大小不一的泡沫宇宙。 Among moment, innumerable golden butterflies suddenly from flying into the universe the lasing, their connected on a transparent fine lace behind. 须臾间,无数金色蝴蝶又骤然从飞入的宇宙中激射而出,它们的身后都连接上了一道透明的细线。 That is extending of innumerable universe True Spirit sea. 那是无数宇宙真灵海的延伸。 Lin Sheng depends on the support of Primordial Light, takes holy Golden Butterfly as to direct, at the same time made soft tough True Spirit pipelines. 林盛靠着原初之光的支持,以圣洁金蝶为引,同一时间建造出了一条条柔软韧性的真灵管道。 All pipelines under dancing in the air of Golden Butterfly, before gathering his body . 所有管道纷纷在金蝶的飞舞下,汇聚到他的身前。 Quick, innumerable Golden Butterfly then submerges in an instant Lin Sheng. 很快,无数金蝶转眼便将林盛淹没起来。 His whole person a blink then changed into a pure golden great cocoon. 他整个人一眨眼便化为了一个纯金色的巨茧。 That great cocoon inflates unceasingly, increases unceasingly. 那巨茧不断膨胀,不断变大。 The Holy Spirit Palace people who the quick its volume will then dodge include in abundance. 很快它的体积便将躲闪不及的圣灵宫众人纷纷囊括进去。 The golden great cocoon inflates rapidly, as if obtained in the innumerable universes the irrigation of True Spirit sea. 金色的巨茧飞速膨胀,仿佛得到了无数宇宙中真灵海的灌注。 Does not have by measurement True Spirit along the tenacious channel of holy Golden Butterfly mold, gathers True Spirit, flows here. 无以计量的真灵沿着圣洁金蝶塑造的坚韧通道,纷纷汇聚真灵,流入这里。 The volume of golden great cocoon soon then surpassed the star, surpassed Stellar System, even surpassed the giant River Department. 金色巨茧的体积很快便超过了星球,超过了恒星系,甚至超过了巨大河系。 It stretches across nine big polymers, hangs in the high place, gathers the innumerable universes innumerable True Spirit. 它横跨九大聚合物,悬于高处,汇聚无数宇宙的无数真灵 But was connected on universe by it, there is much also from the brink of collapse, obtains nourishing of Primordial Light, stabilizes gradually. 而被它连接上的宇宙,有不少也从崩溃的边缘,得到原初之光的滋养,渐渐稳定起来。 Innumerable pipeline as if great tree separated branch, such as small river course of giant sea divergence. 无数管道仿佛巨树分开的枝桠,又如巨大海洋分流的小河道。 The golden great cocoon luster removes gradually, changes into the pure white, is hanging above slanting of nine big polymers. 金色巨茧渐渐色泽褪去,化为纯粹的白色,悬挂在九大聚合物的斜上方。 It is still inflating as before unceasingly, but its volume has no longer expanded in this dimension, but continues to increase along another dimension. 它依旧还在不断膨胀,但它的体积已经不再在这个维度扩张,而是沿着另一个维度继续增加。 It with the support force of Primordial Light, is entering all universes the pasts. 它在原初之光的力量支持下,正在进入所有宇宙的过去。 In the civilizations in innumerable universe, had/left river the record about True Spirit gradually. 无数宇宙内的文明上,渐渐多出了关于真灵之河的记录。 The innumerable fabricated traces, insert many races baseless the history of civilization. Operation system of inserting cosmological evolution. 无数无中生有的痕迹,凭空嵌入诸多种族的文明史。嵌入宇宙演化的运转体系。 If the time is regarded as unidirectional rivers, then this time great cocoon is swimming against the stream, dyes all regions own color. 时光如果将其看作是一条单向的河流,那么此时的巨茧就正在逆流而上,将自己的颜色染遍所有区域。 In the past, now, in the future. 过去,现在,未来。 pure-white colored of great cocoon just like the dye, then invades small universes in an instant. 巨茧的纯白色宛如染料,转眼便侵染掉一个个小一些的宇宙。 Is greatly, again is bigger. 紧接着是大一点的,再接着是更大的。 Perhaps regarding the common life, passed flickered, perhaps also passed many years. 对于寻常的生命,或许是过去了一瞬,又或许是过去了很多年。 Also perhaps, anything has not happened, that great cocoon as if should exist there. 又或许,什么也没发生,那巨茧似乎原本就应该存在于那里。 Lin Sheng appears to go out from the great cocoon slowly. Like breaks surface from the river surface, since flies slowly. 林盛缓缓从巨茧中浮现走出。如同从河面上浮,缓缓飞起。 He lowers the head to size up oneself huge divine creative force. 他低头打量自己的这道巨大造物。 This big movement, then consumed his more than half Primordial Light instantaneously. But Primordial Light is inexhaustible, rapid then void absorbed the inexplicable energy from the surroundings, complemented own all losses. 这一下的大动作,瞬间便消耗掉了他过半的原初之光。但原初之光无穷无尽,迅速便从周围虚空中吸取到了莫名的能量,补全了自身的所有损失。 Lin Sheng is overlooking this huge incomparable white divine creative force. 林盛俯瞰着这个庞大无比的白色造物。 That innumerable True Spirit river water, is the same just like the genuine water current, in the turbulent flow are restless. 那其中的无数真灵河水,宛如真正的水流一样,在其中湍流不息。 Among universes different True Spirit sea density, then lets True Spirit river water unceasingly mobile basis. 宇宙之间不同的真灵海浓度,便是让这其中的真灵河水不断流动的根本。 Life life and death samsara, leaves behind True Spirit directly to vanish shatter, that was extremely a pity.” “生灵生死轮回,留下真灵直接破碎消失,那太过可惜。” From this time, I establishes the True Spirit rivers, gathers all living things mark. As long as there is merit, can survive here freely. “从此时起,我建立真灵河流,汇聚众生印记。但凡有所功绩者,都能在这里自由存活。 If there is elitist, when can this, condense the True Spirit main road, True Spirit does not extinguish, thou also does not extinguish. ” 而若有杰出者,当可以此,凝聚真灵大道,真灵不灭,汝亦不灭。” In the Lin Sheng mouth clear and resonant voice every single word or phrase said the rule. 林盛口中一字一句的朗声道出规则。 When his sound resounds, the same time has the innumerable different languages also to resound. 他的声音响起时,同时间有无数种不同语言同时响起。 Void has the innumerable golden light to emerge automatically, lives to extinguish the principle for its to change greatly. Primordial Light releases the huge modest terrifying power, in the meaning the Lin Sheng words, inserting lives to extinguish the principle forcefully greatly, making it one of theorems the innumerable universes must follow. 虚空中有无数金光自动涌现,大生灭法则为其所变动。原初之光释放出庞然温和的恐怖力量,硬生生将林盛的话中含义,嵌入大生灭法则,使其成为无数宇宙必须遵循的定理之一。
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