SN :: Volume #10

#923: Passes 3

The consciousness of Lin Sheng slowly restores at this time. 林盛的意识此时才慢慢恢复过来。 He somewhat disappointed stands up slowly. Oneself will pull out from the bottom of True Spirit sea, moved under the new student/life four limbs. 他有些怅然的缓缓站起身。将自己从真灵海的底部拔出来,活动了下新生的四肢。 Although obtained previous generation Nirvana period most High-Level strength Primordial Light. 虽然获得了上一代大寂灭时期最高等的力量原初之光 But his heart does not have many joyful color as before. 可他心头依旧没有多少欣喜之色。 Because of this time, all of Nirvana later new student|life, do not have his position. 因为这个时代,大寂灭之后的新生的一切,早已没有了他的位置。 Now, I perhaps am strongest.” “现在,我或许已经是最强了。” Lin Sheng inspired the body gently, the whole person glittered suddenly, vanished in the True Spirit sea seabed directly. 林盛轻轻一振身体,整个人骤然闪烁了下,直接消失在真灵海海底。 In a flash, he then appears in the True Spirit sea sea level. 转瞬间,他便出现在真灵海海面上。 Is treading the colorless sea water, his top of the head is the entire universe tenacious inner wall. 踏着无色的海水,他头顶是整个宇宙坚韧的内壁。 Then?” “然后呢?” Lin Sheng somewhat is suddenly vacant. 林盛忽然有些茫然。 Becoming strongest, even Primordial Light is also his time part. 成为了最强,甚至原初之光也是他此时的一部分。 In this new student/life Nirvana time, in this time without the Spirit Standard space, his strength has been far in excess of the limit that the life can imagine. 在这个新生的大寂灭时代,在这个没有灵格空间的时代,他的力量已经远远超越了生灵所能想象的极限。 If he wants, after restoring main body, his gently spits the breath, can destroy the innumerable universes. 如果他愿意,恢复本体后,他轻轻的一个吐息,就能毁灭无数个宇宙。 Even by his one's effort, can raise artificial Nirvana. Destroys all universes, rebuilds the new large circulation. 甚至靠他一己之力,就能重新掀起人为的大寂灭。毁灭所有宇宙,重建新的大循环。 This is also the goal that he sets at first. 这也是他最初立下的目标。 But now, he does not have the power that made suddenly. 可现在,他忽然没有了去做的动力。 I somewhat understood the feeling of Primordial Light suddenly.” “我忽然有些理解原初之光的感受了。” Is hanging in the highest place high, innumerable years, only then oneself, no one has the qualifications and its exchange. 高高悬挂于最高处,无数年来只有自己,没有谁有资格和其交流。 Looks left and right, without the companion, without Will, without the thing of entertainment, is irremovable, cannot leave, because the surrounding space slightly greatly is only little on. 左右顾盼,没有同伴,没有意志,没有娱乐之物,不能移动,不能离开,因为周围的空间就只比自己稍微大一点点。 Acts slightly, possibly brings in Nirvana greatly. 稍微动作大一点,就可能引来大寂灭 Lin Sheng tastes the information that under Primordial Light left behind, regardless the innumerable trash information of these redundancies, he only stayed behind to the useful part. 林盛回味了下原初之光留下的信息,抛开那些冗余的无数垃圾信息,他只留下了对自己有用的部分。 But even this part, still all felt the light alone feeling. 但就算是这部分,也全都充满了淡淡的孤寂感。 Any thing, once there is Will, then live high, even more is lonely. Nirvana Nirvana .... Perhaps all , has fuzzy Will. “任何事物,一旦有了意志,那么活得越高,就越发孤独。大寂灭大寂灭....或许所有的一切一切,也是有着模糊的意志 But perhaps so-called Nirvana, contains all Will unable to withstand self- lonely, then commits suicide the rebirth. ” 而所谓的大寂灭,或许只是包含一切的意志承受不住自我的孤独,然后自杀重生。” Lin Sheng is sighing with emotion. 林盛感慨着。 Shook the head, he tries hard to abandon a self-destruction thought in mind. 晃了晃脑袋,他努力将脑海里的一丝自毁念头抛开出去。 He is young, did not have exactly enough, now the self-destruction also too early too early. 他还年轻,还没活够,现在自毁也太早太早了。 Perhaps innumerable years later, all looks is sick pale, at that time he will also be the same like Primordial Light, is very alone, is very lonely. 或许无数年以后,所有的一切都看淡看腻,那时候他也会如原初之光一样,无比孤寂,无比孤独。 But now, he has not arrived at that level. 但现在,他还没到那个层次。 True Spirit mark, come!” 真灵印记,来!” Lin Sheng stretches out the finger, the fingertip shines the white golden bright ray slowly. 林盛伸出手指,指尖缓缓亮起白金色的灿烂光芒。 He once preserved the innumerable subordinate and relative's the True Spirit mark in within the body, flows from the fingertip in abundance. 他曾经留存在体内的无数属下和亲属的真灵印记,纷纷从指尖流淌而出。 True Spirit does not extinguish, thou also does not extinguish!” Lin Sheng gently by Will guidance within the body Primordial Light. 真灵不灭,汝亦不灭!”林盛轻轻以意志引导体内原初之光 Massive Primordial Light fly to shoot from his fingertip, the transparent light unifies the light of beforehand white golden True Spirit mark. 大量的原初之光从他指尖飞射而出,透明的光结合之前白金色的真灵印记之光。 Both immediately provoked the innumerable complex change responses. 两者顿时引起了无数复杂的变化反应。 Quick, the Lin Sheng fingertip departs the bunch of white halos. 很快,林盛指尖飞出一团团白色光晕。 These halos float in the black territory, rapidly changing, is then changing into dense and numerous Lin Sheng quickly once the familiar villain. 这些光晕漂浮在黑域中,急速变化着,很快便化为密密麻麻林盛曾经熟悉的小人。 Relative who innumerable True Spirit clone, under innumerable Holy Spirit Palace many Commander, World King, top player from all walks of life, powerhouse, Congressman, wait/etc. 无数真灵分身的亲属,无数圣灵宫麾下的诸多统领,界王,各界顶尖高手,强者,议员,等等。 The white light has swept the place, innumerable Holy Spirit Palace once subordinates reappeared in abundance. 白光扫过之处,无数圣灵宫曾经的下属纷纷重现而出。 Quick, all subordinates remould completely. They all are also at the consciousness vagueness, both eyes shut tightly, as if falls into the deep sleep. 很快,所有下属全部重塑完毕。只是他们全都还处于意识模糊状态,双目紧闭,似乎陷入沉睡。 Lin Sheng shows a faint smile, a giant finger again point. 林盛微微一笑,巨大的手指再度一点。 ! 哧! The time innumerable white luminous spots in broken bits depart again, the raindrop submerges in abundance remoulds the recovery the people forehead. 顿时间无数细碎白色光点再度飞出,纷纷雨点般没入重塑复苏的众人眉心。 Then yes, places our living conditions...” Suddenly Lin Sheng one was shocked. “然后是,安置吾等的生活环境...”忽然林盛一下愣住了。 All universes of present, all regions, have no longer suited the subordinates to survive. 现在的所有宇宙,所有区域,都已经不再适合下属们生存。 Their bodies, their souls, their True Spirit, are to depend upon Primordial Light of his within the body at this time is surviving. 他们的身体,他们的灵魂,他们的真灵,此时都是依靠他体内的原初之光在存活。 Living after Nirvana extinguishes the principle, has no longer suited them to exist. 大寂灭之后的生灭法则,已经不再适合他们存在下去。 Your majesty ..... on god god Goulas's first sobers. “陛下.....”神上神古拉第一个清醒过来。 Just sobered, he then recalled the cause and effect rapidly. 只是刚刚清醒,他便迅速回想起了前因后果。 Nirvana ....?” On his face reveals vacant, rejoiced, a strangeness. 大寂灭....么?”他脸上流露出一丝茫然,一丝庆幸,还有一丝陌生。 Boss!” Tian Gong Xia also opens both eyes, look slightly somewhat low-spirited looks to all around. 老大!”天工霞也睁开双目,神色微微有些黯然的看向四周。 Boss, we now what to do?” 老大,我们现在怎么办?” Your majesty, now ..... we......” “陛下,现在.....我们......” Big brother .... main body that” Cardula changes into, a disc that is suspended by the innumerable pale arms, like the sunflower, the middle has a elegant face of huge Cardula. “大哥....”卡都拉化为的本体,是由无数惨白手臂摆成的一个圆盘,就像向日葵一样,中间有着一张巨大的卡都拉的俏脸。 In addition, without other bodies. 除此之外,没有其他身体。 She swims slowly side Lin Sheng, like only clumsy starfish. 她缓缓游在林盛身边,像只笨拙的海星。 Now is not our time, urgent matter, looks for the shelter to be best as soon as possible.” “现在已经不是我们的时代了啊,当务之急,还是尽快找个栖身之所最好。” Lin Sheng slight nod. Looks the line of sight of innumerably gazing at his hope. 林盛微微点头。看着无数注视着他的期盼的视线。 He sighed one secretly. 他暗叹一声。 After Nirvana, these subordinates original body and soul structure way, has been built on the principle inadequately. 大寂灭之后,这些下属们原本的身体和灵魂结构方式,都已经不成立于法则了。 The present is he depends on within the body inexhaustible Primordial Light to maintain, once leaves him, these subordinates will be destroyed to obliterate by the strength of rule instantaneously. 现在是他靠着体内无穷无尽的原初之光维持着,一旦离开他,这些下属就会瞬间被规则的力量摧毁磨灭。 Therefore, such that such as Cardula said that the urgent matter, first found one to hold their places, settles. 所以,就如卡都拉所说的那样,当务之急,是先找到一处能容纳他们所有人的地方,安顿下来。 He hesitated, within the body Primordial Light disperses a bigger luminous spot immediately, departs from his fingertip, casts into on numerous human body thick fallingly. 他沉吟了下,体内原初之光顿时分散出更大一片光点,从他指尖飞出,纷纷扬扬的撒入众人身上。 Explored, found to hold me and other shelter. My strength can support you to have a long time, if who found, summoned my name, the view thinks that my existence, where regardless, me will know.” “都去探索吧,去找到能够容纳我等的栖身之所。我的力量能支撑你们存在很长一段时间,如果有谁找到,呼唤我之名,观想我之存在,无论在哪里,我都会知晓。” The Lin Sheng great sound transmits all Holy Spirit Palace subordinate innermost soul. 林盛宏大的声音纷纷传递到所有圣灵宫下属灵魂深处。 The people bow slightly, then changes into together the streams in abundance light/only, the innumerable universes of flying shoots towards nine big polymer places. 众人微微鞠躬,然后纷纷化为一道道流光,飞射向九大聚合物处的无数宇宙。 Here is not the Spirit Standard space, did not have what standard to limit, even if they, held in the Lin Sheng strength in addition, can still relaxed round trip free. 这里不是灵格空间,也没有了什么位格限制,就算是他们,在林盛的力量加持下,也能轻松来去自如。 Lin Sheng in them behind, looking at the innumerable hominizations is being the light beam, flies to shoot under. His heart sighed. 林盛在他们身后,望着无数人化为光束,飞射而下。他心头叹息一声。 Although within the body Primordial Light seems to be inexhaustible, but he knows that is actually the false appearance. 虽然体内原初之光仿佛无穷无尽,但他知道那其实是假象。 Primordial Light so-called inexhaustible, but is because it can absorb other materials from the surroundings, the transformation is the highest level Primordial Light energy. 原初之光所谓的无穷无尽,不过是因为它可以从周围吸取其他物质,转化为最高等级原初之光能量。 The material, the energy, the boundary between both are not clear. But after all has the consumption. 物质,能量,两者之间的界限本就没有那么清晰。但终归是有消耗的。 Hopes that you can succeed ..... “希望你们能成功吧.....” Lin Sheng no longer looked, whatever main body floats in the dark region, under oneself Will along a relation, returns to a star in Fang universe suddenly rapidly. 林盛不再多看,任由本体漂浮在黑暗区域,自己意志骤然沿着一丝联系,飞速回到下方某个宇宙中的一处星球上。 He does not have to return to Pei Yuyuan crystal sign directly. 他没有直接回到裴玉媛身上的水晶牌中。 But is the static float above her, is gazing at all her. 而是静静漂浮在她上方,注视着她的一切。 After Pei Yuyuan resulted in the whole month gymnastics law, soon starts to practice diligently. 裴玉媛得了全月体操法后,很快开始努力练习。 The time passes, she slowly becomes thin, skin even more compact fair. The stature even more is slenderly tall and straight. 时间流逝,她慢慢变瘦,皮肤越发紧致白皙。身材越发挺拔修长。 Her life starts with the jump in within the body cell vigor, but promotes slowly. 她的生命开始随着体内细胞活力的跃迁而缓缓提升。 Her appearance gradually becomes coordinated, gentle, has a faint trace strange charm faintly. 她的容貌渐渐变得协调,柔和,隐隐有着一丝丝奇异魅力。 Lin Sheng had not had any exchange with her again. 林盛再没有和她有过任何交流。 After that donates time her method, he then merely is only the float in the sky, observing, waiting, staring. 从那一次赠予她法门后,他便仅仅只是漂浮在天空中,观察着,等待着,凝望着。 He is waiting. 他在等待。
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