SN :: Volume #10

#921: Passes 1

..... 呜..... The giant cruise approaches shore the whistling sound, by far four to proliferate from the wharf. 巨大的游轮靠岸鸣笛声,远远从码头处四下扩散。 Outside the cruise that except that Pei Yuyuan takes, another two steamships approach shore slowly. 除开裴玉媛乘坐的这艘游轮外,还有另外两艘大船缓缓靠岸。 Near the wharf has stood staff who are responsible for towing the director. 码头边上早已站满了负责牵引指挥的工作人员。 Addendum circle, in drawing outside railing, then had waited there for some time to meet the passenger family member of person, or other and passenger concerned person. 更外圈,在拉着的围栏外面,则是早已等候多时的来接人的乘客家属,或者其他和乘客有关之人。 Pei Yuyuan is drawing Song Yu, follows in Kong Yaohui behind, along the disembarking junk, holds the arm rest step by step moves downward. 裴玉媛拉着宋雨,跟在孔耀辉身后,沿着下船舢板,扶着扶手一步步的往下挪。 The people were too many, everyone wants a point to disembark ahead of time, this causes on the junk you to push my I to push you, one minute moves several steps. 人实在太多了,大家都想提前一点下船,这就导致舢板上你挤我我挤你,一分钟才挪几步。 Song Yu looks very excited, Kong Yaohui is the complexion somewhat is disturbed, that good-looking cheek that makes Pei Yuyuan also envy, has one indistinctly at a loss anxious. 宋雨看起来非常兴奋,孔耀辉则是面色有些忐忑,那张让裴玉媛也十分羡慕的俊俏脸蛋,隐约带着一丝茫然不安。 If originally is beforehand Pei Yuyuan, perhaps she same will also feel flustered, anxious, after all suddenly went to a completely strange place, does not adapt is also very normal. 原本如果是之前的裴玉媛,或许她也会一样感到心慌,不安,毕竟突然到了一个完全陌生的地方,不适应也很正常。 But this time she, actually only wants to hurry to settle, then in that person of institute according to crystal sign said that the powerful method that started to practice to make her lose weight. 但此时的她,却是只想赶紧安顿下来,然后按照水晶牌里的那人所言,开始练习能够让她减肥的强悍法门。 She does not know that what is the method, but she knows, can speaks in own Spirit Heart deep place, absolutely will not be an average person. 她不知道什么叫法门,但她知道,能够在自己心灵深处和自己说话的,绝对不会是普通人。 Rushes to a corner that the student receives with Kong Yaohui. 一路跟着孔耀辉冲到学生接待的一片角落。 Three people saw respectively meeting person signboard that belongs to the school. 三人分别都看到了属于自己学校的接人招牌。 Walks, remembers that do not forget the number!” Song Yu made an effort to hug under Pei Yuyuan, then made an effort to pat Kong Yaohui. “走啦,记得别忘了号码!”宋雨用力拥抱了下裴玉媛,然后使劲拍了拍孔耀辉 Must remember, you forever are my Song Yu best buddies!” Her faint intent has referred. “要记住,你们永远都是我宋雨最好的哥们!”她隐隐意有所指。 Kong Yaohui is not a fool, can try hard to study by oneself, tests the person of government expense abroad study, this IQ has. 孔耀辉不是傻子,能够靠自己努力学习,考得公费留学的人,这点智商还是有的。 Therefore one hear of this saying, he was white on the face immediately, then looks back that Song Yu leaves slowly, he all of a sudden a little dejected meaning. 所以一听这话,他顿时就脸白了,然后看着宋雨慢慢离开的背影,他一下子有点垂头丧气的意思。 Nearby Pei Yuyuan sees here, immediately felt the heart has a not being able to say happiness. 一旁的裴玉媛看到这儿,顿时感觉心头有种说不出的痛快。 But she knows that she should not take pleasure in others' misfortunes, at this time should hurry to comfort the good friend, then goes to enter... 但她知道自己不该幸灾乐祸,这个时候应该赶紧安慰好友,然后趁虚而入... Bah! 呸呸! Pei Yuyuan by own idea nausea. Hurries to shake the head. Hasn't she decided for a lifetime single?? How to have that abnormal idea suddenly!? 裴玉媛被自己的想法恶心到了。赶紧摇摇头。她不是早就决定一辈子单身了么??怎么会突然冒出那么变态的想法!? Ok, I also walked returned see.” Her hurrying racket the shoulder of Kong Yaohui, turns around to start running away at once. “好了,我也走了回见。”她赶紧拍拍孔耀辉的肩膀,转身拔腿就跑。 Across one piece presses together the crowd, Pei Yuyuan then in various noises, depends on the big body advantage quickly, crushes into her enrolled school registration location place forcefully. 穿过一片挤在一起的人群,裴玉媛很快便在各种吵闹声中,靠着巨大的身体优势,硬生生的挤进她被录取的学校报名点处。 Pei Yuyuan?” 裴玉媛?” Yes, this is the ID card, the passport.” “是的,这是身份证,护照。” Un, environment and urban planning specialized? The following that two buses, oneself sit.” The school leader who is responsible for registering along with representing referred to behind white bus. “嗯,环境与城市规划专业是吧?后面的那两大巴,自己坐上去吧。”负责报名的学长随意指了指身后的白色大巴车。 Then he looked that are not many looks at Pei Yuyuan one , to continue to look to the following new student|life. 然后他看也不多看裴玉媛一眼,继续看向后面一位新生。 Pei Yuyuan was being directed by Senior Sister, with stepping onto the bus sits. 裴玉媛被一个学姐引着,跟着走上大巴车坐好。 Sits on the bus, has waited till drowsily, she felt that the vehicle started slowly. 坐在大巴上,一直等到昏昏欲睡,她才感觉车子慢慢启动了。 Hey, you also in?” She, makes noise in the heart bored on own initiative, inquired the beforehand crystal sign that sound. “喂,你还在么?”她无聊至极下,主动在心底出声,询问之前水晶牌那个声音。 Not. Has the matter? Before has not practiced, do not drink me to speak.” Lin Sheng is busy gathering itself to remain True Spirit, without the time and little girl chatted to talk nonsense. “不在。有事?没练好之前别喝我说话。”林盛正忙着汇聚自己残留真灵,没功夫和小女孩闲聊胡扯。 Pei Yuyuan disappointed, also can only honest sitting on the bus, according to the method of whole month, start to practice carefully. 裴玉媛失望之下,也只能老老实实的坐在大巴上,按照全月的方法,仔细开始练习。 But Lin Sheng at this time, tiny True Spirit, slowly patrols from the True Spirit sea of this universe, toward the high place, the distant place, is close quietly. 林盛此时,一丝细小的真灵,正缓缓的从这个宇宙的真灵海中游弋而出,朝着更高处,更远处,悄然接近。 ............. ............. ............. ............. Beside the innumerable new student/life universes, Primordial Light vanished. 无数新生宇宙之外,原初之光消失了。 The length and breadth boundless universe plane also vanished. 广袤无边的宇宙平面也消失了。 Displaces, giant dark region that is unable to estimate. 取而代之的,是无法估测的巨大黑暗区域。 The universes ups and downs in the black territory, is gathering nine huge polymers gradually. 宇宙们沉浮在黑域中,正渐渐汇聚成九个更加庞大的聚合体。 Takes the universe as the bubble, these nine huge polymers rotate slowly, just like nine giant black dragon scroll, surrounds, revolving. 以宇宙为泡沫,这九个庞大聚合体缓缓转动,宛如九道巨大的黑色龙卷,相互之间环绕,旋转。 Nine big polymers form a huge ring again. 九大聚合体又再度形成一个更加庞大的圆环。 Lin Sheng True Spirit, has his consciousness, runs out of the universe outer wall with ease. 林盛的一丝真灵,带着他的意识,轻松冲出宇宙外壁。 Yes, is not the gap, but is the universe complete outer wall. 是的,不是间隙,而是宇宙完整的外壁。 Newborn universe compared with before it a more tenacious improvement, simply did not have any gap to exist. 新生的宇宙比之以前更加坚韧完善,根本没有了任何间隙存在。 The giant universe like a jet black egg, the surroundings wrapped solid, does not have to be able again easily on a universe gap. 巨大的宇宙就像一个漆黑的卵,周围包裹得严严实实,再没有了能轻易更上一层的宇宙间隙。 Is good because of Lin Sheng, although the strength loses, but position standards of three broken spirit also. 好在林盛虽然力量丧失,但三次破灵者的位格还在。 Different with the false god, once the position standard comes up, so long as does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish, will not easily drop. 和伪神不同,位格一旦上去,只要不死不灭,就不会轻易跌落。 His True Spirit changes into the invisible transparent hiding small snake, drilled an eyelet on the universe outer wall forcefully, then whiz one breaks through a wall, direct impact surrounding. 他的一丝真灵化为无形透明的隐蔽小蛇,硬生生在宇宙外壁上钻了一个小孔,然后嗖的一下破壁而出,直冲更外围。 The True Spirit small snake runs out of the universe, one was separated from the warm universe True Spirit sea, the environment of outside nihility, makes its uncomfortable immediately. 真灵小蛇冲出宇宙,一下脱离了温暖的宇宙真灵海,外面一片虚无的环境,顿时让其难受不已。 The small snake shivered several, then looks all around. 小蛇颤动了几下,然后环顾四周。 The huge magnificent scenes of nine big polymers, print its view immediately. 九大聚合物的庞大壮观景象,顿时印入它眼帘。 „Under really... the Spirit Standard space vanished ..... Lin Sheng to overlook nine big polymers from the high place. “果然...灵格空间消失了.....”林盛从高处俯瞰下方九大聚合物。 He as broken spirit, the position standard is , can therefore the easy arriving such high altitude. 他身为破灵者,位格所在,所以能轻而易举的来到这么高的高度。 Taking advantage of this position, he can see clearly the new student/life all scenes. 借着这个位置,他才能看清新生的一切的景象。 Nine big polymers on such as nine giant incomparable black holes, the bubbles of black hole edge innumerable escape, each bubble is a new student/life universe. 九大聚合物就如九个巨大无比的黑洞,黑洞边缘无数逸散的泡沫,每一个泡沫都是一个新生的宇宙。 Some bubbles are fleeting, the life span is extremely short. Some firm lasting, departing is not very stave. 有的泡沫稍纵即逝,寿命极短。有的则坚固持久,飞出很远也不破碎。 A Lin Sheng little encirclement polymer observes, has not observed to have the aura that any Will has completely. 林盛一点点的环绕其中一个聚合物观察,完全没有观察到有任何意志存在的气息。 Perhaps however the world myriad things, have anything to have the way marvelously, is he has not contacted. 不过世间万物奇妙不已,说不定有什么存在方式,是他没有接触过的。 Therefore he is also grasping the careful attitude as before. 所以他也依旧秉持着小心谨慎的态度。 Is only, without Primordial Light, the innumerable universes did not have the energy source of most root, completely to lose practice higher possibility?” “只是,没了原初之光,无数宇宙没了最根源的能量源泉,岂不是完全丧失了修行一路的更高可能?” He somewhat sighed slightly. 他微微有些感叹。 Primordial Light is the root parent substances of all form energies. It can split up the vitalities and various energies, can change into the pure material, the precipitation solidifies for various types of crystals. 原初之光可谓是一切形式能量的根源母体。它可以分化成生命力和各种能量,也可以化为纯粹的物质,沉淀凝固为各种晶体。 Possibly the permeating destiny, the permeating time axis, becomes the time principle most fundamental energy driving influence. 更可能渗入命运,渗入时间轴,成为时间法则最根本的能源驱动力。 But now, Primordial Light vanished. 可现在,原初之光消失了。 On an innumerable life sublimation hopes, also vanishes. 无数生灵更上一层的升华希望,也随之消失。 The Lin Sheng static float above nine big polymers, like observes all mysterious spirits together. 林盛静静漂浮在九大聚合物之上,如同一道观测一切的神秘幽灵。 He thinks has the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator to promote Nirvana to be ahead of time, causes him and Nirvana three perishes together extremely. 他原本以为是有幕后黑手推动大寂灭提前,导致他和寂灭三极同归于尽。 But now looks like .... 可现在看来.... As if more like him and Nirvana three extremely wars, ahead of time detonated Nirvana. 似乎更像是他和寂灭三极之间的大战,提前引爆了大寂灭 But eruption of Nirvana, broke can promote a standard rapidly the exceedingly high say/way, was the Spirit Standard space. 大寂灭的爆发,也破碎了能够迅速提升位格的通天之道,也就是灵格空间。 Said, later won't have on a hope again?” “这么说,以后也就不会再有更上一层的希望了?” In the Lin Sheng heart sighed. 林盛心中叹息。 After this black territory void wandered, he has not discovered other Will aura. 在这片黑域虚空中转悠了一阵后,他一点也没发现其他意志的气息。 All probably were dry lonesome generally, here except his living creature, other did not have second Will again. 一切都好像枯寂了一般,这里除开他一个活物,其余再没有第二个意志
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