SDRAW :: Volume #25

#2485 Part 1: Cuts golden dragon, enters God Realm! ( 1 w )

The gold Chinese character, inscribes above divine tablet, does not know drops the ray that from where, the splendor of that all various professions Chinese character photo. 金色的汉字,铭刻于神碑之上,不知从何处落下的光芒,将那一行行汉字照的熠熠生辉。 Mag whole person wooden! 麦格整个人都木了! Here is Underground City! 这里是地下城 This is Underground City regards as the source of principle day to fall the divine object! 这是地下城视为法则之源的天降神物! Above inscribes unexpectedly is the Chinese character! 上面铭刻的竟然是汉字! Moreover this was not the ancient traditional Chinese character, but was Jane/simple Bi the Chinese character, was this that you see now. 而且这不是古代的繁体汉字,而是简笔汉字,也就是你现在看到的这样的。 «Day Asking» for Qu Yuan the poem, here carves its entire above divine tablet, and situated in the divine tablet center most striking place. 《天问》为屈原所著的长诗,这里将其全篇刻于神碑之上,并且位于神碑中央最为醒目之处。 Asked besides the day, Mag high and low seeking, saw the ancient and modern famous articles, formulas, theorem and music...... accommodated nothing which is not, might be called a vast civilization history. 除了天问之外,麦格上下求索,看到了一篇篇古今名文、公式、定理、音乐……无所不容,堪称一部浩瀚的文明史。 But these, Mag saw the great nation that has the long history, bridged over the long years, takes Gengzinian as, rises in blue planet, and conquered the stars sea epic. 而在这其中,麦格看到了一个有着悠久历史的大国,跨过了漫长岁月,以庚子年为界,崛起于蓝色星球,并且征服了星辰大海的史诗。 Wait...... 等等…… This is unimportant! 这都不重要! More importantly, why will it appear here? 重要的是,为什么它会出现在这里? I pass through to this world one year, this divine tablet appeared in this world at least three ten thousand years! 我穿越到这个世界才一年,这神碑出现在这个世界至少三万年了! This time line to not on! 这时间线对不上啊! Mag can determine, this divine tablet should come from Earth, moreover is that Earth that he grows up. 麦格可以确定,这块神碑应该来自地球,而且就是他长大的那个地球。 System silent long time, said one spookily: fuck!” 系统沉默良久,也是幽幽道了一声:“卧槽!” However it gave the inference of oneself quickly: 不过它很快给出了自己的推断: „ The Heavenly Dao grips to take your spirit, then loses into any node in time river. “天道将你的灵魂攥取出来,然后丢入时间长河中的任一个节点。 Therefore, you think that you just passed through from Earth, but you pass through possibly after is Earth five ten thousand years, this time node Nolan continent. 所以,你认为你刚刚从地球穿越过来,但你穿越来的可能是地球五万年后这个时间节点的诺兰大陆 But in these two ten thousand years, the planting flowers family/home national destiny bursting, Blue Star rises, sweeps away stars sea, to demonstrate the national strength, the enlightened four directions, launched the innumerable days to ask divine tablet outward. 而在这两万年间,种花家国运爆棚,蓝星崛起,横扫星辰大海,并且为了展示国力,教化四方,对外发射了无数天问神碑 Very reasonable? ” 是不是很合理?” Mag long time, sounds indeed very reasonable appearance silent. 麦格沉默良久,听起来的确很合理的样子。 He passes through, the planting flowers family/home as if just launched the day to ask 1st, my goodness, after conquering stars sea, started retro? Is extension? 他穿越的时候,种花家似乎刚刚发射了天问一号,好家伙,征服了星辰大海之后,开始复古了?或者是一种延续? Is away from the innumerable stars, spanned the years of counting ten thousand years, look divine tablet that front this writes all over the Chinese character, the eye socket of Mag was moist, a proud feeling arises spontaneously. 隔着无数星辰,跨越了数万年的岁月,看着面前这块写满汉字的神碑,麦格的眼眶还是湿润了,一种骄傲之感油然而生。 No matter what, father lives in the planting flowers family/home, long under the red flag, is proud! 不管怎样,老子生在种花家,长在红旗下,就是骄傲! When sigh, Mag curious, this comprehends stele principle, how should also operate? 感叹之余,麦格又不禁好奇,这参悟石碑法则,又该如何操作? To the Underground City resident, these Chinese characters and books from heaven not different. 对于地下城的居民而言,这些方块字与天书无异。 But he is different, although some later generation article poetry and formula theorem does not understand, but reads through absolutely does not have the issue, ancient poetry that even many he is familiar. 但他不一样啊,虽然其中有些后世文章诗词、公式定理不懂,但通读是完全没有问题的,甚至不少还是他耳熟能详的古诗词。 Isn't this scholar is eloquent, reads the world of poem murder? 这也不是一个读书人口若悬河,读诗杀人的世界啊? However Mag carefully looks, around this divine tablet, has naked eye obvious principle to past in the circulation unexpectedly, as if had some circulation with divine tablet, grows continually. 不过麦格仔细看去,在这神碑周围,竟是有肉眼可见的法则在循环流转,似乎与神碑之间产生了某种循环,生生不息。 But about Mag took a fast look around one to enter the local representatives in divine tablet world together, their face confused looks at divine tablet, as to understand anything diligently, appearance that actually had achieved nothing. 麦格左右扫视了一眼一同进入神碑世界的地方代表们,他们一脸迷茫的看着神碑,似乎努力想看懂点什么,却又一无所获的样子。 According to custom, once enters the divine tablet world, comprehends then calculates to start. 按照规矩,一旦进入神碑世界,参悟便算开始。 Except that can not disturb others to comprehend, on time withdraws beside, without other rule limits. 除了不得打搅他人参悟,按时退出之外,没有其他规则限制。 Mag suppresses moving restlessly of innermost feelings, sits cross-legged to sit down in the divine tablet upfront best position directly, gazes at principle that above divine tablet is pasting with rapt attention. 麦格压住内心的躁动,径直在神碑正面最好的位置盘腿坐下,凝神注视着神碑之上流转的法则 As a Half God Realm powerhouse, naturally cannot be strange regarding principle. 作为一名半神境的强者,对于法则自然不会陌生。 The Underground City world and Nolan continent have the things in common, to break through God Realm or Transcendent Realm, must control principle thoroughly. 地下城世界与诺兰大陆有着共通之处,要想突破神境超凡境,必须要彻底掌控一种法则 The 10th Rank powerhouse can control principle, can therefore display principle barrier. 十级强者能够驾驭一种法则,所以能够施展法则结界 But Half God Realm can utilize principle in battle skill, no longer rigidly adheres to principle barrier, therefore had the powerful mobility and advantage in the fight, thus forms the steamroll to 10th Rank. 半神境则能将法则运用于战技之中,不再拘泥于法则结界,所以在战斗中有了强大的机动性和优势,从而对十级形成碾压。 But Transcendent Realm regarding the absolute control of principle, integrates oneself body principle, body becomes principle part, thus obtains enormous extension of life span. 超凡境是对于法则的绝对掌控,将法则融入己身,身体成为法则的一部分,从而获得寿命的极大延长。 Therefore above 10th Rank, what art is regarding the principle perception, is not the self-torture can make up. 故而十级之上,讲究的是对于法则的悟性,不是苦修所能弥补的。 Mag is staring at the principle observation on divine tablet for a long time, such as flood dragon roaming Cuan, is dazzled, actually cannot see what positive result. 麦格盯着神碑上的法则观察许久,如蛟龙般游窜,看花了眼,却也没能看出点什么名堂来。 After one hour, Mag eyes suddenly one bright, revealed the colors of several distinct becoming aware. 一个小时后,麦格眼睛突然一亮,露出了几分明悟之色。 After the analysis is gaudy, but the principle failure of no rule, Mag stared at sole principle to observe innumerable for a long time, finally discovered a marvelous rule. 在解析花哨而毫无规律的法则失败无数次后,麦格盯着一条单一的法则观察了许久,终于发现了一个奇妙的规律。 principle above divine tablet flows seemingly does not have the rule, but consistently revolves around some paragraph of writing, looking like that principle is because that paragraph of writing produces. 神碑之上的法则流动看似没有规律,但始终围绕在某一段文字周围,就像是那段法则是因为那段文字所产生的。 Mag observed immediately earnestly, several principle action paths confirmed his idea, these principle indeed revolve some paragraph of writing to flow. 麦格随即又认真观察了一番,数条法则的行动轨迹都证实了他的想法,这些法则的确都围绕着某一段文字在流动。 But above this divine tablet, the principle quantity is hugest, strength most terrifying is «Day Asking» this poem. 而在这神碑之上,法则数量最为庞大,力量最为恐怖的就是《天问》这首长诗。 „Isn't reading able the problem solving, to need to recite?” Mag is pondering, is testing the standard spoken Chinese to discuss: At the beginning of remote antiquity, who passing on the dao......” “阅读无法解题,难道需要吟唱?”麦格思考着,然后试着用普通话念道:“遂古之初,谁传道之……” The voice just got up, Mag surges all around instantaneously one group of white fog, covers in which it. 话音刚起,麦格的周遭瞬间涌起一团白雾,将其笼罩其中。 Above during divine tablet, innumerable principle fell into was wild, the flow rate accelerated innumerable times suddenly, immediately shining, eyes cannot take it all. 神碑之上,无数法则陷入了狂暴之中,流动速度骤然加速了无数倍,顿时流光溢彩,目不暇接。 What situation! Really can use the standard spoken Chinese unlocking?!” Mag sees this mutation, in the heart similarly in great surprise, but sees with own eyes divine tablet to present the out of phase, is naturally impossible to stop there , to continue to discuss: “什么情况!真的要用普通话解锁吗?!”麦格见此异变,心中同样大惊,但眼见神碑出现异相,自然不可能就此停下,继续念道: High and low shape, what by not testing it? “上下未形,何由考之? Deep illustrious worried is dark, who can extremely? 冥昭瞢暗,谁能极之? Does Feng Yiwei image, how know it? 冯翼惟象,何以识之? Obviously secret, only when what for? 明明暗暗,惟时何为? ...... ” ……” As the Mag clear and resonant voice read aloud reads «Day Asking», the divine tablet mutation, innumerable principle were takes off/escapes the tablet unexpectedly, changed into five claw golden dragon in the midair, threw toward below Mag. 随着麦格朗声诵念《天问》,神碑异变,无数法则竟是脱碑而出,在半空之中化为一条五爪金龙,向着下方的麦格扑了下来。 The terrifying pressure suppresses to come instantaneously, the swift and fierce dragon claw is sparkling the cold glow, resembles to want Mag to submit to it! 恐怖的威压瞬间压制而来,凌厉的龙爪闪耀着寒芒,似要麦格臣服于它! Kneels submits, can to become God? 跪地臣服,就能成神吗? In the Mag mouth read aloud reads unceasingly, but looks at that five claw golden dragon, actually narrowed eyes slightly. 麦格口中诵念不断,但看着那条五爪金龙,却是微微眯起了眼睛 Except for five claw golden dragon terrifying pressure that the dive comes, in his heart also resounded sound of the desire, kneels submits, will attain the strength of five claw golden dragon. 除了俯冲而来的五爪金龙的恐怖威压,他的心中还响起了一道欲念之音,跪地臣服,将获五爪金龙之力。 Arrives at the near in that five claw golden dragon, the hypogastric's fifth claw toward the instance that the Mag top of the head grasps, a black heavy sword appears in the hand of Mag, the figure turns over, steps up to the backs of five claw golden dragon, a sword punctures. 就在那五爪金龙来到近前,腹下第五爪向着麦格头顶抓去的瞬间,一柄黑色重剑出现在麦格的手中,身形翻转,跨上五爪金龙之背,一剑刺下。 Five claw golden dragon are defeated and dispersed instantaneously, changes to innumerable principle, wells up crazily toward Mag body. 五爪金龙瞬间溃散,重新化作无数法则,向着麦格身体疯狂涌来。 Mag only thought that oneself body falls into is filled up, was broken open, the healing, was filled up again, during again broken open circulation, is inescapably involved. 麦格只觉得自己身体陷入被填满,被撑破,愈合,再次被填满,再被撑破的循环之中,不能自拔。 Innumerable principle above divine tablet, stopped the circulation at this moment unexpectedly, silk threads the strength of source, overflows from divine tablet, starts to turn toward Mag to well up. 神碑之上的无数法则,此刻竟是停止了流转,丝丝缕缕的本源之力,从神碑之中溢出,开始向着麦格涌去。 divine tablet changes, caused the divine tablet world and entire Underground City world changes. 神碑异动,也引起了神碑世界和整个地下城世界异动。 The sky above divine tablet, suddenly presented flowing in backward maelstrom, the innumerable world spiritual energies and principle were drawn in the stele forcefully. 神碑之上的天空,突然出现了一个倒灌的漩涡,无数天地灵气与法则被强行吸进了石碑之中。 The world changes color, the world is low-spirited, just like scene in general of end. 天地变色,世界黯然,犹如末日的光景一般 What situation is this?!” “这是什么情况?!” Guards in this's three transcendent powerhouses, almost enters the divine tablet world simultaneously, looks seven color rays that above the stele is overflowing, the principle source of silk threads overflow, in the eye all revealed the greedy color. 镇守于此的三位超凡强者,几乎同时进入神碑世界,望着石碑之上流溢的七彩光芒,还有丝丝缕缕外溢的法则本源,眼中皆露出了贪婪之色。 during that time breaks through transcendent, then directed wisp of source principle in divine tablet to enter the body, changed into the seed, then watered with the strength of principle carefully, finally melted as one, achievement transcendent. 当年突破超凡,便是引了神碑中的一缕本源法则入体,化为种子,然后用法则之力细心浇灌,最终融于一体,成就超凡 To obtain the divine tablet approval, obtains a principle source, that is the huge good fortune. 想得到神碑认可,获得一丝法则本源,那已经是天大的造化。 But this moment divine tablet actually some innumerable principle source overflows, as if are the person to harvest in general, regarding the transcendent powerhouse, has the fatal attraction. 而此刻神碑却有无数法则本源外溢,似乎任人收割一般,对于超凡强者,同样有着致命的吸引力。 Almost meanwhile, the entire Underground City transcendent powerhouses have a feeling. 几乎同时,整个地下城超凡强者都有所感。 Closes up is leading a life of comfort, drops out in the hand all the business, catches up toward divine tablet. 无论是闭关还是正在享乐的,无不抛下手中事务,向着神碑赶来。 After transcendent, no one knows whether also has the road ahead. 超凡之后,无人知晓是否还有前路。 But the transcendent powerhouse wants to enhance the strength again, the only way is to then strengthen source principle in within the body. 超凡强者想要再提升实力,唯一的途径便是强化体内的本源法则 The divine tablet principle source overflow, is no different than a huge chance regarding the transcendent powerhouse. 神碑法则本源外溢,对于超凡强者而言无异于一场天大的机缘。 What first arrives at outside divine tablet is three black robe person who brings the gold mask, the gloomy and cold aura wraps them, person all around withdraws automatically several hundred meters, looked that quite awes to three people of vision dreaded. 最先到达神碑境外的是三个带着金色面具的黑袍人,阴冷的气息将他们包裹,周遭的人自动退避数百米,看向三人的目光颇为敬畏忌惮。 Undying, this mysterious and powerful organization, as the circular of military enters the view of average person. 不死者,这个神秘而强大的组织,随着军方的一则通告进入普通人的视野。 But mysterious person who these three bring the gold mask, is Undying three in ten big Temple Lord, but does not know that is that three. 而这三位带着金色面具的神秘人,正是不死者的十大殿主中的三位,只是不知是那三位。 But any three, the Temple Lord status means that their strengths have achieved Transcendent Realm, the Underground City truly top powerhouse. 但无论是哪三位,殿主的身份意味着他们的实力已经达到了超凡境,地下城真正顶尖的强者。 Outside the scene, several tens of thousands of crowds, have seen the Transcendent Realm powerhouse to arrive at this moment at this moment, is understands that divine tablet indeed had the mutation, brings in three transcendent to arrive. 现场之外,此刻已有数万围观群众,此刻见超凡境强者到场,更是明白神碑的确出现了异变,才引来三位超凡到场。 Big brother, the principle source overflow, is really strange, but this thing has the enormous benefit to us, even if absorbs one, perhaps can also control second principle.” The left thin and small black robe person passes on the sound said. “大哥,法则本源外溢,实属诡异,但此物对我们有着极大的裨益,哪怕只是吸收一条,说不定也能掌控第二法则。”左边瘦小的黑袍人传音道。 Yes the big brother, has the appearance while these old fogies, we hurry first to enter the arena, otherwise a meeting person were many, is not on the contrary good to start.” The right tall and fat black robe person echoes to say. “是啊大哥,趁着那些老家伙们还么有到场,我们赶紧先进场吧,不然一会人多了,反倒不好下手。”右边高胖的黑袍人附和道。 The middle black robe person looks up to the distant place, the sound sinks saying: They have come.” 中间的黑袍人抬头看向远方,声音微沉道:“他们已经来了。” Finishes speaking, the horizon shone a luminous spot, several pressure extremely strong forms appeared, in an instant before then arrived at divine tablet . 话音刚落,天边亮起了一道光点,数道威压极强的身影出现,转眼便到了神碑界前。 Coming the person is Dickson family three Transcendent, looks at each other with the black robe person, then moves out of the way the vision, not exchanges. 来人是狄克逊家族的三位超凡者,与黑袍人相视一眼,便挪开目光,并无交流。 Ten big plutocrat family, all have Transcendent to arrive, encircles outside divine tablet, has not acted rashly. 紧接着,十大财阀家族,皆有超凡者到场,围在神碑界外,并未轻举妄动。 Counts ten thousand years to come, divine tablet has never presented this grade of accident, does not know that is what reason?” An old man deeply frowned to say. “数万年来,神碑从未出现过这等变故,不知是何缘故?”一位老者眉头紧锁道。 Perhaps the divine tablet mutation, some people must enter transcendent.” 神碑异变,恐怕是有人要入超凡了。” Your I in transcendent that under divine tablet enters, on the same day obviously did divine tablet have the slight change?” “你我都是在神碑之下入的超凡,当日可见神碑有丝毫变化?” Is it possible that has what extraordinary sacred thing to be born? This grade of scene, only then divine tablet was born the same day record to compare favorably.” “莫非是有什么了不得的神圣之物要出世?这等场景,也只有神碑降世当日的记载能够媲美。” Various group of transcendent discuss spiritedly, recognized that this matter is quite strange. 各路超凡议论纷纷,都认定此事颇为诡异。 How to arise suddenly this grade of mutation, is related with Mag?” Ferdinand does not know when has arrived, is situated in an corner/horn, the side also has Transcendent of two military to accompany. “怎么会突发这等异变,难道是与麦格有关?”费迪南德不知何时已经到场,立于一角,身旁还有两位军方的超凡者随同。 The military headquarters leave this is not far, because Mag comprehends divine tablet today, he was also for many several points to pay attention, mutation, then catches up immediately. 军部离此不远,而且因为麦格今日参悟神碑,他对此地也多了几分关注,异变一出,便立刻赶来。 during that time he breaks through transcendent, aroused the divine tablet small resonance, but also is only above divine tablet presents the short multi-colored sunlight merely. 当年他突破超凡,也是引起了神碑的小小共鸣,但也仅仅只是神碑之上出现短暂的霞光。 But today this grade of mutation, causes the world to change color, is really the history book has not recorded. 而今日这等异变,引得天地变色,确是史书都未曾记载的。 Today what enters the stadium is various local representatives, not the talent different reported the person, even the 10th Rank powerhouses only had three. 今日入场的是各地方代表,并无天赋异禀之人,甚至连十级强者都只有三位。 Ferdinand can think that causes divine tablet so to change, perhaps also only had Mag. 费迪南德能够想到引起神碑这般异动的,恐怕也只有麦格了。 Does not know that he made anything, will bring in the so giant sound, appearance Transcendent already over 30 people, perhaps in Tucker City Transcendent has come. 只是不知他做了什么,会引来这般巨大的动静,到场的超凡者已经超过三十人,恐怕塔克城超凡者都已经来了。 Walks, we first go a step further.” Big Temple Lord orders, three Undying Temple Lord enter in the divine tablet boundary simultaneously. “走,我们先进一步。”大殿主一声令下,三位不死者殿主同时进入神碑境中。 Other Transcendent see this, rushing to be first enters the divine tablet boundary, for fear that falls behind one step, threw the chance. 其他超凡者见此,也是争先恐后的进入神碑境,唯恐落后一步,丢了机缘。 Enters the divine tablet boundary, originally float Transcendent unexpectedly suppressed falling in abundance in midair to the ground, has never experienced the terrifying pressure covers from that divine tablet, is suppressing the entire divine tablet boundary. 一入神碑境,原本悬浮于半空中的超凡者们竟是纷纷被压制的落到了地上,从未体验过的恐怖威压从那神碑笼罩而下,压制着整个神碑境。 At this time first step local representatives who enter the divine tablet boundary, lie to bend down in abundance on the ground, on the face full is the panic-stricken color, cannot move. 此时先一步进入神碑境的地方代表们,纷纷趴伏在地上,脸上满是惊恐之色,动弹不得。 Only then that three Transcendent that guards this place, is sitting cross-legged at this time is being away from the divine tablet ten meters away place, closes one's eyes to contemplate, principle tows from divine tablet together, submerges their forehead. 只有那三位镇守此地的超凡者,此时正盘坐在距离神碑十米远的地方,闭眼冥想,一道法则神碑之上牵引而出,没入他们的眉心。 This posture, Transcendent is very familiar, this is directing the principle source to enter the body, plans to refine second principle. 这个姿势,超凡者都很熟悉,这是在引法则本源入体,打算炼化第二道法则 Today the divine tablet phenomenon, the principle source overflow, seems to be easier to be attracted, this is the huge chance. 今日神碑异象,法则本源外溢,似乎更容易被吸引,这可是天大的机缘。 After numerous Transcendent enters a country, sits cross-legged to sit down, starts to try to direct principle to enter the body, refining up oneself second principle. 超凡者入境之后,纷纷盘腿坐下,开始试着引法则入体,炼化自己的第二法则 Undying big Temple Lord looked at eye these to start to direct principle to enter Transcendent of body, the line of sight uppered shift, falling during was void somewhere, there seemed the maelstrom end and causes immediately the source of mutation. 不死者殿主看了眼那些开始引法则入体的超凡者们,视线上移,落在了虚空之中的某处,那里似乎才是漩涡的尽头和引起当下异变的源头。 The numerous transcendent cautious directing principle source enters the body together, may in that void somewhere, actually some innumerable principle sources well up toward there. 超凡小心翼翼的引一道法则本源入体,可在那虚空中的某处,却有无数法则本源向着那里涌去。 His implants Transcendent Realm to cross existence of ten thousand years, the sensation to the principle source of that terrifying, felt fear as before. 就连他这种入超凡境已过万年的存在,感知到那恐怖的法则本源,依旧感受到了畏惧。 After dreading, is greatly greedy. 畏惧之后,是大贪婪。 In ten thousand years, he has heated to raise the fourth principle source, may be away from undying and inextinguishable the boundary of that legend, has the cannot erase gap as before. 万年间,他已经温养出了第四道法则本源,可距离不死不灭的那个传说之境,依旧有着不可磨灭的鸿沟。 But in this mutation, he saw the chance. 但在这场异变之中,他看到了机缘。 If during he can replace that is void the fellow, introduces within the body the strength of these principle all, the achievement true principle true body, then achieves the true undying and inextinguishable boundary. 如果他能够取代那虚空之中的家伙,将这些法则之力尽数引入体内,成就真正的法则真身,即可达到真正不死不灭的境界。 A black shuttle appears, the void light and shade takes turn, above four color principle encirclements. 一柄黑梭出现,虚空明暗交替,四色法则环绕其上。 Makes me have a look, is actually who to bring in this grade of phenomenon, this destiny, I seized!” “让我看看,究竟是谁引来这等异象吧,这气运,我夺定了!” A big Temple Lord right hand finger/refers, the black shuttle was shattered, tears the dense fog and principle, punctures toward void. 殿主右手一指,黑梭破碎虚空,撕裂迷雾与法则,向着虚空中刺去。 Bang! 砰! Pricks the fog the black shuttle, as if hit above somewhere the hard object, made a depressed sound, principle shook slightly, but extinguished quickly silent. 刺入云雾的黑梭,仿佛撞在了某处坚硬的物体之上,发出了一声沉闷的声响,法则微微震荡,但很快消弭无声。 But Mag in this time fog principle encirclement, opens eyes to look to stop in a forehead Top 10 centimeter black shuttle, relaxes slightly. 而此时的云雾法则环绕中的麦格,睁眼看着停在眉心前十厘米的黑梭,稍稍松了一口气。 If not for principle protects the lord automatically, the full power of this peak Transcendent Realm powerhouse strikes, he decides however cannot block. 若不是法则自动护主,这巅峰超凡境强者的全力一击,他定然是挡不住的。 Old dog, plays the sneak attack, waited for the meeting young master to become the god, first cut your attain the dao!” Mag lowered the head to overlook gold mask black robe person in a ground, Undying, oneself ran upon the gate to come. “老狗,玩偷袭,等会小爷成了神,先斩你证道!”麦格低头俯视了一眼地面上的金色面具黑袍人,不死者,自己撞上门来了。 As the principle source enters the body unceasingly, the Mag mortal body experienced innumerable remoulding, at this moment almost every inchs the flesh and flesh, were remoulded by principle, becomes can better hold the principle vessel, or becomes a part of principle. 随着法则本源不断入体,麦格的肉身经历了无数次的重塑,此刻几乎每一寸血肉与肌肤,都被法则重塑了一遍,成为了能够更好的容纳法则的容器,或者说是成为了法则的一部分。 This process exception pain, but can the clear feeling oneself is promoting regarding the control and understanding of principle rapidly, including principle that these he simply had not understood. 这个过程异常痛苦,但又能够清晰的感受到自己对于法则的掌控和理解在飞速提升,包括那些他原本根本没有了解的法则 Looked like the empty bamboo to result in Tianshan child grandmother's sixty year cycle skill baseless, does not need to try hard, so long as you are supporting was enough. 就像是虚竹凭空得了天山童姥的一甲子功力,不需要努力,你只要挺着就行了 This feeling...... crisp! 这种感觉……爽啊! Planting flowers family/home as external as account, simply powerful flies. 种花家的外挂到账,简直给力的飞起。 Well?” “咦?” Big Temple Lord felt obviously the flying shuttle hit something, but the dense fog has not diverged, he lost the contact of flying shuttle, in the heart in great surprise. 殿主明明感觉飞梭击中了某物,但迷雾并未散去,他更是失去了飞梭的联系,心中不由大惊。 This flying shuttle is his life magic weapon, may break void , without the thing broken. 这飞梭是他的本命法宝,可破碎虚空,无物不破。 The face Yin clear change under big Temple Lord mask, the life over ten thousand, his vitality has insufficient, even if can also the living on dishonorably millenniums, be hard again eventually undying and inextinguishable, if this grade of chance misses, perhaps later is chanceless. 殿主面具之下的老脸阴晴变化,寿元过万,他的气血已经有所不足,哪怕还能再苟活千年,终究难以不死不灭,这等机缘若是错过,恐怕以后再无机会。 A Celestial battles, in his eye the cold light flashes, sets firm resolve. 一番天人交战,他的眼中寒光一闪,还是下定了决心。 The black robe stirs, withstand/top the divine tablet pressure on lift off unexpectedly slowly, flies toward that maelstrom center. 黑袍鼓荡,竟是顶着神碑的压力缓缓升空,向着那漩涡中心飞去。 Profound deep this old fogy, is this must rob the destiny?!” Ferdinand has not been directing principle to enter the body anxiously, therefore at this moment Transcendent on the scene, only then he saw the big Temple Lord trend. “玄冥这个老家伙,这是要抢夺气运?!”费迪南德没有急着引法则入体,所以此刻在场的超凡者只有他看见了大殿主的动向。 Moreover after the admission, he had confirmed the personnel, were short of Mag only, it seems like that this mutation, indeed is Mag draws out. 而且入场之后,他已经确认过现场的人员,唯独少了麦格,看来这场异变,的确是麦格引出的。 Comprehends divine tablet for the first time, then brings in the phenomenon that this and other ancient has not seen, the Mag talent talent different reported that moreover is it possible that is a day of electing person? 第一次参悟神碑,便引来这等亘古未见的异象,麦格的天赋可谓天赋异禀,而且莫非是天选之人? The consideration over and over, Ferdinand has not acted eventually, calmly looked that profound ascends to heaven deeply, flies toward the principle wildest core. 思量再三,费迪南德终究还是没有出手,静看玄冥升天,向着法则最为狂暴的核心飞去。 Underground City numerous transcendent, profound deep most mystical, actually even no one knew him to live how long, but his strength can enter strongest absolutely. 地下城超凡,玄冥最为神秘,甚至无人知晓他究竟活了多久,但他的实力绝对能入最强之列。 Previously looked at him to act, has controlled four principle. 先前看他出手,已然掌控四道法则 But Transcendent on the scene, to obtain the second principle source mostly is wild with joy. 而在场的超凡者,大都在为得到第二道法则本源而欣喜若狂。 Undying is the Ferdinand serious hidden trouble, if can remove unreliably with the aid of divine tablet deep, the pressures of ten big plutocrats may also reduce greatly. 不死者费迪南德的心腹大患,若是能够借助神碑除掉玄冥,十大财阀的压力也可大为削减。 Ascends to heaven unreliably deeply, marches into the principle wild area. 玄冥升天,步入法则狂暴区。 The innumerable principle penetration black robe, floods into his body. 无数法则穿透黑袍,涌入他的身体 The golden mask ruptured, revealed a face of old ghosts and demons, the deep eye gallery, just like skeleton in general to shine two groups of green flame. 黄金面具爆裂,露出了一张苍老鬼魅的脸,深深的眼廓,犹如骷髅一般亮着两团绿色的火焰。 Sent out frigid calling out unreliably deeply, had not actually been exploded by the principle brace, body unexpectedly is the incarnation is maelstrom in general, starts to plunder the principle source that overflows from divine tablet. 玄冥发出了一声惨烈的嚎叫,却未被法则撑爆,身体竟是化身为一个漩涡一般,开始掠夺从神碑之上溢出的法则本源。 As the principle source enters the body, the profound deep old appearance starts to become young at the visible speed, the flesh is full, the imposing manner also increases successively. 而随着法则本源入体,玄冥苍老的容貌开始以肉眼可见的速度变得年轻,血肉重新充盈,气势也是随之节节攀升。 Old fogy, a little thing.” Mag looked at one unreliably deep, then the vision fell that article on divine tablet most peak, in the mouth read aloud discussed: Say/Way may say, said that the name may famous, very famous......” “老家伙,有点东西啊。”麦格看了一眼玄冥,然后目光落到了神碑最顶峰上的那一篇文章,口中诵念道:“道可道,非常道,名可名,非常名……” Voice, divine tablet vibrates again, has the heavenly music to play, the Mag under foot gave birth to golden lotus, ascends toward the divine tablet high place, lives the lotus to ascend divine tablet step by step. 话音一出,神碑界再次震动,有仙乐奏响,麦格脚下生出了一朵朵金莲,向着神碑高处登去,步步生莲登神碑 In profound deep eye different light sparkle, penetrates the dense fog, saw this profound wonderful scene. 玄冥的眼中异光闪耀,穿透迷雾,看到了这玄奇的一幕 He wants to rise again upwardly, seizes the destiny again, was actually locked the internal energy, is unable to fly upwards again upwardly. 他想再向上升高,再夺气运,却被锁定了气机,无法再向上飞升。 Mag read aloud reads Tao Te Ching, lived the lotus step by step, each climbed upwardly one step, entered the principle then automatic performance sidereal revolution of body, cleared away the mortal body, changed into oneself to use, but no longer was only a vessel. 麦格诵念道德经,步步生莲,每向上攀登一步,入体的法则便自动运转一周天,涤荡肉身,化为己用,而不再只是容器。 9000 steps, reach divine tablet. 九千步,登顶神碑 But at this time principle also revolved 9000 sidereal revolutions in his within the body. 而此时法则在他体内也运转了九千个周天。 His mortal body has become transparent, sees only innumerable principle revolves, just like deity in general. 他的肉身已经变得透明,只见无数法则在其中运转,犹如天神一般 Bang! 轰! At this moment, the day falls purple thunder tribulation, divided above the Mag top of the head. 这一刻,天降紫色雷劫,劈在了麦格的头顶之上。 thunder tribulation doing abhiseka, submerges it. 雷劫灌顶,将其淹没。 After long time, tribulation cloud dissipates, maelstrom in sky also vanishes. 半晌之后,劫云消散,天空中的漩涡随之消失。 Mag wears golden dragon combat armor, is situated in nine kilometers upper air, opens the eyes. 麦格身披金龙战甲,立于九千米高空,睁开双眼。 Two golden light penetrate three, imitates, if sees clearly the world. 两道金光穿透三界,仿若洞察天地。 On this day, Mag cuts golden dragon, results in the divine tablet good fortune, enters God Realm. 这一日,麦格金龙,得神碑造化,入神境 In the Mag heart has clearly to become aware, took the mask to oneself backhandedly. 麦格心中有所明悟,反手给自己带上了面具。 Congratulates the host, completes the God of Cookery trial, achievement God of Cookery!” “恭喜宿主,完成厨神试炼,成就厨神!” Obtains the ultimate big gift parcel: Manchu Han imperial feast recipe!” “获得终极大礼包:满汉全席菜谱!” Unlocking restaurant all jurisdictions!” “解锁餐厅所有权限!” At this moment, in the heart of Mag suddenly resounded the System exciting sound, as well as that rotten vulgar fireworks special effect. 就在这时,麦格的心中突然响起了系统激动声音,以及那烂俗的烟花特效。 God of Cookery? Made a mistake?” The Mag brow tip selects, felt that System is rubbing. 厨神?搞错了吧?”麦格眉梢一挑,感觉系统在蹭。 „The say/way of chef is not possible correct path to become God, you are a chef, moreover your to become God, therefore you are God of Cookery, is completely reasonable!” The System righteousness expression said. 厨师之道是不可能正道成神的,你是一个厨师,而且你成神了,所以你就是厨神,完全合理!”系统义正言辞道。 Mag ponders over carefully, but also is very reasonable, the counter- honorable gift parcel received was being right, Amy talked over many Manchu Han imperial feast. 麦格仔细一琢磨,还挺有道理,反正大礼包收着就对了,艾米可是念叨了不少次满汉全席呢。 The divine tablet boundary dense fog is completely all around loose, above divine tablet principle of overflow instantaneous collects reserved, grasping principles Transcendent was broken all. 神碑境周遭迷雾尽散,神碑之上外溢的法则瞬间内敛收束,正在悟道的超凡者尽数被打断。 No!” “不!” Exuded one to angrily roar unreliably deeply, could not detain principle that received to return. 玄冥发出了一声怒吼,却也留不住倒收而回的法则 World pure brightness, everyone's vision subconscious looked to that say/way golden armor form above nine kilometers upper air. 天地清明,所有人的目光都下意识的看向了九千米高空之上的那道金甲身影。 Average person anything cannot see, but Transcendent understands clearly all sufficiently. 普通人什么都看不见,但超凡者足以洞悉一切。 Is he! Nolan continent that youngster!” “是他!诺兰大陆那个小子!” The profound deep startled anger said. 玄冥惊怒道。 A native of Jinjia brings the black and white mask, cannot see clearly the appearance, because of that mask, was actually being recognized by his one eyes, Noah Continent went bad youngster of Undying good deed. 那金甲人带着黑白面具,看不清容貌,却也正因那面具,被他一眼认出,正是诺拉大陆坏了不死者好事的小子 How this does youngster enter Underground City?” “这小子是如何进入地下城的?” Why can he absorb so terrifying principle source?” “为何他能吸收如此恐怖的法则本源?” Three Temple Lord and five Temple Lord similarly startled anger happen simultaneously. 殿主和五殿主同样惊怒交加。 The talks of Undying three Temple Lord, were heard by other Transcendent similarly. 不死者三位殿主的谈话,同样被其他超凡者听闻。 Nolan continent and Underground City adjoin, because the resources are deficient, usually did not settle on. 诺兰大陆地下城毗邻,因为资源匮乏,素来不被看中。 However Nolan continent had/left young half step transcendent recently, this matter has spread actually, but had not been cared by these Transcendent. 不过诺兰大陆最近出了一位年轻半步超凡,此事倒是有所流传,但也并未被这些超凡者们放在心上。
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