SDRAW :: Volume #25

#2484 Part 2: Chapter 2484? At the beginning of remote antiquity, who passing on the dao it? ( 1 w )

This blade is not good to cut, two shackles are the links, you cut above that below that will explode, cut under that above that will explode, must cut simultaneously is good.” “这一刀不好切,两个镣铐是联通的,你砍了上面那个,下面那个会爆炸,砍了下面那个,上面那个会爆炸,必须要同时砍才行。” Where you said by all means cut, my blade is quick, it responded without enough time.” The Mag heart said. “你只管说砍哪里,我的刀很快,它来不及反应。”麦格心说。 Outside Prison has resounded the stormy sound of footsteps, and sounds of various type firearms palates. 监狱外已经响起了密集的脚步声,以及各式枪械上膛的声音。 You walk quickly, when they encircled, you cannot get away.” Congressman Tamm urged. “你快走,等他们合围了,你也走不了。”塔姆议员催促道。 The next quarter, in the eye of Mag saw above the Tamm two shackles presented two The Thin Red Line. 下一刻,麦格的眼中看到了塔姆两个镣铐之上出现了两道细细的红线。 The hand has the blade to fall, two shackles divide into two instantaneously. 手起刀落,两个镣铐瞬间一分为二。 Congressman Tamm looks at the shackles in hand to be dumb as a wooden chicken, after a while recovers, has not exploded unexpectedly. 塔姆议员看着手中的镣铐呆若木鸡,过了一会才回过神来,竟是没有爆炸。 Walks.” Mag takes away an urgent safety mask in the hand of Congressman Tamm, after the activation, formed a pale gold safety mask outside his body, is enough the suo bullet of anti- under heavy machine gun, but the duration is only one minute, is extremely short. “走。”麦格将一个紧急防护罩扣在塔姆议员的手上,激活之后在他的身体外形成了一个淡金色的防护罩,足以抗下重机枪的一嗦子弹,不过持续时间只有一分钟,极短。 flying sword clears the way, sees only wipes the cold light to cut, in channel instantaneous peaceful. 飞剑开道,只见一抹寒光斩过,通道里瞬间安静。 The bullet, heavy machine gun, person, blade and sword...... all in channel cut in half. 子弹、重机枪、人、刀、剑……通道中的一切都被切成了两半。 Mag is on the one hand grasping Congressman Tamm, marches into the channel, among had arrived at the entrance. 麦格一手抓着塔姆议员,步入通道,一步之间已经到了门口。 Who are you?!” “你是谁?!” Passes the road junction, the man who wears the black ugly face mask covers the left hand to break the arm, in the hoarse sound has the fear, looks to grab Mag of Congressman Tamm. 通道口,一个戴着黑色鬼脸面具的男人捂着左手断臂,嘶哑的声音中带着恐惧,看着抓着塔姆议员的麦格 Mag lifted the hand to him. 麦格向他抬起了手。 His subconscious released a safety mask before the body. 他下意识的在身前释放了一个防护罩。 A sword from his back of the body penetration, penetration. 一柄剑从他的后心贯入,穿透而过。 This......” “这……” Congressman Tamm shocking in the extreme, this 10th Rank powerhouse, unexpectedly is dying so aggrieved. 塔姆议员震惊的无以复加,这个十级强者,竟是死的如此憋屈。 Mag raises Congressman Tamm to clash outward, the god kept off the deicide, the slaughter the entire secret base, only used for five minutes, then returned to the Dawn position. 麦格提着塔姆议员一路向外冲,神挡杀神,屠了整个秘密基地,只用了五分钟,便回到了的位置。 You are quite quick!” “你好快!” flying car has changed into the battleship, Dawn confirmed the status of Congressman Tamm, still shaken Congressman Tamm will take the battleship. 飞车已经换成了战舰,确认了塔姆议员的身份,将惊魂未定的塔姆议员带上了战舰。 How although without seeing Mag to submerge the base, rescues Congressman Tamm, but uses merely for five minutes, this speed made her quite feeling shock. 虽然没有看到麦格是如何潜入基地,解救塔姆议员,但仅仅用时五分钟,这个速度还是令她颇感震撼。 But she...... anything has not done. 而她……什么都没有做。 In base prison also more than ten prisoners, status unknown, but in their hands has the bomb shackles.” Mag shows the base situation to Dawn, „do you want to save them?” “基地囚牢里还有十几名囚犯,身份未知,但他们的手上都有炸弹镣铐。”麦格将基地内部的情形展现给,“你要救他们吗?” Dawn looked at a Congressman Tamm the shackles on hands and feet, the margin is smooth, the interior has the complicated line. 看了一眼塔姆议员手脚上的镣铐,切口平整,内部有着繁复的线路。 Our mission rescues Congressman Tamm, now we need to guarantee that the safety of congressman, here situation I will report, will have others to solve.” The Dawn decisive start battleship, the rapid lift-off is far away. “我们的任务是解救塔姆议员,现在我们需要保证议员的安全,这里的情况我会上报,会有其他人来解决。”果断启动战舰,迅速升空远离。 Mag quite appreciation looked at Dawn one, got one bottle of joyful water to sit one side. 麦格颇为赞赏的看了一眼,拿了一瓶快乐水坐到一旁。 The bracelet contact surface is demonstrating the base silent picture, after three minutes, the form of ghosts and demons from the shadow, nosed together a prison, suddenly turns the head to turn toward the direction of camera looks like, the gold ugly face draws close to together instantaneously, then the lens explode directly, the picture vanishes. 手环界面显示着基地内部的无声画面,三分钟后,一道鬼魅的身影从阴影中走了出来,查探了一番囚牢,忽然转头向着摄像机的方向看来,一道金色的鬼脸瞬间贴近,然后镜头直接爆裂,画面消失。 Transcendent, sounds the warning after the base five minutes rushes to the scene. 超凡者,在基地发出警报后五分钟内赶到现场。 Looking at each other that second is away from the screen, Mag can determine that oneself is not an opponent. 那一秒钟隔着屏幕的对视,麦格可以确定自己不是对手。 Like him now oppressive 10th Rank such as oppressive dog, true Transcendent , to act bashful him, suppresses absolutely. 就像他现在虐十级如虐狗,真正的超凡者要想拿捏他,也是绝对压制。 „Are you?” “你们是?” Congressman Tamm drank a hot water, slowly recovered consciousness, is probing asking. 塔姆议员喝了点热水,慢慢缓过来了,试探着问道。 Hello, Congressman Tamm, I major Dawn from military, is ordered to come to rescue you, you are now safe, we will escort to the military headquarters hospital to convalesce you directly.” Dawn establishes the good self-piloting, set out to turn toward Congressman Tamm to salute. “您好,塔姆议员,我是来自军方的少校,奉命前来营救您,您现在已经安全,我们将直接将您送往军部医院疗养。”设定好自动驾驶,起身向着塔姆议员敬了个军礼。 Hearing is the person of military, Congressman Tamm obviously relaxes, feels grateful: Thank your rescues.” 听到是军方的人,塔姆议员明显松了口气,感激道:“感谢你们的救援。” His body has many visible scars, how obviously these days suffered the inhuman treatment in that base. 他的身上有许多肉眼可见的伤痕,可见这段时间在那基地之中遭受了怎样非人的待遇。 Dawn took the tool, took the shackles on his hands and feet, locks into the explosion-proof box, according to the view of Dawn, the TNT equivalents of these two shackles, is blown to pieces sufficiently the battleship. 取了工具,将他手脚上的镣铐取了,锁入防爆箱,按照的说法,这两个镣铐的爆炸当量,足以将战舰炸成碎片。 Then Dawn underwent the emergency treatment to him, guarantees his condition. 接着给他做了紧急治疗,确保他的状态。 Mag seems like sitting in repose with eyes closed, is digesting System to connect some recent information that in Undying the net gains through the secret base entrance actually. 麦格看似在闭目养神,实则正在消化系统通过秘密基地入口接入不死者内网获取的一些新的信息。 Although the Underground City ten big plutocrats are not the good thing, but Mag to they very intense malice, this Undying organization, he has not actually wanted to eliminate it to be then quick actually. 虽然地下城十大财阀不是什么好东西,但麦格对他们其实并没有很强烈的恶感,倒是这‘不死者’组织,他欲除之而后快。 The hand of this organization was too long, had extended Nolan continent, moreover killed Elf Queen. 这个组织的手太长了,已经伸到了诺兰大陆,而且杀死了精灵女王 How that said that is also his cheap mother-in-law, the Irina mother. 那怎么说也是他的便宜丈母娘,伊琳娜的亲生母亲。 Although this mother-in-law has not given the blessing at their weddings, but has not compelled him to pour the water for foot-washing. 虽然这个丈母娘在他们的婚事上没有给过祝福,但也没有逼他倒过洗脚水啊。 Kills the enmity of mother-in-law, must report! 杀丈母娘之仇,必报! Moreover restricted data that gains from System, Undying has one to hunt for god plan, goal Nolan continent these gods. 而且从系统获取的内部资料来看,‘不死者’有一个‘猎神’计划,目标正是诺兰大陆的那些神。 Undying asked the immortal, but various gods were immortal, even after can die, samsara. 不死者求长生,而诸神不朽,甚至可以死后轮回。 The Mag profound suspicion, Nolan continent subverts unceasingly, the back that various gods fall from the sky, has the enormous connection with this Undying. 麦格深刻怀疑,诺兰大陆不断颠覆,诸神陨落的背后,和这不死者也有着极大的关联。 This, various god samsara, Sea God and Life Goddess the samsara is successful, Undying opened impatiently new round hunts for the god to act. 这一世,诸神轮回,海神生命女神已经轮回成功,不死者迫不及待的开启了新的一轮猎神行动。 Perhaps if to the Undying action, Nolan continent must fall into the tangled warfare again, various gods fall from the sky again. 如果任由不死者行动,恐怕诺兰大陆又要再次陷入混战,诸神再次陨落。 Is difficult to do......” Mag to sigh in the heart, Undying has ten Temple Lord, each one is the Transcendent Realm powerhouse, the half step Transcendent Realm powerhouse is over 50. “难搞啊……”麦格在心中叹了口气,不死者有十殿主,个个都是超凡境的强者,半步超凡境的强者更是超过五十位。 As for their hands in also many mecha that achieves the half step transcendent strength, this System did not even have the accurate data. 至于他们手中还有多少达到半步超凡实力的机甲,这个连系统都还没有准确数据。 Does not need the Underground City army to send out, if Undying turns out in full strength, destroys completely Nolan continent sufficiently. 都不需要地下城的军队出动,如果不死者倾巢而出,足以灭掉诺兰大陆 The disparity between two realms, so desperate. 两界之间的差距,就是如此的令人绝望。 Perhaps this is Ferdinand dares to allow him to enter Underground City, even comprehends the divine tablet opportunity to him. 这恐怕才是费迪南德敢让他进入地下城,甚至给他参悟神碑的机会。 Even if his to become God how? 哪怕他成神了又如何? Nolan continent only then does a god, how resist the Underground City 1 million army? 诺兰大陆只有一个神,何以抵挡地下城百万军? Soon , the battleship descends, stop. 不久之后,战舰降落,停稳。 Dawn accompanied Congressman Tamm to get down the battleship. 陪着塔姆议员下了战舰。 Marshal must talk over the telephone with you.” After ten minutes, Dawn returns to the battleship, link with the telephone conversation of Ferdinand. 元帅要和你通话。”十分钟后,回到战舰上,联通了与费迪南德的通话。 Good, you successfully completed mission, Congressman Tamm can return safely, I was very gratified.” A Ferdinand face appreciation looks at Mag to say. “不错,你圆满的完成了任务,塔姆议员能够安全回归,我很欣慰。”费迪南德一脸欣赏的看着麦格说道。 mission completed, when does the reward provide?” Mag asked directly. 任务完成了,奖励何时发放?”麦格直接问道。 I have arranged, how Dawn will inform you to do, anticipated that your next mission displays.” Ferdinand ended the telephone conversation with a smile. “我已经安排好,会告知你如何做,期待你的下一次任务表现。”费迪南德笑着结束了通话。 Mag looked to Dawn. 麦格看向了 This is your new status, tomorrow various place excellent representatives will go to the divine tablet world to comprehend, you will enter the stadium by this status.” Dawn gives Mag new bracelet. “这是你的新身份,明天各地方优秀代表将前往神碑世界参悟,你将以这个身份入场。”将一个新的手环递给麦格 Local representative? That this person?” Mag received bracelet, the brow slightly wrinkle. “地方代表?那这个人呢?”麦格接过手环,眉头微皱。 This fellow is an earth overlord, the conduct is eccentric and unreasonable, the hand dyes many human lives, depended on the social climbing powerful official to obtain this quota, was hacked to death on the road, assuming a false identity, was very reasonable?” “这个家伙是个土霸王,行事乖张,手染多条人命,靠着攀附权贵获得了这个名额,被人砍死在路上,冒名顶替,很合理吧?” „Very reasonable.” Mag nods. “是挺合理的。”麦格点点头。 Moreover this also picked the military completely, even if he had anything in the divine tablet world, will not involve the military. 而且这样也完全把军方摘了出去,就算他在神碑世界里发生了点什么,也不会牵连到军方。 „After leaving the military headquarters, I will deliver to this hotel you, tomorrow you will follow the delegation admission then.” Dawn looks at Mag, the look quite said earnestly: Memorizes to comprehend the divine tablet matters needing attention, do not try to make anything to divine tablet, must know in the divine tablet world to have innumerable high rank array, three transcendent powerhouses protect, once passes the moment, will be struck to kill at the scene.” “离开军部后,我会把你送到这家酒店,明天你跟随代表团入场即可。”看着麦格,神色颇为认真道:“熟记参悟神碑的注意事项,不要试图对神碑做什么,要知道神碑世界里有无数高阶阵法,还有三位超凡强者守护,一旦逾矩,会被当场击杀。” I understand.” Mag nods, these he is clearer than Dawn, which array including arranged. “我懂。”麦格点头,这些他比还清楚,包括到底布置了哪些阵法 First Underground City mission completes, Mag obtained one time the opportunity of comprehending divine tablet. 第一个地下城任务完成,麦格获得了一次参悟神碑的机会。 Sounds the quite high-level reward. 听起来相当高级的奖励。 But when he knows a place small ground beetle, depends on holds the thigh of powerful official, can have this comprehending opportunity time, the anticipation value is not quite actually high. 但当他知道一个地方小土鳖,靠着抱权贵的大腿,都能获得这种参悟机会的时候,期待值其实已经不太高。 Naturally, chance type of thing, as deep as a well. 当然,机缘这种东西,难以捉摸。 Underground City each transcendent powerhouse becomes the road of god, has the journey of imposing divine tablet comprehending. 地下城的每一位超凡强者的成神之路,都有一场轰轰烈烈的神碑参悟之旅。 Dawn drove to deliver Mag to have the military headquarters, directly soars hotel that the delegation checked into. 开车送麦格出了军部,直奔代表团入住的酒店。 Mag changes external appearances only, takes new bracelet, checked into the hotel swaggering. 麦格改头换面,拿着新手环,大摇大摆的入住了酒店。 The hotel room, Mag opens Dawn to his shield meter, this takes a bath comfortable lying down on the bed. 酒店房间,麦格打开给他的屏蔽仪,这才洗了个澡舒服的躺在床上。 The travel of this Underground City, over the past five days, had completed first mission under the assistance of System fortunately, tomorrow after comprehending the stele, successful or not, he must return to Nolan continent. 此次地下城之旅,已经过去五天,还好在系统的辅佐下完成了第一个任务,明天参悟石碑之后,无论成功与否,他都得回诺兰大陆了。 Comes out these days, thought the wife and kid and family's hot head. 出来这么些天,想老婆孩子和家里的热炕头了。 Underground City touched a general idea actually, gaps between two world, more touch more heart to be startled. 地下城倒是摸了个大概,两个世界之间的差距,越摸越心惊。 But perhaps with various god samsara, under the guidance of Undying, the collision of two realms is unavoidable. 而随着诸神轮回,在不死者的引导下,两界的碰撞恐怕在所难免。 Although Ferdinand wants to truncate the plutocrat, but is weak after all, even the military not necessarily of one mind, is not can count on the ally. 费迪南德虽然想要削财阀,但终归势单力薄,甚至连军方都不一定齐心,不是一个能指望得上的盟友。 Mag has even thought an escape route, if two realms makes war, they first delivers moon Amy, then ruins transmission array, cuts off the two realms connection. 麦格甚至已经想了一个退路,如果两界开战,把艾米她们先送上月亮,然后毁掉传送阵法,断绝两界关联。 He has even thought that on during that time Moon Country ruined transmission array, can be breaks the association that on a round Underground City invasion causes on own initiative. 他甚至想过,当年月之国上被毁掉的传送阵法,会不会就是上一轮的地下城入侵导致的主动断联。 ...... …… Unexpectedly my blacklisted?!” “竟然把我拉黑了?!” Nomar looks at the chat contact surface the red exclamation mark, after ignorant met, the short of breath said: In this world did not have the man to be able the initiative blacklisted I! I must ask him to ascertain face to face!” 诺玛看着聊天界面的红色感叹号,懵了一会之后,气急道:“这世界上还没有男人可以主动拉黑我!我要当面去找他问清楚!” Young lady, possibly has anything to misunderstand......” young maid to follow Nomar who goes out hurriedly behind, tries to give her to fall the anger. “小姐,可能有什么误会……”小女仆跟在风风火火出门的诺玛身后,试图给她降降火气。 Snort, clarity that he had better be able explain, otherwise...... hmph hmph......” Nomar to board, directly soars the chef dormitory. “哼,他最好能解释的清楚,不然……哼哼……”诺玛上了车,直奔厨师宿舍。 Pressed the a long time/half a day doorbell not to respond, Maharashtra nation knocked on a door, shouted in out of the door: Hardess, you come out to me! Comes out to me!” 按了半天门铃没有反应,诺玛邦邦敲门,在门外喊道:“哈迪斯,你给我出来!给我出来!” In room as before a peace. 房间里依旧一片安静。 Nearby dormitory has chef to open the door to look, finding is Miss Nomar, closes the door to treat as hastily has not seen. 旁边宿舍有厨师开门出来看,瞧见是诺玛小姐,又是连忙关上门当做没看到。 Shortly, Beaucens rushes to the scene, a face compensates saying that smiles: Miss Nomar, Mister Hardess be please prepared the banquet by Miss Nancy, not in dormitory.” 不久后,博桑赶到现场,一脸赔笑的说道:“诺玛小姐,哈迪斯先生南希小姐请去准备宴席了,不在宿舍。” Carried off by Nancy?” Nomar vision one cold, no wonder dares my blacklisted, this is prepares wholeheartedly, when Nancy loyal dog! Snort, where I must have a look at Nancy to be able but actually you to hide go.” “被南希带走了?”诺玛目光一冷,“难怪敢把我拉黑,这是准备一心一意当南希的忠犬啊!哼,我倒要看看南希能把你藏到哪里去。” Where is Nancy at?” Nomar looks at Beaucens to ask. 南希在哪?”诺玛看着博桑问道。 Miss Nancy she......” Beaucens, that side Miss Nancy also makes him seek for Hardess painstakingly secretly, here must stand firm Miss Nomar, he clamps in the middle, is unpopular everywhere and with everybody. 南希小姐她……”博桑心里苦啊,那边南希小姐还让他秘密寻找哈迪斯,这边又得稳住诺玛小姐,他夹在中间,里外不是人。 Hardess walks away actually, is glad idly. 倒是哈迪斯一走了之,乐得清闲。 Was needless saying that I know where she was.” Nomar turns around to go downstairs, directly soars the Nancy villa. “不用说了,我知道她在哪。”诺玛转身下楼,直奔南希的别墅。 Nancy is preparing flying car, Nomar toward the car(riage) previous stand, hands on hips said: You the Hardess conceals which?” 南希正准备上飞车,诺玛往车前一站,双手叉腰道:“你把哈迪斯藏哪了?” „Can you manage?” Nancy cold Liandao, her righteous qi Nomar compels Hardess to leave, this girl also dares to come to stop up her. “你管得着吗?”南希冷脸道,她正气诺玛逼得哈迪斯离开,这丫头还敢上门堵她。 „Can you lead him to elope are?” A Nomar eyeball revolution, before rushing, opens the vehicle door to look, in car(riage) not the second person. “你要带他私奔是不是?”诺玛眼珠一转,冲上前拉开车门一看,车里并无第二人。 I am sad today, if you provoke me again, do not blame me not being impolite to you.” In the hand of Nancy presented a disciplinary ruler, looks at Nomar to say indifferently. “我今天心情不好,你要是再招惹我,别怪我对你不客气。”南希的手里出现了一把戒尺,冷眼看着诺玛说道。 Feels murderous aura in Nancy eye, looks at disciplinary ruler in her hand again, Nomar imposing manner was weak immediately several points, closes the vehicle door, drew back backward two steps, on most as before not bountiful say/way: Your ominous anything ominous, I told you, you could not keep, I must certainly ask him to do accounts!” 感受到南希眼中的杀气,再看一眼她手里的戒尺,诺玛气势顿时弱了几分,关上车门,向后退了两步,最上依旧不饶道:“你凶什么凶,我告诉你,你藏不住的,我肯定要找他算账的!” Nancy was cold the face to board, rumbles a foot accelerator, silver flying car vanished in the horizon. 南希冷着脸上车,轰了一脚油门,银色飞车消失在天际。 Ominous woman, does not marry for a lifetime.” Nomar makes faces to above the sky, is knitting the brows to size up a villa, bore went to search for the impulsion of person. “凶女人,一辈子都嫁不出去。”诺玛冲着天上做了个鬼脸,皱着眉打量了一下别墅,还是忍住了进去搜人的冲动。 Nancy is not silly, is insufficient to hide toward the villa in a chef. 南希又不傻,不至于把一个厨子往别墅里藏。 Where will he be at? 那他会在哪呢? Gives my, his is currently in.” Nomar and young maid told. “给我查查,他现在在哪。”诺玛和小女仆吩咐道。 ...... …… Strange, how does the military check that place secret foothold? Also can save unexpectedly in such a short time.” “奇怪,军方是如何查到那处秘密据点的?竟然还能在如此短的时间内将人救走。” Big brother, this matter Undying that side suspicion was we disclosed the news, how should deal?” “大哥,此事不死者那边怀疑是我们走漏了消息,该如何应对?” Snort, this matter with our what does/works, you goes personally, actually where has problems, do not make this matter be connected our family.” “哼,此事与我们何干,你亲自去一趟,查查究竟是哪里出了问题,不要让这件事关联到我们家族。” Good, my goes.” “好,我这就去。” Gardner hastily leaves the McCarthy manor. 加德纳匆匆离开麦卡锡庄园。 ...... …… The military disseminated news a bulletin immediately, before ten days, was kidnapped Congressman Tamm who to be rescued facing the street successfully, this event suspects with mysterious organization Undying related. 军方随即播报了一则快报,十日前被当街绑架的塔姆议员被成功解救,此次事件怀疑与神秘组织‘不死者’有关。 This news caused big mighty waves, making the major plutocrats quite vibrate. 这则消息引起了不小的波澜,让各大财阀颇为震动。 This is the first time that the military Undying incorporating into is the vilent group, although the expression is cautious, but has shown the explicit attitude. 这是军方第一次将不死者划归为暴力组织,虽然言辞谨慎,但已经表现出明确的态度。 ...... …… Next morning, Mag follows the delegation to ride bus flying car, goes to the divine tablet world. 第二天一早,麦格跟随代表团乘坐大巴飞车,前往神碑世界。 The divine tablet day falls, making Underground City be separated fast barbarically, enters the civilization society, then climbs the technical tree, the achievement present higher civilization. 神碑天降,让地下城快速脱离野蛮,步入文明社会,进而攀登科技树,成就了现在的高等文明 It can be said that divine tablet is the core of Underground City world, is a founder. 可以说,神碑就是地下城世界的核心,也是缔造者。 Therefore the Underground City all parties influence clashes over each other, but regarding the protection of divine tablet actually completely wholeheartedly. 所以地下城各方势力互相倾轧,但对于神碑的守护却完全一心。 Since has counted ten thousand years, principle that divine tablet overflows, constructs an indistinct divine tablet world around divine tablet, the fog covered, looks from the outside world, just like the fairyland. 万年以来,神碑流溢出来的法则,在神碑周围构建起了一个飘渺的神碑世界,云雾笼罩,从外界看去,犹如仙境。 But in the divine tablet nearby housing stock in 30 kilometers, in the sky does not allow to have any in the air castle. 而在神碑附近房源三十公里内,天空中不允许存在任何空中城堡。 Therefore, towers in the Tucker City center, this Gundam/up to nine kilometers divine tablet, appears huge incomparable. 所以,耸立于塔克城中央,这座高达九千米的神碑,显得巨大无比。 What concept are nine kilometers? 九千米是什么概念? Mag had climbed up 828 meters Halifata, but this divine tablet compares ten Halifata to superimpose is high. 麦格曾经攀上过828米的哈利法塔,而这座神碑比十座哈利法塔叠加还要高。 Naturally, if not very noticeable, during that time this divine tablet drops from the clouds, was neglected directly, that story also arrived at this to end. 当然,如果不够引人注目,当年神碑从天而降的时候,直接被忽略了,那故事也就到此结束了。 Mag follows in queue, was seemingly common, attracted indistinct fairyism, then brushed bracelet, enters admission channel that the fog wound around. 麦格跟在队伍中间,看起来毫不起眼,吸了一口飘渺的仙气,然后刷了手环,进了云雾缭绕的入场通道。 The seemingly long channel, one step strides, then entered in another space, the inner space is much greater than that side fog that outside sees. 看似漫长的通道,一步跨入,便进入了另一个空间之中,内部空间远大于外面所看到的那一方云雾。 Mysterious.” Mag acclaimed one in the heart, subconscious raising the head looks. “玄妙。”麦格在心中赞叹了一声,下意识的抬头望去。 The giant stele towers in the world, aware tiny. 巨大的石碑耸立于天地之间,让人自觉渺小。 Resembles gold/metal Sishi, the plain engraved inscription lingers on. 似金似石,古朴的铭文萦绕而上。 Then. 然后。 He was shocked. 他愣住了。 fuck!” 卧槽!” He could not bear send out a national essence. 他忍不住发出了一声国粹。 Above that divine tablet, writes with the Chinese character impressively: 神碑之上,赫然用汉字写着: At the beginning of remote antiquity, who passing on the dao it? High and low not shape, what by...... 遂古之初,谁传道之?上下未形,何由……
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