SDRAW :: Volume #25

#2480: Enters the McCarthy manor

This time-honored mysterious organization, in the world of average person is almost the stealth, but has the complicated relations with the plutocrats. 这个历史悠久的神秘组织,在普通人的世界几乎是隐身,但却与众财阀之间有着千丝万缕的关系。 Before Mag knew this organization to have the relation with the plutocrat, perhaps the plutocrat was behind the donor, but from various plutocrat inside information, this relations as if must be more complex. 之前麦格知晓这个组织与财阀必有联系,或许财阀是背后金主,但从各财阀内部情报来看,这种关系似乎还要更复杂一些。 The plutocrat is not the Undying back master, instead the plutocrat seems like in consecrate Undying. 财阀并非不死者的背后控制者,反而财阀像是在供奉不死者 In the hand of Undying as if grasps is letting the thing that the plutocrat dreads, or is to make the plutocrat be willing for the thing that it lowers the head to flatter. 不死者的手中似乎掌握着让财阀畏惧的东西,或者是让财阀愿意为之低头谄媚的东西。 All clues showed that has this type of thing, but has no clue explicitly said that is anything, probably was existence of taboo. 所有线索都说明存在着这种东西,但没有任何一条线索明确的说出那是什么,像是是禁忌的存在。 Naturally, fruit cake that the plutocrat does not let the person to act bashful, between the two favors the relations of cooperation. 当然,财阀也不是任人拿捏的软柿子,二者之间更倾向于合作的关系。 Congressman Tamm missing event, cannot be inseparable from Undying, what McCarthy family acts is the role of executor. 塔姆议员失踪事件,与不死者脱不了干系,麦卡锡家族扮演的是实施者的角色。 Can determine, Congressman Tamm had not been taken into the McCarthy manor, from a McCarthy family secret news, the same day of kidnapping case, Congressman Tamm had been turned over Undying. 可以确定,塔姆议员根本就没有被带进麦卡锡庄园,从麦卡锡家族内部的一条机密讯息来看,绑架案发生的当天,塔姆议员就已经被移交给不死者 This is not wantons mischief, even went, is not useful.” Mag curled the lip, thinks of every means to infiltrate the McCarthy manor with the Chef King given name, finally person at all not here. “这不是瞎胡闹嘛,就算进去了,有个屁用。”麦格撇嘴,费尽心思拿了个厨王名号混进麦卡锡庄园,结果人根本不在这里。 Mag paces to ponder in the room, after long time, eyes lit up. 麦格在房间里踱步思考着,半晌后,眼睛一亮 Is the Ferdinand information contains errors, so long as I get so far as that secret news to give Ferdinand, my mission naturally also completed.” Mag is thinking. “是费迪南德的情报有误,我只要弄到那份机密讯息交给费迪南德,我的任务自然也就完成了。”麦格想着。 That secret news is McCarthy family three master Gardner issues patriarch Theodore, this Gardner on outwardly is the president of McCarthy family affiliated Makah Financial group, simultaneously the manager of McCarthy family foreign operation section, Congressman Tamm the kidnapping case is he plans to facilitate single-handedly. 那份机密讯息是一个麦卡锡家族的三爷加德纳发给族长西奥多的,这位加德纳明面上是麦卡锡家族旗下德玛卡财团的总裁,同时还是麦卡锡家族对外行动部的主管,塔姆议员绑架案就是他一手策划促成的。 in Mag’s hand gains this encryption news, but this, if gives Ferdinand is not good to explain directly. 麦格手里已经获取了这份加密讯息,但这要是直接交给费迪南德可不好解释。 How to say? Cannot say that his having god-given wisdom rare talent, how many days comes Underground City, studies independently to become the super hacker, entered the McCarthy family intranet black, stole the information? 怎么说?总不能说他天纵奇才,才来地下城几天,就自学成为了超级黑客,黑进了麦卡锡家族内部网,偷到了情报? The thing that the military that powerful intelligence network has not done, did he do with ease? 军方那么强大的情报网都没有搞到的东西,他轻轻松松就搞到了? Mag has the clear cognition regarding Ferdinand, the opposite party dares to allow him to enter Underground City, and granted him to visit divine tablet, thought inevitably can control his all. 麦格对于费迪南德有着清楚的认知,对方敢让他进入地下城,并且允诺他参观神碑,必然是觉得能够掌控他的一切。 Unusuality that once he displays, more than he expected, this cooperation will perhaps disintegrate. 一旦他表现的过于异常,超出他的预期,这种合作关系或许就会瓦解。 It seems like this McCarthy manor results in one time, was the time shows the true performing skill. 看来这麦卡锡庄园还是得走一遭,是时候展现真正的演技了。 ...... …… Tries Foggs The event stirs the controversy in Underground City, sees with own eyes to do all kinds of evil, is unable the plutocrat son of upper-class family of disciplinary punishment, to be placed on trial executes, is it may be said that exciting. 【审判弗格斯】事件在地下城引起轩然大波,眼见作恶多端,又无法惩戒的财阀贵公子,被审判行刑,可谓大快人心。 But the young master buddies of major plutocrats, almost also go into hiding, these evening performance princes and Princess, the top faction to the chancellor person, did not have the trace all of a sudden. 而各大财阀的公子哥们,几乎同时销声匿迹,那些夜场王子、公主,顶级派对主事人,一下子全没了踪影。 These were depending in the family/home the power and influence, swollen with arrogance youngster, became benefits outside docilely. 连带着那些原本仗着家里权势,在外气焰嚣张的年轻人,都变得温顺利了许多。 Including Foggs such plutocrat direct descendant juniors, under the protection of half step transcendent powerhouse, was placed on trial as before executes, what are they? 弗格斯这样的财阀嫡系子弟,在半步超凡强者的保护下,依旧被审判行刑,他们算个啥? This fellow, killed two people, purged the plutocrat for these years the rampant domineering abuse, really horizontal fearing reckless.” Ferdinand looks the document that the secretary just transmitted, on the solemn face showed several points of happy expression. “这个家伙,杀了两个人,就整肃了财阀这么多年来嚣张跋扈的恶习,果然横的怕不要命的。”费迪南德看着秘书刚刚发送来的文件,冷峻的脸上露出了几分笑意。 This youngster, the strength and mental makes him greatly appreciate, in a Underground City young generation incompetent and his person of being on par. 年轻人,实力与心智都让他极为赞赏,地下城年轻一辈中无能与其比肩之人。 What a pity, he came from Nolan continent. 可惜,他来自诺兰大陆 ...... …… Next morning, Mag receives the news that assistant Nancy sends, tidied up a personal product simply, then follows the assistant to arrive at rooftop through the distinguished guest elevator. 第二天一早,麦格接到南希助理发来的讯息,简单收拾了一下个人用品,便跟随助理通过贵宾电梯来到天台。 In broad rooftop is stopping a small-scale fighter aircraft. 宽阔的天台上停着一架小型战机。 This?” Some Mag surprise, isn't the McCarthy manor in Tucker City? From is about dozens kilometers, sits flying car also on a dozen minutes of distance, on was the fighter aircraft a little exaggerating? “这?”麦格有些诧异,麦卡锡庄园不是就在塔克城内吗?距离不过数十公里,坐飞车也就十几分钟的路程,上战机就有点夸张了吧? Is Miss Nancy arranges, you board craft by all means then.” Assistant delightful said with a smile. “是南希小姐安排的,您只管登机即可。”助理甜美的微笑道 Mag nods, boarded the fighter aircraft quickly. 麦格点头,快步登上了战机。 Sits, immediately.” Nancy already on fighter aircraft, to Mag said with a smile. “坐吧,马上就出发了。”南希已经在战机上,冲着麦格微笑道 Can look, her today's seemed to be happy, wore an English daisy skirt of broken flowers, compared with the first several days solemn appearance, slightly was fresher. 看得出来,她今天的心情似乎不错,穿了一件碎花的雏菊裙子,与前几日端庄的打扮相比,更为小清新一些。 Mag in her opposite sits down. 麦格在她对面坐下。 Foggs died, should you know?” Nancy said, a pair of beautiful pupil is staring at Mag. 弗格斯死了,你应该知道吧?”南希说道,一双美眸盯着麦格 Un, yesterday saw, punishment is deserved.” Mag nods. “嗯,昨天看到了,罪有应得。”麦格点头。 Indeed could look at Nancy to be attentive to him, the fighter aircraft sent and picked up, to guard against Dickson family is beginning mostly to him. 看得出来南希对他的确用心了,战机接送,多半是为了防着狄克逊家族对他动手。 Angelina should very be gratified, the murderer who after all kills her elder sister, paid the price finally.” Nancy is somewhat sigh with emotion. 安吉丽娜应该会很欣慰吧,毕竟杀死她姐姐的凶手,终于付出了代价。”南希有些感慨。 That fellow, even if died, could not receive in exchange her elder sister.” Mag said in a low voice. “那个家伙就算死了,也换不回她的姐姐了。”麦格低声道。 Nancy purses the lips, silent three seconds, changes the topic: Will return to the manor, some chef section people to receive you, arranges your life and work. I have greeted with them, you are special invited chef, only needs responsible family to invite with the diet of core family member then.” 南希抿嘴,沉默了三秒,转开话题道:“等会回到庄园,厨师部会有人接待你,安排你的生活和工作。我已经和他们打过招呼,你是特聘厨师,只需要负责家族宴请和核心家族成员的饮食即可。” Understood.” Mag nods, starting today, he was one hits the worker. “明白。”麦格点头,从今天开始,他就是一个打工人了。 „After going back, you must guard are selecting Nomar, this girl mind is small, you used her Medusa snake waist to make the meal, will go back definitely to feel embarrassed you.” Nancy also urged, you did not need too to worry, if she bullied you, you said with me although, I will make her restrain.” “回去之后,你要提防着点诺玛,这丫头心眼小,你用她的美杜莎蛇腰做了菜,回去肯定会为难你。”南希又叮嘱道,“不过你也不用太担心,如果她欺压你,你尽管和我说,我会让她收敛。” Mag nods, the thoughts are flexible. 麦格点了点头,心思却活泛起来。 Nomar McCarthy, is not the Nancy her Third Uncle Gardner's treasure daughter, natural disposition tender barbarian, with Nancy as if not too to taste. 诺玛・麦卡锡,不就是南希她三叔加德纳的宝贝女儿,生性娇蛮,和南希似乎不太对味。 He is Nancy takes into McCarthy family, definitely will be pasting the label of Nancy loyal dog, moreover killed others pet snake to take the waist, going back not the put on small shoes was strange. 他是南希带进麦卡锡家族的,必然会贴着南希忠犬的标签,而且还杀了人家宠物蛇取腰,回去不被穿小鞋才怪。 The situation is not quite as if wonderful, but in the Mag heart has a general plan. 情况似乎不太妙,但麦格心中已经有了一个大概的计划。 He is not marries into the wife's household, does mission is complete flee immediately, serves a need to operate carefully? 他又不是来入赘的,完成任务立马遁走,用得着小心经营? ...... …… The fighter aircraft takes off, after several minutes, then hovering in a lawn. 战机起飞,几分钟后便悬停在一处草坪上。 Mag follows Nancy to go out of the fighter aircraft, looks at a stretch of broad lawn and within the wrong luxurious villa group, with distant place these several hundred tall building as if two world. 麦格跟随着南希走出战机,看着一片宽阔的草坪与间错的豪华别墅群,和远处那些数百层高楼仿佛两个世界。 In the Tucker City center of this inch of land worth an inch of gold, only had ten big plutocrats to be so lavish and ostentation. 在这寸土寸金的塔克城中心,也只有十大财阀才能这般阔气和排场了。 Welcome two young ladies to go home.” A middle-aged man of butler appearance appearance, leading ten several male servant maids to bow to say. “欢迎二小姐回家。”一位管家模样打扮的中年男人,带着十数位男仆女仆躬身道。 Nancy and that butler said two, then leave directly. 南希和那管家说了两句,然后便径直离开。 butler looks that the Nancy back goes far away, this moves toward Mag. 管家看着南希的背影远去,这才走向麦格 Mister Hardess, I am the Nancy Miss's personal butler Beaucens, please come with me, I lead you to be familiar with the manor, as well as enters some matters needing attention of duty......” butler to bring Mag to move toward nearby track, walks while said. 哈迪斯先生,我是南希小姐的私人管家博桑,请跟我来,我带你熟悉一下庄园,以及入职的一些注意事项……”管家带着麦格走向一旁的小道,边走边说道。
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