SDRAW :: Volume #25

#2428: The justice may be late

Mag reads that list, the brow deeply wrinkles. 麦格看着那份名单,眉头深深皱起。 This may really be an odor circle. 这可真是一个恶臭的圈子。 These have the extremely attractive personal history, the foreign affectedly virtuous, clear good star, is actually doing the dirty dirty matter in the back. 那些有着极其漂亮的履历,对外道貌岸然,清纯善良的明星,背地里却干着何等肮脏龌龊的事情。 Rapes, murder and captivity...... 强奸、杀人、囚禁…… But these people enliven in that circle at this moment as before, by the person respectfully name is teacher. 而这些人此刻依旧活跃在那个圈子里,被人恭恭敬敬的称呼为老师 Mag just arrived at Underground City, but also wants to rescue the Underground City people of abyss of suffering is insufficient the sense of justice to explode. 麦格才刚刚来到地下城,还不至于正义感爆的想要解救水深火热的地下城民众。 He screened earnestly, intercepted several names, then accessed the net to search, started to send Weitui. 他认真筛选了一遍,截取了几个名字,然后上网搜索了一下,开始发微推 The Mag first attack object is a named Horace's director, this is various prizes attains the lenient director, in more than 300 years from the shadow experience, filmed more than 200 movies, is quite high-yield. 麦格第一个出击对象是一个名为霍勒斯的导演,这是一个各种奖拿到手软的导演,在三百多年的从影经历中,拍摄了两百多部电影,极为高产。 In the character introduction of Weitui, he is the director of noble character and high prestige, is the stars of movie history sparkle, a milestone. 微推的人物介绍中,他是德高望重的导演,是电影历史闪耀的星辰,一座丰碑。 But is such a director of noble character and high prestige, in more than 300 years of director professions, the nature invaded over 300 young actors, ten several people commit suicide ashamed and resentfully, the victim entreats impossible. 而就是这样一位德高望重的导演,在三百多年的导演生涯中,性侵了超过三百位年轻演员,十数人羞愤自杀,受害者求告无门。 These facts above the network, do not have the heat degree, even can only find few words. 这些事迹在网络之上,却毫无热度,甚至只能找到只言片语。 But Horace enlivens in the film and television circle as before, recently just attained to throw 1 billion, is filming a large-scale war piece, the heat searches for in the list also to hang a related news. 而霍勒斯依旧活跃在影视圈,最近刚获投十亿,正在拍摄一部大型战争片,热搜榜上还挂着一条相关的讯息。 These actor who uses body to exchange the opportunity, Mag is not pitiful, is only among these victims, almost half is the extra and practice student, they have not even stepped into this industry officially, was spoiled by Horace. 那些用身体交换机会的演员,麦格并不可怜,只是那些受害者当中,几乎有一半是临时演员和实习学生,她们甚至还没有正式踏入这个行业,便被霍勒斯糟蹋。 The victims of these suicides, basically are also this community. 那些自杀的受害者,基本也是这个群体。 The weak trend, entreats impossible, even network voice deleted clean. 弱势,求告无门,甚至连网络发声都被删的一干二净。 Is standing behind Horace, is Dickson family. 在霍勒斯背后站着的,正是狄克逊家族 Yes, is that has Two Towers Building, family that makes him to eat meal the rich woman who is. 是的,就是那个坐拥双塔大厦,约他吃饭的富婆所在的家族 Mag retransmits dying Weitui that a victim of three views transmitted, after transmitting this Weitui, she chose to jump from an upper story to end the oneself life. 麦格转发了一条只有三个浏览量的受害者发送的绝命微推,发送了这条微推后,她选择跳楼结束了自己的生命。 In this Weitui, her tears of blood stated when Horace Dramatic team photographs, as her of extra, by the process that Horace and two acting the leading role invade. 在这篇微推中,她血泪陈述了在霍勒斯剧组拍摄期间,作为临时演员的她,被霍勒斯和两位主演性侵的过程。 But no one sees this Weitui, only has three views. 但没有人看到这条微推,只有三个浏览量。 This is Weitui that Dawn helped him find. 这是帮他找到的微推 His Horace, just may be late, but will never absent.” 他霍勒斯,“正义可能会迟到,但永远不会缺席。” Sends Weitui, she turns the head to look at Dawn, I need to guarantee that this Weitui will not be deleted, cannot by the current limiting.” 发完微推,她转头看着,“我需要确保这条微推不会被删除,也不会被限流。” Dawn pondered, the nod said: Can achieve.” 思考了一下,点头道:“可以做到。” ...... …… Under Mag the Weitui, presented the commentary immediately. 麦格的这条微推下,立马出现了许多评论。 fuck! Is this real? I looked the movie that Horace grows up.” 卧槽!这是真的吗?我可是看霍勒斯的电影长大的。” My grandfathers are looked the movie that Horace grows up, he almost won all prizes of film and television circle, how to handle this matter?” “我爷爷都是看霍勒斯的电影长大的,他几乎拿了影视圈的所有奖,怎么会做这种事情?” Felt that oneself seems like cha in melon field today, scurries about.” “感觉自己今天像是瓜田里的猹,上蹿下跳。” This rookie to pay attention was insane? By the prestige that Huo leads, the casualness can him block.” “这个新人为了关注度疯了吧?以霍导的名望,随便就能把他封杀了。” Charlie is my childhood male god, is insufficient?” 查利可是我的童年男神,不至于吧?” Squats to spike a rumour, or a solid hammer.” “蹲一个辟谣,或者一个实锤。” ...... …… The Jasper event, making the Mag account number be in the maelstrom center, therefore approves the disturbance after the point, the message that his Horace retransmits, as well as those words, blows the tornado on Weitui directly, mounted searches for the list hotly, and started to climb rapidly. 贾斯伯事件,让麦格的账号本就处于漩涡中心,所以继点赞风波之后,他霍勒斯转发的这条消息,以及那句话,也是直接在微推上刮起了旋风,登上热搜榜,并且开始迅速爬升。 ‚The Hardess roll-call Horace underage few females invade the event!’ 哈迪斯点名霍勒斯涉未成年少女性侵事件!’ Charlie and Bart doubt with Horace invade the indictment with falling!’ 查利巴特疑与霍勒斯同陷性侵指控!’ Many topics succeed in the imperial civil service examination system. 多个话题登榜。 The Weitui aspect responded rapidly, fell the heat degree, closed/pass the commentary, hid the keyword, tried to depress this matter. 微推方面反应迅速,降热度,关评论,隐藏关键词,试图压下此事。 Mag looks that the heat of ranking fast drop searches, in the list is only left over the last related topic, obviously the energy of opposite party. 麦格看着排名快速下降的热搜,榜单上只剩下最后一个相关话题,可见对方的能量。 He then looked at the eye with Dawn that the person chatted, did not have anxiously the urging. 他回头看了眼正在和人聊天的,没有急着催促。 ...... …… Meanwhile, Weitui headquarters, ten third floor operation sections. 与此同时,微推总部,十三楼运营部。 Operations director Amos complexion heavy looks at the just-received news, the director of board of directors requests him remove Horace to search for related hotly, and seals the Hardess account number. 运营总监阿莫斯面色沉重的看着刚刚收到的消息,董事会的一位董事要求他撤掉霍勒斯相关热搜,并且封掉哈迪斯的账号。 Another side, he also just received subordinate report, Chef King competition just submitted the new activity application, already to the account, wants the Weitui aspect to give the Hardess PK activity drainage. 另一边,他也刚刚接到属下汇报,厨王争霸赛方面刚刚提交了新的活动申请,款已经到账,要微推方面给哈迪斯pk活动引流。 The wishful thinking of Chef King competition side, Amos apparent, the Jasper event brought some negative impacts on the program, has not fermented, Horace's matter exploded, but also leads the Charlie and Charlie liangs veteran star, attracted all of a sudden vision that eats the melon people, this may be stronger than what public relations method. 厨王争霸赛方的小心思,阿莫斯一眼便知,贾斯伯事件给节目带来了一些负面影响,还没发酵开来,霍勒斯的事情爆了出来,还带着查利位老牌明星,一下子吸引了吃瓜群众的目光,这可比什么公关手段都强。 What is more important, what the back of Chef King competition is standing is McCarthy family, Miss Nancy is a head, similarly occupies one in the board of directors, he cannot stir up. 更重要的是,厨王争霸赛的背后站着的是麦卡锡家族,南希小姐就是负责人,同样在董事会占据一席,他也惹不起啊。 As the operations director, he is certainly glad to see this matter, even is willing to the current capacity, to push again, this year's KPI possibly finished ahead of schedule. 作为运营总监,他当然乐于见到这种事情,甚至愿意给点流量,再推一把,今年的KPI可能就提前完成了。 But the present matter involves to two big plutocrat family, a he young operations director, clamps in the middle, was really uncomfortable. 可现在的事情牵扯到两大财阀家族,他一个小小的运营总监,夹在中间,实在是太难受了。 This mellow color approves, should go to hell early.” Amos spat saliva, under the request presses the heat degree, how while ponders should communicate with the Chef King competition that side. “这个老色批,早该下地狱了。”阿莫斯啐了一口唾沫,一边要求属下压热度,一边思考着该如何与厨王争霸赛那边沟通。 Cleans up this matter to Horace, the first time is not they operates the section to do, including to these tears of blood complaint current limiting, is their operations. 给霍勒斯擦屁股这种事,已经不是他们运营部第一次干了,包括给那些血泪控诉限流,也都是他们的操作。 Amos often is also troubled, but sits in this position, he does not do, naturally can change a person to do. 阿莫斯也时常感到不安,但坐在这个位置上,他不做,自然会换一个人来做。 Today this matter is exploded suddenly, moreover clamps the peak traffic of morning this wave of event to come out, making them operate the section to be somewhat caught off guard. 今天这件事突然被爆出来,而且还是夹着早上这波事件的流量高峰出来的,让他们运营部都有些措手不及。 However according to the convention, this matter should let it go finally. 不过按照惯例,这件事最后应该会不了了之。 Just announced pure vegetarian person who participates in the variety, noble character and high prestige in the entertainment world with one, has the successful director who the big plutocrat supports, fights a hopeless battle, no more than so. 一个刚刚宣布参加综艺的纯素人,和一个在娱乐圈德高望重,有大财阀撑腰的大导演,以卵击石,不过如此。 But looks at that segment words, Amos feels particularly dazzling. 但看着那段话,阿莫斯却觉得分外的刺眼。 Just may be late, but will never absent!” “正义可能会迟到,但永远不会缺席!” Guilty? Fear? 愧疚?还是害怕? Aren't the accomplices? Covered these girls' mouths, making them die in the despair. 他们不也是帮凶吗?捂住了那些女孩的嘴巴,让她们在绝望中死去。 Amos shakes the head, in chaotic the distracting thoughts the brain abandoned, dialed the telephone of Chef King competition director. 阿莫斯摇了摇头,把脑子里纷乱的杂念抛开,拨通了厨王争霸赛导演的电话。 ...... …… Outside Tucker city, in a film and television base. 塔克城外,一座影视基地中。 The great war scene is splendid sight, this is newly the scenery of starting «Blood and iron War» dramatic team arrange/cloth, is directed by renowned director Horace, real power faction actor Charlie and Bart act the leading role. 宏大的战争场景蔚为壮观,这是新开机的《铁血战争》剧组布的景,由著名导演霍勒斯执导,实力派演员查利巴特主演。 Iron triangle that these three are called the movement and war piece, the cooperation ten several movies, the prize attained leniently. 这三位被称为动作、战争片的铁三角,共同合作了十数部电影,奖拿到手软。 However this meeting, this iron triangle gathers in the director office, is the whole face is heavy. 不过这会,这铁三角聚在导演办公室里,却是满脸沉重。
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