SDRAW :: Volume #24

#2353: The firm foundation puts on!

The author outgoing message clarifies, the publishing house Boss grasped news, the restaurant people also knew. 作者发文澄清,出版社老板被抓的消息,餐厅众人也知道了。 Everyone naturally likes, after all over the two days was listening to the low voice discussion of guests, thought that is not quite good, now the rumor was defeated, the bastard was grasped, this matter was also comes to the end. 大家自然欢喜,毕竟这两天听着客人们的小声议论,都觉得心情不太好,现在谣言被击破,坏蛋被抓了起来,这件事也算是告一段落了。 Is who does as for this matter, Mag had not acknowledged that also had not denied, only said was a friend helped slightly busy. 至于这件事是谁做的,麦格没有承认,也没有否认,只说是一个朋友帮了点小忙。 But whose about that author was this issue, Mag returns Miss Cynthia who was concerned about face to keep secret slightly, only said that was one about 40 -year-old dreadful uncle. 而关于那位作者是谁这个问题,麦格给还要脸的辛西娅小姐稍稍保密了一下,只说是一个四十岁左右的猥琐大叔。 ...... …… Young lady, Cyril was grasped.” A female secretary half step enters the Gloria office, said. “小姐,西里尔被抓了。”一位女秘书快步走进歌洛璃娅的办公室,说道。 Gloria hearing this gawked, puts down the ratio in hand, looks at the secretary to ask: What's the matter?” 歌洛璃娅闻言愣了一下,放下手中的比,看着秘书问道:“怎么回事?” Just the news that spread from your family, said that involved a situation with the cheating and violation, needs to pay damages the penalty 30 million copper coin, because the amount was huge, therefore detain can City Lord's mansion that side.” The secretary said fast, „, moreover I inquired, this matter is probably related with Mamy Restaurant Boss Mag.” “刚刚从您家族那边传来的消息,说是涉及了一场合同诈骗和违约,需要赔付违约金三千万铜币,因为金额巨大,所以被能城主府那边拘留了。”秘书快速说道,“而且我打听了一下,这件事好像还和麦米餐厅麦老板有关。” Mister Mag?” The Gloria doubts, what relations this matter and does he have?” 麦格先生?”歌洛璃娅疑惑,“此事和他又有什么关系?” This......” secretary face one red, actually does not dare to conceal, can only spreads in Chaos City two days «Boss Mag Furin Little Lovely wife» widely, Boss Mag became the dregs male matter in person of population 1510 to say. “这……”秘书脸一红,却也不敢有所隐瞒,只能将这两天一本《麦老板的不伦小娇妻》在混乱之城广为流传,麦老板成了人人口中的渣男的事情一五一十的说了一遍。 How don't I know this matter?” Gloria knits the brows, over the two days she was busy the matter of spring clothing, has not thought that actually also had this matter. “我怎么不知道此事?”歌洛璃娅皱眉,这两天她忙着出春装的事情,没想到竟然还发生了这种事情。 Today that author comes out to spike a rumour personally, but also Boss Mag was pure . Moreover the book of bookstore also by bottom carriage.” The secretary said hastily: Is only has not thought that Boss and Cyril of that publishing house do not grasp.” “今天那作者亲自出来辟谣了呢,还了麦老板清白,而且书店的书也都被下架了。”秘书连忙说道:“只是没想到那出版社的老板西里尔也别抓进去了。” Gloria looking pensive, has not talked too much, but asked: family that side what responded? What can the grandfather have to confess?” 歌洛璃娅若有所思,并未多言,而是问道:“家族那边什么反应?祖父可有交代什么?” It is said the offical mission attendant comes in the mansion to cause difficulties for others, Cyril and old madame attempt the violent resistance, the master rushed, flies into a rage, hit Cyril and old madame respectively one palm of the hand, moreover said, Moreton family will not have the one cent and a force component for Cyril.” “据说官差来府中拿人的时候,西里尔和老夫人试图暴力抗拒,老爷赶到,大发雷霆,打了西里尔和老夫人各一巴掌,而且放出话来,莫尔顿家族不会为西里尔出一分钱和一分力。” I knew, you first get down.” Gloria slightly nodded, after the secretary goes out, revealed the surprised color. “我知道了,你先下去吧。”歌洛璃娅微微点头,等到秘书出去之后,才露出了惊讶之色。 She knows actually after the grandmother and Cyril goes north to flee from calamity, the grandfather about them is quite then unhappy, but has not thought that he middle slaps grandmother today unexpectedly, moreover threatened that will not rescue Cyril. 她倒是知道从祖母和西里尔一家北上逃难之后,祖父便对他们极为不喜,只是没想到他今日竟然当中打了祖母一巴掌,而且还扬言不会救西里尔 The grandmother most pays great attention to the face, most loves Cyril, grandfather today so, but tore to pieces the facial skin with her completely. 祖母最是注重脸面,又最是宠爱西里尔,祖父今日这般,可是完全和她撕破了脸皮。 Gloria will not naturally believe Mag is the dregs male, otherwise is she not very attractive? 歌洛璃娅自然是不会信麦格是渣男,否则她还不够漂亮吗? Is this matter she who Mag is is not quite actually clear, but also thought that has this possibility. 此事究竟是不是麦格做的她不太清楚,但也觉得有这种可能。 Although Mister Mag treats people gently natural, actually will be no one can the person of humiliation, Cyril and Delmar will pull in the same place, explained that this fabricating a rumor matter will unable to escape from the responsibility with him. 麦格先生虽然待人温柔大方,却也不是谁都可以欺侮之人,西里尔和德尔玛会扯在一起,说明此次造谣的事情与他逃不脱干系。 So the counter-attack, pours also conforms to his character. 这般反击,倒也符合他的性格。 30 million copper coin, then regarding present her is a big number, let alone in Cyril this hand could not keep the black sheep of the family of money forever. 只是三千万铜币,便是对于现在的她来说都是一笔不小的数目,更别说西里尔这个手里永远存不住钱的败家子了。 Now the grandfather does not make family disburse money to help him, saw the grandmother youngest son, for this most loves, whether will put out own secret stash of money to come. 现在祖父不让家族出钱帮他,就看祖母为了这个最宠爱的小儿子,是否会拿出自己的私房钱来了。 Gets what one deserves.” Gloria scolded one in a soft voice, covers the mouth chuckle, with beginning a stroke to continue to work. “活该。”歌洛璃娅轻声骂了一声,掩嘴轻笑,拿起笔继续工作。 She had not forgotten Cyril family belongings want to expel the Moreton family ugly countenance their family/home initially, although she had not been thinking the revenge, but sees that now they were punished, feels as before carefree. 她可没有忘记西里尔一家当初想要将他们家赶出莫尔顿家族的丑陋嘴脸,虽然她一直没想着复仇,但现在看到他们受到惩罚,依旧觉得心情畅快。 ...... …… The efficiency in City Lord's mansion aspect is extremely high, less than three days, Mag then received the process result of case. 城主府方面的效率极高,不到三天的时间,麦格便收到了案件的处理结果。 Delmar returned the advanced payment of 5 million copper coin, and paid damages the cash of 6 million copper coin, but two house and a publishing house under his name have also conducted the auction, it is expected that may plan the fund 4 million copper coin about, the remaining 20 million copper coin should unable to fill. 德尔玛方面归还了五百万铜币的预付款,并且赔付了六百万铜币的现金,而他名下的两套房子和一家出版社也已经进行了拍卖,预计可筹得资金四百万铜币左右,剩下两千万铜币应该是填不上了。 But that side Cyril is shabby, at present only hands over 500,000 copper coin, but their side by City Lord's mansion , indicating that Moreton family Old Madam Denise wants to see him to chat face to face. 西里尔那边更是寒碜,目前只交了五十万铜币,不过他们那边透过城主府,表示莫尔顿家族丹妮斯老夫人想要见他当面谈谈。 Mag expressed that does not want to see that old sorceress, making City Lord's mansion inform: 30 million copper coin one point cannot be few, three days fully pay, otherwise make your clever son firm foundation put on!” 麦格表示不想见那老巫婆,让城主府代为告知:“三千万铜币一分不能少,三天交齐,不然就让你的乖儿子牢底坐穿吧!” Has the backstage, is such bold horizontal. 有后台,就是这么豪横。 If Jeffrey comes out, the possibility and he pulls the wrist/skill, now the biological father does not love this silly son, what is he polite? 要是杰弗里出来,还有可能和他扳扳手腕,现在人家亲爹不疼这个傻儿子了,那他还客气啥? The Delmar that side he also understood, he has a wife, two children, an eight -year-old son, four -and-a-half-year-old youngest daughter. 德尔玛那边他也了解了一下,他有个老婆,两个孩子,一个八岁的儿子,还有个四岁半的小女儿。 Losing everything, was a big disciplinary punishment, Mag had expressed own understanding wish with Deeks, but this matter wanted and other that side Cyril to announce money Jiao again. 倾家荡产,也算是不小的惩戒了,麦格已经和迪克斯表达了自己的谅解意愿,不过此事要等西里尔那边把钱交了再宣布。 ...... …… Bastard!” “混蛋!” Old Madam Denise fell the quilt in hand layer on layer/heavily on the ground, was mad is red in the face, the mouth scolded the clamor saying: This bastard goes too far!” 丹尼斯老夫人将手中的被子重重摔在了地上,气得面红耳赤,嘴里骂咧咧道:“这混蛋欺人太甚!” Several maids tremble in the one side, does not dare to interpose. 几个女仆在一旁瑟瑟发抖,不敢插话。 Aviva leads two daughters to cry in the one side, sorrowful sound said: Mother, you must rescue Cyril, you were sorest he, if he stayed in the firmness for a lifetime, what to do our mother and daughter may.” 阿维娃带着两个女儿在一旁哭哭啼啼,哀声道:“母亲,您一定要救救西里尔啊,您最疼他了,他要是在牢里呆一辈子,那我们母女可怎么办啊。” Grandmother, asking you to save the father.” “祖母,求您救救父亲吧。” Asked you.” “求求您了。” Hedi and Heni two sisters also one on the left and other on the right holds the arm entreaty of Denise to say. 赫蒂赫妮姐妹俩也是一左一右的抱着丹尼斯的手臂哀求道。 Since Gloria is in power, their days were sad enough, now Cyril was grasped, the backbone did not have all of a sudden, now does not know that should should do. 自从歌洛璃娅掌权之后,她们的日子就够难过了,现在西里尔被抓了,顶梁柱一下子没了,现在根本不知道该如何是好。 Denise is hugging two granddaughters, is the tears, the thump chest pounds said fully: I also want to save my son, but where I take this 30 million, these years, I also saved 10 million copper coin, even if under these shops the name and houses all sold, is still missing 10 million.” 丹妮斯抱着两个孙女,也是老泪纵横,捶胸捣足道:“我也想救我的儿啊,可我哪里拿的出这三千万啊,这么些年,我也就存了一千万铜币,就算把名下那些店铺、房子全卖了,也还差着一千万呢。” This may should do.” Aviva is crying the say/way. “这可如何是好。”阿维娃哭着道。 Wanted me saying that now on two means.” Sits Aurora that has watched critically in one side says with a smile. “要我说啊,现在就两个办法。”坐在一旁一直冷眼旁观的奥罗拉笑道。 What means do you have?” Aviva pursues asks. “你有什么什么办法?”阿维娃追问道。 Denise also looked. 丹妮斯也是看了过来。 30 million copper coin are not the small numbers, the father obvious does not want to donate money now, to Second Brother life and death.” Aurora smiled saying with a smile: Wanted me saying that this first, we did not donate money, made him treat for several years in the firmness, this 30 million we did not need to give that bastard, remains to your mother and daughter three people, at least had a dependence.” “三千万铜币不是小数目,父亲现在明摆着不想出钱出力,任由二哥生死。”奥罗拉笑了笑道:“要我说,这第一呢,咱们也不出钱出力,就让他在牢里待几年,这三千万咱们也不用给那个混蛋了,留着给你们母女三人,至少有个依靠。” Aviva and two daughters some vacillations, have not spoken immediately for a while. 阿维娃和两个女儿顿时有些动摇,一时没有说话。 Fart! How I can let my child by this pain!” Denise actually flies into a rage. “放屁!我怎么能让我儿受这种苦!”丹妮斯却是暴跳如雷。 „Only the second means that mother, the father did not help, you can only look for the maternal home.” Aurora shrugs. “那只有第二个办法了,母亲,父亲不帮,那你只能找娘家了。”奥罗拉耸肩。
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