SDRAW :: Volume #23

#2282: chef practical training center

Mag and Haider made a time, basically determined the exchange channels between two school teachers. 麦格海德尔约了个时间,基本确定了两个学院老师之间的交流渠道。 Haider then and Mag chatted one some relevant questions about steam engine, Mag complies to have free time leads him to visit the steam train base, he also left well satisfied. 海德尔接着和麦格聊了一会关于蒸汽机的一些相关问题,麦格答应有空的时候带他去参观蒸汽机车基地,他也就心满意足的离开了。 Mag gazes after Haider to go far away, closes. 麦格目送海德尔远去,关上了门。 Haider has actually been close to invent steam engine, but that type is close is the miraculous glow may dodge achieves, possibly tracks down just misses for a lifetime. 海德尔其实已经非常接近发明蒸汽机,不过那种接近可能会是灵光一闪间达到,也可能追寻一辈子都失之交臂。 Afternoon time, Mag received the message of night elf constructional force, the building complex project has finished, encircles keeps off has also demolished to be completed completely. 下午的时候,麦格收到了暗夜精灵施工队的消息,综合楼工程已经全部完工,围挡也已经全部拆除完成。 Mag has not been examining the approval anxiously, but after is other evenings did business to finish, went to the scene. 麦格没有急着去查看验收,而是等晚上营业结束之后,才去了现场。 A building of four story-high stands erect by two restaurant, looks quite magnificent. 一座四层高的大楼矗立在两层的餐厅旁,看起来颇为壮观。 Taking advantage of the moonlight, can see these to carve the pillar and eaves of exquisite pattern as before, looks like each article exquisite handicraft in general to be attractive. 借着月色,依旧能够看到那些雕刻着精致花纹的柱子和屋檐,就像是一件件精致的工艺品一般漂亮。 This craftsmanship, does not make the handicraft to work as the building labor, what a pity.” Mag acclaimed one, really elf leads the artist. “这种手艺,不去做工艺品来当建筑工,可惜了。”麦格赞叹了一声,果然精灵都是带艺术家。 The academy has the security, but Mag circumvented directly the academy, opens lock that the first floor hall hung. 学园有保安,不过麦格直接翻墙进了学园,打开一楼大厅挂的锁。 first floor is the experience teaching hall, but at this moment is an area 500 draws spacious hall, what the ground lays down is the upright smooth marble. 一楼是实践教学大厅,不过此刻就是一个面积500平的空旷大厅,地面铺设的是方正平整的大理石。 System, you can deliver goods now.” Mag hit a sound to refer. 系统,现在你可以送货了。”麦格打了个响指。 A sound that as ding, a method exudes the light metallic luster overall cookware to appear in the hall, arranges in turn, has over a hundred sets fully. 随着叮的一声响,一套套泛着光金属光泽的整体灶具出现在大厅中,依次排列开来,足有上百套。 Time in an instant, the empty hall, turned into a specialized teaching hall, arranges the neat metal top to exude the silver ray. 一转眼的功夫,原本空荡荡的大厅,就变成了一个专业的教学大厅,排列整齐的金属灶台泛着银色的光芒。 What the wall hanging and hangs down is the oil lamp, but makes the switch that extinguished and lightened fast, only needs to increase the petroleum fixed time then, although the brightness cannot compare to light a lamp, but wins in the comparison conforms to the use situation, following does not need to waste the argument to explain. 壁挂和垂挂的是油灯,不过做了一个快速熄灭和点亮的开关,只需要定时添加煤油即可,亮度虽然比不上点灯,但胜在比较符合使用场合,后续不用浪费口舌解释。 Mag looks at quite magnificent experience teaching hall, satisfied nod , after he seemed to have seen, here the scene of teaching, needs to make a loudspeaker actually very much. 麦格看着颇为壮观的实践教学大厅,满意的点了点头,他似乎已经看到了以后在这里教学的场景,倒是很有必要弄一个扩音器。 The lamp shone from the first floor hall to upstairs, Mag went upstairs to transfer, the second floor multi-purpose classroom household furniture was complete, seemingly had the feeling of classroom. 灯一路从一楼大厅亮到了楼上,麦格上楼转了一圈,二楼的多功能教室桌椅板凳齐全,看起来有教室的感觉了。 The teacher office repair of third floor is simple, because the location is big, therefore each single office has the small-scale lounge, very user-friendly design. 三楼的教师办公室装修简单大方,因为场地较大,所以每个单人办公室都配有小型的休息室,非常人性化的设计。 Mag has thought that after this practical training center, definitely continues his teacher, he cannot guarantee oneself have stayed in Chaos City, therefore at least also needs to train 2-3 teachers to conduct the daily management. 麦格想过,这个实训中心以后肯定不止他一个老师,他不能保证自己会一直呆在混乱之城,所以至少还需要培养2-3位老师进行日常的管理。 A Reina actually good candidate, but she is preparing the matter of second Hot Pot shop, is busier than him. 瑞娜倒是一个不错的人选,不过她正在筹划第二家火锅店的事情,比他还忙。 In the restaurant staff, the Felice roasting string technology has finished an apprenticeship actually, can come to make concurrent job teacher who roasts the string. 餐厅的员工之中,菲丽丝的烤串技术倒是已经出师,可以过来做个烤串的兼职老师。 Mag visited a general-use building fast, before the security wakes up extinguished all lights, withdrew from the building quietly. 麦格快速参观了一遍综合大楼,在保安醒来之前熄灭了所有灯光,悄然退出了大楼。 Places on the key the table of Luna office, Mag kept a note to her, then goes home. 将钥匙放在露娜办公室的桌上,麦格留了张字条给她,然后回了家。 ...... …… Luna rushed to the school very early in the morning, she must organize a large-scale interview today, will screen night elf two hundred elf, selects 20, as the Hope School teacher queue reserves. 露娜一早赶到了学校,她今天要组织一场大型的面试,将对暗夜精灵的两百精灵进行筛选,从中选取二十位,作为希望学园教师队伍的后备役。 She comes to the office, the preparation takes the list, first organizes an early meeting. 她来到办公室,准备拿上名单,先组织开一个早会。 Then she noticed to place note of that bunch of keys and pressures on table under key. 然后她注意到了放在桌上的那串钥匙和压在钥匙下的字条。 Teacher Luna, the chef practical training center has finished, please approve.” 露娜老师,厨师实训中心已经完工,请验收。” The familiar handwriting, stems from the hand of Mag. 熟悉的字迹,出自麦格之手。 The news that the practical training center finishes he had received the message of night elf constructional force yesterday afternoon, but this project is Mag is managing, therefore she has not participated. 实训中心完工的消息他昨天下午已经收到暗夜精灵施工队的消息,不过这个工程是麦格在管理,所以她并未参与。 Now Mag put her office the key, should finish. 现在麦格将钥匙放到了她的办公室,应该是全部完工了。 Then short 45 days, efficient astonishment. 这才短短四五天的时间,效率高的惊人。 Luna took the list, in the hand was gripping the key, hesitant a meeting, the decision first had a look at that practical training center to go to the early meeting again. 露娜拿了名单,手里攥着钥匙,犹豫了一会,还是决定先去看看那实训中心再去开早会。 principal.” Luna goes out, just met Shila that is holding one pile of materials. 校长。”露娜出门的时候,刚好遇到了抱着一摞资料的希拉 This is night elf delivers, is today must enter the interview the elf personal data.” Shila said. “这是暗夜精灵送过来的,都是今天要参加面试的精灵的个人资料。”希拉说道。 This first puts the conference room, meets we hold the early meeting the time together studies.” Luna nods slightly, I want to go to a chef practical training center.” “这个先放到会议室吧,一会我们开早会的时候一起研究研究。”露娜微微颔首,“我想去一趟厨师实训中心。” chef practical training center?” Shila was startled being startled, suddenly recovers, what you said is by restaurant that pretty building?” 厨师实训中心?”希拉怔了怔,突然回过神来,“您说的是餐厅旁边那栋漂亮的大楼吧?” Yes.” “是的。” That is really Mister Mag constructs? Then for several days, finished?” A Shila face is inconceivable. “那真是麦格先生建的吗?这才短短几天时间,就完工了?”希拉一脸不可思议。 You such curious words, put down the material, takes a look with me together.” Luna said with a smile. “你这么好奇的话,就把资料放下,跟我一起去瞧瞧。”露娜笑道。 Good! Immediately!” Shila slightly runs is delivering to the corridor end the material in hand the conference room, then summit following Luna goes downstairs, walks in the restaurant direction. “好嘞!马上!”希拉小跑着把手里的资料送到走廊尽头的会议室,然后颠颠的跟着露娜下楼,向着餐厅的方向走去。 Hope School has not begun school, but must hold the early meeting today, therefore many teachers had gone to the school. 希望学园还没有开学,但今天要开早会,所以不少老师已经到了学校。 This meeting, many teachers are encircling by the restaurant building, is sizing up front this fine atmospheric building. 这会,不少老师正围在餐厅旁的大楼前,打量着面前这座精美大气的大楼。 This is the construction of a stone and wood/blockhead good integration, is primarily the light gray tone, does not lose the new feeling calm, the exquisite woodcarving craft, is passing the intention everywhere. 这是一栋石头与木头完美结合的建筑,以浅灰为主色调,沉稳而不失新潮感,精致的木雕工艺,更是处处透着用心。 chef practical training center, oh, this building did not bring to teach magic to be a pity.” 厨师实训中心,唉,这楼不拿来教魔法可惜了。” Forget it, magic and this building did not build, I thought that brought child's classroom building that made the lower grade was more appropriate, spirited, the children definitely liked very much.” “得了吧,魔法和这栋楼一点都不搭,我觉得拿来做低年级的孩子的教学楼更合适,生动活泼,小朋友们肯定很喜欢。” Hehe, I think actually the appropriate chef practical training center is very appropriate, the children made the meal here, ate the direct end to next door restaurant, issue that has not needed to be worried about to waste.” “嘿嘿,我倒是觉得当厨师实训中心就挺合适的,孩子们在这边做了菜,直接端到隔壁餐厅就吃了,还不用担心浪费的问题。” Pitifully in the gate hung the lock, does not know that what inside made into, short should such time, the basic repair not be completed continually?” “可惜门上挂了锁,不知道里边弄成啥样了,这么短的时间,应该连基本装修都还没有完成吧?” The teachers are discussing, is quite curious to the interior of this practical training center. 老师们议论着,都对这实训中心的内部颇为好奇。 If in my, teachers if interested, that goes to take a look together.” Luna is smiling, in raises hand the key. “要是在我这呢,老师们要是感兴趣,那就一起进去瞧瞧。”露娜笑着走了过来,扬了扬手里的钥匙。 principal, did this practical training center really finish?” Merry walks to go forward, completely curious looks at Luna. 校长,这实训中心真完工了?”梅丽走上前,满是好奇的看着露娜 She is very clear, couple days ago after Mag participated in the teacher competency test, this chef practical training center begins temporarily, is less than one week by the present, a resilience so huge project, is inside various type household furniture does not only know many. 她可是很清楚,前几天麦格来参加教师资格测试之后,这栋厨师实训中心才临时开建,到现在还不到一周,工程量如此巨大的一个项目,光是里边的各式桌椅板凳就不知道多少。 Others are also in abundance curious looks at Luna. 其他人也是纷纷好奇的看着露娜 Question that you asked that I also want to know.” Luna goes forward with a smile, opens in the gate was hanging the lock, then opened the practical training center front door. “你问的问题,我也想知道。”露娜笑着上前,打开了门上挂着的锁,然后推开了实训中心的大门。
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