SDRAW :: Volume #20

#1907: gourmet food is difficult to seek

Milo, Eating All and Eating Well manages a household gourmet, to satirize the uninhibited literary style to be well-known the gourmet food circle, in dining circle notorious. 迈洛,食全食美当家美食家,以讽刺不羁的文风闻名美食圈,同时也在餐饮圈中臭名远扬。 Is spreading a few words in the Roe City dining circle: Fire protection, security, against Milo! 洛都餐饮圈流传着一句话:防火、防盗、防迈洛 It is said by Milo has injured restaurant, even also crowdfunding finds the person to unload Milo to take that hand of pen in secret. 据说还有一些被迈洛伤害过的餐厅,甚至还私底下众筹找人卸迈洛拿笔的那只手。 This news had passed on for two years in the Roe City gourmet food circle, causing Milo to go out each time must dress up carefully. 这个消息在洛都美食圈已经传了两年了,导致迈洛每次出门都得精心打扮一番。 But his build is extremely really striking, dressing up desirably is easier to notice him. 可他的体型实在太过醒目,过于刻意的装扮更让人容易注意到他。 Is good because, although was under the attacks of several smelly eggs, does not have eventually, when unloads the killer of arm., 好在虽然遭遇了几次臭鸡蛋的袭击,终究还是没有等到卸胳膊的杀手。、 The Milo article standpoint is clear, appraises a shop with the strictest attitude, is not to find fault to find fault, obtained many faithful fans by this, the column is the Eating All and Eating Well most popular column, but also became many foodie evading pit guides. 迈洛的文章立场鲜明,以最严格的态度来评价一家店铺,并非为了挑刺而挑刺,以此获得了不少忠实拥趸,专栏更是食全食美最受欢迎的专栏,还成了不少吃货的避坑指南。 Roe City is called gourmet food, has Nolan continent many gourmet food restaurant, the gourmet food sophistication flies other races to compare. 洛都被称为美食之都,有着诺兰大陆最多的美食餐厅,美食发达程度远飞其他种族可以比拟的。 As for Chaos City, said that is the gourmet food wilderness belt/bring is not overrated. 至于混乱之城,说是美食荒漠带也不为过。 Emerges the cities between hundred years, coming from far apart the people of various races comprised, they brought various races rich characteristics food, but has often not brought the essence. 一座才兴起百年间的城市,由来自天南地北各种族的人组成,他们带来了各族富有特色的食物,但往往没有带来精髓。 Actually ten years ago he had come Chaos City, but here restaurant really disappointed him too, the difference to letting him did not even have the taking pen in hand desire, therefore even Garland thought that he has not come to here. 其实十年前他曾经来过一次混乱之城,但这里的餐厅实在让他太失望了,差到让他甚至没有一点提笔的欲望,所以连加兰都觉得他没有来过这里。 But these comes Chaos City time again, is for this in gourmet food circle crest of wave abundant Mamy Restaurant. 而这一次重来混乱之城,正是为了这家在美食圈风头正盛的麦米餐厅 He has looked at Carnism and Vegetarianism these publication, Dairick and Randy because of writing Mamy Restaurant, but the reputation rises up, becomes payment for published piece highest gourmet. 他看过肉食主义素食主义这几刊杂志,戴里克兰迪因为写麦米餐厅而名声鹊起,一跃成为稿酬最高的美食家 The envy is insufficient but actually, Milo cannot get used to seeing them in the writing this Mamy Restaurant description is so unreal and idealization, as for that food, he does not believe delicious like that food that in this world will like them to describe. 嫉妒倒不至于,迈洛只是看不惯他们在文字中将这麦米餐厅描述的这般虚幻和理想化,至于那食物,他更不相信这世上会有如他们描述的那般美味食物 Above the wilderness is impossible to start out the white lotus flower suddenly, this is the Milo firm idea, therefore he runs this, to attack the sellers of fake and low-quality goods Mamy Restaurant. 荒漠之上是不可能突然开出白莲花的,这是迈洛坚定的想法,所以他跑这一趟,就是为了打假麦米餐厅 Carnism and Vegetarianism are too bad, the influence so big magazine, if others deceiving from afar to Chaos City, is greatly disappointed finally, to be how could it not be bad. 肉食主义素食主义太坏,影响力如此大的杂志,要是把人家千里迢迢的骗到混乱之城,结果大失所望,岂不非常糟糕。 About Milo looks, the restaurant front door shuts tightly, but before the gate, actually lines up early, this scene still is extremely even rare in Roe City, often is well-known restaurant conducts the activity the time will appear. 迈洛左右看着,餐厅大门紧闭,可门前却早早排起了长队,这种场景就算是在洛都也极少见,往往是知名餐厅搞活动的时候才会出现。 „Are these requests?” Milo eyes narrows the eyes slightly, is observing these people in queue. “这些都是托?”迈洛眼睛微微眯起,观察着队伍中的那些人。 Looks to hold to create the lively atmosphere, thus attracts some perplexed customers, this is not any novel method, he once exposed the behavior of many business, making Roe City the atmosphere restrain slightly. 找托来营造热闹氛围,从而吸引一些不明所以的顾客,这不算什么新奇的手段,他就曾经曝光了不少商家的这种行为,让洛都的这种风气稍稍收敛。 However Milo carefully observed, in the heart was the doubts. 不过迈洛仔细观察了一圈,心中更是疑惑了。 When in general restaurant request is the destitute people, then can see the clue from the attire, even if the business provided the clothes to them, but makings is unable to cover by the clothes. 一般餐厅的托的都是穷困之人,从衣着便能看出端倪,就算商家给他们发放了衣服,可气质这一块是无法靠衣服掩盖的。 It is said the Mamy Restaurant dish unit price is extremely high, the one who is principal is the guest of high consumption. 据说麦米餐厅的菜品单价极高,主打的是高消费的客人。 But now these guests in queue, the attire, is the makings, seems like the appearance of person perfectly conforms to this level. 而现在队伍中的这些客人,无论是衣着,还是气质,看起来都非常符合这个层次的人的样子。 Then he cocked the ears listens to meet their talks earnestly, has chatting that lived, more chats gourmet food, could not go round front Mamy Restaurant mostly. 接着他侧耳认真听了一会他们的谈话,有生活上的闲聊的,更多的则是聊美食,其中大部分绕不开面前的这家麦米餐厅 I said that you do eat a new dish Mapo Tofu that Boss Mag promotes today?” “我说你今天吃麦老板推出的新菜麻婆豆腐没有?” At noon could not have caught up, flavor how? Inside really put numb the woman?” “中午没赶得上,味道怎么样?里边真放了麻婆?” numb woman has not seen, but that flavor......, ok, meets your oneself to taste, I thought that my deficient glossary is not enough to describe its delicious, is I have eaten most delicious below meal in any case.” “麻婆是没有见到,但那味道……啧啧,算了,一会你自己尝吧,我觉得我匮乏的词汇不足以形容它的美味,反正是我吃过最美味的下饭菜。” tofu pudding, must certainly eat sweetly......” 豆腐脑,当然得吃甜的……” ...... …… This warm atmosphere, making Milo some hears stay suddenly. 这热烈的氛围,让迈洛一时间有些听呆了去。 Regarding a gourmet food amateur, this probably is the happy atmosphere that everyone yearns. 对于一位美食爱好者而言,这大概是所有人向往的美好氛围。 Moreover, has saying that this orderly queue, among people the comfortable distance, making such talk more comfortable. 而且,不得不说这秩序井然的队伍,人与人之间舒适的距离,让这样的谈话变得更加舒适。 These people, are not the requests.” Milo and Garland quietly said. “这些人,不是托。”迈洛加兰小声道 Looked, wealthy not for change lining up were so here long, moreover warm discussed with others.” Garland nods, the expression is a little complex, this and they imagine seems a little different. “看出来了,有钱人可不会为了一点小钱在这里排队等那么久,而且还热烈的与他人议论。”加兰点点头,表情有点复杂,这和他们想象中的似乎有点不一样。 I wrap/sets the polite talk again.” Milo said in a soft voice, then stared at side that tall and thin youngster, the eye socket slightly black, among facial features somewhat weary condition, but looked that the appearance was that good to do, then asked with a smile: Little elder brother, whether to consult a matter to you.” “我再套套话。”迈洛轻声道,然后盯上了身旁那位高瘦年轻人,眼眶微黑,眉眼间有些疲态,不过看面相是好打交道的那种,便笑着问道:“小哥,可否向你请教点事情。” Randy had a yawn, hears Milo to talk, is turns around to visit him, sized up his one eyes fast, the so big person is uncommon, but he always likes having to do, smiles is nodding saying: Please say, listening to your tone not to seem like the native?” 兰迪打了个哈欠,听到迈洛搭话,也是转身看着他,快速打量了他一眼,这般高大的人不常见,不过他向来喜欢和人打交道,微笑着点点头道:“请说,听你口气不像是本地人吧?” We the merchant that came from Roe City, just saw that here so many people line up, therefore came to collect a liveliness.” Milo nods, seeing Randy is so open, relaxed , to continue saying: I want to ask, this restaurant really has delicious food, our time a little catch up, do not dare to waste.” “我们是从洛都来的客商,刚刚看到这里如此多人排队,所以过来凑了个热闹。”迈洛点点头,见兰迪如此开朗,也是放松了许多,继续道:“我就是想问问,这家餐厅是不是真有非常美味食物,我们的时间有点赶,可不敢浪费了。” You must say gourmet food, you may really look to the place.” Randy smiled, delighted say/way: This Mamy Restaurant, is Chaos City first restaurant, even if said that is Nolan continent first restaurant is not overrated! Here, you can eat in other places not gourmet food that is possible to eat, because of here each dish, is the exclusive inventions of Boss Mag. Slow, but over value.” Milo dumbfounded, without thinking looked for a passer-by who Randy said casually, coming up was to Mamy Restaurant one fierce boasts, making him to oneself judge had the serious suspicion, is hesitating the say/way: So is really good?” “你要说美食啊,那你可真找对地方了。”兰迪笑了,眉飞色舞道:“这麦米餐厅啊,可是混乱之城第一餐厅,哪怕说是诺兰大陆第一餐厅也不为过!在这里,你能吃到在其他地方不可能吃到的美食,因为这里的每一道菜,都是麦老板的独家发明。慢一点,但超值。”迈洛兰迪说的一愣一愣的,没想到随便找了个路人,上来就是对麦米餐厅一顿猛夸,让他对自己原本的判断产生了严重的怀疑,迟疑着道:“真有那么好?” Can see him from the Randy attire at least does not need for livelihood worry youngster, but his expression is sincere and warm , is to make his words credibility rise greatly, indicates his liking to this restaurant. 兰迪的衣着看得出他至少是个不需要为生计担心的年轻人,而他的表情真挚和热烈,也是让他的话可信度大升,足见他对这家餐厅的喜欢。 You told that I have travelled for pleasure Nolan continent, every large or small restaurant has eaten innumerably, may never have a restaurant like Mamy Restaurant, can bring the curiosity to me, even makes me be willing to settle down, only to wait for him promotes the next dish. “这么跟你说吧,我游历过诺兰大陆,大大小小的餐厅吃过无数,可从未有一家餐厅麦米餐厅这样,能够一直给我带来新鲜感,甚至让我愿意为之驻足,只为等待他推出下一道菜。 You may be unable to understand how seeks for together true gourmet food is the difficult matter, but you, so long as stays in Mamy Restaurant, Boss Mag promotes below together new product, is you outside painstakingly seeking top gourmet food that is difficult to seek. ” A Randy face earnest say/way. 你可能无法理解寻找一道真正的美食是怎样困难的事情,可你只要呆在麦米餐厅,麦老板推出的下一道新品,就是你在外面苦寻难觅的顶级美食。”兰迪一脸认真道。
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