SDRAW :: Volume #17

#1625: I thought that Little Owner this is tempting my Crime

Un?” Shawn looked at Abraham. “嗯?”肖恩看了一眼亚伯罕 Naturally, roast pig's eyes wants many to have many, the uncle treats.” Abraham said with a smile, looked at roast pig's eyes in tray immediately, the fragrance of barbecue had greeted the nostrils to come, the attractive fragrance, making him unable to bear be ready to make trouble. “当然,烤猪眼要多少有多少,叔叔请客。”亚伯罕当即微笑道,看了一眼盘子里的烤猪眼,烤肉的香味已经扑鼻而来,诱人的香味,让他都忍不住蠢蠢欲动。 Nearby Lola already some fears closed eyes, does not dare to look straight ahead the pig eye. 一旁的洛拉已经有些害怕的闭上了眼睛,不敢直视猪眼。 The Shawn a little helpless reclamation vision, looks at front roast pig's eyes, this is sending out the attractive barbecue fragrance string, has fearful inside, the appearance of camouflage, attempt makes one unload the vigilance, readily believes after it, in abyss that perhaps will fall into the terrifying. 肖恩有点无奈的收回目光,看着面前的烤猪眼,这散发着诱人烤肉香味的串串,却有着可怕的内里,伪装的模样,试图让人卸下戒心,轻信于它之后,恐怕会陷入恐怖的深渊之中。 The eyeball is not a quite the same as meatball, inside filled a thick liquid, even if not possibly bakes to dry out the eye thick liquid, this gets down, the fragrance that perhaps has not smelled is so charming. 眼球可不是什么浑然一个肉球,里边充满了眼浆,就算烤制也不可能将眼浆烤干,这一口下去,恐怕并没有闻到的香味那么迷人。 Eats quickly, eats quickly.” Vanessa encourages to say in the one side. “快吃吧,快吃吧。”温妮莎在一旁鼓励道。 One string of roast pig's eyes, the battlefield may be bloodier than this.” A Shawn face took up that to string together roast pig's eyes dauntlessly, put a meeting, the surface seemed like not hot, is suppressing the stomach of tumbling, opened mouth to bite the one piece eyeball, pulled from bamboo toothpick. “不过一串烤猪眼而已,战场可比这血腥多了。”肖恩一脸无畏的拿起了那串烤猪眼,放了一会,表面看起来似乎已经没那么烫了,强忍着翻滚的胃,张嘴咬住了第一颗眼球,从竹签上扯了下来。 hard Xiangliao combines the fragrance of barbecue to start to fall wreaks havoc in the mouth, the pig eye entrance, tooth touches that slightly tenacious external skin, looks like fascia to wrap in general, soft, shoots the ball, the inexplicable taste, is somewhat marvelous. 辛香料混杂着烤肉的香味已经开始落在口中肆虐,猪眼入口,牙齿触碰到那略显坚韧的表皮,就像是一层筋膜包裹着一般,软软的,弹弹的,莫名的口感,有些奇妙。 However thinks this is the external skin of pig eyeball, immediately feels somewhat strangely. 不过一想到这是猪眼球的表皮,顿时又觉得有些奇怪。 „It is not one string of roast pig's eyes, 2-3 finished eating is good!” Shawn is sending the stock to make an all-out effort at heart, direct harder bit. “不就是一串烤猪眼吗,2-3吃完就好了!”肖恩在心里发了股狠劲,直接一口用力咬了下去。 “噗” A light sound resounds in the Shawn mind, is the eyeball explodes the thick liquid the sound. 一声轻响在肖恩的脑海中响起,是眼球爆浆的声音。 As if boiling hot volcano erupted in general in the mouth instantaneously, the eyeball is wrapping the gelatin of that bag of burning hots blasted out in the mouth instantaneously! 仿佛滚烫的火山在口中瞬间爆发了一般,眼球包裹着的那一袋炙热的凝胶在口中瞬间炸开! Unlike decreasing temperature external skin, after that gelatin as if absorbed the endless heat, then erupts in the mouth suddenly, the instant burning hot, making the Shawn subconscious wish opens the mouth spit it. 与降了温的表皮不同,那股凝胶仿佛吸收了无尽的热量之后,然后在口中骤然爆发,刹那间的炙热,让肖恩下意识的想要张口将它吐出来。 However he then responded quickly what the present sits opposite of him is Vanessa, if now he as soon as the opens the mouth, the boiling hot magma of demolition, will splutter to the face of Vanessa on. 不过他很快便反应过来现在坐在他对面的是温妮莎,如果现在他一开口,爆破的滚烫岩浆,将会溅射到温妮莎的脸上。 As the Roth Empire’s imperial prince and Princess, this uncouth scene, naturally cannot appear. 作为洛斯帝国的皇子和公主,这样不雅观的一幕,自然不能出现。 Therefore he can only closely shut the mouth, simultaneously closed eyes, closely is gripping the fist, enjoys a volcano alone in the acid crisp feeling in the mouth erupting. 所以他只能紧紧闭住了嘴巴,同时闭上了眼睛,紧紧攥着拳头,独自享受一座火山在口中爆发的酸爽感觉。 Really has delicious that?” Vanessa looks has closed eyes, a face immerses Shawn, the somewhat curious whisper said. “真的有那么美味吗?”温妮莎看着已经闭上了眼睛,一脸沉浸其中的肖恩,有些好奇的嘀咕道。 Evidently is good, after all Boss Mag product, even if makes gourmet food I still to believe the pig tail together.” The nod that Abraham deep is so, prepares to give itself also 0.1. “看样子是不错,毕竟麦老板出品嘛,就算是把猪尾巴做成一道美食我也相信。”亚伯罕深以为然的点头,准备给自己也点一份。 Shawn listened to two people words, the eyebrow to lift lifting, felt the taste bud in own mouth had been killed completely, this pig eye was a devil! 肖恩听着两人的话,眉毛抬了抬,感觉自己口腔中的味蕾已经全部被杀死,这猪眼就是魔鬼! He even suspected that Boss is a killer, laid down such trap in the pig eye intentionally, tries to assassinate him. 他甚至怀疑那个老板是一名杀手,故意在猪眼中埋下了这样的陷阱,试图刺杀他。 Who can think, in this pig eye, is also hiding so the burning hot unexpectedly, but fearful size. 谁能想到,这猪眼之中,竟然还藏着如此炙热而可怕的浆液。 Is shutting eyes, alone silently withstands this fearful temperature, Shawn was feeling oneself a little want to kill people. 闭着眼睛,独自默默的承受着这可怕的温度,肖恩感觉自己有点想杀人。 However after burning hot that most starts, the temperature of gelatin drops gradually, Wei Lei is started to regain the consciousness by deeply has harmed gradually. 不过在最开始的炙热过后,凝胶的温度渐渐下降,被深深伤害过的魏磊开始渐渐恢复知觉。 Explodes the thick liquid tasty starts to flood the mouth gradually, is the joyful and joyful taste, looked like one to boil to make for a long time tasty thick soup to be released in general, flowed in the belly following the throat slowly, the feeling whole person was also joyful. 爆浆的鲜美渐渐开始充斥口腔,是令人欣喜而愉悦的滋味,就像是一口熬制了许久的鲜美浓汤被释放出来一般,顺着喉咙慢慢流入肚子,感觉整个人都随之愉悦起来。 How can be such flavor!” A Shawn face is amazed, the tasty taste is comforting the scalded taste bud, as if painful feeling was scattered. “怎么会是这样的味道!”肖恩一脸惊诧,鲜美的滋味抚慰着被烫伤的味蕾,似乎痛苦的感觉都被驱散了。 The sudden contrast, making him suddenly a little ignorant. 突如其来的反差,让他一时间有点懵。 But he is beyond control did not acknowledge, this demolishes the later eyeball, indeed brought the wonderful taste to him, even is the pleasantly surprised feeling. 但他由不得不承认,这爆破之后的眼球,的确给他带来了美妙的滋味,甚至是惊喜感觉。 After the eye thick liquid demolishes, this eyeball looks like the fish bubble that is discouraged, he is trying chewing, the quality of material is somewhat tenacious, but soft juicy, the part such as the cartilage in general clear thing, only thought that more chews is more fragrant, does not have the fishy smell of pork, making one provide much food for thought. 眼浆爆破之后,这眼球就像是泄了气的鱼泡,他试着嚼了嚼,质地有些坚韧,不过柔软多汁,还有部分如软骨一般清脆的东西,只觉得越嚼越香,丝毫没有猪肉的腥味,令人回味无穷。 Originally this is the pig eye, the different positions, the taste and taste have the difference greatly, is really marvelous.” Shawn shuts eyes to savor as before carefully this roast pig's eyes, his expression has traded a type, has several points of happiness, was full of curious and exploration. “原来这就是猪眼,不同的位置,口感和滋味还大有不同,真是奇妙。”肖恩依旧闭着眼睛细细品味着这烤猪眼,不过他的表情已经换了一个样,带着几分幸福,又充满了好奇和探索。 Really is Dodge wonderful gourmet food, provides much food for thought.” Shawn opens eyes, looks in the hand also to have four roast pig's eyes, cannot bear to praise sigh. “真是一道奇妙的美食,回味无穷。”肖恩睁开眼,看着手中还剩下四颗的烤猪眼,忍不住赞叹道。 Appraisal of very tall, Elder Brother, this does roast pig's eyes really have such delicious?” Vanessa surprised looks at Shawn, originally wants taking advantage of Boss Mag new dish entire gu Shawn, but seems like has not achieved the effect now, lets his first new product that on the contrary ate delicious. 好高的评价,哥哥,这烤猪眼真的有如此美味吗?”温妮莎一脸惊讶的看着肖恩,本来是想要借着麦老板新菜品整蛊一下肖恩,但现在看来似乎并没有达成效果,反倒是让他第一个吃到了美味的新品。 Can say such appraisal from your mouth, this roast pig's eyes looks like indeed is worth trying.” Abraham looking pensive, has prepared a meal. “能从你的口中说出这样的评价,这烤猪眼看来的确非常值得一试啊。”亚伯罕若有所思,已经准备点餐了。 Several tables of guests of also look askance all around, this roast pig's eyes beginning experiences, as if very good appearance, making many people hesitant must try by the pig eye daunting person personally. 周遭几桌的客人也是纷纷侧目,这烤猪眼的初体验,似乎非常不错的样子,让不少人被猪眼吓住的人犹豫着要不要亲自尝试一下。 Besides cannot worry to bite open, this roast pig's eyes indeed makes people very pleasantly surprised, naturally, bites open that process of eyeball, similarly made one want to stop but cannot.” The Shawn nod said, is looking in the hand the remaining four pig eyes, hesitant a meeting, does not have to nip second anxiously. “除了不能着急咬开之外,这烤猪眼的确让人十分惊喜,当然,咬开眼球的那个过程,同样令人欲罢不能。”肖恩点头道,看着手中剩下的四颗猪眼,犹豫了一会,还是没有急着去咬第二颗。 About after three minutes, sits Amy after counter cannot stand up to the seduction of roast pig's eyes, opens the small mouth, bit the one piece pig eye to the mouth. 大约三分钟后,坐在柜台后的艾米经不住烤猪眼的诱惑,张开小口,咬了一颗猪眼到嘴里。 Robust eyeball in mouth mischievous running all over the place, but quick was then compelled the tooth edge by her, sharp small tooth cut open the eyeball light wall, the warm eye thick liquid explodes in the mouth. 皮实的眼球在嘴里调皮的乱跑,不过很快便被她逼到了牙齿的边缘,尖锐的小牙齿切开了眼球薄薄的壁,温热的眼浆在口中爆开。 „” “哦呜” A Amy’s eyes bright, tasty flavor blooms in the mouth, making her expression unable to bear be also happy. 艾米的眼睛一亮,鲜美的味道在口中绽放,让她的表情也是忍不住随之幸福起来。 The cooking liquor slides into the mouth slowly, then she starts to chew the remaining eyeballs, roasted burnt/anxious fragrant external skin, inside is actually fresh and tender juicy, but in the band is to have the crisp and tasty pellet, chews to send out the kacha kacha light sound, is very interesting. 汤汁慢慢滑入口腔,然后她开始嚼着剩下的眼球,烤的焦香的表皮,内里却是鲜嫩多汁,而夹层之中更是有着脆爽的颗粒,嚼起来发出咔嚓咔嚓的轻响,十分有趣。 Amy is chewing the eyeball, while slight about is swaying, the facial expression is infatuated to concentrate on, obviously has completely immersed in roast pig's eyes delicious. 艾米一边嚼着眼球,一边轻微的左右摇晃着,神情陶醉而专注,显然已经完全沉浸在烤猪眼美味之中。 Crossed her the pig eye in the mouth to swallow some little time, then bit second immediately impatiently, the eyeball may hear to near guest by the breaking by biting light sound clearly that made a person scalp tingling with numbness sound, probably starter in general, making Amy fall into happy and happy chewing again. 过了好一会她才把口中猪眼咽下,然后立马迫不及待的咬了第二颗,眼球被咬破的轻响离得近的客人清晰可闻,那令人头皮一阵发麻的声音,却像是启动器一般,让艾米再次陷入了开心而幸福的嘴嚼中。 I thought that Little Owner this is tempting my Crime.” “我觉得小老板这是在引诱我犯罪。” „It is not good, looks at Little Owner to eat roast pig's eyes, actually thought that a feeling of guilty does not have......” “不行了,看着小老板烤猪眼,竟然觉得一点罪恶感都没有……” This...... looks attractively is breaks the rules!” “这……长得好看就是犯规啊!”
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