SDRAW :: Volume #16

#1565: Before my did not have to choose

Perdinan has not only begged for mercy, the words were to say awe-inspiring righteousness, loud and clear, being relentless saw through Gally previous slandering. 裴迪南不仅没有求饶,一番话更是说的正气凛然,掷地有声,毫不留情的拆穿了盖理此前的污蔑。 Since these days has lived beastman in fear, starts to fondly remember chief Isaiah the time prosperous stable life, looks at Perdinan, starts to think, if Young Master Perdinan becomes the new chief, whether Fak Tribe can return to the former appearance. 这段时间以来一直生活在恐惧中的兽人们,开始怀念艾赛亚酋长时代繁荣安定的生活,看着裴迪南,开始思索如果裴迪南公子成为新酋长,法克部落是否能够回到从前的模样。 Sits the honored people in distinguished guest seat, the look also somewhat fluctuates, their clearer more than hundred years, what kind of chief Isaiah regarding Fak Tribe is, but they do not need every day trembling flattered a tyrant. 坐在贵宾席位上的贵人们,神色也是有些变幻,他们更清楚这百多年来,艾赛亚对于法克部落而言是一个怎样的酋长,而他们也不必每日战战兢兢的去奉承一个暴君。 The chiefs and representatives of various tribes , then the look varies looks at Perdinan, regarding son who Isaiah this only remains, has several points of mercy and was a pity. 各部落的酋长和代表则神色各异的看着个裴迪南,对于艾赛亚这个仅剩的儿子,有着几分怜悯和可惜。 Pitifully, without presenting rebellion, he is Fak Tribe next Isaiah, again one generation, they were the lords of Twilight Forest.” Billy somewhat regrets looks at Perdinan, saw the Isaiah form on his body. “可惜了,如果没有出现叛乱的话,他便是法克部落的下一位艾赛亚,再有一代,他们便是暮光森林之主了。”比利有些惋惜的看着裴迪南,在他的身上看到了艾赛亚的身影。 Hehe...... interesting.” Oersted have a relish turned upwards one leg on the other. “呵呵……有点意思。”奥斯特饶有兴致的翘起了二郎腿。 „It seems like to receive, but spoke also very attacks.” Mag similarly somewhat accidental/surprised looks at Perdinan, the eyes split vision had seen beastman that several pull out the weapon, it seems like that the confusion then must open immediately, lowered the sound saying: Found her?” “看起来像个受,但说话还挺攻的嘛。”麦格同样有些意外的看着裴迪南,眼睛余光已经看到身旁几个掏出武器的兽人,看来混乱马上便要开启了,压低了声音道:“找到她了吗?” Also no.” The Camilla sound conveys. “还没有。”卡米拉的声音传来。 Hasn't come?” Mag knits the brows, by the Camilla curtain of night detection ability, is insufficient to leave out Connie, but such important time, hasn't she possibly come today? “没来?”麦格皱眉,以卡米拉的夜幕侦查能力,不至于漏掉康妮,但今天这样重要的时刻,她怎么可能没有来? Young master!” In the eye of Dwoad has exuded the tears, vision stubbornly is staring at Perdinan, as if looks that during that time long the senior chief who takes an oath in the stage. “公子!”德沃德的眼中已经泛起了泪光,目光死死的盯着裴迪南,仿佛看着当年长在高台上宣誓的老酋长。 Young master’s words and deeds have not brought disgrace on the prestige of senior chief, has not disappointed their these followers. 公子的言行没有丝毫辱没老酋长的威名,更是没有让他们这些追随者失望。 beastman drew out the weapon, in the vision is sparkling the ray, for the Fak Tribe future, they are willing to devote to pay all, includes own life. 兽人们拔出了武器,目光中闪耀着光芒,为了法克部落的未来,他们愿意献身付出一切,包括自己的生命。 Gally indeed was somewhat startled by Perdinan these words, this in the nephew of bad expression in front of him displays, said on the stage suddenly this assumed the refined language generously, hit his one to be caught off guard. 盖理的确被裴迪南的这番话有些惊到,这个在他面前表现的不善言辞的侄子,却突然在台上说出了这番慷慨呈辞,打了他一个措手不及。 Not only has not enjoyed the pleasant sensation of victor, instead because of his words, causes these days by the popular feelings eruption that his blood and iron suppresses. 不仅没有享受到胜利者的快感,反而因为他的一番话,导致这段时间被他铁血镇压下来的舆情爆发。 Killed him to me!” The cold order pushed from the Gally mouth one word at a time, this fellow and his father are equally disgusting. “给我杀了他!”冷冽的命令从盖理的口中一字一顿的挤了出来,这个家伙和他父亲一样让人厌恶。 Gally! You kill one's sovereign the high-rank, massacres the elder brother, Sir Origin Devouring Beast God will be will not choose people like you to become the Fak Tribe chief absolutely!” Perdinan is without turning a hair, said generously: Clansmen, in the name of Sir Origin Devouring Beast God, initiate against resist! Overthrows the regicider! Let Fak Tribe return in Sir Beast God shining of ray!” 盖理!你弑君上位,残杀兄长,噬元兽神大人是绝对不会选择你这样的人成为法克部落的酋长!”裴迪南面不改色,慷慨道:“族人们,以噬元兽神大人的名义,发起防抗吧!推翻弑君者!让法克部落重归于兽神大人光芒的普照!” Resistance?” Gally is looking all around under the stages and outside people, somewhat contemptuously smiled saying with a smile: I must have a look actually, who dares to revolt against me?” “反抗?”盖理环顾着台下和场外众人,有些轻蔑的笑了笑道:“我倒是要看看,谁敢反抗我?” „Xiū!” “咻!” An arrow flies to shoot to come from the darkness, pierced that to prepare to strangle the Perdinan beastman forehead directly, its nail on topping cheat. 一根箭从黑暗中飞射而来,直接洞穿了那准备绞死裴迪南兽人的眉心,将其钉在了绞刑架上。 Just likes the bugle horn sound to resound, the dispersion ambush wells up suddenly forward in conference site beastman all around, breaks defense line that beastman guarded, flushes away toward the region of topping cheat. 犹如号角声响起,分散埋伏于会场周遭的兽人突然向前涌去,冲开了兽人守卫的防线,向着绞刑架的区域冲去。 Gally looks at beastman of these impact conference sites, the sinking sound ordered: Killed them to me!” 盖理看着那些冲击会场的兽人们,沉声下令道:“给我杀了他们!” “呲” At this moment, the sound of tearing remembers together suddenly. 就在这时,一道撕裂的声音突然想起。 Gally looks down that from the chests and bellies penetrates, but short-sword, then stunned and unbelievable then looks that received the hand to draw back two steps Basil backward, body shook shaking, pūtong partly knelt in the place, is covering the chest, a face angry and unwilling looks at Basil to ask: Why is......?” 盖理低头看着那把从胸腹间穿透而过的短剑,然后一脸错愕和难以置信的回头看着收手向后退了两步的巴兹尔,身体晃了晃,噗通半跪在地,捂着心口,一脸愤怒和不甘的看着巴兹尔问道:“为……为什么?” Chief Gally!” 盖理酋长!” The people look at this scene, calling out in alarm said that a face unbelievable looks by Basil that the Basil sneak attack severe wound falls to the ground. 众人看着这一幕,也是不由的惊呼道,一脸难以置信的看着被巴兹尔偷袭重伤倒地的巴兹尔 But Basil the Gally hand/subordinate first great general, is left and right arms that he most trusts, how to assassinate him in such time suddenly? 巴兹尔可是盖理手下第一大将,也是他最为信任的左膀右臂,怎么会在这样的时刻突然刺杀他? The chiefs and representatives of various tribes somewhat could not sit still, this thinks that is only participates in one to seal the ceremony, never expected that has such chaotic situation now, how suddenly does not know should from the place. 各部落的酋长和代表也是有些坐不住了,本以为只是来参加一场加封仪式,没想到现在却出现了这样混乱的情况,一时间也不知道该如何自处。 „? Instead kills? Doesn't have by -path? In small dish spy?” Mag looks at this scene, is compels completely ignorant. “哦?反杀?无间道?碟中谍?”麦格看着这一幕,也完全是懵逼的。 The death threat of Perdinan relieved, the Gally first warrior defected its severe wound , the situation reversed instantaneously. 裴迪南的死亡威胁解除,盖理手下第一勇士反水将其重伤,现场的局势瞬间反转。 In Gray Temple gives in his information, such situation definitely is unable to infer, he cannot think that most receives the Gally trust 10th Rank beastman Basil, this seemingly upright honest fellow, will defect unexpectedly. 灰神殿给他的情报中,这样的情况是完全无法推断出来的,他也想不到最受盖理信任的十级兽人巴兹尔,这个看似忠厚老实的家伙,竟然会临阵反水。 Basil, you are making anything!” Stands Daril and Kurt same face under stage amazed looks at Basil, almost also shouted. 巴兹尔,你这是在做什么!”站在台下的达里尔库尔特同样一脸惊诧的看着巴兹尔,几乎同时喝道。 I am deferring to the direction of Sir Beast God, handles the correct matter!” Basil looks at Daril and Kurt, the manner said sincerely: Before my did not have to choose, now I want to mediate, chose a good chief for the tribe.” “我在按照兽神大人的指引,做正确的事情!”巴兹尔看着达里尔库尔特,神态恳切道:“以前我的没得选择,现在我想做个好人,为部落选择一个好酋长。” Perdinan!” 裴迪南!” Perdinan!!” 裴迪南!!” Chief Perdinan!!!” 裴迪南酋长!!!” The call surges upward gradually, resounded through the conference site quickly, resounded through the entire inner city! 呼声渐渐高涨,很快响彻了会场,响彻了整座内城! The people crowd around around scaffold, is shouting loudly the Perdinan slogan, many honored people joined in the crowd of shouting. 众人簇拥在绞刑台周围,高喊着裴迪南的口号,就连不少贵人们都加入了呼喊的人群中。 Daril and Kurt, helping me kill this rebel and Perdinan, later your my three people, partitioned Fak Tribe!” Gally looks at Daril and Kurt, clenches teeth to say. 达里尔库尔特,帮我杀了这个叛徒和裴迪南,以后你我三人,分治法克部落!”盖理看着达里尔库尔特,咬牙说道。 Daril and Kurt complexion several fluctuate, looks at each other, all saw in the eyes of opposite party hesitant, the Gehry words have the attraction without doubt very much, but the present situation some out-of-control, he has not been possible to kill Basil and Perdinan even, controls the scene. 达里尔库尔特的脸色几番变幻,相视一眼,皆在对方的眼中看到了犹豫,盖里的话无疑很有诱惑力,但现在的情况已经有些失控,就算是他么也不一定能够杀死巴兹尔裴迪南,将场面控制下来。 Therefore was forced the clansman who and misled by Gally, if can awaken quickly, joins in formation that crusades against the regicider, the responsibility for an offense that you once violated will obtain the redemption, I guaranteed, after today, does not go into one's past!” The rope on Perdinan body and shackles and neck had been removed, stands on the scaffold loudly said. “所以受盖理胁迫和蛊惑的族人,若是能够幡然醒悟,加入讨伐弑君者的队列中,你们曾经犯下的罪责将得到了救赎,我保证,今日之后,既往不咎!”裴迪南身上和枷锁和脖子上的绳索已经被去除,站在绞刑台上大声道 Gally murders the brother to seize the position, misleads to force me and others, the crime, when suffers extreme penalty, Daril is willing to obey Young Master Perdinan to dispatch!” Daril takes the lead to turn toward Perdinan partly to kneel in the place. 盖理弑兄夺位,蛊惑胁迫我等,罪当伏诛,达里尔愿听从裴迪南公子调遣!”达里尔率先向着裴迪南半跪在地。 Kurt is also willing to follow!” Kurt follows close on partly is also kneeling in the place, high sound said. 库尔特也愿追随!”库尔特紧跟着也半跪在地,高声道。 You...... you......” a Gally ya zi eye of crack, never expected that today's sealing grand ceremony met the scene that was so deserted by friends and allies unexpectedly, the vision look to Oersted, the pit asked: Chief Oersted, please help me exterminate the rebel, after the matter becomes, before said the matter, I must have the generous recompense!” “你……你们……”盖理睚眦目裂,没想到今日的加封大典竟会是这般众叛亲离的场景,目光看向了奥斯特,坑求道:“奥斯特酋长,请你助我剿灭叛徒,事成之后,之前所说之事,我必有重报!” This is your Fak Tribe internal matter, I represent Aog Tribe, is not good to participate too many, in order to avoid causes the unnecessary trouble, but also invited as one likes.” Oersted wear a look of said with a smile. “这是你们法克部落内部的事情,我代表奥格部落,不好参与太多,以免引起不必要的麻烦,还请诸位自便。”奥斯特面带微笑道
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