SDRAW :: Volume #16

#1562: One the sleep/felt wakes up, perhaps traded the day

How many vegetables/dishes? Such above?” “几个菜啊?这么上头的吗?” You let alone, such splendid performance is uncommon.” “你别说,这样精彩的表演可不常见。” Shock! The tribe chiefs' at sealing grand ceremony bad people running wild, unexpectedly because of......” “震惊!各部落酋长在加封大典上群魔乱舞,竟是因为……” beastman and crowds who in the ordinary seat sits were shocked by this scene, such community rude scene, is rare, cannot help but stood on tiptoes the tip of the toe, elongated the neck to look to. 普通席位上坐着的兽人和围观群众们都被这一幕惊呆了,这样群体失态的场面,可是百年难遇,不由得踮起了脚尖,伸长了脖子向里看着。 His vegetable/dish, is joined to my liquor, has such above?” In the crowd, Hannah feels a chin face to be curious, is the Mag vegetable/dish to be actually delicious, is her liquor even better? “他的菜,配上我的酒,有这么上头吗?”人群中,汉娜摸着下巴一脸好奇,究竟是麦格的菜好吃,还是她的酒更胜一筹? After one generation of Bacchus, she naturally has own pride. 作为一代酒神之后,她自然是有着属于自己的骄傲。 However looks at these honored people's immersing performance, made her produce many curiosity to Mag. 不过看着那些贵人们的沉醉表现,又让她对麦格产生了更多的好奇。 Can be organized to choose complete such important mission, Hannah has thought Mag is a super fierce scout, but never expected that he unexpectedly is a chef, moreover evidently is a super fierce chef. 能够被组织选择来完整如此重要的任务,汉娜一直认为麦格是一位超级厉害的探子,但没想到他竟然是个厨子,而且看样子还是个超级厉害的厨子。 Waits for matters understood, I must make him give me to make one well delicious, if really delicious, my pushing someone take on a difficult job...... hmph hmph, was really cheap he......” does not know that thought of anything, Hannah somewhat charming stamping the feet, on the face exuded pink. “等这件事了解了,我一定要让他给我好好做一顿好吃的,要是真的好吃的话,那我就勉为其难的……哼哼,真是便宜他了……”不知想到了什么,汉娜有些娇羞的跺了跺脚,脸上泛起了一丝粉红。 ...... …… Sir Dwoad, each entrance some people guards, we have more than ten brothers to be grasped, what to do now should?” Outside city in an alley, beastman that wears the straw hat walked in a hurry, looks that lies to bend down in the fence looks out city wall direction Dwoad to say. 德沃德大人,每一处入口都有人把守,我们已经有十几个兄弟被抓了,现在该怎么办?”城外一条小巷中,一个戴着草帽的兽人匆匆走了进来,看着趴伏在围墙上瞭望着城墙方向的德沃德说道。 How many brothers now did we have to mix?” Dwoad has turned head to come to see that beastman to ask. “现在我们有多少兄弟混进去了?”德沃德扭过头来看着那兽人问道。 In addition last night ambushed in the city, has about fifty.” “加上昨晚潜伏在城内的,大约有五十几个。” Were too few.” Dwoad knits the brows, last night they caused havoc the inner city, in the result the Gally trap, had the mysterious person to lend a hand to assist fortunately, not only made them move out, but also was imprisoned trapped/sleepy beastman to rescue because of the former chief by Gally major Prison. “太少了。”德沃德皱眉,昨晚他们大闹内城,结果中了盖理的陷阱,还好有神秘人出手相助,不仅让他们全身而退,还把各大监狱中因为前任酋长而被盖理囚困的兽人救了出来。 However afterward to avoid to capture, almost all people drew back from the inner city. 不过后来为了躲避追捕,几乎所有人都从内城退了出来。 Finally Gally restored the city wall overnight, and sends out to guard each exit|to speak with large army. 结果盖理一夜之间修复了城墙,并且派出重兵把守各个出口。 Today is the Gally sealing grand ceremony, will also execute Young Master Perdinan. 今日是盖理的加封大典,同时也会处决裴迪南公子。 If they today do not make anything, once Young Master Perdinan were strangled, the Gally position in is not then shakable. 他们今日若是再不做些什么,裴迪南公子一旦被绞死,盖理的地位便在无可动摇。 „The action, does not count the price passes in turn toward the city endosmosis, must before sealing the grand ceremony starts to allow more brothers to enter the inner city.” Dwoad dignified say/way. “分批行动,不计代价的往城内渗透,一定要在加封大典开始前让更多的兄弟进入内城。”德沃德神情凝重道。 Yes.” That beastman should say, prepares to depart. “是。”那兽人应道,准备离去。 Dwoad, you want to enter the city.” At this moment, the low and deep sound resounds in the lane entrance together suddenly. 德沃德,你们想入城是吧。”就在这时,一道低沉的声音突然在巷口响起。 Who!” Dwoad looks toward the lane entrance, mage staff has started to condense the ray. “谁!”德沃德向着巷口看去,法师杖已经开始凝聚光芒。 young beastman also drew out the waist long sword nervous, then looked to the lane entrance. 年轻兽人也是神情紧张的拔出了腰间长剑,回头看向巷口。 I am Ken, Jeremy person hand/subordinate.” That beastman is raising hand to walk slowly. “我是肯恩,杰勒米手下的人。”那兽人举着手缓缓走了进来。 Halts!” Dwoad drinks, a face vigilant looks at Ken saying: You come again, you will turn into one group of hard cokes! Then, what does Jeremy send you to make?!” “站住!”德沃德喝到,一脸警惕的看着肯恩道:“你再过来,你就会变成一团焦炭!说吧,杰勒米派你来做什么?!” Do not misunderstand, I am well-meant, is not Jeremy sends me to come.” Ken stands firm, looks at Dwoad to say. “不要误会,我没有恶意,也不是杰勒米派我来的。”肯恩站定,看着德沃德说道。 Jeremy has several running dogs, you are in most famous that you thought that you said this saying I believe?” Dwoad sneers saying that the vision looks toward Ken behind lane entrance, has several points of anxiety. 杰勒米有几条走狗,你是里面最出名的那一条,你觉得你说这话我会相信吗?”德沃德冷笑道,目光向着肯恩身后的巷口看去,有着几分不安。 If I stand that side him, that you should be surrounded by the heavy cavalry who Daril or Kurt lead now all round, was struck to kill at the scene, beheads and posts the severed head as a warning to others.” Ken puts down the hand, looks that Dwoad eyes pulled down several lateral sound tone channels: Perhaps you have not known, your head present posting a reward price is 1 million copper coin.” “如果我是站在他那边的,那现在你们应该已经被达里尔或者库尔特带领的重骑兵团团包围,然后被当场击杀,枭首示众。”肯恩放下手,看着德沃德眼睛压低了几分声音道:“或许你还不知道,你的脑袋现在的悬赏价格是一百万铜币。” The Dwoad hearing this brow slightly wrinkle, thought deeply about a meeting, put down mage staff in hand, looks at Ken saying: What did you find us to make now?” 德沃德闻言眉头微皱,思索了一会,放下了手中的法师杖,看着肯恩道:“你现在找到我们想做什么?” Chief Isaiah had the graciousness to me, during that time once saved mother who I have picked the medicine, making her exempt dies of mouth of the fierce tiger beast, naturally, this matter to the chief was only an insignificant matter, because like his such, no matter what the good person, the matter has made many. But the medicine that mother takes carry back, from urging the dead edge saved me, my life and mother's life is he rescues. Like people like him, should not die.” Some Ken moved say/way. 艾赛亚酋长对我有恩,当年曾经救过我采药的母亲,让她免死于一头猛虎兽之口,当然,这件事对酋长而言只是微不足道的一件事,因为像他那样任善之人,这样的事情做过许多。但母亲拿回来的药,把我从催死边缘救了回来,我的命和母亲的命都是他救的。像他这样的人,不该就这样死去。”肯恩有些伤感道。 Do not be here hypocritical, the rebel army breaks through the city wall time, you may stand in the Jeremy side, but once showed mercy to the chief and his family member?” Dwoad angry say/way. “不要在这里假惺惺,叛军攻破城墙的时候,你可就站在杰勒米的身旁,可曾对酋长和他的亲人手下留情?”德沃德恼怒道。 I indeed cannot stand in that side of chief.” Ken vision one gloomy, but looks at Dwoad saying: I bled off Princess Connie, she should live, Gally had not found her.” “我的确没能站在酋长的那一边。”肯恩目光一黯,不过还是看着德沃德道:“不过我放走了康妮公主,她应该活下来了,盖理没有找到她。” „Is Connie you bleeds off?!” Dwoad and nearby beastman hearing this all are one happy. 康妮是你放走的?!”德沃德和一旁的兽人闻言皆是一喜。 I did not have the ability to save the chief, Princess Connie also slightly completely a strength, I had a deficit to chief Isaiah as before.” Ken said. “我没有能力救酋长,康妮公主也只是略尽了一点力量,我对艾赛亚酋长依旧亏欠了许多。”肯恩说道。 „Do you look for us today are?” Dwoad somewhat puzzled looks at Ken. “那你今日来找我们是?”德沃德有些不解的看着肯恩 Today seals the grand ceremony, Gally plans to strangle Young Master Perdinan in the presence of everyone, thus completely cuts off the possibility of restoration. If Young Master Perdinan died, the chief then only has a Princess Connie daughter, even the faithful supporter of chief, still is very difficult to support her to become the new chief. Therefore, tonight was the last chance.” Ken looks at Dwoad, goes forward two steps, pulled down several lateral sound tone channels: Today I am responsible for looking at the southwest side door, I elect the group of brothers of belt/bring am a person on one's own side, you unify to exchange black soft armor, after seeing on the southwest side door shines three flares, immediately taking advantage of the dim light of night enters the city, I will put you to pass through.” “今日加封大典,盖理打算当众绞死裴迪南公子,从而彻底断绝复辟的可能。如果裴迪南公子死了,酋长便只剩下康妮公主一个女儿,就算是酋长的忠实拥护者,恐怕也很难拥护她成为新的酋长。所以,今晚是最后的机会了。”肯恩看着德沃德,上前两步,压低了几分声音道:“今日我负责看西南角门,我选带的这批兄弟都是自己人,你们统一换上黑色软甲,看到西南角门上亮起三只火把后,立即借着夜色入城,我会放你们通行。” Dwoad hearing this complexion one happy, grabs the hand of Ken saying: If today can the matter become, another day young master holds Fak Tribe again, will thank in you surely again.” 德沃德闻言面色一喜,抓着肯恩的手道:“今日若是能够事成,他日公子重掌法克部落,必定会重谢于你。” This is I must do, after entering city , is very inevitably dangerous, you are surely careful.” Ken also shook a hand of Dwoad layer on layer/heavily, the turning around half step departed. “这是我应当做的,入城之后必然十分危险,你们千万小心。”肯恩也是重重的握了一下德沃德的手,转身快步离去。 ...... …… Other light drinks, come, eats the nod...... the fish.” Mag is greeting near the gate in a laugh the alley that several beastman that comes to raise the corpse, in front of toward the people pushed new one of the roast fish, raised one's wine cup on fully to them. “别光喝酒啊,来,多吃点头……鱼。”麦格笑呵呵的招呼着门边小巷里那几位前来提尸体的兽人,把一条刚出炉的烤鱼往众人面前一推,又给他们把酒满上。 This liquor...... this fish...... was too beautiful...... delicious......” the scar of knife wound beastman stutter was really hugging nearby wooden pole to say. “这酒……这鱼……实在是太美……美味了……”刀疤兽人结巴着搂着一旁的木柱子称赞道。 Nearby several beastman drink two bowls again, the potency of alcohol had dropped down extremely, on the face is also hanging the simple and honest satisfied smile. 旁边几个兽人再喝两碗,已经不胜酒力倒下了,脸上还挂着憨厚满足的笑容。 Ok, you drink several cups, a sleep/felt wakes up, perhaps traded the day.” Mag puts down the wine pot, had/left the alley with a smile. “行嘞,那你们多喝几杯,一觉醒来,说不定就换天了。”麦格把酒坛放下,笑着出了小巷。 „The last dish on, we should also watch the fun.” Mag entered kitchen, solution apron while said. “把最后一道菜上了吧,咱们也该去看看热闹了。”麦格进了厨房,一边解围裙一边道。
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