SWR :: Volume #8

#776: Fire Thief essence( two)

drips......” “呼喇喇……” Unlike fight of Lu Xin and old man. 陆辛和老者的交手不同。 Lu Xin and old man, even if touched the fantasy strengths of many top level, but the two people still have person special characteristics, is more similar to fighting, but in a blaze of passion threw coming father, is more like gloomy and cold tide that permeates the marrow. 陆辛与老者,哪怕彼此间都触及了很多高层次的幻想力量,但两个人都仍然有着“人”的特质,更类似于交手,而盛怒之下扑了过来的父亲,则更像是一片渗入骨髓的阴冷潮水。 Enormous and powerful, before curling old person's body, dashed with his strength together. 浩浩荡荡,卷到了老人的身前,与他的力量冲撞在一起。 ...... 喀喀喀…… As if was a pure vitreous body received the extrusion, was sending out the clear sound of being unable to withstand the load every inchs, the ray that old person's side, the candle bloomed was reflected the colorful extraordinary splendor, the gloomy and cold wind flooded in the space of every inchs church. 仿佛是一面纯玻璃体受到了挤压,每一寸都在发出了不堪重负的清脆响动,老人的身边,蜡烛绽放的光芒都被折射出了五颜六色的异彩,阴冷的风充斥在了教堂的每一寸空间里。 Agitated father of whole body strength, the first impact, the old person is entirely still. 鼓动了全身力量的父亲,第一次冲击,老人纹丝不动。 But father seems to have also been ready, under angrily roars, in the black shadow then surged massive unusual strengths. 父亲似乎也早就做好了准备,一声怒吼之下,黑色的影子里便涌动了大量异常的力量。 These strength buff the frightened strength, formed the condition of overlay to well up toward the old person. 这些力量加持了恐惧的力量,形成叠加的状态向着老人涌了过去。 “Kakaka……” “喀喀喀……” But was still resisted by the mind/energetic barrier of old person side release, that type gentle, but exceptionally stable mind/energetic barrier, as if destroys the hardest defenses. Whatever the powerful shadow is pinching the gloomy and cold strength, probably the tide dashed generally, is actually only static existence in that place, does not draw back half step, has not changed. Barrier following candlelight, was not affected by the least bit.. 但仍然被老人身边释放的精神屏障抵挡了下来,那种柔和但又异常稳定的精神屏障,似乎无坚不摧。任由强大的影子挟着阴冷的力量,像是潮水一般冲撞了过来,却只是静静的存在于那个地方,不退半步,也没有丝毫变化。就连屏障后面的烛火,也不受到半点影响。。 This simple is a desperate aspect. 这简单是一个让人绝望的局面。 But father obviously is at this moment, made for a long time preparation. 父亲明显已经为这一刻,做了许久的准备。 He shouted to reverberate in the church narrow space back and forth, sends out made the person eardrum painful trembling feeling. 他嘶吼声在教堂狭窄的空间里来回回荡,发出了令人耳膜生疼的战栗感。 More powerful strength, appeared in the black shadow a layer upon layer, the overlay, attacked to approach a higher level. 一层层更为强大的力量,出现在了黑色的影子里,不停的叠加,冲击向了更高的层次。 In Heizhao City harvesting mental body. 黑沼城收割的精神体 In Hell Regiment that Tinder City swallows. 火种城吞噬的地狱军团 In Qinggang City external use frightened transformation executor mental body...... 青港城外用恐惧转化的执行人精神体…… ...... …… ...... …… That is the thing that he until now saves, is his genuine pin money. 那是他一直以来积攒的东西,是他真正的私房钱。 Resists Sword Bearer time, he has not really taken all these, after all Lu Xin solves that matter is quite quick. 对抗执剑人的时候,他也并没有真的将这一切都拿出来,毕竟陆辛解决那件事比较快。 Until the present , he put out the complete family property without hesitation, desperate dashing approached the front. 直到如今,他才毫不犹豫的,拿出了全部家底,拼命的冲撞向了前方。 In the small church, the endless illusory shadow rush, just like the battlefield. 小小的教堂里面,无尽虚幻影子冲杀,犹如战场。 ...... …… ...... …… Oh oh oh......” “噢噢噢……” In Abyss, still stood honestly row of lurker that is waiting for the Lu Xin whole family, had opened the eye. 深渊之中,仍然老老实实站成了一排等着陆辛一家人的潜伏者们,已经睁大了眼睛。 In their looks at front that dark lake, bloomed suddenly the terrifying mind/energetic pressure. 它们看着前方那一处黑暗的湖泊之中,忽然绽放了恐怖的精神威压。 Is surging in black mist, obviously has a powerful strength. 涌动着的黑色雾气里,明显有一种强大至极的力量。 From time to time is the pure fear is spreading, from time to time is one piece indistinctly, actually the human form mental body army one after another. 时而是纯粹的恐惧在蔓延,时而是一片影影绰绰,却成排成排的人形精神体大军。 Fearless deaths and annihilation dashing approached the dark core. 一次次无惧死亡与湮灭般冲撞向了黑暗核心。 But in that dark core, weak candlelight, static combustion. 而在那黑暗核心之中,正有一片微弱的烛光,静静的燃烧着。 Not is bright. 并不那么明亮。 But under the impact of this boundless strength layer upon layer, was actually still maintaining own stability. 但在这一层层的磅礴力量的冲击下,却仍然在保持着自身的稳定。 ...... …… ...... …… Oh......” “唉……” Is facing the father crazy general impact, the old person also sighed with regret slightly. 面对着父亲疯狂一般的冲击,老人也微微叹惜。 His vision, swept behind candle flame one with no trace, feels under the crazy impact of father, these flame, came under the influence faintly, then low sighed, the look became firm and resolute, as if made an important decision. 他的目光,不着痕迹的扫了身后的蜡烛火苗一眼,感觉到在父亲的疯狂冲击下,这些火苗,也隐隐受到了影响,便低低的一叹,眼神变得坚毅,似乎做下了一个重要的决定。 “Rustle!” “唰!” He turns the head suddenly, looks indifferently toward father. 他忽然转头,冷眼向着父亲看去。 Even if has crazy makings to father that he submerges to come, is welcoming this look, still flinches slightly. 即使是已经带了种疯狂气质向他淹没而来的父亲,迎着这个眼神,也微微退缩。 But next moment, the mind/energetic barrier before old person body, suddenly „” initiative shatter. 下一刻,老人身前的精神屏障,忽然“啪”的一声主动破碎。 His body also becomes fuzzy, the sound that crash-bang the page changes resounds in his body. 就连他的身体也变得模糊,哗啦啦书页翻动的声音在他的身体里面响起。 The dazzling ray that one type is inconceivable bloomed from his body, formed the one after another giant tentacle, scoffed at one to tear his chest, then curled up layer upon layer the air ripple, fierce dashed the past toward the father shadow. 紧接着,一种难以想象的耀眼光芒自他的身体里面绽放,形成了一只一只巨大触手,嗤啦一声撕裂了他的胸膛,然后卷起层层空气波纹,凶猛的向着父亲的影子冲撞了过去。 Crash-bang......” “哗啦啦……” Entire small town all people were in a state of short brain blank suddenly. 整个小镇所有的人都忽然陷入了短暂的大脑空白状态。 It seems like all mental strength, pressed down the suspension key in this time, presented instant that blank. 就好像所有的精神力量,在此时按下了暂停键,出现了霎那的空白。 The Abyss world, all lurker startled hugging in one, had trembled. 深渊世界,所有的潜伏者已经惊慌的抱在了一起,瑟瑟发抖。 The round eye stares in a big way, looks to the front darkness, in one group of white shadows extended the giant antenna. 圆圆的眼睛瞪到最大,看向前方的黑暗之中,一团白色的影子里延伸出了巨大的触角。 Crash-bang......” “哗啦啦……” At this moment, the father strength was dashed successively by old person's mental strength retrocedes. 这一刻,父亲的力量被老人的精神力量冲撞得节节后退。 But he exuded the unprecedented shouting sound, obviously somewhat restrains oneself in this type, moreover strong under strength dashing of oneself, he has not retroceded unexpectedly, but erupts the unprecedented courage, moves forward to meet somebody, interwove with it in one. 但他发出了前所未有的嘶吼声,在这种明显有些克制自己,而且强过了自己的力量冲撞之下,他居然没有后退,而是爆发出了前所未有的勇气,迎了上去,与其交织在了一起。 Slaughters, annihilation...... 厮杀,湮灭…… ...... …… ...... …… Found......” “找到了……” Pupil that same time mother, the keep changing also extends, then suddenly the contraction, the merge is one. 同一时间的妈妈,不停变化并且延伸的瞳孔,则忽然收缩,合并为一个。 She seemed like saw anything finally, the body trembled suddenly fiercely, presented the one after another double image. 她像是终于看到了什么,身体忽然剧烈震颤,出现了一只只的重影。 next moment, these shadows seized every opportunity, appear in the entire church. 下一刻,这些影子无孔不入,出现在了整个教堂之中。 The movement is uniform, the palm raised from the white packet. 动作整齐划一,手掌从白色小包里提了出来。 In the palm takes scissors impressively, toward touches the hand shears that on the old person extends to fall. 掌中赫然拿着一柄柄剪刀,向着老人身上延伸出来的触手剪落了下去。 In the strength interweaves interrupts its strength logic. 在力量交织中截断其力量逻辑。 However, this is only the shield. 但是,这只是掩护。 More important in this in scene that lets the person vertigo densely and numerously, a mother form, to old man behind. 更重要的则是在这密密麻麻让人眼花的场景之中,一个妈妈的身影,到了老者身后。 But she has not put out a hand to take to the meaning of black box, instead stretched out the scissors toward that rows of candle. 但她一点也没有伸手拿向黑色箱子的意思,反而向着那一排排的蜡烛伸出了剪刀。 “Kakaka……” “喀喀喀……” When the brittle sound gets up, the candle went out 45 suddenly. 脆声响起时,蜡烛忽然熄灭了四五根。 Luminous in church, therefore gloomy some, old person's strength also therefore was weaken similarly much. 教堂里的光亮,因此暗淡了些许,老人的力量同样也因此减弱了不少。 father laughed aloud, seized the opportunity to throw, swallowed old person's mental strength. 父亲呵呵大笑,乘机扑上,吞噬老人的精神力量 During that piece of chaotic mental strength is intertwined, the old person form also appeared in the mother side suddenly. 而在那一片混乱的精神力量交缠之中,老人身影也忽然出现在了妈妈的身边。 Crash-bang...... 哗啦啦…… With the clear turning recitation sound gets up, old person's side, emerged out of thin air one volume of thick books. 随着清晰的翻书声音响起,老人的身边,凭空出现了一卷厚厚的书藉。 The title page seems like the sheepskin to make, has the thick down. 封面像是羊皮制成,有着厚厚的绒毛。 Whirled around, in can see is the dense and numerous unreadable writing. 不停的翻卷了开来,可以看到里面是密密麻麻难以理解的文字。 Sweeps one, then feeling these writing can flood the mind, occupies firmly, pushes all other things. 只是扫上一眼,便感觉这些文字可以充斥脑海,牢牢占据,将一切其他的东西挤出来。 next moment, the old person turns around, in the hand is pinching a golden fountain pen, the pen tip the dazzling light. 下一刻,老人转身,手里捏着一只金色的钢笔,笔尖着炫目的光。 Fast wrote down one line of writing in the sheepskin volume: 飞快的在羊皮卷上写下了一行文字: Destiny cannot peep.” “命运不可窥视。” „......” “……” Buzz...... 嗡…… Strange mental strength fills the air instantaneously, all mother were fierce covered the eye, shadow disappearance piece by piece. 奇异的精神力量瞬间弥漫,所有的妈妈都猛得捂住了眼睛,影子一片片的消失。 ...... …… ...... …… You how?” “你怎么了?” Outside the church, Lu Xin in human body swamp is being pulled from that piece by mother, actually heard a mother low moan suddenly, is fierce to turn the head, saw mother to cover the eye, under the palm, is having the fresh blood stream. 教堂外面,陆辛正在被妈妈从那一片“人体沼泽”之中拉扯出来,却忽然听到了妈妈一声低低的呻吟,猛得转过头去,就见妈妈捂住了眼睛,手掌下面,正有鲜血流了出来。 The panic-stricken and unusual anger flooded the heart instantaneously, urgently urgently asked. 惊恐与异常的愤怒瞬间充斥了心脏,急急问道。 He changed the floor logic, does not allow some people to spy on the destiny in his field......” “他改变了底层逻辑,不允许有人在他的场域里窥探命运……” mother said in a low voice: Therefore, I once spied on that part of destiny, then also annihilated......” 妈妈低声道:“所以,我曾经窥探命运的那一部分,便随之湮灭掉了……” Lu Xin is listening, feels somewhat strangely: Is so fearful?” 陆辛听着,都感觉有些离奇:“这么可怕?” Each ultimate, in field that in the oneself mind/energetic palace forms, has the absolute advantage......” “每一位终极,在自己精神宫殿形成的场域里面,都有着绝对的优势……” mother is saying in a low voice, simultaneously put down the palm. 妈妈低声说着,同时放下了手掌。 As can be seen, she usually the bright eye, appeared at this time dim many. 可以看到,她平时明亮的眼睛,在这时显得黯淡了不少。 The complexion appeared before is paler. 脸色更是显得比之前更苍白。 Previously brought Lu Xin to enter the Abyss lowest level, she had suffered the heavy losses, actually had not restored. 此前带着陆辛进入深渊最底层,她就已经受到了重创,其实一直没有恢复。 She is used to hide the injury. 只是她习惯把伤势藏起来。 But now, without a doubt, her injury aggravated. 但如今,毫无疑问,她的伤势加重了很多。 Ka-beng......” “嘎嘣……” Lu Xin clenches teeth slightly, is struggling vigorously the body of oneself. 陆辛微微咬牙,极力挣扎着自己的身体。 But, oneself struggles is fiercer, side shouts the sound going wild sound to be then more resounding. 但没想到,自己挣扎的越厉害,身边的嘶吼声抓狂声便越响亮。 That one after another black shadow, submerged the most body of oneself. 一只只的黑色影子,淹没了自己的大半身体。 Had been pulled part by mother obviously, but at this time, had to plant unexpectedly again the feeling that oneself submerges. 明明已经被妈妈扯出来了一部分,但这时,居然有种再次将自己淹没的感觉。 Lu Xin felt that empty sad, seemed the brain to empty, anything did not do. 陆辛感觉到了一种空荡荡的难过,就好像脑子空了,什么都做不了。 Do not struggle......” “不要挣扎……” mother had held down promptly Lu Xin, reminded in a low voice: This is the confused swamp......” 妈妈已及时按住了陆辛,低声提醒:“这是迷茫沼泽……” He as Fire Thief, the essence is the truth, but the truth and confused often accompanies, therefore confused is also his strength......” “他身为盗火者,本质是真理,但真理与迷茫时常相伴,所以迷茫也是他的力量……” He knows you dangerously, therefore the confused strength will cover on the black box.” “他知道你最危险,所以将迷茫的力量覆盖在了黑色箱子上。” When you steal the black box, held confusedly, the essence belongs to tempt you to go to be polluted on own initiative confusedly.” “当你去窃取黑色箱子时,也就抓住了迷茫,本质属于引诱你主动去被迷茫污染。” „......” “……” Unexpectedly, is so sly?” “居然,这么狡猾?” Lu Xin is inconceivable, old man obviously looks at tall and sturdy. 陆辛难以想象,那老头明明看着挺实在的。 „The truth was sly.” “真理本来就是狡猾的。” mother said in a low voice: In Fire Thief revering name then robber character, his birth also originates from a fraud......” 妈妈低声道:“盗火者的尊名里便有一个盗字,他的诞生也来源于一场欺诈……” Then such as that in myth robs the person of fire, he steals the Tinder gift world for the truth, but in the numerous god eyes, he is a traitor and welsher, therefore, the fraud, is part in his essence, is hard to separate part that with him.” “便如神话里的那位盗火之人,他为了真理窃取火种赠予人间,但在众神眼中,他是一个背叛者、欺诈者,所以,欺诈,本来也是他本质里的一部分,与他难以割裂的一部分。” „......” “……” What to do that present should?” “那现在该怎么办?” Lu Xin is anxious is hard to digest such complex information, somewhat strenuous asking. 陆辛急切间难以消化这么复杂的信息,有些吃力的问道。 He also felt that for the first time was encumbered, is hard to pull out to the feeling by a complex strength. 他也第一次感觉到了被一种覆杂的力量缠身,难以抽离的感觉。 Opens the eye, he will see at present the scenes illusion, is changing. 睁开眼睛,他会看到眼前的一幕幕幻象,不停的变化着。 From time to time is in Abyss, bleak dark-red. 时而是深渊里面,荒凉的暗红色。 The one after another black human form shadow formed a sea, oneself stubbornly holds. 一只只黑色的人形影子形成了一片海,将自己死死的抓住。 From time to time at present turns into that gloomy and cold seashore small town. 时而眼前又变成了那个阴冷的海边小镇。 Regardless of the flagstone ground, is the surrounding construction, twists mounts thickly, swallowed oneself like the swamp. 只是无论石板地面,还是周围的建筑,都扭曲又黏稠,像沼泽一样吞噬了自己 What strength regardless of oneself releases to resist, always felt oneself swallowed is deeper. 无论自己释放什么样的力量去对抗,都始终感觉自己被吞噬的更深。 What is more fearful, oneself is most powerful, the black granule that in the pollution by oneself was also often used to run amuck in the world that batters, as if had lost the function, is not just able to corrode old person's mind/energetic barrier, now is unable to corrode confusedly these...... 更可怕的是,自己最强大,也经常被自己用来在污染横行的世界里横冲直撞的黑色粒子,似乎都已经失去了作用,刚刚无法腐蚀老人的精神屏障,如今也无法腐蚀这些迷茫…… He is cheating you......” “他是在欺诈你……” mother as if knows that Lu Xin is thinking anything, immediately says in a low voice. 妈妈似乎知道陆辛在想什么,立刻低声说道。 One of Fire Thief ability, is misleads the person into thinking the words that oneself said were the truth.” 盗火者能力之一,便是让人误以为自己说出来的话都是真理。” He blocked your strength by his mind/energetic barrier, then said that your ability is unable to have the influence on the truth.” “他以自身的精神屏障挡住了你的力量,便说你的能力无法对真理造成影响。” You subconscious regards the truth these words, and oneself extends, thinks that the oneself strength does not have the effect on him......” “你会下意识的把这句话当成真理,并自己延伸,认为自己的力量对他没有效果……” But in fact, you have injured him......” “但实际上,你已经伤到了他……” Was only his level tall passed/lived you, therefore this injury was quite low......” “只是他的层次高过了你,所以这种伤害比较低而已……” „......” “……” „......” “……” Fraud......” “欺诈……” Looked like revealed the magic of truth to be the same, instantaneous insipid. 就像是被揭穿了谜底的魔术一样,瞬间索然无味。 Lu Xin closes one's eyes slightly, then the fist is fierce grasps, suddenly, on his body, presented the faces of innumerable oneself, some bring confusedly, some have the pain, some have the facetious look, some brought...... these faces to appear after his body cruelly, then opens the mouth immediately, the bright red tongue was fierce the volume to these crowded surrounding the Lu Xin shadow. 陆辛微微闭眼,然后拳头猛得抓紧,忽然之间,他的身体上,出现了无数张自己的脸,有的带着迷茫,有的带着痛苦,有的带着戏谑的眼神,有的带着残忍……这些脸出现在了他的身上之后,便立刻张大了嘴巴,鲜红的舌头猛得卷向了那些拥挤的包围着陆辛的影子。 Creak creak creak “咯吱”“咯吱”“咯吱” Slurp......” “吸溜……” „......” “……” Chews resounds with squish the sound of mouth at the same time, Lu Xin side all, suddenly become clean. 嘴嚼与吧唧嘴的声音同一时间响起,陆辛身边的一切,忽然变得干干净净。 Without the swamp, does not have the black monster human form shadow, oneself stood on the street in small town was in a daze. 没有沼泽,也没有黑色的怪物人形影子,自己只是站在了小镇的街道上发呆而已。 Walks......” “走吧……” He raised the head slowly, looks to the church, in the eye, the black granule started the crazy tremor. 他缓缓抬头,看向了教堂,眼睛里面,黑色粒子开始疯狂的颤动。
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