SF1983 :: Volume #10

#974: Goes to the stars sea

Hou, but also is very cold!” “嚯,还挺冷!” Teacher permits shoves open the main entrance of No. 25 institute, the front surface cold frost, the wind curls the snow froth to be in broken bits. 许老师推开25号院的正门,迎面寒霜,风卷着雪沫子细细碎碎。 About him looks at the alley, silver white plain, selecting the big red lantern is especially attractive. The small rising sun takes an couplet, said: Pastes this.” 他左右望了望胡同,一条银白素净,挑着大红灯笼格外漂亮。小旭拿着一副对联,道:“贴这个。” „The Fu Wangcai prosperous luck is prosperous, the family/home is popular the person to be popular the enterprise to be popular. Very vulgar?” “福旺财旺运气旺,家兴人兴事业兴。忒俗了吧?” New year's celebration selects vulgarly, vulgar point Jili.” “过年俗点好,俗点吉利。” Ok. 行吧。 permits non- presses down, greatly high does not need to step on the chair, streamer one bright: Happy expression full of something in the whole family! 许非啪啪按上,大高个不用踩椅子,又把横批一亮:喜气盈门! Taking advantage of your auspicious words, happy expression full of something in the whole family!” “借你吉言,喜气盈门!” Pasted the main entrance, they went to call the child, treated a matter seriously: Gives you a duty, our family/home any room that has to have the household, pastes on the lucky character.” 贴好了正门,俩人进去唤过孩子,郑重其事:“交给你们一个任务,把咱们家凡是有门有户的屋子,都贴上福字。” How does lucky character paste?” “福字怎么贴呀?” Guards the door, was last year, according to post.” “看门上,都是去年的,照着贴。” Thereupon, is riding the bicycle, car(riage) basket more than 30 luck ; Is driving the toy car, but also careful brought the small backless stool, directly soars the east side. 于是乎,一只踩着脚踏车,车筐里塞着三十多个福;一只开着玩具车,还细心的带了小板凳,呼啦啦直奔东边。 The preparation rushes to the west from east, from south to north...... 准备从东跑到西,从南走到北…… permits non- and small rising sun start to paste the couplet, the main room/wife in each institute, the content is selective. 许非和小旭开始贴对联,每个院的正房,内容都是精挑细选。 For example that side the garage, is obliging one has hundred luck, safe two character value daughters.” 比如车库那边,就是“和顺一门有百福,平安二字值千金。” The room of old couples: Occupies the treasure trove millenniums to be prosperous happily, the luck is popular according to main house gate all things.” 老两口的屋子:“喜居宝地千年旺,福照家门万事兴。” Teacher permits was most flamboyant: Hundred years of the world returns to the vitality, the unified country border is peaceful!” 许老师的最牛逼了:“百年天地回元气,一统山河际太平!” Streamer: Peaceful country and safe people! 横批:国泰民安! Put in the ancient times on a counter- thief. 搁古代就一反贼。 ...... …… The kitchen, has the couple of absolute authority to issue order today: 厨房,今儿拥有绝对权威的张俪发令: We make ten meals! “我们做十个菜! The steamed fish together, the pig's feet together, spells coolly together, usually braises the soup together, finger citron cabbage together, trepang together, sweet and sour fillet together, prawn together, mutton chop together, ginseng deer bouillon together. 清蒸鱼一道,猪蹄一道,凉拼一道,素烩汤一道,佛手白菜一道,海参一道,糖醋里脊一道,大虾一道,羊排一道,人参鹿肉汤一道。 Has the issue? ” 有问题么?” Has! 有! permits non- stares the big eye, what ghost is the ginseng deer bouillon??? 许非瞪大眼,人参鹿肉汤是什么鬼??? „The meat are too many, stirs fry green vegetables, makes a cold food in sauce again.” “肉太多,炒个青菜吧,再弄个凉拌菜。” Also ok, collects 12.” “也行,凑十二道。” stretch/open Lisao: Without the issue my allocating task, oneself thinks that can raise, meets must achieve, otherwise cannot eat meal to blame you.” 张俪扫了一眼:“没问题我就分配任务了,自己觉得不行可以提,接了就要做到,不然吃不上饭可怪你。” „......” “……” The dragonet small tiger blinks, the feeling is quite fearful. 小龙小虎眨巴眨巴,感觉好可怕。 Soon, they led the cleaning vegetables duty, the summit. Opening the couple naturally is a chef, that two overcome the hand, runs around in circles. 不多时,他俩领了洗菜任务,颠颠去了。张俪自然是主厨,那两个打下手,团团转团团转。 That custom, this must eat during the daytime greatly, the vegetable/dish is very sumptuous. In the evening the snack, is mainly the stuffed dumpling. 还是那个习俗,白天这顿要大吃,菜无比丰盛。晚上小吃,主要是饺子。 Not long, three people also celebrate the new year in the hundred flowers alley, that can put in order a city to live it up. Now is busy, including selecting the firecracker does not have, is especially peaceful. 曾几何时,仨人也在百花胡同过过年,那会整座城市都热闹。如今忙着忙着,连点鞭炮声都没,格外安静。 Pours often has to telephone, pays new year's call to give regards, chats several. 倒不时有打电话的,拜年问个好,闲聊几句。 Zhang Guiqin and permits Xiaowen also telephone, others overseas natural, entire journey bodyguards, assistants and translation, serious of wave. 张桂琴和许孝文也打电话,人家正在国外潇洒,全程保镖、助理、翻译,浪的不得了。 Almost five hours, around 3 : 00 pm serves a meal. 差不多五个小时,下午 3 点多开饭。 The children in full vigour, ate and drank, finished eating plays. Follows stretch/open Li and small rising sun takes a nap, Teacher permits played a afternoon to play. 孩子们精力旺盛,吃吃喝喝,吃完又去耍。跟着张俪和小旭小睡,许老师玩了一下午游戏。 Glaring it was black. 晃眼天就黑了。 ............ ………… In three people of memories, in some year of lunar New Year's Eve, has had similar scene vaguely. 在仨人的记忆中,依稀在某一年除夕,有过类似的场景。 This year repeats, is only the person already the middle age, but also were many two sons. 今年重复了一遍,只是人已中年,还多了俩崽。 In the television is broadcasting «News broadcast», the bedroom is suspending the round table, five chairs. stretch/open Li rubs the pasta, clutches next two to lose to the child conveniently plays. 电视里播着《新闻联播》,卧室摆着圆桌,五把椅子。张俪揉面团,随手揪下两丢给孩子玩。 permits non- and small rising sun after many years of exercise, will make dumplings at least, a person holds basin stuffing. 许非和小旭经过多年锻炼,起码会包饺子了,一人抱一盆馅。 The boiling stuffed dumpling of mixed sea food stuffing, the steamed dumpling of mutton stuffing. 三鲜馅的煮饺,羊肉馅的蒸饺。 „In the spring of this year late sketch who?” “今年春晚小品有谁呀?” This Uncle Shan. Ms. Zhao walked, Chen Xiaoer drew back, remained him.” “本山叔呗。赵妈走了,陈小二退了,就剩他了。” Your company has?” “你公司有上的么?” Too has not paid attention, should have.” “没太注意,应该有吧。” Yeah, was interesting before, is getting more and more insipid, did not see in any case.” “哎,以前多有意思呀,越来越没劲,反正也不怎么看了。” Is saying, listened to that «News broadcast» in came one suddenly: 正说着,就听那《新闻联播》里忽然来了一句: As the Chinese space science and technology rapid development...... next stage space walk Balla Balla...... science fiction movie «Earth Cannon» will screen tomorrow.” “随着中国航天科技飞速发展……下一阶段太空行走巴拉巴拉……科幻电影《地球大炮》将于明天上映。” „!” “哇!” The small rising sun and stretch/open Liqi makes the exclamation shape, Teacher permits has the platoon surface!” 小旭和张俪齐做惊叹状,“许老师有排面!” Quite had the platoon surface!” “相当有排面了!” Why has the platoon surface?” Dragonet doubts. “为什么有排面?”小龙疑惑。 Can by «News broadcast» reported that is very big honor. Therefore you try hard, in the future will do an enterprise, on «News broadcast».” “能被《新闻联播》报道的,是非常非常大的荣誉。所以你们努力呀,将来干出一番事业,也上《新闻联播》。” Un, I want on «News broadcast»!” “嗯,我要上《新闻联播》!” The dragonet raises hand. 小龙举手。 You can on «Today View»!” “你能上《今日说法》!” The small tiger spat a trough suddenly. 小虎突然吐了一句槽。 Un? 嗯? Four vision stare, he is a little hurried, did I expose? Exposition? 四道目光盯过来,他有点慌,我暴露了嘛?暴露了嘛? Eats the stuffed dumpling time, spring late also started. 吃饺子的时候,春晚也开始了。 Two children drink the fruit juice, three people did a white liquor, sees only Yang Yang one group of people to brave, does not know that develops anything, Yang Yang disappears. 俩孩子喝果汁,仨人搞了点白酒,只见乌央央一群人冒出来,不知道演个啥,又乌央央消失。 The singer with three places across two shore sings in a chorus «Hundred Family Surnames». 跟着两岸三地的歌手合唱《百家姓》。 The Feng Gong as usual first language class program. 冯巩照例第一个语言类节目。 Pays attention slightly will discover, Uncle Feng usually in first, begins the active atmosphere. After the herd disbands, the crosstalk actor became the sketch actor, an age also in the flexure everyone dimple. 稍微留意就会发现,冯大爷通常都第一个上,开头活跃气氛。只是跟牛群散伙后,相声演员成了小品演员,一把年纪还在挠大家尕酒窝。 Without the means that the crosstalk does not let the satire , there would be no meaning. 没办法,相声不让讽刺,就没意思了。 „......” “……” Teacher permits watches the television, does not have the impression mostly, only remembers «Propitious Three treasures». 许老师看着电视,大多数没印象,只记得《吉祥三宝》。 Father!” “爸爸!” Yeah!” “哎!” Father!” “爸爸!” Yeah!” “哎!” This. 就这个。 Three people drink to chat, is unconsciously senseless, two children are really insipid, supported isn't resting...... then like the parents in childhood, unknowingly started blurry. 仨人喝喝聊聊,不觉无趣,俩孩子是真没劲,挺着不睡不睡……然后像爸妈小时候一样,不知不觉就开始迷糊。 Teacher permits holding on bed, curtain screen, the television moves low voice. 许老师给抱到床上,帘子一拉,电视调小声。 Looks at the time quick zero point, this Uncle Shan's program should get up. 看眼时间快零点,本山叔的节目该上了。 Whish!” “哗哗哗!” The applause is suddenly warm, many audience wait to look at him. As this Uncle Shan, the Dandan elder sister and little Cui presented that permits non- was also happy, had the impression to have the impression! 掌声骤然热烈,很多观众就等着看他。随着本山叔、丹丹姐、小崔亮相,许非也乐了,有印象有印象! This called «To say Matter», «Yesterday Today Tomorrow» sequel. 这叫《说事儿》,《昨天今天明天》的续集。 That is quite magnificent!” “那是相当壮观呐!” Din of gongs and drums, the firecrackers sound together, the red flag flutters, Yinshan film world......” “锣鼓喧天,鞭炮齐鸣,红旗招展,银山银海……” The small rising sun chortles, expressed to the taste of Northeast silver. stretch/open Li is average, never catches cold. 小旭咯咯笑,表示对东北银的口味。张俪就平平,从来不感冒。 „, 12 points!” “呀,12点了!” Stays up all night on new year's eve!” “守岁守岁!” How to defend?” “怎么守呀?” Yes, how to defend?” “是啊,怎么守呀?” permits Feixian fishes out two red packages, the stopper to the child pillow near. 许非先摸出俩红包,塞到孩子枕边。 Turned round to sit down, poured three glasses of liquor. 回身坐下,倒了三杯酒。 Teacher permits must speak!” “许老师要讲话了!” Un un!” “嗯嗯!” permits non- disregards their melon seed skins, said properly: „ This year is not quite same, first time, our family/home celebrates the new year together. Actually thinks, three of us very long have not sat are chatting together. 许非无视她们的瓜子皮,非常正经道:“今年不太一样,头一次吧,我们家一块过年。其实想想,我们仨很久没坐在一块聊聊天。 More than 20 years were old, should say have said. 20多年都老了,该说的也都说过。 Probably is together some time, the certain extent, turns into the meat on palm back of the hand, will grip to hurt, but has usually not felt. 好像相处到一定时间,一定程度,就变成手心手背上的肉,扎一下会疼,但平时已经没有感觉。 But we are different, really difference. 可我们不一样,真的不一样。 So many years have you to accompany, I filled to feel grateful to the past, will be hopeful to the future, thinks that we older, silver-haired, supported by the arm mutually is walking...... 这么多年有你们陪伴,我对过去充满感恩,对未来满怀憧憬,想我们更老一点,白发苍苍,互相搀扶着走路…… Actually today I only want to say that I am only...... ” 其实今天我只想说,我只是……” Teacher permits is shaking their hands, the moment, as if simplified the countless words: Thank you continuously.” 许老师握着俩人的手,顿了片刻,仿佛简化了千言万语:“感谢你们一直都在。” Yo!” “哟!” The cheek of small rising sun red beautiful, snort/hum said: One hear is the repertoire, so many years who is not clear about anyone, having a need for you thanking? Bah!” 小旭的脸蛋红嫣嫣,哼道:“一听就是套路,这么多年谁不清楚谁,用得着你感谢?呸!” Yes, we are laborious, Teacher permits is also laborious.” “就是呢,我们辛苦,许老师也辛苦。” stretch/open Li also carries the liquor: Comes, thanked Teacher permits continuously.” 张俪也端酒:“来来来,感谢许老师一直都在。” „......” “……” permits non- shows the whites of the eyes, bumped one cup: Un , in good!” 许非翻了个白眼,碰了一杯:“嗯,都在都在,都在就好!” .................. ……………… Lunar New Year's Day, at noon. 大年初一,中午。 Opens the couple to get up early, does to settle the gruel side dish, to yesterday ** the belly washed out oil to be rank. Quite good, permits Feizhi thinks that in stomach warm comfortable, even the spirit buoys up several points. 张俪早早起来,做了清粥小菜,给昨天**的肚子冲刷了一遍油腥。效果不错,许非只觉胃里暖和舒适,连精神都振作几分。 The small rising sun turns out a coat, careful ironing: Puts on this, inside wears the suit unable to wrap/sets of the cotton-wadded jacket.” 小旭翻出一件大衣,细细熨平:“穿这个吧,里面穿西装也不能套棉袄。” In the evening I should not come back, did not use I.” “晚上我应该回不来,不用等我了。” Aiya, knows!” “哎呀,知道知道!” Small none who does not, permits non- drive, just before leaving hugs, at the same time kissed one: Walked!” 小莫不在,许非自己开车,临走时一抱,一边亲了一口:“走了啊!” Un, we one will pass again.” “嗯,我们一会再过去。” He just, received the call unceasingly, from king Lingdao, Zhao Lingdao to old Wu, leads Li bathe from the field...... repeatedly a subject, was put with ease by oneself. 他刚出发,就不断接到电话,从王领导、赵领导到老吴,从田领导到李沐……反复一个主题,让自己放轻松。 After all no one is able to determine, a Chinese science fiction film can raise the big wave in the inland. 毕竟谁也无法确定,一部华语科幻片在内地能掀起多大的浪头。 The vehicle leaves the hundred flowers alley of filled red lantern, leads the way slowly, rushes collects the cinema city mostly. 车子离开挂满红灯笼的百花胡同,缓缓前行,奔大都汇影城。 Collected the institute line to establish last year mostly, the first round 39 upscale cinema cities, all were 7 halls, rapidly became the unignorable strength. Because of it, as the expansion of commercial real estate, but also constantly is growing. 大都汇院线在去年建立,首发39家高档影城,全是七厅,迅速成为不可忽视的力量。因为它随着商业地产的扩张,还在不断增长。 The shadow time pools capital after all, now permits non- focuses in the biological son, and contacts Jiahe in the secret, prepares to purchase. 中影时代毕竟是合资,如今许非把重点放在亲儿子上面,并在秘密接触嘉禾,准备收购。 On the street is very lively, before the present concept is different, many markets are opening, was only the business hour was shorter. 街上很热闹,现在的观念不同以前,很多商场开着,只是营业时间短了些。 Has to take a walk, has to drop around to pay new year's call, the taxi is upon the jump, the jobless youth shakes everywhere, seeks for the Internet cafe that starts doing business...... 有逛街的,有串门拜年的,出租车跑来跑去,无业青年到处晃,寻找开业的网吧…… The institute line considered stemming from the work and rest, the first time decided in afternoon. 院线出于作息考虑,首场时间定在了下午。 Benefits propagandizes and «News broadcast» BUFF from the earlier period, large numbers of Capital City youth go to the theater, pre- order form. 得益于前期宣传和《新闻联播》的临阵BUFF,大批的京城青年前往影院,其中很多还是预订票的。 Walks walks, watches the movie!” “走啦走啦,看电影!” What movie lunar New Year's Day watches?” “大年初一看什么电影?” «Earth Cannon», I waited for a year!” “《地球大炮》啊,我都等一年了!” „Do you look? Looks?” “你看不看?看不看?” Bids good-bye!” “分手!” Hello, our public. The number will send the cash and point coin red package every day, so long as pays attention can receive. At the end of the year the last time benefits, asking everyone to seize the opportunity. Public number[ book friend supreme headquarters] 大家好,我们公众.号每天都会发现金、点币红包,只要关注就可以领取。年末最后一次福利,请大家抓住机会。公众号[书友大本营] ...... …… Dear, we looked that «Huo Yuanjia» is good?” “亲爱的,我们看《霍元甲》好不好?” I want to look at «Earth Cannon».” “我想看《地球大炮》。” „Can domestic-made science fiction film, be good?” “国产科幻片,能好么?” «News broadcast» reported that did you reach an agreement?!” “《新闻联播》都报了,你说好嘛?!” ...... …… Looks at «Earth Cannon»!” “看《地球大炮》啊!” Big piece!” “大片!” 100 million dollars!” “1亿美金!” 300 million many «Limitless» cranks up that dog shit type, I have a look at 800 million any levels!” “3亿多的《无极》拍成那狗屎样,我看看8亿的啥水准!” ...... …… Shadow time cinema city. 中影时代影城。 This day, this time, lines up unexpectedly. 这个日子,这个时间,竟然又排起了长队。 Everywhere is " Earth Cannon » poster, the screen is showing the preview: The trucks of heavy industry violent styles, rumble all over, sky dust haze to become cloud, imitates, if judgment day...... 到处是《地球大炮》的宣传海报,屏幕放着预告片:一辆辆重工业暴力风格的卡车,轰隆隆漫山遍野,天空尘霾成云,仿若世界末日…… Enters the stadium to locate, but also made a concept Earth cannon. In the heel piece is not quite same, but also has the ice-cold firm metal feeling, stirs up many photographs. 入场处,还弄了一架概念款的地球大炮。跟片中不太相同,但也极具冰冷刚硬的金属感,惹得不少人拍照。 A miss took the ticket, draws turning of boyfriend familiar house to enter the bookstore. 一个姑娘取了票,拉着男朋友熟门熟路的拐进书店。 In the shop has two guests to stroll, flips through the book while discussed: Heard the small four apologies?” 店里有两个客人在逛,一边翻书一边议论:“听说小四道歉了?” Heard that the dead girl also did apologize?” “听说死丫头也道歉了?” Was resisted agrees to apologize, spicy chicken!” “被抵制才肯道歉,辣鸡!” Said well!” “说得好!” The girls declared support for one, the vigor vigor asked: Puzzle to?” 姑娘声援了一句,劲劲问:“拼图到了么?” „This!” “这呢这呢!” The sales clerks are waiting early, hands over the last puzzle. 店员早等着呢,递上最后一个拼图。 The boyfriends look, say with a smile: „Is this fifth puzzle? You are really plucky, I definitely cannot insist.” 男朋友瞧了瞧,笑道:“这就是第五个拼图啊?你还真有毅力,我肯定坚持不下来。” Naturally had the will, one year was I easy?” “当然有毅力了,一年一个我容易么?” The girls are sigh with emotion: Fourth I spelled was longest, thought to spell last year, the result has not become, good this year handled.” 姑娘感慨:“第四个我拼最久了,本想去年拼完的,结果没成,还好今年搞定了。” Doesn't matter, I accompany you to put together last.” “没关系,我陪你拼完最后一个。” The boyfriends strike with force the chest. 男朋友猛拍胸脯。 ...... …… Various status, the mix spills into the movie theater, wants to see «Earth Cannon». 各种身份,各色人等涌进电影院,就想一睹《地球大炮》。 The reporter can not rest, works overtime, complaint waits honestly. 记者不得休息,加班过来,边抱怨边老老实实等候。 The cultural worker and movie critic spit flies horizontally, collects was suspecting together, does not believe the home can make the science fiction film, is actually hiding an anticipation. 文化人、影评人吐沫横飞,凑在一块猜想,不相信国内能拍出好科幻片,却又藏着一丝期待。 Certain black moles are the groups, this year is very professional, at least looked black again. Also has the members of various folk group of science fiction organizations, 3322 treat as to do to move this. 某些黑子更是组团,这年头挺敬业的,起码看了再黑。亦有民间各路科幻组织的成员,三三两两当作搞活动来此。 In the circle also many people, Jiang hears, Feng Kuzi, stretch/open Guoshi wait/etc, oneself look for the place cat. 圈内也有不少人,姜闻、冯裤子、张国师等等,自己找地方猫着。 stretch/open Lixiao the rising sun led the child also to come, in the VIP hall, but has not met with permits non-. 张俪小旭带着孩子也来了,在VIP厅,但没跟许非碰面。 Teacher permits leads a ticket to act the leading role in the lounge, Zhou Xun often slips out to peep, comes back to report: Many people!” 许老师率一票主演在休息室,周逊不时溜出去偷看,回来报告:“好多人哦!” She dislikes the insufficient image, gesticulates: Team platoon is so so long, , like the gluttonous snake.” 她嫌不够形象,比手划脚:“队排的那么那么长,哇,跟贪吃蛇一样。” Your such a described, I am not anxious.” Chen Kun said with a smile. “你这么一形容,我倒不紧张了。”陈昆笑道。 I am not good, is not good, I must go to bathroom!” “我不行,不行不行,我还得上个厕所!” Wu Jing has gotten up several times. 吴经已经上好几次了。 beam Jiahui drinks water, shakes the head saying: I make a debut the quick 30 years, was made by you is a little anxious. Originally feels no, but arrived here, why does not know......” 梁佳辉喝了口水,摇头道:“我出道快三十年,被你们弄的都有点紧张。本来觉得没什么,但一到这里,不知道为什么……” He thinks, said: Possibly extremely anticipated how anticipates large expanse of splendid. Also was extremely worried, was worried what to do the racket pounded by some chance.” 他想了想,道:“可能太过期待,期待成片如何精彩。也太过担心,担心万一拍砸了怎么办。” beam Jiahui looks at permits non-, is very strange: „Haven't you really fluctuated?” 梁佳辉看着许非,很奇怪:“你真的一点没起伏?” Has! I had made the psychological construction yesterday evening, now is relaxed.” “有啊!我昨天晚上已经做过心理建设了,现在非常轻松。” Teacher permits is curling upwards the leg, said with a smile: „ Moreover this thing, your thought sublimates points. We pat «Earth Cannon» engage in the space technology like the scientist, in the different domains, is rushing to a direction diligently. 许老师翘着腿,笑道:“而且这东西吧,你们思维升华一点。我们拍《地球大炮》如同科学家搞航天技术,在不同的领域,奔着一个方向努力。 Possibly success, possibly failure, but the flying dream cannot vanish. ” 可能成功,可能失败,但飞天梦不能消失。” „!” “哇!” Felt are oneself very fierce?” “是不是觉得自己很厉害?” No wonder can on «News broadcast»!” Wu Jingdao. “难怪能上《新闻联播》!”吴经道。 Un, instantaneous was great!” “嗯,瞬间伟大了!” Young Master Zhou nods such as mashes up garlic. 周公子点头如捣蒜。 permits non- adjusts the atmosphere, outside often reports. Finally, when the theater manager runs again: permits, started!” 许非调节气氛,外面不时汇报。终于,当影院经理再一次跑进来:“许总,开始了!” Knew.” “知道了。” ! 呼! His deep breath one breath, first gets to the entrance. 他深呼吸一口气,先走到门口。 Outside is brightly-lit, road of the corridor as if vanguard. 外面灯光通明,一条走廊仿佛一条前行之路。 This piece, is far from anything to read thinks, does not need to attach any extra attribute, but he was itself to think in this stage matter that should do...... 这部片,谈不上什么念想,也无需附加什么额外属性,只是在这个阶段他做了自己认为应该做的事…… permits non- turns head, waves: Comrades walk, goes to the stars sea!” 许非回头,一挥手:“同志们走吧,去星辰大海!” ( Is the physical condition is not mainly good, recuperates urgently needed. (主要是身体状况不好,急需休养一段。 Ended the main text, but also beyond some, " Earth Cannon » contents and some pits will place beyond. 正文到此结束,还有些番外,《地球大炮》的内容和一些坑会放在番外里。 Also owed is not good your also pledge that sauce Elder Brother and spirit fox in two, I wrote three to sprout/moe main in addition, can only under this book. 还欠“酱哥哥、灵狐二中、我书写的不好你还盟”三位萌主的加更,只能下本书还了。 The words expressing feelings ended officially this said again.) 感言等正式完本再说。)
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