SF1983 :: Volume #10

#972: The people cannot shameless to this situation 2

Should be the simple-hearted child, actually created the humane distortion because of a minor matter.” “本该是天真无邪的儿童,却因一件小事造成了人性的扭曲。” Asked respectfully to watch " Legal system Online » 2005 year's end special edition: Murder case that a steamed bun triggers!” “敬请收看《法制在线》2005年终特别版:一个馒头引发的血案!” „In 2005 some day , some year, some city had a strange homicide case. A wearing a mask knight under glare of the public eye, killed the ring set of ring casino general manager......” “2005年某年某日,某市发生了一起离奇命案。一位蒙面骑士在众目睽睽之下,杀死了圆环套圆环娱乐城总经理……” Ha!” “哈哈哈!” The netizens are very joyful, is very joyful. 网友们很快乐,无比快乐。 The steamed bun of first edition, seemingly has not sent in the video site, but is the small range dissemination, sends in the form of document mutually, or downloading. After some time, irritable network. 原版的一个馒头,貌似没发在视频网站,而是小范围传播,以文件的形式互相发,或者下载。经过一段时间后,才火爆网络。 Now is different, the Sohu home page recommends, links on disseminates in innumerable QQ, MSN, BBS and post, changed to the major websites. 现在不同,搜狐首页推荐,链接在无数QQ、MSN、BBS、贴吧上传播,更被转到各大网站。 The video by the speed that no one has thought, really after becoming " Limitless » year's second largest piece! 视频以谁也没想到的速度,果然成为了《无极》后的年度第二大片! If, the steamed bun will not have so become the milestone merely. 如果仅仅如此,馒头还不会成为里程碑。 When the reporter the microphone resentment to Chen Dao, inquired about the view, Chen Dao who suppressed a lot of air/Qi was excited: We have sued, we must sue! I feel the person unable shameless to this situation!” 当记者把话筒怼到陈导跟前,问及看法时,本就憋一肚子气的陈导激动万分:“我们已经起诉了,我们一定要起诉!我觉得人不能无耻到这种地步!” Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! The heat degree rises suddenly ten times. 热度暴涨十倍。 The authors were silly. 作者都傻了。 The media are more excited, the cultural celebrities, star, host wait/etc joined, even the enterprise follows to join in the fun. Suddenly, noisy such as bubbling like a caldron. 媒体更加兴奋,文化名流、明星、主持人等等都加入进来,连企业都跟着凑热闹。一时间,喧如鼎沸。 Then, this/should event has three natures. 说起来,该事件有三种性质。 First, before the movie, is the matters of literary and art circles, in addition media. Regardless of how these people criticize, in the litigant, is in rule. 第一个,电影以前都是文艺界的事儿,再加上媒体。这些人无论怎么批判,在当事人心里,都属于“规则之内”。 But now, the thing beyond rule came out. An ordinary netizen with the spoof video that oneself manufacture, this authority, this circle skin, does not have tearing off that is not forgiving. 但现在,规则外的东西出来了。一个普通网友用自己制作的恶搞视频,把这层权威,这层圈子皮,毫无不留情的扯掉。 Chen Daochi fruits to the populace, facing the young people of new times, does not have half fig leaf especially, degenerates into the civilian joke thoroughly. 陈导赤果果的面向大众,尤其面对新时代的年轻人,没有半块遮羞布,彻底沦为平民笑谈。 This is the literary and art circles to dealing a head-on blow in entertainment world transformation, regardless of individual community. 此乃文艺界向娱乐圈转变过程中的迎头痛击,无论个人还是群体。 Chen Dao said that must sue, everyone stands in line. 以至于陈导说要起诉,大家纷纷站队。 With radish: The people cannot senselessly to Chen Kai song situation!” “和菜头:人不能无趣到陈楷歌这个地步!” Li Chengpeng: Chen Daogao is not reckless Ge is the people!” “李承鹏:陈导告的不是胡戈是人民!” Cheng Qingsong: As the film-maker and a citizen, supports the regular script song!” “程青松:作为电影人和一个公民,支持楷歌!” Second, the media way changed. 第二个,传媒方式变了。 After steamed bread rush of blood to the head, TCL and rainbow, good to record the star to look, inviting him to shoot a movie. 馒头火了之后,TCL、长虹、好记星都找上来,邀请他拍片。 Because these enterprises found, originally can not need to pay the huge expenditure, can achieve the effect of epidemic spreading. 因为这些企业发现,原来可以不用付出巨额费用,就能达到病毒传播的效果。 Third, question of law. 第三个,法律问题。 Almost the attorneys in nation were debating, the steamed bun does infringe upon the right? 几乎全国的律师都在辩论,馒头到底侵不侵权? Finally the national copyright bureau acts , said: For introducing or expounding a viewpoint, quotes others work appropriately is the law permits. Surpasses this discretion, belonged illegally. 最后国家版权局都出面,表示:用于介绍或阐明一种观点,适当引用他人作品是法律允许的。超过这个分寸,就属于违法了。 This also extends today, these are the UP lord who the movie illustrated, infringed upon the right...... 这点也延伸到今天,那些做电影解说的UP主,到底侵不侵权…… Naturally, Chen Dao shouts the prosecution, reckless Ge apologized, lets it go. 当然了,陈导嚷嚷起诉,胡戈道歉,不了了之。 But reckless Ge will cause «Niaolongshan To bandit suppression from now on Recording», starts to make the media industry truly, it is said this year pats the net to be big, asking what «Invisible Hero To fight Alien». 而胡戈过后又弄出了《鸟笼山剿匪记》,真正开始做传媒行业,据说今年都拍网大了,叫什么《隐形侠大战外星人》。 Ok. 行吧。 In brief, steamed bun and «Limitless», dumps the same place with the shrine that Chen leads, goes down in history, goes down in history. 总之,馒头和《无极》,和陈导的神坛倒掉一起,载入史册,载入史册。 The «Limitless» box office is still growing. 《无极》的票房还在增长。 But everyone was clear, even if the director shouts „for five years no one to understand furiously, in fact this flat and thin piece was dug up the underpants! 但大家都清楚,哪怕导演奋力嚷嚷“五年内没人看懂”,实际上这片子连底裤都被扒了! ...... …… Shadow. 中影。 Sanping Sitting alone Office. 韩三坪独坐办公室。 The pressure that he bears is as good as Chen Kaige, Zhao Lingdao, king Lingdao reminds more than once: Luckily initially had not elected «Limitless»! 他承受的压力不亚于陈楷歌,赵领导、王领导不止一次提醒:幸亏当初没选《无极》! The reputation crashes comprehensively, can calculate the result only, is the shadow has not lost money. 口碑全面崩塌,唯一能算成绩的,就是中影没赔钱。 Without contrast , was so touching the stone to cross river after all. But «Earth Cannon» had put on the small assembly hall, is following close on «Limitless» does not have the face. 倘若没对比,也就如此了,毕竟都在摸石头过河。但《地球大炮》已经在小礼堂放了,紧跟着《无极》毫无脸面。 Shadow with Filium even level! 中影跟电影局平级啊! Second in command who is responsible for the production, this called the ability is not good, is not enough to be competent. 主抓生产的二把手,这叫能力不行,不足以胜任。 old Han smoked half packet of smoke, was been finally calmer by the big piece becoming confused mind, end thought of «Chibi». 老韩抽了半包烟,被大片冲昏的头脑终于冷静了些,末了又想到《赤壁》。 Gets cash red package Reads then receives the cash! Pays attention to WeChat. Public number Book friend supreme headquarters, Cash / a coin you took! 【领现金红包】看书即可领现金!关注微信.公众号【书友大本营】,现金/点币等你拿! Discrete conduct!” “谨慎行事啊!” ............... …………… In an instant in the new year passes, 2006. 转眼新年过去,2006。 This year accidental/surprised has " diamond » «Huo Yuanjia» «Earth Cannon» three flat and thin pieces in January, «Huo Yuanjia» to hide the cannon, raises the files decisively. 今年意外的有《金刚》《霍元甲》《地球大炮》三部片子在1月,《霍元甲》为了躲大炮,果断提档。 The present Spring Festival files distinguish between the later generation, badly beaten that the later generation snatches, and has massive 34 cities and small county silver screens to make the support, the audience are innumerable. 现在的春节档区别于后世,后世抢的头破血流,并有大量的三四线城市、小县城银幕做支撑,观众无数。 Present Spring Festival files centralized in theater developed city, but also has the advantage, the opening up wasteland stage flat and thin piece little is the advantage. 现在的春节档集中在影院较发达的城市,但也有优势,开荒阶段片子少就是优势。 Like «diamond» «Huo Yuanjia», historically displays well, the box office crossed hundred million. 像《金刚》《霍元甲》,历史上表现都不错,票房都过亿了。 Had inferior model «Limitless» prepares the ground, all parties pay more attention to the cannon. However before then, permits non- also has an important matter. 有了劣质典范《无极》做铺垫,各方更加关注大炮。不过在此之前,许非还有一件重要的事。 On January 24, the second round of statement. 1月24日,第二轮陈述。 In Beijing International Convention Center, except for Liu Lingdao , many leadership of several FIMITIC, Ministry of Culture and State Physical Cultural Administration. 在京城国际会议中心,除了刘领导,又多了几位残联、文化部和体育总局的领导。 The time media arranged first. 时代传媒排到了第一位。 permits non- and stretch/open Guo the master leads the people to present, this time has not given the dynasty song, Laomouzi lectured, Teacher permits supplemented. 许非和张国师率众人亮相,这次没交给王朝歌,老谋子主讲,许老师补充。 „The first official program, definitely is the welcome -type program, the friends in welcome all corners of the country comes, we are warm.” “第一个正式节目,肯定是欢迎式的节目,欢迎五湖四海的朋友过来,我们多么多么热情。” In the ancient times the part of China, the time axis I want to display according to the annal, the structure I want to be centered on Four Great Inventions of ancient China. “古代中国的部分,时间轴我想按编年史来表现,结构我想以四大发明为核心。 You said that spoke the civilization and harmony, I felt we proposed and character, had the sufficient thickness and historical mass comes the carrying/sustaining civilization and harmony. 您说讲文明与和谐,我觉得我们提出的‘和’字,有足够的厚度和历史体量来承载文明与和谐。 First was pre-Qin, the gentleman was friendly but not at the expense of principles Balla Balla...... to follow Qin Dynasty, the burial figures of warriors and horses...... then Han Dynasty, the Silk Road...... ” 首先是先秦,君子和而不同巴拉巴拉……跟着秦朝,兵马俑……接着汉代,丝绸之路……” Yo! 哟! Raises the Silk Road, leading the eye was bright. 一提丝绸之路,领导眼睛亮了。 You said that displays desire and achievement that China and world connect rails, we rack brains, thought that the Silk Road is appropriate.” “您说表现中国与世界接轨的愿望和成就,我们苦思冥想,觉得丝绸之路非常合适。” Moreover not only on road silk, marine silk.” “而且不仅路上丝绸,还有海上丝绸。” permits non- added: „ The Silk Road of the Sea, formed in the Qin and Han Dynasty, developed in the three countries to the Sui dynasty, prospered in Tang , Song. Generally from southeast coast harbor, from southern coastal provinces to Arabian Sea, even reaches east coast of Africa. 许非补充道:“海上丝绸之路,形成于秦汉,发展于三国至隋朝,繁荣于唐宋。一般从东南沿海港口出发,从南洋到阿拉伯海,甚至远达非洲东海岸。 Significant, the people but who we know are not many, conforms to deciding of innovation. ” 意义重大,可我们自己知道的人都不多,也符合创新的立意。” Good good! 不错不错! Liu Lingdao nods, outlines on the paper. 刘领导点头,在纸上勾勾画画。 This is the change that second round stated that each judge had a form, 22 standards, one by one allocation. 这是第二轮陈述的改变,每位评委都有一张表,22项标准,逐一打分。 stretch/open Guoshi said in the ancient times, said the modern age. 张国师说完古代,又说现代。 Finally I want to make one to future giving free reign to the imagination, a while ago we visit the astronaut training center, is catching up with Shenzhou-6, thought that this was good! “最后我想做一个对未来的畅想,前阵子我们去宇航员训练中心参观,正赶上神舟六号,觉得这个太好了! The dream of Chinese flying, a small vein. 中国人飞天之梦,一个小脉络。 From that flying of ancient Dunhuang, to the flying of modern, flew to the outer space...... ” 从古代敦煌的那种飞天,到现代的飞天,飞向太空……” In the first edition playbill, there is a flying dance, but this is different from the first edition. 原版节目单中,有一段飞天舞,但这个已经跟原版不同了。 Teacher Xu thing. 许老师自己加的东西。 Our plan biggest distinctive quality, is the integrity of all links. Names the torch to extinguish from the facility, from annal China to Four Great Inventions of ancient China, from the ancient and modern contrast wait/etc, all considered as a whole.” “我们方案最大的独特性,就是所有环节的完整性。从场馆命名到火炬熄灭,从编年史中国到四大发明,从古今对比等等,全作为一个整体来考虑。” stretch/open Guoshi summarizes finally. 张国师最后总结。 Liu Lingdao is very high-spirited, says with a smile: „ Thank your work, followed time to compare, made the adjustment except for the subject and program, even budgeted considered, was comprehensive. 刘领导情绪很高,笑道:“感谢你们的工作,跟上次比,除了主题和节目做出调整,连预算都考虑到了,非常全面。 We will soon have a view, thanks. ” 我们很快会有一个说法,谢谢。” The time media leave, second is Li An and Gehua team, goes forth to battle one after another. 时代传媒离开,第二个是李桉和歌华团队,轮番上阵。 Almost one daytime, stated. 差不多一个白天,陈述完毕。 The judge remains, counts the score, 22 were thin. Has the Chinese traditional culture element and present age style, the world culture performance, the technical implementation wait/etc. 评委都留着,统计分数,22项非常细了。有中国传统文化元素、当代风貌、世界文化表现、技术实施等等。 In the history, stretch/open Guoshi scores points by a narrow margin high. 历史上,张国师以微弱优势得分最高。 Now the disparity is a little obvious, the scene calculates, the tradition, present age and worldwide basis including the director influence, many are first. 现在差距就有点明显,现场一算,传统、当代、世界性包括导演的影响力,很多项都是第一。 Finally naturally is deserves first. 结果自然是当之无愧的第一。 ( Thanked new hegemon again......) (再感谢新盟主……)
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