SF1983 :: Volume #10

#967: The phoenix returns the nest

permits non- comes, sees to set upright four of platoon to slide the table, a large screen. 许非一进来,见竖排的四溜桌子,一块大屏幕。 Liu Lingdao is the core, several of in addition Olympic Organizing Committee, the person are not many. The technical personnel first debug the computer, one will demonstrate PPT and animation and so on. 刘领导为核心,外加奥组委的几位,人不多。技术人员先调试电脑,一会演示PPT、动画之类的。 The people take a seat, Liu Lingdao with a laugh: Others are the directors, what post little does permits you compete with?” 众人就座,刘领导笑呵呵:“别人都是导演,小许你来竞争什么岗位?” Opens leads naturally rushes to the director to come, I many fragmentary work, want to work as always to manufacture.” “张导自然奔着总导演来的,我好些零零碎碎的工作,想当个总制作。” Well? 咦? In several judge hearts moves, always manufactures this player also really to suit him, naturally in the surface had not revealed. 几位评委心中一动,总制作这个角儿还真适合他,当然面上没表露。 Liu Lingdao is the interior favors one of stretch/open Guoshi officials, discussed several daily family activities as usual: Jubilation that very stretch/open Dao puts on today.” 刘领导就是内部看好张国师的官员之一,照例唠了几句家常:“张导今天穿的很喜庆。” Jubilation, they are black, my red.” “喜庆,他们都黑的,我一身红。” Laomouzi introduced the companion, said: This is the director dynasty song of art research institute, she is our today's main presenters, both of us knock come to somebody's aid.” 老谋子介绍同伴,道:“这位是艺术研究院的导演王朝歌,她是我们今天的主要陈述人,我俩就敲敲边鼓。” My language fast is quite mainly quick, within the given time can say.” The dynasty song said with a smile. “主要我语速比较快,在规定时间内能说完。”王朝歌笑道。 The technical personnel hint to start, the light adjusts the dark, large screen display slightly PPT. 技术人员示意可以开始,灯光略微调暗,大屏幕显示出一份PPT。 We, when holds the creativity discussion, what first studies is the program idea. Because of so many years, so many activities, all are the Chinese already the thing that is sick. “我们在进行创意讨论的时候,最先研究的是节目理念。因为这么多年,这么多的活动,全是中国人已经看腻的东西。 Draws an Athens 8 minutes of lesson, the foreigner applauds very easily, the Chinese applauds calls the innovation. 吸取雅典八分钟的教训,外国人叫好很容易,中国人叫好才叫创新。 Shouts the innovation, is that what innovates? We summarize a few words: Must discover is not familiar the Chinese, the thing that but shocks extremely, shows to everyone! ” 都嚷嚷创新,那什么是创新?我们总结出一句话:得找出一些连中国人都不熟悉,但又极其震撼的东西,给大家展现出来!” „......” “……” The indoor is peaceful, a dynasty song person spoke with confidence, Liu Lingdao often recorded several. 室内安静,王朝歌一人侃侃而谈,刘领导不时记录几句。 China high and low in 5000, always wants to force in all things, this will create a very big mistake: Randomly. “中华上下五千年,总想把所有的东西都塞进去,这样会造成一个很大的错误:乱。 The program is disorderly, no clear vein. Therefore we think how to discover this vein, finally also summarizes a few words: We not only need speak the Chinese culture, must stress the Chinese civilization! 节目杂乱,没有一条清晰的脉络。于是我们又想,怎么找出这条脉络,最后也总结出一句话:我们不仅要讲中华文化,更要讲中华文明! China as inherits today's ancient nation only, millenniums ago to the present, a great waves wash out the sand years invariable thought is definitely one of them. 中国作为唯一传承到今天的文明古国,从千年前到现在,肯定有一种大浪淘沙岁月不变的思想在其中。 Finally we this thought that concrete is a character...... ” 最后我们把这个思想,具体为一个字……” The large screen brushes changes, big and character! 大屏幕刷的一变,一个大大的“和”字! Oh! 哎哟! Several judges were excited, this decided was good, operated from a strategically advantageous position, the past and present were suitable! 几位评委激动了,这个立意太好了,高屋建瓴,古今适用! Itchy also wants to listen at heart downward, the traditional time point till. 心里痒痒还想往下听,传统功夫点到为止。 The dynasty song has not launched thoroughly, without narrating „the result and wish of the world of reform and opening connecting rails, has not extended to harmony in this word. 王朝歌没有深入展开,没有叙述到“改革开放的成绩、与世界接轨的意愿”,也没延伸到“和谐”这个词上。 Because must leave ground! 因为要留余地啊! If spoke one time the words, referred to the uncertain history changing, instead was not civilization and harmony. 如果一次性把话说完了,指不定历史改变,反而不是“文明与和谐”了。 The theoretical side said that below was the specific plan. 理论方面讲完,下面就是具体方案。 I first said the ceremonial fire ignition. First we felt, should act by the controlling organization, changes to the phoenix nest bird nest name officially......” “我先说圣火点燃吧。首先我们觉得,应该由主管机关出面,正式将鸟巢这个名字改为凤巢……” ! 噗! Liu Lingdao one happy, said curiously: Phoenix nest name a little, hehe......” 刘领导一乐,好奇道:“凤巢这个叫法有点,呵呵……” „The Water Cube and aren't bird nest toward a there swayed, a crystal palace and a phoenix nest? Day round place, dragon and phoenix rejoicing.” permits Feidao. “水立方、鸟巢往那儿一摆,不就是一个水晶宫、一个凤巢么?天圆地方,龙凤呈祥。”许非道。 Yeah!” “哎!” Liu Lingdao reproved: Do not talk nonsense, the feudal superstition is intolerable!” 刘领导训斥:“不要胡说,封建迷信要不得!” „Is.” “是是。” Teacher permits curls the lip. 许老师撇撇嘴。 Capital City this axle, deep cutting to be possible big. Although the department did not acknowledge that the geomancy said that but this thing carves in the brain of common people makes up, splendid. 京城这一条中轴线,深挖可大了去了。虽然部门不承认风水之说,但这东西都刻在老百姓的脑补里,精彩至极。 For example north withstand/top Niangniangmiao...... 比如北顶娘娘庙…… The dynasty song does not dare with the leadership skin, to continue saying: „ Being renamed phoenix nest, indicates China to soar from here. The torch modeling for the piece of feather of phoenix, first conducts a activity, making the feather flutter, transmits the Five Continents. 王朝歌可不敢跟领导皮,继续道:“改叫凤巢,寓意中国从这里飞翔。火炬造型为凤凰的一片羽毛,先搞个活动,让羽毛飘扬,传递五大洲。 Opening ceremony on the same day, this feather that has fluttered the world, burns is circling the airfield to fly. 开幕式当天,这根飘过全球的羽毛,燃烧着绕场飞。 Actually this was the ceremonial fire, the ceremonial fire had lit, we wanted was unexpected, thinks that was a program, the result, the ceremonial fire! 其实这就是圣火,圣火已经点燃了,我们要的就是一种出人意料,都以为是一个节目,结果啪的一下,圣火! When the feather flies a specific position, at this time the base of torch rose, such as the folding fan launches slowly, the ceremonial fire mortise and tenon wedge goes. 当羽毛飞到一个特定位置,这时火炬的基座才升上来,如折扇徐徐展开,圣火卯榫般楔进去。 This called the phoenix to return the nest! ” 这就叫凤还巢!” The words fall, the large screen came an animation showing technique, the team side to carry the base model. 话落,大屏幕来了一段动画演示,团队方把基座模型都拎出来了。 Several judges circulated, only thinks the fine standard, the animation does also good. Is on the contrary average to this creativity echo, because the front several brain holes are also big. 几位评委传看了一下,只觉精细标准,动画做的也好。反倒对这个创意反响平平,因为前面几个脑洞也不小。 For example Li An team, raises a ribbon staircase of S shape from the ground, above drops a ring. 比如李桉团队,是从地面升起一座S形的丝带般的楼梯,上面落下一个圆环。 The torchbearers climb up the ladder, lights that ring. 火炬手爬上梯子,点燃那个圆环。 The ring departs, falls in the torch tower, lights the torch. 圆环飞出去,落在火炬塔上,点燃火炬。 The People's Liberation Army team is fiercer, Zhang Jigang wants along one to install the fire point the bird nest , the entire bird nest is the torch...... 解放军团队更猛,张继钢想把鸟巢上沿一圈都安上燃烧点,整个鸟巢就是火炬…… 50 minutes are limited, everyone as if by prior agreement focus in the ceremonial fire. 50分钟时间有限,大家不约而同的把重点放在圣火上。 The dynasty song, other programs introduced a form and expression meaning simply, what is unusual, the team prepared the concept map for each program, as well as corresponding model item. 王朝歌也如此,其余节目简单介绍了一下形式和表达含义,但与众不同的是,团队为每个节目都准备了概念图,以及相应的模型道具。 Made the impression of people more direct. 令众人的观感更直接。 Gives 888 cash red packages to pay attention to the vx. public number Book friend supreme headquarters, Looked that the hot gate god does, pulls out 888 cash red packages! 送888现金红包关注vx.公众号【书友大本营】,看热门神作,抽888现金红包! Probably is this, thank you!” “大概就是这样,谢谢大家!” The dynasty song voice falls to the ground, in the conference room broke out the small applause. 王朝歌话音落地,会议室内响起了小小的掌声。 Thank the work that everyone did, we will have the further view, the time will not be long, Olympic Games were imminent.” “感谢大家所做的工作,我们会有进一步的说法,时间也不会太久,奥运迫在眉睫。” Liu Lingdao still expressed gratitude, this tender will end. 刘领导依然表示感谢,这场招标会就结束了。 He has not taken care, asked: little permits, «Earth Cannon» how?” 他倒没张罗走,问:“小许,《地球大炮》怎么样了?” All smooth, at the end of the year or during Spring Festival, screens.” “一切顺利,年底或春节期间上映。” Good, you must know that may have many people to wait!” “好,你要知道可有不少人等着哩!” Afterward breaks up. 随后散场。 The people come out, the dynasty song jumps: I said how? Loses face?” 众人出来,王朝歌直蹦:“我讲的怎么样?有没有丢脸?” Good good, should say said.” “挺好挺好,该说的都说了。” This is the first round, the standard will not be strict, we enter second well round.” “这才是第一轮,标准不会那么严格,我们进入第二轮就好。” Opening ceremony such big matter, I thought that impossible to be completed by a team, it is estimated that must the power-and-power union, choose the seat of director.” “开幕式这么大的事,我觉得不可能由一个团队完成,估计还得强强联合,就选个总导演的位子。” Talked at once to board, permits non- and stretch/open Guoshi. 七嘴八舌上了车,许非和张国师一辆。 How does «Thousand li (500 km) Walk»?” “《千里走单骑》怎么样?” Does not have the issue, my consideration next patted anything.” “没问题啊,我都考虑下一部拍什么了。” Your this energy is truly good!” “你这精力确实牛!” Teacher permits does not refuse to accept good, said: I often have the idle feeling now, how do I wonder you maintain?” 许老师不服不行,道:“我现在时常生出懈怠感,我纳闷你怎么保持的?” Role is different.” “角色不一样吧。” Laomouzi carefully thinks: As the director, the movie shoots forever insufficiently, because always has the theme that you want to shoot. But you today such position and wealth, the movie possibly is only the adjustment......” 老谋子认真想了想:“作为导演,电影永远拍不够,因为总有你想拍的题材。但你今天这样的地位和财富,电影可能只是调剂……” Who said? Who said? This is also my enterprise!” “谁说的?谁说的?这也是我的事业!” permits non- will depend in the future, sighed: Is only I puts down more than ten years, does not have the opponents, was very difficult to provoke my center of excitation. Yeah, «Chibi» knows?” 许非往后一靠,叹道:“只是我平趟十几年,全无对手,很难挑起我的兴奋点了。哎,《赤壁》知道么?” Has heard, done is very big.” “听说过,搞的挺大。” Wu Baige is not good. It is not I damages him, Hong Kong director could not control the trade war big piece, or entire Chinese circle few individuals can control.” “吴白鸽不行。不是我损他,香港导演驾驭不了商业战争大片,或者说,整个华语圈都没几个人能驾驭。” I, although wants to refute, but I cannot point out the example......” “我虽然想反驳,但我举不出例子……” stretch/open Guoshi acknowledged: This truly needs to study.” 张国师承认:“这块确实需要学习。” Yes, the learn/study can progress.” “是啊,学习才能进步。” permits Feipai Laomouzi, the lower part do not carry out the repair. 许非拍拍老谋子,下部就别搞装修了。 ( Thanked new hegemon......) (感谢新盟主……)
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