RTDTH :: Volume #31

#3039: Does

„Have you attained the password that you wanted?” Su Zhe turned head to ask at this time. “你已经拿到了你想要的密码了吧?”苏辙这个时候回过头来问道。 „Didn't you attain the victory of wish?” Jiang Fei asked. “你不也拿到了想要的胜利了吗?”蒋飞反问道。 Yes, since you attained the thing of wish, that isn't happy?” Su said sharply with a smile, later he turns around to say to Jiang Fei: When you plan to leave, I follow you together!” “是啊,既然你们都拿到了想要的东西,那不是皆大欢喜吗?”苏锐笑着说道,随后他又转身对蒋飞说道:“你打算什么时候离开,我跟你一起走!” I more made certainly quickly.” Jiang Fei said with a smile. “我当然是越快约好了。”蒋飞笑道。 You wait for my slightly, my prepares!” Su said sharply immediately. “那你稍微等我一下,我这就去准备!”苏锐当即说道。 Does not use!” Su Zhe beckons with the hand suddenly. “不用了!”苏辙突然一摆手。 Elder Brother, didn't we reach an agreement? When you your god king, I leave here with him together.” Su sharp face confused asking. “哥,我们不是说好了吗?你当你的神王,我跟他一起离开这里。”苏锐一脸迷茫的问道。 Not is only you, he cannot get away!” Su Zhe is saying, while waves, lots of soldiers are carrying weapons give surrounding Jiang Fei and two girls. “不光是你,他也走不了!”苏辙一边说着,一边一挥手,大量的士兵端着武器就把蒋飞和两个女孩儿给包围了。 Elder Brother, do you want to do?” Su sharp face confused asking, they did not reach an agreement before, how oneself did Elder Brother have to renege on a promise? “哥,你这是要干什么?”苏锐一脸迷茫的问道,他们之前不是都说好了吗,怎么自己哥哥有反悔了? Silly younger brother, these different natives of Singapore, since can inside and outside the free crossing over black hole, who be able to guarantee his go back, will not carry the army to enter the black hole, what when the time comes do we use to resist these to grasp the technical weapons regiment?” Su Zhe asked. “傻弟弟,这些异星人既然能够自由的穿越黑洞内外,那谁能保证他回去之后,不会携带大军杀入黑洞,到时候我们用什么抵挡那些掌握着科技武器的军团?”苏辙反问道。 Elder Brother, we go out not to come back!” Su said sharply. “哥,我们出去就不回来了!”苏锐说道。 Snort! You do not come back, you can guarantee that he isn't interested here?” Su Zhe bai Su sharp eyes, because has never left this star, the star that therefore in Su Zhe's eyes, he “哼!你不回来了,你能保证他也对这里不感兴趣吗?”苏辙白了苏锐一眼,因为从未离开过这颗星球,所以在苏辙的眼中,他所在的这颗星球非常富饶,任何人见到都会垂涎三尺。 But was stranded a Su Zhe on star does not know that outside starry sky is brilliant, he did not understand, in the middle of the main universe, occupies the star to reach trillion to him like this suitably, Jiang Fei of control entire universe empire, cannot have a liking for his little plot of land from the start. 但被困于一颗星球上的苏辙根本不知道外面的星空有多么绚烂,他根本不了解,在主宇宙当中,向他这样的宜居星球多达亿万,掌控者整个宇宙帝国的蒋飞,压根就看不上他这一亩三分地。 This time Su Zhe, seems like always worried that the emperor can snatch in his hand the beggar of half steamed bread to be the same, regarded as the competitor Jiang Fei directly. 此时的苏辙,就好像是总担心皇帝会来抢他手中半个窝头的乞丐一样,直接把蒋飞看做了竞争者。 To preserve the chair under buttocks, Su Zhe made with the former same decision, that was all alone arrived here while Jiang Fei now, first eliminated him said again! Before probably, he eliminated exile to be the same, shut off the danger in the seed. 所以为了保住屁股下的椅子,苏辙做出了和之前一样的决定,那就是趁着蒋飞现在是孤身一人来到了这里,就先把他消灭了再说!就好像之前他消灭了流放者一样,把危险扼杀在萌芽之中。 But Su Zhe has not expected obviously, his good luck is not impossible to continue to exist, he can get rid of all grown exile at one fell swoop, that is the luck makes it so completely, but Jiang Fei is different, he not only has been guarding against Su Zhe, but also his strength is not Su Zhe is conceivable. 但苏辙显然没有料到,他的好运气不可能持续存在,他能一举干掉所有的成年流放者,那完全是运气使然,而蒋飞则不同,他不仅早就防着苏辙了,而且他的实力也绝非是苏辙可以想象的。 Killed him!” Su Zhe does not have the hesitation of least bit, he waves, these soldiers aimed at the Jiang Fei three people the muzzle, then deducted the trigger directly. “杀了他!”苏辙没有半点的犹豫,他一挥手,那些士兵就把炮口对准了蒋飞三人,然后直接扣下了扳机。 Hehe......” Jiang Fei sneered, he has not thought that the army that oneself train personally, will aim at oneself the muzzle finally. “呵呵……”蒋飞冷笑了一声,他怎么也没想到,自己亲手训练出来的部队,最终会把炮口对准自己。 „!” As the big hand of Jiang Fei wields, he disappeared together with two girls, when they appear again, Jiang Fei had arrived at Su Zhe's back. “唰!”随着蒋飞的大手一挥,他连同身边的两个女孩儿都消失了,当他们再出现的时候,蒋飞已经来到了苏辙的背后。 What?!” Su Zhe hurries to turn around, is also powerful as the god king his strength, even in five side world that is still great Expert(s). “什么?!”苏辙赶紧转身,作为神王他的实力也非常强悍,就算在五方天地那也是一等一的高手 But even top Expert(s), still scores points with whom compares, with as Jiang Fei of Dragon Clan enlightened emperor compares, god king Su Zhe may a little feel dwarfed. 但就算是再顶尖的高手,也得分跟谁比,跟身为龙族圣君的蒋飞比起来,那神王苏辙可有点小巫见大巫了。 While turning around, a Su Zhe fist also turns toward the Jiang Fei surface gate to hit, but regarding Su Zhe's fist, Jiang Fei has not cared, he finds out the left hand, one covered Su Zhe's fist, then made an effort to break off, follows close on a clear bone split sound to pass on. 在转身的同时,苏辙一拳也向着蒋飞的面门打来,但是对于苏辙的这一拳,蒋飞根本就没在意,他探出左手,一把就扣住了苏辙的拳头,然后用力一掰,紧跟着一声清脆的骨裂声就传了出来。 Ka!” Jiang Fei wrenches apart Su Zhe wrist at the same time, his right hand also covered Su Zhe's top of the head. “咔!”蒋飞扭断苏辙手腕子的同时,他的右手也扣住了苏辙的头顶。 „!” Su Zhe yelled, has the wrist/skill to transmit the severe pain the factor, but more actually came from panic-stricken in heart. “啊!”苏辙大叫了一声,有手腕传来剧痛的因素,但更多的却是来自心中的惊恐。 However Su Zhe's panic-stricken has not continued is too long, after the palm of Jiang Fei covers Su Zhe's top of the head, Origin Power of his palm erupted. 不过苏辙的惊恐并没有持续太久,当蒋飞的手掌扣住苏辙的头顶之后,他掌心的本源之力就喷发了出来。 Bang!” Su Zhe's head seems a rotten watermelon is the same, was patted at the scene crushes. “嘭!”苏辙的脑袋就仿佛是个烂西瓜一样,当场就被拍得粉碎。 Su Zhe's body falls to the ground, because the Planet Namek person does not repair the Yuan god, although his strength is powerful, but also by Jiang Fei move of instant kill! 苏辙的尸体栽倒在地,因为那美克星人不修元神,他的实力虽然强悍,但也被蒋飞一招秒杀 „?! Elder Brother!” Su sharp this time was scared, just all these happened in the electric light flint, he was still raising Jiang Fei to worry, wants to prevent these soldiers to attack, finally blinks, the two girls of Jiang Fei and his side are safe and sound, oneself Elder Brother Su Zhe was actually hit has brains dashed out. “啊?!哥!”苏锐此时都傻眼了,刚刚这一切都发生在电光火石之间,他原本还在提蒋飞担心,想要阻止那些士兵攻击,结果眨眼之间,蒋飞和他身边的两个女孩儿安然无恙,自己哥哥苏辙却被打得脑浆迸裂。 Su threw Su Zhe's side sharply, one held the Elder Brother corpse, but at this time these God clan soldier Elder Brother carried weapons to aim at the Jiang Fei three people again, but actually no one dares to attack arbitrarily. 苏锐扑到了苏辙的身边,一把就抱起了哥哥的尸体,而此时那些神族士兵哥哥虽然端着武器再次瞄准了蒋飞三人,但却没人敢擅自攻击。 Just the soldiers had the performance order, they attempted to attack, finally? Own god king passed away directly, now launches the attack again the words, perhaps his crown prince must be finished! 刚刚士兵们不是没有执行命令,他们尝试过进行攻击,结果呢?自家的神王陛下直接就驾崩了,现在再发动攻击的话,恐怕自家的亲王殿下也得完蛋啊! Therefore although the soldiers encircle the Jiang Fei three people, but actually no one dares to open fire arbitrarily. 所以士兵们虽然把蒋飞三人团团围住,但却没人敢擅自开火。 Su sharp, what you currently have to plan, but can also leave with me together?” Jiang Fei tone light asking, as if Su Zhe's death was only a sloppy ordinary matter. “苏锐,你现在有什么打算,还要跟我一起离开吗?”蒋飞语气平淡的问道,仿佛苏辙的死亡只是一件稀松平常的事情罢了。 Actually regarding Jiang Fei, Su Zhe's death also really immaterial, he has attained the Level 2 password now, has been able to leave momentarily, even entire God clan with Jiang Fei for the enemy, he can still bring younger sisters direct teleport to remote mountains and ancient forests, then put down the shuttle machine to flash the person directly. 其实对于蒋飞来说,苏辙的死还真就无关紧要,他现在已经拿到了二级密码,已经随时可以离开了,就算整个神族都跟蒋飞为敌,他也可以带着妹子们直接瞬移到深山老林当中,然后放下穿梭机直接闪人了。 Therefore Su Zhe attacked Jiang Fei at this time, that did no to distinguish, he does not have price Experience to Jiang Fei, Jiang Fei also had nothing to have scruples, to him provoked again, can he also endure? 所以苏辙这个时候攻击蒋飞,那根作死就没什么区别了,他对蒋飞已经没了价,蒋飞也没什么可顾忌的了,再向他挑衅,他还能忍吗? The bosom holds by the big brother who oneself are, Su sharp is wept copiously, he holds the Elder Brother corpse to wail, after a half hour, he returned to normal slightly his state of mind. 怀里抱着已经被自己作死的大哥,苏锐泪如雨下,他抱着哥哥的尸体嚎啕大哭,直到半个小时之后,他才稍稍平复了一下自己的心绪。 Jiang Fei is waiting for in side, he does not have anxiously, after all before promised Su sharp to lead him to leave, although had the accident/surprise in this period, but if Su sharp also wants to walk, he will not go back on word. 蒋飞就在旁边等待着,他没急着走,毕竟之前答应苏锐要带他离开了,虽然期间发生了意外,但如果苏锐还想走的话,他也不会食言。 Ok, you walk......” beckoning with the hand of Su sharp face delay, he wants to revenge for the big brother, but in his heart actually clear, oneself include all God clan soldiers to put together, is impossible to massacre Jiang Fei, on the contrary, if made him run, he can actually retaliate God clan endlessly, the time was long, God clan may be divided hunting and killing of raid by him completely! “算了,你们走吧……”苏锐一脸呆滞的摆了摆手,他想替大哥报仇,但他心中却清楚,自己包括所有的神族士兵加在一起,也不可能杀掉蒋飞,相反,如果让他跑了,他却可以无休止的报复神族,时间一长的话,神族或许会被他一个人分批次的猎杀殆尽! In order to guarantee extension of Race, although the big brother was killed by Jiang Fei, but Su sharp is unable to start the thought of revenging, but big brother dies now, the entire God clan a group of people without a leader, Su sharp was impossible to leave the black hole with Jiang Fei together. 为了保证种族的延续,虽然大哥被蒋飞杀了,但苏锐也根本无法兴起报仇的念头,但是现在大哥死了,整个神族群龙无首,苏锐也就不可能在跟蒋飞一起离开黑洞了。
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