RTDTH :: Volume #30

#2955: Excellent plan

Is so official?” Jiang Fei said with a smile. “这么正式啊?”蒋飞笑道。 Final dinner!” Lina also smiles, when she knows plan of Jiang Fei forthcoming, in the innermost feelings is actually very complex, including the excitement, loses, something of being unable to put things clearly. “最后的晚餐嘛!”丽娜也笑了笑,当她知道蒋飞的计划即将开始的时候,内心中其实是非常复杂的,其中有兴奋,有失落,还有一些说不清道不明的东西。 With start of Jiang Fei plan, Lina to Jiang Fei is confident, she believes that Jiang Fei underwent such a long time preparation, although this process she is not very clear, but she understands Jiang Fei, knows that he is the person who has not grasped will not easily begin, since now he decided to begin, that explained prepared was similar. 随着蒋飞计划的开始,丽娜蒋飞的信心十足,她相信蒋飞经过了这么长时间的准备,虽然这个过程她不是很明白,但她了解蒋飞,知道他是一个没有把握不会轻易动手的人,现在他既然决定动手了,那就说明已经准备的差不多了。 Therefore this time stages a rebellion the rebellion regarding Jiang Fei, the Lina confidence is very full, she believes that Jiang Fei will not return to her father's road certainly time, the pretor these must die without doubt, as the matter stands, her big enmity was also must report, this was makes Lina excited. 所以对于蒋飞这次举事造反,丽娜的信心还是挺足的,她相信蒋飞绝地不会重蹈她父亲的覆辙,执政官这一次是必死无疑了,这样一来,她的大仇也算是得报了,这是让丽娜兴奋的。 But along with staging a rebellion of Jiang Fei, Lina also knows that she this warm and tranquil Life was arrives at now, how because of regardless of the result of Jiang Fei rebellion, to wait for her is a final sparkle. 但伴随着蒋飞的举事,丽娜也知道她现在这种温馨且宁静的生活算是走到头了,因为不论蒋飞造反的结果如何,等待她的都将是最后的一次闪耀。 If Jiang Fei were defeated, her Lina also the destruction, will also participate to plot a rebellion without doubt after all two times, this charge no one can save her. 如果蒋飞失败了,那她丽娜无疑也将随之覆灭,毕竟先后两次参与谋反,这个罪名谁也救不下她。 Even if Jiang Fei succeeded, after the pretor was killed, is still she with the Jiang Fei final showdown time, their two can only live next, although Jiang Fei will perhaps not kill her, but Lina were that ridge in heart, Jiang Fei said no matter how, could not be inseparable from her father's death, therefore the vengefulness for father's murder she must report. 就算蒋飞成功了,当执政官被杀死之后,也就是她跟蒋飞最终对决的时候,他们两个只能活下一个来,虽然蒋飞或许不会杀她,但丽娜自己是过不了心中的那道坎的,蒋飞不管怎么说,都跟她父亲的死脱不了干系,所以杀父之仇她是必然要报的。 However regarding defeating Jiang Fei, Lina actually not too big confidence . Moreover the person are the sentimental animal, she was so together long in Life with Jiang Fei, although two people have not had anything, but this type like couple general being constantly together, made the Lina heart of hearts have a different kind sentiment. 但是对于击败蒋飞,丽娜其实并没有太大的信心,而且人都是感情动物,她跟蒋飞在一起生活了这么久了,两个人虽然并没有发生什么,但这种如同夫妻一般的朝夕相处,却让丽娜的内心深处有了一种别样的感情。 Although clear(ly) knows oneself with Jiang Fei are impossible, but when really two person Requirements resort to arms, Lina at heart incomparable losing. 虽然明知道自己跟蒋飞是不可能的,但真当两个人需要兵戎相见的时候,丽娜的心里还是无比的失落。 We walk!” Jiang Fei initiative lifts the arm, Lina took advantage of opportunity to pull. “我们走吧!”蒋飞主动的把手臂一抬,丽娜顺势就挽了上去。 Comes out after the family/home, Jiang Fei drove the tire Lina to go to the entire gamma space best hotel, here was almost the Requirements appointment can have the achievement, but Jiang Fei makes an exception with own privilege today, making the hotel give him to arrange a passenger compartment to come out. 从家里出来之后,蒋飞驱车带着丽娜去了整个伽马空间最好的酒店,这里几乎都是需要预约才能有作为的,但今天蒋飞破例用了自己的特权,让酒店给他安排了一个包间出来。 Afterward Jiang Fei ordered the signature dish of this hotel, entire big table. 随后蒋飞把这家酒店的招牌菜都点了一遍,整整一大桌子。 Quite sumptuous!” Lina said after a sigh. “好丰盛啊!”丽娜感叹道。 Final dinner!” Jiang Fei said with a smile. “最后的晚餐嘛!”蒋飞笑道。 Also yes! That wished us to be successful!” Lina carried the wine glass to respect Jiang Fei one cup. “也是!那就祝我们能够成功!”丽娜端起酒杯敬了蒋飞一杯。 Good! Wish us to succeed!” Jiang Fei said with a smile. “好!祝我们成功!”蒋飞笑着说道。 ...... …… This food, two people ate for a long time, returned to own home until the night two talents. 这一顿饭,两个人吃了好久,直到深夜两个人才返回了自己的家里。 Lina, you must leave here tomorrow morning!” After Jiang Fei is proficient, said to Lina. 丽娜,明天早上你得离开我这里了!”蒋飞到家之后对丽娜说道。 What your Requirements do I make?” Lina asked. “你需要我做什么?”丽娜问道。 Goes to the slum area, takes thing that I give you to prepare, where to waits for the time, when worldwide chaos, defers to me to give your brocade sack conduct!” Jiang Fei said. “去贫民区,带上我给你准备的东西,到哪里等待时机,当天下大乱的时候,就按照我给你的锦囊行事!”蒋飞说道。 Good!” Lina had not asked, complied on the nod directly, because of currently speaking, the goals of two people are consistent, therefore Jiang Fei simply have no reason to harm her. “好!”丽娜没有多问,直接就点头答应了,因为就目前来说,两个人的目的是一致的,所以蒋飞根本没有理由去害她。 You make the best use of the time to rest, I will prepare tonight to you your Requirements thing.” Jiang Fei said. “那你抓紧时间去休息吧,我今晚会把你需要的东西都给你准备好的。”蒋飞说道。 Un, I went upstairs!” Lina nodded, then went upstairs, in the middle part of staircase, she then looked at Jiang Fei, but anything had not said, walked directly. “嗯,那我上楼了!”丽娜点了点头,然后上楼去了,在楼梯的中间部分,她回头看了看蒋飞,但是却什么也没有说,就径直走了上去。 Here Jiang Fei starts to give Lina to pack she Requirements thing, the clothing and along thing anything, these not Requirements Jiang Fei worries, these thing Lina will be solved, Jiang Fei helps the travel bag that Lina packs is not very big, the inside main thing is long short two spears/guns, certain energy cartridge clips, a small some cash and a big hiring by the month spirit crystal. 这边蒋飞开始给丽娜打包她所需要的东西,衣物和随身用品什么的,这些不需要蒋飞去操心,那些东西丽娜自己会解决,蒋飞丽娜打包的行囊不是很大,里面最主要的东西是一长一短两把枪,若干能量弹夹,一小部分现钞和一大包月灵晶。 Before bottom of Jiang Fei in life building got so far as a large quantities of moon/month of spirit crystal, but these moon/month of spirit crystal Jiang Fei have not used, even if opened the Company manufacture moon/month spirit crystal artware the time, he was also makes Lina purchase the moon/month spirit crystal, rather than used these that oneself stole. 之前蒋飞在生命大厦的底部弄到了一大批月灵晶,但这些月灵晶蒋飞始终没有动用,哪怕是开公司制造月灵晶艺术品的时候,他也是让丽娜去收购月灵晶,而不是使用自己盗取的那些。 Now Jiang Fei wrapped a large package to place the lowest level of wrapping these moon/month of spirit crystals, above was the firearms and some identifications and so on thing. 现在蒋飞把这些月灵晶包了一大包放在了包裹的最底层,上面就是枪械和一些身份证明之类的东西。 Then Jiang Fei takes out the written records and several buys the good brocade sack beforehand, then starts to write with vigor, after waiting the paper forces in the brocade sack, Jiang Fei with the short note in the brocade sack wrote down the condition of opening, after waiting for all these to process, Jiang Fei also admitted in the middle of the brocade sack that package. 然后蒋飞取出纸笔和几个事先买好的锦囊,然后开始奋笔疾书起来,等把纸条都塞进锦囊之后,蒋飞又用便签在锦囊上写下了开启的条件,等这一切都处理好了之后,蒋飞把锦囊也放进了那个包裹当中。 Was similar!” Jiang Fei secretly nodded, then package drawing. “差不多了!”蒋飞暗自点了点头,然后把包裹给拉上了。 Next morning time, Jiang Fei also wants to call Lina, actually discovered that she had gone downstairs, in the living room were many a suitcase, evidently is item that along Lina will tidy up, but Lina oneself was Jiang Fei prepared a very sumptuous breakfast in the kitchen. 第二天一早的时候,蒋飞本来还想去叫丽娜,却发现她已经下楼了,客厅里多了一个行李箱,看样子是丽娜收拾的随身物品,而丽娜本人则是在厨房为蒋飞准备了一顿非常丰盛的早餐。 When do you get down?” Jiang Fei asked. “你什么时候下来的?”蒋飞问道。 Shortly.” Although Lina said that but manufactures this sumptuous breakfast two hours has not been impossible. “没多久。”丽娜虽然是这么说,但制作这份丰盛的早餐没有两个小时是不可能的。 Why to do is so sumptuous.” Jiang Fei sighed. “何必做的这么丰盛呢。”蒋飞叹了口气道。 Perhaps was for the last time, was commemorates on point of departure.” Lina smiles saying that but the eyeground deep place actually revealed an inexplicable look. “或许是最后一次了,算是临别纪念吧。”丽娜笑了笑说道,但眼底深处却流露出了一丝莫名的神色。 Thanks.” At this time Jiang Fei cannot say again other. “谢谢。”这个时候蒋飞也不能再说别的了。 After breakfast, Lina towed own suitcase preparation to go out. 早餐过后,丽娜拖着自己的行李箱准备出门了。 On road careful, after settling, first untied the package, had a look at the opening conditions of all brocade sacks, do not open ahead of time, these were the things of life-saving!” Jiang Fei Ding enjoined. “路上小心,安顿好了之后,就先打开包裹,看看所有锦囊的开启条件,不要提前开启,这些都是救命的东西!”蒋飞嘱道。 Un! I knew!” Lina nodded, then the packet wiped joint in Jiang Fei hand in the past, turned around to go out. “嗯!我知道了!”丽娜点了点头,然后把蒋飞手中的小包裹接了过去,就转身出门了。 Jiang Fei has not gone to deliver Lina, but in the house, he heard the entrance taxi to stop, sound that then started, he knows that Lina has walked. 蒋飞没有去送丽娜,但在房子里面,他听到了门口出租车停下来,然后又起步的声音,他知道丽娜已经走了。 Tidied up itself simply, Jiang Fei also went to work. 简单的收拾了一下自己,蒋飞也去上班了。 In own office, Jiang Fei takes the paper and pen is calculating, he is calculating that the destiny of pretor government can also maintain for several days. 在自己的办公室里,蒋飞拿着纸和笔在不停的计算着,他在算执政官政府的气数还能维持几天。 Was evidently similar, had not discovered while them, I come the initiative detonation!” Jiang Fei nodded, then shouts to out of the door secretly: Anita! Comes in!” “看样子差不多了,趁着他们自己没有发现,还是我来主动引爆吧!”蒋飞暗自点了点头,然后对门外喊道:“安妮塔!进来一下!” Boss, do you look for me?” Anita entered the Jiang Fei office. “老板,您找我?”安妮塔走进了蒋飞的办公室。 Walks, with a mansion of Dang ! pretor!” Saying that Jiang Fei one cuts irritable. “走,跟我去一下执政官的府邸!”蒋飞一脸急切的说道。 „Does boss have an accident?” Anita asked. “老板出了什么事儿了?”安妮塔问道。 Issue is quite serious!” Jiang Fei stands up to say. “问题比较严重!”蒋飞站起身来说道。 Oh! Oh!” Anita is perplexed, but heard Jiang Fei to say, on hurried packed a thing, then went out with Jiang Fei. !”安妮塔不明所以,但听到蒋飞这么说之后就急忙的收拾了一下东西,然后就跟蒋飞出门了。
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