RTDTH :: Volume #30

#2950: Pressing for an answer

Edmund damn received frightening generally, actually also let alone this young engineer, traded to be anyone, he placed under this position, was frightened to jump. 艾德蒙见鬼了一般的受到了惊吓,其实也别说这位年轻的工程师了,换做任何一个人,他身处这种境地之下,也都被吓上一跳的。 Bang!” Jiang Fei turned over/stood up to stand, then two steps a near that arrived at Edmund, a hand blade gave to knock down him. “嘭!”蒋飞一翻身就站了起来,然后两步来到了艾德蒙的近前,一记手刀就把他给打晕了过去。 Shoulders toward the shoulder on Edmund, Jiang Fei returned to his stopper the vehicle, oneself seated the driver seat, then swaggers away. 把艾德蒙往肩膀上一扛,蒋飞把他塞回了车子里面,自己则坐进了驾驶座,然后扬长而去。 Jiang Fei driving led stupor Edmund to open, and entered the desolate suburb from a village track. 蒋飞开车带着昏迷的艾德蒙一路开了下去,并且从一条乡间小道进入了更加荒僻的郊外。 After four no one of the confirmation, Jiang Fei Elmo carried from the vehicle. 确认的四下无人之后,蒋飞把埃蒙的从车子上拎了下来。 Hey! Awakes!” Jiang Fei patted Edmund's face. “喂!醒醒!”蒋飞拍了拍艾德蒙的脸。 „After......” suffered several palms of the hand, Edmund opened the eyes, he first looked at all around at a loss, then looked on the body of Jiang Fei. “呜……”挨了几巴掌之后,艾德蒙睁开了双眼,他先是茫然的看了看四周,然后就把目光锁定在了蒋飞的身上。 Sir Ralph, are you all right?” Clearly, sober Edmund had not just clarified the situation, but also thinks oneself just hit Jiang Fei. “拉尔夫大人,您没事儿吧?”很明显,刚刚清醒的艾德蒙还没有弄清形势,还以为自己是刚刚撞到了蒋飞呢。 I was certainly all right, I ask your several questions now.” Jiang Fei said. “我当然没事儿了,我现在问你几个问题。”蒋飞说道。 Sir you asked.” Edmund just regained consciousness from the stupor, the brain is also not very sober. “大人您问。”艾德蒙刚刚从昏迷中苏醒,脑子还不是很清醒。 Continues the central the memory to erase the equipment about the life, what is its principle of work?” Jiang Fei asked. “关于生命延续中心的记忆抹除设备,它的工作原理是什么?”蒋飞问道。 Sir, this is related to the secret, I cannot say that you are also the person in government, this truth you should know.” Edmund face awkward saying. “大人,这事关机密,我不能说的,您也是政府中的人,这个道理您应该知道吧。”艾德蒙一脸为难的说道。 Perhaps, you have not clarified the present situation, I was not discussing with you, I am the thing that orders you to say you to know, otherwise......” Jiang Fei shows a bright smiling face suddenly, but has not waited for Edmund to respond, the Jiang Fei backhand is! “或许,你还没有弄清现在的情况,我不是在和你商量,我是命令你说出你知道的东西,否则的话……”蒋飞突然露出一张灿烂的笑脸,但还没等艾德蒙反应过来,蒋飞反手就是一记耳光! „!” The clear slap in the face sound passes on to be very far, Edmund's left face swelled up immediately about one inch high. “啪!”清脆的耳光声传出去很远,艾德蒙的左脸顿时肿起了将近一寸高。 You...... do you want to do? You are violate the law!” Edmund was perplexed, he still did not have to realize at this time oneself had been kidnapped. “你……你要干什么?你这是犯法的!”艾德蒙被打蒙了,他此时仍旧没意识到自己已经被绑架了。 Hasn't understood?” Jiang Fei shows a faint smile, was a slap in the face pulls out on his having a face, making Edmund's double face instantaneously symmetrical. “还没明白吗?”蒋飞微微一笑,然后又是一个耳光抽在了他的有脸上,让艾德蒙的双脸瞬间就对称了。 You......” Edmund stared in a big way the eyes to look at Jiang Fei, he did not think clearly, Jiang Fei success gamma space the senior official of most core, why he must take such big risk to kidnap itself obviously, knows that the life continued the central uselessly the secret to him radically! “你……”艾德蒙瞪大了双眼看着蒋飞,他怎么也想不明白,蒋飞明明已经成了伽马空间的最核心的高官了,他为什么要冒这么大的风险去绑架自己,知道生命延续中心的秘密对他来说根本没什么用啊! If Jiang Fei is the gamma space locally born person, then knows that these secrets to him are not the good matters, not only without the least bit advantage, but must add several points of responsibility, for example the pretor, he must shoulder the maintenance life to continue the central the responsibility. 如果蒋飞是伽马空间土生土长的人,那么知道这些秘密对他来说并不是什么好事儿,不仅没有半点好处,还得多添几分责任,比如执政官,他就要肩负维护生命延续中心的责任。 But the issue is Jiang Fei is not gamma space person, his goal is to destroy the relation channel of gamma space and three dimensional world, with helping Natasha retrieves to remember, therefore these secrets to him seemed extremely important. 但问题是蒋飞并不是伽马空间的人,他的目的是摧毁伽马空间和三维世界的联系通道,和帮娜塔莎找回记忆,所以这些秘密对他来说就显得极为重要了。 If I am you, I will not ask that these useless issues, I urged your best direct reaction I, otherwise......” Jiang Fei, although has not spoken frankly, but in tone significance of that threat actually already again obviously. “如果我是你的话,我就不会问这些没用的问题,我劝你最好直接回答我,否则……”蒋飞虽然没有直说,但语气中那种威胁的意义却已经再明显也不过了。 Snort! You gave up any idea of!” Edmund sneers to say. “哼!你休想!”艾德蒙冷笑道。 Yeah! How your these people are refuse to be convinced until one is faced with grim reality! Initially Prew Daunis is this, you are also this!” Jiang Fei sneers to say. “哎!你们这些人怎么都是不见棺材不落泪呢!当初普鲁多尼斯是这样,你也是这样!”蒋飞冷笑道。 What?! Prew Daunis's death is related with you!” Edmund had a scare. “什么?!普鲁多尼斯的死跟你有关!”艾德蒙被吓了一跳。 „Did you say?” Jiang Fei sneered, but had not denied. “你说呢?”蒋飞冷笑了一声,但却没有否认。 You killed Prew Daunis......” Edmund to look at Jiang Fei, but in a flash, he was startled to call out: First is Prew Daunis, is I, your goal is the snow beast!?” “你杀了普鲁多尼斯……”艾德蒙愣愣的看着蒋飞,但转瞬之后,他就惊叫道:“先是普鲁多尼斯,然后是我,你的目的是雪兽!?” Congratulates you, responded! However has not rewarded!” Jiang Fei acknowledged straightforwardly. “恭喜你,答对了!不过没有奖励!”蒋飞直截了当的承认了。 Why!? Why you must do that! What advantage does that to you have?” Edmund gets angry exclaims. “为什么!?你为什么要这么做!这么做对你有什么好处?”艾德蒙怒吼道。 You know that what position I now am?” Jiang Fei smiles was saying. “你知道我现在是什么地位吗?”蒋飞微笑着说道。 Naturally knows, you are No. 2 Player | Character of this world! Also because I know your status, therefore I am unable to understand why you must do that!” Edmund called out. “当然知道,你已经是这个世界的二号人物了!也正是因为我知道你的身份,所以我才无法理解你为什么要这么做!”艾德蒙叫道。 Because I want to go a step further again!” Jiang Fei smiles was saying. “因为我想再进一步!”蒋飞微笑着说道。 „Do you want to replace the pretor?” Edmund was shocked. “你想取代执政官?”艾德蒙愣住了。 „Very accidental/surprised?” Jiang Fei asked that he cannot certainly say oneself real motive, if he said that oneself wanted to kill the snow beast, that will make gamma space fall into the dead boundary without doubt, if Edmund this Kid had the strength of spirit, that troubled. “很意外吗?”蒋飞反问道,他当然不能说出自己的真实目的了,如果他说自己想要杀死雪兽,那无疑会让伽马空间陷入死境,万一艾德蒙这小子有骨气的话,那就麻烦了。 Now the excuse of Jiang Fei must usurp the throne, this and destruction world is two matters, therefore that defense line in Edmund heart is not strong. 现在蒋飞的借口只是要篡位而已,这和毁灭世界是两码事,所以艾德蒙心中的那条防线也就没有那么强。 Since you want to replace the pretor, you revolted is not good, why can inquire the matter of snow beast?” Edmund asked. “既然你想取代执政官,你造反不就行了,为什么要打听雪兽的事情?”艾德蒙问道。 Rebellion? The public security officer has tried, but he failed, I do not want to return to his road, I heard that grasped the person of snow beast, can become control in this world, therefore I naturally must try another method.” Jiang Fei said with a smile. “造反?治安官试过了,但是他失败了,我可不想重蹈他的覆辙,我听说掌握了雪兽的人,就能成为这个世界的掌控者,所以我当然要另辟蹊径了。”蒋飞笑着说道。 What you hear is the rumor, the fact is just the opposite, the snow beast is not only not the symbol of power, it instead is a responsibility! You grasped the snow beast, cannot make you overthrow the pretor!” Edmund answered. “你听到的是谣传,事实恰恰相反,雪兽不仅不是权力的象征,它反而是一种责任!你掌握了雪兽,并不能让你推翻执政官!”艾德蒙解释道。 Snort! You do not need to deceive me, my news channel is credible, your only Requirements replied that my issue is good!” Jiang Fei cold sound said. “哼!你不用骗我,我的消息渠道非常靠谱,你只需要回答我的问题就好!”蒋飞冷声说道。 Your these damn statesmen! How you are such obstinate!” Speechless of Edmund face, in his opinion, Jiang Fei is a politician who does not listen to the truth, but his there knows, present Sir Ralph holds bright White-grade Equipment to be muddled completely! “你们这些该死的政治家!你们怎么都是这么刚愎自用!”艾德蒙一脸的无语,在他看来,蒋飞就是一个听不进真话的政客,但他那里知道,眼前的这个拉尔夫大人完全就是揣着明白装糊涂! Ok, if you do not want to suffer hardships, hurries to answer my issue, otherwise......” Jiang Fei is saying while pulled out a dagger. “好了,如果你不想受苦的话,就赶紧回答我的问题,否则……”蒋飞一边说着一边抽出了一柄尖刀。 You do that will not have the result, will only harm you!” Edmund urged. “你这么做不会有结果的,只会害了你!”艾德蒙劝道。 It seems like you refused to be convinced until one is faced with grim reality!” Jiang Fei goes forward one step, then held Edmund's right hand, simultaneously hands over the dagger in hand forward, the knife point pricked in the nail seam of Edmund right middle finger directly! “看来你是不见棺材不掉泪了!”蒋飞上前一步,然后抓住了艾德蒙的右手,同时把手中的尖刀向前一递,刀尖直接刺入了艾德蒙右手中指的指甲缝里! „!” Edmund sends out a heavenshaking pitiful yell, intimately connected, the severe pain of that type of heartrending made Edmund cold sweat get down. “啊!”艾德蒙发出一声震天的惨叫,正所谓十指连心,那种钻心的剧痛让艾德蒙冷汗都下来了。 Can answer my issue?” Jiang Fei is sneering asking. “可以回答我的问题了吗?”蒋飞冷笑着问道。 You gave up any idea of!” Edmund called out. “你休想!”艾德蒙叫道。 We continue!” The Jiang Fei wrist/skill makes an effort slightly, the knife point selects to, Edmund right middle finger was selected directly. “那我们就继续!”蒋飞手腕微微一用力,刀尖向上一挑,艾德蒙右手中指的直接就被生生的挑了下去。 „!” Edmund sends out an inhuman pitiful yell, the whole person fainted instantaneously. “嗷!”艾德蒙发出一声非人的惨叫,整个人瞬间就昏死了过去。
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