RTDTH :: Volume #30

#2932: Artware

Afternoon time, 21 documents were all delivered by Anita, Barak and these bankers attained the Jiang Fei authorization file. 一下午的时间,二十一份文件全都被安妮塔送了出去,巴拉克和那些银行家都拿到了蒋飞的授权文件。 The bank was allowed to use levers in 30 times, Barak is authorized to become the guarantor of bank investment exclusive, these documents after the delivery, these bankers immediately before Barak sits the conference table, because they impatient must start to make this super to make money to obtain the big business! 银行被准许使用三十倍以内的杠杆,巴拉克则被独家授权成为银行投资的担保人,这些文件在送达之后,那些银行家立即就跟巴拉克坐到了谈判桌前,因为他们都已经迫不及待的要开始做这个超级赚钱得到大生意了! The bankers and negotiations between Barak are smooth, because Jiang Fei has calculated the respective profit to them, therefore they in sign a contract together, several hours time, all agreements sign success completely. 银行家们和巴拉克之间的谈判非常顺利,因为蒋飞已经给他们算好了各自的利润,所以他们在一起只是签个合同而已,短短几个小时的工夫,所有的协议就全部签署完成了 However what lets the bankers and Barak has not thought that although they signed the agreement, but actually not like the Jiang Fei description starts money-making of berserk, although 20 banks pounded to paste the banner in the entrance next day, propagandized own lending policy wantonly. 但是让银行家们和巴拉克没有想到的是,他们虽然签署了协议,但却并没有像蒋飞描述的那样开始疯狂的赚钱,虽然二十家银行砸第二天就在门口贴出了横幅,大肆宣传自己的贷款政策。 But the issue is, project that now the common people have nothing to invest, their present demands are very simple, is eats to the full to put on warmly, but the providing work as a form of relief policy that Jiang Fei provides made them achieve this point sufficiently, therefore the Ordinary common people didn't do the interest regarding the loan, because their not Requirements so much money spent. 但问题是,现在老百姓们没什么可投资的项目,他们如今的需求很朴素,就是吃饱穿暖而已,而蒋飞提供的以工代赈政策就足以让他们做到这一点了,所以普通老百姓对于贷款并不干什么兴趣,因为他们并不需要那么多的钱去消费。 Several days later, the bankers who these are filled with joy somewhat could not sit still, they have not gained to that some money of Jiang Fei promise, therefore feels discontented, but the issue is the Jiang Fei position is special, causing them not to dare to send a punitive expedition. 几天之后,这些满心欢喜的银行家们就有些坐不住了,他们并没有赚到蒋飞许诺的那部分钱,所以一个个都心怀不满,但问题是蒋飞的地位特殊,导致他们也不敢来兴师问罪。 But at this time, new artware Company established quietly, this Company time unusual low key from the beginning, they have been purchased in the market quietly the existing moon/month spirit crystal, then processes the doing finishing work type fine artware sell. 而就在这个时候,一家新的艺术品公司悄然成立了,这家公司一开始的时候非常的低调,他们悄然得到收购市面上现有的月灵晶,然后加工成样式精美的艺术品出售。 The artware that these moon/month of spirit crystal processing become is fine, the floral formula and modeling are gamma space local these handicrafts are unable to compare, but its price not much is expensive, but increased a point in the foundation price of moon/month spirit crystal slightly. 这些月灵晶加工而成的艺术品非常精美,花式和造型是伽马空间本土那些工艺品根本无法比拟的,但它的价格却并不是多昂贵,只是在月灵晶的基础价格上稍微增加了一点而已。 This artware appearance, enjoyed praises of these rich people, after all the moon/month spirit crystal has the unique position, although it now no longer was the universal equivalent, lost the position of hard currency, but in the heart of gamma space person, this thing as before was the Experience money! This is the inherent concept that for a lot of years form, is not a government order can change absolutely. 这种艺术品一出现,就受到了那些富人们的追捧,毕竟月灵晶本身就拥有独特的地位,它现在虽然不再是一般等价物了,失去了硬通货的地位,但在伽马空间人的心中,这东西依旧是钱的!这是千百年来形成的固有观念,绝对不是一项政令就能够更改的。 It has certain price Experience . Moreover the modeling is novel, such artware naturally receives praise of rich people, therefore works as these moon/month of spirit crystal artware appearances, they quick were sold out by the rich people. 本身就拥有一定的价,而且造型新颖精美,这样的艺术品自然是非常受富人们的追捧,所以当这些月灵晶艺术品一出现,它们很快就被富人们抢购一空。 The providing work as a form of relief policy that because Jiang Fei releases, causing everyone to have the stable income, the poor has money to spend food and other essential items, will also spend before occasionally some, did not have the light extravagant thing of opportunity contact. 因为蒋飞推出的以工代赈政策,导致所有人都有了稳定的收入,贫民有了钱就得去消费食物和其他必需品,甚至偶尔还会消费一些以前没机会接触的轻奢用品。 As the matter stands, opening a shop the income of Merchant naturally also enhanced, the amount that although each poor can spend is limited, but the base number of poor is more than ten times of rich person, therefore wealth accumulation speed of rich people are quicker. 这样一来,开店的商人们的收入自然也就提高了,虽然每个贫民能够消费的金额有限,但贫民的基数是富人的十几倍,所以富人们的财富积累速度更加快捷。 After the rich hand has money, they when investment, will consider that wealth insurance Experience, but the handicraft based on moon/month spirit crystal naturally is the best choice, although first moon/month spirit crystal lost the position of hard currency, but it guaranteed the function of Experience is still recognized, until now, although the official announced moon/month of spirit crystal article not Experience, but in fact the price of every moon/month spirit crystal still in 900 new currencies above. 富人们手里有了钱之后,他们在投资之余,也会考虑到财富的保,而以月灵晶为基础的工艺品自然是最好的选择,首先月灵晶虽然失去了硬通货的地位,但其保的作用仍旧是公认的,直到现在,虽然官方宣布月灵晶一文不了,但实际上每颗月灵晶的价格仍旧在九百新货币以上。 Because the new currency and old currency are 1 : 1 relations, therefore actual last month spirit crystal, although somewhat censures Experience slightly, but the loss over 10%, it does not guarantee the Experience function is still obvious, even if official direct interference, cannot make its price crash. 因为新货币和旧货币是一比一的关系,所以实际上月灵晶虽然略微有些贬,但损失不超过百分之十,其保作用依旧明显,哪怕官方的直接干涉,都没能让其价格崩盘。 Because the folk approves to the moon/month spirit crystal as before, therefore its insurance Experience significance is very obvious, but the artware has the rise Experience space, therefore this thing nature success asset guarantees the Experience first choice. 因为民间对月灵晶依旧认可,所以它的保意义十分明显,而艺术品本身就有升空间,所以这种东西自然成了资产保的首选。 As the moon/month spirit crystal artware was gradually approved by the rich people, that artware Company naturally started to rise in prices, but the price rose even, the artware that their each raid made was still sold out instantaneously. 随着月灵晶艺术品逐渐被富人们认可,那家艺术品公司自然开始涨价了,但就算价格上涨,他们每一批次生产出来的艺术品仍旧被瞬间抢购一空。 Afterward, this artware Company starts to unveil the scheduled service, Requirements guest pay Quankuan can be scheduled the next batch number, even the artware of one after next batch number! 随后,这家艺术品公司开始推出预定服务,需要客人付全款才能预定下一个批号,甚至下下个批号的艺术品! First makes a payment regarding this type, must wait for a week even is several weeks can attain the artware the behavior, the rich people approved directly, even they also thought that this is profits, after all now this type of artware is rising in prices every day, if not scheduled, several weeks later bought could spend half of prices! 对于这种先交钱,要等一周甚至是几周才能拿到艺术品的行为,富人们直接就认可了,甚至他们还觉得这是自己占了便宜,毕竟现在这种艺术品每天都在涨价,如果不是预定的话,几周之后再买可能就得多花一半的价钱了! Suddenly appears regarding this, and artware Company that berserk makes money, although everyone starts to pay attention, but actually no one wants is too many, everyone's main thoughts are rushing to purchase on moon/month of spirit crystal artware, even was the pretor Sirs entrusts secretary hand/subordinate to help him be scheduled a number of moon/month spirit crystal artwares. 对于这家突然出现,并且疯狂赚钱的艺术品公司,虽然所有人都开始关注,但却没人想太多,大家的主要心思都在抢购月灵晶艺术品上,甚至是执政官大人都委托手下的秘书帮他预定了一批月灵晶艺术品。 What kind of? Is the Company matter smooth?” Jiang Fei after this day goes home to Lina asks, very obviously, he is this artware Company back instigator, came from including these artwares style designs him directly. “怎么样?公司的事情还顺利吗?”蒋飞在这一天回家之后向丽娜问道,很显然,他就是这家艺术品公司背后的始作俑者,包括那些艺术品的样式设计都直接来自于他。 All are very smooth, our orders have arranged to two months later.” Lina said. “一切都很顺利,我们的订单已经排到两个月之后了。”丽娜说道。 Un! Good.” Jiang Fei nodded. “嗯!挺好的。”蒋飞点了点头 Has an issue, was our moon/month spirit crystal purchase came across the issue, now has started to present the competitor.” Lina said. “不过有个问题,就是我们的月灵晶收购遇到了问题,现在已经开始出现了竞争者。”丽娜说道。 Doesn't matter, increasing price was good, then sending an announcement, said that because the raw material rises, therefore the price of new order will also be raised along with the rise of raw material.” Saying that Jiang Fei not cares. “没关系,加价就好了,然后给发个公告,就说因为原材料上涨,所以新订单的价格也将随原材料的上涨而提升。”蒋飞毫不在意的说道。 „Are you short of money?” Lina asked. “你这么缺钱吗?”丽娜问道。 At present does not lack, but the association/will uses, will not be long.” Jiang Fei gave a Lina being as deep as a well smiling face. “目前不缺,但总会用到的,而且不会太久。”蒋飞给了丽娜一个高深莫测的笑容。 Really, his ambition......” Lina nodded, in her at heart, Jiang Fei has just like started to revolt to prepare secretly at this time. “果然,他的野心不仅于此……”丽娜暗自点了点头,在她的心里,蒋飞此时俨然已经是开始为造反做准备了。 The rebellion is not simple living, this is one burns money the business, although its income is very attractive, but before the success, its expenditure is also astonishing, after all without enough money, you would have no enough weapons, does not have the sufficient grain! 造反可不是一个简单的活,这是一项非常烧钱的生意,虽然它的收益十分诱人,但在成功之前,它的花费也同样是惊人的,毕竟没有足够的钱,你就没有足够的武器,没有足够的粮食! But fast failure that before the public security officer rebelled, reason that could not keep up with on many rear services, although he had a powerful clone team, because lacked heavy weapons . Moreover the grain has not prepared enough, therefore eventually caused the clone regiment battle efficiency to drop substantially. 而之前治安官叛乱的快速失败,其中就不乏后勤跟不上的原因,他虽然拥有一支强大的克隆人队伍,但因为缺乏重型武器,而且粮食也没准备足够,所以最终导致克隆人军团战斗力大幅下降。 However this not strange public security officer and Lina, because they simply have not thought that oneself plotting a rebellion plan had been seen clearly by the pretor, others start ahead of time, causing them simply not to prepare with enough time fully, under meets head-on hastily, made several fatal mistakes, finally ends up a disastrous the result. 不过这也不怪治安官和丽娜,因为他们根本没想到自己的谋反计划早已被执政官洞察,人家提前下手,导致他们根本没来得及准备充分,仓促迎战之下,又犯了几个致命的错误,最终落得个惨败的结局。
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