RS :: Volume #4 北冥钓鲲

#767: The demon will not have the eye!

Chapter 766 and demon will not have the eye! 第766章、魔将无眼! The evil wind is intermittent, the ghost fog is thick. 妖风阵阵,鬼雾浓浓。 In the Tiandu city, everybody ornamental cloth hung over a doorway looks at the day. 天都城内,人人仰脸看天。 What's all this about? How to cloud over suddenly?” “这是怎么回事儿?怎么突然间就变了天呢?” These fog are the demonic fogs, in the past the big devil East 21 came the Tiandu city to challenge the old deity the time, bad fog seven day seven nights were not loose, cut the East until the old deity strength 21, this demonic fog thorough divergence, the Tiandu city was delivered from oppression ------ “这些雾是妖雾,当年大魔头东方21前来天都城挑战老神仙的时候,大雾七日七夜不散,直至老神仙力斩东方21,这妖雾才彻底的散去,天都城重见天日------” Since the old god swaying falls, this Tiandu city more and more is not peaceful ----- “自从老神仙仙陨,这天都城就越来越不太平了-----” -------- -------- In palace, by black hole. 宫廷之内,黑洞旁边。 The Li Muyang look like the blade, is staring at that black air/Qi rich place that winks. 李牧羊眼神如刀,一眨不眨的盯着那黑气浓郁的地方。 Here covers the black gas source head of entire Tiandu city, Chu Xun crashed the place that a moment ago vanishes. 这里是笼罩整座天都城的黑气源头,也是刚才楚浔坠落消失的地方。 Not is only Li Muyang, other person also holding breath static air/Qi, stare the big eye to stare at that black smoke billowing hole 不仅仅是李牧羊,其它人也都屏声静气,瞪大眼睛盯着那黑烟滚滚的窟窿 , As well as stern-faced deeply is not seeing bottom hole speech Li Muyang to that. ,以及一脸严峻的对着那深不见底的窟窿说话的李牧羊 What does there have?” “那里到底有什么?” Besides Chu Xun ----- The second person? Or ----- Abyss devil ----- “除了楚浔之外-----还有第二个人?或者说-----深渊恶魔-----” This is presents each person idea. 这是在场每个人心里的想法。 Li Muyang waits for one, does not see in that black hole to have any response. 李牧羊等待一阵,不见那黑洞里面有任何的回应。 Since you are not willing to come out, that did not take it ill me to get rid heartlessly.” “既然你们不肯出来,那就休怪我出手无情了。” Li Muyang speech time, puts out a hand toward distant place one move. 李牧羊说话的时候,伸手朝着远方一招。 Bang ------ 轰隆隆------ West the suburbs, the hill of named sound mountain has had the response suddenly. 远在城郊西侧,名为音山的一座小山突然间生出了反应。 The leaf sways, hundred beasts to be panic-stricken. 树叶摇晃、百兽惊恐。 The mountain stream closure, the sea-monster scurries about. 溪水断流,游鱼乱窜。 Then, the entire sound mountain eradicates, leaps the hill and city to cross the top, is difficult to see the speed that to fly by the naked eye to raid toward the Tiandu city. 然后,整座音山连根拔起,跃过山丘、城过城头,以肉眼难见的速度朝着天都城飞袭而来。 Li Muyang wants with this sound Shan Weicai, that black hole filling, making that inside person always again not stand up from failure. 李牧羊欲用这音山为材,将那个黑窟窿给填补起来,让那里面的人永世都不重翻身。 Your majesty ------ Favor King body side, consecrates one face numerously amazed looks at this Mu. “陛下------”惠王身侧,众多供奉都一脸惊诧的看着这一慕。 This Li Muyang ----- Really is bold. 这个李牧羊-----实在是胆大包天。 He does not know where here is? He does not know that Favor King is the monarchy of westerly wind? 难道他不知道这里是什么地方?难道他不知道惠王是西风的君主? In front of monarchy, moves to a mountain to want in a westerly wind Miyag hole 当着君主的面,移一座山来要把西风宫城里面的一个窟窿 To levelling ----- This act is to really despise day of family authority, radically not present dignity of king and Chu paying attention. 给填平-----此举实在是藐视天家权威,根本就没有把眼前的君王和楚氏的尊严给放在眼里。 Absurd ----- Really is absurd ----- Favor King face darken, words said that is not agile. This Li Muyang moved a mountain to enter own dwelling, must run over own son ------ Own this father also stands. Can he Zeng He discuss? This Lu clan, really hatefully may get angry, compared with that Song must rampant extremely arrogant. When this Wang Tengchu hand, must die like a dog your Lu master grandson surely ------ “岂有此理-----实在是岂有此理-----”惠王脸色阴沉,连话都说不利索了。这个李牧羊搬了一座山进了自己的宅院,要压死自己的儿子------自己这个老子还站在旁边。他可曾和自己商量过一番?这陆氏一族,实在是可恨可怒,比那宋氏还要更加的嚣张狂妄。等到本王腾出手来,定要将你们陆氏爷孙不得好死------ „Can your majesty, prevent this person to do evil?” The Withering Glory high-grade goods side finds out the sound to ask. “陛下,要不要阻止此人作恶?”枯荣上品方想出声问道。 We go moving away that mountain ----- “我们去把那山给移走-----” Your majesty, orders quickly ----- 陛下,快下命令吧-----” -------- -------- Slightly peaceful should not be dry.” Favor King beckoned with the hand, looks at the hill above that top of the head, the sinking sound said: First has a look in that hole to have positive result.” “稍安勿燥。”惠王摆了摆手,看着那头顶之上的小山,沉声说道:“先看看那窟窿里面到底有甚名堂。” Favor King wanted to issue the order that Lu master Sun Quan cutting actually immediately, but, the matter made his heart have the scruples. He makes that surround all around Flying Feather Army to take Li Muyang, because actually of Lu Xingkong that old dog calls out before the suspension of movement not. What did this indicate? This indicated the control of Lu Xingkong to Flying Feather Army must be more thorough than this westerly wind king. 惠王倒是想要立即下达命令将那陆氏爷孙全给斩了,但是,刚才的事情让他心有顾忌。他让那围拢四周的飞羽军去拿下李牧羊,却因为陆行空那条老狗的一声暴喝就停步不前。这说明了什么?这说明了陆行空飞羽军的掌控比他这个西风君王还要更加深入一些。 In Flying Feather Army are how many his person? How many are the Flying Feather Army military officer some also loyal to westerly wind Chu? 飞羽军里面到底有多少是他的人?飞羽军的将领又有多少还忠于西风楚氏? Flying Feather Army is the imperial family troops under direct control, shouted at to leave to a word by Lu Xingkong. Does that proliferate the other armies of empire? Did Song Cui these years cleans, clean the Lu direct descendant trusted friend seriously completely cleanly? These clean the department of Lu for Song Cui , are how many hideaway concealed wirings of Lu? 飞羽军是皇室嫡系部队,都被陆行空给一言喝退。那遍布帝国的其它部队呢?宋氏崔氏这些年的清洗,当真将陆氏嫡系心腹全部都清洗干净了吗?那些替宋氏崔氏清洗陆氏的部将,又有多少是陆氏的隐藏暗线? Randomly becomes pot gruel! 乱成一锅粥! Favor King agree did not order, these consecrated the master not to dare to act rashly. Only can look helplessly Li Muyang transfers to the top of the head a mountain, then momentarily pounds toward that hole that mountain. 惠王不肯下令,那些供奉高手也不敢轻举妄动。只能眼睁睁的看着李牧羊将一座大山移到头顶,然后随时将那座山朝着那个窟窿砸下去。 Since is not willing to come out, that never come out.” Li Muyang speech time, the right hand grasps, looked like that palatial mountain grasping in the control. Then, he is operating that mountain, fiercely toward that black fog billowing giant hole filling. “既然不肯出来,那就永远不要出来吧。”李牧羊说话的时候,右手一握,就像是将那座巍峨大山给握在了手心。然后,他操纵着那大山,猛地朝着那黑雾滚滚的巨大窟窿给填了过去。 Bang ------ 砰------ The mountain will soon press in that black hole cave entrance time, a huge black cyclone dashes to come, to go directly to that mountain from the black hole deep place the central place. 大山即将压进那黑洞洞口的时候,一股巨大的黑色气旋从黑洞深处冲撞而来,直达那大山的中心位置。 ------ 咔嚓------ A bang transmits, that sound mountain is split up suddenly, the quarry stone tumbles, in all directions Beng Jian. 一声巨响传来,那音山突然间就四分五裂,乱石翻滚,四处崩溅。 Thunderclap ------ 霹雳啪啦------ When the quarry stone falls completely, the dust vanishes, in the yard appeared has been injured seriously makes the person look at not the clear black illusory image by striking back human form Chu Xun and one group. 等到乱石落尽,尘埃消失,小院之中出现了受伤惨重被打回人形的楚浔和一团让人看不真切的黑色幻影。 The line of sight of Li Muyang has then placed above that shadow. 李牧羊的视线便一直放在那道黑影之上。 That person by the black fog package, being made the person look at not really Chetta's true feature. 那人被黑雾包裹,让人看不真切他的真实面目。 Moreover, that shadow stands there obviously, actually gives people suddenly nearly suddenly the feeling that is hard to grasp. 而且,那黑影明明站在那里,却给人忽近忽远难以把握的感觉。 When Li Muyang gets rid to strike down the preparation the Chu Xun heavy blows him, as soon as strikes cuts to kill, is that group of shadow lightnings, but under , incurred to give to rescue him from killing of Li Muyang. 李牧羊出手将楚浔重拳击倒准备将他一击斩杀的时候,便是那团黑影闪电而至,从李牧羊的杀招之下将他给救了回来。 Because of that shadow unexpectedly, moreover speed too quickly is too fast, the people, feared that besides Li Muyang, few people can discover his existence. 因为那黑影出其不意,而且速度实在太快太快,现场众人,怕是除了李牧羊之外,没有几人能够发现他的存在。 This also makes the Li Muyang heart live to dread that was that big fiendish person of abyss clan comes? 这也让李牧羊心生忌惮,难道是深渊族的那个大魔王来了? But since, ten thousand years, the demon clan continuously by the seal in the place of abyss that will never see the light of day. If demon marriage go- from comes, that showed that two clans tied are already opened ------ But, has not tied the news of breakage to transmit. 可是,万年以来,魔族一直被封印在那永不见天日的深渊之地。倘若是魔主亲自而来,那就证明两族结界早就已经被打开------可是,并没有结界破裂的消息传来。 Although the Human race nine countries are hostile to mutually, keeps in balance mutually, but, has the restraint of nine power treaty, nine Guoqiang non-periodical must inspect the divine land to tie. Even some are most likely also year after year to have the powerhouse to guard by knot that the demon clan breaks through ------ Although Li Muyang also never has the opportunity to look. 虽然人族九国互相敌视,又互相制衡,但是,有着九国公约的约束,九国强者不定期的要去巡视神州结界。甚至一些最有可能被魔族攻破的结界还长年累月的有强者镇守------虽然李牧羊还从来都没有机会去看过。 If not for if demon lord arrives, then, what monster this can snatch the fellow of person from own at present is? 倘若不是魔主亲临,那么,眼前这个能够从自己手里抢人的家伙又是什么怪物? Who are you?” Li Muyang stares at that shadow to ask. “你是谁?”李牧羊盯着那黑影问道。 Li Muyang ------- Shadow hissing shouted to clear the way. 李牧羊-------”黑影嘶声喝道。 Still was that group of shadows, you did not see clearly his appearance, but actually gave people a keel posthumous cold feeling. 仍然是那团黑影,你看不清楚他的面貌,但是却给人一种脊背生寒的感觉。 The sound mountain was hit to explode, but this fills all around black fog actually not to vanish. 音山被打爆,但是这弥漫四周的黑雾却并没有消失。 Because of the appearance of this shadow, that surrounding black is instead getting stronger and stronger, quick must reverse the weather, transfers the dark night that daytime. 因为这黑影的出现,反而那周围的黑色越来越浓,很快就要逆转天色,将那白天转为黑夜。 All people can feel the feeling of that gloomy terror, in all will of the people clear, perhaps this group of shadows ----- Not Human race. 所有人都能够感觉到那种阴森恐怖的感觉,所有人心里都清楚,或许这团黑影-----不似人族 „Do you know me?” “你知道我?” „The Human race evil dragon, who doesn't know?” 人族恶龙,谁人不知?” I am the Human race evil dragon ----- Li Muyang sneers. This year the head, Dragon race really did not have the dignity. Does not know from where devil facing own time is bringing the full pride. What thing are you?” “我是人族恶龙-----”李牧羊冷笑不已。这年头,龙族还真是没有尊严啊。就连一个都不知道来自哪里的恶魔面对自己的时候都带着满满的骄傲。“你又是什么东西?” Does not have the eye. ” The shadow sound is fuzzy, makes person be able clear listening in the ear. 无眼。”黑影声音模糊,却让人能够清晰的听在耳朵里。 Doesn't have the eye?” Li Muyang brow tight wrinkle, asked: Demon main do 18 arrange several you?” “无眼?”李牧羊眉头紧皱,问道:“魔主18将你排第几?” Fourth.” The shadow makes noise to reply. “第四。”黑影出声答道。 The Abyss Demon Lord subordinates powerhouse converges, removes old these must to record beside sacrificial offering beyond not the clear age, can draft cleverly in fighting 18 will be the vanguard for it. 深渊魔主麾下强者云集,去掉那些老得让人记不清楚年龄外的祭祀之外,还有能征善战的18将为其打先锋。 18 are the given names, is the government position, after each military officer died, is substituted by another powerhouse. 18将是名号,也是官职,每一名将领死亡之后,便由另外一名强者替代。 Has no interest, atheistic second, not to have the ear first third, does not have fourth. 无心第一、无神第二、无耳第三,无眼第四。 This is on four, seven and next seven, respectively, will have no intention and not have the advantage be the astomia, airless, atheistic and other given names. Once these given names have, then lifelong uses. Only if you died in battle in the battlefield, or the challenge of bitter experience powerhouse, was killed by Challenger, then Challenger will then inherit your given name. 这是上四将,还有中七将和下七将,分别为无口、无意、无利、无气、无神等名号。这些名号一旦拥有,便终身使用。除非你在战场上战死,或者遭遇更强者的挑战,然后被挑战者干掉,那么挑战者便会继承你的名号。 The demon main did not ask loyally, only cared about the strength. The demon clan also venerates the powerhouse, discrimination is tiny. Does not fear to slaughter. 魔主不问忠诚,只在乎实力。魔族也尊崇强者,歧视渺小。更是不畏厮杀。 Several thousand years ago, the demon lord leads six big sacrificial offerings and demon clans 18 will go on an expedition the divine land, these powerhouses have brought the huge injury to Human race. If not for if Dragon race and Human race form an alliance, was Human race has had the cutting edge first battle engagement, feared that was that time goes on an expedition then has become the Human race catastrophe, this motherland, had already been given the rule by that abyss devils. 数万年以前,魔主率领六位大祭祀和魔族18将征战神州,这些强者给人族带来了巨大的伤害。倘若不是龙族人族结盟,为人族打了先锋头阵,怕是那次征战便成了人族浩劫,这神州大地,早就已经被那深渊恶魔们给统治。 Now, the non- eyes of demon clan fourth senior general ambush unexpectedly in the divine land, moreover relates closely with westerly wind imperial prince Chu Xun ----- Then, some do demon clan also how many demon clan companions hide in the hidden place? 现在,魔族第四大将的无眼竟然潜伏在神州,而且还和西风皇子楚浔关系密切-----那么,魔族到底还有多少魔族同伴隐藏在暗处? Li Muyang had intense uneasy at heart. 李牧羊心里有了强烈的不安感。 In Fengcheng his father for famous doctor Sun Yu that treats an illness, the empire imperial prince in this western Fengcheng, these characters was attacked and captured or seized the body by them, that ------ Means that the new abyss invasion will soon arrive? 西风城内为其父治病的名医孙渔,还有这西风城内的帝国皇子,这些人物都被他们攻克或者夺体,那么------是不是意味着新一场的深渊入侵即将到来? Just like Chu Xun said like that the Li Muyang goal is to destroy Human race ----- Because compares the abyss race's injury to Dragon race, the injury of Human race is crueler, is more unforgivable. 正如楚浔所说的那般,李牧羊的目标是毁灭人族-----因为相比较深渊族对龙族的伤害,人族的伤害更加残忍,也更加不可原谅。 But, Li Muyang can look seriously helplessly these do grow three eye appearance ugly fellows to seize this motherland? 可是,李牧羊当真能够眼睁睁的看着那些长着三只眼睛面相丑陋的家伙占领这神州大地吗? Perhaps as Dragon race, he can survive by luck. 作为龙族,或许他可以侥幸存活。 When Human race defeats, the abyss devil becomes this divine land controls ------ 人族战败,深渊恶魔成为这神州主宰------ When Li Muyang walks on the avenue, took a broad view at the past, all was such monster, greeted with them must say " , today ate the person " or " , today this third eye is very bright " ----- 李牧羊走在大街上,放眼过去,全是那样的怪物,和它们打招呼都得说「嘿,今天吃人了吗」或者「哟,今天这第三只眼睛挺有神的」----- Can the picture be too beautiful does not dare to imagine? 会不会画面太美不敢想象? Therefore, in any event, Li Muyang cannot make these abyss devils seize the vast territory under this Starry Sky, in any event cannot make them this divine land nine country new King. 所以,无论如何,李牧羊都不能让这些深渊恶魔占领这星空之下的浩瀚领土,无论如何都不能让它们成为这神州九国新的王者。 Even if Li Muyang is shouldering the Dragon race deep hatred, even if he shoulders is destroying the heavy responsibility of Human race ----- However, if Human race has difficult, he again and Human race stands, fights side-by-side with them again. 即便李牧羊背负着龙族血仇,即使他肩负着毁灭人族的重任-----但是,如若人族有难,他会再一次的和人族站在一起,再一次和他们并肩作战。 Is solid for the spring colored autumn, for Xia Hedong the snow, Aunt Wang Jia who for that Jiangnan alley hands over a chummy meat patty every morning, for that looks that he comes to pull out from between the lines short to is nodding the bookstore boss of smile to him. 为了春花秋实,为了夏荷冬雪、为了那江南小巷每天清晨递来一个热乎乎肉饼的王家大娘,也为了那看着他进来从字里行间短暂抽离对着他点头微笑的书店老板。 For these like him or taunt his schoolmate, division commander who for these severe expects too much harshly, for Li Sinian, for Li Sinian these skin in vain pretty female schoolmates ------ 为了那些喜欢他或者嘲讽他的同学,为了那些严厉苛刻恨铁不成钢的师长,为了李思念,也为了李思念的那些肤白貌美的女同学------ For parental family member, for Qiandu and Cui Xiaoxin. 为了父母家人,为了千度崔小心 For all! 为了一切! 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