RS :: Volume #4 北冥钓鲲

#765: «Jane of Ghost King»!

Chapter 764 and «Jane of Ghost King»! 第764章、《鬼王之简》! The Li Muyang sound is low and deep and firm, on the face brims with the affection that being hard word was stating. Is consoling Chu Xun likely , is narrating own original intention likely. 李牧羊的声音低沉又坚定,脸上洋溢着难以言述的深情。像是在劝慰楚浔,又像是在讲述自己的初衷。 Cultivates the behavior? Makes the dragon? 做人?做龙? This issue also once time and time again is puzzled Li Muyang, is suffering Li Muyang. 这个问题也曾经一次又一次的困惑着李牧羊,折磨着李牧羊 As a Libra, such choice makes him live to might as well simply die, making him suffer extreme distress. 作为一名天秤座,这样的选择简直让他生不如死,让他死去活来。 Human race is oppressive I thousand in every possible way, I when Human race like first love. 人族虐我千百般,我待人族如初恋。 Dragon race treats me like the first love, I actually a little tire to it. 龙族待我如初恋,我却对它有点儿厌。 This is the real psychological portrayal of Li Muyang. 这就是李牧羊的真实心理写照。 Is ordinary with the triangle feelings of Tiandu city these teenage boys and girls. 天都城那些少男少女的三角情愫一般。 Dragon race times have saved him, time and time again is formidable he, gives him to be possible richly the treasure of enemy, gives him to count the endless weapon compounded drug. Gives back house that his innumerable clear waters spiritual energies overflow, after is, his child everyone lives in one also to have surplus ------ If they do not shut out to be far away from the urban center position to be not quite ideal. 龙族一次次的救了他,一次又一次的强大他,给他富可敌国的珍宝,给他数之不尽的武器丹药。还给他无数座山青水秀灵气四溢的房屋,就是以后他的孩子每人住一座都还有剩余------假如他们不嫌弃远离城市中心位置不太理想的话。 But, Dragon race eventually is Dragon race. 可是,龙族终究是龙族 As Dragon race, he lonely life. 作为龙族,他将孤独一生。 As Human race, he can actually accompany the person who most are loving. 作为人族,他却能够陪伴着自己最爱的人。 Chu Xun is different, Chu Xun grows up in the palace since childhood, compared with a Li Muyang more profound experience the favour changes in temperature, you have flattered the dark reality that I cheat. 楚浔则不同,楚浔从小就在王府里长大,比李牧羊更深刻的体会到了人情冷暖,尔谀我诈的黑暗现实。 In his heart does not have the lover, without respect, therefore, when he encounters the tribulation, when he encounters the life trough, when realistically and has the conflict of conflict ideally, he without hesitation has then discarded the Human race status, by body serving demon ----- 他的心中没有爱人,没有敬意,所以,当他遭遇磨难,当他遭遇人生低谷,当现实和理想发生冲突的冲突时,他便毫不犹豫的舍弃了人族身份,以身伺魔----- That third eye of Chu Xun forehead rumble the rotation, each rotation, bloody water was being mixed, has covered entirely the pupil of his withered and yellow pollution. 楚浔额头的那第三只眼咕噜咕噜的转动着,每一次转动,都有一层血水被搅动起来,布满了他那枯黄浑浊的瞳孔。 He looks at the Li Muyang look, hissing said: Then ------ Didn't we have the opportunity to cooperate?” 他看着李牧羊的眼神,嘶声说道:“这么说来------我们是没机会合作了?” Will be never possible.” Li Muyang sound firm saying: I am Human race, is possible and devil is a companion to destroy Human race? Dragon race truly has been full of hatred to Human race, but, Dragon race hates your abyss devils ------ Dragon race help Human race time and time again prevents your abyss invasions, wasn't has proven this point?” “永远都不可能。”李牧羊声音坚定的说道:“我是人族,又怎么可能和恶魔为伍来毁灭人族龙族确实对人族充满了恨意,但是,龙族更恨的还是你们这些深渊恶魔------龙族一次又一次的帮助人族来阻挡你们的深渊入侵,不是已经证明了这一点吗?” „The hatred of Dragon race and Human race, we will find the way to solve. However, Dragon race and hatred of abyss clan ----- Does not die a path to choose continuous.” 龙族人族的仇恨,我们自己会想办法解决。但是,龙族和深渊族的仇恨-----只有不死不休一条道路可以选择。” Li Muyang ------ ” The Chu Xun anger cannot use up, the blood fog in eye rich. Your this stupid evil dragon, can you do right by Dragon race myriad similar? You may do right by these to rescue Human race, but instead by Human race betrayal slaughter Miao's Dragon race ------ You may do right by ---- That Dragon King of your within the body? Can you let their refusing stubbornly dusk? Do you want to make the water of Nujiang forever bright red? Do you want to let that angry Dragon Soul millennium ten thousand years implacable?” 李牧羊------”楚浔怒不可竭,眼里的血雾更加的浓郁。“你这个愚蠢的恶龙,你可对得起龙族的万千同类?你可对得起那些为救人族而反遭人族背叛屠缪的龙族------你可对得起----你体内的那个龙王?你要让他们死不暝目?你想让怒江之水永远鲜红?你想让那愤怒的龙魂千年万年难以平息?” Li Muyang opens mouth to debate, thought that this is a matter of not any significance? 李牧羊张嘴欲辩,却觉得这样是一件没有任何意义的事情? What has to say with an demon clan? 和一个魔族有什么好说的? With your what Gan?” The corners of the mouth of Li Muyang reappear wipe taunt the happy expression, cold sound said. “与你何干?”李牧羊的嘴角浮现一抹嘲讽的笑意,冷声说道。 Kills ------ The Chu Xun hissing exclaimed: Kills off them.” “杀------”楚浔嘶声吼道:“杀光他们所有人。” Roar ------ “吼------” Chu Xun opens the large-mouthed vessel big mouth, corners of the mouth flows that to send out the strong putrid stench flavor the green liquid. 楚浔张开血盆大嘴,嘴角流淌出那散发出浓烈尸臭味道的绿色液体。 The giant body ka ka makes noise, pushes to the front, first was hard Li Muyang that convinced gathers to throw toward him. 巨大的身体咔嘣咔嘣作响,一马当先,第一个朝着他难以说服招揽的李牧羊扑了过去。 Xun ------ Favor King yells loud. “浔儿------”惠王高声喊叫。 What a pity, he kept off by a guard after behind, does not dare to approach. 可惜,他被一众护卫挡在身后,根本就不敢靠近。 Evil livestock ----- Human race well does not do, actually makes the clan of that devil ----- Li Muyang anger sound shouted to clear the way. “孽畜-----好好的人族不做,却去做那恶魔之族-----”李牧羊怒声喝道。 Choking ------- 呛------- Among the peach blossoms of waist the lightning comes out of sheath, the long sword changes to the pink long line to cut together toward the monster chest that comes in the sky. 腰间的桃花间闪电出鞘,长剑化作一道粉色长龙朝着那当空而来的怪物胸口斩去。 He must give this ugly monster to come a cutting up the chest and abdominal cavities chest operation. 他要给这丑陋的怪物来一个开膛剖胸。 Chu Xun also felt obviously the body that danger, first threw unexpectedly marvelously stops in the midair. 楚浔显然也感觉到了危险,前扑的身体竟然奇迹般的在半空之中停顿下来。 Then, his abdomen fierce twitches. 然后,他的腹部剧烈的抽搐起来。 Puff ------ 噗------ The green liquid like a waterfall sprays from his mouth, wish of blotting out the sky Li Muyang wrapping. 如瀑布般的绿色液体从他的嘴巴里面喷射出来,铺天盖地的想要将李牧羊给包裹其中。 Because within the body has that Tears of Dragon King reason, Li Muyang has with these Three-eyed Demon rich fight experiences. 因为体内有那颗龙王的眼泪的缘故,李牧羊有着和这些三眼恶魔丰富的战斗经验。 He knows, these green liquids are Three-eyed Demon kills one of the incurring formidable. Is having the intense corrosiveness, not only can cremate the human body, the soul may burning to extinguish by them. 他知道,这些绿色液体是三眼恶魔的强大杀招之一。带着强烈的腐蚀性,不仅仅可以焚化肉体,就连灵魂都有可能被他们给烤焦熄灭。 Surely 千万 Do not despise them. 千万不要小看了它们。 Naturally, this type of thing did not call the green liquid. 当然,这种东西也不叫绿色液体。 The abyss devil gave a very military might overbearing name to them, is called: Demon flame. 深渊恶魔给他们取了一个很威武霸道的名字,叫做:魔炎。 Li Muyang suspected that this is these Three-eyed Demon wants to come and Dragon Breath with this type of disgusting thing raises compares arguments. 李牧羊怀疑,这是那些三眼恶魔想用这种恶心的东西来和龙息相提比论。 The entire yard was covered by the spraying range of that demon flame, Li Muyang can, no matter Favor King and the others lives, but, Cui Xiaoxin and Chu Ning security must look after his ------ 整个小院都被那魔炎的喷射范围所笼罩,李牧羊可以不管惠王等人的死活,但是,崔小心楚宁的安全还是要照顾他的------ Therefore, Li Muyang tears together the space opening before the body conveniently. 于是,李牧羊随手在身前撕裂开一道空间的口子。 Then, puts out a hand a move, attracts the demon flame that Three-eyed Demon sprays completely gathers together to come, fuses huge black ball of light them, gave to force in the eye of that space it conveniently. 然后,伸手一招,将那三眼恶魔喷射出来的魔炎全部都吸拢而来,将它们融合成一个巨大的黑色光球,随手将它给塞进了那道空间之眼里面。 Eye of closure space, that black ball of light also vanishes. 空间之眼关闭,那黑色光球也同时消失。 Can go to different space to damage other lives or the races as for them, that is not Li Muyang can control ------ 至于它们会不会去了异空间祸害到其它的生命或者种族,那就不是李牧羊所能够控制的了------ From tearing space to buying in demon flame, all these occur in the electric light flint. 从撕裂空间到吸纳魔炎,这一切都是在电光火石间发生。 After Li Muyang solves that everywhere the demon flame, Peach Blossom Sword in hand wields again cuts to go. 李牧羊解决掉那漫天的魔炎之后,手里的桃花剑再一次挥斩而去。 ------ 嚓------ A giant arm was raised high, is bringing the green thick liquid. 一只巨大的手臂被高高扬起,带着绿色的粘稠液体。 Li Muyang also wants to follow up a victory with hot pursuit, actually several Three-eyed Demon threw toward him. 李牧羊还欲乘胜追击,却又有数只三眼恶魔朝着他扑了过来。 The Li Muyang long sword cut continually, chops the head of that several Three-eyed Demon. 李牧羊长剑连斩,砍下了那几头三眼恶魔的脑袋。 The head flies to swing while airborne, Peach Blossom Sword in his hand wields to cut piece by piece the star light, each star light falls into the Three-eyed Demon third eye, instantaneously that only ugly eye puncturing. 脑袋飞荡在空中的同时,他手里的桃花剑挥斩出片片星光,每一颗星光落入一头三眼恶魔的第三只眼里面,瞬间将那只丑陋的眼睛给戳破。 Tittering ------ 噗嗤------ Tittering ----- 噗嗤----- ------- ------- This is the third eye punctured sound. 这是第三只眼被戳破的声音。 The bunch green liquid spurts gradually comes out, falls on the ground corrodes the overburning that hard incomparable blue stone floor, sends out incites sound. 一团团绿色的液体喷渐出来,落在地上将那坚硬无比的青石地板都腐蚀烧毁,发出滋啦啦的声响。 While the Li Muyang kept off instance, the body of Chu Xun draws back anxiously, has been separated from the regiment instantaneously. 趁着李牧羊被挡的瞬间,楚浔的身体急退,瞬间脱离了战团。 A regret of Li Muyang face. He knows, only then true reduces the heads of these Three-eyed Demon, their third eye destructions, can thorough kills them. 李牧羊一脸的遗憾。他知道,只有真正的砍掉这些三眼恶魔的脑袋,将他们的第三只眼睛毁灭,才能够彻底的杀死他们。 Otherwise, their injured spots and cut off body will repair to grow rapidly. 不然的话,他们受伤的部位和被砍断的肢体会迅速的修复生长出来。 The place of abyss, does not have the bright moonlight, does not see the scorching sun, all demon clans live during the long night. 深渊之地,没有明月,不见骄阳,所有魔族都生活在永夜之中。 Therefore, the eye function of demon clan degenerates gradually, although they still grew in the head face, but actually lost regarded the function. 所以,魔族的眼睛功能逐渐退化,虽然他们仍然生长在脑袋面部,但是却已经失去了视物的功能。 However, extremely bad living environment, has actually given their formidable body bearing capacity 不过,极度恶劣的生存环境,却也给予了他们强大的身体承受能力 , Making them have been possible be called the abnormal body restoration magical powers, and gives birth has been able the sensation as well as regards the third eye. ,让他们有了堪称变态的身体复原神通,并且生出了可以感知以及视物的第三只眼。 That third eye not only can make them regard the thing when the darkness freely, they buy in the dark strength " deva-eye " , is they and person fights the source of forces. 那第三只眼不仅仅可以让他们在黑暗之中自如视物,还是他们吸纳黑暗力量的「天眼」,是他们与人战斗时的力量源泉。 Really, Chu Xun that is only imposed the naked eye obvious speed to grow a new arm by the breaking arm that Li Muyang cuts off. Just started, that arm was very tiny, looks like the arm of baby. Quick, is getting bigger and bigger, with left that arm same strong. 果然,楚浔那只被李牧羊斩断的断臂处以肉眼可见的速度长出一条新的手臂。刚刚开始,那只手臂还很细小,就像是幼儿的手臂。很快的,就越来越大,和左边的那只手臂一样的强壮。 Such ability 这样的能力 ----- Also is really enviable. -----还真是让人羡慕啊。 Li Muyang looks at Chu Xun, said: Although you depend upon evil law fast enhancement your boundary to repair are, but ----- That eventually is not the correct path. Present you are also not my match.” 李牧羊看着楚浔,说道:“虽然你依靠邪恶之法快速的提高自己的境界修为,但是-----那终究不是什么正道。现在的你还不是我的对手。” Li Muyang, what qualifications do you have to educate me? I from small cultivation, the laborious twenty years of side have today the achievement ------ You cultivation several years?” The Chu Xun anger sound shouted to clear the way. 李牧羊,你有什么资格教育我?我自小修行,辛苦二十几载方有今日成就------你又修行了几年?”楚浔怒声喝道。 Li Muyang thinks that discovered the opposite party said is very reasonable, oneself truly do not have the qualifications to accuse others on this point. 李牧羊想了想,发现对方说的很有道理,自己确实没有资格在这一点上面指责别人。 Outside the Tiandu city, these villagers were abducted by your person?” Li Muyang makes noise to ask. 天都城外,那些村民都是被你的人所掳走的吧?”李牧羊出声问道。 Good. Hates for the revenging blood, how many useless outcastes sacrificed is what extraordinary matter? They can become my food, that is their being honored ------ “不错。为了报仇血恨,牺牲几个无用的贱民又算什么了不得的事情?他们能够成为我的食物,那是他们的荣幸------” „Compared with them ----- You are the genuine outcastes ----- The Li Muyang eye including killing intent, the angry sound said: Their industrious practical training, provides for the parental wife and children by own both hands ----- Compared with them, what have you made?” “和他们比-----你才是真正的贱民-----”李牧羊眼含杀意,怒声说道:“他们辛勤劳作,以自己的双手来供养父母妻儿-----和他们比,你又做过什么?” Li Muyang, I am an imperial prince, is the West Wind Empire honored imperial prince, is character who they look up to entire life ----- Do you unexpectedly and one crowd of outcastes place on a par me?” 李牧羊,我是皇子,是西风帝国尊贵的皇子,是他们一生仰望的人物-----你竟然把我和一群贱民相提并论?” You listened carefully, I not placed on a par you and they ------ “你听仔细了,我没有把你和他们相提并论------ I meant that you are inferior to them radically, you pull on shoes to them do not match ------ When I initially to Tiandu, then discovery these Men in Black are doing evil, at that time has not known that is you are pulling strings secretly ----- Now knew, happen to can revenge for these innocent villagers ------ 我是说你根本就不如他们,你连给他们提鞋都不配------我初至天都时,便发现那些黑衣人在作恶,那个时候还不知道是你在幕后指使-----现在知道了,正好可以替那些无辜的村民报仇------” Really, my black clothed messengers are you kill ------ “果然,我那些黑衣使者都是你杀的------” Killed pitifully few.” “可惜杀得太少了。” At that time then guessed is you ------ Also at that time, I then had guessed correctly you arrived at Tiandu ----- These bureaus under your cloth, you do these wicked, killed other Song Yu and people including you ----- I know am you, Li Muyang, I and others your good pain ---- I attend the Song Tingyun wedding, goes for you. You have not disappointed really me ------ “当时便猜测到是你------也正是那个时候,我便猜到了你到了天都-----你布下的这些局,你作的那些恶,包括你杀宋玉和其它人-----我都知道是你,李牧羊,我等得你好苦啊----我参加宋停云的婚礼,正是为你而去。你也果然没有让我失望------” That how?” Li Muyang very impatient saying: You saw clearly all, you are also incapable of preventing anything. Even if I stand before you now, you cannot make anything to me ------ “那又如何?”李牧羊很不耐烦的说道:“就算你看清楚了一切,你也无力阻止什么。就算我现在站在你面前,你也不能对我做什么------” Li Muyang, to kill you, I have slurped the essences of 369 recruit and boy # the blood soul ------ You think that «Jane of Ghost King» so can't withstand soft?” 李牧羊,为了杀你,我吸食了369个壮丁和男童的精#血魂魄------难道你以为《鬼王之简》是这般柔软不堪吗?” Chu Xun laughs wildly to make noise. 楚浔狂笑出声。 With a smile, his form then gradual changes pale, then vanishes in the view of people. 笑着笑着,他的身影便逐渐的变淡,然后在众人的眼帘消失。 In the sky, the dark clouds tumble suddenly. 天空之中,突然黑云翻滚。 In the dark clouds, appears suddenly to shriek and howl wildly. 黑云之中,突现鬼哭狼嚎。 The innumerable [say / way] ghosts walk randomly and fly in the dark clouds to flee, Bei Hao, to make the sad and shrill pitiful yell sound. 无数道鬼影在黑云之中游走、飞窜、悲嚎、发出凄厉的惨叫声音。 Suddenly, imperial palace restricted area turned into the place of endless purgatory Asura. 一刹那间,皇宫禁地变成了修罗之地无尽炼狱。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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