RS :: Volume #4 北冥钓鲲

#764: No longer cultivates the behavior!

Chapter 763, no longer cultivates the behavior! 第763章、不再做人! Westerly wind imperial palace, Imperial Palace deep courtyard. 西风皇宫,大内深庭。 In this time Miyag, thousand armed forces due-out, hundred will get together. 此时的宫城之内,千军待发,百将齐聚。 They gather outside a small courtyard, only waits inside westerly wind monarchy to issue an order, they will then flush the invading enemy utterly destroying. 他们聚集在一处小小的院落外面,只待里面的西风君主一声令下,他们便强冲进去将来犯之敌给斩尽杀绝。 In yard sound is too big, introduced Imperial Palace manager as well as Flying Feather Army command and the others the attention. They worried that your highness loses, first numerous large armies under surrounding cloth. In the palace gathers consecrate all completely leaves, spreads each corner that raises around yard. 小院里面的动静太大,已经引进了大内总管以及飞羽军统帅等人的注意。他们担心殿下有失,第一时间就在外围布下重重重兵。宫廷里面蓄养的供奉们更是悉数尽出,散布在小院四周的各个角落。 It can be said that at this moment, subordinates in the westerly wind imperial family or the surface subordinates the masters of westerly wind imperial family to gather completely here. Is a fly also gave up any idea of that since then escapes. 可以说,此时此刻,隶属于西风皇室或者表面上隶属西风皇室的高手全部都聚集在此处。就是一只苍蝇也休想从此地逃脱。 But, in the yard has not actually transmitted the attack the verbal command. 可是,小院里面却迟迟没有传来进攻的号令。 Before you, is waste, is the dog deng, is a both eyes blind appearance ugly monster. However after giving self up to wait on the demon, all had the change ------ Chu Xun puts out a hand to touch forehead that eye, said: Although my both eyes by Lu Xingkong that old dog exhausting, but, I had the third eye ----- The third eye of abyss clan. This eye can help me regard the thing, the political strategy and will of the people of before can help I see clearly me , unable to see.” “在你们面前,是废物,是狗屎,是一个双目失明容貌丑陋的怪物。但是舍身侍魔之后,一切都发生了改变------”楚浔伸手抚摸着自己眉心处的那只眼睛,说道:“虽然我的双目被陆行空那条老狗给挖掉了,但是,我却有了第三只眼睛-----深渊族的第三只眼睛。这只眼睛能够帮我视物,能够帮我看清楚我以前看不到的权谋和人心。” Moreover, they also give my formidable strength ------ Beforehand I too frail, after losing both eyes, could not find including the goal. In that case, wants to take revenge radically is dream of a fool. Had this third eye, had demon clan «Jane of of Ghost King», I have the qualifications to stand here, have the opportunity to say these words to you ----- Otherwise, who will listen to a disabled person's whinning pitiful yell?” “而且,他们还给予我强大的力量------以前的我太孱弱了,失去了双眼之后更是连目标都找不到。那样的话,想要复仇根本就是痴人说梦。有了这第三只眼,有了魔族的《鬼王之简》,我才有资格站在这里,才有机会对着你们说出这些话-----不然的话,谁会听一个废人的哀嚎惨叫?” The last few words, Chu Xun almost whooshes. 最后一句话,楚浔几乎是嘶吼出来的。 This is his aspiration, each few words that he spoke said after he personally experiences sensibility. 这便是他的心声,他所说的每一句话都说他亲身经历后的感悟。 Improving on perfection widowed, under falls in the water the stone audiences. 锦上添花者寡,落水下石者众。 When him expensive is the young princes in empire, the person of seeing well-mannered is all modest to him. Everyone is liberal with the word of praise, said that he is the divine land outstanding youth, the westerly wind first handsome man. 在他贵为帝国的小王爷时,所见之人皆对他彬彬有礼谦虚有加。每一个人都不吝赞美之词,称他是神州杰出少年,西风第一美男子。 When his both eyes lose one's sight, after defending against a siege the orphaned institute, his life then had the earth-shaking change. Not only the children of feudal official of rich and powerful family these powerful officials do not hear to pay no attention to him, during the words filled despised the strong point of taunt. Is palace inside maidservant servant also thought one because of taking care a waste prince, but the life is chanceless, gradually gave birth has idled the heart of profaning. 等到他双目失明,困守孤院之后,他的生活便发生了天翻地覆的变化。不仅那些权贵之臣豪门之子对他不闻不理,话语之间充满了鄙夷嘲讽之能事。就是府里面的丫鬟奴仆也觉得自己因为服侍一个废物王爷而人生再无机会,逐渐生出了懈怠轻慢之心。 Just started, father emperor also regularly came in the palace to visit, making him should not be anxious, quite recuperated. Afterward, is in a January meeting, is three does not see Jun face again in May. 刚刚开始的时候,父皇还隔三岔五的来府里探望,让他不要焦心,好生养病。后来,便是一月一会,再然后是三五月不见君颜。 He proposed enters the palace to visit, by the father according to government affairs busy rejecting. 他主动提出进宫探望,也被父亲以政务繁忙给拒绝了。 Finally, he saw right in front of one oneself father's opportunity not to have. 最后,他连面见自己父亲的机会都没有了。 If not for there is today at this time matter, he suppresses is hiding these words to fear that did not have the opportunity to be in front of father to say again. 若不是有今日今时之事,他心里憋藏着的这些话怕是再也没机会当着父亲的面讲出来了。 Kinship light hence, can not make his heart live resenting? 亲情淡薄至此,又能不让他心生愤恨? Xun, comes back quickly ------ The demon clan is the Human race natural enemy, does not die the continuous match, can you give self up to fascinated? You person by the divine land will be hated, Chu also because of your choice, but the reputation is damaged, leaves a stink for ten thousand years.” Favor King tears, but also wants winning over the son with the love. Was father emperor has made a mistake, father emperor cold you, has neglected you ----- After father emperor, certainly corrects, certainly well takes care of you ----- “浔儿,快回来吧------魔族是人族天敌,是不死不休的对手,你怎么能舍身入魔?你会被神州之人仇恨,楚氏也会因你的选择而声名受损,遗臭万年啊。”惠王老泪纵横,还想要以父子之情将儿子给拉拢回来。“是父皇错了,父皇慢待了你,疏忽了你-----父皇以后一定改正,一定好好照顾你-----” Late.” In Chu Xun that withered eye socket has the tears to fall. Father emperor, late. If you spoke these words to me earlier, I possibly do make such choice? I am the West Wind Empire imperial prince, the West Wind Empire monarchy am my father ------ How am I willing to discard my Human race status?” “晚了。”楚浔那干枯的眼眶里面有泪水滑落。“父皇,晚了。若是你早些时候对我说这些话,我怎么可能做出这样的选择?我是西风帝国的皇子,西风帝国的君主是我的父亲------我怎么愿意舍弃自己的人族身份?” Was a pity that all were late ----- Namely the fascinated [say / way], then life is the demon clan. Regardless of life and death.” The Chu Xun forehead third eye starts the hyperemia, then becomes more and more red. It read to pour into the body of Chu Xun the demon clan vicious tendencies and hatred, making his body be full of the strength, same made him be deeper and deeper, cannot give birth to the heart of slight revolt. Is without a fight, opportunity of life. Then has the dead end.” “可惜,一切都迟了-----即已入魔道,便一生是魔族。生死不论。”楚浔眉心处的第三只眼开始充血,然后变得越来越红。它将魔族戾气和仇恨之念灌注进楚浔的身体里面,让他的身体充满了力量,也同样的让他越陷越深,生不出丝毫的反抗之心。“束手就擒,还有活命的机会。或者,便只有死路一条。” Xun ------ 浔儿------” Favor King must urge again, Chu Xun a palm has patted toward the position that he stood. 惠王还要再劝,楚浔已经一掌朝着他所站立的位置拍了过去。 Huge black palm blots out the sky, almost gives to press the entire yard below. 巨大的黑色手掌铺天盖地,几乎将整个小院都给压在下面。 Lu Xingkong puts out a hand a move, then drawing to have been in charge Favor King beside. 陆行空伸手一招,便将惠王给拉到了掌印之外。 The black palm whips on the ground, the yard floor that the blue stone paves is also torn to pieces, center the yard presented a giant palm scoop channel. 黑色的手掌拍打在地上,青石铺就的小院地板也支离破碎,小院正中出现了一个巨大的手掌凹槽。 Xun, you ------ “浔儿,你------” Long night, new king will be born ----- You, prepare to greet the new king.” Chu Xun face upwards the long and loud cry. “永夜将至,新王诞生-----你们,准备迎接新王吧。”楚浔仰天长啸。 Meanwhile, follows these Men in Black also same tearing up long gowns that Chu Xun comes together, tears the skin, reveals them to imitate, if orangutan common build and that ugly third eye. 于此同时,跟随楚浔同来的那些黑衣人也同样的撕掉长袍,撕裂皮肤,露出他们仿若猩猩一般的体型和那丑陋的第三只眼。 Long night, new king will be born ----- “永夜将至,新王诞生-----” Long night, new king will be born ----- “永夜将至,新王诞生-----” Long night, new king will be born ----- “永夜将至,新王诞生-----” ------- ------- Numerous Three-eyed Demon clans also yell, acoustic shock expansive sky. 众多三眼魔族同时喊叫,声震长空。 Li Muyang lets somebody cool off or calm down looks at Chu Xun above upper air, said: Stupid. You think that depends on your waste, can massacre in our all people? Can run away from this imperial palace?” 李牧羊冷冷看着高空之上的楚浔,说道:“愚蠢之极。你以为就凭你们这几个废物,就能够把我们这里面的所有人都杀掉?就能够从这皇宫之内逃出去?” Demon clan army, 1 million audiences. The demon clan subjects, are 1.0001 trillion numbers. How can Human race place on a par with the demon clan? Moreover, demon clan does not have the body of dying, three pass the god. When the demon main completely has the army to capture the language of flowers plain, when the time comes the human life like the ants, falling, did not wait for that your then has the dead end, becomes in the demon clan mouth food ------ 魔族大军,1000000之众。魔族子民,更是1000100000000之数。人族如何能与魔族相提并论?而且,魔族有不死之身,三眼通神。当魔主尽起大军攻入花语平原,到时候人命如蝼蚁,不降者,等待你的便只有死路一条,成为魔族口中食物------” That when your demon main army arrived at the language of flowers plain to say again.” Li Muyang breaks blowing own horn of Chu Xun, impatient saying: You want to make anything, hurried to say.” “那就等到你们魔主的大军到了花语平原再说。”李牧羊打断楚浔的自吹自擂,不耐烦的说道:“你到底想要做什么,赶紧说吧。” Li Muyang, knows why I am willing to return your sweetheart to you?” Chu Xun makes noise to ask. 李牧羊,知道我为何心甘情愿将你的情人送还给你吗?”楚浔出声问道。 My sweetheart?” Li Muyang looked at one toward Cui Xiaoxin, discovered that the opposite party is also placing own body the line of sight, is soft, countless words. Li Muyang hurries to turn around, looks at Chu Xun to ask: Why?” “我的情人?”李牧羊朝着崔小心看了一眼,发现对方也正将视线放在自己的身上,柔情似水,万语千言。李牧羊慌忙转身,看着楚浔问道:“为何?” Because we are the same kind of people.” The Chu Xun sinking sound said: Li Muyang, I can kill her, can take her to request you to handle a lot as the nature, for example ----- Massacres own that ruthless grandfather.” “因为我们是同一类人。”楚浔沉声说道:“李牧羊,原本我可以杀了她,也可以以她为质要求你做很多事情,譬如-----杀掉自己的那个无情无义的爷爷。” I am impossible to promise you.” Li Muyang makes noise to say. “我不可能答应你。”李牧羊出声说道。 You do not comply, she will die. Do you visit her dead in your front helplessly?” “你不答应,她就会死。难道你会眼睁睁的看着她死在自己的面前?” Li Muyang has not gone to look at the Cui Xiaoxin look, makes noise saying: She, if died, I then for the She enmity.” 李牧羊没有去看崔小心的眼神,出声说道:“她若死了,我便替她报仇。” Naturally, that is something to be talked about later. Reason that I do not kill her , because I know that we are the same kind of people. We have the same experience bitter experience, has the common goal. We were spurned and despised by Human race, taunt similarly, as well as the hatred. Naturally, encircles to chase down.” “当然,那是后话。我之所以不杀她,是因为我知道,我们都是同一类人。我们有着相同的经历遭遇,也有着共同的奋斗目标。我们同样被人族唾弃、鄙夷、嘲讽、以及仇恨。当然,还有围剿追杀。” No matter the abyss demon clan, is your Dragon race ----- Regards Human race is the enemy of life and death. Our goals are to destroy humanity, making these myriad lives our enslaving. Dragon race help Human race cope with our demon clan, but, Human race actually uses you to their trusts but betrays you, frames, in you lose in the situation of seriously being scarred to hold up the butcher knife to you, almost your Dragon race extermination of the clan ------ “不管是深渊魔族,还是你们龙族-----都视人族为生死之敌。我们的目标都是毁灭人类,让这万千生灵成为我们的奴役。龙族一次次的帮助人族来对付我们魔族,但是,人族却利用你们对他们的信任而将你们背叛,陷害,在你们损失惨重伤痕累累的情况下对你们举起屠刀,几乎将你们龙族灭族------” Li Muyang, you carry Tears of Dragon King, must have the profound cognition and understanding to the Dragon race history. Carries the intense and deep-seated hatred, can mistake an enemy for a friend? With me, we fight together shoulder to shoulder, let these fickle treating unkindly, lets these ingratitude, making this all Human race pay the serious price ------ So long as you are willing with us hand in hand, the country of this westerly wind, as well as front this all humanity, whatever you punish handling.” 李牧羊,你身负龙王的眼泪,应当对龙族的历史有着深刻的认知和理解。身负血海深仇,难道还要认贼作父?和我一起吧,我们并肩战斗,让这些薄情寡恩者,让这些忘恩负义者,让这所有的人族都付出惨重的代价------只要你愿意和我们携手,这西风之国,以及面前这所有的人类,都任由你发落处置。” On the Chu Xun head a that only eye twinkle continuous, can look is lobbying Li Muyang that he makes an effort extremely. 楚浔脑袋上那唯一的一颗眼睛闪烁不休,可以看得出来他是极其用力的在游说李牧羊 According to his understanding, Li Muyang compared with feeling suffocated that he lives, is suffering from injustice. 按照他的理解,李牧羊比他生活的更加憋气,也更加委屈。 Since the status exposes, he experiences what life is? 自从身份曝光后,他经历的都是什么样的生活啊? Times were chased down, times were encircled. Even because of his existence, nine Country Imperial families collaborated to carry on war of the Dragon Slaying unexpectedly. 一次次的被人追杀,一次次的被人围剿。甚至因为他的存在,九国皇室竟然联手进行了一场屠龙之战。 Is has died the person, if not for by Chair Starry Sky rescuing, feared that is now his dragon tendon became a bowstring of peerless good bow, the dragon blood becomes these emperor's clan or generals belly inside nourishing tonic. That Dragon Xinlong liver, dragon bone Dragon Lin, will be carved up by Human race completely ----- 原本都已经是死过的人,若不是被星空院长给救了回来,怕是现在他的龙筋已经成为一把绝世好弓的弓弦,龙血成为那些皇族或者将军们肚子里面的滋养补品。还有那龙心龙肝,龙骨龙鳞,都会被人族瓜分殆尽----- In his heart hasn't hated? 难道他的心中就没有恨吗? Doesn't he want to retaliate Human race? 难道他就不想报复人族吗? Li Muyang, I represent the demon to advocate peace you to negotiate, so long as you are willing to help the demon clan, then can become the friend who the demon main most trusts, vast Starry Sky, the divine land nine countries, he is willing to share with you.” 李牧羊,我代表魔主和你谈判,只要你愿意帮助魔族,便可以成为魔主最信任的朋友,浩瀚星空,神州九国,他愿意与你共享。” Li Muyang sighed gently, looks at Chu Xun saying: I have not mistaken an enemy for a friend, in me, the parents in Jiangnan city, are the parents in Tiandu city, they are my birth parents ----- They are not the thieves, they have not injured me, has not injured Dragon race. They are in society best parents, gives me, only then loves and protects.” 李牧羊轻轻叹息,看着楚浔说道:“我没有认贼作父,在我心里,无论是江南城的父母,还是天都城的父母,他们都是我的亲生父母-----他们不是贼人,他们不曾伤害过我,更不曾伤害过龙族。他们是世间最好的父母,给我的只有爱和保护。” My parents family member is Human race, I most lovable younger sister is Human race, the friend of mine division commander is also Human race ----- Chu Xun, I am different from you. You were spurned, abandoned, despised and even have by the world the hatred to chase down ----- I am not. ” 我的父母家人是人族,我最可爱的妹妹是人族,我的朋友师长也是人族-----楚浔,我和你不一样。你是被全世界唾弃、遗弃、鄙夷、甚至还有仇恨追杀-----我不是。” Because, even if I have with your same experience, even if I were spurned, abandoned and despised by the world to chase down, so long as I think ----- So long as thinks, the happy hour of Jiangnan city, so long as thinks that the Fengcheng parents were anticipating earnestly, so long as thinks that my younger sister was talking over me, her thinks that the most delicious food cakes and pastries left me ----- So long as I think that the Starry Sky institute has the schoolfellow division commander who I respect, in the Tiandu city has the friend of mine partner, I thought that the whole body is warm.” “因为,就算我有过和你一样的经历,就算我被全世界唾弃、遗弃、鄙夷追杀的时候,我只要想到-----只要想到,江南城的快乐时光,只要想到风城父母在殷切期待,只要想到我的妹妹在念叨我,把她认为最好吃的食物糕点留给我-----我只要想到,星空学院有我尊敬的同窗师长,天都城里有我的朋友伙伴,我就觉得全身暖洋洋的。” Has period of long time, my has been full of the hatred at heart, my body was occupied by the vicious tendencies, I wishes melt the dragon, discards the body and heart of Human race, becomes true Dragon race ----- Fears is, I eventually gave up.” “有过一段漫长的时间,我的心里充满了仇恨,我的身体被戾气占据,我一次次的想要化龙,抛掉人族的身体和心脏,成为一个真真正正的龙族-----怕是,我最终还是放弃了。” I do not give up. I do not hate these to love my person, I cannot give up the person who these I love. I do not give up ----- No longer cultivates the behavior.” “我舍不得。我舍不得那些爱我的人,我舍得不得那些我爱的人。我也舍不得-----不再做人。” The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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