RS :: Volume #4 北冥钓鲲

#737: Return to consciousness just before dying!

Chapter 736 and returning to consciousness just before dying! 第736章、回光返照! In the room, fragrance greets the nostrils. 房间之内,馨香扑鼻。 Song Chenxi does not like bitter and astringent soup taste, therefore Song Gudu then took extremely rare Qilin heart to make the burning incense combustion. This Qilin tree it is said is the god beast Qilin lies the institute of occupying, the heart is takes the thousand years the tree age to congeal, is the excellent material of cultivation refine the pill of immortality. The value does not have the city, is extremely difficult to seek. 宋晨曦不喜欢苦涩的汤药味,所以宋孤独便取了极其罕见的麒麟树心来作焚香燃烧。这种麒麟树据说是神兽麒麟卧居之所,树心更是需要千年的树龄方能凝结而成,是修行炼丹的绝佳材料。有价无市,极难寻到。 Song Gudu bold is not parsimonious, but throws into it the incense burner of granddaughter room, making the granddaughter smell to smell that heart the smell of Qing cool brain. Regarding loving granddaughter matter, Song Gudu does not hesitate the cost. 宋孤独却豪不吝啬,只是将它掷入孙女房间的香炉之中,让孙女嗅闻那树心的清凉爽脑的气味。对于宠爱孙女这件事情,宋孤独是不惜成本的。 But, above this time bed, the Song Chenxi actually skin transparent like the jade, whole body trembles to keep. What is stranger, the face of Song Chenxi began to freeze, breathed time will exhale the bunch of white mist, resembled her to place oneself in the ice hole at this moment. 可是,此时的床榻之上,宋晨曦却皮肤透明如玉,全身上下哆嗦个不停。更为诡异的是,宋晨曦的脸上手上都结了一层薄冰,就连呼吸的时候都会呼出一团团的白色雾气,就好像她此时此刻正置身冰窟之中似的。 Song Gudu breaks in the room, put out a hand to make contact with the pulse of Song Chenxi, a moment later, saying of face darken: Cold air entered the five main internal organs (entrails), if its pursuit, did not fear that is life difficult insurance.” 宋孤独冲入房间之内,伸手就搭上了宋晨曦的脉搏,片刻之后,脸色阴沉的说道:“寒气入了五脏六腑,倘若不将其驱逐的话,怕是性命难保。” Old deity, you save the young lady quickly ----- Young lady she ----- She is quite pitiful ----- Maidservant small star is sobbing the entreaty in side. “老神仙,你快救救小姐吧-----小姐她-----她好可怜啊-----”丫鬟小星在旁边哭泣着哀求。 Can have the law of treatment?” The old steward stands in Song Gudu body side, looks that the breath is getting more and more difficult, momentarily Song Chenxi that may pass away, kind asking. “可有救治之法?”老管家站在宋孤独身侧,看着呼吸越来越困难,随时都有可能一命呜呼的宋晨曦,关切的问道。 This day coldly extremely thorny, these many years efforts we do not have the means its thorough pursuit, can only use the internal combustion engine and compounded drug strength of its package, enabling it to enter the heart bottom of one's heart ----- Now, feared that was can only completely the human affairs look at the destiny.” “这种天寒极其棘手,这么多年的努力我们都没办法将其彻底驱逐,只能够用气机和丹药之力将其包裹,使它不能进入心脏肺腑-----现在,怕是只能尽人事看天命了。” The old steward brow tight wrinkle, said: Extremely good that recently we looked , since having resulted in this formula, young lady's condition markedly has gotten better, thinks endured this in the winter always unobstructive, Spring Festival from now on will try to find the solution again ----- Has not thought of the condition suddenly seriously hence. This matter has the fishy.” 老管家眉头紧皱,说道:“这些日子我们照顾的极好,自从得了这个药方之后,小姐的病情明显有所好转,原本以为熬过这个冬天总是无碍的,春节过后再想办法-----没想到病情突然间严重至此。此事定有蹊跷。” The Song Gudu expression is dignified, said: Chenxi within the body has nameless air/Qi, although that strength is tiny, but sharp virulent ----- She was intoxicated, therefore has caused the illness of body, causing the day cold air/Qi to plunge the heart and lungs.” 宋孤独表情凝重,说道:“晨曦的体内有一股无名之气,那股劲气虽然细小,但是犀利恶毒-----她是被人下毒,所以才引发了身体的病症,导致天寒之气浸入心肺。” Who intoxicates?” Old steward wicked matter said. Although he is not the Song Chenxi sibling's grandfather, but is also constantly together, regards as own biological granddaughter Song Chenxi. Now hears Song Chenxi to be intoxicated the life to be on the verge of death unexpectedly, cannot bear work off anger to overflow, wishes one could to give to execute that person at the scene under the palm. “何人下毒?”老管家恶事说道。他虽然不是宋晨曦的亲爷爷,但也算是朝夕相处,把宋晨曦视作自己的亲孙女。现在听到宋晨曦竟然是被人下毒才生命危在旦夕,忍不住杀气四溢,恨不得将那人当场给毙于掌下。 Evil and cruel thoughts, unexpectedly under this cruel methods to a feeble female of lacking the strength to truss up a chicken? 何等歹毒的心思,竟然对一个手无缚鸡之力的病弱女子下此狠手? Song Gudu looked around two small girl one eyes, the small star stares the big eye, shows the inconceivable expression, said: For several days, only then Princess Chu Ning has seen the young lady, and has been together with the young lady alone half double-hour ------ 宋孤独看了旁边的俩个小丫头一眼,小星瞪大眼睛,露出不可思议的表情,说道:“最近几日,只有楚宁公主来看望过小姐,并且和小姐单独相处了半个时辰------” Chu Ning. Unexpectedly is Chu Ning.” The Song Gudu cold sound said that in the sound is also bringing several points of swift and fierce killing intent. Character like his so deity, peaceful landslide in Qian is without turning a hair, nothing can make him change countenance again. 楚宁。竟然是楚宁。”宋孤独寒声说道,声音里面也带着几分凌厉的杀意。像他这般神仙一样的人物,泰山崩于前而面不改色,没有什么事情能够再让他动容。 However, this time he is common with these ordinary old people, is only thinking must revenge for own granddaughter, is only thinking makes that person of intoxication obtain the proper penalty. 但是,此时的他和那些普通老人一般,只想着要替自己的孙女报仇,只想着让那下毒之人得到应有的惩罚。 Why does Chu Ning do such wicked matter?” The old steward gets angry the sound to shout to clear the way. 楚宁为何做下此等恶事?”老管家怒声喝道。 , Suddenly awakened, said: Chu Ning hates my Song for a long time, I think she is intelligent enough, understood guarantees a [say / way]. Has not thought that she dares to risk danger in this time unexpectedly. Has harmed Chenxi, can make her take revenge is willing to recompense?” 顿了顿,突然间惊醒过来,说道:“楚宁恨我宋氏已久,我原本以为她足够聪明,懂得保身之道。没想到她竟然敢在此时行险。难道说,害了晨曦,就能够让她复仇之愿得偿吗?” Chu Ning hates my Lu, but will not take risk at this time absolutely line of this wicked matters. She chooses in this time intoxicates, must have other profound meanings.” 楚宁恨我陆氏,但是绝对不会在这个时候冒险行此恶事。她选择在此时下毒,必有其它深意。” Two centenarians look at each other one, understood the idea of opposite party instantaneously. 俩个百岁老人对视一眼,瞬间都明白了对方的想法。 Comes to be by me the Chenxi treatment drives out the cold.” The old steward makes noise to say. “由我来为晨曦治疗驱寒。”老管家出声说道。 I come.” Song Gudu sound firm saying: Since they want to draw me to launch, I such as their intent.” “还是我来吧。”宋孤独声音坚定的说道:“既然他们想要拉我下水,我就如他们的意。” But ------ “可是------” Will not have the matter.” Song Gudu waves to say. “不会有事的。”宋孤独挥手说道。 Grandfather ----- Has been in a comma Song Chenxi to open the eye suddenly weakly, the sound yells was saying. “爷爷-----”一直处于昏迷状态的宋晨曦突然间睁开眼睛,声音虚弱的喊叫着说道。 Although her body frail, but in the eye had a god of flash person light. 她的身体虽然孱弱,但是眼里却有了一丝耀人的神光。 Presents all people secretly distressed, because they know that this is not the good indication, is returning to consciousness just before dying in legend. 在场所有人都暗自心焦,因为他们都知道,这是不好的征兆,也就是传说中的回光返照。 Present Song Chenxi when the complete potential of combustion body, when the lamp oil exhausts , is she leaves the world. 现在的宋晨曦是在燃烧身体的全部潜能,等到灯油耗尽的时候,也便是她离世之时。 Song Gudu grips the small hands who Song Chenxi ices up, dim daylight vast gas crosses to her body, that covers the white glazed frost on hand back to disintegrate to vanish instantaneously. 宋孤独握住宋晨曦结冰的小手,一股暧洋洋的气体向她的身体渡过去,那覆盖在手背上的白色薄冰瞬间瓦解消失。 Chenxi, grandfather. Do not fear, grandfather side you.” 晨曦,爷爷在呢。不要怕,爷爷在你身边。” Grandfather ------ The corners of the mouth of Song Chenxi reappear wipe the sweet happy expression, that smiling face looks like Sun also gives the melting the cold ice on that face generally. I know that I soon died. I feel ----- However I am not afraid. Because, I leave, there are grandfather to accompany side me. Some grandfathers, my anything did not fear.” “爷爷------”宋晨曦的嘴角浮现一抹甜甜的笑意,那笑容就像是太阳一般将那脸上的寒冰也给融化。“我知道我快要死了。我感觉的到-----不过我一点儿也不害怕。因为,我离开的时候,有爷爷陪在我身边。有爷爷在,我什么都不怕。” Chenxi, do not speak, you will not have the matter. The grandfather will certainly cure you. Believes the grandfather, is good?” Song Gudu said in a soft voice. 晨曦,不要说话,你不会有事的。爷爷一定会把你治好。相信爷爷,好不好?”宋孤独轻声说道。 Grandfather, I heard you to speak a moment ago ----- You said that is Sister Chu Ning uses the toxin to me ----- Chu Ning has not obeyed the Song Gudu words, still obstinate saying: Do not blame Sister Chu Ning, does not want ----- Also do not retaliate her. Actually, she is a very good girl ----- She is also very good to Chenxi. But our Song Family owes her ----- Owes her to be too many ----- “爷爷,我刚才听到你说话-----你说是楚宁姐姐对我用毒-----”楚宁没有听从宋孤独的话,仍然执拗的说道:“你不要责怪楚宁姐姐,也不要-----也不要报复她。其实,她是一个很好的女孩子-----她对晨曦也很好。只是,只是我们宋家欠她-----欠她太多-----” I know, Lu Family not counter- stratagem, first emperor ----- First the emperor is not Grandpa Lu kills, Li Muyang ----- Li Muyang has not done any misdemeanor ------ I saw on the star building ----- Therefore, these are our Song Family owe them ----- Often remembers, Chenxi on heart pain difficult secure, to think itself ---- Is unfair to them, is unfair to all people ------ Grandfather, I died, should not be sad. When ----- Considers me to make reparations for our Song Family, apologized to them for the grandfather ------ “我知道,陆家并没有反谋,先皇-----先皇也不是陆爷爷所杀,李牧羊-----李牧羊也没做过什么坏事------我在星楼上面都看到了-----所以,这些都是我们宋家欠他们的-----每每想起,晨曦就心痛难安,觉得自己----对不起他们,对不起所有人------爷爷,我死了,你也不要难过。就当-----就当是我替我们宋家赎罪,替爷爷向他们道歉------” Chenxi ----- Do not say again ------ 晨曦-----不要再说了------” Grandfather, you let Chenxi willful, impolite ------ If I did not say that feared after is, again did not have the opportunity to say ----- Grandfather, you promise me, do not feel embarrassed Sister Chu Ning, do not kill Young Master Muyang ------ They are also the poor men, is good?” “爷爷,你就让晨曦任性一回,无礼一回------我若是不说,怕是以后就再也没机会说了-----爷爷,你答应我,不要为难楚宁姐姐,也不要杀牧羊公子------他们也都是可怜人,好不好?” Chenxi ------- 晨曦-------” --------- --------- ---------- ---------- Yes. Uncle.” Listened to the uncle Song Zhongmou words, Song Tingyun to look toward going far away Chu Xun, said: Thinks is because his both eyes lose one's sight, therefore causes the disposition to be a little violent, for fear that others give birth to the heart of profaning. Carefully looks like, discovered that he really has very big change ------ I see his forehead one group of black air/Qi, his hand ----- His hand has hidden in sleeves. Also does not know that he experienced anything. Always thinks the cloudy forest, not average man.” “是。大伯。”听了大伯宋仲谋的话,宋停云朝着远去的楚浔看了过去,说道:“原本以为是因为他双目失明,所以导致性格有点儿极端,生怕别人生出轻慢之心。仔细看来,发现他确实有很大的改变------我看到他的眉心处都一团黑气,还有他的手-----他的手一直藏在衣袖里。也不知道他到底经历了什么。总觉得阴森林的,不似常人。” Is more vigilant is. Today is your red-letter day, cannot have the incident. Does a prince of blindness, what storm want to come unable to raise?” Song Tingyun face arrogant saying. The present Song at the height of power, westerly wind Favor King also just likes the puppet before Song. Today he receives a guest in the entrance, the official or the great government officials who Tiandu can amount to something slightly come to congratulate or send the gift list. Young waste prince, possibly was paid attention to by him? “警惕一些便是。今天是你的大喜日子,不可生出事端。一个瞎了眼的王子,想来也掀不起什么风浪?”宋停云一脸倨傲的说道。现在的宋氏如日中天,就连西风惠王在宋氏面前也犹如傀儡。今日他在门口迎客,天都稍微上得了台面的官员或者巨宦都前来贺喜或者送来礼单。小小一个废王爷,又怎么可能被他放在眼里? Uncle said is really. I will make the person look to tighten his some. Your majesty also, wants to come him not to dare to cause trouble here.” “大伯所言甚是。我会让人看紧他一些的。陛下也在,想来他在这里也不敢惹事生非。” Um, the auspicious day arrived, you bow to Heaven and Earth quickly. The honored guests come was similar, making Weidong wait in the entrance is being.” “嗯,吉辰已到,你快去拜堂吧。贵客来的差不多了,让卫东在门口候着便是。” Yes.” Song Tingyun nodded, said: „In uncle please enter attended the ceremony.” “是。”宋停云点了点头,说道:“大伯请入内观礼。” Walks. Today beginning, Tingyun then genuine adult.” “走吧。今日始,停云便真正的成人了。” Also must have Uncle Lao to take the trouble much the attendance.” “还要有劳大伯多多费心照顾。” Ha ------ One of us, said that what this modesty does make?” “哈哈哈------自家人,说这此客气话做什么?” -------- -------- The silks and satins, the happy character hangs. 绫罗绸缎,喜字高悬。 Wears the bridal Cui Xiaoxin beautiful woman of scarlet bridal clothes, pretty like immortal. Because she is having that soft books aura, is makes people think the peerless grace and talent, graceful calm. 身穿大红嫁衣的新娘崔小心明眸皓齿,貌美如仙。又因为她本身带着的那股柔软的书卷气息,更是让人觉得风华绝代,优雅从容。 This time Cui Xiaoxin does not see new person anxious shy, but is the hand holds the books, is looking with great interest. 此时的崔小心不见有新人的紧张羞涩,而是手捧书卷,正看得津津有味。 Actually nearby Chu Ning some thoughts not Ningxia, walks back and forth in the room, but also once for a while looks around toward outside by the window, looks like was waiting for that any important matter is quicker occurred to wait for some double-hour is quicker arrives. 倒是旁边的楚宁有些心思不宁,不停的在房间里面走来走去,还时不时的透过窗口朝着外面张望,就像是在等待什么大事快些发生等待某个时辰快些降临。 Turned head, saw the appearance that Cui Xiaoxin does not care about completely, somewhat angry said: Be careful, don't you worry? At this time, did you have a mind to read?” 回过头来,看到崔小心一幅完全不在意的模样,有些恼怒地说道:“小心,你怎么一点儿也不着急?都这个时候了,你还有心看书?” Cui Xiaoxin does not lift, line of sight still placed in the books on hand, the gentle voice said: This «Inviting the wrath of the emperor» also is really attractive, has not thought that Dragon race actually also underwent that many rough tribulations ------ The year ago war of Dragon Slaying, Dragon race really treats unjustly the grievance absolutely, the people must apologize to Dragon race for that past event ----- 崔小心头也不抬,视线仍然放在手上的书卷上,柔声说道:“这本《逆鳞》还真是好看呢,没想到龙族竟然也经历了那么多的坎坷磨难------万万年前的屠龙之战,龙族实在是冤枉委屈,人们应当为那桩旧事向龙族道歉呢-----” Be careful, you have a mind to care that Human race must apologize to Dragon race ------ You soon got married, marries a sinister deceitful man ------ He few days ago like that to you, designed to frame Li Muyang with you, but also has dug the pink willow green eye ----- Appearance that” a Chu Ning face worries, said: Be careful, won't you want to marry that inexpensive man seriously? How can you submit to the destiny?” “小心,你还有心关心人族要不要向龙族道歉------你都快要嫁人了,嫁给一个阴险狡诈的男人------他前些日子才那般对你,用你设计来陷害李牧羊,还挖了桃红柳绿的眼睛-----”楚宁一脸着急的模样,说道:“小心,你不会当真想要嫁给那个贱男人吧?你怎么能向命运屈服呢?” Cui Xiaoxin closed the books finally, looks at Chu Ning that look decided that said: If I do not immerse in the splendid story, I can endure such suffering? One time of rest/breath rest/breath passes, unfortunate arrival gradually ------ What to do can I?” 崔小心终于合上了书卷,眼神定定的看着楚宁,说道:“如果我不沉浸在精彩的故事里,我要怎么忍受这样的煎熬呢?一息一息的时间流逝,一步一步的不幸到来------我要怎么办呢?” Be careful, I am only ----- I am only ------ Sees Cui Xiaoxin that such as the dying embers desperate expression, Chu Ning is flustered, said: I am not that meaning, I am only ----- Is worried for you. I hope that you can cross happily, hopes that you can marry with the common people ------ “小心,我只是-----我只是------”看到崔小心那面如死灰的绝望表情,楚宁慌张起来,说道:“我不是那个意思,我只是-----替你担心而已。我希望你能够过得幸福,希望你能嫁与良人------” Emotionally entwined fascine, three stars in day. Now evening what does Xi, see this common people?, So common people what?” Cui Xiaoxin shallow sound low ling, corner of the eye has the tears to fall: Emotionally entwined bunch hay, does three stars in the corner, evening what Xi, see this to meet with now?, So met with what?” “绸缪束薪,三星在天。今夕何夕,见此良人?子兮子兮,如此良人何?”崔小心浅声低呤,眼角却有泪水滑落:“绸缪束刍,三星在隅,今夕何夕,见此邂逅?子兮子兮,如此邂逅何?” Is expressed the new person to get on well together, but happy several poetry, at this time said from the mouth of Cui Xiaoxin has the sad feeling of moving people to tears. 原本是表达新人相得而喜的几句诗词,此时从崔小心的嘴里说出来却有种催人泪下的哀伤感觉。 Be careful ------ Chu Ning gets hold of the palm of Cui Xiaoxin, holds her delicate body in the bosom, comforts was saying: Do not worry, do not worry, he will certainly come. He will certainly come.” “小心------”楚宁握紧崔小心的手掌,将她柔弱的身体抱在怀里,安慰着说道:“不要着急,不要着急,他一定会来的。他一定会来的。” In this time, the happy woman is pushing door to enter, happy shouting: Young lady, the auspicious time arrived, we exit to bow to heaven and earth.” 正在这时,喜婆推门而入,高兴的喊道:“小姐,吉时已到,我们出去拜天地吧。” ------ “------” ( PS: This chapter finished already around 1 : 00 am, that was thick the facial skin to speak several words. (PS:这一章写完已经凌晨一点多了,那就再厚着脸皮说几句话吧。 A day, two days, three have not had ------ 一天没更,两天没更,三更没更------ These days refresh rate slow simply make the blood boil 这一段时间的更新速度之慢简直令人发指 Before will also explain several, afterward explained that did not have 之前还会解释几句,后来解释也没有了 Because is afraid 因为害怕 Is afraid these virulent attacks to be following 害怕那些恶毒的攻击随之而来 You said you to fall ill, they said how you have not died of illness 你说你生病,他们说你怎么还没病死 You said you to catch cold, they said that you should be next time the cancer 你说你感冒,他们说你下回该是癌症了吧 Even even/including the wives and two children also suffer the vicious scolding 甚至连老婆和两个孩子也惨遭恶骂 These words I do not have the means to repeat, I thought that has the human nature not to be impossible to make that curse slightly 那些话我没办法复述出来,我觉得稍有人性都不可能做出那种诅咒 Couple days ago asked for leave in the micro blog, the following message had many are the sound that the virulent insult and incantation I early died 前几天在微博上请假,后面的留言有好多是恶毒的辱骂和咒我早死的声音 The bean noodles of author friend cannot tolerate, said that does not have the means to believe all that simply one see, then some people pursue to insult attack others 作者朋友的一个粉丝看不过去,说简直没办法相信自己看到的一切,然后便有人追过去辱骂攻击别人 I saw at that time this time has a biting cold cool feeling 我当时看到这一幕的时候有种彻骨的凉意 Has hates me, will not endure saying that for me to that the person of words does explode on the crazy bang fiercely chases down hence? 到底有多么恨我,才会对那个不忍为我说句话的人就狂轰猛炸追杀至此? From 19 07 the beginning, to 2017, wrote a book exactly for ten years 从07年始,至2017年,恰好写书十年 The book that even if I write has given you slightly that little joyful, move of faint trace, can't you make this matter? 就算我写的书稍微给了你那么一点点愉悦,一丝丝的感动,你也不应当做出这种事情吧? Does not know that you do have the detection, my book lead almost does not have the bad language, I thought that did not say the bad language is representing a person minimum training of 不知道你有没有察觉,我的书主角几乎没有脏话,我觉得不说脏话代表着一个人起码的修养 I do not hope that my lead looks like a despicable ruffian is the same 我不希望我的主角就像是一个下贱的痞子一样 No matter the reality is unreal, I have thought the person who firmly these mouthful bad languages cannot amount to something 不管是现实还是虚幻,我一直坚定的认为那些满嘴脏话的人是上不得台面的 I think, since I start, starts from each lead of my novel 我想,从我做起,从我小说的每一个主角做起 We make one to have the knowledge, to have the training, to have the little humorous man again slightly 我们做一个有知识、有修养、再稍微有一点点幽默的男人 I thought that such man must be very likable ----- Respect? 我觉得这样的男人应当很让人喜欢-----或者尊重吧? I failed! 我失败了! Does not dare to look at QQ, does not dare to look at the book review area, has sent the micro blog deletes again ------ 不敢看QQ,不敢看书评区,发过的微博再删除------ Is I do not dare to face all these 是我自己不敢面对这一切 I am afraid! 我害怕! Some people said the depth of love, therefore cutting of hate? 有人说爱之深,所以恨之切? Is this turn of expression of love? 这是爱的表达方式? But I thought that the turn of expression of loving has the innumerable types, this cannot let one that the person accepts absolutely 可是我觉得,爱的表达方式有无数种,这绝对不是能够让人接受的一种 Before had fallen ill for one month, this is the fact that in the circle the friends knew 之前生病了一个月,这是圈内朋友都知道的事实 Couple days ago the doctor said I am psychasthenia, in the evening could not fall asleep, daytime could not awake, all day was dizzy, must prescribe a medicine to me 前几天医生说我是精神衰弱,晚上睡不着,白天睡不醒,整天晕晕乎乎,要给我开药 I said that I cannot take a drug, because I know after taking a drug, sinks on the brain corona, cannot write the novel 我说我不能吃药,因为我知道吃药之后就大脑晕沉,就更不能写小说了 I am making an effort, I anyone long for that «Inviting the wrath of the emperor» is better, I anyone hope that renewal of «Inviting the wrath of the emperor» are more than 我在用力,我比谁都更渴望《逆鳞》好,我比谁都更希望《逆鳞》的更新多 Writes a book for ten years, I thanked everybody's companion very much 写书十年,我很感谢大家的陪伴 If disappoints you, I am willing to say 1 million sorry 倘若让你们失望,我愿意说1000000次的对不起 I know, many explanations, could not conceal me is the fact of scum 我知道,再多的解释,也掩饰不了我是个人渣的事实 Therefore, if later also has the friend who wants to scold 所以,以后如果还有想骂的朋友 Scolded me, let off my family member 骂我吧,放过我的家人 Some people left a message to me in the micro blog a moment ago: Wish the illness to defeat you earlier 刚才有人在微博上给我留言:祝病魔早点战胜你 This is very good 这样就很好 Although he mind is bad, but person ugly! 他虽然心眼坏,但是人长得丑啊! God blesses us! Good night!) 上帝保佑我们!晚安!) The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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