RMW :: Volume #3

#291: Planned Leonard

„Am I a lunatic?” “我是疯子?” When Lemon from learning rain there heard a Leonard final issue, cannot bear smile to make noise. 雷蒙从悉雨那里听到了雷纳德最后的一个问题,忍不住笑出了声。 What his a series of arrangement and action is really very strange, but reason for this to brush radically minute/share does that. 他的一系列安排和举动的确是非常的奇怪,但究其原因根本就是为了刷分而这么做的。 The this world's person naturally does not have the means to understand these, the request that mission gives is the stipulation, moreover is inflexible, matter that does not have the means for maximum benefit this. 这个世界的人当然没有办法能够理解这些,任务给予的要求是规定而且死板的,为了利益最大化这也是没有办法的事。 But now the tower soldier becomes Mithril to be respective completely, more and more warlord arming, more and more chaotic world, even more had even turned into Amalgam of entire world secret master huge, these all situations may be join the Mithril tower soldiers to brush a minute/share of point. 而现在高塔战士全部成了秘银所属,越来越多的军阀武装,越来越混乱世界,越发庞大甚至已经变成了整个世界幕后控制者的汞合金,这些所有的情况可都算是加入秘银高塔战士们刷分的点啊。 Untold hardships turns into now this entire world, made many preparations, now does not arrive at harvesting finally time. 千辛万苦的将整个世界变成如今这样,做出了诸多准备,现在不终于到了收割的时候了嘛。 Arrived this step, is Leonard BOSS is really actually immaterial, the degree of contribution biggest origin had been identified when later wanted to complete is the Lemon moods that mission looked. 到了这一步,其实雷纳德是不是BOSS真的已经无关紧要了,贡献度最大的来源已经确定,之后想要什么时候完成任务看的都是雷蒙的心情了。 Perhaps which day felt bored, Lemon direct belt/bring person noisy crowd killed Leonard mission unable to do well ended directly, now makes so many , was really a Lemon wicked interest. 说不定哪天觉得腻味了,雷蒙直接带人一窝蜂的弄死雷纳德任务搞不好就直接结束,现在做这么多,也真是一种雷蒙的恶趣味而已了。 That side Leonard has not stayed behind finally learns the rain three people, but to that Neutron Jammer Canceller technology, is placed in front of Leonard only has four roads. 雷纳德那边最终还是没留下悉雨三人,而对着那份反中子干扰器技术,摆在雷纳德面前的只有四条路。 Article 1, oneself use anyone not to tell, but this may stare by other influences. 第一条,自己用谁也不告诉,但这样可能会被其他势力盯上。 Article 2, provides this technology to the US, then Freedom use under the asylum of US. 第二条,将这份技术提供给米国,然后在米国的庇护下自由使用。 Third, that does not use, no one uses. 第三嘛,那就是自己也不用,谁也不用。 Last type, publicized this matter Leonard also to move the Neutron Jammer Canceller technology world, moreover looked like operation leeway instead to in Leonard be bigger. 最后一种,把反中子干扰器技术全球公开这种事雷纳德也是动心了的,而且在雷纳德看来这其中的操作余地反而要更大。 First oneself are using, because Leonard really has place that needs to use Neutron Jammer Canceller, he needs the huge energy consumption, must make the nuclear power(ed) furnace. 先自己用着,因为雷纳德确实有需要使用到反中子干扰器的地方,他需要庞大的能源消耗,就必须要建造核能源炉。 Then in disclosed this technology to US, when the time comes will certainly obtain very many advantage from US there, when later the US had the nuclear weapon also to use the nuclear weapon, when other influences were extremely flustered, and started to hate the US. 然后在将这个技术透露给米国方面,到时候肯定会从米国那里得到非常多的好处,之后等到米国重新拥有了核武器并且使用了核武器,在其他势力极度慌张且开始憎恨米国的时候。 Is providing this thing to the polar bear, when the time comes the atomic warfare same place, this does world also fear cannot Destroy? Does he create the new world footsteps to be not also quicker? 在把这玩意提供给北极熊,到时候核战一起,这个世界还怕不会毁灭?他创造新世界的脚步不又更快一些? To be honest, this usage is best, but Leonard now somewhat is scruple. 说实话,这种用法才是最好的,可雷纳德现在却有些迟疑。 After all this technology is Lemon gives to him, he does not know that Lemon is having what idea, he was also worried oneself will be planned by Lemon, was planned by a lunatic is very difficult to guess obtained the lunatic the goal that wants to achieve. 毕竟这技术是雷蒙送给他的,他不知道雷蒙到底在打什么主意,他也担心自己会被雷蒙算计,被一个疯子算计可是很难猜得到疯子到底想要达成的目的。 Only if he also becomes a lunatic, even if turned into lunatic that is not not possible to take and Lemon equally crazy path. 除非他也成为一个疯子,但就算变成了疯子那也不可能走上和雷蒙一样疯狂的道路啊。 Now wants world destruction him is also a lunatic. 现在想要毁灭世界的他何尝不也是一个疯子呢。 That lunatic wants to do, how I should do, these that I want to make also in his planning? What goal he gives me this technology is to be used to achieve, do I want to do that am just center he below bosom?” “那个疯子到底想要干什么,我该怎么做,我想要做的那些是不是也在他的算计之中?他把这份技术交给我到底是想要用来达成什么样的目的,我要这么做是不是刚好正中他的下怀?” Has such idea, Leonard, no matter makes anything to be a little overcautious and indecisive, is a little scruple. 有着这样的想法,雷纳德不管做什么都有点瞻前顾后,有点迟疑。 Words that really must speak, no matter Leonard makes anything actually not to matter, Leonard in the eye of Lemon has been instead turning into big BOSS that brushes the degree of contribution, how will not affect the Lemon final operation. 真要说的话,不管雷纳德做什么其实都无所谓,反正在雷蒙的眼睛里雷纳德都已经变成了一个刷贡献度的大BOSS,怎么样都不会影响到雷蒙最后的操作。 Although puts also really to have a little threat Neutron Jammer Canceller to Lemon, so long as stakes this technology, stakes Leonard, no matter Leonard wants to make anything to reduce the risk to the minimum degree. 虽然把反中子干扰器放出来对雷蒙也确实有那么一点威胁,但只要盯死这份技术,盯死雷纳德,不管雷纳德想要做什么都可以将风险减少到最小的程度。 Finally, that is the nuclear weapon is not invincible in this world, what is truly invincible Is -driver actuates. 最后一点,那就是核武器在这个世界并非无敌,真正无敌的是-DRIVER驱动。 That thing really wants to be hard even the nuclear bomb to resist, moreover that returns safe and sound, why Lemon clearly knows that is unable to study the martial arts inheritance also to ask the person in this world to teach, is not because this can promote their, thus better Use -driver. 那东西真要硬起来连核弹都能抗住,而且还是毫发无伤的那种,雷蒙为什么明知道在这个世界根本无法学习武道传承也还是要请人来教导,不也就是因为这能够提升他们的自我,从而更好的使用-DRIVER嘛。 Has not considered these Lemon that rashly Neutron Jammer Canceller putting? This to pitying Lemon of life is an inconceivable matter. 没有考虑到这些雷蒙会那么莽撞的把反中子干扰器给放出来?这对惜命的雷蒙来说就是一件不可思议的事。 After learning the rain three people came back, Lemon arranged in operational squadron of following tower soldier directly, but the Mithril aspect, Lemon becomes Mithril high-level one in the name of quite of pleasant to hear, vice- commander. 在悉雨三人回来之后,雷蒙就直接安排到了下面高塔战士的作战小队之中,而秘银方面,雷蒙以一个比较好听的名义成为了秘银高层的一员,副司令官。 Although vice- characters, but Lemon has actually become the Mithril master in fact, the known person will naturally act according to the order of Lemon, the person who does not know does not hinder them to act according to the order of board of military operations. 虽然有一个副字,但其实雷蒙已经成为了秘银实质上的控制者,知道的人自然会按照雷蒙的命令去行动,不知道的人也不妨碍他们按照作战部的命令去行动。 Among changes limited to Mithril high-level several people have not only affected, West Pacific battle squad Tessa does not know that the Mithril high level had such change unexpectedly. 仅限于秘银高层几人之间的变化并没有波及到下面,就连西太平洋战队泰莎都不知道秘银高层竟然出现了这样的变化。 But after Lemon becomes the deputy commander, only Tessa knows was entire Mithril starts to bustle about, regularly will have an operation, in view of chaotic area armed warlord strength, was not aims at Amalgam. 但在雷蒙成为了副司令后,泰莎唯一知道的就是整个秘银开始忙碌起来了,隔三差五的就会有一次作战行动,不是针对混乱地区的武装军阀力量,就是针对汞合金 Lemon person hand/subordinate will scatter directly forced in each battle squad, laborious specially for tower soldiers manufactured new machine model, presented to arrive finally. 雷蒙更将手下的人直接打散塞进了各个战队之中,辛苦专门为了高塔战士们制造出来的新型机,也终于亮相登场。 Times are easily accomplished solved the mission goal, easy completed their mission. 一次次都是摧枯拉朽的就解决了任务目标,轻而易举的就完成了他们的任务 over ten mission that short one month conducts fully to complete to come to an end perfectly, the Mithril aspect has not even lost alone/one person, cleaned up to bring warlord arming that Chaos and slaughtered in the night, same took away the peace of pressing to these chaotic areas like the peace envoy. 短短一个月下来进行的十几任务全部以完美完成而告终,秘银方面甚至连一个人都没有损失,在黑夜中清理掉了许多带来混乱和杀戮的军阀武装,如同和平使者一样给那些混乱的地区带去了难为的和平。 Is Lemon, participated in several actions, solved some goals personally. 就是雷蒙自己,也参与了几次行动,亲手解决掉了一些目标。 These days made each tower soldier excited, simply one time was carnival that brushed the degree of contribution. 这段时间让每个高塔战士都兴奋了起来,简直就是一次刷贡献度的狂欢盛宴。 Even if participates in the degree of contribution that mission gains time is not high, but one month conducts the degree of contribution that several mission obtain is quite considerable, but over ten mission that now total conducts is only the simple appetizer, because then also has bigger mission to wait for them to do. 即便参加一次任务获取的贡献度不高,但一个月进行几次任务获得的贡献度还是相当可观的,而现在总计进行的十几任务不过只是简单的开胃菜,因为接下来还有更大的任务等着他们去做。 The polar bear put in more military again in the combat of US , is almost the degree of engaging in wanton military activities under the control of Lemon, simultaneously widened several fronts to abducting to appear the extremely strong aggressiveness. 北极熊再次投入了更多的兵力在和米国的作战上,在雷蒙的控制下差不多已经属于穷兵黩武的程度了,同时开阔了好几条战线向外展现出了极强的侵略性。 But US naturally refuses to admit being inferior, to gain the strategic advantage suppresses the offensive of polar bear, bringing own little brother allies also to deploy strength and polar bear resistance in the world. 而米国方面自然不甘示弱,为了获取战略优势压制住北极熊的攻势,带着自己的小弟盟国们也在全球各地部署力量和北极熊对抗。 Now has the trend of opening world war, but under the control and arrangement of Lemon, the East Asia area becomes the entire world rare peaceful place. 如今已经有了开启世界大战的趋势,而在雷蒙的控制和安排下,东亚地区成为了整个世界难得的和平之地。 But at this time, Leonard could not sit still finally, because he suddenly discovered that has the too much too much thing gradually to lose the control, he has deep influence US is also so. 而就在这个时候,雷纳德终于坐不住了,因为他忽然发现有太多太多的东西正在逐渐失去控制,就连他已经有了很深影响力的米国也是如此。 Although the change of situation is he wants to see, the low key that but he wants did not have, the US has started not to count the price manufacturing Arm Slave, he turned as M10 manufacturing company thoroughly toward **** in development US most man of considerable weight. 局势的变化虽然是他想要看见的,但他更想要的低调却没了,米国已经开始不计代价的制造AS,他作为M10的制造商彻底变成了朝着****发展的米国中最举足轻重的人。 In this case, all kinds of new-type weapons came out to development by the different producers, then to experiment the goal to invest during war entirely, but various type new-type weapons that US Alliance invested, 80% were his corporation development comes out. 在这种情况下,各式各样的新型武器被不同的生产商给开发出来,然后通通以实验目的投入到了战争之中,而其中米国联盟方面所投入的各式新型武器,百分之八十都是他的企业开发出来的。 motherfucker! Leonard has not thought, the war to the mankind's catalysis unexpectedly is that terror, he does not have to discover under own corporation these technical personnel can have talent unexpectedly...... 妈蛋雷纳德怎么也没想到,战争对人类的催化竟然是那么恐怖,他更没有发现自己企业下面的那些技术人员竟然能这么有天赋…… Until, Leonard development Neutron Jammer, is polar bear Thunder heavy industries, as well as actual secret owner of US M10 development Business, and captured Neutron Jammer Canceller and exposed technological embargo the matter of suddenly. 直至,雷纳德开发中子干扰器,是北极熊方面雷霆重工,以及米国方面M10开发商的真正幕后主人,并且夺取了反中子干扰器并将技术封锁的事忽然间暴露了出去。
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