RMW :: Volume #3

#246: Demonstration

Because of a telephone, the atmosphere on vehicle becomes only peaceful. 只因为一个电话,车上的气氛就变得安静下来。 Regarding, he does not believe signed the person of contract to betray the team. 对于奥昂来说,他是不相信签订了契约的人能够背叛队伍的。 Lemon had not suspected that learns the rain three people to betray, after all has signed the tower contract, let alone learns the reason that the rain they do not have to betray together, penalty that once the betrayal withstands is unable to withstand absolutely. 雷蒙倒也没有怀疑悉雨三人背叛,毕竟是已经签订了高塔契约的,别说悉雨他们没有一起背叛的理由,一旦背叛承受的惩罚也绝对是无法承受的。 How Lemon did not clarify to learn the rain they to be able by Leonard holding, this truly a little did not conform to the common sense. 只是雷蒙也弄不清楚悉雨他们怎么就能被雷纳德给抓住了,这确实是有点不符合常理。 Now situation unclear Lemon cannot easily issue own judgment, does not know that their situations how, Lemon also can only say tries to rescue as far as possible three people. 现在情况不明雷蒙也不能轻易下达自己的判断,也不知道他们的处境如何,雷蒙也只能说尽量设法将三人救出来。 But if the situation is not right, or will threaten his safety and team security, Lemon will also choose giving up without hesitation to learn rain and the others. 但是如果情况不对,或者会威胁到他的安全以及团队安全的话,雷蒙也会选择毫不犹豫的放弃悉雨等人。 Simply bewildered, three tower soldiers, moreover should have the tower soldier of card in a hand to be given to hold by the common person unexpectedly, in the Lemon heart will definitely have an idea. 简直莫名其妙,三个高塔战士,而且应该还是有底牌的高塔战士竟然会被普通人给抓住,雷蒙心中肯定会有所想法。 Then also can only wait till with Leonard meets, after seeing to learn the rain them, said. 接下来也只能等到和雷纳德碰面,看见了悉雨他们之后再说了。 Performing is something that disrupts the plan.” “尽是一些打乱计划的事。” Lemon innermost feelings sighed one, before met forcefully the world reset, this time unexpectedly was exposes from the beginning oneself, hand/subordinate by Leonard holding. 雷蒙内心里叹了一声,之前是遇见了强行世界重置,这次竟然是一开始就把自己暴露出去了,就连手下都被雷纳德给抓住。 He is also strange, how this Sophia knows his, how to his such bitter hatred, he not to have raised their old nests. 他也奇怪啊,这苏菲亚到底是怎么知道他的,怎么就对他这么深仇大恨呢,他也没掀他们的老窝啊。 Peaceful one will not a little be able to bear, asks: Elder Brother, or makes people go them to rescue?” 奥昂安静了一会有点忍不住,问道:“哥,要不让人去把他们救出来?” Does not want, because such matter disrupts our arrangements.” Lemon shakes the head, said: You can think that sends people to save them, that side also definitely meeting wants to obtain, has not known that prepares what trap to stare us.” “不要因为这样的事打乱我们的安排。”雷蒙摇摇头,道:“你能想到派人去救他们,那边也肯定会想得到,还不知道准备什么陷阱瞪着我们。” We cannot lead by the nose by them now, after today's matter makes a final decision, will go back me to prepare a list, starts the thing that on getting so far as list all relations will resort to all means to deliver to the factory by quickest speed.” “我们现在更不能被他们牵着鼻子走,今天的事敲定下来之后回去我会准备一份清单,发动所有关系不择手段的弄到清单上的东西以最快的速度送到工厂。” Nods: I knew.” 奥昂点点头:“我知道了。” Facing the situation of present, Lemon also can only think one drawing to hurry to strengthen that Taiwan University poisonous snake, then grasps the equipment in time use factory in some manufacturing robot of hurrying to come out. 面对现在的这个情况,雷蒙也只能想着一会把那台大毒蛇给拉回去赶紧增强一下,然后抓紧时间利用工厂里的设备在赶紧的制造一些机体出来。 The pure manual words borrow the materials on hand extraordinary at most to cause one, but the equipment of this factory is very complete. 纯手工的话借用现有材料了不起最多也只能弄出一台来,但是这个工厂的设备很齐全。 Is the island country (Japan) development own Arm Slave for the factory that constructs, inside equipment is this time is highest, automaticity also very high, after small A their modification is enough use. 是岛国这边为了开发自己的AS所建造的工厂,里面的设备都算是这个时代最高的,自动化程度也非常的高,在经过小A他们的改动后已经是足够使用了。 Said that some technical island countries has not grasped, oneself do not have means manufactured 3rd Generation Arm Slave to come out, even if has this technology they not to dare. 只是说有些技术岛国这边没有掌握,自己也没有办法制造出第三代AS出来,而且就算有这个技术他们也不敢。 Three eyes stared at them also only to make 2.5 generations greatly, non-conventional energy anything does not dare to use. 三双眼睛盯着他们了不起也就只能弄个2.5代了,非常规能源什么都根本不敢用。 The vehicles have gone forward to turn in a mountain road, was quick arrived in front of a sentry post. 车辆一直前进拐进了一条山路之中,然后很快就来到了一个哨岗前面。 Several soldiers after inspecting pass the vehicle continued to go forward, finally advances in a level area. 几名士兵在检查了奥昂的通行证后车子又继续前进,最终开进一个山坳之中。 In the level area has almost the soccer factory size open area together, open area last this time is suspending Arm Slave that three M6 Bushnell and cover, the ringside also stands erect many targets, another side of target is a three high stand. 山坳里是一块差不多有着足球厂大小的空地,空地上此时摆着三台M6和一台覆盖起来的AS,场边还竖立起了不少的靶子,靶子的另一侧则是一个三层高的看台。 After stops many people walk in his direction, after Lemon gets out, swept one toward these people, some actually many ripe faces in inside. 在奥昂停下之后就有不少人朝着他的方向走过来,雷蒙下车之后也朝着那些人扫了一眼,其中倒是有不少熟面孔在里边。 But these face are also very polite, is indistinct also a little dreads and respects, can see that occupied the absolute leading power in these people. 而这些面对奥昂也是非常客气,隐约间还有点忌惮和尊敬,一眼就能看出奥昂在这些人中占据了绝对的主导权。 After and these people greet, introduced hastily: „, This is my boss Lemon, new Arm Slave is brought the person to study by my boss.” 奥昂和这些人打了个招呼后就连忙介绍起来:“诸位,这位就是我老板雷蒙,新型AS就是由我老板带人研究出来的。” Mr. Lemon hello/you good.” 雷蒙先生你好你好。” Can know you happily, Mr. Lemon.” “很高兴能认识你,雷蒙先生。” Lemon also greets with these people with a smile, later said: Time, after not having what words to wait till early the test ended, said, decided me to believe was good as soon as possible to everyone.” 雷蒙也笑着和这些人打了个招呼,随后说道:“时间不早了,有什么话可以等到测试结束之后再说,尽早敲定下来我相信对大家都是有好处的。” Once can decide the purchase the matter, the external trade, the upstream and downstream industry chain, this will bring very huge industry chain, this inside benefit had many me to be needless to say greatly much.” “一旦能够敲定采购的事,对外出口,上下游产业链,这将会带起非常庞大的产业链,这里面的利益有多大我就不用多说了。” In addition can also haunch some big emerging industry, I can also guarantee, everyone on the scene, whether or not has the related person with us, your each individual will therefore become the beneficiary. ” ”除此之外还能够撑起一些很大的新兴行业,我也能保证,在场的每一个人,不管是不是和我们有所关系的人,你们每个人都会因此而成为受益者。” Heard Lemon saying that those present showed the smile that you understood me to understand everyone to understand. 听到雷蒙这么说,在场的人都露出了你懂我懂大家懂的笑容。 each and every(one) also starts to think highly to Lemon. 一个个的也开始对雷蒙恭维起来。 Mr. Lemon said is.” 雷蒙先生说得是。” Not only yes, was says simply well.” “岂止是,简直是说得好。” Then we do not waste the time of Mr. Lemon, now starts.” “那么我们就不要浪费雷蒙先生的时间了,现在就开始吧。” Lemon looks to small B, nods to him: ” Goes. „ 雷蒙看向小B,对他点点头:”去吧。“ Small Point B nods leaves with the staff at the same time, he arrived here goal to be to hold the post of so-called test machine expert. B点点头就跟着一边的工作人员离开,他来到这里的目的就是要担任所谓的测试机师 The people step onto the stand, after sitting down respectively for several minutes , the demonstration of big poisonous snake started. 众人走上看台,各自坐下几分钟后大毒蛇的展示就开始了。 Lifts to cover from the big poisonous snake in canvas starts, that unique modeling also had the strong firepower of shouldering to make the people on the scene open the eye completely. 从大毒蛇掀开盖在身上的帆布开始,那独特的造型还有背负的强大火力就让在场的众人全部睁大了眼睛。 First starts to conceal naturally is movement ability of big poisonous snake, huge body under the function of additional small-scale thruster, in demonstrating location bursts out extremely flexible and rapid movement ability. 最先开始掩饰的自然是大毒蛇的行动能力,庞大的身躯在附加的小型推进器的作用下,在演示场地内爆发出了极为灵活且迅速的行动能力 Seeming like sticks to the tread to be the same in the flight, this let see this person to stare in a big way the eye, this glide ability looked simply presents brightly everyone's eyes one. 看上去就像是紧贴着地面在飞行一样,这让看见这一幕的人瞪大了眼睛,这种滑行能力简直看得在场所有人的眼睛一亮。 Then is the weapon testing, conventional weapons, takes the conventional weapons that Arm Slave is using to sweep one nothing more to be said randomly, but draws the attention of everyone truly again, small-scale Missile Array of gun tube as well as shoulder that the back carries. 接下来是武器测试,常规武器方面没有什么好说的,拿着AS用的常规武器乱扫一通,但真正再次让人眼前一亮的,还是后背挂载的炮管以及肩部的小型导弹发射荚舱 The strong firepower covers in all targets, accurate destroyed all targets one after another, has the big poisonous snake of strong performance to present to make in these person of eyes glitter symbol that represented money. 强大的火力覆盖在所有的靶子上,精准的将所有的靶子接连破坏,拥有强大性能的大毒蛇一亮相就让这些人眼睛里闪烁出了代表金钱的符号。 Naturally also has because of the performance of big poisonous snake was purely the satisfied person, this Arm Slave arrives in this world's first Official no matter what, but the place that arrives is here. 当然也有纯粹因为大毒蛇的性能而感到满意的人,不管怎么样这种AS是在这个世界的第一次正式登场,而登场的地方就是这里。 And will also produce their here, achieves entire independent manufacturing through their industry chains, this can definitely get the independent developed label. 并且还将在他们这里生产,更是通过他们的产业链来达成全自主制造,这完全可以打上自主开发的标签。 Not only this can bring the benefit, but can also bring some extra things, the related beneficiary will obtain very many advantage, for example because of the right that supporting this project obtains. 这不只是能带来利益,还能带来一些额外的东西,相关的受益人会得到非常多的好处,比如说因为支持这个项目而得到的权利。 Many people can, because this project obtains, but in this can gain to many also can only be Lemon. 很多人能因为这个项目得到很多,但这里面能够赚到最多的也只会是雷蒙 But even if others obtain still uselessly, finally will be restricted by Lemon, can only the little darling obeys the arrangement of Lemon. 而其他人就算得到更多也没用,最终还是会受到雷蒙的制约,只能乖乖的听从雷蒙的安排。 This demonstration when the Arm Slave resistance promoted high everyone's enthusiasm, a Taiwan University poisonous snake resisted three Arm Slave, although behind replaced the training ammunition. 这场演示在AS对抗的时候将所有人的热情提升到了最高,一台大毒蛇对抗三台AS,虽然后面更换了训练弹。 But pair of three battle only finished merely in two minutes directly, the performance suppression and firepower of strong cover easily finished battle, immediately all sees the start that this person cannot bear stand up to make an effort to applaud. 但一对三的战斗仅仅只在两分钟内就直接结束,强大的性能压制以及火力覆盖轻而易举的就结束了战斗,顿时所有看见这一幕的人都忍不住站起身来用力的开始鼓掌。
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