RMW :: Volume #3

#243: Oh no?

Does well.” “干得不错。” Lemon patted shoulder to encourage, to other humanity: „The beautiful, Mila, you follows I, Kaja, you drives to follow on the heels.” 雷蒙拍了拍奥昂的肩膀以示鼓励,对着其他人道:“娜美,米拉,你们跟着我,卡娅,你们开车跟在后面。” When the beautiful and Mila sat the vehicles back seat, Lemon also opened the vehicle door to sit on vice- cockpit directly. 等到娜美和米拉坐上了奥昂开来的车辆后座,雷蒙也直接打开车门坐在了副驾驶室上。 When boards to start the vehicles, Lemon says: Before gave your person in that list to handle.” 等到奥昂上车发动车辆出发,雷蒙才开口说道:“之前给你的那份名单里的人都搞定了么。” Is driving to reply: „The people who can win over have won over, remaining is partially processing gradually.” 奥昂开着车回答道:“能拉拢的人都已经拉拢过来了,剩下的部分正在逐步处理。” Hears two people dialogues, Mila does not have reaction, but the beautiful actually stares in a big way oneself that incredible eyes. 听到两人的对话,米拉对此毫无反应,但娜美却是瞪大了自己那双不可置信的眼睛。 „Is processing that you said what meaning?” “你们说的处理是什么意思?” Looked at Lemon, saw after Lemon nods gently, said directly: Naturally solves them.” 奥昂看了一眼雷蒙,见到雷蒙轻轻点头后就直接说道:“当然是解决掉他们。” Questioning that the beautiful cannot believe: „Is the solution that you said the proper solution?” 娜美不敢相信的追问:“你说的解决是正经的解决么?” Gawked, opens mouth: „Does solution also divide to be proper? Without processing of trace good.” 奥昂愣了一下,张了张嘴:“解决还分正经不正经的?没有痕迹的处理掉就好了啊。” Ok.” Lemon opened the mouth to break two people suddenly, said: Our present situations are very complex, if cannot fast expand from the body quantity and strength, sooner or later by the Amalgam person solving.” “行了。”雷蒙忽然开口打断了两人,道:“我们现在的情况很复杂,如果不能快速扩充自身体量和实力的话,迟早会被汞合金的人给解决掉。” Therefore any blocks in our front people are our enemies, is the enemy naturally must directly solve.” “所以任何拦在我们面前的人都是我们的敌人,是敌人当然就要直接解决掉。” The beautiful deeply inspires, innermost feelings was sighing what organization joined, why own boss will annoy terrorist organization!!! You and terrorist organization were also similar! 娜美深深吸了一口气,内心里感叹着自己到底加入了什么样的组织,自己的老板为什么会惹到恐怖组织啊!!!你们和恐怖组织也差不多了啊! The call in beautiful innermost feelings has no use, because Lemon and cannot hear. 娜美内心里的呐喊没有任何用处,因为雷蒙和奥昂两人都根本听不到。 Lemon also asked at this time: Factory is what situation.” 雷蒙此时又问道:“工厂是个什么情况。” Thinks: Is the island country (Japan) voluntarily the development Arm Slave factory, inside equipment was actually complete, gives our words to be sufficient.” 奥昂想了想:“原本就是岛国这边自行开发AS的工厂,里面的设备倒是齐全,给我们的话应该是够用了。” Lemon said: You said should not from a Tokyo edge less than 50 kilometers remote mountain in?” 雷蒙道:“你说的该不会就是距离东京边缘不到五十公里的一座深山里?” How do you know?” Reflective asked that is suddenly enlighted: „, Before the reset , is that place our?” “你怎么知道?”奥昂反射性的问了一句,然后恍然大悟:“哦,重置之前那个地方就是我们的?” Un.” Lemon nods: „That side that directly delivers us to pass, development good Arm Slave in the following car(riage), you will take away the demonstration then to decide the remaining matters tomorrow as soon as possible.” “恩。”雷蒙点了点头:“那直接送我们过去那边,开发好的AS就在后面的车里,明天你就带去展示然后尽快敲定剩下的事。” Good.” Nods: Meets me to contact with these people.” “好。”奥昂点点头:“一会我就联系那些人。” Lemon said: this time personally is acted by me.” 雷蒙说道:“这次由我亲自出面。” Looked surprisedly to Lemon, after all Lemon in him was equal to that pretending to be a pig to eat tigers, did not arrive does not like acting to do these disorderly matters when necessary. 奥昂惊讶的看向了雷蒙,毕竟雷蒙在他心里就等于是一个老阴比,不到必要的时候根本就不喜欢出面去做那些乱七八糟的事。 Now Lemon prepares personally to act to deal with these people unexpectedly, how this can not make him feel surprised. 现在雷蒙竟然准备亲自出面去应付那些人,这怎么能不让他感到惊讶。 Expression Lemon naturally can look, said lightly: I have exposed, must obtain the sufficient weight as soon as possible the status, then all our all actions must accelerates.” 奥昂的表情雷蒙当然看得出来,淡淡道:“我已经暴露了,现在必须尽快获得足够重量的身份,接下来我们的所有一切行动都必须加快速度。” Moreover even before, you still outwardly on agent, in secret with the person who these old fogies contact is I.” “而且就算是之前,你也只是明面上的代理人,私下里和那些老家伙们接触的人还是我。” Nods: Situation is very bad, person but who also makes me not have the exposition these lets out, has disrupted you to give my plan completely.” 奥昂点了点头:“情况很糟糕么,还让我把那些没有暴露的人放出去,都已经完全打乱了你给我的计划。” Pouring is not bad.” Lemon deeply inspires, said: Also similar world consciousness same existence to stare at us probably, then wants to solve us through these Whispered that can affect.” “倒也没那么糟糕。”雷蒙深深吸了一口气,道:“大概也就是类似世界意识一样的存在盯上了我们,然后通过能够影响到的那些耳语者想要解决掉我们。” However Whispered is at present one of the world biggest terror group leaders.” “而其中一个耳语者就是目前这个世界最大恐怖团体的领导者之一。” Hidden bitterness looked at Lemon one, probably said again, Elder Brother, isn't this serious? 奥昂幽怨的看了雷蒙一眼,好像是再说,哥哥,这还不严重? A beautiful face compels ignorant: What are you saying? My how cannot understand, what meaning is the reset, the world consciousness is what?” 娜美一脸懵逼:“你们在说什么啊?我怎么一句都听不懂,重置是什么意思,世界意识又是什么?” Lemon hesitates, opens the mouth saying: Reset is the reset, this world over a decade that will calculate from your minutes of these Whispered births in the future the samsara are innumerable, each new start is to has the reset of time line old.” 雷蒙沉吟一声,开口道:“重置就是重置,这个世界已经从你们这些耳语者出生的那一分钟开始往后推算的十几年间轮回了无数次,每一次新的开始就是对旧有时间线的一次重置。” However the science and technology that in each reset, among this over a decade development comes out time will be recorded, transmits in the stage that your Whispered births grew to the brain of your Whispered, the origins of which technologies this was in your brains.” “而每一次的重置中,这十几年间所开发出来的科技都会被记录下来,在你们这些耳语者出生成长的这个阶段又传送到你们耳语者的大脑,这就是你们脑子里哪些技术的由来。” Innumerable?” reaction of beautiful is quick, immediately turns the head to look that sits no reaction Mila to oneself side, direct leans forward body crosses the seat: How is this possible?” “无数次?”娜美的反应很快,顿时转头看向了自己身边坐着毫无反应的米拉,直接前倾身体越过座椅:“这怎么可能?” Nothing is impossible.” Lemon shakes the head, said: Otherwise you really think that is the time machine delivers to your brain the future technology?” “没什么不可能的。”雷蒙摇摇头,道:“不然你真以为是时间机器把未来的技术送到你脑子里?” Purely is that second that because the world reset starts starts to then almost one minute to three minutes, because of one fluctuation of special the world reset has the newborn, only then that moment was born can accept, this also caused the appearance of Whispered.” “纯粹是因为世界重置开始的那一秒开始到接下来差不多一分钟到三分钟时间里,因为世界重置而产生的一种特殊的波动只有那一刻出生的新生儿才能接受,这也就导致了耳语者的出现。” The beautiful mumbled: world reset anything compared with time machine also or is credibly good.” 娜美嘟囔道:“世界重置什么的比起时间机器还要不靠谱好不好。” Lemon said: However our goals are to break this reset, making this world obtain the true future.” 雷蒙道:“而我们这些人的目的就是打破这种重置,让这个世界获得真正的未来。” Blinks the eye: This world is so fearful, are we that great?” 奥昂眨巴眨巴眼睛:“这个世界那么可怕,我们是那么伟大?” Lemon is disinclined to pay attention to do strange, said: As for the world consciousness, this is I speaks irresponsibly, but she truly causes the leader who this world non-stop the reset, a Spirit body of extremely special, if your Whispered are the receiver, she is the fire tower.” 雷蒙懒得理会搞怪的奥昂,道:“至于世界意识,这个是我乱说的,不过她确实是导致这个世界不停重置的主导者,一个极为特殊精神体,如果说你们这些耳语者是接收器的话,那她就是发射塔。” The beautiful has a headache grasped the head nest in the back seat: I do not listen to me not to listen, too complex was too complex! I who you said do not ravel completely.” 娜美头疼的抱住了脑袋窝在了后座:“我不听我不听,太复杂了太复杂了!你说的我完全弄不明白。” Lemon actually crossed the body in this time side: „The beautiful, Mila, you must remember, among Whispered has a special Spirit domain, is what I do not talk clearly may you once meets can certainly know.” 雷蒙却在这个时候侧过了身来:“娜美,米拉,你们一定要记住,耳语者之间存在着一种特殊精神领域,到底是什么我说不清楚可你们一旦遇见的话就一定能够知道。” Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely extremely should not be penetrated in that domain by oneself, what situation no matter has do not go to do that.” “绝对,绝对,绝对不要让自己太过深入那个领域之中,不管发生什么样的情况都不要去这么做。” Nod that the beautiful appears to understand but not really understand, but Mila also complied with one gently: I knew, Lemon.” 娜美似懂非懂的点点头,而米拉也是轻轻应了一声:“我知道了,雷蒙。” The car(riage) has been proceeding, said suddenly: Big brother, what you have the means is.” 车一直在往前开着,奥昂忽然道:“大哥,你有办法的是吧。” Lemon looked , the corners of the mouth curled upwards outstanding: Naturally.” 雷蒙看了一眼奥昂,嘴角翘了翘:“当然。” Hears the Lemon words, revealed wiped the happy expression, how the world reset, words that did not know perhaps they also silly turning tool, even if does not know that true understanding must compel that not to know their these tower soldiers anxiously will have anything. 听到雷蒙的话,奥昂也露出了一抹笑意,世界重置又怎么样,不知道的话他们或许还会傻乎乎的变成工具,可就算不知道真要把他们这些高塔战士逼急了那还不知道会发生什么。 what view they have known now world the reset, in having the situation of preparation god their these tower soldiers can still kill wiped out to the last man even!!! 更何论现在他们已经知道了世界已经重置,在有准备的情况下就算是神他们这些高塔战士也能杀个片甲不留!!!
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