RMW :: Volume #3

#241: Kalinin

After several minutes, Lemon transmitted own position to the Mithril aspect, then obtained the aiding exact place and time from that side. 几分钟后,雷蒙将自己的位置发送给了秘银方面,然后就从那边得到了接应的具体地点和时间。 From the satellite map, the place that both sides converge is not far, only has about one kilometer from the factory that the present is, exactly is a spacious unmanned place. 卫星地图上来看,双方汇合的地点并不远,距离现在所在的工厂也不过只有一公里左右的而已,恰好是一个空旷无人的地方。 But after the time is less than one hour, even Mithril does not have the means only to rush to this place with over ten minutes such time in without any preparations. 而时间则是不到一个小时之后,就算是秘银也没有办法在毫无准备的情况下只用十几分钟这样的时间里赶到这个地方。 But less than one hour also fully explained that side Mithril attaching great importance to this matter. 但不到一个小时的时间也足以说明秘银那边对这件事的重视了。 After setting the time, Lemon related Kaja several people of going out, after letting their accelerates a half hour, arrived assigns the position set. 确定了时间之后,雷蒙就联系上了外出的卡娅几人,让他们加快速度半小时后到指定位置集合。 But that side small B had also arrived in the airport at this time, clarified that side situation, in the airport currently happen to have several cargo planes to stay, after obtaining the notice of Lemon was also without hesitation turns around to return directly. 而小B那边这个时候也已经抵达了机场,弄清楚了那边的情况,机场中现在正好有几架货机停留,在得到了雷蒙的通知后也毫不迟疑的直接转身返回。 Lemon did to continue to defer to the original plan relation that side the airport, money cleared the way to wrap directly a cargo plane, and set the time of embarking. 雷蒙这边则作继续按照原来的打算联系上了机场那边,金钱开道直接包下了其中一架货机,并且确定好了出发的时间。 How later advance the factory how to be opened, respectively toward the direction of harbor and airport, two freight vehicles after were just starting out the factory is not far to stop, why making one unable to find out this is. 之后一辆辆怎么开进工厂的又被怎么开了出去,分别朝着港口和机场的方向出发,其中两辆货车则是在刚刚开出工厂没多远后就停了下来,让人摸不清楚这到底是为什么。 Meanwhile, three freight vehicles are also coming in the direction of factory from three different directions, advance of a speeding along motorcycle fast in stream of vehicles. 与此同时,三辆货车也在从三个不同的方向朝着工厂的方向开来,还有一辆飞驰的摩托车在车流中快速的前进。 At this time in the factory was only left over some everything in disorder not to have the thing of use, Lemon, small A, peaceful Mila as well as a face could not have made clear the condition beautiful to leave the factory ignorant. 此时工厂里只剩下了一些乱七八糟没有用处的东西,雷蒙,小A,安静的米拉以及一脸懵还不太搞得清楚状况的娜美都已经离开了工厂。 At this time stays, in that two stop in the vehicles near factory. 此时就呆在那两辆停在工厂附近的车辆里。 And a freight vehicle thinks of the equipment and components that Lemon they need, another upper garment is curling and shrinking Arm Slave big poisonous snake. 其中一辆货车装着雷蒙他们所需要的设备和零件,另一辆上装着的则是卷缩着的AS大毒蛇。 Two freight vehicle piloting respectively are beautiful and small A, naturally stays as for Lemon in cockpit of that Arm Slave big poisonous snake. 两辆货车驾驶者分别是娜美和小A,至于雷蒙自然就呆在那台AS大毒蛇的驾驶舱里。 Small A, has the discovery what suspect.” “小A,有发现什么可疑的人么。” Does not have Captain.” “没有队长。” Brought small A of earphone to look at an own tablet PC, above was many through the picture of unmanned fighter fact transmission, in all pictures and had no suspicious place. 带着耳机的小A看了一眼自己的平板电脑,上面是多个通过无人机事实传输的画面,所有画面中都并没有任何可疑的地方。 Small A opens mouth, felt that Lemon is a little prudent, opens the mouth slow asked: Captain, can your too be a little exaggerating.” 小A张了张嘴,感觉雷蒙有点过于慎重,呐呐的开口问道:“队长,你这样会不会有点太夸张了。” Lemon had not thought that own these arrangements have any exaggerating place, in the hand does not have the spear/gun to be at heart hurried, really must come from on Amalgam Arm Slave, Lemon did not think only depends on Arm Slave to protect the complete person, moreover this piecing together Arm Slave. 雷蒙也没觉得自己的这些安排有什么夸张的地方,手上没枪心里慌,真要对上来自于汞合金AS,雷蒙可不觉得仅凭一台AS就能保护全部的人,而且还是这种拼凑出来的AS Lemon said: Is forearmed carefully, if that side really sends out Arm Slave of team to come, is you goes to headstrong me to go headstrongly?” 雷蒙道:“小心谨慎有备无患,万一那边真派出一个队伍的AS过来,是你去莽还是我去莽?” Small A wooden nod: Right that you said that Captain.” 小A木然的点点头:“你说的对,队长。” The beautiful also brings the earphone, hears two people dialogues unable to bear ask: All these what's the matter, why we must leave here!” 娜美同样也带着耳机,听到两人的对话忍不住问道:“这一切到底是怎么回事,为什么我们就非得要离开这里啊!” Saves Mila time has problems, we were affected entire world terrorist organization staring sufficiently by one, must therefore shift to the safe place now immediately.” “救米拉的时候出了点问题,我们被一个足以影响整个世界恐怖组织给盯上了,所以现在必须立刻转移到安全的地方。” Lemon returned to one lightly, said: Naturally, if you want to leave behind me not to mind, but you may not have Mila that good luck.” 雷蒙平淡的回了一句,道:“当然,如果你想要留下的话我不会介意,不过你可能不会有米拉那么好运。” Mila, that girl......” “米拉,那个女孩……” How long although Mila has not come, but the beautiful has also put in an appearance with Mila in the factory, felt Mila to disclose that feared and numb, knows Mila similarly was Whispered this matter, moreover knows Mila suffered inhuman treatment. 虽然米拉还没来多久,但娜美在工厂的时候也和米拉一直有照面,也感受到了米拉透露出来的那种恐惧和麻木,更知道了米拉同样是耳语者这件事,而且还知道了米拉遭受到了非人的对待。 Heard a Lemon such saying, the beautiful hits to quickly grasp the meaning of something to be peaceful no longer to speak immediately, keeps anything did not even think about it. 听到雷蒙这么一说,娜美打了一个激灵顿时安静下来不再说话,留下来什么的想都不要想。 Her beautiful, is absolutely impossible to remain! 她娜美,绝对不可能留下来! Quick, agreed on the good time to arrive with Mithril that side, small A and beautiful started the vehicles to expunge toward the reservation position again. 很快,和秘银那边约定好的时间到了,小A和娜美再次启动了车辆朝着预订的位置开去。 Waits for Lemon they to arrive at the predetermined place the time, small B, Kaja they have been ahead of time one step to arrive and mount Arm Slave cockpit, three freight vehicles add on a motor to stop in the same place have not made people think the strange place but actually. 雷蒙他们到达预定地点的时候,小B,卡娅他们也已经提前一步抵达并且登上了AS驾驶舱,三辆货车加上一辆摩托停在一起倒也没有多让人觉得奇怪的地方。 Shortly after strong winds appeared to move the sand dust of ground, heard rumble the sound until this time people on the scene. 没多久一阵狂风出现吹动起了地上的沙尘,直到这个时候在场的众人才听到了轰隆隆的声音。 Lemon and on the small A two faces showed the exclamation expression at this time. 雷蒙和小A两人脸上在这个时候露出了惊叹的表情。 Opened cockpit, Lemon jumped from cockpit of big poisonous snake, opened the freight vehicle front door to arrive at outside, a special flavor passed to the tip of the nose. 打开驾驶舱,雷蒙从大毒蛇的驾驶舱中跳了出去,推开货车大门来到了外面,一股特殊的味道传到了鼻尖。 Attention stands guard.” “注意警戒。” Small A reminded one in the communication, looks that Lemon arrived in front of the freight vehicle slowly. 小A在通讯中提醒了一句,就看着雷蒙慢慢走到了货车前面。 But appeared until this time two transport aircraft in the eyes of people. 而直到这个时候两架运输机才出现在了众人的眼中。 Lemon looks in two rotor transport aircraft eyes that at present suddenly present flashes through wipes surprisedly: Even the sound of aircraft engine can suppress to the degree that this short distance can hear extremely unexpectedly, can this mute technology too be a little exaggerating?” 雷蒙看着眼前忽然出现的两架旋翼运输机眼睛里闪过一抹惊讶:“竟然连飞机发动机的声音都能压制到这种极近距离才能听到的程度,这种静音技术会不会有点太夸张?” The cabin doors of two rotaplanes open, ran out of over ten well-dressed to take the soldier of weapon from inside, was a wear has not carried the weapon, the middle-aged person of a white hair and beard walked. 两架旋翼机的舱门打开,从里面冲出了十几名穿戴整齐拿着武器的士兵,而后才是一个穿着没有携带武器,一头白发和胡子的中年人走了出来。 This middle-aged person sees Lemon and he is stopping behind on several freight vehicle faces does not have any expression change. 这个中年人看见雷蒙和他身后停着的几辆货车脸上没有任何的表情变化。 After lifting started, stride moved toward Lemon. 抬了一下手后大步的走向了雷蒙 Hello, I am Mithril West Pacific battle squad Andrew Saige Vichy Kalinin, with is you who we do contact?” “你好,我是秘银西太平洋战队安德鲁・赛格维奇・加里宁,和我们联系的就是你么?” Lemon recognized this individual, that Battle Commander on TDD-1 Tuatha de Danaan Ship, reluctantly is main character Sousuke Sagara the person of foster father, the present is Mithril one, but will actually betray Mithril to join Amalgam in the future. 雷蒙一眼就认出了这个人,丹奴之子号上的那位作战指挥官,勉强算是主角相良宗介的养父的人,现在是秘银的一员但在未来却背叛了秘银加入了汞合金 Lemon shows a faint smile: Is I.” 雷蒙微微一笑:“是我。” Kalinin is a qualified soldier, after hearing Lemon recovery/reply, salutes toward Lemon: Hello, according to order then us safe delivers to the place that you island country (Japan) assigns.” 加里宁算是一个合格的军人,听到雷蒙回复之后朝着雷蒙敬了一个礼:“你好,按照命令接下来我们将会安全的把你们送到岛国指定的地方。” „The thing that these vehicles need to transport perhaps, does not have the means to move away so many things by delivery ability of our two airplanes.” “这些车辆都是需要运送的东西么,恐怕以我们两架飞机的运载能力没有办法运走那么多的东西。” Does not need, truly must carry off only has two freight vehicles.” “不需要,真正要带走的只有两辆货车。” Kalinin nods, has turned around to wave toward behind battle team member, was then saying to Lemon: Please let your person advance in the engine room according to the direction the car(riage).” 加里宁点了点头,转过身朝着身后的战斗队员挥了挥手,接着便对着雷蒙说道:“请让你的人按照指引将车开进机舱里。” Holds the Arm Slave airborne carrier to load two freight vehicle also very simple matters sufficiently, small A and beautiful quickly respectively two car(riage)s advancing in the goods warehouses of two airplanes. 足以容纳AS的运载机装载两辆货车也只是很简单的事,小A和娜美很快分别就将两辆车给开进了两架飞机的货仓之中。 Kaja, Keller, Berenx, small B was also divided into two groups to board in the airplane. 卡娅,凯勒,贝朗,小B也分成两组登上了飞机里。 Kalinin was Lemon entered together a goods warehouse, and said: This mister, does not know how should call.” 加里宁则是和雷蒙一起走进了其中一架的货仓,并说道:“这位先生,不知道该怎么称呼。” Lemon.” 雷蒙。” Kalinin nods: Then Mr. Lemon, does not know whether you have the clear evidence to prove that high level that you said came from the Amalgam spy.” 加里宁点了点头:“那么雷蒙先生,不知道你是否有明确的证据证明你所说的那位高层就是来自于汞合金的间谍。”
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