PSME :: Volume #27

#2645: Finally the period of chapter of millennium

Pen interest pavilion, renewed pill sovereign Emperor Wu most quickly! 笔趣阁,最快更新丹皇武帝! With the empire opening, various stars start the species big eruption. 随着帝国开局,各星球开始物种大爆发。 Under the radical world evolution and vast resources nourish, massive monster clans, the demon clans and alien race, and soul clan appears like mushrooms after a spring rainfall. 在剧烈的天地演变和浩瀚的资源滋养下,大量妖族、魔族、异族,以及魂族如雨后春笋般出现。 In the different star environment, the birth species has respectively differently and has the stress respectively, what is the same has the quantity unusual terrifying. 不同的星球环境里,诞生的物种各有不同、各有侧重,但相同的是出现的数量都非常的恐怖。 They are born in the primitive mountain range of fluctuating, appears and disappears in the profound rain Linhe moor ; They run amuck in the bleak plain and desert, wreaks havoc in the endless vastness. 它们诞生在起伏的原始山脉里,出没在深邃的雨林河沼里;它们横行在荒凉的平原和沙漠里,也肆虐在无尽的汪洋间。 Frequently 1 million li (0.5 km) land and vastness, new student/life species quantity often over trillion numbers, even can several billions. 动辄百万里的陆地和汪洋,新生物种的数量往往都超过亿万之数,甚至能到数十亿。 This is also only the activity, is not the plant and fly insect. On star that in the clan has not moved into, the new student/life species is indigenous people, their rapid adaptations, development and growth, they run amuck eight sides, the roaring world, the operation energy, they slaughter crazily, shock eight sides, uses own 这还只是活动的,不算植物和蝇虫。在没有强族入驻的星球上,新生的物种就是原住民,它们迅速的适应、发展、成长,它们横行八方,咆哮天地,操纵能量,它们疯狂厮杀,震慑八方,用自己的 The way is determining in the position of star biological chain. On having star of moving into, new student/life species also in intense resistance, swift and violent rise. The strong clan that although moves into stronger relatively, there is achieving of consciousness to be strongest, but compared with 1 million li (0.5 km), ten million/countless in land sea, their number 方式确定着自己在星球生物链的位置。在有入驻的星球上,新生物种们也是在激烈的对抗,迅猛崛起。虽然入驻的强族相对要强,也有意识的做到最强,但比起百万里、千万里的陆地海洋,他们数量 Few pity, are impossible to attend to every detail in a short time, shock all species, gives the opportunity that certain local certain species rose naturally. 还是少的可怜,短时间里不可能面面俱到,震慑所有物种,自然而然给了某些地区某些物种崛起的机会。 It can be said that most tribes and powerhouses, moving into the life of new star think was happy. 可以说,大部分部落和强者,都把入驻新星球的生活想的过于美好了。 Seeks for the suitable environment foregone conclusion, unusual difficulty. 仅仅是寻找适合的环境定局,就非常的困难。 First must define several hundred thousand li (0.5 km) region as stopping over, then to there landform and mystical place cleans up the careful exploration. 首先要划定几十万里的区域作为落脚地,然后对那里的地貌和秘境进行仔细的探索和清理。 This requires lots of time, as well as pays the heavy price. 这就需要大量的时间,以及付出沉重的代价。 The lords of most stars, realized finally must control the difficulty of star. 大部分的星球之主,也终于体会到了要掌控星球的艰难。 They require enough time, understood that own star, including the landform characteristics and species distribution, as well as Jiang Yi gives the definite main key. 他们需要足够时间,去了解自己的这颗星球,包括地貌特征、物种分布,以及姜毅给确定的基调。 They also require enough time to study and formulate the development direction of star, this cannot have any careless. 他们也需要足够的时间去研究和制定星球的发展方向,这个绝不能有任何马虎。 Meanwhile, they as the lord of star, need to grow stronger rapidly, the powerhouse who otherwise is being risen in big eruption very much easily surpasses, but wants to grow stronger, requires the time to cultivate without doubt. This formed the conflict. 与此同时,他们做为星球之主,更需要迅速变强,否则很容易被正在‘大爆发’里崛起的强者赶超,但想要变强,也无疑需要时间去修炼。这就形成了冲突。 In brief, imposing that various stars develop, various stars Lord are also thrown into confusion. 总之,各星球都发展的轰轰烈烈,各星主也都手忙脚乱。 The different stars, the different troubles, the different galaxies, have the different difficulties. 不同的星球,不同的麻烦,不同的星系,都有不同的困扰。 Beforehand easy and comfortable, manages them to go far away thoroughly. 之前的安逸,彻底理他们远去。 Jiang Yi can feel various star Lord confused hurry intensely, has to conduct the strict monitoring. Although he does not want to impose to interfere, does not hope that leaves behind the operation in the initial period of star development the trace. But to him, empire too important, therefore he is observing each star devotedly, when necessary will conduct 姜毅能强烈感受到各星主们的忙乱,不得不进行严密的监控。虽然他不希望强加干涉,更不希望在星球发展的初期就留下操纵的痕迹。但对于他而言,帝国太重要的了,所以他悉心的观察着每颗星球,在必要时刻会进行相 Should guidance. 应的引导。 However , the lords of some star advocating peace galaxies are really able. 不过,也有些星主和星系之主确实是有能力。 They in a short time then stabilized the aspect, and adapted to the status. 他们在很短的时间里便稳住了局面,并适应了身份。 Their allocating task and formulation rule. 他们分配任务、制定规则。 They guarantee the cultivation, trains elite. 他们保证修炼,也培养精锐。 Systematic that they make, and with steady steps advancement. 他们做的井然有序,且稳步推进。 Is slightly weak regarding these abilities, Jiang Yi appropriate arrival, renders the assistance. Then, without the star Lord star, becomes the place that Jiang Yi most was free from worry on the contrary, the direct ignores development, looks appropriately is OK. But has the star Lord star, made Jiang Yi invest most painstaking care on the contrary, for fear that had/left anything 对于那些能力稍弱的,姜毅则适当的降临,给予帮助。如此一来,没有星主的星球,反倒成了姜毅最省心的地方,直接放任发展,适当看一看就可以了。而有星主的星球,反倒让姜毅投入了最多的心血,生怕出什么 Accidental/Surprised. What is only gratified, does not have any star Lord choice gives up. Even if the stubbornly disobedient king and clever bird they and unruly Jiang Cang and demon sovereign and the others, shows the unprecedented enthusiasm and will, even if summons Jiang Yi brazenly, 意外。唯一欣慰的是,没有任何星主选择放弃。哪怕是顽劣的大王和贼鸟他们、桀骜的姜苍、魔皇等人,都展现出前所未有的热情和毅力,哪怕是厚着脸皮呼唤姜毅, Also is insisting to the regulation of star, moreover does not dare to be careless. 也坚持着对星球的调控,而且绝不敢马虎。 Then, the earlier period of empire opening, various stars develop and grow in the liveliness and confusion. 就这样,帝国开局的前期,各星球都在热闹和混乱中发展和成长。 Everyone knows, the time river has started to gallop, the words of history have started to write, no one has the road back, can only exhaust ability to achieve well. 谁都知道,时间长河已经开始奔腾,历史的笔墨已经开始书写,谁都没有回头路,只能竭尽所能做到最好。 After all, they are Ancestor! They will be always remembered by the later generation! 毕竟,他们是先祖!他们将被后世铭记! Often thinks of this, they are full of the working zeal. 每每想到这点,他们就充满着干劲儿。 Until more than 300 years later, the development of galaxy empire straightens out reluctantly. 直到三百多年后,星河帝国的发展勉强步入正轨。 However, as advocating peace of stars various galaxies Lord adapt to the status, stabilizes the aspect, the new war starts fully to break out. 但是,随着各星系之主和星主们适应身份,稳住局面,新的战争开始全面爆发。 They must form the control, must determine the position, and enhances the influence. 他们要形成掌控,就要确定地位,并提升影响。 The most direct method, is the war. 最直接的方法,便是战争。 They must enhance the strength, to gather more powerhouses. 他们要提升实力、招揽更多的强者。 The most direct method, explores the mystical place, but the exploration is doomed to meet the powerhouse of Area various regions. 最直接的方法,是探索秘境,而探索注定迎战各地的强者。 However, starting from this time, Jiang Yi started appropriately dropped, did not need again that intense attention. 不过,从这时候开始,姜毅开始适当的放手了,不需要再那么紧张的关注。 But he has not been idling, spares the energy to continue to improve his galaxy empire. 但他也没闲着,腾出精力继续继续改善着他的星河帝国。 For example , to continue to mold the star, is not the galaxy, but scatters in the starry sky, is not the chaos stars of various galaxies. 比如,继续塑造星球,不是星系,而是散落在星空里,不属于各星系的混沌星球。 The scales of some chaos stars are very small, the resources are also common, but the position is special. 有些混沌星球的规模很小,资源也一般,但位置特殊。 Some chaos star scales are huge, the energy is vast, will be born correspondingly some special powerhouses. 有些混沌星球则规模庞大,能量浩瀚,会相应诞生出一些特殊强者。 These chaos stars are scattered, the quantity are not many, but can make the stopover station that among the galaxies spans later, even is the place of exile wait/etc. 这些混沌星球零零散散的,数量不多,但是后期可以做星系之间跨越的中转站,甚至是流放之地等等。 For example, black hole, mystical place wait/etc. 比如,黑洞、秘境等等。 Also scatters in the deep space between galaxies, but is relatively secret, the quantity are smaller. 也是散落在星系之间的深空里,但相对要隐秘,数量更少。 These places often unusual danger, but is also flooding the extraordinary chance. 这些地方往往非常的危险,但同样充斥着非凡的机缘。 Jiang Yi just started not to found these, afterward thinks, can actually be used to perform an experiment. 姜毅刚开始不想创建这些,后来想想,其实可以用来做个试验。 He wants to have a look, under of without interfering with, how his people use these places, how also to conduct the development. 他很想看看,在不加干涉的情况之下,他的子民们是如何利用这些地方,又如何进行发展演变的。 Because of according to his tentative plan, in the future years, Asura and does not have must certainly leave this empire absurdly, develops to outside wanderer, even Tang Yan will leave. 因为按照他的设想,未来的岁月里,修罗和无妄肯定是要离开这个帝国,到外面闯荡发展的,甚至唐焱都会离开。 How to develop? 如何发展? First must certainly wrest away certain terrifying mystical places, makes the foothold. 首先肯定是要霸占某些恐怖的秘境,做落脚点。 Then, naturally is the savings strength, definite status and position. 然后呢,当然是积蓄力量,确定身份和地位。 However, how can rapidly rise, and wasn't suppressed by various empires? 但是,如何能迅速崛起,且不被各帝国镇压? These mystical places and black holes, could give some Jiang Yi inspirations, when the time comes shares to give Asura them. 这些秘境和黑洞,或许能给姜毅一些启发,到时候分享给修罗他们。 Again for example, hundred clan battlefields. 再比如,百族战场。 Jiang Yi restarted this to him significance extraordinary battlefield, the situation of but having made the corresponding change. 姜毅重启了这个对他而言意义非凡的战场,但存在的形势做了相应的改变。 After all the empire area range was too big, the opportunity that dozens galaxies and several hundred stars, among various lives contact are too few. 毕竟帝国地疆域范围太大了,数十个星系、数百颗星球,各生灵之间接触的机会太少。 The galaxy, is among the galaxies, is such aspects. 无论是星系内部,还是星系之间,都是如此的局面。 The contact opportunity was short, unavoidably will only know some star, but does not know own respective galaxy, even only knows the galaxy, does not know the empire. 接触机会少了,难免会只知某个星球,而不知自己所属星系,甚至是只知星系,不知帝国。 Must break this deadlock, making on the Empire People arrive at light, gets down to the common people, knows that own status, must give them a unique exchange place. 要打破这一僵局,让帝国民众上到轻者,下到苍生,都知道自己的身份,就要给他们一个独特的交流地点。 Founds hundred clan battlefields, is a very good choice. 创建百族战场,就是一个很好的选择。 Various galaxies, establishes hundred clan battlefields, is created by Jiang Yi personally, is controlled by the lords of various galaxies. 各星系内部,都设置一个百族战场,由姜毅亲自创造,由各星系之主进行掌控。 The battlefield flutters in the deep space, is the area of 1 million li (0.5 km) range, various above landforms have, the energy is extremely rich, and everywhere chance. 战场飘荡在深空里,是百万里范围的疆域,上面各式地貌都有,能量极其浓郁,而且遍地机缘。 Hundred clan battlefields, not only one, is three. 百族战场并不只是一层,是三层。 First, provided to new generation. Let these having god-given wisdom rare talents, can the opportunity of exchange and growth, establishes the foundation for the future rise. 第一层,给新生代提供。让那些天纵奇才,都能得到交流和成长的机会,为将来的崛起打牢基础。 Second, provides to the peak powerhouse of first boundary, provides the opportunity to them, greets the day to punish. 第二层,给第一境界的巅峰强者提供,给他们提供机会,迎接天罚。 Third, provides to the Saint level powerhouse, drives they more further fervor. 第三层,给圣级强者提供,激励他们更进一步的激情。 Opening, takes for ten years as to limit each time, the opening time is about a half year. 每次开放,以十年为限,开放时间为半年左右。 The first second battlefield also met with to the entire galaxy conducts the live demonstration. 第一层第二层的战场还会面向全星系进行实况展示。 Each time after the conclusion, will also rank, and by the great day sound, resounds through the galaxy. 每次结束之后,还会进行排名,并以宏大的天音,响彻星系。 Under the stimulation of chance and prestige, the atmosphere of entire galaxy will be transferred. 在机缘和名望的刺激下,整个星系的气氛就会被调动起来。 In the empire also establishes the super battlefield. 帝国里同样设置超级战场。 The position between the outer city area and inner city district, is controlled by the alpha of ursa minor directly. 位置在外城区和内城区之间,由帝星直接管控。 The range , the environment is surely more special, the resources are thicker. 范围千万里,环境更特殊,资源更浓厚。 Also is three, is three super lists. 也是三层,也是三个超级榜单。 Respectively is the empire natural talent list and empire day owlet list and empire Shengxiong list. 分别是帝国天资榜、帝国天枭榜、帝国圣雄榜。 However the battlefield of empire, who wants to participate, must detail by various galaxies. Is the top position, not only rewards to the participant, will advocate peace the lord of reward that star to the galaxy is. 但是帝国的战场,谁想要参加,必须要由各星系进行选派。排名前列的,不仅给参赛者奖励,也会给星系之主和所在的星球之主奖励。 Naturally, hundred clan battlefield such hypotheses, need to the millenniums later, opens after the epoch officially, opens again. 当然了,百族战场这样的设定,需要到千年后,也就新纪元正式开启之后,再进行开启。 The following several hundred years, the development of various stars enter gather the strength period. 接下来的几百年,各星球的发展进入蓄力时期。 In the life of without owner star was born the first group of overlords, determined the basic structure of biological chain, then is the new round stability and challenge. 无主星球的生灵里诞生了第一批霸主,确定了生物链的基本结构,接下来便是新一轮的稳固和挑战。 Has the star of Lord star Lord to be no longer flustered, is getting more and more handy, starts to optimize the development main line of star, improves the development environment of star. 有主星球的星主们不再忙乱,越来越得心应手,也开始优化星球的发展主线,改善星球的发展环境。 They obtain the news, in the near future, the lords of all galaxies will build up the emperor palace, accepts the first round of inspection of lord of empire, in addition some star lords, will be invited to go. 他们都已经得到消息,不久的将来,所有星系之主都将集结帝宫,接受帝国之主的第一轮考核,另外还有部分星主,也将被邀请前往。 This is the first inspection of empire foundation, is the inspection of Jiang Yi personally host, the development of various galaxies will be placed in the floor completely. 这可是帝国创建的第一次考核,更是姜毅亲自主持的考核,各星系的发展将会完完整整的摆在台面上。 Whose line, who is not good. 谁行,谁不行。 Clear. Said that is not anxious is false. 一目了然。说不紧张是假的。
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